Myth Lord |

I don't really understand why there aren't any new Proteans, a LOT of people asked for them?
I really hope they stop making new groups of Outsiders in the future Bestiaries and add to the Div and Proteans (and others cept for Aeons, that need some love)
Also don't understand why there aren't some cool Daemons in this book, and there will be devils and demons again. Some cool Daemons from the Daemon book would be cool, such as Phasmadaemon and Sangudaemon.

ericthecleric |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Outsider: aeons, psychemental, tulpa, turul, unfettered phantom
Outsider (aether): aether elemental, aether wysp
Outsider (air): aerial servant, air veela, air wysp, anemos
Outsider (chaotic): azatas, demodands, demons, lamhigyn, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm
Outsider (earth): ahkhat, earth veela, earth wysp
Outsider (evil): demodands, demons, devils, lamhigyn, sahkils, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm
Outsider (fire): fire veela, fire wysp
Outsider (good): agathions, angels, archons, azatas, manasaputras, moon dog
Outsider (lawful): apkallu, archons, danava, devils, manasaputras, turul
Outsider (native): ahkhat, bisha ga tsuku, etiainen, shabti, tsukumogami, wakandagi
Outsider (water): apkallu, wakandagi, water veela, water wysp
Since I know someone will ask:
Myth Lord:
Deep ones: There is a deep one, deep one hybrid, and elder deep one.
There is no veela in the alphetical listing of monsters, sorry.
Eclipse Giant: No info about their origin, so it must be a separate species.
Vilderavn: CR 16.
3 new angels
Dragon78, the gray seems to match the stories about them. It’s not bad.
I have stuff to do, so that’s enough for now!

Myth Lord |

Cool, while I weep for the Gaasyendietha missing in the dragon section, I really LOVE reading Pyrausta and Scitalis are there!
So the Veela are actually all elements? Dunno if I really like that. Rather see only a wind version.
Good to see the Ahkhat and Lamhigyn in this book.
Plants are a little bit bleh, no Jubokko, Jidra and Cactus Leshy.
I'm extremely happy to see the Therizinosaurus having a picture, and I don't mind the feathers.
Happy to see the Vilderavn being such a high CR = awesome!
Also very curious about the Celedon! And which of the animated objects is choosen for the Tsukumogami.
Cetus? Damn very curious!
VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SAD to learn that they have choosen to add to the very boring Aeon and AGAIN ignoring the much better Protean where much more people asked for. Worst news for me, even worse than the Robots in the beginning.
What is the Shen? Does it have illusions or something to do with Clams?
I'm happy my three favorite groups Monstrous Humanoids, Aberration, and Magical Beasts are still safe. Most mythological creatures must be in those groups.
And congratulations to Dragon78, he finally got his Crystal Golem, and many people asking for the Dragonkin also got their wish.
Thanks for answering those questions.

KaiserBruno |

I had the sinking feeling that there werent going to be any new proteans. They released too many in Hell's Rebels for that. Sucks that there are no new daemons. And I knew the sahkil were in here but there arent any regular psychopomps?
Oh what are the constructs?
Edit: Give me the aberrations instead.

Atavar |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

WARNING: Abundant spoilers ahead....
PC Races
Dark Folk, Caligni
Deep One Hybrid
Flying fox
Red panda
Animal Companions
Blue whale
Ceratosaurus (dinosaur)
Chalicotherium (megafauna)
Frog father and goliath frog
Kaprosuchus (megafauna)
Megaprimatus (ape)
Moa (megafauna)
Narwhal (whale)
Plesiosaurus (dinosaur)
Polar bear
Therizinosaurus (dinosaur)
Troodon (dinosaur)
Uintatherium (megafauna)
By Creature Type
Aberration: aatheriexa, akaname, blightspawn, capramace, cuero, dwiergeth, egregore, grimslake, heikegani, hundun, mutant, plankta, rhu-chalik, somalcygot, syricta, thought eater, trench mist, wizard’s shackle, yangethe
(Aether): ether drake
(Air): chuspiki, saxra, trench mist
Animal: blue whale, cameroceras, ceratosaurus, chalicotherium, chicken, digmaul, dire polar bear, flying fox, frog father, goliath frog, kaprosuchus, megaprimatus, moa, narwhal, penguin, plesiosaurus, polar bear, red panda, seal, therizinosaurus, troodon, uintatherium, wolliped
(Aquatic): bagiennik, cetus, cuero, deep merfolk, deep one, deep one elder, echeneis, giant mantis shrimp, heikegani, hunter urchin, ichthyocentaur, isonade, ketesthius, lusca, plankta, shen, spear urchin, stranglereed, trilobite, vahana, water leaper, wizard’s shackle
(Chaotic): hundun
(Cold): bisha ga tsuku, crone queen, khala
Construct: annihilator robot, celedon, clockwork familiar, crystal golem, devastator, gearsman robot, gray goo, guardian scroll, lead golem, myrmidon robot, sphinx colossus, taxidermiccreature, terraformer robot, urannag, warmonger wasp, wood colossus
Dragon: amphiptere, astral dragon, cetus, dragonkin, dream dragon, ether drake, etheric dragon, jungle drake, khala, nightmare dragon, occult dragon, pyrausta, rope dragon, scitalis, shen, vishap
(Earth): glaistig, gravebound, jungle drake, plankta
(Elemental): aerial servant, aether elemental, aether wysp, ahkhat, air wysp, anemos, earth wysp, fire wysp, water wysp
Fey: bagiennik, domovoi, dvorovoi, encantado, fastachee, glaistig, hobkins, kikimora, liminal sprite, muse, nuno, ovinnik, sangoi, seilenos, shadow collector, vilderavn
(Fire): cherufe, pyrausta
(Giant): eclipse giant, elder deep one, firbolg, gegenees, kabandha, moon giant, papinijuwari, sun giant, ved
Humanoid: android, astomoi, caligni, deep merfolk, deep one hybrid, eclipse giant, firbolg, gray, kabandha, moon giant, orang-pendak, papinijuwari, reptoid, skinwalker, sun giant, ved
(Incorporeal): caller in darkness, death coach, duppy, etiainen, nemhain, pharaonic guardian, polong, psychemental, wyrmwraith
Magical Beast: ahool, amarok, bat plague swarm, brain mole, brain mole monarch, cerynitis, cherufe, chuspiki, cytillipede, delgeth, echeneis, giant muckdweller, isonade, karkadann, ketesthius, locust plague swarm, lusca, mngwa, muckdweller, ophiotaurus, ostovite, peuchen, ramidreju, rat plague swarm, sha, shasalqu, su, tizheruk, uraeus, ursikka, vahana, water leaper, witchcrow, xiao
Monstrous Humanoid: anunnaki, deep one, elder deep one, gegenees, grioth, ichthyocentaur, ningen, storm hag, stormghost, thriae constructor, thriae dancer
(Mythic): anunnaki, apkallu, bat plague swarm, danava, devastator, glaistig, locust plague swarm, ophiotaurus, rat plague swarm, shen, sphinx colossus, wood colossus
Ooze: animate hair, apallie, doppeldrek, emotion ooze, gunpowder ooze, hag eye ooze, living mirage, putrid ooze, riftcreeper, roiling oil
Outsider: aeons, psychemental, tulpa, turul, unfettered phantom
Outsider (aether): aether elemental, aether wysp
Outsider (air): aerial servant, air veela, air wysp, anemos
Outsider (chaotic): azatas, demodands, demons, lamhigyn, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm
Outsider (earth): ahkhat, earth veela, earth wysp
Outsider (evil): demodands, demons, devils, lamhigyn, sahkils, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm
Outsider (fire): fire veela, fire wysp
Outsider (good): agathions, angels, archons, azatas, manasaputras, moon dog
Outsider (lawful): apkallu, archons, danava, devils, manasaputras, turul
Outsider (native): ahkhat, bisha ga tsuku, etiainen, shabti, tsukumogami, wakandagi
Outsider (water): apkallu, wakandagi, water veela, water wysp
Plant: corpse lotus, flytrap leshy, ghoran, griefgall, kawa akago, lotus leshy, lotus tree, nulmind, psychepore, stranglereed, tsaalgrend, zygomind
(Shapechanger): anunnaki, doppeldrek, encantado, flytrap leshy, lotus leshy, peuchen, reptoid, rope dragon, skinwalker, vilderavn
(Swarm): bat plague swarm, gray goo, locust plague swarm, rat plague swarm, scarab swarm, termite swarm, undigested swarm, vescavor swarm
Template: mummy lord, mutant, plagued beast, taxidermic creature, tsukumogami, tulpa, vahana
Undead: bone ship, caller in darkness, crone queen, cursed king, death coach, duppy, fext, gravebound, grim reaper, kurobozu, leechroot, leng ghoul, lesser death, mummy lord, nemhain, pharaonic guardian, plagued beast, polong, saxra, swamp mummy, tiyanak, undigested, undigested swarm, vukodlak, wyrmwraith
Vermin: blood caterpillar, giant assassin bug, giant mantis shrimp, giant scarab, giant termite, great assassin bug, horn caterpillar, hunter urchin, knight ant, megapon ant, scarab swarm, spear urchin, termite swarm, trilobite
(Water): bone ship, cetus, shen

Myth Lord |

OMG! So much coolness and also some disappointment!
Well spoilers are gone me thinks, as you just posted the whole list unspoilered, so no need to spoiler anymore...
Karkadann!!! Akaname!!!! Polong!!!!CHERUFE!!! CUERO!!!
Damn I can't wait to find out more about those creatures!
Also again no Ravid, why do hate that creature so much? :-p

Myth Lord |

Akaname, Cuero, Heikegani, Wizard's Shackle, Bagiennik, Cetus, Echeneis, Isonade, Lusca, Shen, Water Leaper, Bisha ga tsuku, Celedon, Amphiptere, Pyrausta, Scitalis, Vishap, Glaistig, Anemos (Anemoi), Domovoi, Kikimora, Ovinnik, Encantado, Fastachee, Nuno, Muse, Vilderavn/Valravn, Seilenos, Hobskins, Cherufe, Firbolg, Gegenees, Kabandha, Papinijuwari, Astomoi, Gray, Skinwalker, Duppy, Polong, Ahool, Amarok, Cerynitis (Golden Hind), Delgeth, Karkadann, Mngwa, Ophiotaurus, Peuchen, Ramidreju, Sha/Set Beast, Su/Succarath, Tizheruk, Uraeus, Xiao, Veela, Tsukumogami, Kawa Akago, More Leshies, Grim Reaper, Kurobozu, Tiyanak, Vukodlak
Some however I don't care for, but they are still from Mythology.
Ichthyocentaur, Khala, Dvorovoi, Ved, Orang-Pendak, Anunnaki, Ningen, Fext, Reptoid
The monsters I miss the most and I really hoped they would end up here:
Cerastes, Yale, Alicanto, Shadhavar, Marabbecca, Jidra, Kaw Kaw, Aatxe, Lou Carcolh, Barbegazi, Horerczy, Bauk, Bukavac, Aitvaras, Gulon, Batibat, Kumiho, A Bao A Qu, Yara-Ma-Yha-Who, Drop Bear, Ichneumon, Adze, Acheri, Tsemaus, Mishibizhiw, Mahaha, Gaasyendietha, Haietlik, Djieien, Binaye-Ahani, Akhiyyini, Shellycoat, Cu Sith, Fear Liath, Sianach, Lavellan, Jack-in-Irons, Gancanagh, Awd Goggie, Afanc, Wanyudo, Sazae-Oni, Nekomata, Keukegen, Namazu, Jubokko, Kamaitachi, Odontotyrannos, Empusa.
Well hope to see them in AP bestiaries soon, but too bad the good-alignment AP will be first...
The lack of Native American myth monsters is shocking in this one...

Fourshadow |

I am another who really likes the Ravid. That thing was really cool. Would love to see it in Pathfinder.
To those who have this PDF and also the Inner Sea Bestiary: I have noticed a number of cross-over entries. Specifically most(if not all) of the robots, Android and Ghoran (perhaps I missed some?). Do these get new art or is it the same as we saw in Inner Sea Bestiary (I love that book, btw)?

Myth Lord |

Creatures from AP bestiaries: trench mist, blue whale, chalicotherium, narwhal, wolliped, Hunter Urchin, Spear Urchin, Stranglereed, Crone Queen, Clockwork Familiar, Devastator, Guardian Scroll, Ahkhat, Domovoi, Dvorovoi, Ovinnik, Sangoi, Sha, Shasalqu, Ursikka, Witchcrow, Storm Hag, STormghost, Thriae Dancer, Hag Eye Ooze, Putrid Ooze (why? Roiling Oil is better), Vescavor Queen, Corpse Lotus, Scarab Swarm, Fext, Grim Reaper, Giant Assassin Bug,
Creatures from INNER SEA BESTIARY: Blightspawn, Annihilator Robot, Gearman Robot, Myrmidon Robot, Android, Ghoran, Giant Scarab,
Creatures from other Products that are re-prints: Grimslake, rhu-chalik, Lusca, Khala, Gray Goo, Sphinx Colossus (also remember that name only), Urannag, Warmonger Wasp, Dragonkin, Ved, Skinwalker, Duppy, Cytillipede, Delgeth, Tizheruk, Gunpowder Ooze, Living Mirage, Riftcreeper, Tsaalgrend,
This list could miss some, as I don't know the Demons/Devils and most other outsiders names, but the demons are probably all re-prints me thinks. (I hope i'm very wrong as I want Empusa and Mahaha to surprise me!)
Too bad most creatures I don't care for from Inner Sea Bestiary made it... Why not Whirlmaw, Thin Man, Fungus Queen and Korkir-Dragon? :-(

Myth Lord |

Myth Lord wrote:If you are including grays shouldn't you include the reptoids too? As far as conspiracies and pop-culture go about non human intelligent beings messing with modern humans the reptoids are right after grays as far as importance** spoiler omitted **
Oh forgot them, I know them as Reptilians! I probably forgot more mythology creatures, as Pathfinder always surprises me with new ones I even haven't heard of before.
My Questions:
Are hous spirits (ovinnik, domovoi, dvorovoi, kikimora) seperate with their own artwork or are they on one page with only 1 picture like they were in AP bestiary?
What creatures were given artworks like the Graeae Hag/Manitau/Dorvae from Bestiary 4?
I mean artworks that are hard to make pawns about because they don't have a normal white background like 99% of the other creatures in the book. Mostly only 3 or 4 are given such artworks, and i'm fearing it will be some of my favorites.
What is the most beautiful artwork in your opinion? And your favorite creature in the book?

Myth Lord |

Thanks Acolyte and Boggards, i've updated it with your information.
Wannabe/Dragon78, there are 4 Veela in the book, so there is still a chance one of them is Female. :-p
I really can't wait to find out the deal with Echeneis, Golden Hind, Ahool, Amarok and Akaname! I hope they did something cool with the Ramidreju too!

David knott 242 |

Atavar wrote:So was the reptoid a 0-HD race or no? Someone else said they were but you don't have them listed. Playable Reptoids> Greys :PWARNING: Abundant spoilers ahead....
** spoiler omitted **...