Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5 (OGL)

4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5 (OGL)
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Beyond the veil!

Creatures strange beyond imagining and more terrifying than any nightmare lurk in the dark corners of the world and the weird realms beyond. Within this book, you'll find hundreds of monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Face off against devils and dragons, deep ones and brain moles, robots and gremlins, and myriad other menaces! Yet not every creature needs to be an enemy, as whimsical liminal sprites, helpful moon dogs, and regal seilenoi all stand ready to aid you on your quests—if you prove yourself worthy.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 is the fifth indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters.
  • New player-friendly races like caligni dark folk, deep one hybrids, plant-bodied ghorans, and simian orang-pendaks.
  • Psychic creatures both benevolent and terrifying, from the enigmatic anunnaki and faceless astomoi to the howling caller in darkness and insidious, alien grays.
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies, such as clockwork familiars, red pandas, and many-legged wollipeds.
  • New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters.
  • Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat.
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat.
  • Challenges for every adventure and every level of play.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-792-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.20/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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My Favourite So Far


Don't have really anymore to add beyond that, love all the eldritch and occult flavor being pumped in ^w^

The weakest of the bunch


On the one hand, there are a good couple of gems and some very inspired entries throughout this book and, in truth, two stars is somewhat unfair, especially for the PDF. But, personally, I feel they're warranted, as this book seems to signal a shift in Pathfinder's direction, and one that I'm not happy about in the least.

First off, while Occult Adventures is readily available for consultation online in the SRD, I did not like to see a sizable number of monsters using rules from that book. It's one thing to have spells or feats from, say, Advanced Player's Guide or Mythic Adventures, as those are books that complement the game as a whole and present options for all classes, whereas Occult Adventures is a very specific niche that not all players will want to incorporate in their campaigns.

Secondly, I did not like the muddled product identity Paizo is showcasing here, with monsters such as the Android, Gray (Roswell), Reptoid (Reptilian) and Robot. Even the Annunaki seems more at home as the antagonist of, say, a Legion of Super-Heroes comic book. It's one thing to want to provide the tools for varied and diverse fantasy campaigns - in which constructs, space aberrations and even clockwork creatures can easily work without sticking out like sore thumbs - but quite another one to insert borderline hard-SF or contemporary conspiracy theorist creatures on a lark. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks this is not, and let's endeavor to keep it that way, please.

Thirdly, snake-bodied weasels with boar tusks? Serpentine bulls? Shark-headed sea serpents? Wolf-headed sea serpents? A chinchilla with a bat wing on the tip of its tail? An octopus with three shark heads? Really? Unless you have an absolutely amazing hook or a compelling campaign seed, why bother putting out this silly, uninspired dross? You can do much better than this, Paizo.

Monsters Galore


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

I like Bestiary 5 a great deal. On an initial look-through before reading it more thoroughly, there were numerous monsters that drew my attention, that made me want to know more about them, and screamed to be included in one of my games sometime down the road. There's a wide variety of monsters present, with every type represented and the spread between them being fairly even. Ooze is a monster type that is often under-represented, but there are quite a few new oozes in this book. Along with that there are lots of magical beasts, constructs, undead, vermin, fey, and so on. In addition, there are several mythic monsters, and Bestiary 5 is the first hardcover book to contain monsters using the occult rules from Occult Adventures. The monsters cover a wide variety of challenge ratings as well, from 1/6 to 24. The bulk of the creatures are in the low- to mid-CR range, but there are also a sizeable number of high-CR monsters as well.

Grim Reapers, Deep Ones, and Greys Oh My!


I have always loved Bestiaries and Paizo has yet to disappoint in department. Now with a 5th hardcover bestiary they continue with quality and variety. I will list the good and the bad of this fine product.
The Good
-Dragons, 5 great new true dragons, along with a variety of "lesser" dragons such as jungle drake, rope dragon, vishap, and awesome shen.
-Fey, a variety of ranging from low to high CR such as the house spirits and the glaistag.
-Giants, we finally get the Firbolg, been waiting to see this one for a long time.
-New 0HD races like the Astomi, Caligni, and Reptoid.
-Aliens such as greys and the Anunnaki.
-Elementals such as aether, the wysps and the awesome anemos.
-Interesting oozes such as animate hair, apallie, and living mirage.
-New clestials and aeons.
-Creatures from mythology.
-Old school monster such as moon dogs, muckdwellers, brain moles, and thought eaters.
-Some interesting undead like bone ship and death coach.

The Bad
-Some minor design issues.
-Some art issues.
-The Sahkil, another evil outsider group, could have used this space for Oni, Azura, or Rakshasa.
-Continued use of the mythic rules that to me should be a completely optional rule.

3 STARS?????


I can't agree with the below rating of 3 stars. (Read Below) This is on-par with any other bestiary piazo has produced. Although i cant speak of quality due to just buying a pdf, this bestiary has the best range of monster selection in my opinion. It adds some technology driven ideas, unique story driven monsters and my favorite: A BoneShip, literally the pcs can fight an undead ship!!!! The complaint of no new monster over CR25 is a lazy lie, using templates the Esoteric Dragons can be over CR25 with other CR20+ monsters utilizing templates provided can increase above CR25. This book contains ideas for familiars, companions, and constructs for many classes and pairs amazingly well with content from the Occult Adventures. I Love this book, and pathfinder in general due to the wealth of information it has for both a PC and a DM. Cant wait for more!!!

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Omg... is the Veela a good Azata? Please say no :-p And if it is, then i'm gonna Broken Soul it to death.

And proteans really don't get a lot of love is it?

... proteans really aren't very good chaotic personifications when paizo never adds more than three types....

I don't really understand why there aren't any new Proteans, a LOT of people asked for them?

I really hope they stop making new groups of Outsiders in the future Bestiaries and add to the Div and Proteans (and others cept for Aeons, that need some love)

Also don't understand why there aren't some cool Daemons in this book, and there will be devils and demons again. Some cool Daemons from the Daemon book would be cool, such as Phasmadaemon and Sangudaemon.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What are the racial traits for deep one hybrids?

I got my download but unfortunately I'm way to busy to the out long winded answers. Sorry.

How many new angels are there?

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annihilator robot, celedon, clockwork familiar, crystal golem, devastator, gearsman robot, gray goo, guardian scroll, lead golem, myrmidon robot, sphinx colossus, taxidermic creature, terraformer robot, urannag, warmonger wasp, wood colossus


amphiptere, astral dragon, cetus, dragonkin, dream dragon, ether drake, etheric dragon, jungle drake, khala, nightmare dragon, occult dragon, pyrausta, rope dragon, scitalis, shen, vishap


corpse lotus, flytrap leshy, ghoran, griefgall, kawa akago, lotus leshy, lotus tree, nulmind, psychepore, stranglereed, tsaalgrend, zygomind



Outsider: aeons, psychemental, tulpa, turul, unfettered phantom
Outsider (aether): aether elemental, aether wysp
Outsider (air): aerial servant, air veela, air wysp, anemos
Outsider (chaotic): azatas, demodands, demons, lamhigyn, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm
Outsider (earth): ahkhat, earth veela, earth wysp
Outsider (evil): demodands, demons, devils, lamhigyn, sahkils, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm
Outsider (fire): fire veela, fire wysp
Outsider (good): agathions, angels, archons, azatas, manasaputras, moon dog
Outsider (lawful): apkallu, archons, danava, devils, manasaputras, turul
Outsider (native): ahkhat, bisha ga tsuku, etiainen, shabti, tsukumogami, wakandagi
Outsider (water): apkallu, wakandagi, water veela, water wysp

Since I know someone will ask:

mummy lord, mutant, plagued beast, taxidermic creature, tsukumogami, tulpa, vahana

Myth Lord:

Yes, there is a therinosaur picture, and it has feathers (not all over though).
Deep ones: There is a deep one, deep one hybrid, and elder deep one.
There is no veela in the alphetical listing of monsters, sorry.



Eclipse Giant: No info about their origin, so it must be a separate species.
Vilderavn: CR 16.

3 new angels

Dragon78, the gray seems to match the stories about them. It’s not bad.

I have stuff to do, so that’s enough for now!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd like to hear more about the Terraformer robot, especially it's CR as I'm currently running Iron Gods.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Sorry to contribute to the hungering masses, but the caligni dark folk caught my eye ever since it was announced! I must know more!

What are the CR of the Greys and Annunaki?

What is the Firbolg like?

What is the Brain mole like?

AEONS!!! HOw many?

Movie plot spoiler:

Cool, while I weep for the Gaasyendietha missing in the dragon section, I really LOVE reading Pyrausta and Scitalis are there!

So the Veela are actually all elements? Dunno if I really like that. Rather see only a wind version.

Good to see the Ahkhat and Lamhigyn in this book.

Plants are a little bit bleh, no Jubokko, Jidra and Cactus Leshy.

I'm extremely happy to see the Therizinosaurus having a picture, and I don't mind the feathers.

Happy to see the Vilderavn being such a high CR = awesome!

Also very curious about the Celedon! And which of the animated objects is choosen for the Tsukumogami.

Cetus? Damn very curious!

VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SAD to learn that they have choosen to add to the very boring Aeon and AGAIN ignoring the much better Protean where much more people asked for. Worst news for me, even worse than the Robots in the beginning.

What is the Shen? Does it have illusions or something to do with Clams?

I'm happy my three favorite groups Monstrous Humanoids, Aberration, and Magical Beasts are still safe. Most mythological creatures must be in those groups.

And congratulations to Dragon78, he finally got his Crystal Golem, and many people asking for the Dragonkin also got their wish.

Thanks for answering those questions.

The Dragonkin are from the Distant Worlds book. They are a type of dragon found on Triaxus that forms a bond with a rider.

So what are the Aberrations, Magical Beast, and Monstrous Humanoids?

So can someone just post the entire list on CR already? Lets get this torture over with.

I had the sinking feeling that there werent going to be any new proteans. They released too many in Hell's Rebels for that. Sucks that there are no new daemons. And I knew the sahkil were in here but there arent any regular psychopomps?

Oh what are the constructs?

Edit: Give me the aberrations instead.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Can somebody copy paste the book plz plz plz plz?

I have the PDF!!!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

What do the reptoids look like?

Atavar wrote:
I have the PDF!!!

I would love any more detailed info on the new playable races. Thanks!

Are the Bakeneko/Nekomata and Cheshire Cat finally in this book? They are always on the first wishpage on multiple lists, but never in a bestiary.

Well I am off to work, thank you everyone who has answered our questions:)

I'm curious about familiars. Are there any new options other than Clockwork Familiars? And what types of Clockwork Familiars are there?

Don't suppose we could have a list of the undead in this book?

Or Aberrations for that matter?

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WARNING: Abundant spoilers ahead....

Everything in the book spoiler:

PC Races
Dark Folk, Caligni
Deep One Hybrid

Flying fox
Red panda

Animal Companions
Blue whale
Ceratosaurus (dinosaur)
Chalicotherium (megafauna)
Frog father and goliath frog
Kaprosuchus (megafauna)
Megaprimatus (ape)
Moa (megafauna)
Narwhal (whale)
Plesiosaurus (dinosaur)
Polar bear
Therizinosaurus (dinosaur)
Troodon (dinosaur)
Uintatherium (megafauna)

By Creature Type
Aberration: aatheriexa, akaname, blightspawn, capramace, cuero, dwiergeth, egregore, grimslake, heikegani, hundun, mutant, plankta, rhu-chalik, somalcygot, syricta, thought eater, trench mist, wizard’s shackle, yangethe

(Aether): ether drake

(Air): chuspiki, saxra, trench mist

Animal: blue whale, cameroceras, ceratosaurus, chalicotherium, chicken, digmaul, dire polar bear, flying fox, frog father, goliath frog, kaprosuchus, megaprimatus, moa, narwhal, penguin, plesiosaurus, polar bear, red panda, seal, therizinosaurus, troodon, uintatherium, wolliped

(Aquatic): bagiennik, cetus, cuero, deep merfolk, deep one, deep one elder, echeneis, giant mantis shrimp, heikegani, hunter urchin, ichthyocentaur, isonade, ketesthius, lusca, plankta, shen, spear urchin, stranglereed, trilobite, vahana, water leaper, wizard’s shackle

(Chaotic): hundun

(Cold): bisha ga tsuku, crone queen, khala

Construct: annihilator robot, celedon, clockwork familiar, crystal golem, devastator, gearsman robot, gray goo, guardian scroll, lead golem, myrmidon robot, sphinx colossus, taxidermiccreature, terraformer robot, urannag, warmonger wasp, wood colossus

Dragon: amphiptere, astral dragon, cetus, dragonkin, dream dragon, ether drake, etheric dragon, jungle drake, khala, nightmare dragon, occult dragon, pyrausta, rope dragon, scitalis, shen, vishap

(Earth): glaistig, gravebound, jungle drake, plankta

(Elemental): aerial servant, aether elemental, aether wysp, ahkhat, air wysp, anemos, earth wysp, fire wysp, water wysp

Fey: bagiennik, domovoi, dvorovoi, encantado, fastachee, glaistig, hobkins, kikimora, liminal sprite, muse, nuno, ovinnik, sangoi, seilenos, shadow collector, vilderavn

(Fire): cherufe, pyrausta

(Giant): eclipse giant, elder deep one, firbolg, gegenees, kabandha, moon giant, papinijuwari, sun giant, ved

Humanoid: android, astomoi, caligni, deep merfolk, deep one hybrid, eclipse giant, firbolg, gray, kabandha, moon giant, orang-pendak, papinijuwari, reptoid, skinwalker, sun giant, ved

(Incorporeal): caller in darkness, death coach, duppy, etiainen, nemhain, pharaonic guardian, polong, psychemental, wyrmwraith

Magical Beast: ahool, amarok, bat plague swarm, brain mole, brain mole monarch, cerynitis, cherufe, chuspiki, cytillipede, delgeth, echeneis, giant muckdweller, isonade, karkadann, ketesthius, locust plague swarm, lusca, mngwa, muckdweller, ophiotaurus, ostovite, peuchen, ramidreju, rat plague swarm, sha, shasalqu, su, tizheruk, uraeus, ursikka, vahana, water leaper, witchcrow, xiao

Monstrous Humanoid: anunnaki, deep one, elder deep one, gegenees, grioth, ichthyocentaur, ningen, storm hag, stormghost, thriae constructor, thriae dancer

(Mythic): anunnaki, apkallu, bat plague swarm, danava, devastator, glaistig, locust plague swarm, ophiotaurus, rat plague swarm, shen, sphinx colossus, wood colossus

Ooze: animate hair, apallie, doppeldrek, emotion ooze, gunpowder ooze, hag eye ooze, living mirage, putrid ooze, riftcreeper, roiling oil

Outsider: aeons, psychemental, tulpa, turul, unfettered phantom

Outsider (aether): aether elemental, aether wysp

Outsider (air): aerial servant, air veela, air wysp, anemos

Outsider (chaotic): azatas, demodands, demons, lamhigyn, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm

Outsider (earth): ahkhat, earth veela, earth wysp

Outsider (evil): demodands, demons, devils, lamhigyn, sahkils, vescavor queen, vescavor swarm

Outsider (fire): fire veela, fire wysp

Outsider (good): agathions, angels, archons, azatas, manasaputras, moon dog

Outsider (lawful): apkallu, archons, danava, devils, manasaputras, turul

Outsider (native): ahkhat, bisha ga tsuku, etiainen, shabti, tsukumogami, wakandagi

Outsider (water): apkallu, wakandagi, water veela, water wysp

Plant: corpse lotus, flytrap leshy, ghoran, griefgall, kawa akago, lotus leshy, lotus tree, nulmind, psychepore, stranglereed, tsaalgrend, zygomind

(Shapechanger): anunnaki, doppeldrek, encantado, flytrap leshy, lotus leshy, peuchen, reptoid, rope dragon, skinwalker, vilderavn

(Swarm): bat plague swarm, gray goo, locust plague swarm, rat plague swarm, scarab swarm, termite swarm, undigested swarm, vescavor swarm

Template: mummy lord, mutant, plagued beast, taxidermic creature, tsukumogami, tulpa, vahana

Undead: bone ship, caller in darkness, crone queen, cursed king, death coach, duppy, fext, gravebound, grim reaper, kurobozu, leechroot, leng ghoul, lesser death, mummy lord, nemhain, pharaonic guardian, plagued beast, polong, saxra, swamp mummy, tiyanak, undigested, undigested swarm, vukodlak, wyrmwraith

Vermin: blood caterpillar, giant assassin bug, giant mantis shrimp, giant scarab, giant termite, great assassin bug, horn caterpillar, hunter urchin, knight ant, megapon ant, scarab swarm, spear urchin, termite swarm, trilobite

(Water): bone ship, cetus, shen

This list doesn't say how many outsiders of the categories, such as aeon, demon, azata etc. How many new Aeons do we have?

OMG! So much coolness and also some disappointment!

Well spoilers are gone me thinks, as you just posted the whole list unspoilered, so no need to spoiler anymore...

Karkadann!!! Akaname!!!! Polong!!!!CHERUFE!!! CUERO!!!

Damn I can't wait to find out more about those creatures!

Also again no Ravid, why do hate that creature so much? :-p

Community & Digital Content Director

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Added a spoiler tag for other folks who don't want the beans spilled :)

Aeon: 2
Agathion: 2
Angel: 3
Archon: 2
Azata: 2
Demodand: 2
Demon: 3
Devil: 3
Manasaputra: 5
Sakhil: 5
Titan: 1

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Sorry for not putting in the spoiler tag earlier. I guess I was a little excited or something....

Could you spill the beans on the

Deep One Hybrid? It seems like it could be very interesting!

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So happy to see a monster from brazilian folklore.

Atavar wrote:

WARNING: Abundant spoilers ahead....

** spoiler omitted **...

So was the reptoid a 0-HD race or no? Someone else said they were but you don't have them listed. Playable Reptoids> Greys :P

Mythology/Folklore that got into the world of Pathfinder:

Akaname, Cuero, Heikegani, Wizard's Shackle, Bagiennik, Cetus, Echeneis, Isonade, Lusca, Shen, Water Leaper, Bisha ga tsuku, Celedon, Amphiptere, Pyrausta, Scitalis, Vishap, Glaistig, Anemos (Anemoi), Domovoi, Kikimora, Ovinnik, Encantado, Fastachee, Nuno, Muse, Vilderavn/Valravn, Seilenos, Hobskins, Cherufe, Firbolg, Gegenees, Kabandha, Papinijuwari, Astomoi, Gray, Skinwalker, Duppy, Polong, Ahool, Amarok, Cerynitis (Golden Hind), Delgeth, Karkadann, Mngwa, Ophiotaurus, Peuchen, Ramidreju, Sha/Set Beast, Su/Succarath, Tizheruk, Uraeus, Xiao, Veela, Tsukumogami, Kawa Akago, More Leshies, Grim Reaper, Kurobozu, Tiyanak, Vukodlak

Some however I don't care for, but they are still from Mythology.

Ichthyocentaur, Khala, Dvorovoi, Ved, Orang-Pendak, Anunnaki, Ningen, Fext, Reptoid

The monsters I miss the most and I really hoped they would end up here:

Cerastes, Yale, Alicanto, Shadhavar, Marabbecca, Jidra, Kaw Kaw, Aatxe, Lou Carcolh, Barbegazi, Horerczy, Bauk, Bukavac, Aitvaras, Gulon, Batibat, Kumiho, A Bao A Qu, Yara-Ma-Yha-Who, Drop Bear, Ichneumon, Adze, Acheri, Tsemaus, Mishibizhiw, Mahaha, Gaasyendietha, Haietlik, Djieien, Binaye-Ahani, Akhiyyini, Shellycoat, Cu Sith, Fear Liath, Sianach, Lavellan, Jack-in-Irons, Gancanagh, Awd Goggie, Afanc, Wanyudo, Sazae-Oni, Nekomata, Keukegen, Namazu, Jubokko, Kamaitachi, Odontotyrannos, Empusa.

Well hope to see them in AP bestiaries soon, but too bad the good-alignment AP will be first...

The lack of Native American myth monsters is shocking in this one...

I am another who really likes the Ravid. That thing was really cool. Would love to see it in Pathfinder.

To those who have this PDF and also the Inner Sea Bestiary: I have noticed a number of cross-over entries. Specifically most(if not all) of the robots, Android and Ghoran (perhaps I missed some?). Do these get new art or is it the same as we saw in Inner Sea Bestiary (I love that book, btw)?

I would like to know more about the Sakhils. Namely,

*Why did they become evil?

*What are their goals?

*What is their policy towards undead?

*What has been Pharasma/Psychopomp's reaction to them?

Could we get some info on the caligni ?
How's the fluff ? what size are they (please be optional small or medium...please please please) Abilities ?

Movie plot spoiler:

Creatures from AP bestiaries: trench mist, blue whale, chalicotherium, narwhal, wolliped, Hunter Urchin, Spear Urchin, Stranglereed, Crone Queen, Clockwork Familiar, Devastator, Guardian Scroll, Ahkhat, Domovoi, Dvorovoi, Ovinnik, Sangoi, Sha, Shasalqu, Ursikka, Witchcrow, Storm Hag, STormghost, Thriae Dancer, Hag Eye Ooze, Putrid Ooze (why? Roiling Oil is better), Vescavor Queen, Corpse Lotus, Scarab Swarm, Fext, Grim Reaper, Giant Assassin Bug,

Creatures from INNER SEA BESTIARY: Blightspawn, Annihilator Robot, Gearman Robot, Myrmidon Robot, Android, Ghoran, Giant Scarab,

Creatures from other Products that are re-prints: Grimslake, rhu-chalik, Lusca, Khala, Gray Goo, Sphinx Colossus (also remember that name only), Urannag, Warmonger Wasp, Dragonkin, Ved, Skinwalker, Duppy, Cytillipede, Delgeth, Tizheruk, Gunpowder Ooze, Living Mirage, Riftcreeper, Tsaalgrend,

This list could miss some, as I don't know the Demons/Devils and most other outsiders names, but the demons are probably all re-prints me thinks. (I hope i'm very wrong as I want Empusa and Mahaha to surprise me!)

Too bad most creatures I don't care for from Inner Sea Bestiary made it... Why not Whirlmaw, Thin Man, Fungus Queen and Korkir-Dragon? :-(

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Myth Lord wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

If you are including grays shouldn't you include the reptoids too? As far as conspiracies and pop-culture go about non human intelligent beings messing with modern humans the reptoids are right after grays as far as importance

Really, how much black ooze creatures does this book need? lol

Roiling Oil would be enough for me personallly.

Lord-of-Boggards wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

If you are including grays shouldn't you include the reptoids too? As far as conspiracies and pop-culture go about non human intelligent beings messing with modern humans the reptoids are right after grays as far as importance

Oh forgot them, I know them as Reptilians! I probably forgot more mythology creatures, as Pathfinder always surprises me with new ones I even haven't heard of before.

My Questions:

Are hous spirits (ovinnik, domovoi, dvorovoi, kikimora) seperate with their own artwork or are they on one page with only 1 picture like they were in AP bestiary?

What creatures were given artworks like the Graeae Hag/Manitau/Dorvae from Bestiary 4?
I mean artworks that are hard to make pawns about because they don't have a normal white background like 99% of the other creatures in the book. Mostly only 3 or 4 are given such artworks, and i'm fearing it will be some of my favorites.

What is the most beautiful artwork in your opinion? And your favorite creature in the book?

Myth Lord wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

I'm pretty sure the terraformer robot is not from one of the AP bestiaries. Not in Iron Gods anyway, and I'm pretty sure that's the only one it would show up in. It's probably the mystery robot shown in the competition.

Myth Lord wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Movie plot spoiler:
I can confirm for you Gray Goo and Living Mirage are in fact from Campaign Settings, Numeria and Osirion respectively

Could someone give the names of the individual outsiders for the collective groups?

Thanks Acolyte and Boggards, i've updated it with your information.

Wannabe/Dragon78, there are 4 Veela in the book, so there is still a chance one of them is Female. :-p

I really can't wait to find out the deal with Echeneis, Golden Hind, Ahool, Amarok and Akaname! I hope they did something cool with the Ramidreju too!

Now if someone wants to spill the beans on Terraformer Robots I'd be very happy.

And no they aren't in Iron Gods

Still, I heard that name before somewhere... Terraformer Robot sounds very familiar to me, maybe i've seen them in another product, movie or whatever.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Lord-of-Boggards wrote:
Atavar wrote:

WARNING: Abundant spoilers ahead....

** spoiler omitted **...

So was the reptoid a 0-HD race or no? Someone else said they were but you don't have them listed. Playable Reptoids> Greys :P

Reptoids are a 0-HD race. Greys are not.

I have some questions of an amphibious nature: What's a "frog father" and what are the racial traits of the deep one hybrid?

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