Get ready to shake up your game! Within these pages, the designers of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game unleash their wildest ideas, and nothing is safe. From totally revised fundamentals like core classes and monster design to brand-new systems for expanding the way you play, this book offers fresh ideas while still blending with the existing system. With Pathfinder Unchained, you become the game designer!
Pathfinder Unchained is an indispensable companion to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 15 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into a new era.
Pathfinder Unchained includes:
New versions of the barbarian, monk, rogue, and summoner classes, all revised to make them more balanced and easier to play.
New skill options for both those who want more skills to fill out their characters' backgrounds and those seeking streamlined systems for speed and simplicity.
Changes to how combat works, from a revised action system to an exhaustive list of combat tricks that draw upon your character's stamina.
Magic items that power up with you throughout your career—and ways to maintain variety while still letting players choose the "best" magic items.
Simplified monster creation rules for making new creatures on the fly.
Exotic material components ready to supercharge your spellcasting.
New takes on alignment, multiclassing, iterative attacks, wounds, diseases and poisons, and item creation.
... and much, much more!
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-715-4
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
Having completed a couple of adventure paths as GM and gearing up for my third, I felt I had enough experience under my belt to see about implementing some of the alternative rules systems from Pathfinder Unchained. The book presents 254 pages of different or additional ways to do things in Pathfinder, and it’s certainly worth a look if you’re planning a new campaign—chances are there’s something for every GM. These aren’t little things like a new feat, but major redesigns of entire classes, monster creation, magic, and more. The only caveat is that the more you stray from the Core rules, the more unresolved issues are likely to arise, so think carefully through the implications of a change and make sure players are willing to buy in to any adjustments. Anyway, there’s a ton of material to discuss, so let’s get to it!
I’m not a big fan of the cover. The golem or animated statue or whatever it is has a crazy narrow waist that really annoys me for some reason, even though I do acknowledge the whirling chains are a nice nod to the book’s title. The introduction (2 pages long) notes that Pathfinder was released seven years earlier (at that point) and that it’s time to offer a workshop full of tools for GMs to select from to update and customise their game. It provides a brief but useful overview of the major new changes, and is worth a skim.
Chapter 1 is “Classes” (36 pages) and contains the most widely adopted changes across the Pathfinder community. The chapter presents new “Unchained” versions of the Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, and Summoner, and even PFS allows them because they are almost unanimously accepted as more playable (and better balanced) revisions. The Unchained Barbarian has simplified calculations for rage duration (though it still lasts too long, in my opinion) and makes it easier to use rage powers. The Unchained Monk has a simplified Flurry of Blows and new ki powers for versatility. The Unchained Rogue gets skill unlocks (discussed later) and important abilities like debilitating injury, weapon finesse, and (eventually) Dex to damage. The Unchained Summoner is frankly a nerf, but a much-needed one; the biggest change is to the eidolon, but it also fixes the Summoner spell list. I’m happy with all the class revisions, and I only wish Paizo got around to making Unchained versions of some of the other problematic classes out there. The chapter also contains a new method to compute BABs and saves to help multiclass characters, but it looks too complicated to me. Finally, there’s a new “staggered advancement” mechanism that sort of allows a character to partially level up as they go instead of doing it all at once when they reach a new XP threshold; I think it’s more effort than its worth.
Chapter 2 is “Skills and Options” (44 pages). It starts with an optional “Background” skills system, which essentially gives each PC a free rank each level to spend on a non-combat oriented skill like Craft, Perform, etc. I tried it once in a previous campaign but found it was rarely used to flesh out a character and was instead just dumped into learning another language or another point in a Knowledge skill. I do like the expanded skill uses for Craft, Perform, and Profession—they’re easy to integrate into a campaign because they essentially give the GM a list of uses and DCs to make those skills more valuable in ordinary gameplay (such as using Craft to determine what culture made an item, for example). Another optional change is a consolidated skill list that cuts the number of skills in a third! This is essentially what Starfinder did, and I’m not a fan at all because it makes for too much homogeneity within a group. Another proposal is “grouped skills” which makes PCs more broadly skilled but less specialised; complicated but interesting. Next, there are alternative Crafting and Profession rules. I like the changes to Crafting (simplifies and details DCs better) but it doesn’t address magical item crafting which, frankly, is the most likely to be used and abused. The changes to Profession are only for running a business. Perhaps most pertinent are the “Skill Unlocks” for Unchained Rogue (or any other PC who takes a particular feat)—these allow a character who has 5, 10, 15, and 20 ranks in a skill to gain a particular ability with that skill. These aren’t game-changers for the most part, but they do speed up their use or remove penalties, and are worth having for the most part. Last, there’s a new way to handle multiclassing; essentially, you give up feats to get the secondary powers of another class. I found it interesting but ultimately unsatisfactory.
Chapter 3 is “Gameplay” (46 pages) and is a real grab bag of options. The first involves alignment: either making it a bigger part of the game by tracking PCs’ alignment more finely and providing bonuses accordingly, or removing it altogether (which would require a *lot* of GM legwork). Some people like the revised action economy (a version of which was implemented in PF2), which changes the admittedly initially confusing dichotomy of Free/Swift/Immediate/Move/Standard/Full to just “Simple” and “Advanced”. However, I’ve also heard issues with how it handles certain classes. Another proposal is to remove iterative attacks; it looks interesting but too complicated for easy adoption. Next are “stamina points” and “combat tricks”—basically, a pool of points to use for a bonus on an attack or to do certain tricks that improve combat feats; I could certainly see using this. Also tempting is the idea of “wound thresholds”, which means there’s a degradation of fighting ability the more hit points are lost—this would create some new tactical considerations though it would also require some more GM tracking. Last are Starfinder-style disease and poison progression tracks, which make them *much* deadlier (I think they’re too hard to integrate at this stage in Pathfinder, however).
Chapter Four is “Magic” (38 pages). It starts with “Simplified Spellcasting”, in which a spellcaster only prepares spells for their three highest spell levels with all lesser spells grouped in a pool; this provides them even more flexibility, which is anathema to those (like me) unhappy with the caster/martial disparity at higher levels. Next are “Spell Alterations”, and some of these are more my jam: limited magic, wild magic, spell crits and fumbles, and material components have a cost for every spell (old school!). I know a lot of groups use the “Automatic Bonus Progression” rules, which provide a fixed bonus at each level so that the “Big Six” magic item slots can be used for more interesting and flavourful things than just stat boosting gear. Next are magical items that scale; I think one or two of these in a campaign could be really fun (and manageable), though I wouldn’t want to overdo it just because of the complications. Last up is a new way of handling magic item creation that involves the whole party overcoming challenges in order to add unique powers to items; it’s certainly flavourful and worth considering.
Chapter Five is “Monsters” (62 pages). It presents a whole new (and allegedly much faster) way of creating monsters. It’s the method adopted in Starfinder, and is based on arrays and grafts rather than building a creature from the “ground up”. I’m personally not a fan of it (I like knowing monsters follow the same “rules” as everyone else), but I do sympathise with the homebrewers out there who want a faster way to stock a dungeon with custom creations.
And that’s Pathfinder Unchained. If you’ve been playing or GMing for a while and have a good sense of the Core rules, it’s certainly worth a look.
Some of the suggested mechanics are worth the entire price
Automatic Bonus Progression is enough to justify the entire price of the book. Better versions of the Rogue and Monk, as well as fixes to the summoner and streamlining the barabarian seal the deal. There is a lot of other good stuff in here as well. Well worth it!
I love the idea of this book, I wish this happened more often. They took what they saw wrong with their game and spent proper time and effort to come up with proper solutions. It's pretty rare for a company to spend this much effort on tweaking things. The new proposed mechanics for combat and skills are unique and great ideas to help customize your groups' gaming experience.
I hope they release more books like this in the future. I've love for more variations for multiclassing, and I'm still waiting for a summoner archetype that removes the class summon monster ability and focuses more on the eidolon.
Highly recommend it, especially for anyone interested in how someone goes about making a gaming system. It provides awesome insights.
It's been a while since it took me so long to digest a Pathfinder book, and boy, did Unchained ever keep me digesting. More optional rules than you can shake a stick at, to be implemented in modular or wholesale fashion, to tweak your game to your heart's content, and with top-notch art throughout, to boot. Excellent work by Paizo and one of their finest offerings in a while.
As for the negatives, the only thing I can really point out is that the writing can be somewhat scattershot and unfocused in a couple of reasonably complex sections, which would have benefited greatly from examples or bolded formulae.
This book is a great addition. Options are optional, and it's great that this book has so many. It really makes customizing a campaign easy. Of you'll like you never use every option, or likely even half of them in a single you play or run, but having them really gives you a great toolbox to use. Some people are finicky about house rules, so having an official batch of "house rules" to choose from is nice for people who prefer to stick to official products. No book is perfect, but being this book isn't really being forced on anyone (of course I suppose none of the supplements are), and that is a giant bag of options that you can pick and choose from to enhance the game, for those who'd like it enhanced, I give this product 5 stars, especially if I am comparing it to the usefulness of the average Pathfinder product.
For the variant multiclassed Monk, does the AC bonus include Wisdom to AC or is it just the static bonus?
Just a slight bump for this, since a page or two has went by.
Also, just so this isn't nothing else at all, any information about the alternate crafting rules? I assume that it for magic items, since that is on its own in a different section.
For the variant multiclassed Monk, does the AC bonus include Wisdom to AC or is it just the static bonus?
Just a slight bump for this, since a page or two has went by.
Also, just so this isn't nothing else at all, any information about the alternate crafting rules? I assume that it for magic items, since that is on its own in a different section.
The monk ac bonus for variant multi classing has no wisdom mod, its just a straight +3 at level 15 with no scaling.
There are both magic and mundane alternate crafting rules.
The mundane rules are in most ways a boost to mundane crafting, with progress being much faster and measured by day rather than by week. The only downside is that mundane crafting requires a workspace appropriate for whatever you are crafting, not just appropriate tools. sadly this means that unless an adventurer is willing to take a month off, he will never be able to make a masterwork weapon, or a suit of heavy armor, and anyone planning on making a weapon or armor out of special materials better plan on sitting in a city renting a workspace for a year. Alchemical creations are about the only expensive mundane item that can be crafted in the field, due to being called out as being compact enough to require no real workspace. poisons can be made quite quickly under the new rule set, with anyone able to hit the dc reliably could make drow poison in less than a week. Even less if they can reliably exceed the dc.
I'm curious about the Barbarian. Are Rage Powers still a thing? If so, has the x/day and x/rage / ragecycling nonsense been addressed?
Also, since someone mentioned that unchained barbarians don't get a Str boost, what happens instead? Is it feasible for me to rebuild my Dex-focused Urban Savage Barbarian as a Dex-focused Unchained Barbarian instead?
MONK Questions
Ok so how exactly does their Flurry of Blows work? It sounds like it works like it used to back in D&D 3.5 where you got extra attacks at your highest BAB at specific levels. What would, say, and 11th-level Monk's full attack look like?
Another question is, do they still have the Ki power ability to get an extra attack if they use a Ki point? Or is that a part of their roster of Ki powers to choose from?
Are any of their Ki powers from Qinggong archetype? I have a player that wants to use Unchained Monk, but he wants to keep the True Strike and Barskskin Ki powers he took from Qinggong, for example.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
At level 11 it's 11/11/11/6/1. I haven't seen a definitive about TWF though. Also yes you can still spend a point for 1 extra attack during flurry at highest BaB
Can he also take two weapon fighting? I assume not because... well obviously... but my players are going to ask and I want corroboration.
Edit: Got beat out by other asking the same question... still wondering about TWF though.
So far, I have seen two different people answer the similar question of "does the Unchained monk get additional attacks for TWF" in this thread. One said yes, the other said no.
Can he also take two weapon fighting? I assume not because... well obviously... but my players are going to ask and I want corroboration.
Edit: Got beat out by other asking the same question... still wondering about TWF though.
So far, I have seen two different people answer the similar question of "does the Unchained monk get additional attacks for TWF" in this thread. One said yes, the other said no.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
Yeah see I saw the conflicting answers which is why I was holding out for a message of intent from development. Sans that I will side with yes take TWF go nuts unleash the Chun Li kicks of doom
When you VMC Paladin do you gain the alignment restriction?
Also is VMC just all in or nothing or could you say just choose to get a Paladin's Lay on Hands feature?
Alignment isn't mentioned for any variant multiclass option -- I am not sure whether they are ignored or assumed. However, the paladin is mentioned as having to adhere to the paladin code of conduct from 1st level.
The secondary class is an all or nothing choice as written -- you forfeit your feats at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels and gain specific abilities from your secondary class at those levels instead. For some classes, you gain restrictions and minor abilities at 1st level, although some do not seem to matter (such as a VMC monk wearing armor losing his monk abilities if he wears armor -- never mind that he has no monk abilities until 3rd level).
The answer about the unchained monk, flurry of blows, and Two-Weapon Fighting is, "no." The text clearly includes this line: "He takes no penalty for using multiple weapons when making a flurry of blows, but he does not gain any additional attacks beyond what's already granted by the flurry for doing so. (He can still gain additional attacks from a high base attack bonus, from this ability, and from haste and similar effects."
The confusing part seems to be that "from haste and similar effects," bit. It sounds like someone thought that meant, "Anything similar to any of the things that I've listed." However, thanks to that lovely comma, its actually saying "and from haste or any effect that is similar to haste." Examples would be the speed special weapon ability. Otherwise, it completely and unquestionably cuts out Two-Weapon Fighting, its later iterations, and Rapid Shot.
Of course, I'm not a designer so I could be wrong, but grammatically I'm right. ;-)
The text doesn't come right out and say "TWF doesn't do anything for monks using flurry," but it comes pretty darned close. It's not compatible with flurry.
Alternatively, the text was intentionally left ambiguous to leave the subject up to GM interpretation.
Personally, I like the interpretation that lets me be Kenshiro.
Nah, the text is clear; one of the two people who answered missed the part where it was explained.
I am on medications that make concentration difficult and so I am not finding this ability easy to parse, if you can give us clarity I beseech you... do so!
[Humbly bows before Mr. Seifter and leaves an offering of toast with honey.]
Edit: Nevermind : ) [Takes the toast and offer it to Alexander instead.] Thanks for clearing that up for me, it was that part that was confusing me.
Alternatively, the text was intentionally left ambiguous to leave the subject up to GM interpretation.
Personally, I like the interpretation that lets me be Kenshiro.
Nah, the text is clear; one of the two people who answered missed the part where it was explained.
I am on medications that make concentration difficult and so I am not finding this ability easy to parse, if you can give us clarity I beseech you... do so!
[Humbly bows before Mr. Seifter and leaves an offering of toast with honey.]
My apologies, I'm being a bit coy and choosing not to add facts that haven't been confirmed already to build anticipation, though not intentionally to vex you. Mr. Augunas's grammar skills have proven superior, and he has correctly deduced the answer you seek.
My apologies, I'm being a bit coy and choosing not to add facts that haven't been confirmed already to build anticipation, though not intentionally to vex you. Mr. Augunas's grammar skills have proven superior, and he has correctly deduced the answer you seek.
My apologies, I'm being a bit coy and choosing not to add facts that haven't been confirmed already to build anticipation, though not intentionally to vex you. Mr. Augunas's grammar skills have proven superior, and he has correctly deduced the answer you seek.
Ahhh, I love a man who can use the word: Vex.
Thanks Alexander and Mark
You must not play/participate in the Desiny community because they use the word Vex all the time (one of the many enemies are called the Vex).
At any rate, I want to thank the Pathfinder Design Team for allowing me to make a character that I never knew I wanted: a kitsune unchained summoner with a vulpinal eidolon who multiclasses into witch with the variant multiclassing rules for a fox familiar.
At any rate, I want to thank the Pathfinder Design Team for allowing me to make a character that I never knew I wanted: a kitsune unchained summoner with a vulpinal eidolon who multiclasses into witch with the variant multiclassing rules for a fox familiar.
Three foxes, one character sheet.
Don't forget Fox Shape! You might also consider MVCs into the Arcane bloodline if you want your familiar to not be tied to Int-based stuff. (Witch does have plenty of nice hexes without Int involved, though, and it's not like Summoners are too worried.)
Everyone keeps asking these multiclass variants. I still wanna know more about the classes
So what more can you tell us about Rogue? You say it uses the new skill stuff? So in order to use the Unchained Rogue do you have to use the new skill system? What is the skill system in it? What is the Unchained Rogue missing that te Core Rogue has?
How does the Unchained Monk's flurry of blows work now?
** spoiler omitted **
Can't wait to see it. But one big question: what did the monk LOSE?
Everyone keeps asking these multiclass variants. I still wanna know more about the classes
So what more can you tell us about Rogue? You say it uses the new skill stuff? So in order to use the Unchained Rogue do you have to use the new skill system? What is the skill system in it? What is the Unchained Rogue missing that te Core Rogue has?
How does the Unchained Monk's flurry of blows work now?
** spoiler omitted **
Can't wait to see it. But one big question: what did the monk LOSE?
From earlier in this, I can think of: Will saves are now poor, and flurry doesn't dish out quite as many attacks (they are, however, more likely to hit).
There are also a couple of subtler losses: Maneuver Mastery is lost (it is unnecessary for a full BAB monk class, but it locks out those nice monk archetypes that replace it), and many class features that used to work automatically or at will have become ki powers that you must select and expend ki points to use.
There is actually no mention of Strength bonus during a flurry at all - meaning, as far as I can tell, that (for example) two-handing your temple sword for 1.5xStr damage is perfectly legal.
Everyone keeps asking these multiclass variants. I still wanna know more about the classes
So what more can you tell us about Rogue? You say it uses the new skill stuff? So in order to use the Unchained Rogue do you have to use the new skill system? What is the skill system in it? What is the Unchained Rogue missing that te Core Rogue has?
How does the Unchained Monk's flurry of blows work now?
** spoiler omitted **
Can't wait to see it. But one big question: what did the monk LOSE?
From earlier in this, I can think of: Will saves are now poor, and flurry doesn't dish out quite as many attacks (they are, however, more likely to hit).
Yeah, I read that after I replied! I am now SAD PANDA. :{
I don't really understand WHY the design team felt like they had to give the Monk a d10 hit die either. Sure, normally a full BAB is pegged to a d10 . . . but there are exceptions. The barbarian's d12 for example. I might well (once I get the book) go back to a d8 and either restore the old Will save or perhaps go to a Medium-progression Will save, ala the old Unearthed Arcana.
Everything else I have heard (so far), I've liked.
1) I would like to know what the Wizard, Summoner, and Gunslinger VMCs do.
2) Does VMC magus need arcane spells to use spellstrike?
Also, I really love that the VMC cavalier doesn't give any mount-related abilities. I'm not even joking. The mount is a huge liability for the class. Now, if you want a generic mountless armored knight, just slap the cavalier VMC onto a fighter. Not necessarily a lucrative player option, but it'd work for NPCs.
I think, VMC will not be a standard thing for all future chars.
From what I read here, the progression will be so slow, that you don't actually get a lot of the interesting stuff in a reasonable time. (4d6 sneak attack is nothing i would plan a lvl 19 char around)
It will helpful for some specific things, though.
For example, a Rime-Blooded Sorcerer or an Admixture Wizard taking the Oracle VMC for that one Revelation (Freezing Spells) they need. They don't really need the other stuff, but they can do with less feats. Oracle dipping is already a thing and very close to VMC, because you get slow curse progression and less feats due to Extra Revelation.
The VMC magus can use Spellstrike only with spells that are on the magus spell list. It does not matter what class (arcane or divine) he gets that spell from.
Would you think that it's possible now to come up with an "artificer"-like class with the new magic item creation mechanics?
What are the highlights of the new magic item creation?
Thanks! :)
The Witch VMC option sounds perfect for the Investigator I've been thinking of building. A familiar, cantrips, and some hexes are exactly what I felt he was missing. (I am curious as to how things work if you already have a familiar.)
As someone who likes prestige classes, I can already see a number of interesting possibilities that VCM opens up.
Now the monk is getting always turned on bonuses to his attack chain and the unchained monk may also get equivalencies that we haven't accounted for. But the flurry of blows at least traded in 1 secondary and tertiary attack for an extra primary attack and +2 to all attacks. I don't know how that washes out and I would be very interested to see what other's thoughts are when the full book gets published.
It is worth pointing out as someone mentioned earlier that 3.5e monks get the following:
So in the revision from 3.5e to Pathfinder the design team 1 primary attack was worth 1 secondary attack+1 tertiary attack+a quarternary attack+a +3 bonus to all attacks. Now after 5 years of actual play experience they've potentially felt that extra primary attack was worthwhile if you make the monk a full BAB class.