Key monsters and NPCs from the Iron Gods Adventure Path come alive on your tabletop with the Iron Gods Pawn Collection, featuring more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn presents a beautiful full-color image of a monster or NPC from the Iron Gods campaign, including androids, aliens, scrappers, and dozens of unique pawns also suitable for representing player characters. The Iron Gods Pawn Collection, together with the creatures from the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, provides pawns for nearly every Iron Gods encounter. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Bestiary Box collections, making the pawns easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With tons of distinct images, the Iron Gods Pawn Collection brings to life the enemies and allies from all six adventures of the Iron Gods Adventure Path.
Fires of Creation
Lords of Rust
The Choking Tower
Valley of the Brain Collectors
Palace of Fallen Stars
The Divinity Drive
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-716-1
Pathfinder Pawns: Iron Gods Set List
Ratfolk (3)
Ratfolk Scrapper (4)
Robot, Torturer (3)
Ugothokra (4)
Val Baine
Vegepygmy (2)
Adamantine Clan Gargoyle (4)
Android (4)
Arcantix Sister (3)
Black Seer (4)
Deacon Hope
Deformed Android (2)
Digital Angel (4)
Dinvaya Lanalei
Doc Hellbroth
Ebal Kai
Elessa Hevrendall
Engine Attendant
First Sovereign
Furkas Xoud
Garmen Ulreth
Gryne Rasik
Hyrsek Caio
Ilarris Zeleshi
Kasatha Skeleton (4)
Khonnir Baine
Kronsieg Drund
Mad Paeytr
Nargin Haruvex
Nemgedder Janz
Ozmyn Zaidow
Paajgat the Flayer
Palace Guard (4)
Pale Security Guard (2)
Robot, Augmented Gearsman
Robot, Collector
Robot, Evaluator (4)
Robot, Gearsman (2)
Robot, Gearsman Battleguard (2)
Robot, Medical Drone
Robot, Repair Drone
Robot, Riot Suppressor (3)
Robot, Scrapyard (2)
Robot, Surgeon
Robot, Thought Harvester
Robot, W.A.R.D.E.N (2)
Robotic Apprentice (2)
Ropefist Thug (4)
Rust-Risen (3)
Sacristan Kyton (2)
Sanvil Trett
Scrapwall Fanatic (2)
Sevroth Slaid
Sila Desaulis
Skeletal Technician (2)
Technic League Commando (3)
Tek Makul
The Shade
Animated Crane
Deathtrap Ooze
Haunted Robot
Hellion’s Chassis
Krimox the Thrice-Flensed
Marax (2)
Mutant Manticore
Neh-Thalggu (3)
Robot, Director (4)
Robot, Heavy Repair Drone (2)
Robot, Myrmidon (2)
Robot, Pulsepounder (2)
Robot, Warden
Unity (Angelic Avatar)
Unity (Overlord Robot)
Yangethe (2)
Colour-Blighted Froghemoth
Mounted Lashunta Guard (3)
Void Dragon
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Of course you'll have to own Bestiary Box 1-4 plus Monster Codex, NPC Codex & Summon Monster pawn collection for the basic pawns:
Book 1/AP #85:
-There are NO "Fire Beetles" in here, nor in the B1 box OR the "Summon Monster pawn set", but you'll need 3.
-None of the 3 needed "Jinkin Gremlins" are included, nor are they in the B2 box.
-There are only 4 Kasatha skeletons (of 7) in here, but you probably won't need all at once.
-3 Marsupial, Thylacine appear in the adventure, but the B3 box holds only one.
-2 repair drones are needed, one is in the collection.
-1 vegepygmy more would have been nice, but "Vrilledt" can be used as one.
Book 2/AP #86:
-"Hatchet Hand" is missing.
-not a single "smiler" bandit (5 are needed, they appear multiple times).
-no "lobotomites" gunslingers (8 needed),
-2 Dire Rats too few (6 needed).
-2 chokers too few (1 in B1 box).
-2 Poltergeists too few (1 in B2 box).
-No "Acolytes/Clerics of Hellion" (8 needed).
-No Observer Robots (4 needed).
-Only 1 Scrapyard Robot (2 needed).
Book 3/AP #87:
-2 Deformed Androids too few (4 needed).
-1 Hungry Flesh too few (B4 has 1).
-1 Gearsman too few (3 needed).
-1 Hill Giant too few (B1 has 1).
-1 Gearghost too few (B4 has 2).
-1 Achaierai too few (B2 has 1).
-1 Azer too few (B2 has 2).
-2 Belkers too few (B2 has 1).
Book 4/AP #88:
-2 Ogre Spiders too few (you could use a Leng Spider from B2 or the RotR pawns).
-3 Torturer Robots missing.
-4 Guardians of Binox missing.
-2 Shambling Mounds (B1 has 1).
-3 Voonith (B3 has 1).
-3 Ugothokras (7 needed).
-2 Kasatha (4 needed).
-2 Intellect Devourers (4 needed).
Where's the Annhilator robot pawns?!
Numeria's most famous robot somehow missed out on getting into the set! Unforgivable!
But the rest of the pawns are all here, and they're all looking fantastic. There's even a whole bunch of artwork that never made it into the AP books. Definitely a steal for any Iron Gods GM.
Iron Gods Pawn Set Brings Robots, Androids & Monsters to Your Campaign!
The Pathfinder Iron Gods Adventure Path Pawn Collection continues the excellent pawn line from Paizo. This set features the creatures, robots, androids and more that you will need to run your Iron Gods campaign. I am playing through Iron Gods at present and this set has been helpful in finding the proper pawns as needed.
Conversely, if you're not playing Iron Gods, then this set is the perfect way to bring that mad mix of sci-fi and sorcery to your homebrew. The art is gorgeous as always, the card stock is strong and colors are absolutely vivid.
This set makes a great addition to your collection while scratching that sci-fi meets sorcery itch!
So... robots and aliens and such? I dunno. I think this might be the first pawn set that I skip. It doesn't sound like it has much that would be generally useful outside of the AP.
So... robots and aliens and such? I dunno. I think this might be the first pawn set that I skip. It doesn't sound like it has much that would be generally useful outside of the AP.
I am leaning in the same direction. It would be pretty neat if they had an AP that featured catfolk. Would love some variety in that direction.
Will this contain every mini I need to run the whole adventure?
The pawn sets never do - they contain unique monsters - npc's - and such - even with all the bestiary sets you typically don't get every monster or encounter - although with all 4 bestiary boxes it's much better than it was.
I find between the bestiaries and the pawn sets I have most of what I need and make do with substitutions for the others.
The AP sets are designed to supplement the Bestiary box sets to fill out what you need to run almost all encounters for the AP. If a given figure needed for the AP appears in a Bestiary box, only enough are added to the AP pawn set to meet the needs of the encounter(s) that use that figure. The primary exception is anything larger than size Huge, which no pawn set covers. A side effect (you decide if it's good or bad) is you get a lot of extras for niche creatures. For example, since I have all the pawn sets, I have enough cloud giants to choke a Great Old One. My binders fear the release of the pawn set for the upcoming Giants AP.
I tried the Mummy's Mask box and was disappointed to find the exclusion of many of the creatures mentionned in the mini-bestiaries in the adventure. It still looks like the solution for the paper minis is to copy and paste the artwork from the adventure books into a file. I'd be more inclined to pick up minis like the ones done by (Todd Westcot or (Callous Jack).
Besides, we're starting Iron Gods this week. By the time this product's available, we'll be halfway through, and most of the figures won't be needed.
I tried the Mummy's Mask box and was disappointed to find the exclusion of many of the creatures mentionned in the mini-bestiaries in the adventure. It still looks like the solution for the paper minis is to copy and paste the artwork from the adventure books into a file. I'd be more inclined to pick up minis like the ones done by (Todd Westcot or (Callous Jack).
Besides, we're starting Iron Gods this week. By the time this product's available, we'll be halfway through, and most of the figures won't be needed.
I agree with you about the date being too late for this.
I know that paizo has to wait for all the artwork to be ready before printing this but that should be the case for some months.
If a Pathfinder battles line containing AP minis comes out i understand it has to sell first but this is not the case.
I would suggest to split the pawns for an AP into 2 parts.
Price it at 11.99 and make it re-sealable and it would be a better product for gamers. :-)
Why is Val Baine Small? I thought she was human. I don't find any rules in Ultimate Campaign/Young Characters saying young characters are one size category smaller; did I miss the rule, or is this some house rule by the maker of the Iron Gods Pawns?
Why is Val Baine Small? I thought she was human. I don't find any rules in Ultimate Campaign/Young Characters saying young characters are one size category smaller; did I miss the rule, or is this some house rule by the maker of the Iron Gods Pawns?
Again, this is a case of game mechanics differing from rule life. Young = smaller. Adult for humans = 16. Younger than 16 thus equals Small.
It's really not much more complex than that, I'd think. Does it make perfect sense? No, not really, humans generally hit Medium earlier. But it's a game, so Young decreases size. -shrug-
I get why they did it, even if other GMs would rule that Val is Medium (I did in my game).
So I was prepping pawns for my Iron Gods campaign on Roll20 and realized this set doesn't seem to have the Smilers from book 2 in it, other than Birdfood. Do they come from another pawn set? I looked through the Bestiary and NPC codex sets and didn't see them.
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Lobolusk wrote:
Stupid Question,
how do I read the little numbers/symbols on the Cards?
If you're referring to the markings on the pawns:
The "IG" indicates it comes from the Iron Gods pawn collection. You can use this to split pawns out to their individual sets after you've mixed them all together.
The number corresponds to the number on the back of the pawn collection cover, which are the same as the numbers in the product description above. You can use this to verify you have all of the pawns, and also to sort them after they've been mixed together with pawns of other sets.
The color allows for differentiating between multiple copies of the same pawn. You and your players can make use of this by calling out the pawn color when saying what targets are attacking or being attacked, for example.
how do I read the little numbers/symbols on the Cards?
If you're referring to the markings on the pawns:
The "IG" indicates it comes from the Iron Gods pawn collection. You can use this to split pawns out to their individual sets after you've mixed them all together.
The number corresponds to the number on the back of the pawn collection cover, which are the same as the numbers in the product description above. You can use this to verify you have all of the pawns, and also to sort them after they've been mixed together with pawns of other sets.
The color allows for differentiating between multiple copies of the same pawn. You and your players can make use of this by calling out the pawn color when saying what targets are attacking or being attacked, for example.