That you (Paizo) and they, in partnership, decided that you need your customers to subsidize development costs is incomprehensible to me. This is a disgusting business model for you to use, and if it speaks to what kind of plans you might have for future projects, it's dire. You seem to have a grave misunderstanding on how much money Paizo makes/has to throw around, especially for a side project.
And, I'm afraid, a misunderstanding of what crowdfunding IS. I wouldn't back some guy named Bubba Hotep's new game unless he had SIGNIFICANT backing by art/dev studios who knew what they were doing. Helping Paizo underwrite something has a significantly better chance of success, and a proven track record of good communication with their community. Yes, there is some potential that it means a better profit margin if enough of the task is underwritten, but investors still get product, and something else they, at least, find value in: supporting their hobby directly and whatever exclusive DLC is involved in the crowdfund. Paizo and partners get both seed money and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, a feel for the depth of interest in the project. Crowdfunding is as much about information gathering as it is investment. The cards are all on the table, and no is making anyone do it. You ask me, this is better than the stock market, where you actually have to be wealthy to get the best benefits.
The AP sets are designed to supplement the Bestiary box sets to fill out what you need to run almost all encounters for the AP. If a given figure needed for the AP appears in a Bestiary box, only enough are added to the AP pawn set to meet the needs of the encounter(s) that use that figure. The primary exception is anything larger than size Huge, which no pawn set covers. A side effect (you decide if it's good or bad) is you get a lot of extras for niche creatures. For example, since I have all the pawn sets, I have enough cloud giants to choke a Great Old One. My binders fear the release of the pawn set for the upcoming Giants AP.
If you're OC about your roleplaying gear, I highly recommend a zipper binder instead of a box. I have all of my pawns in 3-hole transparent card sleeves in alphabetical order. The ones that slide in horizontally are best for size medium and large, while my smalls are in a divided zip organizer that is also 3-hole punched. Huge's are a little more challenging; they fit into sleeves with 2 top facing pockets, but are a little more of a challenge to keep flat. I keep all of my bases in a plastic bag that slides into a pocket on the inside of the binder's front cover. There's no reason you couldn't keep your sets separate by AR and contain the 6 AR books as well (put in something to protect the spines from the rings, though). I use a 3 inch binder for the RotL, Bestiary, and Beginner box sets, but you could probably use a smaller binder for AR division. It's not as cheap as a box for sure, but it makes it far easier to find what you're looking for after you've punched out your pawns.
Joana wrote:
Kradlum wrote:
Just one question, and perhaps a suggestion: How deep is the box that the pawns come in? I'd love to have an AP box that could hold all the 6 AP issues in a series, campaign setting, players guide, flip mat, map cards, bestiary, player companion, pawns and possibly even the GameMastery cards, so I could keep everything neatly organised in one place.
IIRC, there is no box; it's just the pawn sheets shrink-wrapped.
Is it just me, or does Torag seem a little vindictive for a LG deity?
I have another option . . . and some proposed options for a certain deity who has largely been neglected so far.
I know she didn't exist when this mod was written, but I am powerfully drawn to the idea that Torag handed over the adjudication of Glimmerhold to Draangvit, if Helrun didn't simply switch to her worship.
In order to make this useful, I have these suggestions for poor, neglected Draangvit (who doesn't even get a mention in the Inner Sea World Guide):
Portfolio: Bitterness, Envy, Vengeance
Holy Symbol: cold forge, bisected by a jagged line
Law, Earth, Darkness, Destruction, Death
She has no avatar or herald, but the Doomguides are her handmaidens; they serve as her warning that a great wrong has befallen her or one of her favored followers.
Part of the reason for this is I needed to convert Clash of the Kingslayers to use for a size 7 APL12 party of ex-Living Greyhawk mercenary players.
If anyone is interested, I have updated stats suitable for running this adventure at this level.
Please don't think I'm picking on you here, this is a response to more than your post, but I'd love to see your numbers along with a percentage of time they are relevant. It has most definitely NOT been my experience that the paladin is underpowered against evil opponents of any kind vs the pure fighter, sneak attacking rogue, dervish, wizard, tanking cleric, or ranger-archer (all of which I have in a party right now). Every class SHOULD have it's time in the sun, but there are two things I'm having a very difficult time buying:
The paladins code is a downside. How? In role-playing land righteousness still freely grants you qualm-free killing of anyone with a little 'e' attached to their alignment. Others can still be knocked out, punished, jailed, etc. All the paladin has to do is protest a little and get "fooled" into avoiding the other PC's actions for 10 minutes to gain any information benefits non-coded PCs may bring (healing covers torture wounds). It grants LOADS of role-playing opportunities and a valid in-game reason to stand on a moral high ground.
Restricting the paladin's combat benefits to evil opponents is a real restriction. How?
I feel like I'm being told that, if I want to challenge the party as a whole, I need to think non-evil. However, that's not the campaign I want to run. What if I want BAD bad guys, not just morally challenged, insane, or stupid bad guys? I do mix it up, as at least one person here has suggested, but really, unless I'm running a campaign to screw with the player who chose a paladin (elemental, or perhaps a "moral quandary" campaign filled with neutral opponents making the "wrong" choices), we're going to come back to evil 80% or more of the time.
My other option of course, is to either kill or completely incapacitate the paladin as quickly as possible. I've come very close to the former several times because I CAN'T ignore the paladin. At 9th level he's got the whole +6 to hit (16 Cha, Divine Bond), +18 to damage, and bypasses all DR until my baddie is dead. What this does is force me to class a major villain outside the reasonable abilities of other party members to deal with and focus on the paladin in order to make the encounter last longer then 2 rounds. If the paladin goes down quickly (which he must before he can swift-action heal himself), things get MUCH more challenging for the other PCs. Of course, the half orc Ordained Champion of Gorum reluctantly bursting to heal will often just bring the paladin back . . .
I don't like this. I don't want the paladin to commonly be the center of attention in a party of 7, and I don't want the player to feel like I'm picking on him just so I can keep the encounter interesting for the other players.
Essentially, what I'm getting at is that the difference between an evil encounter vs. a neutral encounter becomes ludicrous when you throw a paladin in the mix. Paladins should definitely get their time in the limelight, just not 80% of the time, and not at such a high lumen count that they clearly outclass the other party members; after all, we're talking about a group of Heroes here. Alignment of the bad guys alone should NOT be the deciding factor in who gets to stand out.
Finally, from experience, I can pretty much guarantee that your major encounters opponents (which the paladin saves his smites for) are going to consist largely of evil outsiders, undead, and evil dragons after about 10th level. Anything else requires class levels or advancement, which not all of us have time for.
Not that it matters, but I'm coming from 25+ years playing DnD in all it's incarnations, most of it judging; I tinker with house rules constantly. I should also mention that my players are all Living Greyhawk veterans and absolute sharks at character building and tactics. I generally have to be very creative with encounter design to keep things interesting for them.
Brodiggan Gale wrote:
Well, to each their own, just keep in mind that Paladins sacrifice quite a bit in comparison to the other melee classes in exchange for that enhanced damage vs. specific opponents.
When I ran the numbers during the final beta, paladins were doing roughly 60-65% of the damage of Fighters and Barbarians against non-evil foes, just barely matching them vs. evil foes, and only exceeding the damage of the other melee classes against Demons, Devils, and Dragons.
Suggestion: perhaps feedback would be more forthcoming with one class presented at a time. It's a lot of material to absorb, you know? Just a thought.
But, in an attempt from my first perusal: Why did you discard Cleave for the Dervish and then add the Great Cleave effect back in at the capstone? Or did I miss where you moved Cleave to?
Good point about separating the classes. I was in a hurry.
As for the Great Cleave functionality, I like how the original feat worked, but felt like the prereq (the old Cleave feat) was not terribly useful at the level it is granted at, and had been in any case superseded by a feat with a different feel. I kept the ability, but threw away the name to avoid any confusion with the current Pathfinder Great Cleave feat:
A Thousand Cuts wrote:
The dervish also gains the benefit of an additional attack for each opponent she kills or renders helpless. This additional attack is made at the same BAB as the attack that triggered this benefit and must be taken next in the sequence. The dervish can move 5 feet before taking this additional attack. She does not have to move 5 feet before making any extra attacks granted by this ability.
No one here appears to have mentioned that archers have a pretty decent advantage, period, in the game. They get to full attack much more often than their melee brethren and benefit from a lower risk of getting their hide damaged to boot. In 6 years of LG and 3 in a home campaign I saw lots of v3.x archers, none of whom came off badly vs melee with the current rules for arrows (with the exception facing off against DR x/-, which can now be overcome with Deadly Aim). All carried multiple types of arrows and seemed to get by just fine.
Because it's relatively cheap to pick up, say, 10 arrows for every occasion (bypass 5 types of DR for the cost of a +2 Weapon!), if you make this less expensive, what you really end up doing is cheapening the effect of DR for one specific type of character.
While I'm not opposed to making DR less effective (OK, I am, I actually love DR) if you'e going to do it, you might find a way that benefits characters a little more equitably.
Long story short, archers do not need more advantages; the nature of their weapon makes them more flexible and something needs to stand in the way of them simply outclassing melee types on every front.
tejón wrote:
dulsin wrote:
In that calculation I did forget that to make the enchanted arrows you need master work. So add another 300gp to the cost or 6gp per arrow.
(750+300) / 50 = 21gp
Still allot better and it will make a booming market for all would be fletchers.
6gp for +1 to hit isn't highway robbery at low levels, anyway.
I have some Rise of the Runelords PCs now needing some class updates (or replacements) with the Pathfinder RPG rules conversion. These may seem familiar. For some of these abilities I borrowed from existing sources and modified as necessary.
In general, my aim was to "fill out" the dead or irrelevant parts of these classes, make updates where necessary to fall in line with the Pathfinder rules, and alter the power progression to make these classes harder to cherry pick and more worthwhile to pursue as a path instead of a means to an end.
About the saves: I don't agree with depth of the cut made to saves, so you'll see that the saves here are slightly better than those of other prestige classes. I prefer to use the formula 1/3 levels for "bad" saves and 1 + 1/2 per level for "good" saves, with 1/2 rounded down; as a house rule, I use these all of my save progressions for prestige classes, not just those presented below. Your mileage may differ.
These classes are slightly more powerful than their 3.5 brethren; this is intentional.
I'd love to see any feedback on these alterations. I'm only listing the changes here, so as to avoid any copyright issues. Please not that where I use "same" below, I mean the same as the original text, HOWEVER, in the case of listing the ability name in the table, the name may have stayed the same while the ability text has been altered. In these cases, the changes are noted later in the ability descriptions.
Class Skills
The dervish’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (religion), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Survival (Wis). Dervishes from Western Varisia Katapesh, the River Kingdoms and north of the Kodar mountains add Swim (Str) to this list. Those from the Storval Plateau, Ciderlands, Quadira, Belkzen, Osirion or the Wastelands east of World’s Edge mountains add Ride (Dex) to this list.
Level BAB Fort Ref Will AC Special
1st +1 +0 +1 +1 +1 Same
2nd +2 +1 +2 +2 +1 Same
3rd +3 +1 +2 +2 +1 Same + Commitment to motion
4th +4 +1 +3 +3 +1 Same + Combat acrobatics
5th +5 +2 +3 +3 +2 Same + Spitting Cobra
6th +6 +2 +4 +4 +2 Reaction mastery
7th +7 +2 +4 +4 +2 Same + Spinning lotus
8th +8 +3 +5 +5 +2 Same + Ballon allegro
9th +9 +3 +5 +5 +3 Same
10th +10 +3 +6 +6 +3 Same
Class Features
AC Bonus (Ex): Same
Dervish Dance (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a dervish can dance for a number of rounds per day equal to her ranks in the Perform (Dance) skill. At 2nd level, she may add ½ of her ranks in Acrobatics to the number of rounds she can dance per day. At 3rd level, she may add all of her ranks in Acrobatics instead of only ½. At 4th level and every level thereafter, a dervish adds +2 rounds per level to her total dervish dance rounds for the day.
A dervish cannot perform a dervish dance while under the effect of a rage or other ability that specifies that she loses the use of Dex-or Int- based skills.
A dervish can end her dance as a free action and is fatigued after dancing for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the dance (unless she is at least a 9th level dervish). A dervish cannot enter a new dance while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter a dance multiple times during a single encounter or combat. (no other changes)
Movement Mastery (Ex): A dervish is so certain of her movements that she is unaffected by adverse conditions. When using Acrobatics to avoid attacks of opportunity or jump, or to make Perform (dance) checks, she may take 10 even if stress and distraction would normally prevent her from doing so.
Slashing Blades: Same
Fast Movement (Ex): Same
Spring Attack: At 3rd level, a dervish gains the Spring Attack feat. If she already has the Spring Attack feat, she gains the Wind Stance feat. If she already has the Wind Stance feat, she gains the Lightning Stance feat. The dervish need not meet the requirements to take one of these feats at 3rd level. If the dervish already has Lightning Stance, she can choose any other combat feat she meets the prerequisites for.
Commitment to Motion (Ex): At 3rd level, a dervish adds ½ her class level to Acrobatic checks to avoid attacks of opportunity while dancing.
Cleave: removed
Combat Acrobatics: At 4th level, a dervish gains the bene?t of the Combat Acrobat feat (see PHII p76), even if she does not meet the prerequisites for the feat. Exceptions: the DC for Acrobatic Recover is 25 and the DC for while dancing, The DC for Sure Footed Maneuver is 20.
Spitting Cobra (Ex): At 5th level, a dervish gains an advantage while performing her dance on terrain covered in at least a thin layer of loose fine material including ash, dust, snow, sand, gravel, loose soil, mud, dirty water, pine needles, or similar. Once per round, after moving at least 10 feet during her dance she can supplement one of her attacks against one opponent with kicked up material. If she hits her chosen target, it must make a Fort save DC 10 + ½ the dervish’s character level + dex bonus or be blinded for one round. Once a successful attempt has been made against the target, he is immune to further uses of this attack for the remainder of the encounter. Later targets who see this attack succeed get a +2 on their Fort save to resist. Opponents lacking eyes or who otherwise would not be affected by non-magical weapons are not affected.
Reaction Mastery (Ex): When she attains 6th level, a dervish gains a +2 bonus on initiative rolls. In addition, her Commitment to Motion ability extends to Balance checks made while dancing, and Movement Mastery ability extends to Acrobatics checks to balance at any time, even while not in a dance.
Spinning Lotus (Ex): At 7th level a dervish can use her Spitting Cobra ability to target all creatures within 5 feet. As with Spitting Cobra, she must move at least 10 feet first. All targets in this case are subject to a fortitude save DC 12 + ½ character level + Dex bonus. Those who fail are blinded until the end of the dervish’s next turn. The spinning lotus can only be uses once per dervish dance, but the dervish still retains the ability to use sand dance. As with Spitting Cobra, those who observe the spinning lotus used successfully get a +2 on their Fort save to resist being blinded by Spitting Cobra for this encounter.
Elaborate Parry (Ex): Same
Ballon Allegro (Ex): At 8th level, a dervish has mastered the difficulties of crossing many types of impeding terrain. She can traverse snow, ice, sand, scree, and light rubble without penalty as though they were not difficult terrain.
Tireless Dance: Same
A Thousand Cuts (Ex): Same, except language has been changed to grant an ability similar to the old Great Cleave ability.
Hit Die: d10
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +1 +1 +0 Same
2nd +2 +2 +2 +1 Same
3rd +3 +2 +2 +1 Same + Feral power, fast healing, Primal Endurance +4
4th +4 +3 +3 +1 Same + Feral power, Primal Endurance +4
5th +5 +3 +3 +2 Same + Primal Endurance +4
6th +6 +4 +4 +2 Feral power, Unwavering Focus, Primal Endurance +4
7th +7 +4 +4 +2 Same + Primal Endurance +3
8th +8 +5 +5 +3 Feral power, Primal Endurance +3
9th +9 +5 +5 +3 Feyheart, Primal Endurance +3
10th +10 +6 +6 +3 Feral power, Primal Endurance +2, Predatory Gestalt
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level): Acrobatics, Climb, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Stealth, Survival, Swim.
Fast Movement (Ex): Same
Trackless Step (Ex): Same
Primal Scream (Su): At 2nd level, you become able to bring forth the power of your inherent connection with nature and the first world, you release this power with a blood-chilling scream. Releasing a primal scream is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A primal scream induces a state of feral focus requiring intense concentration. This focus can be maintained for only a limited number of rounds per day. The number of times a feral focus can be invoked is restricted only by this round limit At 1st level, a wildrunner can maintain her feral focus for a number of rounds per day equal to 8 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 2nd, Primal endurance adds additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a wildrunner can rage per day. Using a primal scream always requires you to shout, so you cannot use a primal scream if you cannot speak, although you may be able to overcome magical silence to activate your feral focus by making a Will save just as a spell caster does to overcome magical silence. See the silence spell for details. Note there is no 20% failure chance to activate this ability if you succeed on the Will save, but additional feral power effects (such as fear) that depend on others being able to hear the primal scream automatically fail.
In this state of feral focus, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength and a +6 bonus to Dexterity. In addition, your jaw elongates and your teeth become razor-sharp; you gain a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if you are Small, or 1d8 if you are Large). You can wield a weapon in one or both hands at your normal attack bonus and make a secondary bite attack, but in that case the bite attack is treated like a secondary natural attack and takes a -5 attack penalty (or -2 with the Multiattack feat). As an exception to the normal rules for combining natural and melee weapon attacks, there is no penalty to your melee attacks for using your bite. You add ½ your strength bonus to the damage for a successful bite in this case instead of 1 ½ times your bonus. A wildrunner can make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain or break free from a grapple. This attack is resolved before the grapple check is made. If the bite attack hits, any grapple checks made by the wildrunner against the target this round are at a +2 bonus. If you also have the rage class feature, you can rage and use your primal scream at the same time, gaining the bene?ts of both abilities. Feral powers that largely duplicate the effects of rage powers do not stack with those powers.
In addition to these effects, a primal scream confers additional benefits as you gain levels and add feral powers, as described below. All effects are cumulative.
Primal Endurance (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, the wildrunner increases the number of rounds per day she can maintain a feral focus. At levels 3rd - 6th level the number of rounds per day increases by +4 per level. At levels 7th - 9th this endurance increases by +3 per level. Thereafter, a wildrunner's primal endurance increases by +2 rounds per level. Primal Scream allows the wildrunner to meet the prerequisite for the Extra Rage feat, and this feat can be used to add additional rounds of feral focus. If the wildrunner also has barbarian levels, she must choose which ability (Rage or Feral Focus) the feat applies to. Once made the choice cannot be changed.
Feral powers (Ex): As a Wildrunner gains levels, she learns to use her primal scream in new ways. Starting at 3nd level, a wildrunner gains a feral power. She gains another feral power at 4th level and every two levels of wildrunner attained thereafter. A wildrunner gains the benefits of feral powers only while in a feral focus, and some of these powers require the wildrunner to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a wildrunner cannot select an individual power more than once. All primal powers are cumulative.
Primacy of the Storm Roc (Ex): While focusing, the wildrunner is immune to the shaken condition and reduces other fear effects by one level. She also gains a single additional save (or one save if the effect does not normally allow one) as a free action to completely overcome the fear effect as soon as the primal scream is activated or the effect begins. A wildrunner must be at least 7th level before selecting this rage power.
Primacy of the Aurouchs (Ex): The wildrunner gains damage reduction 3/cold iron. This benefit is always active while the wildrunner is in a feral focus. A wildrunner can select this focus power twice. Its effects stack.
Primacy of the Razorback (Ex): While focusing, the wildrunner is immune to the sickened and nauseated conditions. If the wildrunner is already has one of these conditions, it is suppressed during the duration of the feral focus. Also either as soon as the wildrunner begins her primal scream or when she is affected by the sickened or nauseated condition while focusing, she gets a second save to permanently cancel the effect.
Primacy of the Nightwing (Ex): The wildrunner's senses grow incredibly sharp while focusing and she gains darkvision 60 feet. A wildrunner must have low-light vision as a class feature or racial trait to select this focus power.
Primacy of the Reynard (Ex): The wildrunner can move up to double her normal speed as an immediate action but she can only use this ability when an adjacent foe uses a withdraw action to move away from her. She must end her movement adjacent to the enemy that used the withdraw action. The wildrunner provokes attacks of opportunity as normal during this movement. This power can only be used once per focus.
Primacy of the Firepelt (Ex): When focusing, the wildrunner adds twice her wildrunner level as an enhancement bonus on all Swim and Climb skill checks. She also gains +4 to Stealth as long as she moves no more than ½ her speed. This bonus cannot exceed the wildrunner's character level.
Primacy of the Gibbon (Ex): While focusing, the wildrunner adds +4 to all Climb checks and twice her wildrunner level as an enhancement bonus on all Acrobatics skill checks made to balance or jump. This bonus cannot exceed the wildrunner's character level. When making a jump in this way, the wildrunner is always considered to have a running start. When balancing, a successful check allows the Wildrunner to move at full speed. In a forest, jungle or other area trees, the wildrunner gains the ability of brachiation, allowing her to swing from branch to branch. Trees can be no more than 30 feet apart to use this ability. The wildrunner's speed is the same as her land speed + 10 ft. while using this ability. Finally, the wildrunner also gains a +4 competence bonus to Acrobatic checks to avoid attacks of opportunity.
Primacy of the Black Sable (Ex): The wildrunner gains a +1 dodge bonus to her Armor Class against ranged attacks for a number of rounds equal to the wildrunner's current Dexterity modifier (minimum 1). This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 levels the wildrunner has attained. Activating this ability is a swift action.
Primacy of the Kodiak (Ex): The wildrunner adds her wildrunner level on one Strength check or combat maneuver check, or to her Combat Maneuver Defense when an opponent attempts a maneuver against her. This power is used as an immediate action. This power can be used twice per focus.
Primacy of the Id (Ex): The wildrunner gains a +2 morale bonus on saving throws made to resist spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 wildrunner levels.
Primacy of the Gulon (Ex): The wildrunner gains a +1 morale bonus on one attack roll. This bonus increases by +1 for every 2 levels the wildrunner has attained. This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit is made. This power can be used twice per focus.
Primacy of the Rock Cayman (Ex): The wildrunner gains a +2 circumstance bonus on all damage rolls made in the current round. This bonus increases by +1 for every 2 levels the wildrunner has attained. This power is used as a swift action. This power can be used twice per focus.
Primacy of the Savannah King (Ex): If you charge a foe in the same round that you scream, you may make a full attack, instead of the normal single attack allowed after a charge. If you succeed in hitting your foe at least once during this first pounce, you may make a second pounce attack once more during your feral focus. A wildrunner must be at least 6th level to select this power.
Primacy of the Onyx Claw (Ex): The wildrunner gains a 10-foot enhancement bonus to her speed. This increase is always active while the wildrunner is focusing. A wildrunner can select this focus power up to two times. Its effects stack.
Primacy of the Timber Ghost (Ex): When the wildrunner unleashes her primal scream, all enemies within 30 feet must make a Will save (DC equal to 10 + the wildrunner's level + the wildrunner's newly adjusted Dexterity modifier) or be shaken for the duration of the wildrunner's feral focus. Once an enemy has made a save versus terrifying scream (successful or not), it is immune to this power for 24 hours. Enemies with more hit dice than the wildrunner are immune to her terrifying scream. If the wildrunner is at least 8th level, enemies who fail their save are frightened instead of shaken, or if they have less than ½ the wildrunner's hit dice, they are cowering. A wildrunner must be at least 4th level before selecting this power.
Primacy of the Cinder Asp (Ex): The wildrunner can make an attack of opportunity against a foe that moves into any square threatened by the wildrunner, regardless of whether or not that movement would normally provoke an attack of opportunity. This attack does not count against the wildrunner's normal number of attacks of opportunity. If the wildrunner uses her bite to make this attack and succeed, she does an additional 2d6 fire damage. This power can only be used once per focus.
Scent (Ex): Same
Fast Healing (Ex): At 3rd level, when you activate your primal scream you gain fast healing 3 for the duration of your feral focus, as long as you have at least 1 hit point. Fast healing increases by 1 for every level past 3rd to a maximum of fast healing 10 at 10th level.
Endure Elements (Sp): Starting at 3rd level, you can use endure elements on yourself at will. Your caster level is equal to your wildrunner class level. At 5th level, when you use endure elements, you also gain cold resistance 5. At 7th level, you also gain fire resistance 5.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Same
Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Same
Unwavering Focus (Ex): Beginning at 6th level, your feral focus sharpens to a point where it cannot be denied to you. You no longer need to make a check to overcome silence when starting your focus with a primal scream. In addition, you remain conscious below zero hit points up to the negative of your Constitution score instead of only ½ your constitution score.
Unfettered Stride (Ex): At 7th level, you gain the ability to move through or across a variety of terrain features without it affecting your movement or skill checks. This ability applies to bogs, rubble, undergrowth, ice sheets, and natural stone floors.
Feyheart: Same + DR stacks with any damage reduction gained during a feral focus. Your low-light vision doubles in effectiveness, allowing you to see four times as far in low light as normal. Once during each feral focus, a wildrunner can expend a round of focus from her daily allotment to teleport up to 40 feet as a move action if it begins its turn adjacent to a tree, treant, or plant of size large or larger.
Predatory Gestalt: At 10th level, you become able to immerse yourself within your mystic bond with nature and come close to touching The Brightness. You gain an additional +2 bonus to both Dex and Str while in a feral focus. You also become extremely difficult to control regardless of whether you are in a feral focus or not. You gain +4 to all saves to resist a mind effecting compulsion, and an additional save to break any compulsion or fear effect you are subject to in the round following an initial failure to save against such an effect. If the effect does not grant a save, you are granted a single single save when the effect takes hold.
Finally, you can expend 8 rounds of your remaining feral focus time as a swift action to assume a hybrid form of any predatory animal or magical beast as though you were using the Beast Form IV spell. You retaining your bipedal humanoid shape but gain all abilities and physical characteristics (including size, fur, wings, claws, tail, etc.) of the new form that are compatible with being a bipedal humanoid. You also retain the ability to use weapons and all magic items and armor function normally for you, although all of your armor and clothing are actually subsumed into your new form. You must assume this form in the same round that you activate your feral focus with a primal scream, and the duration is limited to the time you spend in a feral focus. When the focus ends, you change back to your normal form as a free action. Changing to or from your other form does not heal you. You can use this ability up to twice per day, but only if you have enough feral focus rounds remaining to attain the change and spend at least two rounds in that form.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to beg for pity from the staff. Somewhere, I know there are a whole series of notes and lists details the delta made to the system; there's also likely a good justification for every last change. Even some of that would be exceedingly valuable in allowing us to wrap our minds around how we need to change our thinking. I love the new core rule book, and love the links in the PDF even more. But it's just too big to read all the way through and prep my players and I for the changes we need to get used to in a few weeks time.
You guys really going to still go ahead with this when Paizo already made an official 3.5 to Pathfinder conversion guide? It's already got pretty much all of the changes, and is put together in a nice pretty PDF that you can print off and give to your players.
I wish that were the case. The conversion document covers major changes only, not the 1001 rules and nuanced subtleties you thought you knew but can now no longer assume. It's very much like the conversion from 3.0 to 3.5. We must unlearn what we have learned . . . and the best (and, or course, most painful) way to do it to to go through all 575 pages, holding the PHB or DMG up in the the other hand, comparing as you go.
heaven help you, if you, like I, also have 20+ pages of house rules that have to be revamped and checked for consistency.
Here's just a few examples from races and classes:
All mixed races are considered both for affects related to race. Races no longer have individual favored classes, per se. (see classes, below).
Dwarf: +2 Wis. Automatic proficiency w/battleaxe, heavy pick, warhammer. Any weapon with “Dwarven” in name is treated as martial.
Elf: +2 Int. +2 bonus to CL checks to overcome spell resistance. +2 to spellcraft checks to identify magic items. NO AUTOMATIC CHECK TO FIND SECRET DOORS. Weapons with “Elven” in name are considered martial.
Gnome: +2 Cha. Weapons with “Gnome” in name are considered martial. +1 bonus against goblinoids and reptilian humanoids (not just Kobolds). +2 to Perception checks (not just listen). +2 bonus to Craft or profession skill of choice (not specifically to alchemy).
Half-Elf: +2 to any one ability score. Choose two favored classes; gain +1 hp or skill point per level takin in one of these classes. Skill focus as a bonus feat an 1st level. +2 Bonus to Perception (instead of +1). No bonus to Diplomacy/Gather information.
Half-Orc: +2 to any one ability score. +2 to Intimidate. Once per day, can fight for 1 round past going below 0 hp. Proficient with greataxes and falchions. Weapons with “Orc” in name are considered martial.
Halfling: +2 Cha. +2 Perception, Acrobatics, and Climb. Automatically proficient with slings, weapons with “Halfling” in the name are considered martial. NO bonus with thrown weapons or slings.
Human: +2 to any one ability score.
A character’s favored class is chosen when created and cannot thereafter be changed. This is often the class the character starts with, but need not be. For each level a character takes in his favored class, he can choose to gain +1 hp or +1 skill point. Prestige classes cannot be favored classes.
The Concentration and Use Rope skills are no more and no longer appears on any class skill lists. Other skills have been combined; their removal or replacement is listed below
There are no “bonus” skill points at 1st level. Instead, any skill with at least one rank adds +3 to the skill bonus.
• Skills – expanded by Acrobatics and Perception to grant spot/search/tumble/balance
• Rage – Cannot use Int/Dex/Cha based skills (except Fly, Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride) or abilities that require thought or concentration. Rage Points and Powers replace the Rages per day system. Basic Rage benefits/penalties do not change.
• Skills – Add Intimidate. Bardic Knowledge now grants the ability to make knowledge checks untrained and adds ½ bard level to all Knowledge checks (replaces previous abilities). A number of abilities (Lore Master, Jack of All Trades
• Slightly better spell progression and number of spells known
• Bardic Music is 4 + 2/level after first + Cha bonus rounds per day instead of number of times per day. Start as a standard action, but free action to maintain; limited to one effect at a time. Switching effects is a standard action. Only interruptible by stun, paralyzed, unconscious or physically prevention. Abilities are gained at a particular level, not minimum perform ranks.
• *Distraction at 1st; *Versatile Performance, *Well-Versed at 2nd; Inspire Competence increases +1/4 levels beyond 3rd; slightly different progression for Inspire Courage. Inspire Greatness has slightly better progression. *Dirge of Doom at 8th; *Jack of all Trades, *Versatile Performance at 10th; Lore Master at 11th; *Soothing Performance at 12th; *Frightening Tune at 14th; *Deadly Performance at 20th. Starred (*) items are new abilities.
• NO Song of Freedom ability
• Skills – Add Appraise, Knowledge (Nobility), Linguistics, Sense Motive.
• Spell progression tops off earlier for lower level spells (4 vs 5). Clerics can cast an unlimited number of zero level spells per day.
• Channel Energy REPLACES Turn Undead.
• Domains grant abilities and bonus spells, but abilities are completely different (and tiered by cleric level) from the 3.5 versions. Some spell list variations as well.
• Proficient with the favored weapon of their diety regardless of domains chosen.
• Add Scythe to weapon list
• Skills – Add Fly, Knowledge (Geography), Spellcraft; REMOVE DIPLOMACY
• Spells – Spells per day progression tops out at 4, not 5. Druids can cast an unlimited number of zero level spells per day.
• Nature’s Bond ability at 1st level allows choosing either an animal companion or one of these spell domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water or Weather; choice cannot later be changed. Animal companion choices and their progression are different
• Resist Nature’s Lure now applies its save bonus against spells that utilize or target plants.
• Wild Shape is gained at 4th level and is significantly different in progression and execution
• Skills – Add Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge Engineering, Profession, Survival; REMOVE JUMP
• Bravery – at 2nd level, fighters add +1 +1/4 levels after 1st to saves vs fear; Armor Training – reduce armor check penalties by 1 at 3rd and 1 per 4 levels thereafter; Weapon Training – add bonuses to attack/damage/combat maneuvers with chosen groups of weapons at 5th and every 4 levels thereafter; add Armor Mastery at 19th and Weapon Mastery at 20th levels.
• Skills – Add Intimidate, Knowledge (History), REMOVE DIPLOMACY, KNOWLEDGE (ARCANA)
• Weapons – add short spear, spear, and short sword.
• Read the whole class. Carefully. And the conversion document. It’s chock full of differences. For starters, AC Bonus and Flurry of Blows progress differently.
• Skills – Add Spellcraft
• Spells – slightly better spell progression.
• Smite Evil is a swift action. Damge is 1/class level, or 2/class level vs creatures with the evil subtype, evil-aligned dragons, or undead. Smite evil bypasses any DR possessed by the creature. The effects last until the target is dead. Times per day = 1 + 1 per 3 levels past 1st.
• Lay on Hands is usable a number of times per day up to ½ her Paladin level. Effect is healing 1d6 per two paladin levels or harming undead for same amount (touch attack, no save). Standard action to use on others, swift action to use on self.
• Mercy – at 3rd level, the Lay on Hands ability has additional beneficial effects, such as removing conditions.
• Channel Positive Energy – at 4th level, the paladin can channel positive energy like a cleric of her level; this consumes two uses of Lay on Hands.(limited only by number of Lay on Hands attempts left). REPLACES Turn Undead
• Divine Bond – choose a mount or make a weapon extra special. REPLACES Special Mount. The special mount is treated like a druid’s companion.
• Aura of Resolve at 8th level; Aura of Justice at 11th level; Aura of Faith at 14th level; Aura of Righteousness at 17th level; Holy Champion at 20th level.
• REMOVE Remove Disease.