Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)
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Untold Horrors!

Confront the creatures that go bump in the night! Bestiary 4 presents hundreds of new monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this tome of terrors you'll find pitiless psychopomps and blood-drinking nosferatu, insectile formians and faceless nightgaunts, and even unique mythological horrors like Spring- Heeled Jack and Grendel himself. Yet not every creature need be an enemy, as mighty empyreal lords, primeval outer dragons, and valorous swan maidens enlist you in their epic battles!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 is the fourth indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters
  • Creatures from classic horror literature and monster films, including the colour out of space, elder things, and kaiju
  • New player-friendly races like changelings, kitsune, and nagaji
  • Entities of mythic might, from despotic demon lords and alien elohim to terrifying Great Old Ones—including Cthulhu!
  • New creatures you can construct, like clockworks and juggernauts
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
  • New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters
  • Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat
  • Challenges for every adventure and every level of play
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-575-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)

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The Horror Takes Center Stage....


This edition of the Bestiary series brings all the worst nightmares, not found in a traditional fantasy setting alive! Despite the horror feel, they work in any genre you might be playing. By far my favorite of the Bestiary series! The sheer creativity of the Paizo team explodes in this awesome collection of crazy!

An RPG Resource Review


Herein is a fine and fascinating array of monsters, most with supernatural aspects and worthy of songs and legends... indeed it is suggested that to make the most of them you should be also using the Mythic Adventures rules. Fitting adversaries for those who fancy themselves as such legendary heroes, perhaps...

The Introduction is mainly explanation of how each monster entry is presented, complete with handy icons used to enable you to tell at a glance the creature type and the terrain and climate that it favours. These are supplemented by appendices that list them by CR, terrain and so on thus enabling you to populate a chosen area with ease. Other appendices deal with special abilities and other details, including a fascinating section on monster creation, another on monster advancement and one on monsters as player-characters.

The main bulk of the book is composed of an alphabetical listing of the monsters. Each comes with a colour illustration and stat block, with plenty of detail and description to enable you to work out suitable uses for it and how it will behave when encountered by the party.

Beginning with the abaia, an eel with a strong regard for the environment which acts as guardian to a body of water... and turns quite nasty if you do not respect the lake it inhabits (it doesn't mind people who take only what they need, it is those who abuse nature that upsets them), there follows a fascinating array of creatures.

The almiraj, for example, looks like a cross between a rabbit and a unicorn, but it's no fluffy bunny! If nothing else, anything slain by its horn is turned to stone so if the poor almiraj wants to eat whatever it has attacked (it's apparently a carnivore), it has to eat its prey alive.

One of the weirdest is the colour out of space. This is an eerie radient incorporeal ooze that leaches life out of its surroundings until it reaches maturity, at which time it departs into the interstellar depths from which it came. If that's not enough for you, the Great Old Ones are here, so if you wish to combat Cthulhu or Hastur or the like, now you can... if you dare. Most have cults associated with them, details of which are also given.

If it's monsters out of legend that you want, there are beings such as Grendel, if you prefer more mundane ones there are gremlins or even giraffes! Undead too, and an alchemist's error called a hungry flesh, a giant ooze. To cap it all, how about an immortal ichor, which is an intelligent mass of blood from a dead evil deity...

This is indeed a collection of monsters rich and strange, ones whose very being deserve a song or story, never mind those that will be written when heroes defeat them in battle!

Lots of fun new monsters!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Bestiary 4 contains over 300 new monsters. All the monster types are represented, although some more than others. There are many of the standards found in every Bestiary—new dinosaurs, devils, dragons—but also many unusual and bizarre creatures. It has provided me with lots of new options to throw at my players, and that’s always a good thing.


The Bestiary 4 for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game has been one of the more favorites of the Bestiary series for me and I'd like to take a moment to tell you why.

To start, the Bestiary 4 has added everything from new types of fey to additional golems as well as the more prominent and popular Kaiju, Great Old Ones, and Empyreal Lords. Paizo's inclusion of these creatures that've gone on to become pop culture legends in their own right is a direct result of the designer's dedication to getting their monsters right. The Bestiary 4 is an awesome sourcebook and stands right up there with the Bestiary 3 in terms of 'fantasy verisimilitude,' hardening gamers resolve against such villainous foes as Cthulhu himself.

Not every book is a perfect image of idolatry however and the Bestiary 4 is no exception. While it's true that this book is littered with new baddies for your players to chase and new races for their characters to face, it is also bogged down with what seems to be an over-saturation of multiple page monsters. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does seem as if several of these creatures could've used a proverbial trimming before being posted.

If you don't mind a bit of length though and you want more vile beasts for your players to square off against then the Bestiary 4 is yet another wonderful book to add to your collection and one that comes Five-Star recommended by your Severed Ronin.

Robert Beasley
"The Severed Ronin"

You probably know if you need this


This is a good Bestiary. I'd personally put it up with Bestiary 3, with both having a good mix of classic, mythological, and completely new monsters.

There's a bit of a horror them and a bit of a mythic theme, but neither is overwhelming. If you're looking for a whole book of mythic monsters, this isn't it. If you're worried the whole book is mythic monsters, there aren't that many in practice.

For me, the evocative flavor on the high CR creatures pushes it over the top. The demon lords, empyreals, and great old ones really feel like epic creatures.

If you're sure you don't need any more monsters... don't buy this book. That said, I wasn't sure if I needed any more monsters and was definitely impressed by this.

Short Version: These are sweet monsters, but only you know whether you want more monsters.

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James Jacobs strongly implied that Hastur will be statted out alongside Cthulhu.

...Oh no, I SAID HIS NAME!

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Axial wrote: estions-Here#37328

James Jacobs strongly implied that Hastur will be statted out alongside Cthulhu.

...Oh no, I SAID HIS NAME!

It's okay, Hastur only comes out when you say "Hastur" three times. Hastur won't appear on the first mention.

Heretical Zed wrote:
Axial wrote: estions-Here#37328

James Jacobs strongly implied that Hastur will be statted out alongside Cthulhu.

...Oh no, I SAID HIS NAME!

It's okay, Hastur only comes out when you say "Hastur" three times. Hastur won't appear on the first mention.

Just make sure you don't say

"Pazuzu Pazuzu Pazuzu" and you'll be fine.

Speaking of saying a creatures name three times I would like to see a monster with the personality and abilities of Beetlejuice.

Well if we are getting Hastur and Cthulhu then what will be the third old one, Bokrug, Mhar, or Xhamen-Dor.

Brutal Ben wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
If the release date is the 30th then subscribers would get it 7-8 days earlier so it wouldn't be next week.
I think Paizo lost control of their shipping goblins again. This usually happens every time a popular Pathfinder hardcover is about to get released.

Yup, I seem to recall them stating in another thread that it could take them up to two weeks to get all of this month's subscription orders shipped, so holding back the public release of the book until end of the month makes sense.

I think James has said that Mhar and Xhamen-Dor are too tied into Golarion for a setting neutral book

My guess would be Bokrug, or they negotiated with Chaosium for Ithaqua or something similar.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nylarotep in the guise of the Black Pharaoh would be terrifyingly awesome ....

Grand Lodge

Dragon78 wrote:
If the release date is the 30th then subscribers would get it 7-8 days earlier so it wouldn't be next week.

Actually this is according to Sara Marie and her monthly message to subscribers and the like in the Customer Service section of the forums!!

So no... it would NOT be 7-8 days earlier as Dragon78 mentioned. But as early as NEXT week. Getting the shipping notice and the ability to download it could come as early as next week as well depending if anyone got their shipping notice yet.

Dragon78.. so no I am not BSing anyone :)

Shadow Lodge

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Nylarotep in the guise of the Black Pharaoh would be terrifyingly awesome ....

Nyarly would be a full god, and thus beyond mere stat blocks.


Kthulhu wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Nylarotep in the guise of the Black Pharaoh would be terrifyingly awesome ....
Nyarly would be a full god, and thus beyond mere stat blocks.

I know Nyarl is a full god, but both in Golarion and in Lovecraft's works, Nyarl "visits" planets in various forms, just because he can.

Maybe the Black Pharaoh is a CR 30 Old One and destroying it just sends Nyarl's consciousness back into the Dark Tapestry until it feels like creating a new mask to wear among mortals.

Grand Lodge

Matt Thomason wrote:
Brutal Ben wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
If the release date is the 30th then subscribers would get it 7-8 days earlier so it wouldn't be next week.
I think Paizo lost control of their shipping goblins again. This usually happens every time a popular Pathfinder hardcover is about to get released.
Yup, I seem to recall them stating in another thread that it could take them up to two weeks to get all of this month's subscription orders shipped, so holding back the public release of the book until end of the month makes sense.

Ok here is the official Paizo shipping information for subscribers. Just as an FYI :)

The thread itself can be found here...✪ October Subscription Shipping ✪.
Sara Marie wrote:

After a fairly quiet September, October is near and with it are lots of new releases! It's shaping up to be a pretty big month with both a card game release and a hardcover release. Currently we estimate the main Paizo subscription shipment to take about two weeks to ship to all of our subscribers. We are making preparations in both customer service and the warehouse to help handle the higher workload. Comics are out a bit earlier than the main Paizo Subscription shipment and for those who choose to "ship as soon as possible" they will be shipping prior to the main shipment.


  • Products
    Pathfinder #9
    Goblins! #3
  • Authorization (Order Spawning) Date: October 2nd
  • Begin Shipping Estimate: October 3rd
  • End Shipping Estimate: October 4th

Battles Miniatures:
(Shipping with Paizo Subscriptions where applicable).

  • Products
    Legends of Golarion
  • Authorization (Order Spawning) Estimated Date: October 11th
  • Begin Shipping Estimate: October 15th
  • End Shipping Estimate: October 25th

Paizo New Releases

  • Products
    Adventure Path #75: Demon's Heresy
    Player Companion: Blood of the Moon
    Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea
    Tales: Stalking the Beast
    Adventure Card Game: The Skinsaw Murders Adventure Deck
    Map Pack: Dungeon Corridors
    Flip-Mat: Seedy Tavern
    Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL) Hardcover
    Pawns: Reign of Winter Adventure Path Pawn Collection

  • Authorization (Order Spawning) Estimated Date: October 11th
  • Begin Shipping Estimate: October 15th
  • End Shipping Estimate: October 25th

Street Dates for October Releases

  • Comic: Goblins! #3 10/2
  • Comic: Pathfinder #9 10/9
  • Battles Miniatures: Legends of Golarion 10/16

So while someone might have seen something or other in another thread or two.. this is the official answer. It has not really been pushed back or anything. This is normal though for something like this with alot of stuff coming out as mentioned :)

Dark Archive

So I'm playing a mid-high level character who builds a lot of clockworks and constructs and is expecting a huge cash windfall in the next couple sessions.

What do I have to look forward to? ;]

It would be kind of funny if one of the PCs was a Cleric of Hastur (or any spell-granting evil deity) and they end up fighting him. One of two things could happen...

A) The deity cuts off his power

B) The Cleric betrays his party

EDIT: Also, how is it that Madness is not one of Hastur's domains?

Hastur looks awesome, but please tell me that creature isn't gargantuan but just Normal or Large.

I kinda dislike a creature you can summon by calling it sname 3 times and then some that crushes the entire building shows up.

I'm also not a fan of bigger than gargantuan creatures so if its colossal i'm already done with it.

So has anyone gotten there "will be shipping soon" email yet?

I doubt it'll happen until tomorrow. They need to get their auth process done first, and the current estimate for that is tonight.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gancanagh wrote:

Hastur looks awesome, but please tell me that creature isn't gargantuan but just Normal or Large.

I kinda dislike a creature you can summon by calling it sname 3 times and then some that crushes the entire building shows up.

I'm also not a fan of bigger than gargantuan creatures so if its colossal i'm already done with it.

are you kidding, I wish their was something even bigger like super colossal!

Authorizations began on Friday, as expected. At least, I got my "in the next week or so" email on Friday.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Osha dombrowski wrote:
Gancanagh wrote:

Hastur looks awesome, but please tell me that creature isn't gargantuan but just Normal or Large.

I kinda dislike a creature you can summon by calling it sname 3 times and then some that crushes the entire building shows up.

I'm also not a fan of bigger than gargantuan creatures so if its colossal i'm already done with it.

are you kidding, I wish their was something even bigger like super colossal!

Then you would love the Oliphaunt of Jandelay, standing thousands of feet tall.

Lucky, I haven't gotten mine and didn't expect to get it till this Friday when they changed the release date to the 30th. But if that is the case then some lucky people will be getting there pdf this week after all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm so glad there is pokemon Y, so I can wait relaxed while playing pokemon (lol) and then it will be bestiary time in no time and no spoilers cuz pokemon keeps me buzzy.

are you kidding, I wish their was something even bigger like super colossal!

I'm creating my own pathfinder pawns for private use, and colossal and bigger ones I have no use for.

I'm just not like other people, most people like colossal things, I like them small, medium, large and huge..

Sadly I haven't gotten my email yet. Gotten remain patient!

Silver Crusade

making wedding plans

Mikaze wrote:
making wedding plans

Sorry, but I saw the Bestiary 4 first! You can't marry it!!

ponders how to exact my revenge while I pass the time

Silver Crusade

Ménage à trois?

What about a polyamorous (wrong as Latin+Greek is) religious-civil <insert number of customers here>-way union?

That way it's still intimate, can be quite a clean and safe environment, and yet still let that openness and freedom be explored!

... nah, fight it out. In jello. (With whipped cream.) Pix, pls.

(Water balloons are optional.)

Silver Crusade

Tacticslion wrote:

What about a polyamorous (wrong as Latin+Greek is) religious-civil <insert number of customers here>-way union?

That way it's still intimate, can be quite a clean and safe environment, and yet still let that openness and freedom be explored!

... nah, fight it out. In jello. (With whipped cream.) Pix, pls.

(Water balloons are optional.)


Okay cool. I got my email. Now to play the waiting game :)

So people that not get the PDF get it today? Please say no. I want them to suffer like I have, not getting the book before the 30th of october.

This is just the confirmation email that it'll get charged to my account. Chances are, the subscribers will get their PDFs later this week, if not early next week.

Don't worry. As soon as I get my copy, I'll be sure to describe it here in excruciating detail just for you :D

Sorry but you can download your subscriber PDF as soon as the book ships, certainly well before the 30th. And I anticipate having the dead tree version in my hands before then too :)

What Odraude said :)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Rysky wrote:
Ménage à trois?

I can barely manage myself.



Mikaze wrote:


Rysky wrote:
Ménage à trois?

I can barely manage myself.



Let me rephrase the above. I only got my email confirming that it's set to be charged to my account. It'll still be a bit before I get my PDF.

Sorry :(

Silver Crusade

Like a little detail like that is going to keep me from bouncing off the walls. ;)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, stats for Earth Ponies. Guess Paizo will get the other pony variants in Bestiary 5, sneaky sneaky!

Also, the way Cthulhu really looks like will blow Mikaze's mind. Those garters and suspenders, who would have thought?

Ah, and Voiuvre with old artwork, not that there was anything wrong with it.

Gorbacz wrote:

Ah, and Voiuvre with old artwork, not that there was anything wrong with it.

Nice try dirt-bag-full-o-teeth. Not falling for it. :p

And that old art isn't doing Vouivre any good, it will never be peoples favorite with that artwork.

Odraude wrote:

This is just the confirmation email that it'll get charged to my account. Chances are, the subscribers will get their PDFs later this week, if not early next week.

Don't worry. As soon as I get my copy, I'll be sure to describe it here in excruciating detail just for you :D

Meeeeehhhh, some of us are still waiting for our confirmation mails.

<shakes fist> :)

I'm sitting patiently by the PC all day today, cause the second I get an order number I need to make a post requesting a change and am a bit nervous it could get sent out before I get the chance otherwise.

<glues eyes to screen and checks email repeatedly>

Gorbacz wrote:

Oh, stats for Earth Ponies. Guess Paizo will get the other pony variants in Bestiary 5, sneaky sneaky!

Also, the way Cthulhu really looks like will blow Mikaze's mind. Those garters and suspenders, who would have thought?

Ah, and Voiuvre with old artwork, not that there was anything wrong with it.

I'm imagining a good Cthulhu with loving parents that's simply misunderstood now ;)

He just wants a hug.

I got my "will be shipping in the next week or so" email around 2:30am.

Woohoo! Got my order confirmation. Hopefully I'll have my shipping email by the end of the week. Last time only took three days or so, so finders crossed it'll happen again.

This and Blood of the Moon are the books I'm most excited for.

got my notice for this and Demon Heresy. Demon Heresy should be a nice PDF read until the hardcopy of bestiary arrives...

I hope I get my PDF by Thursday.

New Monsters

Ok, finally i'm seeing a LOT of monsters I had wished for!

Alpluachra! Tikbalang! JACK O LANTERN!!!!

Jeez I love that art!

Next week ARGUS in the bestiary 4 preview! COOL!

Dragon78 is gonna HATE that Alpluachra, he wanted the little fairy type :-p I love this parasite version!

the Transformer reference sounds more like a hint for the Colossi

MMCJawa wrote:
the Transformer reference sounds more like a hint for the Colossi

?? where do you see that?

Gancanagh wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
the Transformer reference sounds more like a hint for the Colossi
?? where do you see that?

Final line of the latest preview blog:

"That’s all for this week. Next week, we will close out our look at Bestiary 4 with a foe that is more than meets the eye!"

More than meets the eye is a recurring line from the Transformers theme song. My immediate thought on reading that was that it would be Colossi.

It must be colossi then, argus is of course more for people like me, that like alternate things and uncommon original things.

Colossi is more like a charizard/wolverine/scorpion & sub-zero/Ryu monster that attents the big crowd.

Anyway i'm happy the tooth fairy had a chance to shine.

Shadow Lodge

Gancanagh wrote:

New Monsters

Ok, finally i'm seeing a LOT of monsters I had wished for!

Alpluachra! Tikbalang! JACK O LANTERN!!!!

Jeez I love that art!

Next week ARGUS in the bestiary 4 preview! COOL!

Dragon78 is gonna HATE that Alpluachra, he wanted the little fairy type :-p I love this parasite version!

Okay I'm going to have to google up the krang monster and the horse nightmare looking thing but JACK O' LANTERN!

Our Carrion crown game is going to be leaps and bounds better.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gancanagh wrote:

It must be colossi then, argus is of course more for people like me, that like alternate things and uncommon original things.

Colossi is more like a charizard/wolverine/scorpion & sub-zero/Ryu monster that attents the big crowd.

Anyway i'm happy the tooth fairy had a chance to shine.

The Colossi are supposed to be constructs that can transform into things. There is one that transforms into a castle and sounds a lot like Alexander from FFIV. Has nothing to do with Charizard or Wolverine. Though your attempts to belittle people are, as usual, adorable Sincubus.

If it is an Argus though, I hope they make him a titan. Makes sense.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*fingers crossed*

C'mon Cthulhu plush.


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