
Zenlike's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 131 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.


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Dark Archive

He's a synthesist summoner, wraith. Not really an option...

Dark Archive

wraithstrike wrote:
Snowlilly wrote:

At least it is if you roleplay instead of rollplay.

It was only a matter of time before a jerkish comment was made.

Some people never learn.

I blame Cosmo.

Dark Archive

Serenity, the Sulaco and the SDF-1...

Dark Archive

Turin the Mad wrote:

To paraphrase how I envision the OP's character:

"I believe in something greater than myself. A better kingdom. A kingdom without sin."

"So me and mine gotta die so you can live in your better kingdom?"

"I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there, any more than there is for you. I'm a monster. What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."


"Have you looked at his face? That's love. Something a good deal more dangerous."

To paraphrase the Operative from Serenity you mean... ;-)

Dark Archive

I hate myself for FAQing this.

Dark Archive

Thanks, End...I'll check that out.

As a longtime DM who is finally getting a chance to play I was hoping for a few more options - specifically an archetype that trades out the Partnered Blade abilities. That's the one part that just never sat right with me.

That being said, I still love this class. Guess I'll just have to play it as is for now...

Dark Archive

Any updates regarding a release for Secrets of Sword and String?

Dark Archive

About damn time. ;)

Dark Archive

Not with a bang but a whimper.


Does this mean we can expect a lot of TPK'S?

Dark Archive

I consider myself a hardcore gamer/nerd that also happens to be a pretty big sports fan. That being said, I can understand the fandom on both sides. I don't dress up like anime characters or own a team jersey but i get why other people do.

Except for furries...that's just weird. ;)

Dark Archive

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Broncos got beat down harder than Crane Wing...

Dark Archive

That I would most definitely use!

Dark Archive

Cthulhudrew wrote:
Is it okay if I take your discounts and add them to mine? Thanks!

Take it! What is a measly 12% when compared to my 49er pride?

Hmm...that could add up to quite a lot actually.

Oh cruel world.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a fellow 9ers fan I don't think I can bring myself to use this discount either

It just feels...wrong.

Dark Archive

PapaZorro wrote:

Welcome to the suck.

Dark Archive

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I have a Tolkien tattoo... =D =) =/ =(

Dark Archive

Marc Radle wrote:
Zenlike wrote:
You guys rock! Thank you for all the fine work you do.

No problem at all!

If you need that table asap for a game or something, shoot me a PM with your e-mail address and I'll get it to you today!

Thank you kindly for the offer.

I shouldn't need it until this weekend but if it has not been posted by then I will certainly take you up on the offer.


Dark Archive

You guys rock! Thank you for all the fine work you do.

Dark Archive

Any idea on a time-frame for the Undead Companion Base Statistics as a separate PDF? I bought the print only edition so an update to the actual PDF does me no good...

Dark Archive

Marc Radle wrote:
Ian Buxton wrote:
Changing Man wrote:
Ian Buxton wrote:
...I love pretty much everything in here, but I can't find the table for the Grave-Bound's undead companion. There are a few things that reference to it as "Table 3: Undead Companion Base Statistics" but it's nowhere to be found.
It's on page 11 of New Paths #7... But somehow slipped out of the compendium. Perhaps it went incorporeal?
Unfortunately I don't have that one... Is there anywhere online that I can find the table?

Hey there Ian! Really glad you like the book!

The Undead Companion Base Statistics table was inadvertently left out of the book unfortunately. The PDF will be updated to include the missing table within the next few days. I'll see if we can also post a little PDF with the table for folks as well. Sorry for any confusion not having that table may have caused!

That would be appreciated!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Malikjoker wrote:
this is probably a silly question, but do you still need to buy a whole case after the line is released to get the Gargantuan figure?

You have to wait until the next set ships (or thereabouts)before you can buy the previous sets premium figure without buying a whole case.

Dark Archive

Caedwyr wrote:
This is covered in Dreadfox's Swordmaster class.

Love. That. Class.

However, as some people do not allow 3pp material, I too would love to see something official.

Dark Archive

The End.

Dark Archive

Then maybe a Genius Guide to Talented Arcane Prestige Classes...

or Martial Prestige Classes...

or Divine Prestige Classes.

You get the idea. ;)

Dark Archive

Ranger then Inquisitor. Please.

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
Zenlike wrote:

Gracias, sir.

I will wait (im)patiently for the lever to be pulled...

Check back on October 30th. :)

But that's so...far...away.

Alright I guess...

Dark Archive

Gracias, sir.

I will wait (im)patiently for the lever to be pulled...

Dark Archive

Any update on when this will be available individually?

I was (perhaps mistakenly) under the impression that they became available once the next set shipped...

Dark Archive

Can you use 3pp stuff? The SGG Talented Fighter can get Safe Shot at 1st level (which is mechanically similar to PBM)...

Dark Archive

Tirisfal wrote:
Did Jay go into the dog park?? The dog park is forbidden for a reason, Jay!!

Is that a Night Vale reference?

Dark Archive

...and done.

Dark Archive

I go back and forth on using them in the games I run. I've found that most PC's tend to bank them to avoid death, as has been mentioned by several people above.

I like that they offer you a way out when the dice hate you but I dislike the reluctance of most of my players to use them to do something, well, heroic...

Dark Archive

Wonderful news, gentlemen. I very much look forward to it.

Thank you for your time and all the great work you do.



Dark Archive

@Wolfgang Baur

My apologies if this has been addressed elsewhere but has the Gearforged been updated as of yet? I know some design changes were being talked about but i was never able to find out if those changes were actually finished/released.

Or, perhaps, will we see an Advanced Race book for Gearforged in the (hopefully near) future?



Dark Archive

silverhair2008 wrote:

@ Zenlike,

On the Kobold Press forums there is a thread where most of the errata from the CS was found and corrected. Included were the corrections for the $$ marks.

EDIT: I hope Zenlike comes back to the thread and sees my response.

Thank you, silverhair2008. The errata definitely helps.

I would still prefer a hardcover copy with the errata though.

Until then...

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've created half a dozen new characters (concepts and sheets) for an upcoming 7th Sea campaign alone!

And like The Drunken Dragon, if you give me more than a week to create a character before we start the game I am going to contemplate a new character every darn day until it does start.

But I think that's part of the reason WHY I love role-playing.

Dark Archive

If the picture is any indication i would say no...

Dark Archive

In order of preference...

1. Midgard
2. Forgotten Realms (pre 4e)
3. Golarion
4. Iron Kingdoms

These days I mostly run in Midgard but I still occasionally play an AP set in Golarion.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
We're scheduling our switchover for July 31.

...and there was much rejoicing!

Dark Archive

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Lolth does not exist in Golarion.

What the french?

Do drow share a common god? Or will just any old evil god do?

Dark Archive

You'll definitely want to max out Perception. You can't hit what you don't see.

I also really like the Liberation Domain and at your level it will be very helpful to the entire party.

I'm not a big fan of dumping stats so I feel yours are fine. But I'm sure someone will come along soon and say otherwise...

As for feats I think Clustered Shot might be useful.

Dark Archive

I'll be a second Hardcover no matter what kind of cover it has... long as you fix those annoying $$ marks. =)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Down to the last six hours and all three volumes have been unlocked, covering the entirety of the Zeitgesit Adventure Path.

If you haven't signed up then now is the time.

I've been game for a long ass time and this is one of the best adventures I've ever had the privilege of running...

Thanks EN World for making this possible.



Dark Archive

My vote is for the spell-less ranger from Kobold Press. I absolutely love that class.

Full BAB, 6 skill points, d10 HD, and you'll have enough feats to be effective with whatever combat style (or styles) you choose. The loss of the ability to use cure wands hurts a bit but is easily made up for by the classes utility.

Plus, Rangers are just cool.