Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)
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Untold Horrors!

Confront the creatures that go bump in the night! Bestiary 4 presents hundreds of new monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this tome of terrors you'll find pitiless psychopomps and blood-drinking nosferatu, insectile formians and faceless nightgaunts, and even unique mythological horrors like Spring- Heeled Jack and Grendel himself. Yet not every creature need be an enemy, as mighty empyreal lords, primeval outer dragons, and valorous swan maidens enlist you in their epic battles!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 is the fourth indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters
  • Creatures from classic horror literature and monster films, including the colour out of space, elder things, and kaiju
  • New player-friendly races like changelings, kitsune, and nagaji
  • Entities of mythic might, from despotic demon lords and alien elohim to terrifying Great Old Ones—including Cthulhu!
  • New creatures you can construct, like clockworks and juggernauts
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
  • New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters
  • Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat
  • Challenges for every adventure and every level of play
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-575-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)

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The Horror Takes Center Stage....


This edition of the Bestiary series brings all the worst nightmares, not found in a traditional fantasy setting alive! Despite the horror feel, they work in any genre you might be playing. By far my favorite of the Bestiary series! The sheer creativity of the Paizo team explodes in this awesome collection of crazy!

An RPG Resource Review


Herein is a fine and fascinating array of monsters, most with supernatural aspects and worthy of songs and legends... indeed it is suggested that to make the most of them you should be also using the Mythic Adventures rules. Fitting adversaries for those who fancy themselves as such legendary heroes, perhaps...

The Introduction is mainly explanation of how each monster entry is presented, complete with handy icons used to enable you to tell at a glance the creature type and the terrain and climate that it favours. These are supplemented by appendices that list them by CR, terrain and so on thus enabling you to populate a chosen area with ease. Other appendices deal with special abilities and other details, including a fascinating section on monster creation, another on monster advancement and one on monsters as player-characters.

The main bulk of the book is composed of an alphabetical listing of the monsters. Each comes with a colour illustration and stat block, with plenty of detail and description to enable you to work out suitable uses for it and how it will behave when encountered by the party.

Beginning with the abaia, an eel with a strong regard for the environment which acts as guardian to a body of water... and turns quite nasty if you do not respect the lake it inhabits (it doesn't mind people who take only what they need, it is those who abuse nature that upsets them), there follows a fascinating array of creatures.

The almiraj, for example, looks like a cross between a rabbit and a unicorn, but it's no fluffy bunny! If nothing else, anything slain by its horn is turned to stone so if the poor almiraj wants to eat whatever it has attacked (it's apparently a carnivore), it has to eat its prey alive.

One of the weirdest is the colour out of space. This is an eerie radient incorporeal ooze that leaches life out of its surroundings until it reaches maturity, at which time it departs into the interstellar depths from which it came. If that's not enough for you, the Great Old Ones are here, so if you wish to combat Cthulhu or Hastur or the like, now you can... if you dare. Most have cults associated with them, details of which are also given.

If it's monsters out of legend that you want, there are beings such as Grendel, if you prefer more mundane ones there are gremlins or even giraffes! Undead too, and an alchemist's error called a hungry flesh, a giant ooze. To cap it all, how about an immortal ichor, which is an intelligent mass of blood from a dead evil deity...

This is indeed a collection of monsters rich and strange, ones whose very being deserve a song or story, never mind those that will be written when heroes defeat them in battle!

Lots of fun new monsters!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Bestiary 4 contains over 300 new monsters. All the monster types are represented, although some more than others. There are many of the standards found in every Bestiary—new dinosaurs, devils, dragons—but also many unusual and bizarre creatures. It has provided me with lots of new options to throw at my players, and that’s always a good thing.


The Bestiary 4 for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game has been one of the more favorites of the Bestiary series for me and I'd like to take a moment to tell you why.

To start, the Bestiary 4 has added everything from new types of fey to additional golems as well as the more prominent and popular Kaiju, Great Old Ones, and Empyreal Lords. Paizo's inclusion of these creatures that've gone on to become pop culture legends in their own right is a direct result of the designer's dedication to getting their monsters right. The Bestiary 4 is an awesome sourcebook and stands right up there with the Bestiary 3 in terms of 'fantasy verisimilitude,' hardening gamers resolve against such villainous foes as Cthulhu himself.

Not every book is a perfect image of idolatry however and the Bestiary 4 is no exception. While it's true that this book is littered with new baddies for your players to chase and new races for their characters to face, it is also bogged down with what seems to be an over-saturation of multiple page monsters. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does seem as if several of these creatures could've used a proverbial trimming before being posted.

If you don't mind a bit of length though and you want more vile beasts for your players to square off against then the Bestiary 4 is yet another wonderful book to add to your collection and one that comes Five-Star recommended by your Severed Ronin.

Robert Beasley
"The Severed Ronin"

You probably know if you need this


This is a good Bestiary. I'd personally put it up with Bestiary 3, with both having a good mix of classic, mythological, and completely new monsters.

There's a bit of a horror them and a bit of a mythic theme, but neither is overwhelming. If you're looking for a whole book of mythic monsters, this isn't it. If you're worried the whole book is mythic monsters, there aren't that many in practice.

For me, the evocative flavor on the high CR creatures pushes it over the top. The demon lords, empyreals, and great old ones really feel like epic creatures.

If you're sure you don't need any more monsters... don't buy this book. That said, I wasn't sure if I needed any more monsters and was definitely impressed by this.

Short Version: These are sweet monsters, but only you know whether you want more monsters.

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It is that I don't really care that much for 0HD races (I even wished many weren't 0 HD Races at all like Sylph, Oread and Kitsunes) but if I did I would probably disappointed as well...

But now we know all the 0 HD races in this book right as they are all reprints? Can somebody come up with the list of them?

Kitsune is one, the others? Gillmen?

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The "new" races from the ARG are included, like the Wyvaran, Troxx, Gathlain, Kasatha, and Wyrwood. Not sure if all the Tien races are included, but that would be comprised of Kitsune, Nagajj, Wayang, and Samsaran.

I am cool with the "new" ARG races being added in, because they sort of exist in a nebulous state since they only exist as examples of what can be produced in the race builder.

As for the Tien races, those are "CORE" for Tian Xia, not dwarves or halflings. Because of that, my feeling is that they do not need to be included, any more than gnomes or elves are included in Bestiaries

To my knowledge, the 0 HD races that haven't appeared in a full Bestiary are:

Android (Inner Sea Bestiary)
Changeling (Carrion's Crown AP)
Ghoran (Inner Sea Bestiary)
Gillmen (Inner Sea World Guide)
Kitsune (Dragon Empires Gazetteer/Primer)
Kuru (Isles of the Shackles)
Lashunta (Inner Sea Bestiary)
Monkey Goblin (Inner Sea Bestiary)
Nagaji (Dragon Empires Gazetteer/Primer)
Samsarans (Dragon Empires Gazetteer/Primer)
Strix (Inner Sea World Guide)
Syrinx (Inner Sea Bestiary)
Wayang (Dragon Empires Gazetteer/Primer)

We also know Skinwalkers will be an upcoming 0 HD race. However, I think many of the above are setting specific and are unlikely to be printed in Bestiary 4.

Edit: Hmm, hadn't thought about the Advanced Race Guide example races...I guess I don't really think of them as real races.

Edit: And I guess now that MMCJawa mentions it, the core races also amusingly count as 0 HD races that haven't been in a Bestiary...

There are no creatures from the Inner Sea Bestiary in this bestiary so that Android, Lashunta, MOnkey Golbin,Syrinx and Ghoran (too bad, I really like the Ghoran)all aren't included.

The Kitsune is already confirmed as they showed its artwork somewhere.

I think Gillmen, Changeling and Strix are all in as well, not sure about the others, don't really know them, hope they are as awesome as the Poison Woman Race from Bestiary 3.

So far these creatures are known to appear in the Bestiary:

- Argus
- Kitsune
- 3 Kaiju, one being King Mogaru
- 3 Demon Lords, one being Pazuzu
- Grendel
- Tooth Fairy
- Bodysnatcher Plant that is renamed into Bodythief
- Nosferatu
- 3 Great Old Ones, One being Cthulhu
- The Avatar of Cthulhu (Star-Spawn)
- 3 empyreal lords
- Karkinoi(probably crab folk)
- Clockwork Dragon and a Clockwork Mage-like creature which artwork is shown in the catalog
- Nightgaunt
- Leanan Sidhe
- Al-mi'raj
- 3 Juggernouts
- 5 Outer Dragons
- Probably 3 or more new Drakes
- Necrocrafts (seeing this name means there are multiple of them)
- Owb
- Soulbound Shell
- New Gremlin Creatures, maybe some from AP's or maybe some new ones that resemble the ones from the movies.
- Einherjar
- Formians, probably the ones from D&D's 3.5 monster manual, so Worker, Warrior, Queen and another one I forgot the name from.
- Pickled Punks
- Fleshwarps (maybe multiple?)
- Gallowdead
- Psychopomps (probably re-used from AP's and other books)
- Slag Giant
- Blood Golem
- Template (divine guardian)
- Template (mummified)
- Template (shadow)
- Template (Fungal)
- Elohim (one creature or an entire group? Unknown)
- Immortal Guardian Dragon (could be ladon??)

+ The strange monster with Fungal wings from the catalog, but that could be a monster that suits the already mentioned monsters of course...

Probably in it too, but not 100% sure, but with some questions I pretty much figured them out.

- many of the AP-Lovecraft critters like Bhole, Colour out of Space and Flying Polyp
- Bakeneko &/or Nekomata
- Cherufe
- Gillmen
- Strix
- Changeling
- Chesire Cat
- Nagaji
- More 0HD races
- Probably around 3 Robots but they could also be the Clockworks and Juggernouts.
- I hope the other Demon Lords are Orcus and Juiblex
- Probably 2 Trolls
- Probably a Zombie like they did in the previous Bestiaries, I think they go with the Zombie from the Pirate AP, the one with needles in it.

Do I forget anything?

Sincubus how do you know there are 3 Juggernauts?

Forgot about the Kuru, I need to look them up again.

Nosferatu would also be a template.

O my mistake, I thought the Juggernouts were the same as Kaiju, Demon Lords and Great Old Ones, having all 3 I thought the Juggernouts would have 3 as well.

Paizo Employee Developer

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Sincubus wrote:

So far these creatures are known to appear in the Bestiary:...


From the Offices of Expectation Management

This list and statement presented in the quoted post are officially incorrect.

Well that means some creatures are cut or your talking about the sub-list (which were guesses) or about the 3 before juggernout or something I put behind formian/gremlin/Psychopomps or anything cuz I just took all creatures that were mentioned in both the bestiary 4 topics in the text or in James Jacobs question/answer thread and the catalog.

So i'm very curious why i'm incorrect about the main-list.

List Again:

- Argus (mentioned in lists)
- Kitsune (mentioned being art shown)
- 3 Kaiju, one being King Mogaru (mentioned by JJ few pages back and in lists)
- 3 Demon Lords, one being Pazuzu (mentioned by JJ and in lists)
- Grendel (mentioned in lists)
- Tooth Fairy (mentioned and art shown)
- Bodysnatcher Plant that is renamed into Bodythief (mentioned to be renamed by JJ and artwork shown)
- Template (Nosferatu) (mentioned, forgot to mentioned Template, but nosferatu is even on the cover)
- 3 Great Old Ones, One being Cthulhu (mentioned and on the cover)
- The Avatar of Cthulhu (Star-Spawn)(mentioned in this or the other topic)
- 3 empyreal lords (mentioned by JJ in question topic)
- Karkinoi(in the list and mentioned, maybe not crabfolk but that was between ())
- Clockwork Dragon and a Clockwork Mage-like creature which artwork is shown in the catalog (artwork in catolog + dragon is mentioned in lists)
- Nightgaunt (mentioned in lists)
- Leanan Sidhe (mentioned in text)
- Al-mi'raj (mentioned in lists)
- 3 Juggernouts (mentioned but it could be more or less, so this could be a error you are talking about?)
- 5 Outer Dragons (mentioned by JJ in question thread)
- Probably 3 or more new Drakes (number is a guess but there is mentioned there are new drakes)
- Necrocrafts (mentioned)
- Owb (mentioned)
- Soulbound Shell (mentioned)
- New Gremlin Creatures, maybe some from AP's or maybe some new ones that resemble the ones from the movies. (this could be another error, but it is mentioned that there will be new Gremlins and I said MAYBE so people don't confuse maybe with whats real)
- Einherjar (Mentioned with the mythology creatures as Pickled Punks and Argus)
- Formians, probably the ones from D&D's 3.5 monster manual, so Worker, Warrior, Queen and another one I forgot the name from. (could be an error, but Formians aren't an error cuz they are in the list)
- Pickled Punks (In the lists)
- Fleshwarps (Maybe a single creature then but it is mentioned)
- Gallowdead (mentioned)
- Psychopomps (probably re-used from AP's and other books)(maybe not re-used but it is mentioned they are in)
- Slag Giant (mentioned)
- Blood Golem (mentioned)
- Template (divine guardian)(Mentioned)
- Template (mummified)(mentioned)
- Template (shadow)(Mentioned))
- Template (Fungal) (mentioned in the text above)
- Elohim (one creature or an entire group? Unknown) (mentioned in the text)
- Immortal Guardian Dragon (could be ladon??)(mentioned in the text above, but if you refer to the ladon thing that was a guess, everything between ( ) is a guess, but the Immortal Guardian Dragon is mentioned)

All the others aren't on the list and were assumptions so if you are talking about them, they were guesses because I saw few hints about them, but they aren't on the main list so they can be errors, but again i'm guessing you talking about the main list.

I am curious about that statement as well Mr. Daigle.

Paizo Employee Developer

Sincubus has done a good job gathering a bunch of sources of data, but there are errors in the list. Since this is the thread for the product (that people coming here to buy the book will likely see) I wanted to make it clear that the list wasn't completely official.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Also... since we're still months away from this book's actual release, and thus months away from the "start getting folks officially excited about the book," we won't be releasing a CORRECT list of its contents for some time to come.

I will remind folks, also from the Department of Expectation Management, that this Bestiary, like all Bestiaries, is primarially a place to present new monsters for the GM, not new race options for the PCs. The zero HD races in this book are pretty much all picked up from Dragon Empires Gazetteer and from Advanced Race Guide—those races haven't yet appeared in a bestiary as monster options, and so now they do appear... but that pretty much fills up the available zero HD race slots in the book. Don't expect any "new" zero HD races in Bestiary 4 as a result.


If they were ARG that's good enough for me. I'd rather have more monsters!

Ooo, is there anywhere that I can look to see the kitsune bestiary artwork since it was shown at the con?

Anyway, I can understand why some people would be upset that the kitsune are "taking up space" in the bestiary, but I'm glad to see that that kitsune are getting in there. Maybe they'll get a little more fleshing out in their racial background from it :D

I dont think a long sword alone will be able to handle this. Oh will GM's are going to have fun with this one hahaha.

So they showed art for the bestiary 4 version of the Kitsune at PaizoCon?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Dragon78 wrote:
So they showed art for the bestiary 4 version of the Kitsune at PaizoCon?

During the Banquet, yes.

Well if there are mistakes in my list they are hopefully not about:
Argus - Grendel - Tooth Fairy - Bodythief - Nightgaunt - Leanan Sidhe - Al Mi Raj - Einherjar - Formians (read ant-centaurs not Fomorian giants) and Blood Golem

I really like and want these creatures (which are in the given lists so far), the others I don't really know much about or others aren't my favorites so if the errors are there I wouldn't notice in the final product.

And if the Karkinoi is what I think it is then I really like Karkinoi too.

I hope we are still getting Argus, Almiraj, Grendel, Mummified Template, Nosferatu, Formians, Leanen Sidhe, Bodythief, Tooth Fairy, Nightguant, Gaurdian Dragon, Outer Dragons, Divine Guardian Template, and Gremlins.

Silver Crusade

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd love to have some Aberrations, Animals, Constructs, Dragons, Fey, Humanoids, Magical Beasts, Monstrous Humanoids, Oozi, Outsiders, Plants and Undead. Oh, and Vermin too.

It's not a question of if but when I'll pick this up. I have yet to hear anything that dulls my enthusiasm.


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Odraude wrote:

"Oozes" doesn't slide off the tongue as nicely.

It does for me, but I definitely like Oozi better.

It's probably just me wanting this, but if they include Great Old Ones then I hope one of them is Ithaqua. I know, no chance to see the Wind Walker, but I'm still hoping.

And whatever we get, I'll be shocked and delighted by at least half of them.

"Oozi", a new creature type has been made.

Argus? I haven't seen that mentioned elsewhere. Maybe that is one of the incorrect parts.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Sincubus wrote:

Well if there are mistakes in my list they are hopefully not about:

Argus - Grendel - Tooth Fairy - Bodythief - Nightgaunt - Leanan Sidhe - Al Mi Raj - Einherjar - Formians (read ant-centaurs not Fomorian giants) and Blood Golem

I really like and want these creatures (which are in the given lists so far), the others I don't really know much about or others aren't my favorites so if the errors are there I wouldn't notice in the final product.

And if the Karkinoi is what I think it is then I really like Karkinoi too.

At Paizocon, art was shown for the Tooth Fairy and Al Miraj, and it was confirmed that the thing on the cover is Grendel, so you can move those from 'hopefully correct' to '(almost) certainly correct'

We saw art for the tooth fairy(as well as 3 other creatures) in the Paizo 2013-2014 Catalog as well.

I don't remember anyone saying they showed art for the Al Miraj at Paizo Con. All I heard was about the kitsune.

Argus was mentioned on the Bestiary 4 blog that came out around the same time as this product description here.

MMCJawa wrote:
Argus? I haven't seen that mentioned elsewhere. Maybe that is one of the incorrect parts.

Argus is mentioned with Pickled Punks and Einherjar in the other topic about Bestiary 4, they are mentioned as creatures from real world mythology and folklore. They are in the list.

I think the error maybe is Pazuzu (I sure hope not, if I like one demon lord its pazuzu), or the error could be what I said about the formians, that they are 100% copies of the D&D monster manual, but maybe they are new variants as well, or maybe the Gremlin thing that we don't see recycled and film-based gremlins.

Or maybe something has changed in the meantime, just like the Bodysnatcher is renamed Bodythief.

and it was confirmed that the thing on the cover is Grendel

Cool, so I was right all a long. I love how it looks!

Also what did the artwork of the Al-mi'raj look like Enlight_Bystand? Was it cool was is not really? What colour did its fur have? Green like D&D or more traditional Yellow like in the real myth? Just curious :p

One creature I also really think will be in is the Snallygaster, I think you can see them flying on the cover. This is a longshot but anyway it is possible cuz the creature is from shattered star and Nightgaunts are mentioned.

I could think of nicer AP monsters to be entered in this bestiary, like Skrik Nettle and Bakekujira so I hope i'm wrong about the Snallygaster.

But if the snallygaster is in this, I hope it holds new artwork, maybe that changes my opinon about the creature.

Well they did say that Shattered Star is the stopping point for APs that they will be getting monsters from so there is a chance.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

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Gorbacz wrote:
I'd love to have some Aberrations, Animals, Constructs, Dragons, Fey, Humanoids, Magical Beasts, Monstrous Humanoids, Oozi, Outsiders, Plants and Undead. Oh, and Vermin too.

Of the 13 monsters I designed and turned over for polishing and awesomesaucing, I can guarantee that Bestiary 4 contains several of those monster types. Several, I say!

Dragon78 wrote:
Well they did say that Shattered Star is the stopping point for APs that they will be getting monsters from so there is a chance.

Also the Snallygaster is a immense popular creature, almost on the level of how Wolverine is loved in the Marvel World.

So there will be an extremly big chance they choose that creature as one of the AP monsters which make it into the Bestiary 4.

Snallygaster...popular?...You must be talking about another creature.

I would also like to know what the artwork was like for the creatures shown for Bestiary 4 and what creatures were shown?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The full list was Al Miraj (can't remeber it's colour I'm afraid), Kitsune, Cthulu, Tooth Fairy, and one of the Kaiju (a classic Godzilla esque one). Maybe one more, but not certain.

This far 8 down 99 to go. :-D

Hope to see many of them go bold when this bestiary is released into the world :P

The-please-be-all-in-this-bestiary list:
Abaasy - Abaia - Acheri - Adze (Firefly Heat Vampire) - Afanc (Beaver/Croc) - Ahkiyyini - Aitvaras - Akaname (Filth Licker) - Akki (Goblin Oni) - Alastor (Living Weapon Monster) - Alicanto (Metal Eating Eagle) - Al-mi'raj - Ammit - Antaeus (Earth Troll) - Argus - Arrowhawk - Asag (Rock Demon) - Assassin Bug - Barbegazi - Batibat - Bauk (Shadow Boogeyman) - Blemmyes - Bloody Bones - Blue Tiger - Buggane - Cactus Cat - Cadejo - Campe (Wyvern/Woman Centauric) - Cercopes (Winged Monkey Twins) - Cherufe - Chesire Cat - Chrysaor (Hell Boar) - Cipactli - Clurichaun (Evil Leprechaun) - Crown of Thorns (Aberration) - Deathwatch Beetle - Digester (Ooze Eater) - Djieien (Solifugid) - Drop Bear - Echeneis - Echidna - Einherjar - Empusa (Mantis Centaur) - Enenra (Smoke Demon) - Fetch (Mirror Version) - Firbolg - Fomorian - Formian - Fossegrim - Gaasyendietha (Meteor Dragon) - Gaki (Greed Spirit) - Gancanagh - Goat Rider - Gold-Digging Ant - Grendel - Harionna - Heikegani (Samurai Crabman) - Ichneumon (Dragon Eater Wasp) - Ikuchi (Oil/Tar Sea Serpent) - Itzpapalotl (Skeleton Butterfly) - Jack-in-Irons - Jubokko (Vampire Tree) - Kamaitachi (Sickle Weasel) - Karkadann (Desert Unicorn) - Kaw Kaw - Kikimora - Kumiho (9-tailed Silver Fox) - Ladon (Plant Dragon) - Lavellan - Leanan Sidhe - Leshy, Cactus - Lou Carcolh - Magnetic Creature - Mahaha - Mercury Ooze - Namazu - Nekomata (Catfolk Oni) - Nightgaunt - Omukade (Centipede Demon or Oni) - Phane - Piasa - Procoptodon (Giant Kangaroo) - Pyrausta (Insect Dragon) - Rarog - Rat King (Rat Mutant or Alien) - Ravid (Evolved) - Rompo (Boneyard from D&D) - Sandwalker - Shadhavar (Black Unicorn) - Shellycoat - Sianach - Sirrush (Merging Together Trio Souls) - Strigoi (Blood Vampire) - Symplegades (Twin Rock Golems) - Tanystropheus - Teumessian Fox - Therizinosaurus - Tikbalang - Tiyanak - Tooth Fairy - Tsemaus (Sand Shark) - Valravn - Vila (Storm Nymph) - Wild Hunt - Wizard Shackle (Giant Magical Leech) - Yale - Yara-ma-yha-who

Is there any place this art was described or talked about on this site? I find it kind of weird that the only thing mentioned was the Kitsune.

I hope we will start getting some previews shortly after Gen Con.

Paizo Employee Developer

For those of you asking about the almiraj art we previewed at the PaizoCon banquet, you should probably check the most recent photo posted on our Facebook page.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

ack...that is the creepiest bunny I have seen in a long time...those eyes....

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6, Contributor

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There's a least a few more hits for Sincubus coming just from stuff I worked on. :)

I love it that Paizo made up it's mind and still gave Al-mi'raj a go, now for the Drop Bear and Akaname, two other creatures that were on the not-to-do list, i'm sure they appear now after seeing how popular the Al-mi'raj is on facebook.

Drop Bears (if done right) will have the same effect on people, a joke becoming a fierce and evil creature = a ++ situation ya know.

And Russ Taylor you tease! I can't wait to find out which ones that are! Very cool news!

And the Al-mi'Raj art is cool, reminds me off the VOrpal Bunny from Quest for Glory 4, I still hope the creature is larger than a normal bunny (dog size) like in the real Arab myths, but at least its not like the cute Blink Bunny from D&D/TOH. Good Work.

MMCJawa wrote:
ack...that is the creepiest bunny I have seen in a long time...those eyes....

Maybe this'll help.

Not bad but still would have liked it to be gold in color instead of white though.

I like the pure white colour, it makes the Al-mi'raj look a bit like the Vorpal Bunny from QFG and MTP.

And with both the Wolpertinger, Skvader and now the Al-mi'raj in paizo's pathfinder i'm very much sure the Vorpal Bunny and Jackalope won't ever appear in pathfinder, that would make a little bit too much evil rabbit monsters haha.

But there is also no need now cuz the Wolpertinger pretty much forfills the role of Jackalope and the Almiraj that of the Vorpal Bunny.

Well at least we have 4 rabbit based monsters.

The Demon Lords appearing will be Dagon, Kostchtchie, and Pazuzu. It's in the latest blog post.

Yeah I saw that as well, Would of liked to know what the Kaiju, Empyreal Lords, or Old Ones that would be in the book much more then these guys.

I think Kostchtchie is too world specific to be in this book. At least Dagon and Pazuzu are well known outside of Pathfinder.

Dragon78 wrote:
Yeah I saw that as well, Would of liked to know what the Kaiju, Empyreal Lords, or Old Ones that would be in the book much more then these guys.

Kaiju, empyreal lords, and Old Ones weren't really the subject of the blog post, though. It'll be revealed eventually, I'm sure. :)

I think Kostchtchie is too world specific to be in this book. At least Dagon and Pazuzu are well known outside of Pathfinder.

Kostchchie isn't Pathfinder-specific. He's been in the game for a while now.

Kostchtchie has been in the game for a long time, since 1st edition when he made his debut in Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. He actually also appeared in the 1st edition Monster Manual 2 along with Pazuzu. Dagon was first mentioned in the Monster Manual 2 as well. While he may not be as well known or referenced as frequently as Pazuzu or Dagon, Kostchtchie is far from world specific.

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