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As far as the Creative Director is concerned, Emerald Spire is 100% Golarion canon, and I'm frankly kind of boggled that the PFSRD lists it as a 3rd party product... the ONLY reason I can think of for this would be some weird arcane legal reason,.
Whether or not any one group allows it in their game is not a choice I can make, though.
Perhaps so that the location can be mentioned in the MMO?

Alleran |
James Jacobs wrote:Whether or not any one group allows it in their game is not a choice I can make, though.What if we got you a team of commandos and a black helicopter?
They already ha-ohgodtheyrerightbehi-
Paizo don't have a crack team of commandos and military-spec attack helicopters to deploy across international borders in violation of treaties and law in order to execute kill-orders. That would be silly.

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James Jacobs wrote:Perhaps so that the location can be mentioned in the MMO?As far as the Creative Director is concerned, Emerald Spire is 100% Golarion canon, and I'm frankly kind of boggled that the PFSRD lists it as a 3rd party product... the ONLY reason I can think of for this would be some weird arcane legal reason,.
Whether or not any one group allows it in their game is not a choice I can make, though.
Nope. That's not a good reason for it.

Hayato Ken |

I just skimmed most of the thread here to not spoiler it, but have some quick questions, since i´m gonna play this myself before gming it.
As a superdungeon, it seems to me playing a rogue could be a good thing.
Are there enough traps and sneak attackale foes and stealth possibilities to make it worth?
Also, i wanted to evolve into a shadowdancer (for the first time in Pathfinder, one of my favorites in D&D before!). How are the later level foes, will it be a good choice to have a shadow companion? I guess there are some undead around, even mightier ones, which will be immune to the shadow´s attack probably. But that´s only one or two levels right?
Alternatively i´m thinking about taking a swashbuckler and making it into a shadowdancer later.
Please tell me if the Emerald Spire is a good scenario for some classic rogue action!

Hayato Ken |

Just played through the first level with a halfling rogue.
I had high hopes for this.
The adventure itself is really nice and wel written, no doubt.
Problems are somewhere else.
The power gap between some races never hit me that strong.
If you want to play most of the core or more normal races and classes like a rogue, you have to be highly frustration-resistant.

Ravingdork |

Thanks for the help everyone. I suspect that I will get my helms now. (Which are WAY powerful as written by the way.)
rknop wrote:James Jacobs wrote:Whether or not any one group allows it in their game is not a choice I can make, though.What if we got you a team of commandos and a black helicopter?They already ha-ohgodtheyrerightbehi-
Paizo don't have a crack team of commandos and military-spec attack helicopters to deploy across international borders in violation of treaties and law in order to execute kill-orders. That would be silly.
Oh what silly ideas people have! Paizo uses slayers, not commandos. ;D

Skail |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Loving this super dungeon so much that I am even keeping an in character journal of it: http://www.bubblews.com/news/4790753-journey-through-the-emerald-spire-part -1 if you are interested. Needless to say, spoilers!

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As far as the Creative Director is concerned, Emerald Spire is 100% Golarion canon, and I'm frankly kind of boggled that the PFSRD lists it as a 3rd party product... the ONLY reason I can think of for this would be some weird arcane legal reason,.
Whether or not any one group allows it in their game is not a choice I can make, though.
If they see Goblinworks as a subsidiary of Paizo it could be listed as a second party game, but definitely not a third party. It could also do with it being Kickstarted. Either way it seems contrived as Paizo is the publisher, which automatically makes it a first party product, even if Goblinworks is considered the developer.

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Is this a 3rd party product? I wanted to craft myself a few cyclops helms, but the PFSRD has it listed as being from a 3rd-party product, which our group doesn't allow.
It's published by Paizo and Goblinworks together, with authors like Lisa Stevens and Erik Mona. Your group is going to have to decide if being an official Pathfinder Module, published by Paizo in cooperation with another company, and being set in Golarion proper is good enough for your group, or if any involvement by a not-Paizo group makes it a 3pp product in their opinion.
It is an error on our part, but not one of intentionally categorizing it as a 3pp product so much as one of "it got moved where it shouldn't have just because other stuff in that area was also being moved.." Meaning, Dale McCoy from Jon Brazer Enterprises was adding a bunch of vehicles to the site and one of us (almost certainly me) moved some pages around to get things where they needed to be. We didn't previously have a 3pp Vehicles section, which is what Dale needed. If you notice, the helm, which is most certainly NOT a vehicle, is under 3pp VEHICLES, and specifically those by Jon Brazer Enterprises. It's too late tonight for me to fix (3:30 am, just got home from game session) but I'll move it tomorrow.
So, long story short, no, d20pfsrd.com does not consider the Emerald Spire to be 3pp. That was a placement oops.

Zesdead |

It feels like a Pawn Set would be good for the Emerald Spire - and that it would go well with the map pack and cards produced for the Superdungeon... I suspect we won't see it though, I think that the majority of enemies encountered are probably available in Bestiary Boxes.
...Still hoping though!!!!

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I really doubt we will get pawns. Paper minis are more likely but I don't know if they are likely to make those either. Paper minis have been made for Dragon's Demand and a second set for the people of Belhaim in Dragons Demand.

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6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Pathfinder Module: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon is now sanctioned in its entirety for Pathfinder Society Organized Play. You can find the download either on the product page or in the right-hand banner on the Additional Resources page.

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Odd question time, how much at all does this module relate to the River Kingdoms, especially the Kingmaker AP? Do they have anything to do with each other or are they completely separate? And does it have any further setting information for the River Kingdoms?
The discussion of Fort Inevitable can be seen as fleshing out corners of the area, but Emerald Spire very much focuses on the superdungeon itself, and largely doesn't tie in to current River Kingdoms issues.

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You can find the expected level progression for the adventure in the chronicle pack here. Playing the same character through the entire Spire as well as outside of it would be rather difficult considering the wealth of material and number of levels. Slow track would have to be used to play every level as well as outside scenarios.

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You can find the expected level progression for the adventure in the chronicle pack here. Playing the same character through the entire Spire as well as outside of it would be rather difficult considering the wealth of material and number of levels. Slow track would have to be used to play every level as well as outside scenarios.
Whoa, danger, danger, spoilers/chronicle sheets.
But thanks, that table was exactly what I needed to know.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello! I had noticed that the module was made PFS-legal, and ran the first level for our local PFS group. I went to report the session, and the module does not appear amongst the options for available scenarios/modules. Is this something that will open up later for reporting?
Any word on when the modules will be available to select on the PFS session creation page?

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Irish202 wrote:Hello! I had noticed that the module was made PFS-legal, and ran the first level for our local PFS group. I went to report the session, and the module does not appear amongst the options for available scenarios/modules. Is this something that will open up later for reporting?Any word on when the modules will be available to select on the PFS session creation page?
I am also wondering this?

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TriOmegaZero wrote:Level 1 is replayable?If it is then it can keep it. Level 1 is frankly obnoxious and we were only fortunate that 5 of our 6 party members had darkvision. Without it, well... I felt rather sorry for our elf wizard who got to do virtually nothing the entire session.
We ran two tables of level 1, not my table but the other had a Human Oracle of Battle with the lame curse. So he couldn't see, or move more then 5" per move...

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The terrain and lighting are extremely frustrating, particularly as the goblins aren't impaired by either of those. I'm running it now with only two characters out of six with darkvision--and those two are a dwarf and a wayang, so they're only moving 10' a round. I already had one player ask if the other levels were going to be like that.
ETA: If/When I run the first level again, I'll try to let the players know if they're bringing in a character who just won't work well. Like a melee combatant with no darkvision and a 5' movement speed.

Kudaku |

Not sure if you guys have already seen it but there's a lively thread on Emerald Spire over in the Pathfinder Modules forum, the thread can be found here.
There is a loot of good advice on how to run, modify, and/or improve the Emerald Spire module there, including a few suggestions on how to handle the darkness effect on level 1. :)

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Not sure if you guys have already seen it but there's a lively thread on Emerald Spire over in the Pathfinder Modules forum, the thread can be found here.
There is a loot of good advice on how to run, modify, and/or improve the Emerald Spire module there, including a few suggestions on how to handle the darkness effect on level 1. :)
I'll check it out, but in our case we ran it for PFS so we ran it RAW.

Sniggevert |

I'm a bit lost as to where I can download chronicle sheets for this. I have a GM set to run it for a group at the store I coordinate for and I promised her I'd provide the paper copies.
There's a link in the product description, towards the end:
Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (859 KB zip/PDF).
If you click on the link it automatically starts downloading.
I believe they would also be linked from the Additional Resources page.

Jarl11 |

Have played a few levels and am really not a fan. We are a PFS group and this is just a side quest to get some levels between Carrion Crown mods. We did levels 3-5. 3 was ok. 4 was very short and unsatisfying. 5 just made me want to ditch the town. Really, most of us have no desire to play it anymore. Seemed like the writers got lazy. Totally not impressed with this expensive purchase our DM made.
What's with the PFS XP and shorting group for playing good guys? That doesn't seem to make sense. Why isn't there some sort of skill challenge or something for the other XP to be gained in a non-evil fashion? Leaving that to DM's kind of defeats the purpose of them buying the thing.
Lastly, what's the advantage to buying land? I really can't see it. There is one for you to gain back 2 PP that you spent to get it (big woop - no benefit). There are a few that give you 1 PP and 1 fame (another woop) and then several for means of increasing your daily job roll. By buying 8 pieces of land (16 PP) and getting the last "big" parcel for another +2 job check bonus you can have about +5 on your job check (being approx). Let's look at this now. Even if this increases your amount of gold from 50 to 100 each game session, that's not very substantial. 8 sessions at +50 gp is an additional 400 gp. Spending those PP on wands or potions worth 750 gp, and averaging about 2 PP a session / level = WAY more gold than buying land is worth. I must be missing something because I really don't see the value. Can anyone explain this to me before I just convince my group to follow suit and boycott it?

David Neilson |
Well you do get to show that you are minor landed gentry. I have seen most groups have at least a few takers in terms of land, and I think some of the later chronicles give you some bonuses based on property owned.
I have to say the first level went okay for the group I sent through it. The goblins had the home team advantage, but they also had the disadvantage that they were goblins.

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Hello Everyone - I am excited to say that I am going to be running the Emerald Spire starting tomorrow. One big question I have is where is the Fort located in relation to Thornkeep? I ask because, I may use a few of the encounters from it for the Spire campaign.
I would like to run a few minor quests prior to them reaching the dungeon (party of 6,) as some of my players can not start this weekend (I found out on short notice). Does anyone have some idea's I can use.
Thanks All,
Old School GM "Arbarth"

ElterAgo |

Ok, My group is considering this for our next campaign. (I will be the GM if we do it.) There have been a few concerns raised based on comments heard/read.
Superdungeon! Kool for the retro feel. But most of my players have become used to a certain amount of mystery/investigation/social/etc... aspects of the game. They certainly like good combat scenes. But they aren't too interested if it is just combat. They really aren't too into the murderhobo scene. (Well, one guy is. But he's trying to get over it.) Is there enough story to satisfy a fairly average group?
Bad Guys? One of the players heard that the PC's almost have to be the bad guys in this one. I've got a couple of players that tend to have a problem with that. They want to be the shining heroes coming to the rescue. Not the ones that people need to be rescued from. Are the PC's really the bad guys in this?