the licencing complication for Fantasy-grounds and i imagine the same issue apples to Roll20 is that usually Paizo have generous policy that if you buy the pdf from them you get a discount of the price of the pdf off the purchase of the fantasy Grounds/Roll20 conversion or if you haven't bought the PDF you get a free PDF from Paizo. Fantasy grounds and Roll20 seem to price their conversions at the same price of the physical product from Paizo. If they did this with the Pathfinder society conversions they would effectively be giving them away so fantasy grounds doesn't do the free PDF sync on PFS and SFS adventures.
I do all the pathfinder society conversions on Fantasy grounds, I just came on the forum to check for errata for the adventure I am converting currently.
One thing to bear in mind is that you need to a lot more work to get it ready for commercial release than if you were doing the conversion just for your self. When I use to do it for my self i could convert an adventure in less than an hour. Sort the maps out , import the stats blocks with some code straight from the pdf and I was done, I would spend longer sorting out chronicle sheets! Now I have to import the all the text and art from Indesign and paintshop files that Paizo supply and the reformat it all for Fantasy grounds to cover every possible CP encounter. I did a Pathfinder society quest the other day with one encounter in it, i needed to build 16 slightly different encounters to cover CP8+ to CP32+
I used to play lots Pathfinder on Fantasy Grounds with just the $40 dollar licence and all the community modules. It helped having a herolab licence as you can import characters straight into fantasy grounds and having a cut and paste parser for bringing in the monsters and npc's . I could convert a Pathfinder society scenario in half an hour. You don;t need all this new stuff if your a player or even a as a Gm, I'm not going to buy any of it but it won't stop me running the odd game of pathfinder as you don't need it to play, it just looks pretty and saves the GM a lot of time. If you want to play Pathfinder for free on Fantasy grounds i recommend going the the fantasy grounds message boards and signing up for a pathfinder society game using a demo client it won't cost you a thing
I am running PFS society on the 17th on Fantasy Grounds as part of a online convention so its free to play with just the demo version details can be found here FG Con FG Con 6 - April 17th - 19th 2015!
Date: Saturday, April 18 2015
Ruleset: Pathfinder Society
shane convey
Pending: A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–7. Click here for more details of playing Pathfinder Society at FG-Con. An elusive enemy of the Society has launched a campaign of espionage and intrigue from Stonespine Island, the homeport of the infamous Okeno pirates. The Society must sneak a team of agents through one of the largest slave markets on the Inner Sea and track the slippery mastermind to her base if they are to successfully capture the villain, and Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin has just the team of Pathfinders in mind for the task. Can the PCs defeat this remote slave ring without becoming slaves themselves? Content in “The Slave Master’s Mirror” also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Liberty’s Edge and Silver Crusade factions.
18 PFS games are being run as part of this online gaming co, details can be found here.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–7. During the recent attack on Nerosyan, Pathfinders sought out a local venture-captain to aid in the city’s defense. What they found instead suggested the leader had not only fled recently but had played a part in the demons’ offensive. Venture-Captain Jorsal has determined that the safety and integrity of the Pathfinder Society requires that a team delve into the sealed basement beneath the abandoned lodge to determine what other plans his turncoat colleague may have set in motion. Content in "The Traitor’s Lodge" also contributes to the ongoing storyline of the Grand Lodge faction. I will run this game over two sessions on consecutive Thursdays. please post your last two chronicle sheets, your inventory sheet plus your xml file to this thread if you want to play I only have a full licence for Fantasy Grounds so all players will need at least a lite license for Fantasy Grounds
Paz wrote: Forgive me for asking, but if you're anti-PFRPG to the extent that you're willing to convert an entire campaign, why are the chronicles of any value anyway? I'm not anti PFRPG, I regularly run society games I some times enjoy a change. i have regularly run adventure for systems they were not originally written for as you often a interesting and rewarding experience. A good story/adventure should work for any system. Some of my potential players actively play in PFS games but like to play other systems as well but playing a whole adventure path is a major time commitment and getting some society credit would be nice In the absence of any official reply i will assume this is ok
poundpuppy30 wrote: Isn't FG a pay to play site where you have to purchase a licience to play at a table unless you can find a GM who has one of those special liciences that players don't need a licience to play? As Kboom mentioned up thread its a really good VTT for Pathfinder. Running a game becomes almost rules light as the VTT remembers almost everything . The macro facility in Roll20 is primitive in comparison. The fantasy grounds community is very insular with only handful of the regular players also play on Roll20 but it is very welcomingIf anyone wants to check it out the forums for society they can be found here y. Some of the GM’s you don’t need a licence to play with but if you want to play in one of my games you need a light licence that cost $24
The Guide says you can play an adventure path under rules that are not society legal and receive credit as if you are playing a pre gen character. Can you stretch a point on this and run a adventure path under a different rule system other than Pathfinder and get credit for it. I have a desire to run an entire adventure path using Savage Worlds and it would be easier for me to get players if they new there was a chronicle sheet in it for them
Someone in the city of Magnimar is committing crimes and leaving evidence implicating the Pathfinder Society. It falls to the Pathfinders to get to the bottom of it, and what they find may signal the resurgence of an enemy thought long defeated. levels 3-7,
I will try and get the game done in one session but if there is a need fo a second session it will be early next week You will need a fantasy grounds licence of some kind to play and teamspeak will be used for Comms
I have a unexpected friday evening free and as all the pre season 5 adventurea are on sale I need suggestions for a scenario thats short to run but challenging! I plan run it online in fantasy grounds a week Friday if any ones interested not that I imagine I will have any diffculty getting enough players from the Fantasy Grounds PFS community. So 4 hours or less to run and difficult either being diffivult to get those pretige points or actually deadly oh and not to high a tier either Any suggestions greatfully recieved
Is the bonus 4th chronicle sheet awarded only to a PFS character who has the previous three chronicle sheets for this module or can a player award all four chronicle sheets to PFS Characters of his or herchoice. I am running this module as a "home" game on Fantasy Grounds ( The Rolls Royce of VTT's!) and one of my players asked me this question. As the sheets have still yet to be published I thought I would ask here in the hope of an answer
Reading all the this thread makes me glad I use Fantasy Grounds as my VVT of choice. You have to have a electronic character sheet either made in the program or imported from hero lab or pc gen /the way the the character sheet is used in fantasy grounds makes the macros available in Roll20 seem primitive) and all the Gm's who play off the fantasy grounds boards insist on the most recent chronicle sheet being made available before the start of the gaming session. Perhaps this is a good practice the rest of the online community could adopt. If a player can't provide a character sheet and the most recent chronicle sheet are unlikely to be able to provide all thier previous chronicle sheets
hi Shady wolf I have accepted you into the game. I don't have a spare light licence tonight I take it you don't either. If you don't have a light licence I would encourage you to check out the Fantasy Grounds pathfinder Society forum where there are often games run by people with Ultimate licences which any one can join in. I would recommend that people give Fantasy Grounds a go as it provides a better online gaming experience than Roll20. I use Roll20 to play other games and like it a lot but for pathfinder fantasy grounds is by far the best option but it's a shame is not free like Roll20.