Who Would Win?: The Bride (Kill Bill) vs. Riddick

Off-Topic Discussions

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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Beatrix, the Bride (Kill Bill) vs. Richard B. Riddick

In this thread we will be discussing a hypothetical scenario pitting two of the most powerful and skilled badass normals in recent memory against one another. To account for Riddick's relationship with light and dark environments, assume that the battlefield contains both areas of light and darkness. Say... a warehouse, or a condemned lot lit only by streetlights). Also assume that weapons are restricted to those typical of both fighters - typically, blades, knives, and improvised weapons.

Who would win?

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

Riddick. Hands down.

Are we talking just-a-very-competent-murderer Riddick from Pitch Black, or are we talking a-veritable-god-of-battle Riddick from the Chronicles?

Either Riddick would win.

Beatrix Kiddo trained with the Grand Master of Flowers, who taught her the quivering palm technique -- so she's got at least 15 levels in monk right there. She kills 88 people with a sword without breaking a sweat, and we're told she's better with the sword than she is unarmed -- add umpteen levels of whatever! But beyond that, her appearance in the Kill Bill movies makes her the heir to nearly every Chop Sockey film ever made. And all her stunts were done by Zoe Bell, who also did all of Xena's stunts, so you're talking somebody who contests with gods on even footing.

Vin Diesel can't do anything without CGI. Hell, the guy can't even talk. The Bride takes a bullet directly to the brain and recovers from the resultant coma through sheer awesomeness.

The Bride wins, no contest.

Vin Diesel is a D&D player.
Uma Thurman is not.

Point - Riddick. :)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I'm surprised at the one-sidedness of the votes.

Remember when the Bride killed eighty-eight guys with no problem?

Remember when Riddick spent half of each movie hiding from fewer opponents than that?

Don't get me wrong, Riddick killed a guy with a teacup. He's a badass, and has night-Batman-level stealth abilities... but I don't exactly feel like Riddick is a "god of battle" in any incarnation. At least not in any way that Beatrix "Black Mamba" Kiddo cannot match.

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

The Bride, even though Vin Diesel plays D&D.

Depends, are they stalking each other? Riddick
Honorable one on one in an open field of combat? Kiddo.

The idea of Riddick playing "honorable" amuses me.

Hence my vote.

Orthos wrote:

The idea of Riddick playing "honorable" amuses me.

Hence my vote.


She wouldn't even see it coming.

Hey Meat, what is this like 4 times we agree on something now?

I hadn't actually weighed in with a vote... but now I will. I'll go with Riddick. Here's why.

As has been pointed out, Beatrix killed a lot of guys in one fight... but let's be more specific. She killed a lot of LACKIES in one fight. And she even nearly lost to senior lackies like GoGo Ubari. She barely made it to the BBEG battle with Lucy Liu. In practically all of her one-on-one fights against a peer, she either nearly died or limped away with a narrow victory after a pitched fight. And the one guy who bested her HANDILY was a "bushwhackin', scrub, alky, piece of sh!t" who couldn't hold a job as a Bouncer and took her out with a shotgun full of rock-salt. That doesn't impress. Now you might argue that the reason he owned her was because he caught her by surprise. Well, that's Riddick's specialty, ain't it? :)

Riddick, in comparison, finishes his fights fast and cleanly - it is usually one-hit-one-kill. Only against the Uber-BBEG does it become a knock-down drag-out fight. Riddick tangles with monsters and wins... not just men. Hell, the guy stared down some igneous tiger... that's gotta be worth a few points.

Yeah, Riddick doesn't go for straight-up fights. That shows he is both a better tactician as well as smarter than ol' Bea. What did Beatrix get for being straight-up? Oh, yeah, a chest full of rock-salt.

Yes, Beatrix received training by a monk. Was he a world-class monk? Not in PF terms. Since he succumbed to poisoning by fish-heads, we can assume he lacked Diamond Body and, therefore, was never more than 10th level. :D Beatrix, even if she were a monk, which I doubt, wasn't at his level. Yes, she learned the 5 Finger Exploding Heart Technique... which apparently is only useful on ex-lovers, sitting down, who are collecting their Pensions.

Now, you might be thinking I've got a serious bro-mance with Riddick. Not the case... I just think that the Bride like Voldemort is VASTLY overrated.

Kryzbyn wrote:
Hey Meat, what is this like 4 times we agree on something now?

I know it's a shortened form of my actual handle, but addressing someone as "hey, meat!" can ONLY sound pejorative. lol

But something like that, yeah.

It is unfortunate, because I truly love the bride. But Riddick would put a knife in the base of her skull before she knew what was going on. This is a poor match up, in my opinion, these characters are from two different worlds. Riddick should be fighting a predator, the bride should be facing machete.

*The light goes down*
Riddick: *takes off googles*
*long silence interrupted by ocassional sound of The Bride smashing around in darkness*
*light goes up*
*The Bride looks around terrified weaving her sword in defensive stances*
Somewhere else: *Riddick with googles put on again walks away smelling lock of the Bride's hair*

meatrace wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Hey Meat, what is this like 4 times we agree on something now?

I know it's a shortened form of my actual handle, but addressing someone as "hey, meat!" can ONLY sound pejorative. lol

But something like that, yeah.

LOL well I guess that narrows down what a 'meatrace' is... :P

Yeah, I'm going to have to give the edge to Riddick in this one, especially if the lights go out.

Kryzbyn wrote:

LOL well I guess that narrows down what a 'meatrace' is... :P

It does?

Tell me, what do YOU think it means?

Something pejorative?
A sausage race?
A meat popsicle?

EDIT: wow, do NOT google that...

Kryzbyn wrote:

Something pejorative?

A sausage race?
A meat popsicle?

EDIT: wow, do NOT google that...

Why, did you find some of my webzones?

I may have...if you likey teh pr0n.

Riddick wins only because he's practically supernatural. The Bride may be awesome at killing low level scrubs but as someone said above, she struggled with every single opponent who was close to her level when it came to fighting. Riddick on the other hand would ensure he had the upper hand and then cut the Bride down before she even knew she was in a fight.

Riddick fighting Batman would be way less one sided and I would give it to Batman no contest as Batman would pull out his "Riddick Repellant" and win the day.

Kryzbyn wrote:
I may have...if you likey teh pr0n.

I do, but that's neither here nor there.

I use this name for everything though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kirth Gersen wrote:
She kills 88 people with a sword without breaking a sweat...

"Nah, there weren't really 88 of them."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kiddo. Even if she didn't win in a straight up fight (which I find unlikely, Beatrix is roughly 4000% more bad-ass than Riddick) Riddick would be too busy vomiting after seeing Uma Thurman's disgusting feet to fight back.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Riddick "struggled" with more than a few of his fights, too - and for every advantage he has in darkness, he has a disadvantage in the light. Also, the Bride was trained by a master martial artist... Riddick has the upper hand if he gets the lights off, but do you really think the Bride is helpless in the darkness? I guarantee she has Blind-Fight.

Also, its true that Richard has battled a "monster" or two in his time, but the Bride may well have been able to do the same - she generally has better weapons. She's not quite as fearless as Riddick is, though.

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Bride = Great Cleave. Riddick = Staggering Critical.

The Bride is great against hordes of mooks. Riddick is great against single bosses. Therefore, in a one-on-one fight, Riddick wins.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
"Nah, there weren't really 88 of them."

THANK YOU! I was hoping a fellow fan would pick up on that opening and mention it -- posting the clip is better still. Michael Madsen was so great in that!

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The notion that he would play fair is laughable.

but the notion that the Bride would not be able to defend herself in the dark is also laughable.

but the bride is mass oponents.

Riddick is an assassin and is best with one on one opponents.

thus Riddick would be the last man laughing

I honestly have no idea who would win, but man do I want to see this fight now!

Dogbladewarrior wrote:
I honestly have no idea who would win, but man do I want to see this fight now!

Invest in some sort of darkvision or night sights then ;)

Kiddo is a woman, so, Riddick would be the only man laughing...

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
"Nah, there weren't really 88 of them."
THANK YOU! I was hoping a fellow fan would pick up on that opening and mention it -- posting the clip is better still. Michael Madsen was so great in that!

He really was. Loved him ine that movie.

Freehold DM wrote:
Kirth Gersen wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
"Nah, there weren't really 88 of them."
THANK YOU! I was hoping a fellow fan would pick up on that opening and mention it -- posting the clip is better still. Michael Madsen was so great in that!
He really was. Loved him ine that movie.

With the exception of the Pai Mei scenes, I enjoy the second movie much more due to the monologues and dialogues. Elle's black mamba monologue, Kiddo's conversation with Senior Esteban Vihaio and Bill's Superman monologue are among my favorites. :)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

The Superman monologue was right up there.

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

Riddick wins, due to his chaotic neutrality.

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