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So, no kaiju + large desire for kaiju done right by both JJ and the fans = maybe a Kaiju Revisited sorta book?
Seems a good size product to handle a single class of creatures with proper depth. I know there were the "Gargantuas" described back in like . . . 2e, was it? Had a whole section of one of the monster manuals about as big as the dragon section with a variety of "Gargantuas" plus general gargantua rules. That sort of format, combined with the good starting point of the Kaiju entry back in Dragon #289, ought to make for a good little supplement.
Kaiju Revisited! Kaiju Unlimited! War of the Gargantuas! Hooray!

FenrysStar |

I got a catalog with my Tome of Monsters and I recognized the one monster that really caught my eye in Council of Thieves. I am thinking about doing more stuff underground in my furry fantasy world and from what I remember from the original bestiary article it will fit in nicely. I just have to decide whether I want to order this from Paizo directly or hunt for it at Red Cap's Corner in Philadelphia, where I live.

judas 147 |

put in your books every monsters you want i love them all
but t´will be good idea make them a new erules of movement, diferents from players, archetypes for monsters and a sort of classes and prestiges for them too the character classes are a very over powered versus this poor creatures...
some one else are watch that?

Berselius |

James? May I call you James? Thank you. You may call me Mr. Chevalier. ^_~
I just wanted to say thank you. You've done Kaijuu EVERYWHERE a great service for deciding to make them individually unique and NOT simply making them into a template. I could imagine NOTHING more disgraceful to the big G'ster (aside from Emmerich's take on him) than simply having him being stated up as a colossal tyrannosaurus with fire breath, damage reduction, and fast healing. The residents of Monster Island and their LEGIONS of fans thank you and I for one thank you.
Now, I have a question. If Gojira, Mothra, Rodan (etc etc) WON'T have stat blocks in the Bestiary 3...where WILL they have stat blocks then? In the Dragon Empires Primer or the Dragon Empires Gazetteer? Or perhaps Pathfinder's version of the Epic Level Handbook?

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James? May I call you James? Thank you. You may call me Mr. Chevalier. ^_~
I just wanted to say thank you. You've done Kaijuu EVERYWHERE a great service for deciding to make them individually unique and NOT simply making them into a template. I could imagine NOTHING more disgraceful to the big G'ster (aside from Emmerich's take on him) than simply having him being stated up as a colossal tyrannosaurus with fire breath, damage reduction, and fast healing. The residents of Monster Island and their LEGIONS of fans thank you and I for one thank you.
Now, I have a question. If Gojira, Mothra, Rodan (etc etc) WON'T have stat blocks in the Bestiary 3...where WILL they have stat blocks then? In the Dragon Empires Primer or the Dragon Empires Gazetteer? Or perhaps Pathfinder's version of the Epic Level Handbook?
The fact that we haven't made a decision to go or no-go with mythic rules yet is part of the reason I'm holding off on the kaiju as well—if we DO delve into post-20th-level-play, I want to stat the kaiju up as super-high CR monsters. So waiting is a good thing for that reason as well.

Lord Rahl08 |
I don't think I saw it asked anywhere else in this discussion so I wanted to ask if there were going to be information to be given to players based on knowledge checks. I know that it is something that I always ponder over when my players roll their dice.

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I have this book preordered already through amazon, but I'm considering cancelling due to the amount of errors I've seen in the first printings of other books. Does anyone know how much time passes between printings?
It varies. We don't reprint a book until it sells out, and the length of time it takes a book to sell out can be a few months or several years or never. We've gotten a LOT better at anticipating demand for these books, so we've been ordering larger print runs, which means longer waits between reprints.
One thing we DON'T do is announce when reprints are "scheduled" to happen.

Primagen |

Primagen wrote:I have this book preordered already through amazon, but I'm considering cancelling due to the amount of errors I've seen in the first printings of other books. Does anyone know how much time passes between printings?It varies. We don't reprint a book until it sells out, and the length of time it takes a book to sell out can be a few months or several years or never. We've gotten a LOT better at anticipating demand for these books, so we've been ordering larger print runs, which means longer waits between reprints.
One thing we DON'T do is announce when reprints are "scheduled" to happen.
I'll probably stick with my decision to pre-order because the sooner I get my grubby little paws on the book the happier I'll be, and I want to throw some new stuff at my players as soon as possible. Thanks for the information, and thanks for the awesome game.

Mournblade94 |

I have this book preordered already through amazon, but I'm considering cancelling due to the amount of errors I've seen in the first printings of other books. Does anyone know how much time passes between printings?
Errors happen I can live with that. Hell errors in RPG's are nothing compared to the errors we deal with in science journals, and the researchers seem to manage.
I would much rather get the new release than wait for a few errors to be fixed.
Still they are problematic. I didn't realize smite evil was double level damage with the first strike ONLY until I read the Undead Slayer in the APG. I thought it was double level damage for any undead, outsider, or dragon EVERY strike. Yeah it made for some upset undead creatures in Curse of the Crimson THrone.

Primagen |

Errors happen I can live with that. Hell errors in RPG's are nothing compared to the errors we deal with in science journals, and the researchers seem to manage.
I would much rather get the new release than wait for a few errors to be fixed.
Still they are problematic. I didn't realize smite evil was double level damage with the first strike ONLY until I read the Undead Slayer in the APG. I thought it was double level damage for any undead, outsider, or dragon EVERY strike. Yeah it made for some upset undead creatures in Curse of the Crimson THrone.
Yeah it's not that big of a deal and if I didn't know Paizo released errata it would be an issue that never would have come to mind at all. Also this reminds me of how badly I want my next character to be a Paladin. I'm playing a barbarian right now in a group with a fighter and feeling like I chose the wrong class... but this is getting off-topic. I hope the bestiary 3 has a few good undead for the campaign I'm running.

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

Still they are problematic. I didn't realize smite evil was double level damage with the first strike ONLY until I read the Undead Slayer in the APG. I thought it was double level damage for any undead, outsider, or dragon EVERY strike. Yeah it made for some upset undead creatures in Curse of the Crimson THrone.
That wasn't an error, though, that was a "upon further consideration of this class ability, with feedback from the community, we realize this ability is too powerful and is being toned down."
An error would be "Correction: The paladin should get 2 skill ranks per level, not 20." :)

The Black Bard |

Let me add a +1 for the idea of a book like "Ultimate Threats" covering some of the elder gods, spawn of Rovagug, and so on. Reprint the established spawn's stats, throw in a few more, and even a few other "near-spawn" abominations from various dark rituals, magical catastrophes, diefic plots, and so on.
You could even put in a partial template, or even just a "how to" section that describes guidelines and recommendations when making "massive monsters". Might be a good place to throw in the "monsters as terrain" idea. (BTW, I do that all the time, with climb vrs jump checks at the start of each round. Success gives the PC concealment, or total concealment if positioned in a blind spot. Failure means he operates normally, fail by 5 and he falls off. Also, ride vrs jump works great for covering riding hostile monsters, and anything cowboy related).
What I'm trying to say is: Do Kaiju right, but please don't totally scrap the basic idea of the template. It would be great to have a "helping hand" for designing those awesome Really Freaking Big Monsters (tm) that are sometimes Kaiju and sometimes just really freaking big monsters.

Golden-Esque |

Mournblade94 wrote:Still they are problematic. I didn't realize smite evil was double level damage with the first strike ONLY until I read the Undead Slayer in the APG. I thought it was double level damage for any undead, outsider, or dragon EVERY strike. Yeah it made for some upset undead creatures in Curse of the Crimson THrone.That wasn't an error, though, that was a "upon further consideration of this class ability, with feedback from the community, we realize this ability is too powerful and is being toned down."
An error would be "Correction: The paladin should get 2 skill ranks per level, not 20." :)
Wait, I never heard about that either. Where's this errata 0_0?

Joe Wells RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

It's in the official errata document:
Page 60—In the Smite Evil paladin class feature,
change the fourth sentence of the first paragraph to
read as follows:
If the target of smite evil is an outsider with the evil
subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the
bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to
2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses.

Golden-Esque |

Golden-Esque wrote:Wait, I never heard about that either. Where's this errata 0_0?I was making a joke example of an error (as opposed to a rule revision). PFRPG has not had a change, update, errata, or correction to the paladin's skill ranks per level.
I know that. I was talking about the Smite Evil errata.

Mournblade94 |

The fact that we haven't made a decision to go or no-go with mythic rules yet is part of the reason I'm holding off on the kaiju as well—if we DO delve into post-20th-level-play, I want to stat the kaiju up as super-high CR monsters. So waiting is a good thing for that reason as well.
The Paizo 2011-12 Catalog actually cites the Kaiju as a monster in the Bestiary 3. Was that an error, or can we expect to see some?

Mournblade94 |

Mournblade94 wrote:Still they are problematic. I didn't realize smite evil was double level damage with the first strike ONLY until I read the Undead Slayer in the APG. I thought it was double level damage for any undead, outsider, or dragon EVERY strike. Yeah it made for some upset undead creatures in Curse of the Crimson THrone.That wasn't an error, though, that was a "upon further consideration of this class ability, with feedback from the community, we realize this ability is too powerful and is being toned down."
An error would be "Correction: The paladin should get 2 skill ranks per level, not 20." :)
Oh boo. I was LOVING that ability, and I would feel guilty to the undead, dragons, and outsiders if I kept using it. Yeah it was a bit too good.

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James Jacobs wrote:
The fact that we haven't made a decision to go or no-go with mythic rules yet is part of the reason I'm holding off on the kaiju as well—if we DO delve into post-20th-level-play, I want to stat the kaiju up as super-high CR monsters. So waiting is a good thing for that reason as well.
The Paizo 2011-12 Catalog actually cites the Kaiju as a monster in the Bestiary 3. Was that an error, or can we expect to see some?
At the time we built the catalog, it was not an error. When we finally got to the point of developing the kaiju template a month or so later, we realized how unworkable the concept was as a 2 page template, and decided that a better solution for kaiju was not to do a template, but to present it as a new category of monsters, each of which would be hand-built from the ground up. And thus, the kaiju template was removed, with the kaiju monster type to be appearing at some point in the future in another product.

Mournblade94 |

At the time we built the catalog, it was not an error. When we finally got to the point of developing the kaiju template a month or so later, we realized how unworkable the concept was as a 2 page template, and decided that a better solution for kaiju was not to do a template, but to present it as a new category of monsters, each of which would be hand-built from the ground up. And thus, the kaiju template was removed, with the kaiju monster type to be appearing at some point in the future in another product.
Well then there is stuff to look forward to for Bestiary 4!

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Mournblade94 wrote:Yeah it's not that big of a deal and if I didn't know Paizo released errata it would be an issue that never would have come to mind at all.Errors happen I can live with that. Hell errors in RPG's are nothing compared to the errors we deal with in science journals, and the researchers seem to manage.
I would much rather get the new release than wait for a few errors to be fixed.
Still they are problematic. I didn't realize smite evil was double level damage with the first strike ONLY until I read the Undead Slayer in the APG. I thought it was double level damage for any undead, outsider, or dragon EVERY strike. Yeah it made for some upset undead creatures in Curse of the Crimson THrone.
+1! I have first printings of every book, and most of the errata is related to minor issues that have either never come up during play, or we just didn't realize there was something "wrong" about the class feature/feat/spell/etcetera.
As far as Bestiaries go, it's more or less about adding/subtracting 1 or 2 from nat. armor, CMB, skill points, saves or AC. As I'm not a number-cruncher myself, such minor matters have to pointed out for me -- and even if someone does, it doesn't bother me that, for example, drow elves should have +1 to touch AC and Acrobatics (that as a completely trumped-up example, by the way).

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

James Jacobs wrote:
At the time we built the catalog, it was not an error. When we finally got to the point of developing the kaiju template a month or so later, we realized how unworkable the concept was as a 2 page template, and decided that a better solution for kaiju was not to do a template, but to present it as a new category of monsters, each of which would be hand-built from the ground up. And thus, the kaiju template was removed, with the kaiju monster type to be appearing at some point in the future in another product.
Well then there is stuff to look forward to for in the Paizo mythic rules!
Fixed that for you :)

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The fact that we haven't made a decision to go or no-go with mythic rules yet is part of the reason I'm holding off on the kaiju as well—if we DO delve into post-20th-level-play, I want to stat the kaiju up as super-high CR monsters. So waiting is a good thing for that reason as well.
What are these "mythic rules" of which you speak?

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

James Jacobs wrote:The fact that we haven't made a decision to go or no-go with mythic rules yet is part of the reason I'm holding off on the kaiju as well—if we DO delve into post-20th-level-play, I want to stat the kaiju up as super-high CR monsters. So waiting is a good thing for that reason as well.What are these "mythic rules" of which you speak?
They're a much argued about rule set that would cover above-20 play. I way "would" because there's no guarantee they will ever actually get developed/released :)

Mournblade94 |

Mournblade94 wrote:Fixed that for you :)James Jacobs wrote:
At the time we built the catalog, it was not an error. When we finally got to the point of developing the kaiju template a month or so later, we realized how unworkable the concept was as a 2 page template, and decided that a better solution for kaiju was not to do a template, but to present it as a new category of monsters, each of which would be hand-built from the ground up. And thus, the kaiju template was removed, with the kaiju monster type to be appearing at some point in the future in another product.
Well then there is stuff to look forward to for in the Paizo mythic rules!

james knowles |

I would've much rather seen a psionics or epic level book than yet another monster manual, especially one in which 1/3 of the "new" monsters are just rehashed from the adventure paths.
Between Bestiary 1&2, the tome of horrors 1-3, the 3.5 monster manual 1-5, creature collection 1-3, and dozens of other books i've got more monsters than i'll ever use. all of which are very simple to "upgrade" to pathfinder stats. So for me personally another book of monsters is just a waste of paper.
Epic rules on the other hand are alot harder to try to convert and balance, so i'd love to see the paizo epic...er, mythic book see the light of day...and the sooner the better.

Dragon78 |

Nice for you James but for the rest of us who don't like third party products or who thought that most of the 3.0/3.5 monster books sucked this is the book I am most interested in. Also were the hell did you get that this book is 1/3 monsters from the APs. I might not be happy with every design choice they make but if this book is half as good as the Bestairy 2 then it would still be 10 times better than anything wizards did after the first monster manual.
I can wait at least a year for Psionics.
I can wait for 2-3 years for "Epic" rules.

Golden-Esque |

I would've much rather seen a psionics or epic level book than yet another monster manual, especially one in which 1/3 of the "new" monsters are just rehashed from the adventure paths.
Between Bestiary 1&2, the tome of horrors 1-3, the 3.5 monster manual 1-5, creature collection 1-3, and dozens of other books i've got more monsters than i'll ever use. all of which are very simple to "upgrade" to pathfinder stats. So for me personally another book of monsters is just a waste of paper.
Epic rules on the other hand are alot harder to try to convert and balance, so i'd love to see the paizo epic...er, mythic book see the light of day...and the sooner the better.
This is just my own opinion, but I love the Pathfinder Bestiaries. Everything about them, from the art to the monsters within it. There are always some amazing monsters in the books, and quite frankly I don't mind if a good number of monsters are rehashed from adventure paths, because quite frankly, that's what I WANT. Al those monsters in one easy-to-find place. Not to mention there are always tons of very interesting monsters; from Bestiary 2, the Quipploths (whom I never spell correctly), the Proteans, and the Shadowraiths come to mind almost immediately.
On the other hand, Mythic Rules are something that I, personally, will probably never get to use. Not to mention that depending on how they're handled, they'd require a HUGE investment. Pathfinder has a lot of classes with a lot of archetypes, after all. I'd rather mythic content stay in their heads for now, with ideas bouncing around on how to actually accomplish it well. I don't want the entire epic series to be based around feats and marginal increases of power, after all!

Primagen |

...Not to mention there are always tons of very interesting monsters; from Bestiary 2, the Quipploths (whom I never spell correctly), the Proteans,...
Personally I don't use alot of outsiders and I feel like they take up too much space in the bestiaries already. The CR for outsiders is usually high-ish and there for they automatically get less play than other creatures and to realistically encounter them usually requires some pretty out-there scenarios. I love undead though and feel like we could always use more! Especially since the campaign I'm currently running involves a party where half the characters are dedicated to destroying undead and will soon be connecting with an organization that will give them missions to do just that.

Golden-Esque |

Personally I don't use alot of outsiders and I feel like they take up too much space in the bestiaries already. The CR for outsiders is usually high-ish and there for they automatically get less play than other creatures and to realistically encounter them usually requires some pretty out-there scenarios. I love undead though and feel like we could always use more! Especially since the campaign I'm currently running involves a party where half the characters are dedicated to destroying undead and will soon be connecting with an organization that will give them missions to do just that.
I can't speak for you, of course, but I manage to make heavy use of many of the outsiders. While the Nightshades are a bit too high for all but the most epic adventures, most outsider families have more than enough creatures to be used at virtually all CRs; demons and devils both have low CR monsters, and even angels has one for your evil campaigns.
If I would have one critique towards the Bestiaries, it would be that there simply aren't many good monsters for evil adventurers to fight; it makes a player who wants to be an Antipaladin exceptionally hard, because (as a GM) you either have to make a LOT of good-aligned stock NPCs in advanced or use the small number of Good monsters that do exist almost religiously.

R_Chance |

If I would have one critique towards the Bestiaries, it would be that there simply aren't many good monsters for evil adventurers to fight; it makes a player who wants to be an Antipaladin exceptionally hard, because (as a GM) you either have to make a LOT of good-aligned stock NPCs in advanced or use the small number of Good monsters that do exist almost religiously.
Evil seems to battle evil as much as it does good. Outsiders from the opposite camp than the evil PCs, rivals for the same goals, etc.

JiCi |

May I suggest that someone modify the product's description to remove the "Kaiju" entry, before you get a riot at your offices' doors ? Just saying...
BTW, the Advanced Races playtest reveals that this book contains catfolks, ratfolks, sulis, vanaras and vishkanyas. (Sulis were previously published in "Qadira, Gateway to the East pg. 28").
I'm curious about the vanaras (and possibly the Ratfolks, if they are the Nezumi race)on one thing: they come from a WotC book called Oriental Adventures which was loosely on another game called Legend of the Five Rings. How did Paizo got its hands on the license for these races if, from what I can understand, it belongs to both WotC and whatever publisher Legend of the Five Rings was with ?

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May I suggest that someone modify the product's description to remove the "Kaiju" entry, before you get a riot at your offices' doors ? Just saying...
BTW, the Advanced Races playtest reveals that this book contains catfolks, ratfolks, sulis, vanaras and vishkanyas. (Sulis were previously published in "Qadira, Gateway to the East pg. 28").
I'm curious about the vanaras (and possibly the Ratfolks, if they are the Nezumi race)on one thing: they come from a WotC book called Oriental Adventures which was loosely on another game called Legend of the Five Rings. How did Paizo got its hands on the license for these races if, from what I can understand, it belongs to both WotC and whatever publisher Legend of the Five Rings was with ?
Both Vanara and Nezumi come from mythology, no licensing required.

JiCi |

JiCi wrote:Both Vanara and Nezumi come from mythology, no licensing required.May I suggest that someone modify the product's description to remove the "Kaiju" entry, before you get a riot at your offices' doors ? Just saying...
BTW, the Advanced Races playtest reveals that this book contains catfolks, ratfolks, sulis, vanaras and vishkanyas. (Sulis were previously published in "Qadira, Gateway to the East pg. 28").
I'm curious about the vanaras (and possibly the Ratfolks, if they are the Nezumi race)on one thing: they come from a WotC book called Oriental Adventures which was loosely on another game called Legend of the Five Rings. How did Paizo got its hands on the license for these races if, from what I can understand, it belongs to both WotC and whatever publisher Legend of the Five Rings was with ?
Oh, ok, nevermind...
They still need to remove "kaiju" from the product's description though... I know that Ultimate Magic causes a few hated reactions due to content that was announced in the description, but not but into the book in the final product. I don't want that to happen for this book as well.

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Still they are problematic. I didn't realize smite evil was double level damage with the first strike ONLY until I read the Undead Slayer in the APG. I thought it was double level damage for any undead, outsider, or dragon EVERY strike. Yeah it made for some upset undead creatures in Curse of the Crimson THrone.
That wasn't an error, though, that was a "upon further consideration of this class ability, with feedback from the community, we realize this ability is too powerful and is being toned down."
An error would be "Correction: The paladin should get 2 skill ranks per level, not 20." :)
Have you ever thought of a career in politics?

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Nice for you James but for the rest of us who don't like third party products or who thought that most of the 3.0/3.5 monster books sucked this is the book I am most interested in. Also were the hell did you get that this book is 1/3 monsters from the APs. I might not be happy with every design choice they make but if this book is half as good as the Bestairy 2 then it would still be 10 times better than anything wizards did after the first monster manual.
I can wait at least a year for Psionics.
I can wait for 2-3 years for "Epic" rules.
I agree that I could always use another Monster book. And I have just put all my 3.0 and 3.5 books on ebay to sell. And with the TOH complete I have also sold my previous TOH versions.
I do not want to do conversions anymore. I also have no problem with Bestiaries including monsters from the adventure paths. Even though I have all the AP issues I do not look at them unless I am running the AP and I find it a lot of work to look through all those issues to find a monster that I would like to use. I would be very happy if every year a new bestiary was published with all the monsters from the past year.
And I do not care about Psionics or Epic rules. I never used them in any previous version of the game and doubt that I will in the future.
Keep publishing Bestiaries. They make me happy.