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This book is massive enough to kill a man. WITH GLEE!
My wife said it ought to have it's own entry in Table 6-4: Weapons.

Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |

Hmm. This question should really go in a separate topic for the Core Rulebook PDF, but anyway, I've been looking at the hardback, but have also downloaded the PDF and have been looking at that to check out the spiffy hyperlinks and such.
Under the "Soul Bind" entry, I found that "reincarnation" was for some reason missing a hyperlink to its entry (especially noticeable as this was in the middle of a list of other spells which were linked) and when I went on to the magic items section, I found that while there were apparent hyperlinks, none of them were clickable.
Anyway, I know there was a rush to get the PDF in time for the launch yesterday, which is part of why it wasn't released earlier, but my question as a subscriber is wondering if there's an ETA on the more fully cleaned up, debugged, and fully hyperlinked PDF, and if there could be an email announcement to subscribers when it is.

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I didn't read through ALL the other posts, but I have a couple of suggestions on the PDF.
The beta copy had a much more collapsed set of bookmarks. The current set is too cumbersome.
Also, why isn't the table of contents hyperlinked like the index? Nor is it part of the bookmarks. Seems like an oversight. Seems like that would be a very easy (and useful) modification. And it would solve the hardcover to PDF inaccuracy of the TOC since it's page numbers don't correspond to the PDF page numbers.
Just my 2 cents, hope it can come to pass.
And btw, Love the book, love the rules.

Notsonoble |

Strong, adventuring fighter-type to carry PFRPG Core Rulebook to and from gaming sessions for petite female DM.
Will consider pack mule.
This is why it frustrates me that there doesn't seem to be any private messageing to the boards here...
Are you by chance the same wheresNia that reviewed the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting at Amazon?
If so, this is a DM who's willing to go Pack Mule in exchange for getting off the DM list and on the player list for a bit...

rulandor |
I love this book! But on the tough side, there is something missing: a complete overview of character creation. You have to search for all the rules pertaining to character creation.
It seems that there are no special skill rank allotments at first level, like there were in D&D 3.5. Am I right, or do I simply not find the pertinent ruling?
First character level means maximum hitpoints, right? Well hidden, the hint.
You can't chose to take half your hit die as new hit points on levelling up, can you? Or I don't find the rule.
The system is great, as far as I read it, but organization of contents is tough.

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Yeah, what happened to the awesome Beta PDF bookmarks? The final bookmarks are not only unwieldy, they're outright leading to the wrong places.
Clicking on Sorcerer, for example, leads you to the last set of monk abilities. All of the classes bookmarks lead you to the wrong places, and that's just the beginning.
For all of us who paid good money for the book can we either get an unlocked copy so we can make our own bookmarks or have Paizo redo the bookmarks in the Beta style so they are actually usable? Thanks.

Delazar |

didnt read the whole thread, I apologize if this is already been asked.
I would like to know if Pathfinder RPG has the same Feat/Prestige Class system as 3.5.
One thing that really made me stop with 3.5 (and never start with 4E), was the fact that after a few months the options became so bloated that it was overwhelming for a new player to choose a feat.
Not to mention the power creep and such.
So, I would like to know if, apart from the Feats contained in the basic book, will there be tens and tens (or hundreds) of new feats coming?
thx in advance

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didnt read the whole thread, I apologize if this is already been asked.
I would like to know if Pathfinder RPG has the same Feat/Prestige Class system as 3.5.
One thing that really made me stop with 3.5 (and never start with 4E), was the fact that after a few months the options became so bloated that it was overwhelming for a new player to choose a feat.
Not to mention the power creep and such.
So, I would like to know if, apart from the Feats contained in the basic book, will there be tens and tens (or hundreds) of new feats coming?
thx in advance
Several times, Paizo said that they wish to avoid the power creep that made you (and many others) turn away from 3.5
There will be SOME new crunchies, but at nowhere as fast rate as in 3ed.

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Okay, loving the new book. Have gotten through the Races and Classes sections and really like the upgrade in power. You can play a 1st level character now and feel like you can have an impact. No more starting players at lvl 3 or 5.
Only concern I have through is that I don't see the benefits of Multi-classing any more especially Prestige classes.
The higher level powers, especially lvl 20 powers are just a little...too powerful. A lvl 20 character looks like they would be able to wipe the floor w/ a lvl 10/10 character. Worst yet the Prestige classes take another hit, especially the ones that require a couple of classes to start out. Take the Arcane Archer. To get to it by lvl 7, are are going to need have at least 1 lvl in Sorc/Wiz and then 6 lvls in a combat class. That gives you 10 lvls of Arcane Archer, but in the end to complete the last couple of levels, your only real choice is to pic up a couple of pathetic lvls in your Mage class or a slight bonus to your Combat class.
I know there should be a 'bonus' for sticking with a class for the whole time, but then again, Multi-classing is a huge part of the game and Prestige classes are cool.
I think to give the Multi-classer a even field, either the Prestige classes should be expanded to lvl 15 or a new set of Legendary classes would be nice. Ones that would start around lvl 15 and take you to lvl 20.

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WEEEHEEEHEEE!!! Luv the book! I pre-ordered at my Friendly Local Gaming Store and got it Thursday shortly after they opened. The packing peanuts were still scattered around the floor. Probably cost me a bit more, but it's worth it to me to keep them going. Our club plays there on a regular basis. (If anybody happens to run into Mike from Evolution Games in Lansing, Michigan while you're all wandering around GenCon, tell him how great his store is.)
Anyway, like I said, luving the book. Excellent artwork. Very nice paper quality. The binding seems sturdy and I'm hopeful it will hold up well over the years. (My first 3E PHB was a first run and had bad binding; busted its spine loose in less than two weeks. I'm a careful user, but flipping back and forth alot and laying the book flat while working on a character sheet or whatever can really put a binding to the test.) And that's just the physical stuff.
Still haven't done much more than skim through, but I really like the upgrades to races, classes, skills and feats. Taking a Favored Class actually does something for you rather than just shooting you in the foot if you do something different. More rules make more sense to me now and I'm looking forward to giving the Combat Manuevers a try some time soon in game.
Back to the reading goodness. Have fun all.

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I'm looking at the spells right now, and I'm finding that, as of right now,
Animal Growth, RPG240/Beta198 give the target as one animal, but 3.5 PHB198 gives one animal per two CLs. was this intentional?
Alter Self, RPG240/Beta198, RPG and Beta drop the comment of the spell granting the +10 to disguise skill.
You are effectively disguised as an average member of the new form’s race. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on your Disguise check.
Is this an intentional drop?
Still comparing spells.

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Sean K Reynolds wrote this book. I know because my book says so.
ummm actually it also says Cosmo wrote this book, so now I am not sure...

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

3.5PHB197 wrote:You are effectively disguised as an average member of the new form’s race. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on your Disguise check.Is this an intentional drop?
Still comparing spells.
This rule is part of the Polymorph subschool now (pg. 211)

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Duniagdra DaaMyour wrote:This rule is part of the Polymorph subschool now (pg. 211)3.5PHB197 wrote:You are effectively disguised as an average member of the new form’s race. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on your Disguise check.Is this an intentional drop?
Still comparing spells.
Now I just need to know about this,
I'm looking at the spells right now, and I'm finding that, as of right now,
Animal Growth, RPG240/Beta198 give the target as one animal, but 3.5 PHB198 gives one animal per two CLs. Was this intentional?
Did I miss a rule somewhere on this too, or was this a deliberate change?
Also, I'm finding some spells where the duration has changed. Again I'll point to the Alter Self spell referenced above. It goes from 10 minutes per level in D&D3.5 to 1 minute per level in Beta and still in RPG.

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819 responses & I'm not gonna go through them all for this one but I just download my copy of the rules (Yeah!! bought the actual book a couple days ago---yeah for 40+ hours at work a couple weeks ago!!). Anyways was the cover of the pdf left off intentionally? Will it be added if the pdf gets updated??
Can't get my Wayne Reynolds fix!!! ha ha Awesome job guys sounds like the book is a huge success for you & I hope you guys win the Best rpg award next year at GC!!

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I'm finding out that Amazon is not allowed to ship until Sept 2nd by Paizo. That really bites that Paizo has released the hardcover on Aug 13th, but Amazon is not allowed to release until Sept 2nd. At $65 for the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, I guess I cannot complain.
Is this for both books? My invoice says the 24th of Aug. I only ordered the rules & not the Bestiary.

Ross Byers RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

I'm finding out that Amazon is not allowed to ship until Sept 2nd by Paizo. That really bites that Paizo has released the hardcover on Aug 13th, but Amazon is not allowed to release until Sept 2nd. At $65 for the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, I guess I cannot complain.
I assure you we have not placed any restrictions on Amazon. We sell our books to a distributor, who in turn sells to bookstores, which includes Amazon.
We place no special restrictions on Amazon compared to any other retailer. The book trade DOES tend to shift all release dates to the next Wednesday (making the release of the Core Rulebook 8/19). Any change of the release date after that is purely Amazon's responsibility.
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I'm finding out that Amazon is not allowed to ship until Sept 2nd by Paizo. That really bites that Paizo has released the hardcover on Aug 13th, but Amazon is not allowed to release until Sept 2nd. At $65 for the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, I guess I cannot complain.
I know for a while most chains weren't allowed to release the books until 2 weeks after because they had too much of a tendency to shipping/releasing early.

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The book trade DOES tend to shift all release dates to the next Wednesday (making the release of the Core Rulebook 8/19).
Sound about right for my order. I used super saver shipping so add a few days onto the 19th & you get around the 24th or so. Got the pdf to keep me company till I get the dead tree version, so I'm happy!!

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It appears we left some sponges inside the PDF patient in the madness leading up to Gen Con and the book's release. I assure everyone that we will be addressing this issue first thing Tuesday when everyone gets back and we will do everything possible to get the PDF is top form as soon as humanly possible. I would prefer to measure this period in hours rather than days, and will be dual-wielding whips to make sure that it happens rapidly.
Thanks for your patience, and sorry about the mix-up!

Zaister |
One question, to anyone that can answer: why was Minute Meteors dropped? Was it a licensing thing, or was the spell thought to be overpowered?
What do you mean by dropped? Dropped from what?

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Duniagdra DaaMyour wrote:I'm finding out that Amazon is not allowed to ship until Sept 2nd by Paizo. That really bites that Paizo has released the hardcover on Aug 13th, but Amazon is not allowed to release until Sept 2nd. At $65 for the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, I guess I cannot complain.Is this for both books? My invoice says the 24th of Aug. I only ordered the rules & not the Bestiary.
According to my account on Amazon, The Core Rulebook has an expected delivery date of Sept 9th. When I called them, the person on the line said, without doubt, that they were given a release date of Sept 2nd and that that is still on track. The Bestiary shows a delivery date of Oct 14th, I believe. No matter though. As long as my copy is still part of the first print release, and I get it in great condition, I'll be pleased. Yes, for USD $8.49, I did buy the PDF, though Paizo.com kept crashing that day. LOL Couldn't handle the traffic I guess. :-))
Duniagdra DaaMyour wrote:I'm finding out that Amazon is not allowed to ship until Sept 2nd by Paizo. That really bites that Paizo has released the hardcover on Aug 13th, but Amazon is not allowed to release until Sept 2nd. At $65 for the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, I guess I cannot complain.I assure you we have not placed any restrictions on Amazon. We sell our books to a distributor, who in turn sells to bookstores, which includes Amazon.
We place no special restrictions on Amazon compared to any other retailer. The book trade DOES tend to shift all release dates to the next Wednesday (making the release of the Core Rulebook 8/19). Any change of the release date after that is purely Amazon's responsibility.
This is kind of what I thought. I was figuring that Paizo may have put a shipping restriction to prevent early distribution, but to have to wait until Sept 9th, well, I waiting this long, what's a little longer, right. I'm hearing from several people the book is very well designed. I can't wait to get my copy.
Duniagdra DaaMyour wrote:I'm finding out that Amazon is not allowed to ship until Sept 2nd by Paizo. That really bites that Paizo has released the hardcover on Aug 13th, but Amazon is not allowed to release until Sept 2nd. At $65 for the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, I guess I cannot complain.I know for a while most chains weren't allowed to release the books until 2 weeks after because they had too much of a tendency to shipping/releasing early.
Thanks guys for your responses. I know on my end this will be a long few weeks of waiting that much longer.

Ryan Rank |

Something superficial that players complain about.
If you want to give them something to complain about, wounds aren't the way to go. My ways to get players to complain:
5. Traps4. Puzzles
3. Put them in a political situation where weapons won't help.
2. Put them in a city where all weapons are confiscated at the gate.
1. Tell them that you're switching away from Pathfinder RPG.
I've done all but #1.

Rook13 |

I may be on the wrong board with this one, but...
First: I got THE BOOK Sunday night (local store) & I'm impressed with the quality of both the content & the printing (no thumb smears from bad inking!). The artwork is good, unified style, realistic but fantastic.
Second: Everywhere I look I see a common theme: "GM discretion" & "GM is the final arbiter" references. Something to point out to that eternal presence at the table: a player who forgets who's in charge.
Third: I noticed a slight clarity issue in the description of the cleric's Channel Energy ability. Is the choice between heal or harm (heal living/harm undead or vv) made when you activate the ability, or when you choose positive or negative energy? A GM can silence such kibitzing, but I wondered what the sages intended.

vagrant-poet |

Third: I noticed a slight clarity issue in the description of the cleric's Channel Energy ability. Is the choice between heal or harm (heal living/harm undead or vv) made when you activate the ability, or when you choose positive or negative energy? A GM can silence such kibitzing, but I wondered what the sages intended.
When you activate the ability, if you channel positive choose to either heal living, or harm undead. I'm fairly sure it says so on the preview, or preview discussion thread. In fact it was taken that way on the thread and also not corrected when Bulmahn started correcting misconceptions like godzilla levels skyscrapers.

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One question, to anyone that can answer: why was Minute Meteors dropped? Was it a licensing thing, or was the spell thought to be overpowered?
Minute Meteors doesn't appear to be in the SRD and is therefor not Open Content.

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Stark Enterprises VP wrote:Minute Meteors doesn't appear to be in the SRD and is therefor not Open Content.
One question, to anyone that can answer: why was Minute Meteors dropped? Was it a licensing thing, or was the spell thought to be overpowered?
Melf's Minute Meteors was never even updated to 3.0 by WotC, let alone 3.5 or the current SRD. Not everything in Baldur's Gate II made it into 3e. (The only unofficial conversion I can even find is on Canonfire, the ultimate Greyhawk fansite)

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Great book, been enjoying the changes made, and look forward to getting started on the new adventure path with the new rules.
I assume we are going to see an update soon, with fixed bookmarks and all those non-functioning links in the index working? There are also a few inconsistencies in the text links throughout the book. Doing a global search and replace for things like skill, feat and ability names would solve that.

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The PDF will be updated soon. We have top men working on it now. Top... men...
Fools. Bureaucratic fools. They don't know what they've got there.