Almonihah |

Okay, so, now I actually had time to read the thread. I'm *very* interested. :D
Are you at all open to using some third-party sources for playing monsters? I have a *lot* of different ways of doing so I'd like to use... the "In the Company of..." series, some "Monster Class" pieces, even an archetype that turns your character into a custom chimera.
If not, I may go for an unusually mean-spirited faerie dragon, who's CN instead of CG because he's not as careful about making sure his pranks don't lead to serious injury and/or death.

Andostre |

Okay, here's my concept, but I'd like to know if it's approved mechanically before I do too much work with the build and backstory.
I found this guy, who seems awesome. It's CR 8, but to make it work, I'm relying on this bit:
A neh-thalggu that has fewer than seven brains gains one negative level for each missing brain. These negative levels can never become permanent, but they can only be removed by replacing one of its collected brains. The stats presented here assume a monster with a full collection.
I'm thinking that it starts the game with zero brains, which causes it to have negative levels. Comparing negative levels to the simple Advanced template, I'm estimating that 2 negative levels is equal to -1 CR, so with zero brains, it's CR 4. Then I'll give it the Young and the Degenerate templates, which brings it to CR 2. For advancement, it could rely on a combination of collecting brains and losing the templates, whichever the story dictates. Then if we reach beyond CR 8, I can come up with something related to the "dark apotheosis" mentioned in the monster's ecology.
I'm thinking that this could work for the controller role.
I'm also looking through for monsters that can heal and may ultimately go with something for the healer role if I like the concept enough.

DM Ithe |

Ok, I’ve been thinking a lot about how to make a clockwork construct work and I’ve got some questions.
First is intelligence. There are a couple templates that give intelligence, the first is Lifespark Construct. It’s third party and it also really makes it to where you are point buy for 3 stats which seems to stray out of the intent for your campaign but I still wanted your thoughts. The second option is Enlightened Construct which is way more in line with the campaign I think but is a little more specific than i’d like and has a scaling CR which in my mind would lock me in to a track which I’m not sure I want. Would it be possible to choose to forgot the later level iterations of Enlightened Construct? The third option I’ve considered is that Clockwork Servant gives an option for an intelligence of 11 without adjusting CR, only adjusting cost (Which is irrelevant as far as I can tell). The problem is that it seems to be the only Clockwork construct that allows this, so organic progressions to later clockwork iterations would necessitate options 1 or 2 I think.
The other issue is healing. Clockwork Servant gives about the only easy answer to this one. Would any of you other applicants even be capable of “healing” a construct?
I’ve got a couple ideas going around my head but it’s hard to focus on the nitty gritty of one or the other without knowing my options. I’d thought about trying to figure out a way that I could have a construction clockwork minions but that’s pretty deep suboptimal rabbit hole. I could do a really nice striker I think but that would be the least interesting character development I think. I also like mind powers vibe that enlightened construct has going for it.
My brain is stuck on clockwork construct but I’m having trouble narrowing it down. I guess some thoughts would be appreciated.
PS I did check out the AI template I don’t think that’s the route I want to take, I’ve forgotten who mentioned it but I appreciated the suggestion. edit: It was Bob’s Yer Uncle

GM Monster |

Almonihah: Yes I'm open to 3pp material on a case by case basis.
Andostre: That looks fine to me. I think two neg levels sounds fair as CR -1 equivalent. Collecting brains sounds fun.
DM Ithe: Yeah as ScegfOd points out, healing will be fine. I'm pretty sure we'll have a life link healer in the party. Clockwork construct would work for now just fine. Yeah I'd probably be ok with you stopping the CR scaling and also the benefits scaling of enlightened construct. Lifespark construct is probably fine as well but I might need to look it over again.

Ithe |

Ok, I’m going to nail down a Clockwork servant with the young and enlightened construct templates. I’ll need to know the alignment of our Wizardess master because enlightened construct has to be within one step of the creator.
Roll for Int: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 3) + 4 = 11
Roll for Cha: 1 + 2d6 ⇒ 1 + (2, 1) = 4

Almonihah |

Okay, then, a few possibilities I'd like to ask about:
*The Winter Wolf monster class from Dreamscarred Press's Monster Class: Woodlands
*A dragon from Rite Publishing's In the Company of Dragons
*A chimeramorph from Everyman Gaming's Perplexingly Bizarre Archetypes
To give a little bit of information, the Winter Wolf class is a six-level class that basically makes you have the full stats of a winter wolf by the time you're sixth level. The dragon book provides both a full-dragon class complete with various draconic abilities, and archetypes for most classes that allow you to grow as a dragon over twenty levels but still have most of the major class features. The chimeramorph archetype is an archetype that can be applied to most any Paizo class that makes you a custom sort of chimera that just happens to be able to turn into a humanoid form.
If you want more info on any of them, I can PM you more details. My order of preference is probably Chimeramorph, then Winter Wolf, then Dragon.

Oceanshieldwolf |

@GM Monster - is the AWOL Ms. Wizar Dess a human or humanod? I’m quite interested in playing a Cadaver and was wondering if I could be a much loved or much hated great great uncle/aunt Xenobia/s or similar with many opinions on the wayward young lady and her possible fate.
Either that or a forgotten suit of Phantom Armor that has been brought “online” to locate the young Ms. It can’t... speak, but it sure can swing a sword and is extremely motivated.
Apologies if either of these are similar to any posted in the above 110 or so posts following the initial recruitment post, I’ve read some of the thread, but not all...

GM Monster |

Almonihah: I don't own those products. Can you link me to them or share the statblock with me?
Oceanshieldwolf: She is human. Lucian Aldor is her name and she is 38 years old. Either the Cadaver or the Phantom Armor are fine in terms of game balance but you'll need to find ways for both of them to be able to communicate with the party. Hard to provide good, interactive RP when you can't tell the party what you're thinking! XD

Almonihah |

Here is the dragon race and the dragon class from In the Company of Dragons. I don't believe there's a free legal source online for the other two, I'll PM you the details.

Piedmontina Mumblethunder |

Hi all, Thought I'd drop in my candidate. I asked myself, what's the most off the wall thing I can fit into a CR2, and then kept going. I wasn't able to fit a class level in yet, but that's coming at first advancement. I know that there's another Atomie on the table, but it seems that we're pretty different in party role and play style (I'm mostly looking to be support casing, and some tanking once I get an Eidolon)
Young Drunk Half-Celestial Atomie Lich CR 2
NE Fine Undead
Init +11; Senses low-light vision, darkvision (60 ft.); Perception +16 Aura Fear (60 ft.)
AC 30 touch 25, flat-footed 27 (+7 Dex, +8 size, +5 Natural Armor)
HP 25 (2d8+12)
Fort +4 (Immune), Ref +8, Will +4
Defensive Abilities:
DR 10/good, 5/magic, 2/cold iron
Immune: Cold, Electric, Undead Traits
SR 13
Channel Resistance +4
Familial Posession
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. (good)
Melee: rapier +14 (1d1-5/18-20), Lich Negative Energy +14 (1d8+1/NegEnergy)
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6, smite evil, Fear Aura (DC 17), Paralyzing Touch (DC 17)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +12)
Constant - speak with animals
At will - dancing lights, reduce person (DC 18)
3/day - invisibility (self only)
3/day - Protection from evil
1/day - shrink item
1/day - bless
Str 4 (-3) Dex 25 (+7), Con -- (-), Int 17 (+3), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 24 (+7)
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 11
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics +10 (+6 when jumping), Bluff +11, Escape Artist +9, Fly +22, Knowledge (local) +6 Perception +16, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +34, Use Magic Device +10
Languages: Common, Sylvan; speak with animals
Smite Evil (Su)
Once per day, as a swift action, the half-celestial can smite evil as a paladin of the same level as its Hit Dice. The smite persists until target is dead or the half-celestial rests.
Fear Aura (Su)
Creatures of less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius that look at the lich must succeed on a Will save or become frightened. Creatures with 5 HD or more must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for a number of rounds equal to the lich’s Hit Dice. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same lich’s aura for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Lich Touch Attack
A lich’s touch attack uses negative energy to deal 1d8 points of damage to living creatures + 1 point of damage per 2 Hit Dice possessed by the lich. As negative energy, this damage can be used to heal undead creatures. A lich can take a full-round action to infuse itself with this energy, healing damage as if it had used its touch attack against itself.
Paralyzing Touch (Su)
Any living creature a lich hits with its touch attack must succeed on a Fortitude save or be permanently paralyzed. Remove paralysis or any spell that can remove a curse can free the victim (see the bestow curse spell description, with a DC equal to the lich’s save DC). The effect cannot be dispelled. Anyone paralyzed by a lich seems dead, though a DC 20 Perception check or a DC 15 Heal check reveals that the victim is still alive.
Familial Possession (Su)
When a familial lich is destroyed, its spirit departs its body and seeks out the lich’s nearest living relative, a process that takes 1d10 days. The familial lich then tries to possess the relative, as per greater possession (the caster level is equal to the familial lich’s HD, and the save DC is Charisma-based). If the relative succeeds at her save, she becomes permanently immune to this ability, and the familial lich must spend another 1d10 days searching for the next-nearest living relative, repeating the process until it succeeds or until no such relatives remain and it is destroyed instead.
If the relative fails her saving throw, the familial lich’s spirit takes root in her body. The familial lich’s consciousness remains within the relative even after the greater possession effect ends, and it is able to share her senses. It can use greater possession on her once per day thereafter. If the relative fails on three consecutive saving throws to resist, the familial lich’s spirit takes over, and she physically and mentally transforms into the familial lich permanently. Even if the relative continues succeeding, it is impossible to remove a familial lich without extremely powerful magic once it has taken root.
Only lineal ancestors or descendants of the familial lich, as well as siblings, are eligible targets for possession (aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and so forth are immune).
Class Skills:
Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (religion), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Swim, Use Magic Device
1. How you came to be in the employ of an evil wizard guarding her lair
So, I was just minding my own business one day, you know, reading some tomes, planning wars against my neighboring kingdoms, tending to my undead hordes, the usual stuff. When out of Nethys knows where, a bunch of Holy Folks teleport in. Now, this happens every now and then, so I had some pretty decent wards in there, but a couple of them managed to get into my throne room. I don't know what that one guy was wielding, but the lucky bastard managed to get a good one on me, and snicker-snack, there goes my head. Not the best day I've ever had. Anyway, I don't super need my head, but they kept pressing the attack, and things didn't go great for me after that. Last I knew, they were trying to burn the place down destroying my phylactery.
Joke's on friggin them though. I don't have one! Ha! I managed to trap my soul in the blood of my descendants. So those paladins can suck it! I mean, it clearly wasn't a perfect plan, since the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the body of my stupid great-great-granddaughter, drunk off her ass, and dancing naked around a fire with a bunch of satyrs. I suppose it's better than being forever destroyed, but _come on_. I used to command armies, and the gods themselves feared my powers. Now I'm 5 inches tall, and a voice like a mosquito. I just don't have as much gravitas.
Anyway, you moved into what used to be my lair (I'm not angry, you have great taste). I like what you've done with the place. But I can see that you're still figuring out how the place works. So here's what I'll offer you: I need to lay low for a few hundred years, and I'd rather do it here than find a new place. So I'll just take a couple of rooms for myself, I don't need much space now, and you can run the rest. I'll let you borrow some of my library, if I can use some of yours, I can act as a decent vizier, since I know most of the royal families around here, and in exchange, you just present a decent formidable face, worthy of my fabled keep, and make sure nobody wanders in to kill us both. Deal?
2. What your motivations are
What? She's dead? I mean, I'm not surprised, I just thought she would last a little longer than that. <Sigh.> Okay. Well, I guess it's up to me to make sure this place stays safe. I've ruled over it for... five, or maybe six, different reincarnations now (it gets a little fuzzy after a few thousand years). It's more than just my home, it's the seat of my empires.
3. What the personality, quirks, habits, etc. of your character are
Okay, everyone keeps asking, so I'll address some of the common questions now while we're all here. I'm also making a little poster, and anyone who can read can take a look later in the dining hall.
- 1. If you're such a powerful lord over all undead, why aren't you creating your own undead armies?
A good question, thanks to everyone who has asked. I don't want to create powerful undead armies yet, because a build up like that draws the attention of too many do-gooders, and I don't want that hassle. That said, we will need a bunch of bodies at some point, so if you bring any back this way, we can just chuck 'em in the big pit out back and use them when we're ready. - 2. If you know enough magic to keep your soul tied to this plane, so that you can continue your unholy wars across the ages, why don't you use it more?
Another good question. I'll admit it's new to me, that I can't just destroy villages with a little twinkle of my eye. My current hypothesis is that my new stupid little frail body would literally be torn asunder if I tried to channel more than a tiny fraction of my true power through it. If any of you think that's a weakness you can take advantage of though, let me tell you this: even that small fraction will end you where you stand, hover or slither. And I am not above utterly destroying this stupid, stupid body in order to get my revenge upon you. - 3. I like meat.
Um, that's not actually a question, but that's okay Thorg. As an undead, I don't actually need to eat, but I recognize that most of you do, so we will work to keep the larders fully stocked with a variety of people and animals, as fresh as we can. In addition, if anybody enjoys some, uh, extra-cuurricular consumables, well, let's just say that I can't judge you. <Pulls a flask out of robes and begins to unscrew the lid.> - 4. Wait, are you drinking right now? How does that even work if you're undead?
Let me tell you, it's not easy. <The lid comes off, odd noises come from the flask, which is covered in a variety of holy and unholy symbols.> Whoo! But, it is entertaining. Plus, it's not like this is something new for this place. The old bag might have been a wizard, but she chould have been a druid, for as much as she liked to "commune with plants", if you know what I mean. - 5. Will there be any big changes with this new transition of power?
It's hard to say as yet. This is not a small dungeon, but I am a very small person, so I don't want to run this place on my own. We will try to keep things as familiar as we can for you, and rest assured that we will still of plenty of looting and pillaging to look forward to. - 6. Are those Angel wings?
Ah, yes. I'm not totally sure what my great grandchildren were like, but yes, it does seem that one of them was a fey who seduced a celestial being. Feel a little bit of pride that one of my line managed to get a celestial to fall for them (get it, eh?). But if anyone is going to get a heavenly being to do the dirty, it would be the fey. If anyone thinks it's funny that I have angel wings though, I will remind you that I am fully capable of smiting your ass. - 7. Who are you again?
I am *Piedmontina Mumblethunder*, Keeper of Windmill Mumblethunder and all its lands. I am the Undead Emperor, Supreme General of my armies, and protector of my people. My enemies know me as their death, but everyone here, I consider a friend, so you may all call me Piedy, or Tina, or Supreme General.
4. What your character looks like, and
It's easy to ignore Piedmontina. She's only a few inches tall, and weighs as much as a just a couple of coins, usually off hovering, or flying a lazy loop in a shadow somewhere. Those who do take a closer look though are surprised to see this minuscule creature has an other worldly beauty that is evident, even through the mask of undeath. The once-gleaming angelic wings are now tattered and dun. The dainty face of a fairy, with the unmistakable nose and jawline of heavenly influence, even now can be seen, although the flesh has grown pale and saggy. Her eyes are completely gone, the tiniest dust of ruby jewels glowing in their place.
5. A way that you could see your character developing over the course of the game.
Piedmontina wants to protect her home, her family and people, and regain the glory she once knew. She became a lich to watch over her family through the ages, and protect them and act as a guardian. She knows she must build power, and project strength. Building an army of undead has brought too much attention in the past, and led to ruin. So for this campaign, she will focus on different magics. She did not choose this body, so she must find ways to compensate for it. She has hard of powerful transformative magic. Maybe that wizard who was living here found something useful.
Atomie 1
Half-Celestial (+1)
Young -1
Drunk -1
Lich +2
Familial Lich +0
Total: 2
Natural Armor: +1 (Half-Celestial)
Atomie Flight is better
Add SLAs
increase in abilities
No change in skill points per Hit Die from Half-Celestial (base race has 6 + Int)
Defenses/Qualities: A half-celestial gains darkvision 60 ft.; immunity to disease; +4 racial bonus on saves vs. poison; acid, cold, and electricity resist 10; DR 5/magic (if HD 11 or less) or 10/magic (if HD 12 or more); and SR equal to CR + 11 (maximum 35).
Young: change size, the dex and str changes cancel out for some things
Drunk: oof. get rid of this soon.
Level of Summoner (+1) (3hd, CR 3, 1 class level)
Pay off Drunk (1) (3hd, CR 4, 2 class level)
Mutant Template (3hd, CR 5, 2 class level)
Level of Summoner (4hd, CR 6, 3 class level)
Dread Lich? (4hd, CR 7, 3 class levels)
Level of Summoner (5hd, CR 8, 4 class level)
Many Angled.(5hd, CR 9, 4 class levels)
Level of Summoner (6hd, CR 10, 5 class level) (back on the sauce, reapply Drunk, because Half-Celestial increased)
Pay off Drunk (6hd CR 11, 5 Class levels)
Level of Summoner (7hd, CR 12, 6 class level)
Diamond + Drunk (7hd, CR 13, 6 class level)

Andostre |

Okay, here's my concept, but I'd like to know if it's approved mechanically before I do too much work with the build and backstory.
I found this guy, who seems awesome. It's CR 8, but to make it work, I'm relying on this bit:
Neh-Thalggu wrote:A neh-thalggu that has fewer than seven brains gains one negative level for each missing brain. These negative levels can never become permanent, but they can only be removed by replacing one of its collected brains. The stats presented here assume a monster with a full collection.I'm thinking that it starts the game with zero brains, which causes it to have negative levels. Comparing negative levels to the simple Advanced template, I'm estimating that 2 negative levels is equal to -1 CR, so with zero brains, it's CR 4. Then I'll give it the Young and the Degenerate templates, which brings it to CR 2. For advancement, it could rely on a combination of collecting brains and losing the templates, whichever the story dictates. Then if we reach beyond CR 8, I can come up with something related to the "dark apotheosis" mentioned in the monster's ecology.
I'm thinking that this could work for the controller role.
I am going to bow out of this recruitment. It looks fun, but I've got a few real-life commitments coming up that I need to focus on and won't have time to work on a submission.

Oceanshieldwolf |

Oceanshieldwolf: She is human. Lucian Aldor is her name and she is 38 years old. Either the Cadaver or the Phantom Armor are fine in terms of game balance but you'll need to find ways for both of them to be able to communicate with the party. Hard to provide good, interactive RP when you can't tell the party what you're thinking! XD
I don't see anything to suggest the Cadaver can't communicate, but the Phantom Armor definitely can't speak. Regardless, I'm not finding the inspiration so I'll bow out. That neh-thalggu concept is priceless, easily one of my favorite monsters since X1 Isle of Dread... Have fun folks.

GM Monster |

Almonihah: Hmmm, after deliberation I think that those 3PP options don't fit well with the feel of the campaign as you'd be doing an entirely different type of character building and leveling than everyone else. Thanks for sharing them for my edification and review.
Piedmontina: Good to see you on here, vmaaxt. Can you fill out a row for yourself in the spreadsheet above? Your submission looks complete to me.
Andostre and Oceanshieldwolf: Cheers.
Xenophones: I like what I'm seeing. Your submission looks pretty complete to me but a bit more background information would be helpful.
All: Please make sure your row in the spreadsheet is up to date as this is how I will organize my roundups and final review. Recruitment closes and game starts in 1 week.

ScegfOd |

Here is my first official pass at Snowball's backstory ^^
Will get crunch ready later...
Lucian Aldor was in need of some way to avoid restocking
Snowball ended up in Ms. Aldor's home before hatching, but the mutant-dragon to be never found out how. Snowball always thought that the wizard was her mommy; no reason to look for mommy when you can see her every day. And anyway, thaumaturgical experimentation is how all good mommies take care of their babies, right?
Eventually, the wizard's experiments bore fruit in Snowball's fast healing and improved constitution. The magic took its toll on Snowball's mind, but having a more pliable test subject didn't seem like a drawback to Lucian. Not as long as it wasn't her own mind.
One of the side effects was somewhat cat-like behavior. That, combined with the dragon being the size of a large house cat, inspired the spell caster to give Snowball her name.
After trying everything she could think of, yet failing to extend Snowball's regenerative abilities beyond the dragon's body, Lucian declared the experiment a failure. Snowball was relegated to guard duty.
These days Snowball misses her mommy, but she contents herself with freezing and then consuming any meat that wanders into reach.
Motivations and plans (bullet points 2 & 5)
I'm not sure what normally motivates white dragons besides a safe pile of treasure to sleep on, good cold meals every day, and the frozen tears of defeated foes.
In Snowball's case, she'll also be (at least somewhat) motivated to find out what happened to her mommy. In the future she'll almost certainly discover that her real mommy is a dragon, but how she feels about that will mostly depend on how she finds out and what she learns beforehand.
Description (bullet point 3)
Snowball's head is slightly deformed, looking rounded in front (a bit like the blue-eyes white dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh). She otherwise looks much like every other white-scaled, ice-breathing, flying lizard-of-death.
If we get more beneficial mutations later, some of her armored scales will become more like armor plating.

GM Monster |

Looks interesting so far, ScegfOd.
A note: The evil wizard, Lucian Aldor, doesn't care about any of you. She sees you all as employees or tools and doesn't give you any more consideration than she deems useful. So for example, Piedmontina may have owned this dungeon centuries ago but Lucian doesn't think she owes Piedmontina anything and doesn't deem her as any more important than any of her other tools. That's not to say your monsters aren't important and interesting. Just that the game starts with Lucian 100% in charge.
Added a map of the dungeon so you can see the various chambers and think about what kind of chambers your monster would like to hang out in on a regular basis or take up a post in for dungeon defense.

Mat_H |

Just found this. Very interested but figured I'd check in first in case you're already overloaded with good submissions.
I was thinking of a soulbound doll that the wizard created from a child's soul. Although I was meant to be guarding one of her rooms, what little was left of my original soul latched on to her as a mother figure and I saw myself more as her child and the room I was guarding as my own room.
Obviously this will create some issues when I realize my Mommy is gone, and main motivation would be to find a family that could take in this poor orphan as an adopted child...hopefully one that treats me better than she did...but at the same time I'd have all of the programmed evilness that Mommy put in me so actions would not always be in sync with desires.
Base creature is pretty much a utility caster but as I add class levels could become blaster or control or even a face.
If you like the idea I'll start working up a full submission. BTW Mommy called him "Doll #23" but he vaguely remembers someone calling him "Scooter" at some point so that's how he refers to himself.
EDIT: hmmmmm....hard to add additional templates to a construct. Not sure how I would progress other than taking class levels. Would need to figure that one out since there's no real progression for clockwork dolls in the bestiary. I do like the idea of the Selenic template at start as it allows for fun RP options due to forced mood and alignment changes but we'd need to track the moon phases. Let me know if it's allowed as it's 3PP (link: Selenic Creature)

GM Monster |

ScegfOd: You're still very welcome for Snowball to think of the wizard as his mom and master. I'm just clarifying that it's not mutual. XD
Mat_H: Sure the idea is interesting enough. Selenic looks fine as it's probably CR + 1. I'm not going to track a lunar calendar but I'm fine with just rolling randomly to determine the moon phase at the beginning of the day.

Mat_H |

Was looking back and noticed that you approved the Psychic Creature template. I have an idea of what to do now for progression. I'm dropping selenic and I'll probably start with Scooter as an empath. As we level I'll alternate between taking class levels in one of the occult classes (mesmerist or occultist or something) and adding on psychic templates that increase CR. That way I can keep the class level / CR from base creature + template balance.
I'm building the crunch and alias now and I'll have the full submission done later tonight.
Side note - I finished catching up on submissions and don't want to step too much on Snowball's feet so if he'd prefer I drop the Mommy angle I'll be happy to find a new motivation. Being able to play a creature that has a sliver of a sacrifice's soul allows for LOTS of motivation possibilities

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

That was faster than I expected. Crunch is in the profile. All the background / progression stuff is both in the profile and the spoiler below. I had to change her from Scooter to Cindy since I love this profile picture and it didn't really work with a male doll. Oh well. I think I managed to catch all the male pronouns and replace them with female but if I missed some I apologize.
How I came to be in the employ of Lucian Aldor:
I'm not really sure who or where I was before Mommy woke me up, but I was ecstatic to hear her voice when she gave me the warm welcome of "Finally...hopefully this one will be better than the other 22 useless things." THAT is how I knew that I was special, and also that my lucky number was 23! Anyways, she put me in a misty room with lots of weird brown things and told me that I was supposed to watch out for strangers and let one of the bigger people know if I saw any. She even gave me the important job of putting strangers to sleep if I saw them go into the spiky room over there! She may not act like she loves me, but I know she does, and I'm going to make her proud. She tries to hide it, even calls me by my birth name 'Doll #23' but I just know she really thinks of me as Cindy.
Cindy's motivations: Cindy just wants to make her Mommy proud. Whatever that takes, never mind if it be putting strangers to sleep, keeping Sevren company, or mopping the floor. She'll get her to admit that they really are a family eventually. If she was ever to be separated from her she'd first be distraught and just want to find her, but after a time she'd want to try and find a new family that was more open with their love. She'll find them and she'll love them and love them and love them until they love her back! I figured Doll #23 would work well in the 'Mist Chamber'. Also, she doesn't really understand love, she just has a vague memory of the feeling from life before she was sacrificed and put into a doll so her idea of "loving a new family until they love her back" will probably be a bit creepy and maybe a bit threatening to the poor things.
Cindy's personality: Cindy only has some vague concepts of things due to a small sliver of her mortal soul remaining so she tends to view some things (like love) in drastically extreme ways, while not understanding other common social concepts at all. She also tends to alternate between being active and almost inert. When active she has a personality similar to a naive young girl and is filled with energy and excitement, but when inactive she speaks little, seems depressed, and acts in a robotic fashion. My psychologist tells me this is because she has a hard time reconciling the evil things she does for Mommy (or by accident) with her innocent little girl brain.
Cindy's appearance: Cindy is a baby doll made out of hard porcelain with one glass eye, one ruby eye (her soul focus), and a pastel blue dress. She has braided hair, is almost always dirty, and is beginning to show small cracks in the surface of her head and arms. She always carries a small dagger which she never uses, but since Mommy gave it to her she'll never put it down.
Cindy's development: Over time, Cindy will need to come to terms with several things. She needs to realize that Mommy doesn't love her the way she loves Mommy. She also needs to find a way to come to terms with the fact that the things she does are bad. I'm not sure if this will result in her changing her actions to good or changing her innocent worldview to be more evil, we'll have to see how that goes. Lastly, she will need to gain a measure of self-respect and self-confidence so that she can learn to rely on herself and not always be looking for an "adult" influence to manage her. I'd really like to see her make the move from "Have you seen my Mommy" to "Will you be my Mommy" and finally reach "Screw all y'all! I'm my OWN Mommy!!!"
Planned progression:
Level of Occult Caster class (4HD, CR3, 1 class level)
Level of Occult Caster class (5HD, CR4, 2 class levels)
Psychic Creature (Telepath and Clairaudient templates) (5HD, CR5, 2 class levels)
Level of Occult Caster class (6HD, CR6, 3 class levels)
Psychic Creature (Telekinetic and Clairvoyant templates) (6HD, CR7, 3 class levels)
Level of Occult Caster class (7HD, CR8, 4 class levels)
Psychic Creature (Pyrokinetic template) (7HD, CR9, 3 class levels)
Level of Occult Caster class (8HD, CR10, 5 class levels)
Other than changes based on GM review, the only thing I'm missing is the tagline. I wasn't sure if you really wanted me to put all the SLAs in since Cindy has a lot, so I thought I'd check before writing up all the limited use abilities.

Mat_H |

Damnit I like this idea too much. Now I've made Cindy and love her, but while pointing out the recruitment to a friend I had another idea...
If multiple submissions are allowed I could also make up a voidworm and progress up the chain of protean races through mutation. If they are not, then there's an idea for anyone who is lurking and still doesn't have one.

Piedmontina Mumblethunder |

Not a huge change, since I'm planning on playing utility casting, but it occurred to me that Piedmontina is a good candidate for Mystic Theurge. I'll pick up Equipment Trick (sunrod) as my first feat, and since all the (good) casters have a 1st level light spell, that satisfies the 2nd level spell pre-req, so I'll be able to enter MT at the third class level. I'm pretty CHA heavy, so I'm inclined to go with Sorcerer and Elder Mythos Cultist Cleric (so I have at least some variety in my daily spell). Plus, who doesn't like the idea of a itty-bitty lich bargaining with Cthulhu.
Also, as for where Tina hangs out in the dungeon, she probably spends a lot of time in the Crystal Chamber, occasionally seeing if Sevren is in his quarters, and asking him to borrow a book. In a defense situation, she uses the tiny tunnels to move to where the action is.

Mat_H |

And my overly enthusiastic self has already done a whole second character after Cindy. I didn't do an alias or crunch yet since Voidworms are CR2 and it will literally just be a copy/paste from the bestiary. I'm posting it since I honestly like both of them and if multiple submissions aren't allowed maybe GM Monster would tell me which one he finds more intriguing so I can make it my single submission.
How I came to be in the employ of Lucian Aldor:
Word on the street is that Voidworms are creatures of the moment, that we barely grasp cause and effect, past or future. This is not completely true. Those that swim in the vast schools of Limbo get lost in the chaos of the group, and those that are summoned to your plane are enthralled. When actually left to our own devices we are much more eloquent and intelligent than you might think.
I know there's been a lot of debate about whether us voidworms are actually proteans or not. The people on your plane insist we are, but the other proteans say that we are not, that we are lesser beings who spontaneously form out of the warp of Limbo itself. I'm here to tell you that they are both right in a way. The proteans are right about our status and our creation, but through experience, growth, and sheer force of will we can evolve. We can become anything we want to be. Reality is malleable and the possibilities are endless and beautiful.
Anyways, you wanted to know how I got here. That ... woman Lucian wanted a familiar. She pulled me out of Limbo, straight from the base substance. I was made to be hers. The stupid thing didn't realize what she had, what I can be, and just dismissed me as ugly and useless and left me to wander these halls. She had the gall to try and give me direction and then leave me to myself while she summoned something else to be her pet. In the long run it was good for me. I've avoided harming her pets or changing her environment as she was a bit too strong to cross, but those days will end soon. I've spent years of your time meandering these halls, playing with the other creatures, having fun...oh so much fun...with intruders. I think it's time for me to grow, but it HAS been a good time.
My motivations: I just told you. It's time to grow. There is so much more to experience on your supposedly static plane of existence. You would be surprised at how many things are fluid, how many things can change if you let them. The first thing that needs to happen is I need to change. I will grow, expand, strengthen, and evolve. I will prove to the people here that your plane isn't set in stone. Even your stones aren't set in stone. I will prove to the others back in Limbo that I'm a true protean, not just a mindless manifestation of chaos.
He also wants to be popular, to be the center of the party, but he'd never admit that to you
My personality: You're going to trust me to describe myself? That seems odd. I would think you'd ask someone else. I guess you aren't as smart as I thought, just like I'm not as mindless as YOU thought. Let's see, you'd probably think I was egotistical and arrogant, but I see it as ambitious and strong willed. Similarly, I think all of you are stubborn and immobile whereas you probably think you are just normal. No! You are blinded by your concept of "natural laws" and do not have the mental capacity to even understand the my level of creativity or the wonders I could show you. You also like to complain about my short attention span but in reality...hey that is a really nice mushroom, have you noticed it?
My appearance: Really? My appearance? Do you even know what the word protean means, let alone what a Protean is? Sure I like to relax in this form, this little wiggly multicolored shake shape, but I can take any form I want. I haven't figured out how to be everything on my wish list just yet but I'm getting there.
My development: I guess I should take over here. He can't really talk about where how he'll progress since he has no idea. As he spends time in the world and away from the influence of Limbo he'll become less "protean" in his belief system. Although creativity will still be high on his list he will develop a respect for a certain level of stability. He also will overcome his overbearing selfishness and begin to learn how to work with others even if it doesn't always fit into his own view of how everything is supposed to go.
Planned progression: The way Proteans work as a society and as a "type" they are the essence of chaos and are everchanging. I believe that it would be feasible to just work down the following list through mutation. At any point if I find a type I'm really enjoying as a base I might stop the progression and take class levels, but honestly I really like them all at least through CR11 and it will be fun to have a slightly different set of skills every level.
CR2 - Voidworm
CR3 - Akizendri
CR4 - Ourdivar
CR5 - Azureti
CR6 - ??? - probably advanced template Azureti, there's no CR6 protean in the bestiary
CR7 - Naunet
CR8 - Pelagastr
CR9 - Illureshi
CR10 - Imentesh
CR11 - Ibshaunet
CR13 - Oshageros
CR15 - Hegessik
CR17 - Keketar
CR20 - Izfiitar

Helix Missionary |

Oh, Skevi definitely bothers Sevren and the goblins fairly frequently. He's definitely struck up "deals" with any among them foolish enough to agree to such a bargain, although they aren't actually effectual at the moment (at least as far as damning souls goes). Beyond that he probably spends his more private time in the Heated Chamber, since the temperature wouldn't really bother him much, and it offers easy access to most other wings of the dungeon.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

If Fang wants the misty chamber, I can move Cindy. I just figured it was a good place since one of her SLAs is deep slumber and from there she could put people to sleep in the spike chamber to ensure they get smushed.
I guess this is a discussion for after selection though, as we have no idea who will even be playing.

Xeria |
Xeria spends most of her time riding around the country side patrolling and looking for possible threats. Her +20 stealth and invisibility definitely help.
Since she can disguise self and pass for a halfling, I can see her going into the towns and especially taverns and keep a lookout for possible adventuring parties assembling.
When she’s inside she will probably have set herself up on the northern island of the second flooded chamber. She’s tiny and can easily get to it from the entrance through the tiny tunnels. Her dino is small and can squeeze through them.
She’ll have made a nest for herself and her dino of grass and leaves. She’ll have shiny, glittery stuff hoarded there since she’s a magpie like that. Also, when adventurers come, she has a tactical advantage of being able to fly and pepper them as they try and swim across and her dino can be at the water’s edge attacking them as they try to get out of the water.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

Changing craft(dollmaking) to take craft(carpenter) and craft(scultpure). Cindy plans on mixing with CL in promethean alchemist instead of an occult class now. That way she gets all the benefits of craft construct at CL1 and can start making her own poppets and dolls (including soulbound ones) herself as well as having a humunculous familiar that looks like a child.
If chosen, she's gonna be like a puppetmaster who is also a doll herself, surrounding herself with a bunch of other little dolls that have utility as the game progresses. (Don't worry I dislike controlling more than a couple things in combat so they will NOT all be combat focused dolls. Most of them will be out of combat utility or just fluff.)
This would change her motivation a bit since she'll want to find Mommies and Daddies for all of her 'friends' (increase creepy factor) and also will help with development as through 'raising' her homunculus familiar she'll be a Mommy figure which will help her learn to both support herself and have something be dependent on her.
GM: Ignore the Protean idea please. Further thought has me fixating on Cindy instead. I made the necessary changes to Motivation/Development/Progression in her profile and marked her as complete on the spreadsheet.

ScegfOd |

Side note - I finished catching up on submissions and don't want to step too much on Snowball's feet so if he'd prefer I drop the Mommy angle I'll be happy to find a new motivation. Being able to play a creature that has a sliver of a sacrifice's soul allows for LOTS of motivation possibilities
It'd be great, they'd be able to compete for mommy's attention xD
But that reminds me: part of me wants everyone to make mutant wyrms, just so our GM has to say something like "the wizard had a thing for experimenting on dragons..."

ScegfOd |

@GM Monster: I think you mentioned that the skills we get are supposed to match those given on the bestiary entry, but what if we get a penalty to int from a template? (e.g. mutant gives -2 to two ability scores)?
Also, what if we get a boost to int? (Mutant and advanced templates boost ability scores)

GM Monster |

Cindy: Looks good. Intrigues me.
Everyone: I'm fine with multiple submissions from one person if you want to put in the work. Also, cool to see you guys engaging with your home and dungeon so far. Very fun! We'll iron out details when we have a team picked, which will be really hard!
ScegfOd: Yes you do start with skills (like all other stats) as listed by the bestiary but then adjust for templates. So a change in int would mean a change in skill ranks per racial hd.

Doll #23, also known as Cindy |

@GM: Now that you've gotten a look at Cindy there's something else I had in mind for her which I didn't want to add to the profile itself. I really like the idea in terms of roleplay and development for that small sliver of soul that remains to become more prominent or even start restoring itself once she isn't under control of the wizard.
That opens the door for memories popping up, personality traits returning over time, and even pre-sacrifice friends or family being encountered abd recognized.
To do that I'd need to write up a pre-doll history and would require your involvement in developing hooks along with me, or even just throwing things at me that you come up with letting me have to respond to unknowns.
I don't want to assume that you are interested in extra work like that so it's not part of the base profile but IF I'm selected AND you're interested I'm 100% on board and will write up a pre-sacrifice character if you want.
Just something to keep in mind, obviously it isn't something that's even pertinent until after selection but I wanted to bring it up.