Ubashki Lynx

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Organized Play Member. 40 posts (421 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters.

I've gotten contradicting answers to this, so I'm hoping someone can help me hammer this out.

If a character starts stealthed, behind cover. They are willing to break stealth (full movement), and don't care if they're seen, and then they renter foilage/cover and want to hide again (2nd movement action, half speed). Do they incur any penalties?

Move action 1: Full speed, not stealthily, breaking cover/stealth
Movement action 2: Half speed, hiding.

RAW: Breaking Stealth When you start your turn using Stealth, you can leave cover or concealment and remain unobserved as long as you succeed at a Stealth check and end your turn in cover or concealment.

^ implies if you want to remain unobserved for your entire turn, you are making a single stealth check with any movement penalties they incur. The character doesn't care whether they are seen the first half of their turn, that they should be treated the same as if they didn't start while stealthed.

References are welcome.
Also, does it matter that they effectively start while stealthed?

Hey, I'm quite new to Pathfinder, so thank you for all of your help.

I'm making a 6th level Dwarf Brawler, and I'm trying to make sure I've thought through the Shield combat
First, I'm looking at the Shield Champion and Winding Path Renegade(Mystery of Unfolding Wind) archetypes.
I've also got a nice home rule that the throwing shield is included with my Shield Master proficiencies.

If I'm understanding the Throwing Shield modification accurately, I can unclasp and throw my shield as a free action/attack. Thanks to Returning Shield, I presumably get that back immediately.
I then, can use Brawler's Flurry to make a ricochet attack, both at full BAB, presumably as a full action.

Now, in order to get my AC bonus back (within my turn), I should use a quickdraw shield to don it as a swift action, and recover my +3 AC
(+1 shield, +1 Shield Focus, +1/+1 Quickdraw light steel shield)
(the downgrade from a heavy shield hurts but it seems to be required)

Does that work described? Am I missing options to simplify my Captain America throwing shield build?
Edit: Bonus Question 1: If I'm reading it right, the feat Quick Draw, wouldn't allow my to don a heavy shield, would it? (the extra AC and dmg would be worth it)
Edit: Bonus Question 2: I'm assuming that there's an in between place where I can wield a shield as a weapon for a ranged or melee shield bash attack, but I haven't donned it properly to get the AC bonus. Is this true too?

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I want to put together a caster character that ideally isn't noticeable/detectable to be so.

Silent/still metamagic should keep non casters from noticing I'm anything, but distracted.
Quicken metamagic should erase the distracted aspect.
Secret magic only seems to work out combat.

Sorcerer for eschew materials?

Any good tips or ideas? I know the character is not going to be *strong* in the least, but I'm trying to make it work as well as possible. Class is optional so long as it works.