Katapesh Merchant

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so the entry for the clockwork familiar is stated as a raven and specifies that a similar creature with an alternate movement would just replace the fly speed with whatever ... burrow, swim ect.

question ...

if the familiar is based off a dragon, would it only have the bite or would it also get the claws?

granted not a cleric but wouldn't necessarily tarnish the image, you could take a level in monk to get your Wisdom bonus to AC.

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HighLordNiteshade wrote:
I use PCGen, which is free.

I tried downloading PCGen but for whatever reason the zipped setup folder won't run and says the source file doesn't exist.

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with so many years of threads to sift through, I am not having much luck finding what I'm looking for.

Is there an online tool for Character generation similar to Wanderer's Guide for Pathfinder 1e?

I have tried Pathbuilder but am wondering if their is a more recent tool out there.

A bit of confusion here and I am anot sure which is correc as the Rules feel vague.

when crafting a peperbox (6 barrels) ....

do you pay the masterwork cost (300gp) for the weapon itself or do you pay it for each barrel (300gp x 6)?

when enchanting ... do you enchant the entire thing (like a bow) or do you have to enchant each barrel (like a double weapon)?

hopefully a quick question.

A prepared spellcaster (wizard, ect) must spend an hour to memorize their daily allotment of spell.

If you are a multiclass arcane caster, does it take an hour for each class to prepare spells?

example. A spellslinger/Magus would require 2 hours to prepare spells?

So basically ...

If the summoner's HP is below max, these HP can be healed with either channeling OR cure spells .... while fused with his eidolon. The (temporary) HP of the eidolon if below max are not healed.


I apologize but after trying to go through as many threads about the sysnthesist I have been unable to determine something.

I know that an eidolon does NOT get any benfit from healing as they are "temporary" HP and can only be replenished through the rejuvenate eidolon spells or life link abilities.

My question is about the summoner within ... does a summoner while fused get hit point healing when subject to positive channeling? cure spells I image wouldn't work as you cannot target the summoner individually but channels don't really target but instead heal everything within its radius.

So in a current game, a player is using the Flame Warden archetype for the Ranger profession. Looking over the archetype, there seems to be confusion about the their spells.

As a ranger they use the Ranger list but the archetype says ...

... A flamewarden can prepare spells from the druid list that have the fire descriptor.

... This alters the ranger’s spells.

So the question we have ... does a Flame Warden simply add all the druid spells with the flame descriptor or do they ONLY get druid spells with the fame descriptor?

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Has enyone ever considered a simple lvl 1 dip into cleric with the arcane domain?

It basically turns the shield into a ranged weapon (up to 30 feet) which auto return.

just a thought and it takes very little from any [articular build.

in regard to the perception checks .... as GM you could either call for one or use a "passive" perception based on their usual bonus. Someone with a +10 perception is going to notice a lot even when they aren't specifically looking.

have the party spot a specific piece of jewellery that the baron's daughter has been known to wear ... perhaps a signant ring she forgot to remove during a quick change into her "alternate identity".

Have a party member physically bump into her and notice an obvious boossom.

Have them meet the baron's daughter in the marketplace or on some official meeting and have them notice she has the same exact cloak hanging nearby that the contact always wears.

spoiler .... yes I am going there ....

during a conversation with the contact, have a familiar or animal pet with scent take interest in the contact. The front of her cloak has a fresh stain of red fluid. .... if that isn't obvious I don't know what else is.

ok so a question or two about being being knowing if you are proficient regarding clerics (and wizards) ....

cleric "Clerics are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). Clerics are also proficient with the favored weapon of their deities."

when stating a cleric is proficient with shields .... does this include using a shield AS a weapon. shields as weapons are martial weapons. The wording is kind of odd because it first mentions weapons .... then armor .... then shields.

2nd question ... Hand of the Apprentice, the wizard universalist 1st level power (or cleric magic domain).

"You cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning to you. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Intelligence *(Wisdom for cleric) modifier on the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence (Wisdom for cleric) modifier."

Does the wizard or cleric need to be proficient in the melee weapon that is being magically thrown or do they take the penalty if not?

vhok wrote:
You could walk 40 then fly 20 you can not add them together

can you point out where this is defined?

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I did a search and found some information but nothing truly definitive. If a creature has more than 1 form of movement ... how much movement do they get during their standard move action?

example ... a pit fiend has a speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)

assuming normal terrain (and successful fly checks) ... could a pit fiend move 40 ft on land and then take flight for an additional 60 ft giving it a grand total of 100 ft of movement utilizing only a move action?

I can't find any rules on mixing movement or limiting movement to one type or another and the few threads don't seem to be commented by anyone of significance.

So if rangers need not have pre-requisits for their combat style, is it legal for a non ifrit race ranger to use the elemental style (scorching weapon) which has the ifrit race as a pre-req?

by RAW i want to say yes ... but it feels questionable.

So .... a kitsune with the magical tail feat gets specific spell like abilities usable 2 times a day.

A kitsune has its shapeshift ability to turn into a human (or fox depending on feats)

Can a kitsune in "human form" still access its spell like abilities granted from magical tail (when it doesn't currently have its tails)?

thanks for the faq link and the answers.

Sorry if this is more of a necro but there are so many "grapple" topics in the search it just seems easier to ask the question directly rather tham sifting through potential threads ....

round 1 - A PC starts a grapple successfully beating his opponent's CMD
round 2 - He then maintains the grapple (beating opponent's CMD) and "pins" the opponent.
round 3 - He then fails his grapple check ...

Is his opponent completely free or does he just move a step down from the "pin" condition to the "grappled" condition

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per brew potion, a potion under the value of 250gp can be brewed in 2 hours. Assuming an 8hr work day .... that would be 4x CLW potions per day

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Searched the old threads and couldn't find a dev response to how rend interacts with DR. Is it added to the second attack and then DR applied or does DR apply to the stand alone rend damage?

Or it it still a DM discretion thing?

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In our games we just allow monks to wear a haramaki. Its only a +1 to AC and can be enchanted. This way the monk players don't lose the armor slot for magic items.

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Swarms are (mostly) immune to weapon damage but a falling PC is not a weapon but a falling object so I would apply the falling objects rules to the swarm.

I can't get past the idea that your DM includes monster genitalia in his loot table.

Seeing that the double Kama can be used at reach, I would say either end can be used.

Simon Legrande wrote:
FrozenLaughs wrote:

It doesn’t necessarily have to be how far the jump takes you, rolling 25 on a dc15 jump doesn't actually mean you jumped 25 ft, just the 15ft you needed.

Otherwise imagine the fight when the DM places another pit after the first; you roll high enough to not only clear the first pit, but to land plumb in the middle of the next one. Lol


CRB wrote:
Finally, you can use the Acrobatics skill to make jumps or to soften a fall. The base DC to make a jump is equal to the distance to be crossed (if horizontal) or four times the height to be reached (if vertical). These DCs double if you do not have at least 10 feet of space to get a running start. The only Acrobatics modifiers that apply are those concerning the surface you are jumping from. If you fail this check by 4 or less, you can attempt a DC 20 Reflex save to grab hold of the other side after having missed the jump. If you fail by 5 or more, you fail to make the jump and fall (or land prone, in the case of a vertical jump). Creatures with a base land speed above 30 feet receive a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed above 30 feet. Creatures with a base land speed below 30 feet receive a –4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed below 30 feet. No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round. For a running jump, the result of your Acrobatics check indicates the distance traveled in the jump (and if the check fails, the distance at which you actually land and fall prone). Halve this result for a standing long jump to determine where you land.

So what happens if there is an obstacle such as a wall or creature preventing you from traveling the full distance your jump check indicates you should travel? Do you take damage or provoke AoOs? Do you fall prone?

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given the following example ...

GGGG---GG where G is the ground and - is empty

assuming a running start

1) is the DC based on the gap jumped over [5,6,7] (DC15) or the distance to the next Box of ground [5,6,7,8] (DC20)?

2) when determining movement, does the jumped distance count against a characters total movement? moving from 1to9 equal 40' movement?

3) does landing at the end of a long jump end your move action or can you continue provided you have movement available?

4) using acrobatics happens during a move action so if a double move is required to jump a distance, does it need 2 checks?

Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
Gauntlets do not take up an Item Slot. By that same notion, Full Plate takes up the Body, Chest, Head, and Feet slots.

Gauntlets do take up the hand slot (as there are magic gauntlets in the "Hand" section in UE. Gauntlets that come with armor (med or heavy) however can be replaced without changing the integrity (=armor value)of the armor ... as can boots.

If full plate takes up all those spots, why is there an "Armor" slot?

LazarX wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Each character begins play with a number of gold pieces that he can spend on weapons, armor, and other equipment. As a character adventures, he accumulates more wealth that can be spent on better gear and magic items. Table: Starting Character Wealth lists the starting gold piece values by class. In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. For characters above 1st level, see Table: Character Wealth by Level.

This is pretty much all you get for free in Pathfinder. Clothes still count against your encumbrance, sadly.

An outfit... i.e. clothes.

the cost of the outfit is free (provided its 10gp or less) but it still counts as wt against your carry cap.

perhaps the underwear that was brought up has a negligible weight like flasks.

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CR 18 and worth 153,600 xp


At 1800, the scabbard of vigor is a pretty cool item.

For 2000 you could probably get some magic armor for your Animal Companion

So I came across a rules find in UE under the masterwork armor section stating you can't place an enhancement of a shield to give it a bonus to attack. Pg 15, last paragraph.

I guess if you spin it enough, you only need a masterwork item to enchant, and not a masterwork which grants a +1 to attack.

Cussune wrote:

Cat Stats Fever!


EDIT: I'm assuming you're looking to have the animal on hand before it actually becomes your companion, right?

that is indeed the plan

The text mentions the cheetah and jaguar but doesn't specify to use those stats from the beastiary. I'm planning on using one in an upcoming game where the GM can be a bit rules lawyer-ish. So do we intact use those stats?

Character concept has a snow lynx (who will eventually become an AC (cat, small)

cnetarian wrote:
The stories about a half-giant character who carried a bunch of throwing halflings are just not true. It was one halfling, and he was dead, and the corpse was being brought back to town for a resurrection - so while a halfling corpse might have been tossed a few times it was only a corpse and not an living halfling, and it was just because there was nothing else to throw.

The version on the story I heard was the half-giant couldn't affordable a thrown weapon with the returning quality. A halfling was the next best thing.

And here I was just going to point out that a readied actions occurs before before the action that triggers it so without reach (or the feat) you couldn't attack the weapon (claw, arm, spear, whatever) because it hasn't moved into your reach yet when the readied action is resolved.

So we had a situation where while fighting a large creature, a character was able to get into melee (passing through a threatened area) without provoking an attack of opportunity.

M=monster, R=Ranger, F=Fighter, -=open space

movement pattern




The question really comes down to does the Ranger provide cover to the fighter. RAW states you can't make an AoO against something with cover. To keep things moving along (it was a large combat), we just decides there was cover but now that I think more about it, I'm not so sure. The monster is tall so it has a reach of 10.

My guess would be the attacker who isnow interacting with spell would get a save which if successful would indicate the "fake barrier " only has a 20% chance of working.

If a dragon is shapechanged to a human and you use true seeing, do you see a medium sized dragon or a hunger one (assuming its normal size is huge).. what f you saw this true form while indoors.

Rules lawyers don't fail me. This is most likely going to come up at my next gaming session so any ideas are appreciated.

Burning gaze has a target of "you", share spells say the caster "may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself."

If I cast Burning Gaze, I can cast it on my familiar thus giving it a standard action to look at bad guys and try to set them on fire.

The spell has a saving throw Fortitude (negates), as well as a Reflex save to quench the flames.

Is the save DC based off the familiars Int as the gazer, or the casters Int since they actually cast the spell?

There is a feat that allows for additional traits. That being said, there really is nothing that says you cannot have a trait that has no mechanical effect when you choose it.

The same would be for choosing a favored class you don't have yet.

My thought that 2x 90 degree turns is fine but you are forced to move at least 5 feet with each turn so if you were in a 5' hallway, you would be forced to make the 180 turning back on yourself whereas in a 10' corridor you could make 2x 90 degree turns but you would wind up on the other side of the hallway (flying in a U).

Wielding a one handed weapon with two hands (for the 1.5 bonus). Use a two handed weapon if you want the multiplier.

My personal opinion is no because to utilize a shield it needs to be strapped on and not just held or supported. Since you can't strap it to both arms, you can't 2 hand it.

As far as its a weapon so you can, armor spikes are on the list, can you two hand them? Can you 2 hand a blade boot or the iron beard thing?

Not sure if its PFS legal (don't have my extra list available right now) but you could take a level in the rogue archetype carnivalist (animal archieve). They get a familiar at level 1. It won't progress but it will get better saves/BAB/HP as your character level goes up.

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Ninjas with healing ... Naruto. There is a subtype of "medical ninjas".

If multiclassing is appropriate, you could also try witch who get healing spells (and possible healing hex).

If you don't really want the mount, have you considered the huntmaster archetype? You lose the mount for dog and/or bird animal companions.

Its not just the defending property that is affected by "weilding". Look at two weapon defense. Since you can only use both weapons in a full attack, do you not get the bonus when move more than 5 feet?

I'm in the camp of weilding = capable of making an attack camp.

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From the title I thought this was going to be about creating cheese and getting milk.

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