
feyrial's page

Organized Play Member. 57 posts (3,568 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 aliases.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

During the burning, Catalina stands alongside Yasami, who seems to be engulfed in her own inner turmoil. She notices the chanting and while she notices it going on for quite some time, she understands. Pulling on her knowledge of various faiths and practices, Catalina speaks a brief prayer to Pharasma in her native language, the harsh syllables falling from her tongue like strange poetry. Then, in Dwarven, she offers a similar prayer, encouraging Dario's spirit to make the journey from this plane to the next without lingering. "I hope we can get to know each other in another life."

When she finishes, she steps back and looks around at her newfound friends. Family, even? She thinks back to when she joined them, her mind reeling with the realization that they hadn't spent that much time together in the grand scheme of things...but the amount they had experienced so far felt like years. She takes a deep, shaking breath and bows to Jorsk, her glowing eyes glistening with tears. "Thank you for your expertise. We could not have honored Dario so well without it."

With that, she looks around at the crowd, indecisive as to how to spend her night before they return to the jungle. She tumbles many options in her head before her eyes rest on Alak, deciding that it wouldn't be irreverent to seek some comfort in getting to know the interesting Hellknight more.

She approaches him when things are winding down, a sad smile on her face. "We're leaving tomorrow," She says simply. "I'd like to spend some more time getting to know you before we do, if you have the time. I could use the distraction."

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She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 5 | Willpower 6 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 2

With your subject, I wouldn't worry about the dual credit stuff as much, to be honest. Those composition classes are required for everyone whereas social studies aren't necessarily required for college. We are going to offer a CCP government course, but for the most part, English and Math are the most CCP heavy.

It can be a s~+*show for sure, but don't feel too bleak or anything. :) If you hate your life at one job, switch districts. Different admin, different buildings, different coworkers can make such a huge difference. I have a lot of support in my building, so even when the kids are driving me nuts, I know my principals/superintendents have my back.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Have a safe and happy new year, everyone! <3

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She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 5 | Willpower 6 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 2

Annoyed with this entire s$#+show of a situation, Calliope reaches inward and pushes out her influential aura in an attempt to smooth things over. (Calliope will activate Awe.)

"Don't worry, pretty one," Calliope says to Statia, flicking her eyes to Edwin briefly before turning her serene smile back to the cute little raver girl. "We understand and respect consent."

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She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 5 | Willpower 6 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 2

Spent last night in the ER with my spouse (they're okay now). I will have a post up in the next few hours.

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N Female Small Fungus Leshy | ♥️ 32/32 | AC 16 | F +7; R +6, W +8 | Perc +6 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Spell DC 19 | ⚕: None | ✋: | ☘️ 2/2 | Exploration Action: Covering Tracks (Always)

"Not only that, but you didn't animate them yourself!" Pixie pipes up indignantly, gesturing toward Amie, Zitha, and Solyin. She rests her hands on her hips, glaring up at Lady Constance. "And we don't belong to any humans. We're Wardens of the Forest, and we've been charged with rescuing our kidnapped people."

Perception DC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 hero point - I believe I may be out of them now.
Perception DC 16: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Pixie turns to the guests who clearly look uncomfortable and are muttering about intelligent plants. "Our people have been stolen for your entertainment, making them no better than slaves for your amusement. Does that sit well with you?" She challenges, glaring at the fancy-dressed tallfolk.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Happy Father's day to all of y'all who have spawned. :)

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Bless you, DM.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

All good. I think we can handle waiting for excellence. :P

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Will post ASAP. Having a rough week.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

If you wanted a story-telling hook for the circumstance bonuses, I think you could get creative with things going on in the setting, etc. (depending on the situation) because the word circumstance is pretty broad and leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Sometimes I don't have the energy for creativity, lol :P

Caiten, I actually did know that one - I figured that was one of those fudging situations and just let it go. lol

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Quick note - looks like folks in round 1 missed that Caiten cast Stoke the Heart on Lisi for +3 damage. Caiten does that a lot - using Stoke - so be aware of it, y'all.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

re: spoiler tags -- I think if something is a sticking point with you, please make sure we know ASAP and just put your foot down. You're new, and I know that comes with some hesitation sometimes, but the clearer we are on communication via a message board (with no tells, no body language, etc. that we can read), the easier things are imo.

I, personally, am prone to overthinking text. It's a combination of being an English teacher and being autistic - I've been trained to read text a certain way and consider every word that I choose so that it conveys a certain tone/etc. I often forget that not everyone puts that level of nitpicky detail into things (no shade to people who don't), especially on a message board.

If you label it in a way that puts your foot down, I can avoid checking it even though my impulse is always to spoil myself on things (spoilers have not now, nor have they ever, ruined anything for me, tbh - i am in it for the puzzle, the journey, etc., so I've never understood the song and dance about them) so you can maintain GM mystique.

I can respect coming into this where we are at is a tough time for sure. especially when I'm privy to a lot of the circumstances surrounding our GM's departure (I know her IRL and we work in the same building; we are not, however, on speaking terms, related to the reasons for her departure) and that does occasionally color my viewpoints here.

I know that the second vrock existed because Fern wanted to add more challenge to the encounters when we were a party of a lot and functioning at full capacity. With Joran dropping out due to life things, Cev leaving since they aren't able to keep up, and Dario leaving because of his own life stuff, a lot of her edits to jump up the challenge rating no longer make sense. She had mentioned a lot of these changes when we were still on speaking terms.

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She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 5 | Willpower 6 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 2

I think in this case the spoilers were just to help with posts not being too long.

I'll be real with you all. I read every spoiler. I make it a point to actively avoid metagaming because metagaming isn't fun. Imo if it's a true secret, it should go in PMs.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

That all sounds good to me. Barring any further questions, What do you need from us in the next few posts to get the ball really rolling?

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Honestly, all that stresses me out is that this tends to be my outlet/escape from stress, and when I have a lot on my plate, I can't do the thing that helps me release stress. :P

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Lisi, if you like the way my alias is set up with rolls and stuff, I can transfer your stats and the like to this format and just send you a google doc that you can simply copy/paste into your alias for Lisi to avoid this.

GM, I have my pathbuilder sheet linked in my alias for Catalina, but all her pertinent information is transcribed into the alias, including feat/whatever descriptions. I'll get botting instructions in there too, but hopefully, you'll not need to use them ever.

There may be a period of time in the next couple of weeks where I will be off the grid for a couple of days - Spring Break is coming up and my partner and I may go to some cabins for a nice vacation. I'll keep you guys in the loop and make sure it won't interfere too badly with things.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Lisi, Yasami - what are you thinking for how to intersect with one another? Catalina would probably bolt for their last camping spot.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Catalina glances about at their fallen friends for a moment, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, memories flooding her psyche. Nikolai, his green skin shredded to ribbons at the hands of the lich that loomed over him, screaming at her to run. Then, she felt helpless and torn. Stay and surely die with Nikolai...or obey and run, leaving Nikolai to surely die alone.

She feels her stomach twist, but fights off the rising panic with a stomp and a nod. "You just need to cover our escape. Don't catch our friends in it, Lisitsei," Catalina warns before she bolts into the jungle.

Catalina uses her actions to run 75ft worth of movement in a straight line away from the fight and into the jungle, hopefully coinciding with Yasami at some point.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

We would also have to recognize Hezle for who she is in the midst of battle and be able to process that when all of our allies are falling around us...but I think the need to leave is definitely obvious after Caiten was taken down.

I (player) have never been great at strategy so no, I don't really have much creativity to discourage them from following beyond like...it not being worth pursuing us since we're all such a wreck and they have plenty of our party to interrogate while we're off licking our wounds in massively reduced numbers.

I am 100% still committed to the game and would like to keep going!

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

We are still waiting on Cev to complete 2 more actions.

Imo if we have to wait this long for someone, we need to move them in initiative or something.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

I am excited to meet you! I am a recent addition to the crew. I'm happy to have someone that one of us can vouch for.

In regard to the colorfully descriptive writing, I think effort matters more than perfection. Some days you're going to feel inspired, some days you aren't, and that's okay. I am a high school English teacher - don't take that as pressure though. I'm not on the clock when I am on Paizo, even if I am Paizo-ing on the clock.

I would say I don't have questions I can think of right now so much as I wanted to lay out a couple of things about myself/things I love about pbp and this game in particular.

I'm an autistic woman. One thing Fern did really well was state her rulings up front, and I would really like to see that continue with any GM that takes over.

Also, please understand that if I (or anyone else) asks for clarification on a ruling, it is never from an antagonistic place. We autistics love our structure, and we are known for being blunt and straightforward. Please always assume good intentions. :) I know I am not the only neurodivergent person in this group (ttrpgs attract our types). If I ever have an issue, I'll be PMing you privately. I tweak the rules all the time as a GM (although I have limited experience as a GM, tbh), so I'm not a stickler for being perfect or anything. We are all human.

I am in it for the sweet, sweet roleplay and character development. I am in it for the creative writing. This is my outlet, especially this game in particular - the people and characters here are incredible and I have been following the story since Day 1 even if I haven't been involved. I would like to see that preserved and revered.

I would also like to preserve our current character build things like the free archetype/ancestry paragon stuff. Especially given that AoA has a reputation for being pretty intense. Our party build is not "traditional" and any GM taking over should keep that in mind.

Okay, I think I've babbled enough, and I'm putting off finishing the notes I'm making my students take over Rhetorical Situation/SOAPStone analysis by writing this.

Let me know if you'd like me to expand any more on things.

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I don't have much else to add, you guys. I feel thankful that we were able to finish this. I am glad that I was able to share it with all of you. I will be launching both Kingmaker PF2e and Outlaws of Alkenstar in the next few weeks, once I get a chance to work with my spouse on a character for one or both, and I will keep you guys looped in.

Thank you for the amazing time, the patience with my new GMing, and for turning this silly low-level AP into something beautiful.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

He posted in our Shackles game - work is just SO busy and he doesn't see it changing anytime soon. He's been having a hard time keeping up in all of his games (including the one I run).

Incidentally, I'll be launching a Kingmaker pf2e game in the next few weeks. I will let you all know when I begin to recruit if folks are interested.

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F Half-Elf Spores Druid 5 | 32/32HP | 14AC | Init: +2 | Wild Shape & Symbiotic Entity: 0/2 | Spells: 1: 4/4; 2: 2/3; 3: 1/2 | PassPerc: 16; Ins: 13; Inv: 10 | Saves: Str+1; Dex+3; Con+2; *Int+4; *Wis+7; Cha+4 | Conditions: Inspiration

There is nothing hasty or knee-jerk about my decision. I don't drop out of things lightly. I can't give the game the attention it deserves, and that isn't going to change anytime soon.

Enjoy the game, guys.

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Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

Willow stares, silver eyes as round as a full moon at Demalyn's exceptionally debauched (and somewhat disturbing) story. She chuckles smilelessly, clearly impressed by the dryad's sister's methods.

She then turns to listen to Karley's story, brows raised at the bizarre story. The tiefling wrinkles her nose at the halfling, shaking her head. "Telling a story about a different you is a cop-out, and you know it. Luckily, one of my most scandalous encounters includes you, so you don't get to wiggle your way out of it that easily," Willow says, wagging her finger at Karley admonishingly.

The cleric leans back, hands on her knees, and then launches into her own story. "By the time I hit 15, I rarely spent the night alone. In hindsight, far too young to be engaging in such things, but I sought validation through that and all manner of mind-altering substances. I was, of course, a poor example for Miss Rumblemuffin," the tiefling pauses to gesture at Karley with a bemused expression. "She got dragged to some of these parties, too...and about a year ago, we had set up the carnival for a particularly powerful Archfey...a special request..." Willow continues on, relating a tale that involved mixing alcohol and a few different types of psychedelics at the beginning of the night and ended with Karley, Willow, the Archfey who threw the party, an imp, a satyr, and a few random other Fey waking up curled up around one another as naked as the day they were born.

"The imp followed Karley around for a bit," Willow says, giggling madly and wincing a bit from the pain of her smile. The tiefling schooled her face back into careful neutrality, eyes still glittering with amusement.

She turned her gaze to both Adela, Khalil, and Nuruk, raising her eyebrows with interest. "Your turns."

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CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

Atia glances at Syl and Mateo briefly, an odd expression flashing across her face before she turns away, taking Joran's hand and making her way back out to the common area.

"Lanni," She says, catching the gnome's attention with a small wave when they're all back in the tavern. "Rickety says he'll double our guns. Size or quantity, our choice. In return for the help and un-paralyzing him and all," She shares, looking pleased. "What happened over at the docks with that other ship?"

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Niss killed it - I just need some time to write the wrap-up and stuff. and the brain power. I get that super fun brain fog when I'm dealing with the monthly curse and it's hitting me today, lol.

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F Half-Elf Spores Druid 5 | 32/32HP | 14AC | Init: +2 | Wild Shape & Symbiotic Entity: 0/2 | Spells: 1: 4/4; 2: 2/3; 3: 1/2 | PassPerc: 16; Ins: 13; Inv: 10 | Saves: Str+1; Dex+3; Con+2; *Int+4; *Wis+7; Cha+4 | Conditions: Inspiration

Sweet, sounds good. I'm playing too many systems right now, appreciate the reminder about wildshape - in a few PF1e games, PF2e...lol

Astrid stretches, an odd, uncharacteristic smile crossing her face as Grim offers a blessing. She shakes her head, holding up her dirty hands. "I appreciate it, but I feel much better after this bit of rest we've managed to get." The spore druid took another deep breath, closing her eyes and extending her senses through the spores, the invisible aura suddenly becoming strangely sparkling in a flash before settling around her again.

"I'm ready to go when you are."

2 HD: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11 29/32HP, Wildshape 2/2, 4/4 lvl 1 spell slots.

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Female Half-Orc Fighter 2 (Soldier) HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +5, DEX +1, CON +4, INT/WIS: +1, CHA +0 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none
Athletics +5, Intimidation +2, Nature +3, Perception +3, Survival +3, Stealth Disadvantage

Myev nods at Tek, quietly impressed by the wealth they've uncovered, and leans over to lift the cleric and sling him over her broad shoulders, careful to make sure her maul wouldn't bop him whenever she moved around.

"Going back up seems like the best idea, I think..." Myev says, trailing off as Utsuri begins to speak. She pulls an incredulous face as the suggestion of melting down the treasure and snorts, shaking her head. "No, I don't think that's a good idea, Utsuri...let's get back upstairs."

Onward and upward...and two votes against, lol.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

"It's just a flowery way of referring to positive energy," Catalina says with amusement, digging through her esoterica pouches to pull shavings of cold iron and a few talismans that radiate good to the top of her pouches for easy access. "As far as I know, they can still be hurt by regular weapons, Dario. You will be able to hurt them," She says reassuringly, grinning.

"So, are we just...going for it, or are we still planning to see what things look like during the daylight?"

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Female Half-Orc Fighter 2 (Soldier) HP 20/20 | AC 18 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +5, DEX +1, CON +4, INT/WIS: +1, CHA +0 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none
Athletics +5, Intimidation +2, Nature +3, Perception +3, Survival +3, Stealth Disadvantage

:P I will remember this.

Myev looks surprised at her maul hitting the wall, her weapon vibrating uncomfortably in her hands from the WHANG! of metal on stone. The half-orc woman looked sheepish, frowning down at Tek with worry etched on her face. "Think I've maybe been cooped up for too long," She comments, taking a grateful sip from the offered wineskin. "Alright, now that I've embarrassed myself..." She heaves a sigh and puts her hands on her hips, watching the strange monk help Silas.

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F Half-Elf Spores Druid 5 | 32/32HP | 14AC | Init: +2 | Wild Shape & Symbiotic Entity: 0/2 | Spells: 1: 4/4; 2: 2/3; 3: 1/2 | PassPerc: 16; Ins: 13; Inv: 10 | Saves: Str+1; Dex+3; Con+2; *Int+4; *Wis+7; Cha+4 | Conditions: Inspiration

Astrid smiles at the two sentinels, holding up a hand. "I had found Sprog..." She glanced around the group, frowning deeply, trying to spot the small, annoying child she had chased.

"We don't have a lot of time to negotiate, dears. There is a horde descending in this area, and we need to barricade. These people helped slay the bone dragon. They claim to have plans to save Elturel..." The druid shrugs, but she looks determined.

Persuasion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Persuasion, adv: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

what the actual...

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F Half-Elf Spores Druid 5 | 32/32HP | 14AC | Init: +2 | Wild Shape & Symbiotic Entity: 0/2 | Spells: 1: 4/4; 2: 2/3; 3: 1/2 | PassPerc: 16; Ins: 13; Inv: 10 | Saves: Str+1; Dex+3; Con+2; *Int+4; *Wis+7; Cha+4 | Conditions: Inspiration

Oh, don't worry, this is just Astrid <3 She will settle down a little bit when she gets to know you all better. Surviving in hell and all.

I think Simon is GREAT.

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Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12

Sorry for my prolonged silence! Life has been a little weird and my partner has been having a really bad time with mental health so I've been trying to balance all the other things and that and posting fell by the wayside. Now that Paizo is unblocked again, it's easier to get caught up. :)

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F Half-Elf Spores Druid 5 | 32/32HP | 14AC | Init: +2 | Wild Shape & Symbiotic Entity: 0/2 | Spells: 1: 4/4; 2: 2/3; 3: 1/2 | PassPerc: 16; Ins: 13; Inv: 10 | Saves: Str+1; Dex+3; Con+2; *Int+4; *Wis+7; Cha+4 | Conditions: Inspiration

Once I get a nap in, I will get something up. Expect my posting to pick up again. It was unblocked at work again. ❤️

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:
Yasami wrote:
"Ah don't worry about it. I'm just happy he's coming out of his shell. Hopefully. Sit down, please. I'd rather take a look before something nasty sets in. Jungle. Lots of weird bugs about. Wouldn't want to be pulling out a tapeworm from your larynx in a week's time, would we?" Yasami returns a smile to Catalina as she offers the same leather and wood piece, and starts to repeat the process of cleaning up the wounds.

"So this is a more open Dario? Interesting..." Catalina says with amusement, holding herself still for Yasami to help further. She listens carefully to the ongoing conversation, eager to learn more about her kin.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:
Dario Zuz wrote:

She mentioned his blush and the man would stand up straight, clearing his throat as he drew his weapons, spun them awkwardly around for a moment, before sheathing them back. His brow furrowed as he turned back towards her, hissing low.

"You just almost got your g%$~%#n throat ripped out and you're going to flirt with me? I got your g~$$!~n blood on my fingers!" He scolded at first, ripping his hat off of his head as he stared daggers up at her. His face was as red as her wound as he blinked a few times.

It was easy to run off but the truth was that was getting him nowhere except a missing molar. Those crisp eyes stared at him curiously and he would put his hat back on before lowering his gaze.

"Sorry, you ain't a child and I ain't your parent." He turned to leave, took a step, before stepping back towards her and tilting his head to stare up at her. "If you like it so much, why don't you buy me a drink when this is done." His statement was full of irritation at being unsettled by her again and again, clearing his throat one last time. "I-if you'd like. I'd like that."

"Excuse me." He would turn, hope as few people as possible were paying attention to them and not the angelic figure beside them, before he moved off to keep an eye on the perimeter in case their hunter was not alone.

Catalina looked down at Dario, her eyebrows raised in a slightly shocked expression at his scolding. As he stared--red-faced and angry--up at her, she moved her hands to rest on her hips and a small smirk played on her lips. She waited for a beat to reply, seeing if the smaller man would run, but to her surprise and delight, he decided not to run off this time.

The aasimar watched him turn to walk away, mild disappointment washing over her before he stepped up to her again and made his "request." Catalina grinned widely, pleased to have broken through the gunslinger's angry exterior for just a moment. "It's a date then. When this is over, I'll buy you a drink." She crosses her arms over her chest, watching him stalk away while she turns her attention to her angelic kin now that her wounds were taken care of.

Catalina approaches the angel at the tail-end of his explanation, staying quiet until he finishes speaking. "Perhaps..." Catalina trails off, rolling the thought around in her mind for a moment. "Do you know anything about the Cinderclaws or Dahak or anything like that? We are looking to handle their presence in the region..." She glances around at the others and shrugs, unsure of what else they could ask the angel for.

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Baradim, 17 hits, so you don't need the hero point. I know I told you this in chat, wanted Drake to see it too. ;)

Finoan's bomb lands at the Behemoth's feet and catches it with acid, causing the creature to make a low, angry sound. When Baradim's sword catches it, the creature screams, turning its mindless fury to Baradim--the closer, more pressing threat than Niss.

The behemoth clumsily lifts its massive, clawed hands and swings them hard at Baradim...

◆◆Massive Strike: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

...missing the solid, rocky Orc entirely in its rage. It tries to strike at the orc once more, swinging one heavy fist back at the warrior only to miss again.

Fist: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Round 2 Blocks
Block 1: Drake, Niss
Block 2: Vilree
Block 3: Finoan, Baradim
Block 4: Behemoth

Drake and Niss are up.

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Quick note: Catalina doesn't keep the forbidding ward AC bonus anyway. It needs to be sustained, and Lisi did not sustain his spell.

Catalina would only have the +2 from LoH anyway since they don't stack and it is the better bonus.

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Fem Tiefling Trickery Cleric 3 | 24/24 HP | AC 15 | Initiative: +2 | Spells: 1) 2/4; 2) 1/2 | Channel Divinity: 0/1 | Passive Perception: 12 | Saves: STR: +0 DEX: +2 CON: +2 INT: +0 WIS: +4 CHA: +3 | Conditions: none
0: Thamaturgy; Guidance; Sacred Flame; Spare the Dying||1: 4/4; 2: 2/2 || +2 modifier; +4 SpATK; SSDC 12
Vashrin Naevirion wrote:

Vash fights down the response Willow's curse elicits the best he can before turning to the tiefling with a small smile. "Tis nothing to worry about. We have other priorities at the moment."

he says with the confidence of a practiced liar...

Insight DC 20: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Willow stares at the half-elf for a long moment, silver eyes narrowing at him before sighing heavily. "Fine, keep your secrets." Willow bites the inside of her lips to resist a grin, squeezing the bard's shoulder affectionately.

"I suppose we should go check on how the others are doing...especially Karley." Willow will exit the hut with Vashrin, looking about at the others who are completing their tasks.

As she surveys things, Willow bites down another smile as she catches Demalyn's giggle and Khalil's enraptured expression, deciding to leave the pair to their own devices. She makes her way over to Nuruk and Karley, eyebrows raising at the sight of the golden dragonborn with a face full of little fae.

"Need any help over here?"

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Catalina went deathly silent at the news that the feather was an angel feather. Not every aasimar descended from an angel, but she did. She knew that there were people out there who collected her kind for the unearthly beauty, their strange traits. Even moreso with her angelic kin.

She had certainly run into this once or twice; collectors coveting her silver skin in particular. The thaumaturge had her implements and esoterica in hand as soon as Cevendyll announced the news, fury igniting in her core and threatening to overwhelm.

In Mwangi, Catalina speaks, and her voice is pitched low and angry. "You had best explain yourself, hunter, because that is not the feather of some exotic bird. That is an angel's feather, and I am angel-kin." She holds her pistol up, finger on the trigger as she aims carefully at the man's face. "Open. The. Bag. Your actions in response to this determine my willingness to let you stay breathing."

Intimidation: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32

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CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

I need to teach my phone's autocorrect to stop changing "Atia" to "Aria" and "Joran" to "Jordan"... hate noticing silly typos hours after I post. :P

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Female (she/her)

I am Araton/KingHotTrash's friend. Popping in to say hello - I am waiting for my phone to charge before I can run a few errands today. Mom's furnace is out again and she had a pipe burst over the weekend with the weather here in the Midwest and I've been helping her out.

I will be around in a few hours. :) And yes, that archetype would be cool, and I would love it--but I understand if you want me to check out something else.

I have not yet put together an alias for the character, but I will throw that together this evening for you to check out. We were waiting until there was approval so I could roll stats before making final touches.

Other than rolling stats + a reason to be recruited, what else would you like to see from me, DM?

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:
Cevendyll wrote:
Certainly no objection: "Allow me to walk with you? Most well-intentioned folk intuit that I am also of good character; those who aren't, well, get a different feeling."

"If you must," The thaumaturge glances at Cevendyll with a critical eye. "As long as you stay quiet and don't talk about peeing on anyone."

DM Fern wrote:

The huntsman appears startled, having been too intent upon his work to hear your approach. He leaps to his feet, holding the blades defensively.

He replies in Mwangi. "Who are you?" He peers into the shadows, on the alert now and seeking to determine if Catalina is alone, since she said 'we'. He doesn't spot Yasami, but he sees the rest of you, and he seems incredibly nervous. "Leave me be!"

Lisi, looking at the man's feet as he determines the track were, indeed, left by him, notices the big sack shift a bit. Whatever is inside it is alive.

Catalina nods at Lisi before turning back to the huntsman with a smile and a dangerous glint in her eye. "I am Catalina Estrati. Why don't you open up your bag for us, darling? A trail of blood, you acting all jumpy...well, it just doesn't sit right with us."

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CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

--- Before Leaving ---

Joran "Shark Bait" Bravestone wrote:
He then ponders something else and works up the courage to quietly ask, "Um, darlin'? I don't suppose you could use your magic to get this slime off of me, could you? Please? It's...," he points to his head, "It's in my hair and I don't really like that. Please?"

Atia stared at him for a moment longer, letting him simmer in discomfort. She could let him just deal with the slime, but then the rest of them would also have to deal with it...

Her resolve broke at the bashful, apologetic expression and his quiet pleading, and she broke out into a grin. "Oh, fine. I can't stay mad at you, Joran," She said quietly, kneeling down next to the barbarian and using her prestidigitation cantrip to clean all the slime out of his hair and off of the rest of him. Dark gray energy surrounded her hands and seemed to siphon away the dirt, slime, and grime, leaving the barbarian clean.

"You don't need to explain yourself because I trust you had a good reason, you just need to give us a warning if you're going to attack a big giant reptile, alright? Give us some time to prepare." Now that the barbarian was cleaned, Atia leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his forehead before standing up. "Let's get going, love."

--- Present ---

As they explore the river's edge, discovering more and more dead naga, twisted in agony and starvation, Atia finds herself feeling somewhat sorry for the creatures. While the naga were not friendly, pleasant creatures, and her side still stung from the fight the day before, she didn't think they deserved this long, slow, horrible death. "Sad, awful way to go..." She says quietly before the gasp and splash at the dam catches her attention.

The wizard narrows her eyes and gestures toward it. "Looks like something's there." She will cast Detect Magic as they approach (if they are approaching) just in case.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

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CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

Atia stepped carefully toward Joran, sporting The Look the barbarian was so terrified of. She stops near his feat, looking down at him with her arms crossed.

She would wait until his conversation with Mateo was finished, face still sporting that terrifying expression, and then catch his gaze. "Joran. Dearest. Darling. My love? Please warn us when you are going to go charging at something." She sounded pleasant enough, but the glint in her eyes was dangerous.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Fem Conj. Wiz 4 | HP: 34/34 | AC 13(w/ MA 17) (T:12;FF11) | CMD: 12 | 30ft speed | Saves: Fort/Ref +3; Will +5 | Init +8 | Perc +2 | 8/8 Acid Dart | Hero Point: 2/3 | Condition:
Cantrips: acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic; 1st 0/5 + 1/1 conj; lvl2 3/3 + 1/1 conj feats: Spell Penetration; Augment Summoning

Sorry my posting has been erratic and slow. The holidays are not a very good time for me this year because of grief and all the struggles that has been bringing. I probably won't get anything up tonight. Thanks for your patience.

(If you see this more than once, I'm copy-pasting it to my other games!)

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 7 | ♥️ 85/85 | AC 24 | F +14; R +15, W +13 | Perc +11 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 23 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Sorry my posting has been erratic and slow. The holidays are not a very good time for me this year because of grief and all the struggles that has been bringing. I probably won't get anything up tonight. Thanks for your patience.

(If you see this more than once, I'm copy-pasting it to my other games!)

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F Half-Elf Spores Druid 5 | 32/32HP | 14AC | Init: +2 | Wild Shape & Symbiotic Entity: 0/2 | Spells: 1: 4/4; 2: 2/3; 3: 1/2 | PassPerc: 16; Ins: 13; Inv: 10 | Saves: Str+1; Dex+3; Con+2; *Int+4; *Wis+7; Cha+4 | Conditions: Inspiration

Sorry for being slow you guys, my work f*cking blocked Paizo because our IT department treats staff like children who need to be nannied. We're as restricted as the students and it is infuriating.

I'm working on getting caught up on all my games. Thanks for your patience.

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