Chicago by Night (V:tM - 20th Anniversary Edition)

Game Master Talomyr

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Sorry for the wait. Managed to sign myself out of the site without realizing. Thought there weren’t any new posts.

I’ve poked goodwicki off-boards.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10
Rackhir the Read wrote:

Sorry for the wait. Managed to sign myself out of the site without realizing. Thought there weren’t any new posts.

I’ve poked goodwicki off-boards.

I've been there a few times! Glad everything's okay, and the silence wasn't anything serious. :)

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Because I'm a ball of autistic social anxiety, just wanted to be clear that Calliope's anxiety is purely hers; not some passive-aggressive commentary of my own (as a player). I'm very intrigued by all of this.

Also, I am actually autistic so I'm not using that descriptor as a pejorative. haha.

Shadow's Status
Calliope Marchette wrote:

Because I'm a ball of autistic social anxiety, just wanted to be clear that Calliope's anxiety is purely hers; not some passive-aggressive commentary of my own (as a player). I'm very intrigued by all of this.

Also, I am actually autistic so I'm not using that descriptor as a pejorative. haha.

Yeah, Edwin is anxious too, he was the only hard NO in the group!

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Calliope was honestly leaning hard no after she thought about it for a bit, but she's not one to be a decision maker...I usually go for more headstrong, leader types, so I'm trying something new with this character, haha.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I'm actually driving to Chicago from Ohio today for a concert. Maybe I can snap a picture of our headquarters, LOL.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Sadly, I did not get a picture. All my driving experience is in small-town Ohio. Driving in Chicago was a veritable nightmare. Nobody in that city uses turn signals, nor do they care whether they live or die while they're on the freeway. LOL. Extremely stressful driving there.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Oh my god, someone else who had the same experiance as me. I have never felt like I was closer to dying then when I was driving to a concert in Chicago with people weaving in and out of traffic and playing chicken with each other at 90 miles an hour.

Shadow's Status

I live in New Jersey, that's a day that ends in Y driving here, I know because that's how I drive. I have not driven extensively around the US but I have been around, California, Illinois (and a little in the midwest), Northeast, Texas, the East Coast down to the Carolinas, but the worst state I have driven in is Florida. People drive either way under or way over the speed limit, no one actually drives the posted speed limit.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I feel like if you live in a city like that, it's how you HAVE to drive! I've lived all over (military brat), and the worst place we have ever driven was Washington D.C.. My parents were wild drivers because they HAD to be. I stuck with the metro and buses. Driving in Italy and Germany was a little wild, but once you got used to it... lol

I just didn't know how to drive until I was 22 (A combination of living in another country and not being able to drive there without an American license + living in a city with excellent public transportation). I'm spoiled by living in a semi-rural area. Turn signals aren't taboo here :P

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

So do you guys think we should start activating discipline and bloodbuff stuff now, so we don't have to do that in combat? Or would that be risking too much hunger?

Locations and NPCs

Rousing the blood in this edition will add 2 dice to a single roll. So not really something you want to do in advance.

Your milage may vary on the different disciplines.

Shadow's Status

I think risking too much Hunger ATM, a failed discipline activation is how I got to Hunger 2!

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Same, and upon further perusal of my sheet, I only have the one discipline that calls for rousing, so I'll see how this plays out a little bit before juicing up...

Locations and NPCs

Sorry folks, not feeling particularly creative this evening. Will update tomorrow.

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Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Spent last night in the ER with my spouse (they're okay now). I will have a post up in the next few hours.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I've been busy this week, LOL. My mom is graduating from college with a Master of Nursing Education. We're going to her graduation tomorrow. It's a 3 hour drive there, then sitting through a whole graduation...then driving back. I'll be pretty quiet tomorrow, but I'll keep up with things over the weekend.

My winter break starts Dec. 21 and ends Jan. 1 (we go back to school Jan. 2), so other than like one busy family day, I'll be wide open for posting. :)

Hope K and Alexander are okay since we haven't heard from them in a bit.

Locations and NPCs

No worries, we all get busy from time to time. Congrats to your mother by the way.

Shadow's Status

That might be one of my best rolls as a PC ever in a Vampire game.

Shadow's Status

What is the drawback for a messy critical? The dice gods do not favor this "retry" and my Willpower isn't the best to begin with...

Sorry, 5E rules are new to me and I have my 5E book packed for the move already.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Goodness, those rolls from you two, lol.

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Locations and NPCs

Basically on a messy critical, you fully succeed at what you are trying to do, but the beast gets a little over-zealous, meaning that the act causes one of the following:

- Acts causing Humanity Stains
- Masquerade Breaches
- Compulsions

Compulsions could be any of the following (or more):

Sample Compulsions
The vampire will do whatever it takes to slake their hunger, any action taken that does immediately lead to obtaining blood suffers a two-dice penalty. This ends when the vampire slakes at least 1 Hunger level.[1]

The vampire's next action is a competition and they desire to gloat in the face of someone they beat. During this time they are unable to utilize teamwork or any actions taken not leading to gloating, establishing dominance or challenging authority at a two-dice penalty. This ends when they have beaten someone in some way and gloated over it.

The vampire desires to inflict harm, be it social, mental or physical harm. Any actions not immediately resulting in someone else's pain, the vampire suffers a two-dice penalty. This ends once they have driven away, incapacitates or destroys a target. If the target is an object rather than a person, it must hold serious value to someone.

The vampire becomes overwhelmed with fearful paranoia, looking to disengage from a threat or suspecting anyone near them. Any action not taken to getting them somewhere safe suffers a two-dice penalty. This ends when they have spent roughly an hour in a safe place.

Clan Compulsions
Banu Haqim
Judgement - Urged to punish a wrongdoer, the vampire must slake one Hunger from anyone that acts against their own Convictions. Failing to do so results in a three-dice penalty to all rolls until the Compulsion is satisfied or the scene ends. Should the victim be a vampire, the Bane applies.

Rebellion - The Brujah craves to take a stance against those who represent the status quo. This does not relent until they have gone against orders, expectations, or changed someone's mind. During this Compulsion, they suffer a -2 to dice all pools.

Feral Impulses - Unleash the animal hidden in their Blood. This urges the Gangrel to regress into an animalistic state where speech becomes difficult, clothes become too constrictive and arguments and best settled with claws and teeth. For one scene the Gangrel suffers a -3 dice penalty to all rolls involving Manipulation and Intelligence as they are only able to speak one word sentences during this Compulsion.

Caitiffs do not have a clan Compulsion.

Morbidity - The vampire must move something from life to death or vice versa, any action not taken to end or resurrect something suffers a two-dice penalty. The subject does not have to be a living thing and can instead be an object or more abstract such as ideas or conversation points. This Compulsion lasts until their manage to kill or return something to life.

Ruthlessness - The next time the vampire fails an action they receive a two-dice penalty to all rolls until a future attempt at the same action succeeds. This penalty applies to future attempts of the same action still.

Delusion - Whether it's figments of their imagination or extrasensory perception of the truths. For one scene, the Malkavian suffers a 2 dice penalty to rolls involving Dexterity, Manipulation, Composure, and Wits. As well as rolls to resist terror Frenzy.

The Ministry
Transgression - The Minister suffers a burning desire to influence those around them to shatter the chains of their own making. They suffer a two-dice penalty to all dice pools that do not relate to enticing someone or themselves to break a Chronicle or personal Conviction. The Compulsion ends once the Minister causes someone, or themselves, at least one stain.

Cryptophilia - Consumed by a hunger for private secrets, the Nosferatu seeks to obtain knowledge no matter big or small as long as it's not a well-known bit of information. During this, they also refuse to give up their secrets except in strict trade for something greater than their own. Any action not actively working towards gaining them a secret they take a two-dice penalty. This Compulsion does not end till they learn a secret they deem to be useful, sharing this secret is entirely optional.

Tempting Fate - When faced with their next problem, the Daredevil must attempt the solution with the most dangerous or daring of actions, anything less incurs a two-dice penalty. Context appropriate flashy or risky attempts may even net bonus dice. They are free to convince others to follow them in their actions but may as well go it alone. This Compulsion persists until the problem is solved or further attempts become impossible to accomplish.

Affective Empathy - Overwhelmed with empathy for a personal problem of someone else, any action not taken to help the person mitigate the suffering they take a two-dice penalty. This Compulsion continues until the sufferer's burden is eased, a more critical problem arises or the scene ends.

Obsession - Utterly obsessed with a single thing, the Toreador cannot speak of anything but that object. Be it a person, a piece of artwork, a blood splatter in the right lighting, or the sunrise itself, they cannot take their attention from it. Any other actions receive a two-dice penalty. This Compulsion lasts until they can no longer perceive the object or the scene ends.

Perfectionism - Nothing but the best will satisfy them, anything less than exceptional still instills a profound sense of failure. When afflicted by this, the Warlock suffers a two-dice penalty to all dice pools. The penalty is reduced to one die when actions are being repeated and removed entirely on a second repeat. This does not end till they managed to score a critical win on a Skill roll or the scene ends.

Covetousness - When afflicted with this compulsion they become obsessed with owning something in the scene, be it an object, or property to a living person. Whatever it is, they must add it to their collection and any action taken not towards this purpose incurs a two-dice penalty. This penalty continues until ownership is established or the object of their desire is unobtainable.

Arrogance - Fueled by the beast and their natural desire for power, the Ventrue must force someone to obey a command given. The order cannot be given through supernatural means such as Dominate. Until they satisfy the requirements, they receive a two-dice penalty for any actions not directly related to leadership.

Thin-bloods do not suffer from a clan Compulsion.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10
They call him Jack wrote:
Cool. Waiting for you before I continue :) And sorry to Calliope in that you're less involved in the scene, but I hope you enjoy the show!

No worries...I have fun either way! I'm sure a way to get involved will present itself lol!

Edwin Wagner 12th Generation Tremere | Will 6 | Blood Pool 9/12 |

I will move forward with that messy critical. I think that the Willpower point expenditure on top of a roll to overcome it, isn't worth the cost. I'll let it ride.

Locations and NPCs

Okay, messy critical it is. As a side note, while willpower is still a finite resource, it is not as difficult to recover in V5 as in previous editions.

Edwin Wagner 12th Generation Tremere | Will 6 | Blood Pool 9/12 |

It's more about my bad luck with the dice roller, if I could just spend the WP I'd do it, spending the XP and STILL having a chance to fail, that I have to pass on.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Man, Calliope may have to come up with a way to intervene with Edwin and all those folks filming... oof! Gonna see what happens a little more first. >_>

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Happy holidays, y'all!

Thin-Blood 14th Gen | Blood Potency 0 | Health 3 (5) | Willpower 4/5 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1 | Character Pic

Hey folks, I can’t apologize enough for my month of silence. I regret not popping in and at least pointing out my probable absence. I hope to catch up on the 41 new gameplay posts I see in my feed over the next week, and maybe have a post of my own up around New Year’s if you’ll have me - and assuming K hasn’t met his final death in absentia.

Again, my sincere apologies. Hope all is well with y’all and you’re enjoying the holidays.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10
Krzysztof “K” Sobczak / Outrun wrote:

Hey folks, I can’t apologize enough for my month of silence. I regret not popping in and at least pointing out my probable absence. I hope to catch up on the 41 new gameplay posts I see in my feed over the next week, and maybe have a post of my own up around New Year’s if you’ll have me - and assuming K hasn’t met his final death in absentia.

Again, my sincere apologies. Hope all is well with y’all and you’re enjoying the holidays.

I assumed you were quiet (and Alexander) because it's kind of the Edwin, Jack, and Calliope show while they hunt, lol.

Glad you're back :)

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Happy to have you back as well! Sorry about my recent absence, food poisoning unfortunately got the better of me for these past few days. Although I'm no longer violently ill, I'm still a little bit delicate. Looking forward to the future of the game!

Locations and NPCs

K, good to see you are still with us. Anyone heard from Alexander?

No worries on any recent absences, the holidays will do that. :)

Shadow's Status
ST Talomyr wrote:

K, good to see you are still with us. Anyone heard from Alexander?

No worries on any recent absences, the holidays will do that. :)

I have not.

I will be back to posting this evening.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Have a safe and happy new year, everyone! I am staying in and playing Cyberpunk with my partner tonight. Have to fix my sleep schedule before school starts back up.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Hope everyone's doing well. :)

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Locations and NPCs

Doing okay, just a bit slow to get outside things done with the startup of work for the year.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Totally get it. I'm the esports coach at the high school I work at, and competitive season just started. It's been crazy. Plus, this week is midterms...and of course, half the student body is absent and sick,'s just chaos. :)

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Just started going back to school! I got rejected from the master's program I want to go to, so I'm taking a few high level undergraduate education courses to prove that I can in fact, do work, and then I'm going to reapply! So a lot of my focus has been on making sure I do well on those. On a related note, these courses are way easier than my sociology undergrad classes... Central Washington University vs Oberlin College though.

Looking for some part time work to pay rent with. Gotta save enough for my master's program (which I have), but still gotta pay rent in the meantime :)

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Sorry to hear about the rejection :( So are you aiming for a k-12 teaching gig or something else? (I might be misunderstanding you, lol)

I live in Ohio, so I've heard good things about Oberlin. Can't speak to Central Washington, though.

Good luck with college and a job hunt. Whew.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Ah, it's all good. Had a few months to process it. Probably should have contested it, since they sent me an acceptance email, and then 3 minutes later sent a rejection email, which was pretty uncool. Ideally, I'd be teaching highschool history/social studies, but hey! Beggars can't be choosers.

Thanks for the best wishes! Good luck proctoring those tests, those always seemed miserable for the teachers who had to pretend to pay attention to the students.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Pfft, these aren't even state tests. They're just semester midterms. I did it to myself, LOL.

You'll have a good chance as a history/social studies guy if you can coach something as well. That social studies coach stereotype is too real.

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Edwin Wagner 12th Generation Tremere | Will 6 | Blood Pool 9/12 |

Bummer Jack but sometimes its for the best, I ended up delaying graduate work for a year after I finished my undergrad back in the day.

Sorry for the delay, just bought a house and I've been buried with a ton to do on that.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Hope the house stuff is going well. I bought a house a couple of years ago, and the first month or so of moving, settling in, learning the's stressful. My sympathies, but congratulations.

As for the blood bond questions - I bought a PDF of the V5 player's guide and have been skimming to see the rules on this, but there's A LOT. What would be the process for it, ST?

Calliope isn't super enthused by the idea, but she could be convinced for the good of one of her, if it would help Jack's feeding requirements or something.

As a player, I'm not the most thoughtful planner and like to just...impulsively go with things to have fun with whatever the outcome may be. ;P

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Locations and NPCs

RE: Blood Bond

One drink (three is the requirement, on different nights) will not be enough to enthall Tyler and Delia. Given Delia's desire for Jack already, she will certainly be more susceptible to Jack's commands, but it won't be the bond quite yet.

Each time you feed Tyler or Delia to form the bond will require a rouse roll.

To maintain the bond, feedings must be done regularly. (i.e. after the bond is formed, a feeding must be done once every three months, lest the bond be lessed by a degree - @3 mo, 6 mo, & 9 mo. If no feeding has occurred between the initial establishment of the bond and one year and one day, the bond is completely broken.

Once the bond is complete, the thrall will officially become a ghoul and cease to age as long as they have vampiric vitae in their system. They will also gain one level in a discipline that their domitor has and heal twice as fast as a normal human.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Perusal seems to indicate that there are blood bonds without making ghouls? I'm a bit worried about the XP cost, we don't get a lot of it! See my comments in gameplay.

Shadow's Status

In the thick of it for getting ready to move, I'll post up again next Monday the 29th.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
In the thick of it for getting ready to move, I'll post up again next Monday the 29th.

Everyone's moving! lol. Good luck!

Locations and NPCs

Calliope and Jack's night is over (unless they have something else they want to do before sun-up.

K is back at the haven, as is Alexander (if he's still with us).

Edwin has his night to finish, but we'll get to that when he returns.

Everyone gets 5 XP for what has occurred and a bonus 3 XP for putting up with a storyteller that has occasional lapses in posting. (8 Total).

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Sweet! Thanks, ST.

No worries on posting lapses. Life happens.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Ditto to what Calliope said. I certainly won't say no to proffered XP though!7/dot*lvl for out of clan discipline, right? So I'm gonna sit on this 8 for a while until I get 6 more to level up either potence or protein. I know that we haven't done any fighting, and it may in fact stay that way, but Jack would keep up with his martial skills.

Side note, I think Jack and Calliope compliment each other quite well!

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