DM Voomer's Age of Ashes

Game Master Voomer

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PF2E Actions Cheat Sheet
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Upgrading the Citadel

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Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

"Sorry, Crink. Hey, bite your thumb at the courthouse for me next time you're in Elidir," Lisi says with a grin.

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

Yasami notes the exchange between the youngster and Crink as the group arrives. She observes the young man as he meanders about for a moment, then leaves the store. She gives Crink a quick nod. "Your establishment is appreciated. Not sure how many desirable shoppers we'll be able to meet, but we'll see I guess." she looks after the young man. "You lot got this covered. I am sorted. See you outside?"

Without waiting for a response, she hurries to chase after this 'Audry' person. "Hey you! Wait up!" she raises her voice just a bit so she is heard. She catches up. I assume at least. They'd have to be pretty fast to outrun her.

"Hello there!" she smiles a friendly smile at this person. "I'm not sure whether we've had the pleasure. My name is Yasamina. I couldn't help but overhear the end of that discussion over there. I don't want to poke my nose into other business, but... And it's a big but..." she smiles "You look like you're handy with a blade. Looking for work? Looking for pointers? Every place needs a practices swordsman these days..." she clears her throat "Ahem, or will soon anyway, ahem."

"I won't be mad if you don't answer. And this is not binding, but - there's this fort nearby. It could use a few extra hands in terms of security, if you know what I'm getting at. And if anything else, you could perhaps spar with the man that runs the place. Just to keep those reflexes sharp. Hm?"

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Bite your thumb makes me think of this scene in the 1996 Romeo & Juliet. That movie occupies a lot of space in my head. Consequences of teaching Shakespeare for a few years, LOL.

Catalina attempts a bit of a friendly haggle for a discount on the bullet.

Diplomacy DC20: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32

After a bit of intense back and forth, they finally settle on a price lower than listing, and she thanks Crink profusely for the pleasure and for attempting to find her odd request.

(original price for greater is 80gp on AON, and if I mathed right, that means 72 gp for 10% off? I don't math great)

Catalina makes her way along with Caiten, simply interested in getting to know the town of Breachill better. "The people here seem nice," She comments to the android and Sulee, making a somewhat awkward attempt at conversation.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |
Catalina Estrati wrote:
Catalina makes her way along with Caiten, simply interested in getting to know the town of Breachill better. "The people here seem nice,"

"I have found them to be so. It is a small city, but the people are welcoming. Most of them, anyway," Caiten considers for a moment remembering Voz and Calmont who are definitely not nice or welcoming.

"I spent some time living farther north in Varisia. It was a larger city than this and there were definitely more unfriendly people. I was not nearly as accepted there. Eventually I had to leave for ... getting on the wrong side of some of the more powerful and unfriendly people there."

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Man, I had a whole reply yesterday and forgot to submit it before I left work.

Catalina studies Caiten for a moment, eyebrows raised in surprise. "You, getting on the wrong side of someone? I struggle with that. You put me at ease."

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

"You don't attack the children that you are supposed to be caring for," Caiten replies briefly. He seems lost in thought for a moment. "Those were dark times. Though, looking back on it, perhaps less dangerous than what we are doing and planning in the Mwangi Expanse."

NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent

"And he of course means to also say, 'Thank you. We are glad that you are comfortable around us.'" Sulee quickly chimes in to the conversation.

"And it wasn't all bad, Caiten. That is also how you ended up with me."

Excusing herself as Crink helps another party member, Yasami easily catches up with Audry. He's a late teen, of only medium build but he moves gracefully and he looks at Yasami with intense focus in their brief exchange. He listens to Yasami's offer with great interest, responding, "You think they would let me help out at the Citadel? Are you talking about that Hellknight? He's the guy that runs the place, right? You think he would be willing to offer me some pointers if I helped out? My father -- he's the wainwright Fadelby Vusker -- wants me to take over the business, but I can't spend just spend my whole life here in Breachill fixing wagons for merchants and adventurers who are really seeing the world. It would be great if I could get some training up at the Citadel when I'm not working in the shop, and I'm sure I could be of help up there with what I've learned from my father. Can I tell them you sent me? I've heard your name is Yasami."

Crink laughs at Lisi's comment and says, "You'll have to come have some tea next time you're in town and tell me the story behind that comment!" I haven't seen that version of Romeo and Juliet forever, but I need to watch again!

Your math is right Catalina. Crink is a tough but cheerful negotiator beyond the standard "heroes of breachill" 5% discount, but Catalina can tell Crink enjoys the game and doesn't begrudge Catalina for driving a hard bargain.

The group makes its way to Shelyn’s Smile, next to Breach Creek. The building is gracefully designed with a masterfully carved archway entrance, the doors standing wide open. A tranquil fountain with a sculpture of Shelyn sits in the middle a large atrium bathed in natural light. The group knows the atrium also serves as a concert/worship space – it has pristine acoustics and a beautifully carved choral loft. The interior space is divided into two sides, one the headquarters of Breachill’s artisan guild and the other the temple to Shelyn, goddess of art, beauty, love, and music. On the temple side, the faithful worship the Eternal Rose through sculpture/painting/music classes, and priests offer healing to those in need. The walls are adorned with murals depicting scenes of love, beauty, and artists in performance (dance, music, etc.). There is a library/gallery full of poetry and visual art, and access to a sacred grove alongside the bank of the creek. In the other wing, representatives for Breachill’s artisans and tradespeople are available, and customers can pay a small fee to be matched with the right proprietors for all their construction, decoration, or other crafting needs.

Upon entering the temple, a young priest in graceful flowing robes informs the group that Nketiah arrived before them and is already in conversation with Tarindlara Vallindel in the grove.

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

~~~~~ Audry ~~~~~

"There's a lot of work to be done. I'm sure there's work to be found for skilful hands. Assuming you are a trade apprentice and handy with a sword, I'll mention your name."

Yasami nods at the man, waiting for his confirmation. "However... I would advise you to not do stuff at the expense of good relationships with your family. Sleep on it, talk to your father, do what you need to do to get your priorities straight. I'll mention you to Alak. It's your call." she looks at the group already moving to Shelyn's. "Need to run. Good luck!", and she walks towards the temple.

~~~~~ Shelyn's Smile ~~~~~

On the way to the temple, Yasami plucks a few wild-growing flowers she finds on the way. When they enter the temple, she moves towards the statue, stands there in silence for a few short moments, and puts the flowers on the offerings pile. Before turning around and walking towards Those Brave Dunguses, she takes a few steps back while facing the statue. Reuniting with the party, she asks for a scroll of fly, trying to be as humble as possible, and apologising before leaving again.

She runs to find Meebo, and if she does, she tears out a few pages from her journal. She sums up the events of the last few days in ten sentences. "The rest I wrote down for you. It's not in code, so you will have to do that. I had no time for it, Meebs. Sorry. We're going back as soon as possible. Rescue and sabotage. How have you been?" she genuinely smiles at the gnome. "I'm so happy to see you. Hope everything's fine?"

I don't want to slow you down, so let's say Yasami and Meebo spend a few minutes talking and then Yasami returns to the group.

Meebo Biddybink gives Yasami a hug and exclaims, "I was wondering how long it would take you to come see me! I know you're doing important work, but I miss when you lived here at the Smile." Meebo happily spends a few minutes chatting with Yasami.

Meebo is happy to translate the notes into code. She reports that the only instruction from Yasami's "Uncle" is to "keep it up -- sounds like you may be onto something interesting."

Could you give me a bit more information on the "Uncle's" organization and ends? Also, your background made a reference to Morta, but I'm not seeing interactions between Yasami and her in DM Fern's gameplay -- what do you imagine the interactions to have been?

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:
Caiten wrote:
"You don't attack the children that you are supposed to be caring for," Caiten replies briefly. He seems lost in thought for a moment. "Those were dark times. Though, looking back on it, perhaps less dangerous than what we are doing and planning in the Mwangi Expanse."
Sulee wrote:

"And he of course means to also say, 'Thank you. We are glad that you are comfortable around us.'" Sulee quickly chimes in to the conversation.

"And it wasn't all bad, Caiten. That is also how you ended up with me."

Catalina's eyebrows shoot up into her bangs. "That sounds like an experience..." She trails off for a moment. "If you ever feel like telling the tale, I would listen."


As they enter Shelyn's Smile, Catalina once again finds herself taken in by the beauty of the designs, albeit quite different from how taken she was with Morta's decor. She takes note of Yasami's actions, filing it away within her vast mental collection of knowledge on various deities in their world. She wasn't unfamiliar with Shelyn by any means, but everyone worshipped different - it was always interesting to see how others offered their devotion to a god or concept.

Catalina murmurs some greetings, but stays mostly quiet. She was not really here for anything other than to accompany her people.

Not directly relevant to this moment, but...

After Yasami checks in with Meebo, her thoughts drift to the group's recent interaction with Morta. She reflects with amusement on how Morta holds the unusual position of being both the town gossip and the town eccentric (or at least one of the town eccentrics). It was not hard for Yasami to find reasons to visit her once or twice a month, because Morta's door is always open for people to come by for advice, for unusual remedies and other concoctions (as Lisi discovered), or for just a cup of tea and a chat -- sometimes with a side of something like scyphomancy (which may be another reason why Catalina and Morta seemed to hit it off immediately). Yasami does think that Morta is a little suspicious of her, based on a scattered few cleverly probing questions posed by Morta, which probably would have gone unnoticed by most but which caught Yasami's attention, as one trained in spycraft.

The group proceeds to talk to the Shelyns about securing some scrolls. On Tarindlara Vallindel's instructions they provide the scroll of Remove Curse for free and they can provide a scroll of holy cascade immediately (at a 10% discount). They can provide scrolls of Fly and Implement of Destruction for delivery to the citadel tomorrow morning -- because they don't have them prepared on hand. They will provide the fly scroll for free (and seek reimbursement from the Council); they will provide the other scroll at a 5% discount. just confirm whether you want the 2 you need to pay for

Nketiah emerges from her meeting with Tarindlara Vallindel and meets the rest of the group in the atrium. She reports in her strongly accented but clear and correct Taldane, "This is a beautiful temple, and Tarindlara was very kind and welcoming. With the discovery of Alseta's Ring, she seems interested in the idea of my people making more connections with the elves of Avistan, and I will bring up the matter when I return to Akrivel. I informed her of what has been happening in our lands and she seemed concerned both for the Ekujae and for the threat to Breachill through the Ring. She had other matters to attend to, but she asked me to pass on that she's grateful to all of you and that you are always welcome here."

Finally all together again, the group begins the sad walk to the location of Dario's funeral.

Of course, feel free to add anything related to Shelyn's Smile, if there's anything else.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

If my math and reading comprehension is correct, that comes out to be 129.50 gp for both Holy Cascade and Implement of Destruction. I'm fine with that, if everyone else is.

Caiten speaks with the acolyte about the scrolls. He doesn't try haggling, but is appreciative of the discounts given because of the group's notoriety.

As he leaves, he picks up the conversation with Catalina. "The tale is somewhat complicated. And a bit problematic to discuss here where there are so many people who could overhear. Perhaps ask me again when we are not around so many people."

Caiten: I'll rely on you for the math, but those are the only scrolls you need to pay for.

The group proceeds to the spot outside of town selected for Dario’s funeral along Breachill Creek (more like a small river). You arrive early, and Rorsk and Jorsk are putting the final touches on a beautifully constructed pyre built from the fine timber Narine provided. Flowers and fragrant herbs are mixed in with the layers of wood. Dario’s corpse is on a cart nearby, artfully wrapped in an elegant white shroud. The urn Caiten made is on the cart as well. Morta stands protectively nearby and acknowledges the group with a nod. Narine is there as well, watching the dwarves work, and she comes over and hugs Lisi when she sees him arrive with the group.

When the work is completed, Rorsk and Jorsk carefully place Dario’s body on the pyre. Rorsk has a tall drum with him, and he starts to beat out a slow and somber rhythm, quietly such that it harbors just at the edge of your awareness. Jorsk comes over and explains the ceremony to your group. As the sun’s final rays cast a glow over the tranquil spot, and the rhythm of the drum mixes with the calm gurgling of the river, you notice a large procession coming from town.

As they arrive and stand in a half circle around the pyre, you realize that most all of the town’s prominent citizens are there – all of the members of the Council, Jorell Blacktusk of the archives, Brynne Taithe of Cayden’s Keg and Roxie Denn of the Pickled Ear, Kellen Carondil and Tarindlara Vallindel, Crink, Fadelby Vusker and his son Audry, etc. Trinil is there, looking a little pale (thinking about Joran you suspect).

Nketiah greets Kellen and Tarindlara with a glance but remains with your group. Many from the Citadel arrive as well, including Alak (looking spectacular in black, he sends Catalina a sad smile), Warbal (with a strange choice of hat) and Helba (looking nervous), Renali (shuffling awkwardly and weaving with her hands), Umrot (the hobgoblin goblin wrangler), Hezle and another Thornscale named Mikmek (also looking nervous), Pib and Zarf (exuding their typical unearned confidence)… The rest of the goblins and kobolds remain at the Citadel, presumably to avoid overwhelming the townsfolk. The Citadel denizens and townsfolk stand somewhat apart and eye each other with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

I’m going to pause here in case anyone wants to weigh in with anything at this point. Jorsk explains to you that there will be an opportunity later for anyone to speak and he also asks if any or all of you in the group would like to be involved in lighting the pyre.

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

Yasamina shows up to the pyre clad in a well-fitted ceremonial armor. Her hair neatly set up in a tangled ponytail, all jewellery removed, white gloves on her hand, knee-high leather boots on her feet. Golden tassels hang from her left shoulder, holding in place something that seems to be a short white cloak. In contrast to her usual freeform movements, she walks as if she had a ruler shoved up her spine. It's like a completely different person appeared.

She walks forward to pick up a torch. She remains silent but looks at the pyre. Her face is a stoic one - a well practiced wall that hides the turmoil beneath. With a swift, machine-like motion, she turns back to the party, and waits.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Catalina offers a sad smile back to Alak before falling into line with this new version of Yasami, her expression blank, although if one looked closely they could see a bit of a quiver around her mouth. The aasimar was thankful they could have this ceremony, as so many never had this chance out on the roads of adventure.

Catalina takes a torch of her own, nodding at Yasami, and waits for the others as well.

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Caiten arrives and stands awkwardly and nervously to the side. He nods at Yasami, Catalina, and the other remaining members of the team. As well as the various Council members in attendance.

NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent

"Caiten, would you calm down," Sulee whispers. "Yes, this is a funeral, but not yours."

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

"I have never been to a funeral before. I'm just not sure what to expect."

Once everyone has settled into place, Rorsk's beating on the drum shifts and he sings a sad but dignified dwarven song of gathering to mark the solemn occasion. When the song is finished, Jorsk steps forward and thanks everyone for coming and says a few words. "I am not gifted with a silver tongue, but as a member of the Council and the longest-dwelling dwarf in Breachill, I have the honor of leading this evening's service. And I think you'll better understand my words than those of my good friend, Rorsk." Many of the attendees chuckle at Jorsk's good-natured teasing about Rorsk's barely comprehensible Taldan.

"We are here today to honor the memory of Dario, of the clan Zuz. This ceremony should be occurring in the embrace of his clan, within the stone halls of Gongun Hold in Alkenstar. But our tradition holds that, when a dwarf perishes far from home, their body should be cremated and the remains stored in a specially-created urn, to someday be returned to the stony resting place of their clan. Dario's friend Caiten...," Rorak gestures to Caiten, "...made the very fine urn that will hold Dario's physical remains until that day comes. Dario's soul, of course, has already past through Pharasma's Boneyard to his eternal reward."

"I did not know Dario well, but he sought me out when he came to town to answer the Call for Heroes. I did not then know what to make of this wiry human who spoke dwarven like a native. But, as we spoke more and I was able to observe him during his time in Breachill, I realized he WAS a dwarf, merely in the body of a human. His gleaming pistol was ever at the ready for the cause of good and maintained as well as that of any dwarf master artisan. Dario was steadfast and loyal, and never hesitated in the face of the trials borne by all of you who answered that fateful Call. It is a testament to his qualities as a friend and ally that when he fell in the far jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, his friends were sure to bring his body back, so Dario would receive proper honors within the traditions of his clan."

"Now, as is customary, there is an opportunity for any among you to share anything you might want to say, before the lighting of the pyre, as night descends upon us."

As Jorsk finishes, several moments of somber reflection follow. Then various townspeople say a few words -- it is striking how much impact the gunslinger made in his short time in Breachill. There are comments from other council-members; Rorsk relates the tale of when he met Dario in his shop -- the gist being a comical account of his shock at Dario's intricate knowledge of dwarven customs; Crink good naturedly relates how Dario lectured him on the upkeep of the few firearms in his shop; Alak thanks Dario for his service and pledges to maintain Citadel Altaerei as a bastion of righteousness; Nketiah thanks Dario for his aid to the Ekujae and sings an elven song of honor and farewell; and barkeeps from every establishment in Breachill speak appreciatively of the good cheer and bawdy energy Dario brought to his few nights of revelry in town...

If anyone's character has any comments to add, they may do so. Otherwise, I will continue...

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Male Versatile Human Barbarian 8 HP 136/136| AC 26| F +18| R +12| W +14| Perc +14, +1 Stealth, +2 on Initiative Rolls Speed 30 ft.| Hero Points 1/3| Conditions: None

Oren is hardly a wordsmith, something that by now, his entire team should know, as well as the people of Breachill. But Dario was one of them, so he doesn't feel like he can let his death go unspoken for.

"Dario was one of us. Our battles were his battles and our victories were his victories. But this loss is ours to bear, because he is no longer here to share it. All we can do is remember his bravery and honor his sacrifice by continuing to fight for the cause he took up and emerging victorious. May he find peace and rich rewards in the next life."

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Jorsk nods in approval of Oren's comments and the crowd stands in silence for a few more minutes, while the air chills and the sounds of the night emerge. Then Rorsk starts to sing again, at first without rhythmic accompaniment, apparently moving the ceremony towards the next stage. Those who speak dwarven recognize an ancient hymn, a final blessing invoking the protection and guidance of the ancestors. After singing the hymn through once completely, Rorsk starts to accompany himself on his drum, as he repeats the hymn over and over. Jorsk signals to your group that it is time to light the pyre by gesturing to a small isolated fire nearby, for lighting the torches. As Jorsk previously instructed, each of you approach, light your torches, and take up a position around the pyre. On a subtle signal from Rorsk, all of you touch your torches to the pyre and it immediately is engulfed in flames. You return to the crowd, and all watch for several minutes as flames leap skyward, casting a warm glow on the clearing. The primary smells are the wood and fragrant herbs that had been added to the pyre.

Eventually Jorsk stops singing but continues to play quietly on his drum. The townspeople fade back to Breachill and the Citadel, many placing their hands on your shoulders in sympathy before heading off.

Jorsk turns to the group: "It is a good and proper thing you have done here. Once the pyre has burned down to ashes, Rorsk and I will collect Dario's remains and place the ashes into the urn Caiten crafted. We will bring the urn to you at the Citadel, for safekeeping until it can be returned to Dario's clan."

Having honored Dario, you turn and look towards Breachill. Tomorrow you return to the Mwangi Expanse to complete the promise made to the Ekujae -- to destroy the remaining totems and take the fight to Belmazog and the Cinderclaws in their fortress.

Feel free to add anything. You know that the townsfolk will be gathering in different pubs to continue to share the moment of community. Let me know how you spend the night and if there are any final preparations or tasks or whathaveyou before you return to the jungle.

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LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Caiten watches the pyre burn and remembers Dario - the Human Dwarf who was as loud and brash as his weapon of choice.

He also remembers the others who assembled at the Call to Heroes who are now lost to him. Hornet, the Gnoll that he never really got to know very well - who wouldn't enter the citadel. Cevendyll, the devoted Elf trying to find his path - and who is now lost among enemies. Joran, as loud and brash as Dario and who makes friends as easily as enemies - and now also missing.

He looks around at those gathered here who remain of that initial group. Yasami, a dancer who dances with death and whose motivations for being here he still doesn't fully understand and perhaps never will. Lisi, a force of nature and protector of the same. Oren, as quiet and contemplative as Joran and Dario were loud and brash, but will put down enemies just as quickly and easily.

He wonders sadly how many more of them will be lost before this mission is over.

Then he notices some of the new people he has met since that call. Alak, the Hellknight ... former Hellknight, who manages the citadel. Catalina, the exotic young woman who has fought along side them as much as any of the others who started out with the group. Warbal and Helba, the leaders of the Goblin tribe that they rescued. Renali, the shy Anadi who inadvertently and single-handedly stopped the invasion long enough for help to arrive. Hezle and another Thornscale, Kobolds that they also rescued. Even Pib and Zarf, the Kobold scavengers that the found in the depths of the citadel.

Caiten has no idea how to express his thoughts into words that he could share with his friends. So he continues to stand lost in thought looking at the fire and sometimes at various people.

Eventually, as the fire continues to burn, he simply says, "I don't know how to say what there is to say. But I begin to understand why my tribe insists that we spend some time among the rest of the world. There are things that cannot be learned any other way - because they cannot be taught. Only experienced."

He turns and begins to leave. "I must go. I need to be prepared for the morning when we return to Mwangi."

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Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

During the burning, Yasami stands, unmoving, and stoically watches the pyre. Her eyes are watery, her hands trembling, her lips... quivering? No, no. That's not a quiver. But they do move. Yasami is repeating a barely audible chant. Catalina standing nearby can recognise a familiar dialect. Yasami's chant is one of violence, fire, pain, inner strength, and vengeance. She keeps at it for a while. As a matter of fact, it is a long while. An amount of time that seems unhealthy. Throughout the entire process, her eyes are locked in on the pyre. But the pyre is only a backdrop to her actual focus, located somewhere completely different. At this moment, there is no cheerful and bubbly Yasami. Standing here, firm as a rock, clad in a uniform, adorned with military insignia, torch in hand - it's someone else. And her mind is either completely zoned out, or in full gear.

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Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Lisi watches the fire and observes the flecks of ash and curls of smoke dissipating into the air. How different people are in the way we mourn, and say goodbye. Knowing what we know now, Dario's spirit has been somewhere in the River of Souls for some time now. Perhaps it's already where it needs to be, growing and learning into something else. His eyes flick down to the fire. Then why am I sad? And where is Joran? He always seemed to be there for us. For me. Gods above and below, I think he's the one I knew the best among all of us.

His eyes move to Caiten. He and Sulee complement each other. I couldn't imagine him losing Sulee, or me to lose Guba. And yet, loss is the way of the world, of all worlds...ah, save for things that are eternal. No, Lisi, even those. Even gods die. That's the reason why you chose druidry. To seek calm, to be like a tree, quiet, learning breathing from the slowest of things, to feel glacial granite pushing you to hold you up just as your weight rests upon it. But even rocks wear away into sand. Nothing is eternal.

When Lisi turns to Jorsk, his eyes are full of sudden tears. "Dario was a friend," he says simply. "Thank you for helping us and giving him a proper farewell."

He seeks out Nketiah and Narine, his hand unconsciously slipping into Narine's calloused grip. "Nketiah...that song was lovely. Perhaps you could teach it to the aiuvarin here. We live so close to elf-gates; perhaps we should bring a little more Elvish into our lives around here."

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NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

During the burning, Catalina stands alongside Yasami, who seems to be engulfed in her own inner turmoil. She notices the chanting and while she notices it going on for quite some time, she understands. Pulling on her knowledge of various faiths and practices, Catalina speaks a brief prayer to Pharasma in her native language, the harsh syllables falling from her tongue like strange poetry. Then, in Dwarven, she offers a similar prayer, encouraging Dario's spirit to make the journey from this plane to the next without lingering. "I hope we can get to know each other in another life."

When she finishes, she steps back and looks around at her newfound friends. Family, even? She thinks back to when she joined them, her mind reeling with the realization that they hadn't spent that much time together in the grand scheme of things...but the amount they had experienced so far felt like years. She takes a deep, shaking breath and bows to Jorsk, her glowing eyes glistening with tears. "Thank you for your expertise. We could not have honored Dario so well without it."

With that, she looks around at the crowd, indecisive as to how to spend her night before they return to the jungle. She tumbles many options in her head before her eyes rest on Alak, deciding that it wouldn't be irreverent to seek some comfort in getting to know the interesting Hellknight more.

She approaches him when things are winding down, a sad smile on her face. "We're leaving tomorrow," She says simply. "I'd like to spend some more time getting to know you before we do, if you have the time. I could use the distraction."

When Catalina finally turns away from the pyre, she sees Alak waiting at the edge of the clearing, and he offers an empathetic smile. As Catalina approaches and suggests they spend some time together before the group's departure, Catalina's piercing vision can, even in the dark, see him blush with pleasure. It is a charming reaction on a fierce former Hellknight. He says quietly and gently, "I would like that. I was hoping that might be possible, but I did not want to presume." He offers her his arm and asks, "Would you prefer that we return to the Citadel or that we again find a quiet table at the Wizard's Grace?"

Like Alak awaits Catalina, Narine awaits Lisi at the edge of the clearing, apparently engaged in quiet conversation with Nketiah. Nketiah nods in acknowledgment of Lisi's compliment and responds, "It has been a meaningful short time here in Breachill, and I was moved to discover that elves are among the community leaders here. Although my people are slow to connect to other communities, I think the Twin Leopards will recognize the importance of our relationship with Breachill, and it presents the unexpected opportunity to reconnect with other elves, both so different and so similar to the Ekujae." Nketiah then goes to join with the others heading back to the Citadel, and Narine takes Lisi's hand and leads him home (to their home?).

Rorsk asks for Caiten's help collecting the ashes and placing them in the urn. It is hot work, but Rorsk has brushes that aid in the effort and he seems to have an unnatural ability to ignore the natural heat of the hot ashes. He hands the urn to Caiten to take back to the citadel and puts a hand on Caiten's shoulder in a sign of respect that even the android can understand.

When Yasami emerges from her state, she sees that Jorsk looks at her with understanding in his eyes and he offers her a determined nod suffused with meaning.

Oren, Yasami, and Caiten, let me know how you want to spend the last evening. Catalina, I leave it in your hands to play out the rest of the evening with Alak -- I want you to have primary agency in deciding how that evolves. Alak is certainly smitten with Catalina. I'm off for more birthday relaxation now, but most likely will move things quickly towards heading back to the Expanse in my next posts.

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

Re: the developing relationship - Understood! Catalina is smitten as well & somewhat driven by wanting to have some happiness in her life before she returns to chaos. If that helps with responses from Alak on your part, feel free to roll with that insight. :) I am only spoilering things here for organization--anyone can read.

Catalina and Alak:
Voomer wrote:
When Catalina finally turns away from the pyre, she sees Alak waiting at the edge of the clearing, and he offers an empathetic smile. As Catalina approaches and suggests they spend some time together before the group's departure, Catalina's piercing vision can, even in the dark, see him blush with pleasure. It is a charming reaction on a fierce former Hellknight. He says quietly and gently, "I would like that. I was hoping that might be possible, but I did not want to presume." He offers her his arm and asks, "Would you prefer that we return to the Citadel or that we again find a quiet table at the Wizard's Grace?"

Catalina slips her arm through his, replying decisively: "The Citadel. I would prefer to be away from the crowds." She lets the Hellknight steer them toward the Citadel, her own recollection of the path to the building a little hazy from where they are in town.

On the way, Catalina makes some small talk--she shares her meeting with Morta and some things from the group's travels in the Mwangi Expanse (the fake archaeologist they eventually thoroughly humbled; the angelic prisoner being freed). It is clear that she's babbling somewhat--a manifestation of her anxieties regarding returning to their journey, grief, and Alak's company in general.

When they arrive at the Citadel, before going much further, Catalina puts a pause on their talk, a serious expression on her face. "Alak, I have been enjoying my time with you. I like you quite a bit..." She pauses, smiling, before continuing, her accent slightly heavier with emotion, "but I worry. We won't always have time to visit here and there. It could be a long time before I am back..." She glances back at town, a sadness flickering across her face again. "and there's the problem of our mortality and all." She huffs, searching for the words in Taldan to express herself. "I'm rambling. I know you're aware of the danger we face. I prefer to take happiness when and where I can find it. I would like to get to know you better, even if it's in fleeting moments between the dangers we pursue. Am I right in thinking you feel the same?"

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

Yasami pats Jorsk on the shoulder as she walks past. "A heartfelt farewell. Thank you." She wipes her nose with a tissue and carries onward. She notices Catalina and Lisi both seem to be otherwise engaged, and walks up to Caiten, Oren, and Sulee.

"I have two things on my mind. Joran, and Belmazog. You guys feel like doing some research? Hit the library? Find some obscure texts? Maybe sneak in some booze to rehydrate?"

It seems like not even a well-tailored, custom-fitted military uniform does not prevent Yasami from bending the rules. Even if just a bit. "Drown our sorrows. Just a little bit."

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

"I generally try to keep my mind clear, but I would certainly join you in in either research or sharing memories."

NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent

"I'd go for some good liquor though. These last few days have been downright depressing."

Male Versatile Human Barbarian 8 HP 136/136| AC 26| F +18| R +12| W +14| Perc +14, +1 Stealth, +2 on Initiative Rolls Speed 30 ft.| Hero Points 1/3| Conditions: None

Oren nods in response to Yasami. "Both of those sound good. Certainly better than being alone, at any rate."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

Yasami flashes a smile. "Alright. Meat you at Jorell's in the archive. I need a quick chat with Hezle, go change clothes, and pick up some hooch."

With purpose, she walks up to Hezle. "Hezle! Quick question. You know a little about Belmazog. What can we use against it? What pushes its buttons? If we were like... draw it into the open, for example."

She waits a while to see if Hezle has an answer. If Hezle does, Yasami thanks her and rushes off to Shelyn's for a change of clothes into her usual flowy, layered dress. Then heads to Wizard's Grace, and off to The Breachill Archives to meet up with Caiten, Oren, and Sulee.

"Is Jorell about?"

LG Male Android Toymaker Fervor Witch 8 | HP 80 | AC 26 | Fort +14; Ref +14; Will +14; (+1 vs emotion, fear, disease, poison, radiation) | Perception +12 low-light vision, darkvision| Speed 30 | Spell DC 26 | Conditions: | Hero Points 1/3 |

Caiten watches Yasami leave, then asks, "So where do we find a hootch, and how many do we need?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent

"It's alcohol," Sulee explains patiently.

"And how is it that anything that you don't know what it means somehow sounds dirty when you talk about it?"

Alak seems happy with Catalina’s desire to spend more time together in private. he listens with interest to Catalina’s stories and follows with questions that keep her talking. He’s happy to answer any of her questions, but Catalina can tell Alak is captivated listening to her.

Aside from the guards, the Citadel is pretty quiet when the couple return — it seems the other funeral attendees are spending more time in town, and those left behind at the Citadel have mostly retired. Alak leads Catalina into the kitchen to make something for them to eat, and he laughs at seeing the disarray there. ”The goblins aren’t much for tidiness. I demand that the yard and the defenses stay orderly but I’m trying to tolerate a little messiness in other areas. I figure it is part of my process of letting go of the excessive demands for order imposed by my parents and the Hellknights.”

While chatting to Catalina, Alak gathers some bread and fruit and then leads her to one of the towers in which a couple rooms serve as his office/sitting room and quarters. The rooms are tidy and tastefully, if minimally, appointed. To the bread and fruit Alak adds some cheese and wine from his private reserves and he lays it out on a table lit by candles in front of a small couch in his office/sitting room.

Alak and Catalina share a lovely meal together and Alak asks Catalina various questions about her past and about her dreams for the future, and he openly responds to any questions Catalina asks. On his own, he’ll talk about his decision to leave the Hellknights, his complicated relationship with his parents, and his hopes for the Citadel.

After eating, as they continue to relax on the couch with wine, Catalina makes her observation about taking the opportunity for happiness when it presents itself and asks Alak if he feels the same. In response, he nods and smiles and takes Catalina’s hand. ”I feel the same, and will take every opportunity to get to know you better and share whatever moments together life provides us. But I also am confident that our time together will not always be fleeting.” With that he leans in and embraces Catalina, and the couple share some happy time together, not knowing when the next time will come.

Yasami, what areas of research did you have in mind? Hezle is happy to talk to Yasami and to share again all she knows about Belmazog (you can check the gameplay thread), but she has little new to offer. ”I do not think it’s likely you could draw her out of the fortress. She knows you defeated the vrock and the forces at the mining camp and she has probably found out some information about your group from the boggards who fled. Belmazog is a fanatic who believes she was chosen by Dahak and she believes the fortress is built at a place of great power. She will want to make her last stand there. She is a bit simpleminded, but I don’t know how that will help you. I’m pretty sure she learned the ritual to raise the dragon pillars from the outsiders who wanted the Dahak-tainted gold. Kyrion (the young red dragon) is there in the fortress but I’m sure he can be convinced to abandon Belmazog. Are there any other specific questions you have?”

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

Anything on Dahak and the cult surrounding the entity, if available. Also on boggards specifically, to know whether they are susceptible to anything in particular. Like salting a snail, etc. And this might be very obscure, but anything on the Ekujae banishing Dahak historically, as they mentioned back in Akrivel.


If you want to roll it, my skills are:

+18 Acrobatics, Performance | +14 Stealth | +13 Medicine, Thievery | +12 Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation | +11 Athletics | +9 Lore: Breachill, Society, Survival | +7 Arcana, Crafting, Nature, Occultism, Religion

Assuming Jorell opens up..."

"Jorell, you dirty dog, you! I bet you have some company here again." she chuckles. "The librarian is the cause of all the noise in the place, am I right?" gently, she nudges the man with an elbow.

"Anyway. I got some wine and we want to read up on some stuff, if you allow us?"

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Lisi's place remains a shambles, filled with half-completed filings and various scribblings on how to find more clients, littered in piles around and on a largely unused bed--he often goes to sleep in the forest with Guba. This time he and Narine, and Guba, find themselves drifting towards her place.

"I think I should shutter my business and sell my office; it's been miserable living in there," he says quietly to Narine, walking hand in hand with her, Guba toddling along behind them like a leafy child. "I was thinking...perhaps we should build a place. Lots of wood. As much wood as you'd like," he says with a laugh, and then looks both serious and dreamy. "A tree house."

NG Female Aasimar Archaeologist Thaumaturge 8 | ♥️ 74/96 | AC 26 | F +15; R +16, W +14 | Perc +12 (lowlight, darkvision) | Speed 25ft | Class DC 24 | ⚕: None | ✋: Mirror, dueling pistol | ☘️ 1/3 | Exploration Action:

As the night passes, Catalina's fleeting thought that Alak's interest was rooted in her heritage passes as well. Even if he had initially been drawn to her due to her being aasimar, it was clear that wasn't what kept him around.

Catalina spent the night happily with Alak, as open as he about her own family--that is to say, what ended up happening with all of them. Her parents, Nikolai, not having been back to Ustalav since childhood. As for the future, she finds herself having a hard time coming up with an answer for it. She shares that she has always been more of a "live in the moment" kind of person and never really planned for the future. Now, with lasting connections being made, she realizes that she'll have to start thinking about such things.

Catalina is ready to roll ahead whenever. No rush to the others who are wrapping their in-town things.

NG Female Familiar 7 | HP 35 | AC 25 | Perception +11 low-light vision | Speed 25 | Conditions: none | Abilities: Speech, Scent, Manual Dexterity, Restorative, Flier, Independent
Yasami wrote:
"Anyway. I got some wine and we want to read up on some stuff, if you allow us?"

Sulee perks up from where she is laying in the corner of the room. "Sweet. Hook a girl up over here."

Jorell comes to the door and opens it wide. You saw him at the funeral, but apparently he slipped off at the end and returned to the archives, which is normal for the introverted and aging, albeit still vital, half orc. He changed into a simple robe and holds a mug that you suspect contains the strong orc ale he usually drinks.

He gestures the group inside, "I don't know why you always think I am involved in some dalliance, Yasami. That would be quite contrary to the behavior you've seen from me during the time you've been here in Breachill."

"So, what can I help you with? I hear you're heading back to the jungle tomorrow? You're certainly welcome here, just make sure you don't spill on the books," he adds, glancing at the wine in Yasami's hand.

In answer to Yasami's questions... "Ah, boggards, primitive creatures with vile dispositions. They are not knowledgeable creatures, although some can use rudimentary instinctive magic. It is not uncommon for them to be drawn into the sort of cult that you describe. I'm not aware that they have any particular weaknesses. They are known for their powerful croaks, so it may be wise to protect your hearing if possible. Their spellcasters are known to favor acid magic."

Turning to your question about Dahak, Jorell takes some moments to find some notes to refresh him on certain details. "After you first mentioned Dahak, I did some reading. Dahak is a god of destruction, chaos, rage, and draconic greed, the polar opposite of his father, Apsu the Waybringer. One draconic creation myth claims that when Dahak shattered his siblings and created the first dragons from their remnants, some saw him as their creator and were devoted to him while others remained faithful to Apsu. His divine realm is the Adamantine Morass, a tunnel network stretching throughout the depths of Caina, Hell's eighth layer."

"Most relevant to your current situation, in the chaos and destruction following Earthfall, Dahak saw a chance to wreak havoc on Golarion and managed to manifest a version of himself. From what you have told me, it seems he did so by finding a flaw in the ancient elf gates you discovered, although that is not in the recorded histories I have seen. The stories are that his manifestation brought destructive events known as dragonstorms, which incorporate the breaths of all five chromatic dragon species: acid rain, lightning bolts, toxic fog, firestorms, blizzards and enormous hailstorms. In addition, all dragons caught nearby were infected by Dahak's fury, filling them with destructive rage."

"And then the story is that the Ekujae managed to banish Dahak's manifestation at a great sacrifice of lives -- but it seems you have uncovered more of those specifics from your time with the Ekujae."

The group remembers Nketiah's version of the story: "The people shattered their spears against the Darkness again and again, but no living being could pierce its hide. At last, the greatest among the people, the kindest, the most righteous, gave their lives to forge their souls into weapons for the people to wield. Oh, how their souls burned, like bright coals in the night! The people took up the souls of those they had most loved, and in wrath split the skin of the Darkness. They spilled the blood of the Darkness across the whole of their lands. The people forced the Darkness back into the place from whence it had emerged. The people trapped it in the space between spaces. The people swore they would stand guard so that the Darkness could never escape to threaten the land again." Nketiah can certainly answer any other questions you have.

Regarding followers of Dahak, Jorell shrugs, "There are few dedicated cults of Dahak, partially because his worshipers mostly consist of serpentfolk and especially evil dragons, with humanoid followers being a rarity. I have read that the greatest sacrifice his followers can hope to make is that of a metallic dragon, and cults that follow him often dedicate themselves to this task above all else. But you say you have been told that the Cinderclaw cult seeks return of Dahak's manifestation. That would seem to require magic beyond my imagining and it sounds foolhardy, given the destruction such an event would bring."

In response to Yasami's final request he states, "I'm afraid I do not have any ritual such as you describe in my archives, and I doubt Morta would either."

Anything else?

Human Entertainer Swashbuckler 8 | HP 112 | AC 26 | Fort 15 | Ref 18 (Evasion) | Will 12 | Perc +12 | Speed: 35 ft (45 w/ Panache) | Class DC 24 | Hero Points: 0/3 |◆ ◇ ↺

"Thank you, Jorell. You've been great. Talk i na few days, I guess."

Yasami seems to be a little bummed out by the lack of new information, but this is the Breachill archive, not some ancient Garundi library.

After they finish in the archive, she leaves Jorell with whatever wine they did not drink, and looks in the direction of the citadel. "Back to Altaerein, I suppose?"

I think that's all there is.

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Lisi nods. He's said his goodbyes to Narine and other woodcutters, and tidied up his bachelor pad, and even said hello to his family, brittle as their acquaintances have grown. "Altaerein. I have a few goblins and worgs to say hello to."

Guba also nods, much more vigorously, and scampers around, opening flowers on its head.

Male Versatile Human Barbarian 8 HP 136/136| AC 26| F +18| R +12| W +14| Perc +14, +1 Stealth, +2 on Initiative Rolls Speed 30 ft.| Hero Points 1/3| Conditions: None

"Altaerein. We should get back there, since there's nothing else to do."

Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Lisi smirks at Oren. "You, sir, need a hobby."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Points & Conditions:
HP 80/80 | Active conditions: -| Hero Points: 3/3
AC 23/25 w shield up | F+13 R+14 W+16 | +0 Init | +16 Perc, low light vision | Leaf Druid/4 30' | Class DC 25| Male half-elf barrister druid 7|
Acrobatics +12, Athletics +0, Deception +16, Diplomacy +16, Intimidation +14, Lore: Legal +12, Medicine +14, Nature +16(+2 plants), Occultism +12, Performance +14, Religion +14, Society +12, Stealth +12, Survival +14

Lisi walks a pace with Guba and then turns around, with a pleading look. "Uh...that's not what I meant and whatever I meant please don't tell Narine I said that. In fact, I didn't say anything. I am as quiet as dew on moss. As sunset on rocks. I am as silent as the moon in a hayfield..." He turns around, listing other very silent things not so silently.

The next morning, the Brumblebrashers prepare a good meal to see you off, and all of the Citadel denizens (including the worgs) gather to wish you well. Some of you shared heartfelt goodbyes the night before, and there are more as the group moves to descend the stairs to Alseta’s Ring. Renali opts to stay behind to help the Citadel come together as a community; Alak and Catalina make eye contact as the group heads down the stairs.

Upon reaching Alseta’s Ring, the group is greeted by the Doorwarden, who stands down when shown Alseta’s religious symbol. The group approaches Huntergate and Lisi touches the hunter’s arrowhead to the stone in the arch of the elf gate, which then becomes a churning curtain of gold-and-silver mist. I’m assuming that Lisi, as the remaining party member with elf descent, is carrying the arrowhead/key, but please correct me if that is not so.

The group nervously enters through the gate and into the familiar passageway beyond, with walls of hardened lava. A feint glow flickers through tiny cracks and fissures, but less so than your first time in the tunnel. The air is warm, but again much less so than before, and the smell of smoke has mostly faded.

You proceed carefully down the passage, prepared for the manifestation of Dahak to appear, but it does not, and you step through the glowing exit into the cloying heat and humidity of the Mwangi Expanse. The Ekujae had been continuing their labors to restore order to Temple of Ketephys on the other side of the gate. Once again, a ring of stone arches surrounds a garden filled with animate plant guardians and enchanted wildflower hazards meant to protect the aiudara. Lisi can recognize all the growth yet to come, but is impressed at what the Ekujae had accomplished.

Several Ekujae guards on duty respond to the group's emergence from the gate. Their expressions are ambiguous and you hear a whistled bird call of a signal and shortly after Jahsi, leader of the warriors, stands before you. You also see Ekujae archers concealed in trees. Jahsi puts his hands out and forward and exclaims, "Friends! We are so pleased for your return and I know the Twin Leopards will be as well!"

An additional note: While the group was preparing to leave the Citadel in the morning, Nketiah approached Yasami and said, "I understand you are trying to find the secret to a ritual that would let you reach out and try to contact your lost friends? Johan and Cev?" Nketiah makes the comment matter of factly and without any apparent guile, but Yasami reflects that she is unaware where Nketiah obtained that particular information. It wasn't a big secret; it's just that Yasami, trained in the ways of spycraft, takes note that Nketiah was so well informed.

Nketiah continues, "My people know of such a ritual. It is a sacred ritual, closely guarded, and may only be undertaken rarely and only led by my people. But we can speak to the Twin Leopards upon our return and see if they are willing to have it performed on your behalf. I will recommend it, and share my favorable impressions of this place and your peoples. I must say, so many different peoples living together is unknown to us, and I'm sure it will be fascinating to the Ekujae. Of course, I have seen it during my travels, but never of the likes of the intimate diversity of this Citadel."

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