Chicago by Night (V:tM - 20th Anniversary Edition)

Game Master Talomyr

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Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Fine with me!

ST Talomyr wrote:

I think the coterie stuff is in pretty good shape for the start of the game. I would spend those XP on your own advancement.

XP Spend:

Attribute: New level x 5 (So increasing Strength from 2 to 3 costs 15 points)

Skill: New level x 3

New Speciality: 3 XP

Clan Discipline: New level x 5

Other Discipline: New level x 7

Caitiff Discipline: New level x 6

Blood Sorcery Ritual: Ritual level x 3

Thin Blood Formula: Formula level x 3

Advantage (merit, background): New level x 3

Blood Potency: New level x 10

Are advantages new level x 3 or just 3 per dot?

Locations and NPCs

Why they wrote it the way they did in the table is kind of silly, later in the book they give a specific example of the third dot an advantage (loresheet) would cost 9 (3 x 3, i.e. the new level) XP.

Given both are written in the book, and how everything else is priced out in the book, 3 x New Level makes sense to me.

Hi everyone I might be joining your coterie, I just need to read through the rulebook. I've made a character for VtM before but I believe that was for v20. Anyway I'll try and get something together in the next day or two.

Hmmmm, would you guys object to having a second thin-blood (probably with a Toreador sire) in your coterie?

Shadow's Status
Veegees wrote:
Hmmmm, would you guys object to having a second thin-blood (probably with a Toreador sire) in your coterie?

No objection here.

ST Talomyr wrote:

Why they wrote it the way they did in the table is kind of silly, later in the book they give a specific example of the third dot an advantage (loresheet) would cost 9 (3 x 3, i.e. the new level) XP.

Given both are written in the book, and how everything else is priced out in the book, 3 x New Level makes sense to me.

Ah, I had read it as 3 per dot of loresheet due to loresheet dots not being cumulative. 3 x new level works for me.

Also fine with as many players as you are comfortable running for. And them playing the characters they want to.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

No objections!

Decided to go with a 13th gen toreador.

Haven't finished but this is what I have so far.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

I don't mind!

Locations and NPCs
Viktoriya Sokolov wrote:

Decided to go with a 13th gen toreador.

Haven't finished but this is what I have so far.

Mechanically this is off to a good start. You will need to define the Touchstones associated with your chosen Convictions. As a Toreador, I'm assuming your chosen art form is storytelling, based on the Loresheet you have chosen?

Look forward to seeing what you have as a brief background.

For anyone having difficulties coming up with a quick background, I've found these question (taken from the Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Book) helpful:

How old are you?

What was unique about your childhood?

What kind of person were you?

What was your first brush with the supernatural?

How did the Embrace change you?

Who was your sire, and how did he treat you?

How did you meet the others in your coterie?

Where is your haven?

Do you retain any connections to your mortal life?

What are your habitual feeding grounds?

What motivates you?

Nosferatu 11th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 6 | Willpower 7 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1

Character sheet is finished. Those questions seem good, will try to answer this week. Decided to go with horrid old man look rather than literal monster.

Don't want stepping outside to be a Masquerade breach (jk).

Spent xp on Potency 2 and Contact 1 / university librarian.

Locations and NPCs
Alexander Amarius wrote:

Character sheet is finished. Those questions seem good, will try to answer this week. Decided to go with horrid old man look rather than literal monster.

Don't want stepping outside to be a Masquerade breach (jk).

Spent xp on Potency 2 and Contact 1 / university librarian.

I assume that is Potence 2 and not Blood Potency 2 (not enough XP available for that).

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I used my exp to boost Finance from 1 -> 2 (6xp) and am saving the rest. My character is finalized unless you need something else. :)

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Locations and NPCs

Okay, looks like everyone but our latest to join is ready to go. Viktoriya, please get your character finalized by the end of the week. I will start the game in earnest on Monday.

Nosferatu 11th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 6 | Willpower 7 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1
ST Talomyr wrote:
I assume that is Potence 2 and not Blood Potency 2 (not enough XP available for that).

Yes Potence 2.

Locations and NPCs
Viktoriya Sokolov wrote:

Decided to go with a 13th gen toreador.

Haven't finished but this is what I have so far.

Any more progess on finishing out the character? I would like to start the game on Monday.

Yeah I'm going to pull out. My character doesn't quite fit in with the coterie.
Wish you all a fun time.

Edwin Wagner 12th Generation Tremere | Will 6 | Blood Pool 9/12 |

Hey ST Talomyr, are you going to provide an overview of coterie links and a brief bit of our "backstory" or do you feel like the connections we discussed are sufficient?


Locations and NPCs

I think what you have is sufficient, but I will try to pull an overview together and link it to the thread.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Super excited to get started!! :D

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Locations and NPCs

First post will be up this evening after I get home from work.

Thin-Blood 14th Gen | Blood Potency 0 | Health 3 (5) | Willpower 4/5 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1 | Character Pic

Just did a final review of my character sheet and I believe K's ready to go!

Locations and NPCs

First post is up in the Gameplay thread.

Nosferatu 11th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 6 | Willpower 7 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1

Are there guidelines for when to use spoilers? And when to read them?

Calliope and Jack I can show up anytime you want. If you want to hold a prior conversation.

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Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I think in this case the spoilers were just to help with posts not being too long.

I'll be real with you all. I read every spoiler. I make it a point to actively avoid metagaming because metagaming isn't fun. Imo if it's a true secret, it should go in PMs.

Locations and NPCs

I was using them to separate player/character knowledge as V:tM can be about political intrigue as much as anything. That being said, I happy to not use them if the group is fine with that for the majority of posts.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I don't mind them for organizational purposes! I use them when I GM for the same reason.

Thin-Blood 14th Gen | Blood Potency 0 | Health 3 (5) | Willpower 4/5 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1 | Character Pic

I think they can be useful for organization by location - makes it easier to keep track of where everybody is if/when the coterie is split up.

I'm good trusting y'all to play character knowledge separate from player knowledge. Otherwise I feel like we miss out on a lot of great posts/gameplay.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

What Calliope said! I also read all the spoilers, but avoid metagaming. I like it for organization, but I just chose to not use it in my reply.

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Locations and NPCs
Calliope Marchette wrote:
Ok, new girl question: Is this a situation where an Etiquette roll might be beneficial? ST, how would you like us to handle rolls - wait until you request them or roll in anticipation? If I understand it correctly, I would roll 2d10 (since I have 2 dots in Etiquette) vs the difficulty? When I was reading the rulebook, I got the impression that this game requires far fewer rolls than Pathfinder/D&D, so I'm treading in new territory. :P

Feel free to make a roll that you feel is appropriate with the understanding that I may disregard the results if I feel a roll was not warranted. Success on the die is 6 or better, so 1-5 is a fail, 6-10 is a success.

Most rolls in this game are a pool of dice. In this case you would roll Intelligence + Ettiquette, which would be 4d10 pool. Because your current Hunger is at one your would separate it into rolls like this, where one of your dice is replaced by a Hunger die.

Intelligence + Ettiquette: 3d10 ⇒ (4, 9, 9) = 22 Hunger: 1d10 ⇒ 2

In this case the roll would result in 2 successes. If I call out a particular difficulty, that is the number of successes that are required to pass the die roll.

Hunger applies to most rolls in this game outside. If it does not apply, I will state that in the request for a roll.

Critical Successes - a roll that has a pair 10s, instead of that pair counting as 2 successes, it would be counted as 4 successes. To receive that doubling it must be a pair. 3 10s would be 5 success, but 4 10s would be eight.

Where Hunger comes into play is the concept of Messy Criticals or Beastial Failures.

A Messy Critical is certainly a success, but it is success with a complication in which "the Beast" gets a little zealous. A messy critical occurs when a pair of 10's occurs and at least one of the 10s in question.

A Beastial Failure is bad news, "the Beast" is truly behaving badly and will causes your Clan Compulsion to exhibit at minimum, sometimes something worse. Fortunately these are rare, as it require a roll that results in 0 successes and at least a single "1" on your hunger dice.

Up to 3 Non-Hunger dice resulting in a failure can be re-rolled by spending a point of Willpower.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Thank you for the explanation - I was sneaking in some posting while my students were writing an essay (they don't need me breathing down their necks while they write!) and didn't have easy access to the details.

Nosferatu 11th Gen | Blood Potency 1 | Health 6 | Willpower 7 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1

Noticed I spelled my own character alias wrong. Fixed it.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I'm usually pretty active on weekends, but tomorrow I am chaperoning prom and have some plans during the day, so I will be a little scarce. Apologies in advance. :)

Thin-Blood 14th Gen | Blood Potency 0 | Health 3 (5) | Willpower 4/5 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1 | Character Pic

FYI my thought is K keeps his ability to function in daylight under wraps. It makes sense he's told the coterie, but in confidence; it's a great trick until everybody knows about it!

Locations and NPCs

Just added a Locations and NPCs link to the top of the thread. Should be accessible by anyone with the link.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Per your question, ST: I figured we would go to a vampire club to get a feel for how the vamps felt -- something that caters to Camarilla.

Unless K or Jack has another suggestion, of course! :)

Locations and NPCs

Sorry about the delay. I'll update later this evening.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Sorry for my silence; I'm still around. I've been waiting to see what happens with K before making a post. :)

It's been a busy few days with the end of the school year coming up and several students failing 10th-grade English.

Locations and NPCs

No worries.

Thin-Blood 14th Gen | Blood Potency 0 | Health 3 (5) | Willpower 4/5 | Humanity 7 | Hunger 1 | Character Pic

FYI My knowledge of stealing modern cars is what one can glean from 30 minutes online; that is to say, fairly vague. This particular method apparently works at least on Rav4s, by hacking into the car computer system through a headlight fault detector. The hacking hardware is jammed into a relatively innocuous device, such as a usb speaker. I believe the speaker even still works.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Dang, and here was my dumb ass just assuming you messed about with some wires like in the bad old days! That's actually really interesting to learn about. In the same way that lockpicking is interesting to learn about; fun as a hypothetical, bad in practice.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I don't know what the names of any of the clubs we can go to, so I am just having Calliope be vague about it and ST can fill in the blanks :P

Just kidding, I saw some club names in ST's about.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Will get to posting ASAP. Having a rough week. School year's almost over...

Locations and NPCs

No worries. Figured you were in a rough stretch given the time of the year.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Having that shaky-writing feeling at the start of a campaign where I'm trying to get a feel for my character. :P Sorry for any awkwardness with my prose.

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

Hey all - attending graduation tonight to see the teens set free. ;P I'll be MIA tonight. Pretty open from this point until the school year closes in, though.

Ventrue 12th Gen|Blood Potency 1|Health 8|Willpower 5(See fortitude)|Humanity 7|Hunger 2

Do we want to try and recombine our groups? Or continue with our separate scenes?

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I think recombining the group would be best!

Portrait | She/Her/Hers | Toreador 13th Gen |Demeanor/Nature: Bon Vivant | Willpower 6/6 | Blood Pool: 7/10

I can post calling up Edwin and then go from there once I have a moment to sit down and get it done.

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