
aptinuviel's page

Organized Play Member. 410 posts (5,364 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 33 aliases.

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Male Human Wizard 5 , HP 32/32, AC 13 [Touch 12, Flat 11], CMD: 13 Init +8 [+12 when familiar is near], Perception +11 [+13 when familiar is near]
Init +8, Perception +8 (low-light vision, scent)

Ihon casts dispel magic on the boxes to dismiss the magical traps before opening them.

Dispel Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

He'll check for traps with detect magic and if they appear to be gone, he will say. You can open them now.

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Heinrich von Bastillion wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Astropathic Message 931-1BZ3-A.
Receiver: Heinrich von Bastillion
Sender: Lord-Captain Hajj Qalandar Khan
Subject: Re: Still alive, Sir?
Content: Heinrich,
If you're looking for an adventure, I can provide. I've got a ship that's barely holding together. We've got a few squadrons that my Techs are patching up by, I assume from the bill, melting down actual thrones and attaching them to the hulls. I could use the best pilot I've ever seen to come show these recruits how to bring back a craft in one piece.
Friends always,
+++ End of Transmission+++

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Did a little updating of the ship sheet. It could use a little formatting clean-up, I think. I'll work on it.

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Homid Fianna Theurge

I am also awful at accents in speech and writing, so I'll be following your lead on that.

On a somewhat random note (though something I thought I should mention before the gameplay thread gets made): if you are not aware, when the gameplay thread is made you can post and delete the post to dot the thread. You don't have to leave the post in order to dot it. So, if you, like many, want to dot the thread immediately but also want to wait a bit to write out a good first post, you can post something, delete that post, and then do a full post later on. I bring it up because almost all threads seem to start with a series of "." or "dot" posts.

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Once again I am opening up recruitment to replace one of our characters. Unfortunately, the player of Assam, the party's paladin has disappeared for unknown reasons and the adventuring party is in need of another skilled...archaeologist.

We've gone a bit into Book 2 and here are the character application requirements:

Posting requirements

- Post once per day.
- Play nicely with others.
- If you have a question about the rules, speak up.
- I will be rolling perception and initiative for the group. (Usually)
- I'm in the EST time zone, but I'm happy to accept players from anywhere. If posting is a little slow sometimes because of odd hours, we'll deal. (In my experience it's never that bad.) We have some slow posters, but the other players have a good pace. As long as you tell me ahead of time I have no problem with real life interfering with a game!

Character Creation Guidelines

Download and read the Player's Guide!

No third party products of any kind will be considered.

Attributes: 25 point buy

Races: Core encouraged, though any race allowed.

Classes: Core, Base, and Hybrid classes allowed. We are looking to replace a "front line" combatant. It'd be nice of the applicant were melee-focused with some way to survive such direct contact with the enemy.

Alignments: Any.

Traits: One campaign and two others. No drawbacks.

Starting Level: Four

Starting gold: 6,000gp No one item may be more than 3,000gp.

Starting HP: Max at first level. Subsequent levels will be half hit die +1.


The city of Wati has been overrun with undead shortly after the last of the groups came back from the necropolis. The source of the undead hasn't yet been discovered, but the city is in chaos. Beside zombies and other assorted things that go bump in the night, looters and other creatures are taking advantage of the situation. The priests of the Grand Temple are doing what they can to patrol the streets and provide safe havens. The player characters have just returned with an idea of who might be behind the problem. However, investigation at the moment is quite difficult given the panic going on in the city. Thing will have to calm down before anything further can be done.

I'll be keeping recruitment open until May 8th (next Monday).

Currently the group consists of:
Almathea, NG Female Elven Wizard (Diviner)
Erei Jentis, CN Male Peri-blooded Aasimar Bard
Leto V. Derexhi MM, LG Male Human (Garundi) Monk (unchained, zen archer)
Nevai Alaro, N Male Human (Garundi) Cleric of Horus
Marnarius, NG Male Half-elf Slayer

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Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Pik drops the mic.

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Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

I think the rules as-is are fine. I certainly would have had an interesting choice in this fight. And while it could be a problem on occasion, I expect that I'll be able to deal with it. I have a much wider range of viable options for actions than in previous editions, so it should just lead to me having to make a choice to either skip a turn and do something less efficient.

It's not great from a simulationist perspective, but I can handle a little inefficiency in my DnD. (I do strongly disagree with the designers intent; that is, that is speeds up combat. Resetting someone's initiative has never, in my decades of playing RPGs, ever caused a problem at my table. But, I'm willing to give it a shot!)

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In the interest of not derailing things because of character misunderstandings: I'd like to note that the current track of trying to convince Phineas is *way* off base. While he's inexperienced, he's not lacking in bravery, so insulting him on that count is probably not the way to go. He's also highly intelligent, so being condescending is, again, probably not the way to go. He clearly hasn't objected to killing. Though that should, by the way, be a red flag for people thinking that he's an average person who, I would certainly hope, would object to *any* killing regardless of how "bad" the people are claimed to be. So, again, pushing him on whether it's murder or killing is probably not the way to go. Lastly, he could easily just walk out on this at any time. He needs money, but not so bad that he's willing to randomly murder people. (He's also a college drop-out, not a professor, but that could have been an in-character misunderstanding.)

Keep in mind that we were explicitly asked to make characters that were inexperienced runners. I'm happy to rough off the edges of the character to suit the party (that's part of the buy-in for any rp group.) But at the moment the track seems to be "Well, you took the job, so you should be willing to do whatever it takes to get it done." That's not actually a thing expected of normal people.

And my last point: So far Phineas' objections have been about two things: The first, and the one he's far more concerned about, is that we have two goals. Ignoring one to solve the other is worthless. The second, and far less of a problem, is murdering people. I've only had him point out that he's "new" to this because he probably shouldn't be the one that comes up with the specifics of how to get information from a bunch of random thugs given that he's never done that before.

But, with that said, *my* suggestion would be to use Nick and Nate to get as much information as possible. Send those of us that don't go with Nick to do some recon on the Chrome Boys. We can watch them, see what they do and what they're involved in, and just gather more information. If we're lucky, we'll get an idea of where they like to hide out and where they might hide some friends. We can do all that without ever even talking to a Chrome Boy.

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I'm opening up recruitment again to replace one of our characters. Unfortunately, the player of Tunar (the group's barbarian) will be leaving us due to a lack of time to devote to the game.

We're about to start Book 2 and here are the character application requirements:

Posting requirements

- Post once per day.
- Play nicely with others.
- If you have a question about the rules, speak up.
- I will be rolling perception and initiative for the group.
- I'm in the EST time zone, but I'm happy to accept players from anywhere. If posting is a little slow sometimes because of odd hours, we'll deal. (In my experience it's never that bad.) We have some slow posters, but the other players have a good pace. As long as you tell me ahead of time I have no problem with real life interfering with a game!

Character Creation Guidelines

Download and read the Player's Guide!

No third party products of any kind will be considered.

Attributes: 25 point buy

Races: Core encouraged, though any race allowed.

Classes: Core, Base, and Hybrid classes allowed. We are looking to replace a front line melee combatant, so keep that in mind. I don't need hyper-optimized characters but I also won't be taking characters that don't function within the group very well. Mechanically speaking, if the rest of the group is carrying you through, then no one will be having any fun.

Alignments: Any.

Traits: One campaign and two others. No drawbacks.

Starting Level: Four

Starting gold: 6,000gp No one item may be more than 3,000gp.

Starting HP: Max at first level. Subsequent levels will be half hit die +1.

Background: The game will start shortly after the last area in the necropolis is investigated. Your character may be a member of another adventuring party (who lost a bunch of members or otherwise disbanded), or someone local that didn't take part. But you'll need some reason for hooking up with the group specifically. There will be an auction happening at the start of the next book to sell antiquities, and that may lead to an interesting hook. The background doesn't need to be extensive beyond this hook. I'd like some idea of what the character is like and their personality, but don't think that you need to write a book. The key part is that you have some reason to join this group specifically. You can either read through the gameplay thread for an idea, or throw out something that might work. From experience, the players in this game are very flexible.

I'll be keeping recruitment open until September 27th (next Tuesday). We're not finished with the first book yet, so there's no rush.

Scarab Sages

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Oh! For Origin Paths, are there any "free picks" or are they fixed?

Scarab Sages

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I like that it isn't a dungeon crawl rpg, unlike almost every other game out there. The climax scenes are almost never combat, again, unlike any other game. (Because, well, the characters are usually more than a match for things in *personal* combat.) I like that it feels like a darker Star Trek episode. Fights are few, but meaningful. A lot of the game is negotiation, investigation, and exploration.

I like that it makes no bones about how awesome your characters are. So the game isn't about trying to scrape your way up from level 1. You're the badasses that other people want to be. You are Captain Kirk, Spock, and Bones.

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I'm good as long as I know the reason for it. Getting married is a pretty good reason. :)

It's disappearing without a reason given that gets me a little worried! As long as I know, we're all good.

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Egyptian! What do you think is going on here? Tom asks as Atum comes out of the building. I'm still thinking drugs or maybe your 'poor alcohol' idea. But everything else sounds so queer.

As the other man speaks he squints and pushes his glasses up his nose, examining him closely. Well, you seem like you've gotten the worst of it. Tell me, who'd want to do this to you? And what sort of dreams are you having? Or rather, what sorts of things do you see when you think you're awake?

Scarab Sages

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mdt wrote:
Now, for those (like Listner) who don't want to sign, how adamant are you about that. Is it a 'I will never sign' or is it 'I need to be reassured by someone else'.

Wraith is correct, at least insofar as I'm not interested in continuing. I'm unclear where his hostility comes from, but I can't say it's unexpected.

I think it might be helpful to explain why, so I'll attempt to do so. To begin, I want to make it clear that "my way" of playing Shadowrun isn't the "correct way", it's just mine. And my opinions on the setting are my own. It's not that your style is wrong, it's just not what I'd have fun playing.

The first thing is the "mystery" that you're attempting to add. I completely disagree. I'm a fan of Shadowrun primarily *because* the magic rules are clearly defined. But, like in the real world, this leaves a lot of ways to misinterpret what you see or how things happen. In my opinion, your method actually removes the mystery from the game. Doing things within the rules means that there is something to figure out. Doing things because it's "mysterious" (i.e. breaking the rules to make something incapable of being figured out) means that there is no mystery. All I can do is wait till the GM feels like it's time to reveal what happened. It's like performing an illusion with actual magic. If there's no trick, there's no mystery. Sure, this is more difficult than making things up as you go along, but it's *certainly* not a mystery.

As to the illusion spell, the Shadowrun magic structure is very firm against being able to hide or alter auras. Without masking it's impossible. There's a reason for this and it is well established. No, you cannot make an illusion spell that covers up an aura. Masking does that. This leads to a world where it is trivial to learn if another person is awakened if you are also. It leads to a world where sustained spells are obvious. Where all magic is obvious to anyone that can do it. That's the world as it is built. A lot of the world works on this premise. Changing that, a very basic building block of the world, changes the setting.

As to taking blood samples for a run. I do find this ridiculous and always have. I'd sugar coat it, but that's really the bottom line. I feel that people who think this is alright just don't think through the consequences. (This was actually literally true of several first edition writers.) You may know that the GM won't screw your characters over unless it's a good story. But your characters don't know that. Giving blood samples *cannot* be standard practice. Again, this is a matter of world building. Changing this alters the setting and makes the game completely different. If your character were willing to give DNA *at any price* before knowing who they're working for, then they simply wouldn't survive as a shadowrunner. Again, I have no issue with NPCs asking. NPCs don't have to be rational, knowledgeable, or reasonable. But unless a characters is incredibly naive they should never be willing to do this. Just having DNA alone on someone's file is bad, but having a material link? Not going to happen.

Putting aside the issue of a magic item in a game where that's not really appropriate, I'll discuss the magic contract. I feel like I went out of my way *in-character* to work with the story. Ashley gave the Johnson several chances to walk back on what he considered a ridiculous request. (That is, presenting the group with a magical contract without even mentioning that it was magical.) I did this because I *do* feel its important to work with GMs and try to conform to their game, within limits. But the NPCs reaction was to double down...several times. Now, I can't imagine a world in which I'll play a character that's willing to sign a contract given by someone that was willing to lie about its nature (admittedly by omission rather than a direct lie). Also, when confronted about it, she then *claims* that she can't make us break it and *all* it does is enforce the contract. And yet there's some "spell" on the object to prevent even *that* from being confirmed. I deliberately made my character desperate *for this very reason*. My first reaction was to just walk out. My second reaction was to do the same. I kept trying to work with it up to the point that it was clear that there would be absolutely no compromise. I feel like I did my part. Now, to be fair, I don't think you are under any obligation as a GM to work with me. And I mean this sincerely. I don't blame you, or think you're a bad GM for not doing so. It's your style, and I'm confident that people will have fun playing in this game. It's just not for me.

Scarab Sages

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We can argue all day about whether that's an appropriate spell. Suffice to say I'm adamantly in the "no" category (for both mechanical and setting reasons). I'd explain why, but it really doesn't matter. I'm right for games that I enjoy and you're right for games that you enjoy. I was hoping the twain would meet somewhere, but it's very apparent that's not going to happen. It's disappointing, but not unexpected.

I'm also a big believer in trusting in GMs during a game. But that trust needs to be earned. Not that mdt hasn't, just that there's a reason to feel a game out at the start. I'd rather know now that mdt's style and mine don't mesh sooner rather than later. I feel like I've been reasonable here and have gone out of my way out-of-character to be polite and present my views rationally. (I also believe my character has done that, though slightly less politely...with good reason, I might add. But that's really neither here nor there.) But if anyone has any complaints, feel free to tell me directly, either here or in PM. Talking around issues never helped anyone.

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The Wyrm Ouroboros wrote:
Not sure what you mean, or what your argument is.

I'm unclear why there's a thought that this is even an argument. It's fashion. I think it's a cool look. I get that you, and I'm guessing your character, don't, but I'm not sure why that is an argument rather than a, apparently very strong, opinion.

There are a significant amount of cool looking longcoat styles that a shawl will go with well. I'm no expert on NO fashion (or any fashion really), though I, by sheer coincidence, had someone over the house this evening that happens to be. ;) (I swear, it was a surprise to me too!) She grew up and went to college in the area and the response to my description "A hyper-expensive shawl worn with a rather trashy old longcoat", was "Sure, why not? That's not even weird."

But the fact is that NO fashion really is "be eccentric". I'm pretty sure subtle is what's going to get noticed more than a little bit of flair. (Also, this is shadowrun, unless you really try hard, an armored long coat looks more like one from the Matrix than one from Texas Chainsaw Massacre.) I really don't understand what the issue is here. In fact, I don't think it'd be weird for a man wearing an Ancien scarve in NO fashion. That just seems par for the course.

Scarab Sages

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It's a breastplate. Helms and gauntlets aren't part of armor. They're independent of the armor. You can have a helm and gauntlets and not be wearing any armor, or they could be a leather helm and gloves, or they could be a top hat. It doesn't matter. So, that pretty clearly could be a breastplate. But it could also be pretty much any heavy armor. There could be more armor under that skirt, after all.

The bottom line is that DnD/pathfinder gives you a lot of discretion in your armor and how it looks.

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Perhaps some clarification is in order:

Part of the group has been chosen. What I'm looking for now is a character that came to be a member of this specific group. Something specific to them. Offering to be a local guide, when they already have one, is unlikely to be picked. However, there are plenty of ways for the group to have picked up another local. Be creative, come up with something that would appeal to this group.

As an example: My character was in a cell as the group passed on a walk through Wati. I ran to the edge of the cage and yelled out to them "Hey, you don't look like locals. Are you here for the lottery? I've been in th Necropolis before. I can help! Just give me a bow, some food, and a bath and I'll follow you anywhere!" The group, deciding that someone that had been inside the actual necropolis might be useful paid the small fee to get the criminal out. Whether or not he actually has been in a tomb before...well, who knows?

The bottom line is that I'm looking for more than just a reason. Make it interesting. You can have been a member since Absalom, or you could have joined more recently, everything is open.

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Meresu wrote:

Well, I'm going to try my Meresu for the interviews if that's alright. I've been wanting to play this ap for awhile now so I apologize for my determination (and also my hardheadedness).

Congrats to those picked! Even if I'm not picked even after the interviews, I greatly appreciate the opportunity! I'm still going to keep on trying though for whenever someone else opens this ap up again!

And good luck and happy adventuring!

Perhaps "interview" was the wrong word. What I meant was that you can present a character that fits both the role being looked for and a story that fits with the rest of the group. I used the term interview only to demonstrate that the other players, and in some cases their characters, would be deciding who else gets in the group. This could have happened early when the group originally formed, or it could have been in-country, or it could have been right here in Wati! It's all open at this point.

But any application will require that the character fit the role being looked for and a story. This story can be interactive. You're welcome to ask players about their characters and see if something fits well with them.

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Samy wrote:
Whoops, was working on a life oracle, but I'm throwing that one out the window with a cleric already present. I wonder if a wizard/knowledge-monkey would fit into the remaining spot. Did I miss info somewhere about what the two other players were going for?

Yes sorry, my apologies. The other two characters are:

A foreigner Bard or Skald. The details of which are currently being worked on.
The second character is an Elven Wizard (probably a Diviner, though it's also being finished up now.) She's also a foreigner but interested in ancient cultures in general. (Knowledge History, Engineering, and Linguistics.)

Both characters will be part of the "original" group formed up, possibly in Absalom, though the details of that are going to be worked out between the players.

The main thing to keep in mind is that I'm hoping for stories that directly relate to the characters already chosen. How does your character fit in with them specifically, not just any generic adventuring group that happens to be around. I'm excited to see people's ideas. Feel free to be a little creative, we can always work something out if it's close but doesn't quite fit!

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I'd like to do something a little different with the tail end of recruiting. I believe I've decided on three of the four characters that I'd like to take.

To those players whose characters haven't been chosen, and to those that have yet to submit a character, do not despair! The reason I'm ending recruitment a little early is so that we can fill the last spot! There were a ton of good submissions, but part of my job is taking characters that fit together into an adventuring party. So, with that said, I've decided on the following three:

Setesh Bantling, Half-Elf Male Alchemist (Beastmorph/Vivisectionist), played by Luke_Parry
Micah Haynes, Human Male Cavalier (Daring Champion), played by nate lange
Nevai Alaro, Human Male Cleric of Horus, played by Raisse

I invite the players chosen to discuss their adventuring group in the Discussion thread here.

Now here's the twist. For those that didn't make it, and for those that haven't finished their characters: I'm opening up recruitment for one character. You will essentially be interviewing for a role in the party with the other party members already chosen. So, there are two important parts here. First, you must come up with a good reason why your character was chosen to accompany this group. Either they're a friend of one members already in the party, they were recruited in Absalom when the original adventuring group first formed, or they were somehow picked up in-country (which, I expect, will also be how Nevai joins the group.) And secondly, you must come up with a character that fits the niche this party is missing. Notably ranged damage, but skill-wise, the party could use some of the more physical skills. (Climb, stealth, acrobatics, etc.)

I know closing recruitment a little early might have caught some people in the middle of finishing up their characters. However, I hope this is seen as an opportunity rather than a hassle. Feel free to ask any questions you have! I'd like to have the last character selected by Tuesday, but I understand if that's too short a time span for people to make a whole new character. If you can get at least the outline of a character up, the group can start discussing which ones they feel fit the best.

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Current list of potential cast members:

Dro'ka Zahil, Human Male Slayer (Vanguard), played by Vincent Fleming
Setesh Bantling, Half-Elf Male Alchemist (Beastmorph/Vivisectionist), played by Luke_Parry
Kellara Sheogorath, Half-Orc Female Necromancer (Life), played by Sarabian
Elexsanda Sylmat, Human Female Shaman (Animist/Speaker for the Past), played by cartmanbeck
Farid Heydar, Human Male Barbarian, played by Dennis Harry (Plans to multiclass with Rogue)
Malik Adraza, Human Male Sorcerer, played by The Pale King
Anton Narscellus, Suli Male Brawler, played by Dave Herman
Omar Ulunat, Human Male Ranger, played by zaarbuc (Plans to multiclass with Cleric)
Saedue Menura, Elf Female Alchemist, played by Escharid Blackrose
Vidic Votev, Human Male Ranger (Infiltrator), played by Jim Cirillo
Louisiana Jane, Gnome Female Alchemist, played by Amsheagar
Tali the Nomad, Human Female Druid (Desert), played by Jesse Heinig
Meresu, Ifrit Female Inquisitor (Immolator) of Sekhmet, played by SCKnightHero1
Moze the Reincarnated Druid, Halfling Male Druid, played by KarlBob
Zahar Aja, Ifrit Male Arcanist (Blood Arcanist), played by kamenhero25
Urggo, Oread Male Fighter (Unbreakable), played by The Archlich (Plans to take Living Monoloth PrC)
Keleph Alihk, Human Male Fighter, played by mellowgoth (Plans to multiclass with Bard/Archaeologist or Investigator)
Alder Ellemin, Human Male Investigator (Spiritualist), played by Iff
Lenni Khiti, Human Male Swashbuckler (Daring Infiltrator, Mysterious Avenger), played by Tech5bb
Micah Haynes, Human Male Cavalier (Daring Champion), played by nate lange
Max Willard, Half-Ord Male Rogue, played by DoubleGold
Hamzu Ur-Usi Khafra, Halfling Male Rogue (Unchained, Bandit, Knife Master), played by Hayato Ken
Nevai Alaro, Human Male Cleric of Horus, played by Raisse
Rgulbux Deepstrider, Dwarf Male Ranger (Corpse Hunter, Divine Tracker), played by Valjoen_KC
Rogar Silverfingers Dwarf Male Rogue (Unchained), played by TreasureFox

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The new current potential cast of characters:

Tywynn of the house Boritsi, Human Male Paladin of Arshea, played by Tin Foil Yamakah (Plans to multiclass with Oracle)
Dro'ka Zahil, Human Male Slayer (Vanguard), played by Vincent Fleming
Setesh Bantling, Half-Elf Male Alchemist (Beastmorph/Vivisectionist), played by Luke_Parry
Kellara Sheogorath, Half-Orc Female Necromancer (Life), played by Sarabian
Elexsanda Sylmat, Human Female Shaman (Animist/Speaker for the Past), played by cartmanbeck
Farid Heydar, Human Male Barbarian, played by Dennis Harry (Plans to multiclass with Rogue)
Malik Adraza, Human Male Sorcerer, played by The Pale King
Anton Narscellus, Suli Male Brawler, played by Dave Herman
Omar Ulunat, Human Male Ranger, played by zaarbuc (Plans to multiclass with Cleric)
Saedue Menura, Elf Female Alchemist, played by Escharid Blackrose
Vidic Votev, Human Male Ranger (Infiltrator), played by Jim Cirillo
Louisiana Jane, Gnome Female Alchemist, played by Amsheagar
Tali the Nomad, Human Female Druid (Desert), played by Jesse Heinig
Meresu, Ifrit Female Inquisitor (Immolator) of Sekhmet, played by SCKnightHero1
Moze the Reincarnated Druid, Halfling Male Druid, played by KarlBob
Zahar Aja, Ifrit Male Arcanist (Blood Arcanist), played by kamenhero25
Urggo, Oread Male Fighter (Unbreakable), played by The Archlich (Plans to take Living Monoloth PrC)
Keleph Alihk, Human Male Fighter, played by mellowgoth (Plans to multiclass with Bard/Archaeologist or Investigator)
Alder Ellemin, Human Male Investigator (Spiritualist), played by Iff
Lenni Khiti, Human Male Swashbuckler (Daring Infiltrator, Mysterious Avenger), played by Tech5bb
Micah Haynes, Human Male Cavalier (Daring Champion), played by nate lange
Max Willard, Half-Ord Male Rogue, played by DoubleGold
Hamzu Ur-Usi Khafra, Halfling Male Rogue (Unchained, Bandit, Knife Master), played by Hayato Ken
Nevai Alaro, Human Male Cleric of Horus, played by Raisse

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I'm all for encouraging non-combat usefulness. With that in mind, certain classes synergize well with certain skills. Also, you have three traits to work with and can pick up nearly any skill you'd like. But the main thing to keep in mind is that you're a member of a party. Each character need not cover every possible thing.

As for skills, the AP guide goes over which ones are especially useful but here are a few more ideas: Acrobatics and Climb are quite valuable. Disable Device and Perception are also, as usual, very good. Survival is another standout skill. But with that said, DnD does not reward dabbling very much. I'm absolutely fine with a random skill here or there, but make sure you aren't pulling yourself too thin and making your character much worse at their main job/role in order to cover something that someone else can do much better. This is true both in and out of combat.

And yes, there is a trait that gives Trap Finding to anyone that wants it!

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DoubleGold wrote:
okay, cool, because my half-orc with 16 int is wanting to learn Ancient Osirion. Not from the area, but has done much research about the area. I'll even put a point into linguistics if required.

I'm pretty lenient on, if it makes sense to you for your character to have the language, then it's fine by me.

This seems like a good time to make a couple of comments about party roles (with some relation to languages):

Ancient Osirion and Sphinx are useful languages to have in the party in this AP, but it isn't necessary that the whole party knows those languages. Linguistics, likewise, is a useful skill in this AP (compared to nearly any other AP). Though as usual in any DnD game, a specialist is better than someone taking it to round out a character. (Not that the latter is bad, just don't expect it to actually be useful.)

With all this said, I'm unlikely to choose a party full of characters who have made a hobby out of studying ancient osirian artifacts. One expert and one hobbyist would be fine, but more than that and the expert doesn't actually stand out.

This isn't directed at any character in particular, I've just noted that while we have a lot of interesting characters, there's a surprisingly lack of variety. They're all colorful and different in the details, but the overall roles (both mechanical and story) are very similar. Lots of depth, so I can't exactly complain. :)

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DoubleGold wrote:
How do you treat the Mummy's Mask specific languages? Is common a language, or does everyone automatically speak a Mummy's Mask specific language instead of common, letting us know that is the common? Do you let us learn the extra languages with Linguistics, etc?

Languages are handled as normal. If your character is Human you may choose an ethnicity from the Inner Sea World Guide, in which case your character will know Common (Taldane) as well as whatever language that ethnicity gives you. Intelligence grants additional languages as per your character's race. Note that Humans and Half-Elves can choose nearly any language except secret languages. The example given is Druidic, but this would also include Sphinx and many "ancient" languages. As a guideline, stick to the list in the core book or regional Golarion languages.

With that said, if anyone has a character from Osirion and that character is "educated" to some degree, then Ancient Osirion is absolutely fine. It's a common language among the educated of the country. There is a campaign trait to be allowed to learn Sphinx. If you wish your character to have that language take the trait and/or buy Linguistics.

Further, I'm fine with non-Human/Half-Elves taking regional languages as their bonus languages (from high Intelligence). Also, if your character's ethnicity doesn't give an extra language beside Common, you may choose an appropriate regional language. I might as well encourage some non-Osirions while I'm at it.

That should cover any language questions, but if there's anything unclear, feel free to ask.

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Raisse wrote:

I'm leaning towards Horus or Ra as my most likely patrons, though Sarenrae and Pharasma are also options. Would any of those be particularly good fits for the campaign?

I'm currently leaning towards Horus with Sun and Feather domains, so he can hunt his deity's enemies in the darkness, accompanied by a falcon companion.

The Old Gods are still remembered in Osirion, though rarely worshiped. If your character is from Osirion, there's no problem with your character worshiping them. Though as the AP guide notes there's no special focus on them in this AP. (Beyond raiding some tombs of their followers.)

Sarenrae has a small following, though she's primarily thought of as a Keleshite and foreign god. Again, this isn't much of an issue. Note that being a foreigner isn't a problem in this particular AP. Much of the point is that there has been a large influx of foreigners seeking adventure, fame, and gold because of the lottery.

Pharasma is a very important god in Osirion and also very important in this first book. The church is organizing the lottery. There is a slight complication in that the Pharasman church isn't particularly happy about having to do so. So while it's a perfectly acceptable god to worship, it's slightly problematic in fitting into the right group. The character would certainly be interested in making sure that the other characters followed the rules and were properly honoring the dead. This would be fine in some groups and not in others, so it would greatly depend on what else gets submitted.

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The current potential cast of characters:

Tywynn of the house Boritsi, Human Male Paladin of Arshea, played by Tin Foil Yamakah (Plans to multiclass with Oracle)
Dro'ka Zahil, Human Male Slayer (Vanguard), played by Vincent Fleming
Setesh Bantling, Half-Elf Male Alchemist (Beastmorph/Vivisectionist), played by Luke_Parry
Kellara Sheogorath, Half-Orc Female Necromancer (Life), played by Sarabian
Elexsanda Sylmat, Human Female Shaman (Animist/Speaker for the Past), played by cartmanbeck
Farid Heydar, Human Male Barbarian, played by Dennis Harry (Plans to multiclass with Rogue)
Malik Adraza, Human Male Sorcerer, played by The Pale King
Anton Narscellus, Suli Male Brawler, played by Dave Herman
Omar Ulunat, Human Male Ranger, played by zaarbuc (Plans to multiclass with Cleric)
Saedue Menura, Elf Female Alchemist, played by Escharid Blackrose
Vidic Votev, Human Male Ranger (Infiltrator), played by Jim Cirillo
Louisiana Jane, Gnome Female Alchemist, played by Amsheagar
Tali the Nomad, Human Female Druid (Desert), played by Jesse Heinig
Meresu, Ifrit Female Inquisitor (Immolator) of Sekhmet, played by SCKnightHero1
Moze the Reincarnated Druid, Halfling Male Druid, played by KarlBob
Zahar Aja, Ifrit Male Arcanist (Blood Arcanist), played by kamenhero25
Urggo, Oread Male Fighter (Unbreakable), played by The Archlich (Plans to take Living Monoloth PrC)
Keleph Alihk, Human Male Fighter, played by mellowgoth (Plans to multiclass with Bard/Archaeologist or Investigator)

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GypsyMischief wrote:
I don't have the same posting capabilities as the rest of y'all, I'll bow out.

I should note that while I'm firm on the one post per day for the game, I don't expect more than that and I'd prefer that it not get too much more so those players that can commit to one, and only one, post aren't feeling left out. As for my frequent posting at the moment, I'm on leave, so that's my only excuse. :)

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Qunnessaa wrote:
I've got a few ideas bumping around in my head. How do you feel about the Primalist wizard archetype from Inner Sea Magic? I'm thinking of a wizard dabbling in swashbuckling or gunslinging, or else a Hexcrafter magus doing the same.

All non-3PP archetypes for approved classes are fine. So Primalist is perfectly acceptable.

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SCKnightHero1 wrote:

However from the pictures I've seen, some people in modern Osirion are wearing clothing that could be considered ancient Osirian attire. And according to the mummy's mask player's guide it said that while heavy armor like full plate would be rare most people wear armor like leather and lamellar leaving chain mail and scale mail for more robust protection.

Now I'm not arguing with you (I apologize if it sounds like I am), I'm just making sure I'm understanding you completely as I like to make sure I'm on the same page with the gm especially when it comes to concepts the gm is looking for.

Also if I remember correctly Indiana Jones was listed as having a lawful good alignment.

Ancient and modern Osirion styles mix quite a bit (just as ancient and modern Egyptian do). Antique armor will stand out. And yes most people lean away from heavy metal armor in the desert. Though that, even historically, didn't stop some people. Such armor would almost certainly be foreign and notable. Though as I mentioned, foreign armor, while uncommon, isn't unknown in Osirion. It is a "modern" country with a large influx of foreigners at the moment. (Many of which may be the player characters.)

Don't worry, I'm happy to answer any questions people have.

If someone makes a character similar in theme and motivation to Indiana Jones and puts Lawful Good as their alignment I wouldn't object (and possibly wouldn't even notice).

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SCKnightHero1 wrote:

Thank you for answering my question! I have to redo her stats and inventory but she's pretty much ready to go. The concept is that upon finding a set of ancient scrolls she has become obsessed with learning more about Sekhmet. She believes that it is her sacred duty to restore worship of She Who Mauls (this is an actual title of Sekhmet) and that in addition she seeks to use holy fiery powers to burn the wicked in the name of the Lady of Slaughter. Power and knowledge are what she hopes to find, as well as have some adventure due to working in a dusty old library for a good bit of her life.

Is this concept okay and does it fit what you're looking for?

As for het outfit since Osirion is greatly inspired and influenced by Ancient Egypt I was trying to give her clothes that would be appropriate in either setting and I did a great deal of research of Ancient Egyptian fasions and attire. The outfit is not meant to be sexual in any way. I merely picked it as I was trying to fit the style of the setting's influence.

The concept is fine. Keep in mind that the setting is far more like Egypt in the 1800's rather than ancient Egypt. It's not quite as modern, but Ancient Osirion is about as long gone as Ancient Egypt was then. Such antique armor would stand out in "modern" Osirion.

Additionally, while you may not have chosen it to be sexual, it's certainly a red flag when it comes to playing female characters appropriately. It's not a game breaker, just note that it'll take some extra work to convince me.

Tech5bb wrote:
how do you feel about occult classes?

Sorry, we won't be using them in this game.

Tywynn of the house Boritsi wrote:

I suck at backstories and creative writing in general. But I believe that this character would make a valuable addition to any party of adventurers.

For those that aren't good at writing backgrounds, do not fear! While I don't mind long backgrounds, I'm much more interested in the basic core reason why your character became an adventurer, how they could have joined the group (difficult without knowing the group, I understand), and what they're looking for. Backgrounds tend to be, in my experience, a very poor predictor of how a character will be played in a game. And I'm far more interested in how the character will interact with others and what sort of game you're looking for than anything else.

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SCKnightHero1 wrote:

I'm the player of Khere. After reading your notes, I was wondering if I could change the character I'm submitting. I'll be submitting an ifrit inquisitor of Sekhmet searching for ancient lore concerning her goddess. But first wanted to check if it was okay if I change my submission first.

Also her outfit is similar to those worn in Anicent Egypt: the ones that left the breasts bare. Is that okay as well? I was trying to be thematic.

Changes in character submissions are fine. You have till next Monday to submit whatever you want. I'd prefer people not submit multiple characters at the same time but it's a long week. If inspiration happens and you decide you want to play something else, feel free.

As to your second question: While I'm fine with adult themes in the game, I'd suggest leaving that out. I'm unclear what it adds. Also, note that while I'm perfectly okay with men playing female characters, I've found that very few men play females appropriately, especially online. I am substantially less likely to take a character like this unless it's very clear that the character will be played well.

Zagathoth wrote:
GM- since you're on.... Before I invest the time building, does my core concept seem in keeping with what you're looking for?

Looks fine so far.

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Rysky wrote:

Evil alignments are allowed but the class isn't? Might I inquire why?

As noted in the first post allowed classes are Core, Base, and Hybrid. Alternate classes are not. If you're interested in an "Paladin of Sekhmet" then Warpriest is available.

Any alignment is allowed though some are more appropriate than others. I won't rule out Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil, but they'll require a little bit more work to fit into a traditional pulp adventuring group. They aren't impossible, but unlike some other character concepts, you'll have to demonstrate that you understand how they'll work with the group and how they fit the theme of the game.

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A Couple of Notes:

-I've seen a few character sheets with "eastern armor" on them. That's fine. Given the current nature of Osirian economy, foreign armor and weapons aren't entirely unknown. But I also don't mind "reskinning" armor.

As an example: Kikko armor (traditionally a Japanese style of armor) is simply Brigandine, which was common in many cultures. And would be very common in Osirion.

-The second, and more important thing: Please read the AP Guide. The theme of The Mummy's Mask is Pulp Adventure. I'd suggest taking inspiration from movies like The Mummy, Indiana Jones, and even The Shadow or The Phantom. (Or maybe skip those last two movies and read their stuff, depending on taste.) The characters in these stories tend not to be doing things for noble reasons even if they are, at heart deep down, good people. I expect characters that may be morally flexible that, when it comes down to the safety of the entire world, will make the right choice.

It's very important that the characters fit the theme of the AP. This isn't to say that morally inflexible characters can't fit into the game. Just that it's even more important that you make it clear how you think the character will interact with the rest of the group.

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The Mummy's Mask

Seven years ago, Pharaoh Khemet III, the Ruby Prince, formally opened Osirion's ancient tombs and burial sites to foreign explorers. Khemet III understood that adventurers who've traveled great distances in search of treasure typically do not return from whence they came to sell their discoveries. Instead, they typically sell or trade what they do not keep as quickly as possible at the closest civilized community. The Ruby Prince's policy has attracted not only explorers to the desert nation of Osirion, but also countless scholars, private collectors, special interest groups such as the Pathfinder Society, and financial interests from all across the Inner Sea. A minor industry has sprung up just to support visiting explorers, and an even larger infrastructure has come into being to serve foreign investors and traders. Every opening of a major site has heralded an economic boon, for the local area and Osirion as a whole.

And the Necropolis of Wati is next!

I'm opening recruitment for a Mummy's Mask game. I'm looking for a handful of brave adventurers to explore the ancient land of Osirion. This will be the Adventure Path, starting with Book One: The Half-Dead City. The game opens up in the city of Wati, with the characters as members of an adventuring group about to take part in a lottery to determine which part of an old necropolis they'll be allowed to,, explore!

Posting requirements

- Post once per day.
- Play nicely with others.
- If you have a question about the rules, speak up.
- I will be rolling perception and initiative for the group.
- I'm in the EST time zone, but I'm happy to accept players from anywhere. If posting is a little slow sometimes because of odd hours, we'll deal. (In my experience it's never that bad.)

Character Creation Guidelines

Download and read the Player's Guide!

No third party products of any kind will be considered.

Attributes: 25 point buy

Races: Core encouraged, though any race allowed.

Classes: Core, Base, and Hybrid classes allowed.

Alignments: Any.

Traits: One campaign and two others. No drawbacks.

Starting Level: One

Starting gold: Max

Starting HP: Max. Subsequent levels will be half hit die +1.


I'll be accepting 5-6 characters. There are two spots reserved. The players have not decided what they're playing just yet, but as they do, they'll post. I believe both are holding off until they see some character concepts and what the group needs.

Complete applications will include stat block, back-story, description, and how your character came to Wati. The most important thing, for me, is how you expect your character will interact with the group and in the game. Are they here to preserve history, honor the dead, make some gold, find ancient lore?

I'm not expecting or looking for hyper-optimized characters. On the other hand, making exceptionally poorly optimized characters on the grounds that doing so is "role-playing" is also discouraged (or will at least be ignored.) Given the amount of characters in the party and the point-buy, encounters will be adjusted accordingly.

Applications will be open until Monday, June 29th.

Questions and Applications Welcome! Please keep role-playing to a minimum within the recruitment thread. Though if you feel some is warranted to illustrate character expectations, that would be fine. Just don't clutter the thread and scare off newcomers.

Scarab Sages

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LazarX wrote:

Remember how pissed off Xykon was when he found out that as a lich, you can't drink coffee?

Do you remember how happy that paraplegic was to pretend to drink coffee? No? Perhaps that'd be an interesting story to tell then.

I'm not saying there are no stories in which being placed within a golem would be bad. (In fact, I stated the exact opposite.) I'm saying that there are stories that may exist in which it not only could be okay, but beneficial. And it doesn't even take the extreme example above. Perhaps being a golem *doesn't* come with all the downsides you're assuming in this story. Because, why not?

Scarab Sages

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LazarX wrote:

That's up to your GM, but if it actually happened to you in real life, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't enjoy it very much. So why should your character want to?

That's making a rather core assumption, don't you think? There are many factors as to why someone would "enjoy" it, as well as many reasons why one would tolerate it if it were uncomfortable. Assuming that it is uncomfortable.

I can envision a story in which this would end up poorly. (I've read my fair share of science fiction) But given the genre we're talking about is fantasy, there's room for stories where this isn't by default an unwise decision.

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Male Human Witch 2 , HP 16/16, AC 10 [Touch 10, Flat 10], Init +0, Perception +6 (+8 when familiar is near)
animal perception:
Vse [familiar]: low-light vision, perception +10; Horse: low-light vision, scent, perception +8

I've added a google drive sheet to my profile to handle loot. You can click on the link and edit the list yourself. If you want anything just take it and leave a note.


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It's "Skills and Talents: The Sequel" at the bottom corner of page 15. If you get the same Skill from more than one source, you get Skill Mastery in that skill. If you gain the same Talent then you can elect to trade in the redundant Talent for Talented (choose one).

Scarab Sages

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Elthbert wrote:

If you are Lawful Good there is no such thing as an Evil authority.
Evil does not have Authority. There is power, Evil can have power, but not authority.

Paladins cannot preform and evil act, enforcing an evil law is an evil act. Allowing the innocent to be killed or tortured, when you are a holy champion whois supposed to protect the innocent is an evil act.

If you are a paladin enforcing evil laws or allowing them to be enforced in your presence you are not going to have those paladin powers more than 15 seconds.

This is another excellent example of a really cool opinion for a character to have. But not a great example of what a GM should be thinking.