Phineas is a a tall and dangerously thin man. His pale skin is almost pink, and his hair is a light brown or red. It's hard to tell depending on the light. His features are sharp, including the points of his ears. He appears gaunt, as if he hasn't eaten in days.
Phineas is wrapped up in an old brown leather biker's jacket over a very thin plain black hoodie. His jeans look like they once might have been expensive, but it's hard to tell given their age. He wears a gold chain around his neck that disappears under his clothes. The glasses resting on his sharp nose are round rimmed with a thin, black frame. Finally, a beat up old Red Sox baseball cap is tucked into his back pocket, its brim well broken in.
Other Statistics Composure: 12
Judge Intentions: 12
Memory: 10
Lift and Carry: 4
Movement: 10/25
Swim: 6
Positive Qualities
Low-Light Vision: The character possesses eyes that provide natural low-light vision and enable her to see normally in light levels as low as starlight.
Magician: A character with this quality is a magician and starts with a Magic attribute of 1. Magicians can cast spells and conjure spirits. Magicians also have astral perception and the ability to astrally project.
Mentor Spirit (Owl): Owl features in mythologies all over the globe as a symbol of wisdom, prophecy, death, and as a guide to the afterlife or spirit world. Owl maintains vigilance throughout the night and has gleaned wisdom from the darkness. He perches between this world and the next, able to foretell the future of man and guide his spirit after death. Owl magicians are wise, quiet, and perhaps a bit creepy, aware of secrets hidden in the darkness beyond. Advantages: +2 dice for Perception and Assensing Tests, +2 dice for spirits of man. Disadvantages: -1 die for Combat spells.
Restricted Gear (Rating 1): The character knows just the right person to get ahold of that one elusive piece of restricted gear or miltech weaponry she really needed. Every time the character takes this quality at character creation (max 3 times), she may exceptionally buy a piece of gear with an Availability of up to 20.
Negative Qualities
Allergy (Uncommon, Mild) [Iron]: Symptoms are discomfiting and distracting. Apply a –2 dice pool modifier to all tests made while a character experiences the symptoms.
Hung Out to Dry: For a reason chosen by the gamemaster, the character’s contacts suddenly dry up—no one will talk to her. The character can try to find out what happened, or simply get on with her life.
Lost Loved One (Sister): The character is obsessed with the unexplained disappearance of someone near and dear. The person (defined when the quality is taken) vanished in mysterious circumstances and hasn’t been seen or heard of since. The character with this quality feels compelled to find the missing person at any cost. She must succeed in a Willpower + Logic Test (2) to resist following any lead the gamemaster may wish to throw in her direction (be it a solid lead or a red herring).
Prejudiced (Specific, Biased) [Academics]: Prejudiced character must succeed in a Willpower + Intuition Test to back down from a confrontation (verbal, physical, or professional) with a representative of the hated group. Confrontation Threshold: 0
SINner (Standard, Phineas David Madigan): The character was born with or somehow acquired a legal System Identification Number, or SIN. This means the character’s real identity, personal history, biometric data, credit records, medical history, travel history, etc. are stored and accessible in numerous databanks. This does not mean the character is required to use that SIN, merely that a legal record of him does exist (and may serve as a detriment some day).
Unknown Enemy: Connection 3, Incidence: 2
Active Skills: Assensing [INT]: 1 (8) (+2 Mentor Spirit)
Binding [MAG]: 1 (10) (+4 Power Focus) +2 for Spirits of Man Climbing [STR]: 1 (2) Con [CHA]: 1 (11) (+3 Empathy Software)
Counterspelling [MAG]: 4 (9) Etiquette [CHA]: 1 (11) (+3 Empathy Software)
Flight [AGI]: 1 (4) Gymnastics [AGI]: 1 (4) Leadership [CHA]: 1 (11) (+3 Empathy Software)
Negotiation [CHA]: 1 (11) (+3 Empathy Software)
Perception [INT]: 4 (11) (+2 Mentor spirit) +3 for Visual and Listening tests Running [STR]: 1 (2) Spellcasting [MAG]: 6 (15) (+4 Power Focus)
Summoning [MAG]: 4 (13) (+4 Power Focus) +2 For Spirits of Man Swimming [STR]: 1 (2)
Knowledge Skills: English (Language, INT): N
Hindi-Urdu (Language, INT): 4 (9) Arabic (Language, INT): 3 (8) Area Knowledge: Boston (Street, INT): 3 (8) Magical Cults (Academic, LOG): 4 (9) Magical Theory (Academic, LOG): 6 (11) Parazoology (Academic, LOG): 3 (8) Religion (Academic, LOG): 4 (9) Spirits (Professional, LOG): 3 (8)
Spells and Spirits:
Tradition: Hermetic
Resist Drain (WIL+LOG): 10
Heal (Health): Type M, Range T, Duration P, DV: (Damage Value)-2
Increased Reflexes (Health): Type P. Range T, Duration S, DV: (F/2)+2
Improved Invisibility (Illusion, Realistic, Single-Sense): Type P, Range LOS, Duration S, DV: (F/2)+1
Trid Phantasm (Illusion, Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area): Type P, Range LOS(A), Duration S, DV: (F/2)+3
Spirits Combat: Fire
Detection: Air
Health: Man
Illusion: Water
Manipulation: Earth
Gear: Glasses (Rating 4):
Flare Compensation: This protects the user from blinding flashes of light as well as simple glare. Flare compensation also protects users with thermographic vision from heat flashes and glare from infrared lighting. It eliminates the vision modifiers for glare.
Vision Enhancement (Rating 3): Vision enhancement gives the character sharper vision. It adds its rating as a positive dice pool modifier to the user’s visual Perception Tests.
Image Link: The image link either displays visual information (text, pictures, movies) in the field of vision or projects it onto the user’s retina with a laser. Visual data is typically AR data received by the user’s PAN, but other input is also accepted.
Thermographic: This enhancement enables vision in the infrared portion of the spectrum, enabling the user to see heat patterns. Thermographic vision is a very practical way to spot living beings in areas of total darkness (even though it is difficult to fully determine their type and appearance), to check if a motor or machine has been running lately, and to track heat footprints.
Skinlink: With skinlink, a device is adapted to send and receive data transmitted through the electrical field on the surface of metahuman skin. Though limited to touch, skinlink communication has the advantage of being protected from signal interception or jamming.
Earbuds (Rating 3):
Audio Enhancement (Rating 3): Audio enhancement allows the user to receive a broader spectrum of audio frequencies (including those outside the user’s normal audible spectrum, like high and low frequencies) while experiencing finer discrimination of nuances and blocking out distracting background noise. Audio enhancement adds its Rating as a positive modifier to the user’s Listening Perception Tests.
Select Sound Filter (Rating 3): This filter allows the user to block out background noise and focus on specific sounds or patterns of sounds (including sound, word, or speech pattern recognition). Each rating point allows the user to select a single sound group (such as a conversation or the breathing of a guard dog) and focus on it. The user can only actively listen to one group at a time, but she may choose to record the others for later playback or set them to triggered monitoring (such as sounding an alert if there is a variation in the breathing pattern of the dog, or if the conversation brings up a certain topic).
Medkit (Rating 6):The medkit includes drug supplies, bandages, tools, and a (talkative) doctor-expert system that will advise the user on techniques to handle most typical medical emergencies (including fractures, gunshot wounds, chemical wounds, and poisoning, as well as offering advice for the treating of shock, handling blood loss, and of course performing resuscitations). The medkit’s rating adds to the dice pool of all First Aid Tests, and replaces the character’s skill if the character doesn’t possess the skill (Medkits and Autodocs, p. 253). It must be refilled regularly (usually after every mission, gamemaster’s discretion).
Fake SIN - Robert O'Malley (Rating 4):The rating of the fake SIN is used in Opposed Tests against the ratings of any verification systems trying to discern its authenticity. Fake License - Power Focus (Rating 4):Use the fake license’s rating in an Opposed Test against the verification system’s rating.
Magical Gear: Power Focus (Rating 4):Power foci are the most potent and treasured of all. Possession of a power focus feeds a magician’s Magic directly, making her efforts more powerful in all forms of magical ability. A power focus adds its Force to all tests in which the magician’s Magic is included. A single power focus can increase a magician’s ability to cast spells, call on and control spirits, and bypass astral barriers. A power focus does not help in Counterspelling a hostile spell as it is cast, nor can it duplicate the unique ability of a weapon focus.
Commlink: Hermes Ikon (Operating System: Novatech Navi): Response 4, Signal 3, System 4, Firewall 3
Subvocal Microphone: Attached with adhesive to the center of the throat, this hard-to-spot microphone allows the user to communicate via subvocalized speech. A –4 dice pool modifier is applied to audio Perception Tests to overhear what she is saying.
Sim Module (Cold): The sim module is an interface device that controls the simsense experience. It translates computer signals (simsense data) into neural signals, allowing the user to directly experience simsense programs, augmented and virtual reality (Virtual Reality, p. 220). A sim module must be accessed via trodes or a direct neural interface (datajack, implanted commlink, etc).
Biometric Reader (cellular): For access-control to online accounts or certain devices, the proper biometric scan must be provided (Biometrics, p. 265).
Printer: Disposable full-color printers come attached to the paper container.
Biometric Lock (cellular): This mod incorporates a biometric lock into the device (see Biometrics, p. 255, SR4), so that only someone with an appropriate characteristic can access the device.
Skinlink: With skinlink, a device is adapted to send and receive data transmitted through the electrical field on the surface of metahuman skin. Though limited to touch, skinlink communication has the advantage of being protected from signal interception or jamming.
AR Gloves: Available in all sizes and shapes, these gloves allow the user to manually interact with the Matrix, by manipulating virtual arrows, accessing a virtual keyboard or display, or remotely controlling a device. They are also equipped with force feedback, allowing for a limited tactile augmented reality experience. These gloves are also able to provide basic information regarding touched or held items, such as weight, temperature, and hardness.
Trodes: This net/headband of electrodes and ultrasound emitters enables the wearer to experience simsense and are used with a sim module. Trodes are often concealed under headbands, hats, or wigs.
Software: (* denotes program is running)
Agent (Rating 3)*: Agents have a Pilot attribute, much like drones (p. 244), that determines just how “smart” the agent is. Pilot acts as the agent’s brain, interpreting orders. The Pilot attribute acts as the agent’s System rating, as well as its Computer, Cybercombat, Data Search, and Hacking skill ratings. Agents also have their own built-in Firewall attribute, equal to their Pilot rating. Agents use the Response attribute of the node on which they are running; this means that the attributes of an agent operating independently may vary as it moves from node to node.
Suite: Pro User (Analyze 4, Browse 4, Command 2, Edit 4)*:
Analyze: Analyze programs gather data about icons and nodes in the Matrix by issuing queries, analyzing system resources, performing registry lookups, and so on. Use Analyze for Matrix Perception (p. 228). An Analyze program running in a node also helps detect hacking attempts (p. 235). Browse: Browse programs are specialized search routines that help track down information on a particular node or in the Matrix at large. Use Browse programs for Data Search actions (p. 230). Command: Command programs give the user a modular and customizable control interface for various devices. This allows the user to control a device through the Matrix (p. 245), whether it be a surveillance camera, a drone, or any other Matrix-capable device. Edit: Edit is a combination word processor, graphic design tool, and video/animation editor. You can use it to create and alter files of any media type: text, graphics, video, trideo, simsense, etc. Edit sees common usage in the corporate world, but hackers use it for their own subversive ends. Use Edit with the Edit action (p. 230).
Empathy Software (Rating 3)*: Empathy software is designed for use with standard video/trideo cameras, carefully analyzing the behavioral patterns of the subject to ascertain mood, interest, and so on. Empathy soft ware can be used to make a Judge Intentions Test (see p. 130, SR4) for emotional status using its rating as the dice pool. It does not detect falsehoods; that’s the realm of lie detection software. Empathy software can be discreetly used in real time during negotiations or social interactions, adding its rating as a dice pool bonus to the character’s Social skill tests.
Datasoft - Magical Threats (Rating 3)
Datasoft - Politics (Rating 4)
[Mapsoft - Boston (Rating 4): Mapsoft programs feature detailed information on a particular area, from streets to business/residential listings to topographical, census, GPS, and environmental data. An interactive interface allows you to quickly determine the best routes/directions, locate the nearest spot of your choice, or create your own customized maps. The mapsoft automatically updates itself with the latest data and will retrieve correlating online data (GridGuide traffic reports, restaurant menus, etc.) as necessary.
Negative Qualities (-30)
Allergy (Uncommon, Mild): Iron
Hung Out to Dry
Lost Loved One (Sister)
Prejudiced (Specific, Biased): Academics
SINner (Standard)