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NG Female Elf Arcanist | 7/7HP | Init+7 | Per+7 | F+1 R+2 W+3 | AC12 T12 FF10| CMD11 | Conditions:
![]() The two cousins sat down at the bar, Sahlara calling out, Two mugs of your best cider. Veera eyes her incredulously. Oh don't give me that look. Today's a day of celebration and that means alcohol, not tea. A server plops the drinks in front of them before quickly moving on to the next group. One can celebrate with tea... But- very well. She takes a careful sip of drink, a cringe striking her face, which makes Sahlara snort. An acquired taste to be sure. This isn't even the hard stuff. You should see some of the swill dwarves will chug down. When was the last time you drank? She eyes Veera suspiciously. I'd imagine... last summer when I was visiting you. She takes another reluctant gulp of liquid. Oh, you remind me of me when I first moved out here. Please, Veera rolls her eyes you've always had wildness to you. Yeah, but it was only a small wildness. Veera sighs sarcastically. And it's been growing ever since. Sahlara shoves her playfully. ![]()
![]() RP Example:(One month before the festival.)
Dreadful! Thanks to your parents. Sahlara, still halfway through taking off her coat, smacks a letter on the table forcing Veera to look up. Veera notices her parent's signature at the bottom. She laughs inwardly. They send her more letters than they send me. Veera responds in a calm and monotone. To be fair, you chose to work at the Glassworks. You should have seen this coming. Veera turns back to her work, garnering a nasty look from her cousin. I thought they were supposed to be the logical types. You know- like you. She exhaustedly gestures at Veera. How is my working there going to get them preferential treatment? Ugh! Sahlara plonked herself into the chair opposite Veera. Veera shrugs. Hmmm... They're more merchants than scholars. They'll take almost any opportunity. They likely see no harm in trying... Besides giving you a headache. Sahlara lets out a tired sigh. What about you? What are you up to? Just taking one more look over these rubbings before I send them back to the professor. Send them back...? Huh- yoooou're staying for the festival. Sahlara gives an excited grin. It's going to be great- wait, you said the professor was expecting you back next week. Eh... He can manage without me for a few more weeks. Veera waves a hand in dismissal. I'm his favourite student and it's not like I'll cease studying. ![]()
![]() Introducing Veera. She's an elf arcanist originally from Magnimar where her family run a magic/potion shop. She's been staying with a cousin who works at the glass works in standpoint. She's a worshiper of Soralyon and acts something like an archaeologist. She'll focus more on utility and debuff/buff spells though she will still have some attack spells. ![]()
NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch
![]() Morganne, noticing they hadn't really discussed a way of coordinating the two groups, positions herself at the corner so that she can see both groups. Her lips begin to move yet no sound comes out of them.
Morganne casts message, targeting Camber. ![]()
NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch
![]() I could go with Camber. I'm not exactly used to sneaking about but at least I can see quite well in the dark. So unless someone else feels better suited...? She looks around at the rest of the group hoping one of them might offer. Either way, we should try to have a look at the building from all sides if we can. We'll want to know our options for entry as well as Lamm's options for exits. ![]()
NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch
![]() youtuber who has a few useful videos on the basics of pathfinder 2e. ![]()
![]() Oh yeah pathbuilder is very useful for anyone who is new to pathfinder.