Chaos in Korvosa - Crimson Throne for PF2e by DM Doctor Evil (Inactive)

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Old Fishery - Chaos in Korvosa

PF2 actions guide

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Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

You mentioned needing a light to see much more below rhe floor but doesn't darkvison let me see perfectly well in the dark, just in black and white? A light source would just change what I see to color, wouldn't it? Its obviously not game breaking here, either way, I just want to make sure I've got it straight.

Yes, darkvision would allow to see the shapes below with some clarity. Wasn't sure who was looking before.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Thanks for botting me. I'm still feeling out the flow of this group, and I missed the 'next page' was active.

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

If needed, Rienas has a +3 to a thievery check.

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All, I am away this weekend, staring tomorrow AM through evening on Monday. I will unlikely be able to post during the interval. Should return to active duty on Monday night.

Thanks for your patience!

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Have a good weekend, GM!

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

All good, thanks for the heads up.

On the map, the ship to the North is whited out on both the top level and the bottom, is there access to the interior of this vessel from below, where we are, or does it need to be accessed from the top deck; assumedly from the docking built around it?

Im not looking for meta-game info, just what Rienas would know/see from having been near it on both levels now.

Be careful about cardinal directions on this map, since the upper direction is EAST but I get you.

From the underpier, there are no visible means to access the ship. It did appear that the upper walkway on the starboard (think right) side of the ship might allow access to the deck, but the hull and structure, while decrepit and barnacle-covered, does not appear to have any access points. It is possible to get a closer look, if you want to investigate for real (post in gameplay).

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Given Laijiri's position, he may have to delay to be able to attempt to make it through the small door without blocking or squeezing in anyone's space?

Think that's up to you and your feelings about taking the full round action or an Acrobatics check.

Any of the others who are up now can also act before you if they wish.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Can the entry be broken to be made wider? Am I correct in that it will take three full actions to get to the other side, and as I had to move for the first one, it will be the round after next when I will be in the room and able to act?

You certainly can deal damage to the wooden frame around the door and try to make it wider. And yes, since its three actions to move through the door, it may split rounds. If you split rounds, you may block the narrow door for those behind you, as Daesra has done.

Alternatively, you can try an Acrobatics check to take one action (provided the way is clear).

Sorry that narrow door is meant to bottleneck the party and be a general pain in the ass.

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

From a read of the Shove action, it seems that may help clearing the way thru the door should anyone become stuck.

SHOVE (one Attack action)
You push a creature away from you. Attempt an Athletics check against your target's Fortitude DC.

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I might allow a Shove action from a friendly but the DC would be the same as the DC for the Acrobatics check, and it would only move you one-third of the 3 steps needed to clear the space -- though you could be shoved multiple times.

Things went from ok to very bad that turn. Hope you guys have something good up your sleeves!

NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch


I might be busy for the next couple of days, so you can play my turn. Just use the stabilise spell on Daes and use the third action to start moving through the door if possible.

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

Two hits, both crits. Ouch! Guess we had to learn about Wounded and Dying at some point... :|

Morganne wrote:


I might be busy for the next couple of days, so you can play my turn. Just use the stabilise spell on Daes and use the third action to start moving through the door if possible.

Thanks for the heads up.

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

Lost connection this past week, but I'm back. Sorry for that, won't happen again. It was the combination of a sudden trip (escaping smoke) and a new phone at the same time.

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It's understandable. You are up (among others) so take your turn when you can. Things are not looking good for the group at present, so do something that turns the tide!

NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch

BTW I'm pretty sure we can be using harrow points right now so don't forget to use them.

You can use Hero Points for sure to make a death save, it takes all you have. You can use Harrow Points to make Reflex saves etc. But not sure that's immediately germane.

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This is looking really bleak for your group, and it seems to me its headed towards a TPK. I gave some grace this round from killing off unconscious characters, but these guys will not pull those punches from now on, and that gets to Dying 4 in a hurry.

I have run this opening scene of this AP probably more than half-a-dozen times and not lost a single PC, let alone the whole group. But I think the lethality of PF2 is evident, as is the fact the die-roller is really out to get you. Not sure what I could've done differently to soft-play it.

If you agree this going to be a wipe, and want to throw in the towel now, I understand. There are options which I will discuss below. If you want to try to fight on, then we can but we will clearly lose 1-2 of you, if not more. I will play it till the bitter end if you want.

If you want to call it, I propose to run a different game keeping the same players (but new PCs) or just to let you all go your separate ways. Feel free to respond here or via DM, but am offering keep some form of game going, if you want.

Nothing I hate worse than character death, and can count them on both hands in many, many years of running games. Only had one TPK before, in a PFS module but that was clearly at the feet of bad decisions by players. If you have some critique of what I could do differently, I will of course accept feedback.

Sorry, hope there is a ultra heroic recovery in the works, but I don't see it at this point.

NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch

Yeah, I think a big part of it is the rolls just not going our way which tends to be more severe at low levels. I'm willing to play to the end if others want to but unless one of you has a plan, I have no idea how we can get out of this (I have no heals left and we've lost our entire frontline).

If people wanted to try another campaign I'd be down for that. I've always wanted to finish "war for the crown" as I'd started it with an offline group but we only got into the 2nd book. I think it'd work pretty well for PBP as it's an intrigue sort of game.

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

First of all, thanks for running Rienas while I couldn't, much appreciated.

Second, the current situation definitely looks bleak to me. I'm willing to play to the end as well though I don't see much point either. Way better to have my scoundrel of a warlock run for the hills and leave his companions as gator chum!

Forgetting about that particular character's choice of actions, I'd be interested in staying on board for another campaign. I don't have a suggestion as to which one but I'm down to play whichever is chosen by the group.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

I’ve been having a great time trying PF2! I appreciate the GM for running this for us, so I’d be happy as heck to continue on in a different scenario!

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

I can't imagine a creature is going to let Laijiri go— I'd say he's done for, but I'm not above the dice proving me wrong.

I am also aware that I was absolutely not playing towards the strengths of the class which is hitting things hard and consistently. I did get to learn that grappling things is less of a contested roll, so that kinda nixed the whole schtick I was driving at, but I digress.

This was educational, and that was the point. I absolutely appreciate the investment given and received as I got to contextualize some of the rules so that the system makes more sense to me.

I'm game for a different scenario, as I'll generally be choosing an idea to explore randomly, such as Alchemist Cook, prepping treats and tastes that work wonders, both magical and mundane; Hedonist not-quite-Noble Bard doing "Stereotypical Bard Things"; Tidal Psychic, buffeted about by the collective unconscious; Monk, Monk, Goose!, determined to prove that for everything in life all you need are These Two Hands, and so forth... All to better grasp the system, of course.

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Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

If this is the end of Camber, I'll accept it with no hard feelings. It's a game; these things happen.

But I agree, I've had fun learning about PF2 and I'd be happy to give it another whirl!

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

Yah, it's looking grim for the group at this point. I was hoping to explore more with Daesra but it appears that her story is very brief. :(

I've been pondering all day and would be happy to try another game, learning more about PF2 as well. Have a couple character ideas in mind (half-elf gladiator or dwarven cleric) that would be happy to try.

Sounds like we have consensus to move to another game, with new PCs. If that's the case, I'd prefer not to carry out the Gameplay till the bitter end. Let's just assume the worst for our PCs and move on.

Is there any preference of a game? While i could homebrew something, it's just easier timewise to run a pre-published AP. I have access to nearly all the Paizo-built APs for 1st or 2nd edition, so there are lots of choices. To be clear, we would run them all with the PF2 ruleset even if that meant a conversion of some kind.

I have run at least parts of many, so I will let you make some nominations, and then maybe we will vote. If you have run, read, or played through parts before, we should probably discount.

I will leave the nominations to you. when are 3 viable candidates that have been nominated and seconded, we will vote.

Once we know the game, it will inform the kind of PCs you need to make.

NG Female Duskwalker Cleric (stoic caregiver)/Arcanist | HP 11/11 | AC 12 Touch 12 FF 10| CMD 12 | F +2 R +2 W +6 | Init +4 | Perception +3 (darkvision) | Sense Motive +7 | Active: Mage Armor, Deathwatch

I've already suggested War for the Crown but another one I'd like to try is Strength of Thousands (especially if we're doing PF2e). But I'm happy to hear other's suggestions.

Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

I was also thinking about War for the Crown!

I don't have much experience with 2e products, but I'll support Strength of Thousands, and Gatewalkers sounds interesting.

Female Human Fighter 1 | AC 18 | HP 0/19 | F +6 | R +6 | W +4 | Per +6

I'm not familiar with any other APs so am game for any that come up.

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

First off, I’d be happy to play in any game that you’d be nice enough to run, GM.

But War of the Crown has always seemed like a great AP with a ton of role playing available in at least the first book. And that’s as far as I ever made it in PBP!

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Likewise with not being familiar with any APs in particular.

There was one about some plague going around that I had a character in, I think we finished the first book, and faded out. There was another about masks and being a convicted criminal, but otherwise I'm generally unfamiliar with them.

Sounds like 3 votes for WotC and no other nominations. Unless there are serious objections, I will start looking into it. If I get the time, I will see about starting a new thread and you can start discussing characters in earnest.

If someone can find the link for the free players guide before I get to it, feel free to post it so you can start to see the background and traits for characters.

I will have to update the campaign traits to background feats as we get ready.

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WotC? Do you mean WftC? War For the Crown.

If so you can find the traits on Nethys here.
And the full player's guide here.

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

What do you guys think about "Quest for the Frozen Flame"? Seems to be a smaller scale than the usual 'saving the world'. I believe we're tasked with saving a tribe instead, might be an interesting perspective to play though I, personally, have not played any of it.

I am running Frozen Flame with another group right now. They seem to enjoy it so far, but I don't care to run another table of the same thing.

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Had less time than expected this weekend, so starting a new thread may have to wait a bit. Been reading the adventure book however

Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

All good, just a suggestion, I'm down to play any campaign as they're all new to me. 90% of my PF experience is from PF1.

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War for the Crown is written for PF1, but we will be converting to PF2. There may be some rough patches, as I cannot find a pre-fab conversion. One of the good things about PBP is it gives some time to make those calculations to convert, whereas at the table, I'd be scrambling...

Male Gnome Genie Sorcerer 1 | HP 11/16 | AC 15 | Perception +3 | F+5, R+5, W+5 | 3 Harrow points | Lowlight vision

Understand completely, GM! Take your time as you process things!

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

An let is know of we can assist in any converting? It's a good way to get your hands dirty in the guts of the system and gain knowledge.

Thankfully this campaign starts with a long social/intrigue plot before getting into any combat, if I'm remembering correctly. I've played the 1st book and a bit of the 2nd book but that was before covid so the details are a little foggy.

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I believe, if I have some free time tomorrow, I will be able to get the new thread up in Recruitment - it will be closed to outsiders -- and you can start thinking about what characters etc you will play.

Will let you know with a link here when its ready.

Werehare Inquisitive 3/ Seeker 3/ Bard 3

Ready, set, and waiting.

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Male Twilight Halfling Thief Rogue 1 [HP 16/16 | AC 17 | Per +6 | F+5 R+8 W+6]

I've already got some PC ideas percolating!

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Male Half-Elf Witch (1) / PERC +3 / AC 16 / HP 16 / FORT +5 / REF +6 / WILL +5

Dark clouds were gathering, glaring down menacingly at the villagers below. Onlookers scrambled to seek shelter from the storm that was sure to come as the elder shaman's eyes roll back in her head. Her body spasms and a voice, though clearly not her own, croaks from her throat "He comes, he comes! Born of the storm this very evening, He comes!"

A peek into the character I have brewing for the next AP, more to come...

I was able to get the Recruitment Thread for War for the Crown up tonight. Feel free to check in over there. Once everyone does, I will de-activate this campaign.

You can plan, discuss, and develop character ideas over there, and a link for the player's guide is also included.

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