Goblin Witch

Kyki's page

5 posts. Alias of Veegees.

About Kyki


Race: Goblin
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: CG Deity Sarenrae
Size: Small Type: Humanoid (goblinoid)
Initiative: +4 Perception: +5 (+2 for hearing-based perception checks, low-light vision, darkvision)


AC: 15, Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 11
CMD: 14, FF CMD: 10
HP: 17/17
Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +4
Special Defences:


Speed: 30ft
Melee: Sickle +6 (1d4/19-20 S)
Ranged: Sling +6 (1d3 B)
CMB: +1
Touch Attacks: +6
Special Attacks:

Spell Casting

CL 2, Concentration +5, DC 13 + spell level
Ranges: C 30, M 120, L 480
Bloodline Arcana: Spells with the fire descriptor deal +1 point of damage per die rolled
-Detect Magic
-Mage Hand
-Read Magic
1st (6/6)
-Mage Armor
-Burning Disarm


Ability scores: Str 10 Dex 19 Con 16 Int 16 Wis 13 Cha 16
BAB: 1
Adventure Skills: Acrobatics +5 | Bluff +7 | Diplomacy +4 | Disable Device +5 | Escape Artist +5 | Intimidate +7 | Knowledge (Arcana) +7 | Knowledge (Religion) +4 | Ride +8 | Spellcraft +7 | Stealth +13 | Use Magic Device +7
Background Skills: Appraise +7 | Craft (Alchemy, Glass) +7 | Sleight of Hand +9
Circumstantial Skill Bonuses:
Languages: goblin, common, draconic, orc


-Glorious Blaze
-Eschew Materials

Race, Traits and FCB

-Big Ears
-Criminal (sleight of hand)
Favored Class Bonus:
Skill Ranks (x2)

Class Features

Bloodline (Solar)
Eschew Materials


Weapons & Armour:
-Sling Bullets (x20)
Magical gear:
Mundane Gear:
-MWK Backpack
-Wooden Holy Symbol of Sarenrae
-Cleric's Vestments
-Explorer's Outfit
-Grooming Kit
-Mess Kit
-Iron Pot
-String (50ft x2)
-Chalk (x8)
-Thieve's Tools
-Trail Rations (x3)
Money: Platinum 0 Gold 22 Silver 1 Copper 0


Kyki grew up in the slums of (insert large city), her parents were skilled glassblowers but always struggled as people distrusted the goblins. They died while Kyki was still fairly young and unable to continue their business by herself Kyki turned to thievery to survive. After a particular robbery went wrong Kyki was almost beaten to death and found herself sitting in a gutter for a few days unable to move. Dying of both thirst and her wounds she was healed by a Solar angel. This divine servant of Sarenrae had been tracking a powerful lich when she came upon the city's slums and stopped to heal its inhabitants. She took great pity on the dying goblin and somewhat surprised to see no evil within her, she poured her magic into bringing her back from the brink of death. Simply smiling at the confused goblin she got up and left. After the shock subsided Kyki rushed after the Solar following her as she moved about the slums healing others in need. The solar noticed the goblin watching from afar but did nothing to stop her.
When the solar left the city to continue her pursuit of the lich she tried to stop Kyki from following further but Kyki ignored her and began following her closely asking a thousand questions. Hoping that answers would appease the goblin she gave answers where she could, starting with her name, Irylum. Before she could ask Kyki to leave again they were assaulted by servants of the lich and Kyki almost died throwing herself between the solar and the blade of an undead knight. The blade had a powerful curse which stopped the Irylum's spells from healing Kyki. She was forced to perform a miracle to lift the curse.
Ever since this ordeal, Kyki began developing magical abilities and following Irylum's goddess, Sarenrae.
Kyki stands at about 3'2" tall with light green skin. Her eyes are a yellow/golden colour and she has short spiky black hair. Around her neck hangs a holy symbol of Sarenrae made of wood. She wears robes that seem slightly too big for her and a big wizard hat with stars crudely painted on it.