GM Wolf's Carrion Crown the Bard's Epic! (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

Trust 26

Fight Club!


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[dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice][dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice][dice=LE Crystal [Electricity]d6[/dice][dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

Well, we would make a good flying strike squad. We just have to draw lots to see who carries the two non-flyers.

Thing is, Alkaid keeps her Fiendish heritage very much under wraps (along with her real height), so she does not fly, except in very dark nights.
Also she's carrying WMDs, so she can't carry anyone.....

Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba wrote:

Alkaid's aura is

Regeneration/Cure type,
so I thought of something like;
those she considers allies are in an aura of fast healing (1/3levels), though undead suffer the same to their HP per round while with a Radius of 15 ft.

Though to match the format of it, I think
1st level spell: Stabilize
At 3rd level gain the above aura idea.

Though with 2x +1 templates, I'm only level 2 at the moment.

She'd of been like a combat medic, which would fit in with supporting soldiers at Lastwall.....

Gaining the Aura would likely come at 5th level or higher. Also the aura would likely affect only living creatures. The other option is for it to only harm undead, knowing your character development this seems an unlikely choice.

First you would need fast healing.
So 3rd level you gain fast healing 1.

[dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice][dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice][dice=LE Crystal [Electricity]d6[/dice][dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

@GM Wolf - Did you see my Aura that I posted on the previous page? I did not come up with a mechanical negative for my blackened skin. I thought you would determine what that did.

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.
Fighting undead is one of Calin's main focuses as a Knight of Ozem. He would be very interested in 'talking shop' with Ragnar and Rai.

Great! Rai will be super interested in discussions with Calin!

Being in the same combat unit at Last Wall sounds good to me. Rai can have helped with healing and such.


More like, "The Freaky strong ones and oh what's his name, Rai"

As most have 20 or over in STR

Hahaha yeah that is fitting. :D

Imrik Farstrider wrote:

@GM Wolf - Did you see my Aura that I posted on the previous page? I did not come up with a mechanical negative for my blackened skin. I thought you would determine what that did.


For my Positive Energy aura I was thinking:

Cantrip= Stabilize

Lvl 1- Cure Light Wounds

Lvl 3- Negative Energy Resist 5.

I did see these aura abilities, I think that will work well.

Mechanical negative - you take a -5 in charisma skills when interacting with metallic dragons. What do you think?

[dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice][dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice][dice=LE Crystal [Electricity]d6[/dice][dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

The -5 works. I will note that down and the current aura benefits.

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.

Ragnar’s guide is extremely interesting to Rai, he will make notes of those to add to his lore about the undead. A very practical take on fighting tips.

In terms of Rai’s lightning aura, I was thinking

Cantrip: Jolt
1st level spell: Shocking grasp
At 3rd level: Gain resist electricity 5

Rai Yashin wrote:

Ragnar’s guide is extremely interesting to Rai, he will make notes of those to add to his lore about the undead. A very practical take on fighting tips.

In terms of Rai’s lightning aura, I was thinking

Cantrip: Jolt
1st level spell: Shocking grasp
At 3rd level: Gain resist electricity 5

Sounds good!

Rai Yashin wrote:



More like, "The Freaky strong ones and oh what's his name, Rai"

As most have 20 or over in STR
Hahaha yeah that is fitting. :D

I did think of another name they'd likely call our unit, though likely more quietly....

"Those Lucky B4st4rds"

@GM Wolf, a couple of questions for you.

Do you need anything from me for Calin's backstory and/or mechanics?

Do you have an idea how soon in IRL days the new characters will be introduced? Looks like there is an active encounter so that might be hard to estimate.

Well I was hoping to get you guys in sooner than later, I was hoping the other day but with a lack of posting, I think I might just teleport them out. So be on the look out!

I will look over the backstory and mechanics again. It looks good, in rather broad strokes but it works, leaving a lot of room to add later.

If there is time, use newcomers could build up our collective backstory in more detail, in a collaborative way....

Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba wrote:
If there is time, use newcomers could build up our collective backstory in more detail, in a collaborative way....

Yes I was hoping for this!

Would anybody's character (new or old) have spent time around northern Ustalav, especially around the Shudderwoods or the town of Lepidstadt and it's University?

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.

Rai would have spent time in the university of Lepidstadt.

Rai might know Maevus then, if you want? She met the professor in Lepidstadt and spent a year as his student/assistant. Her druid circle has been working on techniques to restore the demonic tainted lands of the Worldwound and the professor was curious as to how such techniques could be used with undead tainted lands.

Alkaid likely was at university of Lepidstadt, but a different year, (Likely in the professor's earlier teaching days).

Now for those of us at Lastwall and forming a unit...
I'd say we were all survivors of a major attack from (Undead)
(Orcs,Demons,Undead): 1d3 ⇒ 3
while on a patrol in a unit of say 50 people
Unit Size*10: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The attack and the number of them should of wiped the unit completely out, but we all made it back.

The group got assigned a new task after a debrief and pulled off another lucky victory.

The others could somewhat see why somewhat nicknaming the group "The Freaky strong ones and oh what's his name, Rai",
but also "Those Lucky Those Lucky B4st4rds" Double meaning to this one

Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba wrote:

Now for those of us at Lastwall and forming a unit...
I'd say we were all survivors of a major attack from (Undead)
while on a patrol in a unit of say 50 people
[dice=Unit Size*10]1d10+1

The attack and the number of them should of wiped the unit completely out, but we all made it back.

This lines up very nicely with what I've had in mind for Calin's backstory, so good by me.

Any details to add to the start of it?

Like other reasons/events why the unit started getting their two nicknames.

HP: 81| AC: 22_T:13_ FF:19_ Perception +10| Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +9, Fort: +9_ Ref: +9_ Will: +4, CMB: +7, CMD: 22, Speed: 40 Immune:disease Resist:Cold&Elec10
Acro+1|Bluf+7|Climb+2|Dip+12|Esc+1|Heal+8|Inti+11|K(Nat,Rel)+12|Ride+6|Spel l+12|Stealth+7|Sur+11|Swim+5
Maevus wrote:
Would anybody's character (new or old) have spent time around northern Ustalav, especially around the Shudderwoods or the town of Lepidstadt and it's University?

Yes you could easily know Drake from the Shudderwoods.

Being a ranger, Maevus' circle likely extended an offer for you to join them, though you can decide if you actually spent any significant time with them.

HP: 81| AC: 22_T:13_ FF:19_ Perception +10| Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +9, Fort: +9_ Ref: +9_ Will: +4, CMB: +7, CMD: 22, Speed: 40 Immune:disease Resist:Cold&Elec10
Acro+1|Bluf+7|Climb+2|Dip+12|Esc+1|Heal+8|Inti+11|K(Nat,Rel)+12|Ride+6|Spel l+12|Stealth+7|Sur+11|Swim+5

I am sure he has! He is a very very old elf!

Everyone feel free to report to gameplay and introduce yourself!

HP: 25/25| AC: 17_T:12_ FF:16_ Perception +8| Sense Motive +12, Initiative: +1, Fort: +5_ Ref: +4_ Will: +5, CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Spd: 30. Channels 2d6, 1/5 left. Spells Bless 1/3. Lesser resto 1/1. Bulls str 1/1. CLW Wand 47/50
Acrobatics +6 Climb +6 Craft calligraphy +4 Diplomacy +6 Heal +6 Knowledge engineering +1 Knowledge planes +4 Knowledge religion +9 Linguistics +7 Perception +8. Sense motive +12. Spellcraft +6. Swim +6.
Maevus wrote:
Rai might know Maevus then, if you want? She met the professor in Lepidstadt and spent a year as his student/assistant. Her druid circle has been working on techniques to restore the demonic tainted lands of the Worldwound and the professor was curious as to how such techniques could be used with undead tainted lands.

Yep, sounds good! Rai talked with the professor a lot so would also be interested in how such techniques could be used to restore undead tainted lands.


Now for those of us at Lastwall and forming a unit...
I'd say we were all survivors of a major attack from (Undead)
(Orcs,Demons,Undead): 1d3 ⇒ 3
while on a patrol in a unit of say 50 people
Unit Size*10: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The attack and the number of them should of wiped the unit completely out, but we all made it back.

The group got assigned a new task after a debrief and pulled off another lucky victory.

The others could somewhat see why somewhat nicknaming the group "The Freaky strong ones and oh what's his name, Rai",
but also "Those Lucky Those Lucky B4st4rds" Double meaning to this one

Sounds great! :)

Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba wrote:

The others could somewhat see why somewhat nicknaming the group "Those Lucky Those Lucky B4st4rds" Double meaning to this one

I was thinking it tied into Calin's backstory of surviving deadly wounds from undead. But I'm starting to piece together your meaning now... :)

Eletido wrote:
Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba wrote:

The others could somewhat see why somewhat nicknaming the group "Those Lucky B4st4rds" Double meaning to this one
I was thinking it tied into Calin's backstory of surviving deadly wounds from undead. But I'm starting to piece together your meaning now... :)

There was a reason I said "double meaning", as both are true.

Moving over

Ragnar Skuggason wrote:

The only rule I am aware of is:

Flying mounts can’t fly in medium or heavy barding.
Ragnar is not a mount, and would presumably use his hands to hold a creature or ally he is transporting.

Barding is still armour, and mounts still count as a NPC, which have the same rules as PCs.

Furthermore if you look in the D&D 3.5 Book Races of the Dragon. you can find feats two feats, one for flying in Medium armour and carrying medium loads, and the other for Heavy armour and Heavy Loads.

Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

I think other then mounts these restriction were nixed in the transfer from 3.5 to pf1e.

A mount is a type of creature that has a rider, and does not use any of its actions or limbs to have that ride ride it.

I think in part because less book keeping (you dont stop flying because you were hit my a ray of weakness, pushing you into medium weight), and because heavy armor is kind of weaker then light/medium because dexterity is a fairly powerful attribute compared to str.

Plenty of monsters such as f.e. Solars, shield archons, legion archons, several demodands, Valkyries, Vavakias etc, fly while having heavy or more frequently medium armor.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think the GM should rule on it at this point ....
as we've both made our points.....

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Armor still reduces your fly speed as seen in the shield archon, so it's not as if there's no penalty for being in heavier armors.

Okay what am I ruling on exactly... I believe it is if a creature can fly in medium or heavy armor. I think it would be determined by their carry weight.

"(you dont stop flying because you were hit my a ray of weakness, pushing you into medium weight)": I believe you would stop flying, I would have you do Str checks otherwise you would 'slowfall' [I can't think of the right term.]

Was there anything else you needed a ruling on?

Just comfirming your ruling on Flying in Armour/Encumbrance is as follows.

So Flying has no Armour Limiter (No need for a "armour proficiency for Flying" feat like Reinforced wings to fly in Medium armour), other then Weight/encumbrance making it a problem.
Also Medium and Heavy armours will have the reduced speed.

Alkaid Yaffa Leona Aiba wrote:

Just comfirming your ruling on Flying in Armour/Encumbrance is as follows.

So Flying has no Armour Limiter (No need for a "armour proficiency for Flying" feat like Reinforced wings to fly in Medium armour), other then Weight/encumbrance making it a problem.
Also Medium and Heavy armours will have the reduced speed.

That is what I have been seeing as the pathfinder ruling, which is what I am ruling as well. No feats are necessary but the other factors still apply.

Though I am confused why flying mounts can't wear medium or heavy armor. I keep seeing the rule but not much justification for it.

[dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice][dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice][dice=LE Crystal [Electricity]d6[/dice][dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4
GM Wolf wrote:

Though I am confused why flying mounts can't wear medium or heavy armor. I keep seeing the rule but not much justification for it.

I think they kept this ruling as a balance thing. I am just surprised its not under the fly rule. Flying is very powerful. Having a flying mount that you can't hit because its an armored tank would make it even worse since the mount is often the weak link in mounted combat.

Pathfinder definitely has creatures, like the Gate Archon who is in Mithril Full Plate, who fly in medium or heavy armor without feats. Feats from 3.5 would not be relevant to Pathfinder games.

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'
GM Wolf wrote:

Well I was hoping to get you guys in sooner than later, I was hoping the other day but with a lack of posting, I think I might just teleport them out. So be on the look out!

I will look over the backstory and mechanics again. It looks good, in rather broad strokes but it works, leaving a lot of room to add later.

That's fine, between my wife being out of town and the ED this weekend, I was wicked far behind on checking my posts. My kids were not doing a good job of going to bed in a timely manner.

I need to take some time today and remember who has which item from the 'secret vault'. Then have the loose items find new owners.
Valiard, Visayn, and Lectrum had which items?

Yes you plan on heading back in, you determine the time table but the present players can tell you about that.

The present players would relay that you will likely just encounter haunts as no real ghosts have been a foe yet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

Oh, Ragnar thinks the professor being dead is mabye his fault, as he is aware of some Wrath of the righteous plot points, which the professor figured out regarding ragnars background.

This is most likely a massive yet plausible red herring (unless the GM wants to add some antagonistic Demons or their cultists for variety), but the overall idea (the professor figured out how Ragnar was made by Deskari/Baphomet cultists, which included stealing certain crystals, which are the crystallized blood of demonlord slain by Nocticula, from Nocticulas abyssal realm, as such these cultists would have a strong interest in seeking the professor silenced) is plausible.

Semimechanically, he survived the transformation (which did not made him mythic but a half fiend) because as a CN Gorrumite, who strongly believed in duels, violence, aggression and courage he was ideologically compatible with the dead demonlord Tharvool, one who kind of had similar values or areas of concern. He is somewhat aware of this, but chooses to not know it as he finds this troubling.

Ragnar may or may not have a degree of mental connection with that dead demonlord, so the GM can use this is a mental plot dump device.

Thanks for the mental plot dump device, I may use it to supplement between books or to add to later books.

Talk with each other and decide what to do next: rest, head back, or what?

All five of the items are tagged with information as to their former owners. Possession of these items can aid in confronting the five key spirits, although each of the items bears a curse due to its spiritual connection to one of the five prisoners. These curses remain active until the object’s previous owner is destroyed. The unique effects these items have upon their respective haunts cannot be learned via typical item examination, but using a spirit planchette to communicate with the spirit in the item can reveal its use.
At the GM’s discretion, other methods of communicating with spirits could also function similarly.

Items and descriptions soon to come...

Ramada has the book. "Mosswater Marauder".
Borak has the Smith hammer.
Visayn the flute.
Valiard the holy symbols.

The book is available...
So is the the hammer... "Mosswater Marauder".

Bloodstained Handaxe: This +1 handaxe was the Lopper’s favorite murder weapon. No amount of cleaning can remove the bloodstains on the blade or handle.
Collection of Holy Symbols: These holy symbols were used by Father Charlatan, who would select one from the collection that would match the faith of his victims as proof of his good intentions. There are a dozen holy symbols on fine silver chains—the collection as a whole is worth 300 gp. The exact holy symbols in the collection are Pharasma, Cayden, Neythes, Irori, Sarenrae, among others. The silver chains that attach the holy symbols cannot be untangled, and the 12 symbols themselves are
stuck together.

[dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice][dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice][dice=LE Crystal [Electricity]d6[/dice][dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

Should each player only carry a single item?

Taldan Roguish Herbalist/4; Hp:35/35; 2 dex dmg; AC:19(18)/16(15)/13; trapspotter 10'; perception +8; Init +7, nightvision 60'
GM Wolf wrote:

I need to take some time today and remember who has which item from the 'secret vault'. Then have the loose items find new owners.

Valiard, Visayn, and Lectrum had which items?

Yes you plan on heading back in, you determine the time table but the present players can tell you about that.

The present players would relay that you will likely just encounter haunts as no real ghosts have been a foe yet.

Valiard has the holy symbols.

Yes, having more than one would likely be very bad for that person and the group. Possession or worse...

[dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice][dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice][dice=LE Crystal [Electricity]d6[/dice][dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

Imrik is willing to carry the hammer.

Calin Milotti - Angelkin Aasimar Male Paladin 5
HP: 58/58 | AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 | Perception: +3 | Sense Motive: +7, Initiative: +3 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +9 | CMB: +10, CMD: 20, Speed: 20 | Immune: all diseases; Resist: Acid, Cold, Elec 5
Acrobatics: -6, Bluff: +3, Climb: -1, Diplo: +11, Disguise: +3, Heal: +7, Intim: +3, Kn. Planes: +3, Kn. History: +5, Kn. Nobility: +8, Kn. Religion: +6, Perception: +3, Ride: -6, Sense Motive: +7, Stealth: -6, Survival: +1

Heads up: I'm taking a weekend away from my kids so I might not be checking in very often.

No worries, I am waiting on player motivation to do anything. Do I need to move us forward, I thought with so many players it wouldn't need to be prompted by the DM or an NPC.

Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

Ragnar is absolutely willing to go to the prison and kick some ass, but he doesnt want to appear impious in front of a Paladin by leaving a friend unburied.

HP: 34 | AC 18/17/12, Saves 6/3/1, Perc +4, Init +2, Speed:30, Fast Healing 2, Resist Fire 5, CMB+9, CMD: 20
Dragonkin Eldritch Guardian 3

Lectrum is happy for Ramada and encourages the new supergroup to go solve the ghost spirit problem.

[dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked chain]d20+9[/dice][dice=+1 Adamantine Spiked Chain]2d4+11[/dice][dice=LE Crystal [Electricity]d6[/dice][dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice] [dice=Bite]d20+3[/dice] [dice=Bite]d6+7[/dice]
HP 23/26 | AC: 24 T:13 FF: 21 |Perception +11 (LL/DV) | Sense Motive +5, Initiative +3 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMB +8, CMD 21 | Speed 20 (30) Ft , Fly 50 (60) [Average] | Immune to Sleep, Paralysis, Cold
Diplomacy +11, Fly +9 (6), Heal +3, K(Arc, His, Nob) +6, Planes +8, Religion +7, Ling. +7, Perception +11 (LL/DV), Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6
Omrataji : Inv: 2/4; Sp.: 4/4

I think that the group wanted to rest and go in the morning since the existing players were put through the wringer. I was just waiting for them to rest and then we could leave in the morning.

Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA

We do have enough healing for them, but I dont know how rest dependent they are.

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