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46 posts. Alias of Alizor.

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The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This playtest was for a completely new character in a Pathfinder Society game with the following game statistics:

Oread Warpriest of Ragathiel with Destruction and Nobility Blessings
Statistics of 18/10/14/10/16/8
Feats of Dwarf Blooded and Power Attack


The PFS scenario included a diverse amount of encounters, including a swarm, some diplomatic encounters, investigation/searching for clues, fighting undead, and fighting an ooze. In the diplomatic / charismatic encounters this character worked approximately as expected for either a cleric or fighter. The ability to cast guidance / use the Nobility Blessing ability was very good for these encounters. As the character is very wisdom focused as well as fighting focused, I did find it very difficult to be able to have a high combat capability as well as high charisma. Charisma is only needed for channel energy, so the benefit of raising that stat is not that high versus the benefit of raising other statistics. In the long run playing a "dwarf" was a good idea as having high constitution or strength and wisdom is needed for more abilities as well as the party role.

Outside of the diplomatic encounters, the character was able to be very engaged and useful. A high wisdom score combined with a trait giving perception as a class skill made the character able to provide some help in the exploration portions. Past this having some spells like comprehend languages and guidance to help others was quite as expected.

During the combat encounters the character did shine and do what he really was intended to do: fight. Having weapon focus at first level as well as a bonus feat made him quite capable as a fighter even without being human. Even without +1 BAB at first level he had a relatively easy time hitting opponents. That being said, it was difficult to get in both spellcasting and blessing use during combat. It seems every single action that I wanted to take was a standard action. At first level, this didn't seem as much of an issue, but I can see how at later levels it would be a problem.

Also, this character did seem similar to the cleric in that on tough fights he is going to need to buff himself to be effective. I'd say that this is going to start somewhere around level 4-6. Without the ability to cast spells as a swift action until level 13 (quicken spell), it is going to make the decision to cast a spell or not very difficult. Combining this with what I saw above concerning channel energy and the charisma score, I'd suggest that instead of channel energy, the Warpriest should get lay on hands but based on wisdom instead of charisma. In addition at level 4 or 5 or even immediately at 2, give an ability to use a daily use of lay on hands to cast a spell as a swift action. This could even be limited to buff spells only (harmless), but I'd rather see the versatility for allowing spells like dispel magic or holy smite as well. Later on, perhaps at 7-9 an ability to use two uses of lay on hands to channel energy would be added. Similar to the Paladin I don't see a problem with this being full strength as the Warpriest will want to save his uses for personal healing and swift spells.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Customer Service,

I know you're swamped with requests at the moment from the glitches that are happening. But my October shipment with an order #2816300 does look a little odd. On the My Subscriptions page it does show everything as pending. However when I go to the pending order in my Order History, it shows everything as pending except Pathfinder: Goblins! #3 that shows it having shipped on Tuesday.

I didn't receive a shipment notification, but it does look like there is a charge to my Credit Card pending from 10/22. I just want to make sure that the shipment isn't in some weird limbo.


P.S. You may have undercharged me on the shipping for the order. It looks like the entire shipping charge was refunded instead of only the first $10.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Both my wife and I are attending PaizoCon 2013, but while we were given Volunteer badges, we also bought our own badges as well to attend several events. It seems that neither she nor I can register for lottery events as we found out over the weekend.

If possible could this be fixed ASAP as the lottery closes tomorrow? My wife's account has an email address of

Email Address:


The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My July monthly subscription was picked up at PaizoCon this year, and I was charged for the amount on my card on 7/4/2012. However, on Monday I just received another "Your shipment will be sent out email" and I have order #2137739 pending to be shipped. My card also has a pending amount on it, although not the full July Subscription amount.

I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be double charged for the July shipment and that another package wasn't going to be sent to me. Thanks!

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

MOBICON is a gathering of sci-fi, fantasy, comic, anime, and gaming fans to meet people with the same interests. Each year we go ALL OUT to bring great guests, game, and merchants from all over to make it great. MOBICON is held in Mobile, AL to raise money for a selected charity. This is the 15th year for MobiCon. For more information see the main Mobicon Website.

This year we are offering a good mix of Pathfinder scenarios and modules based on demand. Walkups will be welcome and we will always be ready to introduce new players. There is no separate charge for RPGA/PFS gaming. To sign up for games in advance, please register at the MobiCon XV Warhorn site and sign up for the games you plan to attend. Depending on demand we will add more slots and tables as more register.

We're offering a good mix of new scenarios and old, so there should be something for everyone. Hope you can join us and have fun!

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello all Georgians!

We've added a new monthly game day location in Athens Georgia at the local restaurant Transmetropolitan. We're going to be running games on the third Monday each month at 6 PM to 11 PM in the back room upstairs. David Shaw has graciously offered to be the local contact for this game day and will tend to be running some of the games throughout the next few months.

To start off the new location, we're offering two tables for those who come on April 23rd:

Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore (Tier 1)
#3-09: The Quest for Perfection—Part I: The Edge of Heaven (Tier 1-5)

Because we tend to have great responses for our Georgia PFS game days, we tend to like it if people sign up ahead of time! You can do so for the Athens After Dark game day at the following board on the Georgia PFS Forums. Simply create a Georgia PFS forum account and respond to the thread for the game day you want to play at. In this case, simply respond to the April 23rd game day thread.

In the next few days we'll have new threads created for the next few upcoming game days on May 21st and June 18th. Keep watch and hope you can go!

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Pathfinder Society at Con Nooga will have a huge presence. In 2011 there were 60 tables of Pathfinder Society, and this year we have just as many scheduled. There are Pathfinder Society games of all levels, including the special Midnight Mauler, all-day modules, all the newest from Season 3, and wildcard slots for those of you with only a few scenarios left to play.

CON NOOGA is Chattanooga's first and only Multi-Fandom (Multiple Genre) Convention, held in the historic Choo Choo hotel.

Memberships: $40 for all 3 days
Single Day Memberships: Friday $25 - Saturday $35 - Sunday $10

To sign up for Pathfinder Society events at Con Nooga, visit the Warhorn site for Pathfinder at Con Nooga 2012. For more information and to register for the Con itself, go the Con Nooga website. Note that you will need to buy your Con Nooga membership separately from the Warhorn site.

We still need about 3-4 more volunteer GMs for Pathfinder Society. GM rewards are as follows:

2 Games: Free Badge
5 Games: Free Badge & 1/4 of a room at the Choo Choo. Hotel is paid for Friday and Saturday night. If you have an early morning Friday game I can get you in a room for Thursday night if required. I only have one of those available.

If you're interested in more events in Northern Georgia, check out the Georgia PFS Website, where you can find a calendar of events and forums with sign-ups for all of our game days.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We've got our 1st Quarter 2012 schedule up for all of our game stores that are part of Georgia Pathfinder Society!

Games are organized at the following stores in Northern Georgia:

Alpharetta - FCB Games
Atlanta - Manuel's Tavern
Athens - Tyche's Games
Fayetteville - Treefort Games
Kennesaw - Hobbytown, USA
Lawrenceville - Galactic Quest
Macon - The Golden Bough
Smyrna - Titan Games and Comics
Suwanee - The Tower Game Center

To see a calendar of all of our events, take a look at the Paizo Events Page!

We ask that you try to sign-up for our events early by responding on the Georgia PFS Forums on the correct thread. Without people signing up we won't be able to provide the GMs that you need to play your games!

Closer to each month, I'll also be responding to this thread with a detailed description of the scenarios provided for each month.

Hope to see you at one of our locations in the next few months!

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

We've got plenty of games planned around the Atlanta, Athens, and Macon areas in Georgia for the month of December. Because of the holidays the games are frontloaded for the month. Hope to see some new faces at our games and help us out by reserving slots at our forums!

December 3rd at Treefort Games in Fayetteville - #14 The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch and #45 Delirium's Tangle

December 4th at Titan's Games in Smyrna - #3-06 Song of the Sea Witch

December 10th at Galactic Quest Games and Comics in Lawrenceville - Year of the Shadow Lodge in Review! #51 City of Strangers, Part 1: The Shadow Gambit, #2-04 Shadows Fall on Absalom, #52 City of Strangers, Part 2: The Twofold Demise, and #2-08 Sarkorian Prophecy.

December 12th at Manuel's Tavern in Virginia Highlands, Atlanta - #1 Silent Tide and #3-02 Sewer Dragons of Absalom

December 17th at Hobbytown USA in Kennesaw - 3-09 The Quest for Perfection, Part I - The Edge of Heaven and 3-10 The Immortal Conundrum

December 17th at Tower Game Center in Lawrenceville - The Year of the Shadow Lodge in Review, Part II! #2-23 Shadow’s Last Stand, Part 1: At Shadow’s Door, #2-20 Wrath of the Accursed, #2-24 Shadow’s Last Stand, Part 2: Web of Corruption, #2-26 The Mantis’ Prey, and The Feast of Ravenmoor (Module).

December 17th at Tyche's Games in Athens - #2-17 Shades of Ice, Part II: Exiles of Winter

December 17th at The Golden Bough in Macon - #2-02 Before the Dawn Pt. 2 - Rescue at Azlant Ridge

December 18th at FCB Games in Alpharetta - #3-EX First Steps, Part II

Remember! If you'd like to reserve a slot respond to the corresponding game thread on the Georgia PFS Forums or email or

If you reserve a slot, we can get enough GMs to fill as many tables as our stores can fit! See you there!

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Just saw the news announcement and I know you'll do great things at Paizo! I sure know you've made PFS in the Atlanta area shine. Congratulations!

The Exchange 5/5

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This may just be chalked up to a low gold mod, however it seems that the gold reward for Frostfur was based on a Tier 3-4 scenario, rather than a tier 4-5 scenario (that it actually is). The gold given is 1300, but also says Tier 3-4 next to it. Normally I've seen Tier 4-5 scenarios give ~1700-1800 gold. Not a huge issue, but something that may want to be changed.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Since I didn't want to derail the other thread, I noticed in Hyrum's message that faction PA / factions will matter more in the future. As he mentioned how replay skewed the data, is there a specific way in which we should be reporting replay?

I've currently been adding the character to the list as per normal, reporting that the person played, however I simply give 0 PA. Is this the correct method? Should they not be listed at all?

For Hyrum/Mark an example of replay is this event, session 1, character 6399-5. Hoping that this is done correctly or if there's another way that it should be reported.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is coming up in a few days, make sure to sign up and come over to play!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This may be the wrong place for this, but I received my subscription package earlier this week... without a Gnome Summoner Holiday card! I've actually come to like collecting them, so if possible could you guys stash one aside for my next subscription shipment? Thanks!

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Seems like I neglected to post this on the Paizo boards! We have a pretty full house at Tower Games in Lawrenceville GA for tomorrow's game day. If you can show up and we'll happily bring you into the gaming. Here are the modules we will be running:

Noon to 5 PM
#4 Frozen Finger’s of Midnight DM - Nani Pratt

#16 To Scale the Dragon DM - Kyle Pratt

6 PM to 11 PM
#14 The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch DM - John Compton

#34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones DM - Colin Webster

Every fourth Saturday of the month, we will be hosting a PFS Game Day at The Tower Game Center game store in Lawrenceville. Their website is at The Tower Game Center.

Also remember to check out the Georgia Pathfinder Society website! You'll be able to see updates to each store's game days and local Cons that we'll be hosting. See you there!

The Tower Game Center
860 Duluth Hwy
Lawrenceville, GA 30043

(678) 442-1787

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As a response to Hyrum's message here. Please note not to click that link unless you are planning on DMing or have played through [b]Heresy of Man Part III/b].

So after doing a few Con and game store games recently I've begun to try to look at my player's character sheets more often to get a feeling of the character and I've noticed quite a few errors that Hero Labs is producing. I understand the importance of this tool in bringing more people to the fold, but it also has a few unintended consequences that I've noticed.

1. Players always assume that Hero Labs is correct. As a DM I correct them and I've frequently gotten the response "But I made it in Hero Labs, so it has to be right."

2. Players don't seem to understand their character or their abilities as much as when made from pencil/paper (Or manually by electronic means). This goes as far as one person simply not having the rulebook and using Hero Labs to make the character.

Maybe I'm noticing this because I'm going much further outside my normal circle of friends who understands the rules exceedingly well and we tend to understand the game (even for those that are relatively new to the game, our pressure forces them to learn quickly), but it seems like Hero Labs is definitely creating problems when playing.

Now, I'm not even talking about banning it or anything. I'm wondering if people have advice on how to deal with hero labs characters/players. I've never gone to the Hero Labs website, is there a place to find a concise list of bugs so that I know what to look for when looking at sheets? Does the program auto-update itself or do I need to check for old bugs as well as new ones?

How well do character building sessions go in a game store environment? I've helped a few people build characters at the store but I've never tried a mass session as it were. Also has anyone else noticed this problem cropping up lately or is it just because my gaming group has been more insular and not going to gaming stores as often?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Here are the stats of the Magus that I playtested for The Witchwar Legacy. Other members of the party consisted of a 17th level Cavalier focused on a Greatsword/Spirited Charge, a 17th level Oracle of Life with Haunted Curse, and a 17th level Protean Sorcerer. Except for being level 17, the characters (and all characters in the campaign) were began based on Pathfinder Society but had a few modifications: wealth by level from PFRPG Core and one item creation feat per character, we had Wondrous, Arms/Armor, and Forge Ring between party members. The only complicated item that required DM adjudication for price was a +6 Headband of Cha with a Phylactery of Positive Channeling added. 50% cost of the Headband of Cha +6 was added to the price to determine its final price. All other Society rules applied: allowed feats/traits, 20 Point Buy, half rounded up HP, etc.

Magus 17
Str 22=14+2 (Human racial) +6 (Enhancement)
Dex 14
Con 20=14+6 (Enhancement)
Int 26= 16+3 (Level)+6(Enhancement)+1 (Inherent)
Wis 10=9+1 (Level)
Cha 7

T) Threatening Defender
T) Focused Mind
1) Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip)
Human) Combat Expertise
3) Improved Trip
5) Spell Focus (Evocation)
5B) Arcane Strike
7) Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
9) Greater Trip
11) Power Attack
11B) Selective Spell
13) Tripping Strike
15) Weapon Focus (Whip)
17) Weapon Specialization (Whip)
17B) Quicken Spell

Magus Arcana
3) Maneuver Mastery
6) Empowered Magic
9) Hasted Assault
12) Maximized Magic
15) Quickened Magic

Key Items
+1 Heavy Fortification Mithril Full Plate
+5 Keen Scorpion Whip
Headband of Int +6
Belt of Physical Might (+6 Con/Str)
Tome of Intelligence +1
Cloak of Resistance +5
Pearls of Power (I x 3, II x 3, IV, V, VI)
Ring of Wizardry III

Note: I know that this probably isn’t a fully optimized Magus for the level, but I thought it was an interesting idea, and something I think a “normal” person might take.

We began the module from the beginning and because this was for a playtest, decided we weren’t going to talk our way through anything. The first encounter ensued and we had mass combat rolling out (really large mass combat). Enemies consisted of a total of around 40-50 enemies, ranging in CR from 3-11. Enemies were: Frost Giants, Ogres, Winter Wolves, Wooly Mammoths, and Wooly Rhinoceroses. In all from this fight I concluded that the Magus was sorely outmatched by the Oracle/Sorcerer in an outright AoE damage brawl. The Magus was able to contribute, even adding the correct elemental damage to get 50% increase in damage, but it didn’t really make the difference. Firestorm is just that much better of a spell than either Fireball or even Fire Snake. While I could have opened up with Sirroco, I decided using one of my few 6th level spells in the first fight would be a bad idea.

Once I did reach my targets, Spell Combat worked great. I didn’t have an issue using combat casting even for my highest level spells, because of the bard spell progression. However at the same time, it didn’t feel overpowering whatsoever because I didn’t want to “waste” too many spells, opting instead to use 1st-3rd level spells with Spell Combat. Spellstrike was NEVER used once the entire combat/day. If the party didn’t consist of two spontaneous casters I might’ve used more higher level spells combined with Empower/Maximixe to rain destruction. A Maximized/Empowered/Quickened Sirroco would be fun, but I didn’t get the chance.

For the second “encounter,” a trap was triggered and the Magus was able to use Dimension Door to bring everyone to safety. His Knowledge checks helped in this regard. I think it’s a negative that he doesn’t have more Knowledge skills, as that’s where I ended up putting a lot of points, even if they weren’t a class skill.

The third encounter consisted of an Ancient White Dragon. This combat I felt a little more useful. Enlarge Person allowed me to actually trip the dragon, but this did waste an action at the beginning of combat. The dragon played it smart and used her breath weapon on the first round (impeding sight, but not speed per the adventure). She then walled off half the party while buffing herself and leaving the Oracle to quiver in fear (not literally, but the player was; the Oracle first turn cast remove fear) next to the dragon. The Magus was then able to buff himself for a round while the Cavalier knocked his way through the Wall of Ice. If there wasn’t a fog cloud effect in the room, the Magus would’ve been able to shine, however as it stands the Magus has limited, if any, options to get through sight with magic.

While he may have True Seeing, it takes a VERY valuable 6th level slot for the Magus, and in this case would’ve done nothing for him to see through Fog Cloud. He was then forced to cast from a distance, lest he take the full force of the dragon’s full attacks + AoO from whip usage. Sirroco helped, but the dragon has a relatively high Fort save and was able to make his saves fairly easily. In the end, the Sorcerer was able to find the dragon using Polymorph Any Object on himself to gain blindsight and then feeblemind the dragon (with an unlucky save roll of 3). After this it was merely the “keep the cavalier alive” fight while the dragon sat there and used her full attacks every round.

I think the high level Magus is “almost there.” Its weak point is actually moreso it’s spell selection and number of spells per day, rather than it’s melee combat. The times I was able to get a full attack off I was able to deal 1d6+26+1d6 Fire+1d6 electricity on each hit. While this wasn’t equal to the Cavalier, it was pretty close. The problem came when I wanted to use my spells for more than just “blasty.” I felt forced into a role of preparing damage dealing spells instead of utility spells for most slots, however they damage dealing spells weren’t nearly as effective as even the Oracle’s Fire Storm spell, and she didn’t have Spell Focus/Greater Spell Focus. I think the best “boost” to the Magus would be to give him, similar to how Bard works, some spells at a spell level or two earlier than Sorcerer/Wizard. Another possibility is to give 1-2 more spells per level, possibly maxing out near 6 per day (possibly even 7 for first level) to make their # of spells per day somewhat close to a full caster.

The other negative I noticed from high level play was that the Magus Arcana just didn’t seem that… great. They almost all are one use abilities that you just use and they go away. I’d rather the Magus got slightly fewer Arcana and they worked similar to the Oracle in that they upgrade as the Magus levels. Maybe Empowered Magic would be 1/day at level 3, 2/day at level 10, and 3/day at level 17, or possibly some other progression. This also made me realize that regular metamagics were pretty useless for my Magus. Despite her knowing Selective Spell, she never used it because she never had enough higher level spells. In fact, the best use would’ve been selective Fireballs, however the Magus needed too many of her 4th level spells to function as utility spells.

I think the Magus is pretty close to where it needs to be, but still needs a little tweaking and feels weaker than it should be at high level play.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Do you know what the delay is for this order? It was placed on Aug. 11th, but it is still sitting in pending. Neither item looks to be on backorder when I go to their pages and the order still says 2-4 business days until shipment.

Also is it possible for you to apply my $20 of store credit to this order? Thanks!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Can you please cancel this order (which includes Pugwampis and Queen Ileosa). I've decided to hold off on Ileosa and included the Pugwampis in a recent order. Thanks.

The Exchange

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Would subdomains be available to all characters that have access to domains? Specifically, does an inquisitor have the option of taking a subdomain, or does a Sacred Servant Paladin/Inquisitor/Druid without animal companion have the option to take a subdomain with the domain options that they have?

The Exchange

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Page 41, Inquisitor True Judgement:

APG wrote:
True Judgment (Su): At 20th level, an inquisitor can call true judgment down upon a foe during combat. Whenever an inquisitor uses her judgment ability, the inquisitor can invoke true judgment on a foe as a swift action. Once declared, the inquisitor can make a single melee (or ranged attack, if the foe is within 30 feet) against the target. If the attack hits, it deals damage normally and the target must make a Fortitude save or die. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the inquisitor’s level + the inquisitor’s Wisdom modifier. Once the attack is made, all of the bonuses from the inquisitor’s judgments reset to those granted on the first round (although the slayer judgment remains at the maximum bonus). Regardless of whether or not the save is made, the target creature is immune to the inquisitor’s true judgment ability for 24 hours.

Emphasis mine.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I received the "expecting shipment" email a few weeks ago, but it hasn't been sent out yet. Is this because of the extra items in my sidecart?

I'm also looking to get the APG pdf as soon as possible, so if you think that the August shipment (in a few weeks) might be delayed could simply take my sidecart items (expect for the Pathfinder Tales of course) out and send a regular monthly shipment, and I'll just wait until the September shipment for the pugwampis etc. Thanks so much!

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Josh, are you going to set up volunteers similar to GenCon and PaizoCon for Dragon*Con? Last I heard you were going to be down here for DC, and I'm really looking forward to getting to Con PFS without leaving the city.

Do you have any clue when the sign-ups might start up, as we're just under three months to the Con now. Thanks!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It seems that when you have the [list ] BBCode tag near the beginning of a post next to an avatar, it doesn't seem to be displaying correctly. The dots appear inside the avatar. I looked at it on Safari Version 4.0.5 (6531.22.7), Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100315 Firefox/3.5.9, and on Google Chrome 5.0.375.55; and none seem to display it correctly. For probably obvious reasons I don't have IE to test it on.

The thread where I'm seeing it is here. Not a large issue by any measure, just thought I'd bring it to your attention.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll start out:


  • Thursday Night after Meet and Greet (9:00 PM or so)
  • Friday morning (8 AM or so)

Modules I'm running:

  • #51: The City of Strangers, Part I: The Shadow Gambit
  • #52: The City of Strangers, Part II: The Twofold Demise

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Does anyone else feel that there seems to be a dearth of Tier 5-9 Season 1 adventures? Was the reasoning for this that it was the "first" season and that next season will include more?

While I understand (and agree with) the philosophy of one low level and one higher level adventure, it seems that almost every single high level adventure for Season 1 has consisted of Tier 7-11 adventures. This probably was from the fact that the Echoes of Everwar Series was created as a 7-11, however wasn't offset from other scenarios being Tier 5-9. Anyone else see this?

Scenario Counts


1-5: 4
1-7: 10
5-9: 2
7-11: 8
12: 2

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Normally the packaging for my shipments through UPS end up near pristine when they arrive ~2700 miles away here in GA. However this time around instead of packaging my shipment in the normal UPS envelope that is put within a UPS medium sized Express Flat rated box; the envelope was packaged inside some brown paper wrapping.

This caused the books to jostle around quite a bit and caused the two actual books to arrive with bent edges and creases over the entire front. If possible could you continue shipping with the books inside the express envelope that is within the express box (or some form of box)? Thanks!

(P.S. My package arrived a day late from UPS, and it was their fault... I don't care about the guarantee, but you guys can get your money back from the shipment through a claim with UPS. Hope you do!)

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Note: I'm sorry if this was brought up before, but my search-fu did not work on finding any thread related to this issue. Also adding some filler so that my diagram loads correctly underneath my avatar.

This was brought up in a PFS game last week that I was DMing. In 3.5 D&D a small/medium character with a reach weapon threatened two squares away, regardless of it being 15 feet away or not. A diagram is below (C is character, - is not threatening, X is threatening)

XXXXX wrote:

Reach Weapons

Most creatures of Medium or smaller size have a reach of only 5 feet. This means that they can make melee attacks only against creatures up to 5 feet (1 square) away. However, Small and Medium creatures wielding reach weapons threaten more squares than a typical creature. In addition, most creatures larger than Medium have a natural reach of 10 feet or more.

Note: Small and Medium creatures wielding reach weapons threaten all squares 10 feet (2 squares) away, even diagonally. (This is an exception to the rule that 2 squares of diagonal distance is measured as 15 feet.)

However, in PFRPG it seems that you threaten 10 feet away, not 2 squares away. Which would give us a diagram like this:


PRD Combat Section wrote:
Reach Weapons: Most creatures of Medium or smaller size have a reach of only 5 feet. This means that they can make melee attacks only against creatures up to 5 feet (1 square) away. However, Small and Medium creatures wielding reach weapons threaten more squares than a typical creature. In addition, most creatures larger than Medium have a natural reach of 10 feet or more.
PRD Equipment Section wrote:
Reach: You use a reach weapon to strike opponents 10 feet away, but you can't use it against an adjacent foe.

I ruled as you can see above (the diagonal = 15 feet, which is not threatening nor reachable). Can anyone else confirm that it looks like PFRPG changed how reach weapons work in this regard?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I guess I might've done something wrong with my Holiday10 discount code... but I applied it to Order #1338236, but then chose to save on shipping and have it shipped with my next AP. As it happened I believe I got the email for the January Shipment a few days before I received my Holiday 10 discount code in the mail. Thinking it would just move the items to my next AP in February, and then have the discount applied... I guess I was wrong.

The items in question got moved to Order # 1338243. Is this how it was supposed to happen when you combine shipping with the Holiday Discount?


The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm not sure if this was brought up before in the earlier playtest, but does the Resiliency Judgement 10th level ability make it so a CG Inquisitor has 3/evil and lawful or 3/evil or lawful?

The wording as I see it right now would imply and which actually makes this a pretty nice judgement other than for Neutral Inquisitors at least.

The Exchange 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I recently ran #4 Frozen Fingers of Midnight, but I'm having issues reporting it.

The event # is # 1,444 and it is session 1. I can't seem to add myself for a DM reward. Whenever I do it keeps kicking the 6th player off the list. It should include my "Jarina" character - 6399-1. Thanks!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This is an attempt to take the Apple discussion brought up here into another place. Hopefully we can keep this a civil discussion on merits of a business model.

Anguish wrote:
This product is very much in a state of uncertainty right now. What it has going for it is: it's an Apple product. The thing is that this calendar year there are going to be a number of competing products released by non-Apple companies (such as HP) that at this point spec out as being "better" than the iPad. With any luck, this product will not become the dominant product. When it comes to format wars, like VHS vs Beta (the better product lost) and BluRay vs HD-DVD (in several key ways the better product lost), we should be circumspect in our purchases.

First off, I personally think that the iPad has alot going for it over and above just "being an Apple product." You may not like the interface, but the multitouch screen on the iPhone (and now on the iPad) is an extremely easy and enjoyable to use interface. It allows the device to be used without a mouse, without an extra piece of hardware (keyboard) and feels very natural to many people.

I have heard of the other tablets coming out, however as far as I know, there aren't any definitive specs out on them. As for the HP Slate, all that I can figure out is that it uses the atom processor, has capacitive touch capability, a webcam, and a USB 2.0 port. As far as I'm concerned, that's not nearly enough to say whether one is technologically superior or not. For all we know the A4 processor could be a quad core 1.0 gHz processor and blow the atom processor out of the water. At this point we simply don't know.

I am curious though as an aside, why do you believe HD-DVD was superior, because from all I have seen Blu-ray had some very large technical advantages that HD-DVD simply did not have.

Anguish wrote:

Buzz. Words. Web 2.0, yeah, yeah. IT guy, remember? Sorry, but the smoke & mirrors won't work.

It's not that I don't want Paizo apps. It's that I don't want Paizo to make apps for an inferior platform. That is - until and unless that inferior platform becomes a de-facto standard, at which point bemoaning the choice is merely spiteful instead of wise.

iPhone OS is a pretty good OS. It may not be as ubiquitous as Windows is, but enough people use it that support is a very very wise decision if you are supporting a mobile platform.

Anguish wrote:
What? Apple Tax. As in, the significant degree of price-inflation of similarly-capable devices that is universal to Apple products. Not imaginary at all. Cosmetics have value, I admit. But the price differential on Apple products is silly.

I really hate hearing the word Apple Tax. There is no such thing as tax from a non-governmental entity. Yes some of their products cost a little more than others, however this is to reflect the R&D costs of their products. Yes, Apple spends much more on R&D than their competitors (note that Microsoft is not a competitor for Apple in most respects, they don't make computers). In fact, I would ask you to go do some price comparisons of current mid cycle computers from Apple with equivalent computers from Dell or HP. You might be surprised at the difference lately.

Anguish wrote:

Small computer? Yes, physically. In utility, no, not even almost. I've got enough background to write code (not web pages... actual code). I know what a computer can do when it's not a closed platform. It'll do whatever I feel like. Or what you feel like. Or what any other talented/knowledgeable user wants. The iPhone and iPad aren't that. Aside from Jailbroken devices, you need the approval of Apple to share your work. That stifles community and very, very much monetizes even the silliest of Hello-World programs.

On the one hand, there's no difference between Paizo coding an iPhone/iPad app in-house and paying someone professional to do so on their behalf. On the other hand, I'll grant that if the product pays for its development, it's theoretically a win. I say theoretically because again - as should be clear by now - I'm opposed to both the hardware and the politics of this product. That's just my view though. I don't discourage profitability by any means. I just would rather encourage development on a "better" platform.

Just because we haven't said it doesn't mean we don't have experience coding as well. I understand your feelings about the coding, you would like the freedom to do whatever you would like. However that's not how the world works for most things. If you're using someone elses platform, you need to live by their rules (this is the same if you are renting an apartment or an office space - using someone elses tools in a lawn business - or writing adventures for a popular roleplaying game that has an OGL license). This is, despite what you think, the same as with Microsoft or just about any other platform. Microsoft simply has less restrictions. Android, while having less restrictions, has restrictions as well. You just are mad that the slightly (and I do mean slightly when you look at the number of approved applications) more stringent requirements mean you can't program anything you want.

To the point, Apple makes very good consumer products (I.E. products people want to buy), and there is absolutely no denying this. This gives some credence to Apple's model.

Anguish wrote:
Yes, the vast majority of apps get approved. That's absolutely beside my point of objection. That any applications can be - let alone is - forbidden on the devices is utterly and completely unacceptable to me.

I would like to know what platform out there exists where you can write whatever you want. Android has an approval process, and other stores have even more restrictions.

Anguish wrote:
But Apple's app-validation scheme is a totally different game. They have - in my opinion - no business dictating what I can and cannot execute on my device. Or share with my friends. Or sell to people I don't know.

Well, it's their platform. They created it, and if you develop for it, you accept it. The reasoning is that it gives a better user experience. So far, this model has shown to work very well.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Not sure if this is the right forum, but I was looking through the PRD looking for a list of templates and only found that the simply templates were in one concise place. Is there not a type of index (similar to roles, creature type, etc.) that shows all the templates that can be applied to creatures?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Not sure if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything on the boards about it. It would be great if the "My Subscriptions" page would give an estimate based on both shipping as well as the cost of the items. I've been forced to pull out the calculator every month or so and open a few browser windows to calculate the estimated cost of a shipment (to financially plan on the shipment). It seems like it would be a pretty easy fix for the system to give the price of each item and give a subtotal of the shipment (as if it was being ordered today) including AP discount etc.

Thanks so much for the work Gary!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but the Inquisitor seems to be lacking an aura (as a cleric or paladin would have). Is this because the Inquisitor is supposed to be more stealthy and/or detached from the faith?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I was looking through the Inquisitor skill list and realized that there was one ommission that I felt fitted with the feel of the class: Disable Device. While they wouldn't be able to disable magical traps (Only rogues can do that), I felt that it fit really well with their divine focused solo capabilities.

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