
Vadoma's page

46 posts. Alias of Alizor.


Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Sorry!! Been exceedingly busy this week. If I'm close enough to the goat, I'm going to take a quick second to look around my surroundings to see if I can see anything. If not continuing towards the goat.

Perception:1d20 ⇒ 181d20 ⇒ 3
Reflex:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 131d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

We don't see anything new? Just the scared goat? How close are we as well?

Vadoma continues moving up, attempting to position herself to "pacify" Rombard.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 81d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Ah, I guess I was just confused. I'll just move forward a little.

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 51d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Staying where she is, Vadoma extends out her hand and shoots a ray of divine fire at the shadowy creature.

Heavenly Fire on Pugwampi (1d20+2=9, 1d4=4, 1d20+2=22, 1d4=4)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1


Wow at our absolute failure at stopping Makin.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
I assume we hear/see Makin rushing forward?

"Makin! Don't head out there alone!" Vadoma says as she heads after Makin.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma, clueless, continues marching forward, taking a quick glance at the sky while thinking about the "pugwampi" that she is chasing.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Sorry! I missed you saying 3rd for some reason... Vadoma is just pushy I guess? It's easy to do with a longsword and being taller than you :P

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma has a light spell active, and I definitely want to be somewhere in the middle. I also cast mage armor as we head out.

Edit: I'll go third then.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"Come now Makin, we don't have to be so harsh to him. But Dashiki, he does make a good point. It will look much better to Almah if you went above and beyond your call of duty and proactively found the cause. I imagine she would appreciate it greatly."

Diplomacy to have Dashiki help us find tracks. (1d20+9=28)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"If there was one of these 'Pugwampies' near the camp, do you think you could help us find it?"

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"Yes, it is actually very important that you tell us if you saw anything. It would be horrible if we had some sort of monster nearby our camp."

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Just as an FYI, Long-Shou (Nani) is basically without internet for a few days. On the bright side, she'll be back in the States starting Tuesday! (Finally)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma butts in and takes over talking to the Drivers... apparently doing horribly.

Diplomacy Check (1d20+9=13)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"But did you see Dashki light the fire himself?"

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Although I identified the wand... it would probably be best for Faysal to hold it, as I do have a failure chance for the UMD check.

"Did you find any other evidence in the wagon, Makin?"

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma looks over at Long and Haldo, saying “I thought you two were supposed to be the strong men here?” as she grins widely.

She then hurries over to the handlers and animals, making sure that the animals aren’t too frightened when they wake up, as well as the handler she slept.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma checks to make sure that the handler that she accidentally slept is alright, and then makes a quick check to see if anyone else is hurt. Then she runs over to help move the wagon.

Pushing Wagon: (1d20+0=17)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma bites her lip and mutters, “Oh bugger off…” She then turns towards the animals, attempting to reach as many as possible and waves her hands, chanting a spell.

I cast color spray trying to as many, if not all, of the animals that are frightened. DC 15 for the color spray, which should stun/sleep them.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Handle Animal: (1d20+4=5)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
xyrophobic wrote:

please roll a handle animal (you can use it untrained) if you are spending a round trying to calm the animals or a strength check if you are trying to move the wagon.

is Long the one overseas or Vadoma? Just wondering what time frames the over seas person would be normally checking the boards so I don't move on without giving them the ability to respond.

Long is overseas. It's currently almost 8 pm there. She should post by noon today.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Initiative: (1d20+2=20)

Vadoma rushes to the animals, hoping to use her charm to gather them all in one place and quiet them down.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"Of course Faysal. I actually specialize in using almost any magic item out there that exists. It's quite a talent I've picked up, in fact."

I cast detect magic on the item and do an spellcraft check if possible. Spellcraft: (1d20+7=20)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"I agree, now would be the best time. Faysal when they have it moved, pass the remains up to me. We can perform any rites necessary for the body."

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
vagrant-poet wrote:
Hoi! Core Rules! Just converted Makin!

Nani and I have the rules and are converting. Makes me sad for Vadoma though, she essentially didn't change except a few nerfs (She can't use her longsword anymore).

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"Faysal, don't be so negative... We're just exploring a hole. Besides we need to clear it out just in case more people use this tent for shelter from storms. No one deserves to die like that."

With this she jumps down into the hole below.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"I guess we'll just have to kill it so that the next group of people that rest here aren't attacked."

With this, Vadoma looks down into the den to see if there is anything she can see before jumping down.

Perception check if required: (1d20=2)... oh yeah great roll.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma moves over to Garavel and pats his back. "It's ok, we got it for you." Looking over to everyone else she states, "Do you think there might be anything left behind down there? It might also be a good place to get away from this sandstorm."

I cast light on a rock nearby if there is one, if not on a copper piece and drop it down into the den.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma points her finger at Makin, as a ray of fire bursts out of her hands towards him.

Not sure if I have to make a ranged touch for this for allies, the ability doesn't mention it. But using Heavenly Fire on Makin for (1d6=6) points of healing. If needed my ranged touch is 1d20+2=15.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
Faysal Ibn Ahmad Ibn Aziz wrote:
Wouldn't Long Shou get cover from teh beastie?

Not a reflex save, although he probably has a pretty high will save.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
xyrophobic wrote:
Vadoma wrote:
xyrophobic wrote:
I hope that wasn't too confusing.
I actually am slightly confused. If it's a 10x10 room wouldn't there only be 4 squares?
yes you are right, I miscounted originally. The hut is 20x20 and the courtyard is 40x40. Sorry about that.

Ok, I understand alot better now. Yes I would have to hit Long-Shou with it if I wanted to cast. However, I'll still go ahead and cast despite having to hit Long-Shou with it. I also didn't realize that I was already next to the monster (for some reason didn't read that I was inside the tent). If I need to (I.E. if the beast isn't grappling) I will cast defensively as per above.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
xyrophobic wrote:
I hope that wasn't too confusing.

I actually am slightly confused. If it's a 10x10 room wouldn't there only be 4 squares?

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Initiative: (1d20+2=12)

Vadoma runs up to the tent, pulling out her sword. "Die foul beast!"

Moving up into a position where I can cast color spray aimed at the bug without hitting my allies, while trying to stay not next to the bug. If I need to I will stand next to the bug and defensively cast. Cast defensively check: (1d20+7=10)

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma catches the rope and spurs her horse like the others.

Invisible Castle is down and I'm at work. I used my phone to roll and got a 20+2=22... yes I know it's a 20. I can reroll with Invisible Castle once it comes back up if you want.

"Faysal, I don't know too much about gnolls. But I have heard of raiders that use the desert sandstorms to their benefit. We best be careful."

Once we have reached the ruins or at least one we aren't moving too quickly, I cast mage armor on myself.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Vadoma looks around worried. "What's going on?" As she says this she notices that her companions are pulling scarves over their faces and she does as well.

"I have a bad feeling about this, does anyone see any gnolls about?"

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"Hah! You sound more of a dwarf than a halfling Faysal. Are you sure you aren't just a skinny short dwarf in there?" says Vadoma with a large grin on her face.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Looking at Makin, with a slight smile, "Very well. But if you do ever decide to listen, The Acts will always be here.

"What of you Faysal? Why are you heading to Kelmarane? Surely it must be more than simply to see it again!"

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"I would assume that the problem is bad enough to have us go out there. In fact, while what has happened to Kelmarane is terrible, it is an opportunity for all of us. I don't care too much for the coin, but it is a good opportunity to hunt those "hyena-men" as our Tian companion calls them. As well as spreading the teachings of Iomedae.

"That said, would anyone like to hear some phrases from The Acts. I have a few short ones that could inspire us in our fight against the gnolls."

With this Vadoma reaches a runed-etched hand to the small pamphlet at her side.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

At the tea comment from Long-Shou Vadoma shows a horrified look on her face, looks away, and says "I think I'll pass on the tea... Maybe someone else will want some."

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

"Hello Makin, it's good to meet you," Vadoma says while spreading out her own bedroll. "My name is Vadoma, a priestess of Iomedae... if you couldn't tell." She flashes a smile.

"So what brings all of you on this trip through the desert?"

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Just signed up with it and played around a bit. Got the roller going.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
xyrophobic wrote:

Looks good, I will start a PbP thread later this afternoon, unfortunately work has me in meetings this morning.

Is everyone familiar with invisible castle for rolling? We will use that for rolling.

I'm actually not familiar with it. I haven't done too many PBP campaigns before. I'll look it up though.

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
vagrant-poet wrote:
That's the gist anyway, though I don't know about her stats. Maybe her or Alizor will let us know/post them up!

I know she finished the stats on paper. I think she asked in the Gamer Connection thread where to post it and didn't get an official response. She got sick this weekend so it probably got sidetracked. I'll let her know to make an alias with it and post in this thread. She (hopefully) will have it done tomorrow.

P.S. Trying to post in my character so people get used to it...

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1
xyrophobic wrote:
Looks good, did you see the response tot he crafting question in the other thread?

Yep! I'm just going under the assumption that the group is going to last. Thanks!

Female Varisian Sorcerer 1

Xyro, just making sure my character looked good. I think you mentioned that it did, just wanted to make sure.

Finished up with the character for now. Xyro, I'm going to keep my character "more" updated on the google docs webpage that is in the link for my character. For now I've tenatively put my feats as Magical Aptitude and Skill Focus (Use Magic Device). These do depend on the answers to my previous questions (Are crafting skills going to be allowed/available (I.E. Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, etc.) and will we have time to use them?). Take a look, and I hope you like it/approve!