
Treppa's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter, 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 10,347 posts (19,760 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 94 aliases.

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Tilnar wrote:
That's why I went with the cybereyes. Also, I don't need sunglasses anymore.

Oh man, the Canadian healthcare system RULES.

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Much better, thank you. The bandage contact lens should be removed today, and I can finally see well!

For those who are curious, this is the culprit. The docs remove the raised tissue - like the skin of a blister - and put in antibiotics, dilation drops for the iritis, and the bandage contact. It takes a week or so to heal because I tend to tear off large chunks.

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Justin Franklin wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

I feel obliged to swing by the old clubhouse as well. Good to see all* you bastards again. I hope life is treating you well and that you found someone as abusive as me to put you in your place.


Nobody abuses me as well as you :(
I did double check that I was still on the enemies list.

I remember the day I made the enemies list. In fact, I celebrate Enemies Day on the anniversary.

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The world will not see his like again.

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I hope he manages to hack the Gibson.

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Sorry to hear that, too, Til.

Anybody else already ready for 2025?

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Human Spiritualist 1 (Init +2; hp: 19/19; AC: 12 t 12 ff 10 Senses: per +8, llv Saves: F+4 R+2, W+5 (+4 v mind-affecting, +2 v fear))
D. Kong, Esq. wrote:
** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah, didn't think so. It was easier to include it than to look it up. <== Lazy.

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M Ratfolk Cleric 3 {Init +3; F +4 R +4 W + 6; Perc +6 (darkvision); hp 21/21; AC 18 t 14 ff 15; BAB +2, CMB +1, CMD 14; CLW 8/50}

Nahuatl Ti gets a flank from the dire rat.

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M Ratfolk Cleric 3 {Init +3; F +4 R +4 W + 6; Perc +6 (darkvision); hp 21/21; AC 18 t 14 ff 15; BAB +2, CMB +1, CMD 14; CLW 8/50}

Please just go ahead and bot me for this week. Thanks. (Feel free to use spells, etc.).

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Human Spiritualist 1 (Init +2; hp: 19/19; AC: 12 t 12 ff 10 Senses: per +8, llv Saves: F+4 R+2, W+5 (+4 v mind-affecting, +2 v fear))

"Tell me it's not Santa Claus," Miren mutters back. "Or Jeff Bezos, who I'm convinced is a wendigo."

Miren tugs the brim of her hat down to shadow her face, but continues studying the well, unconcerned with the newcomer - or at least confident in her friend's ability to handle one person.

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Human Spiritualist 1 (Init +2; hp: 19/19; AC: 12 t 12 ff 10 Senses: per +8, llv Saves: F+4 R+2, W+5 (+4 v mind-affecting, +2 v fear))

Miren nods and gracefully seats herself on the ground, motioning the child to join her. "We are listening, Grandfather."

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David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I’d be down with adding 1 or 2. Smaller is better for this sort of game, but 3 is very small!
Mind if I join in?

I dunno. Ya look kinda sketchy, dude.

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M Ratfolk Cleric 3 {Init +3; F +4 R +4 W + 6; Perc +6 (darkvision); hp 21/21; AC 18 t 14 ff 15; BAB +2, CMB +1, CMD 14; CLW 8/50}
Deoraich ‘Dubs’ MacGadai wrote:
Norveg wrote:
"Don't necessarily need no rope..." Norveg suggests.
And I’m mean.

It's just a suggestion. Dubs would have had them all gutted and flayed before anyone else got into the room.

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My group just has a fuzzy elf. The other group gets the gravy and ducks.

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That loot looks like a shopping list for Sharper Image, except nothing is ionized.

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Man, what a nice, kind GM. We are so lucky. :)

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Tilnar wrote:
Note, in this regard, "unnatural" means that it is easily a half-ton of cat-like thing, with black and violet striped fur, long sabre-teeth, a wicked set of antlers, a leathery scorpion's tail -- and a strange, softly glowing violet sigil on his face. It also means, (Planes) and not (Nature)

Holy cow! With wings, it could be the Piasa bird.

Don't mess with the Piasa bird.

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OK, NOW I'm back.

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Hey guys. It's been a blizzard of trouble here, but I think we're digging out. If I can jump back in, I'd love to. If not, I understand.


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Hey guys. It's been a blizzard of trouble here, but I think we're digging out. If I can jump back in, I'd love to. If not, I understand.


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Female Samsaran Warpriest 9;Init +2; Perception +10; AC 20/20/18, HP 84/84

Old bones are up. Save us from more Comedian jokes.

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Thanks, gang. I'm over it, but recuperation seems to take longer than when I was 25. V annoying! I didn't sign up for the aging feature!

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Huh, lots of old-timers still here. And 5475 pages? Nice, but have you broken the forums lately? Eh? Eh?

That's what we did back in my day.

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Tensor wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Do you think Buzz Aldrin ever introduced himself by saying "Neil before me, for I am Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon."
Isn't it on youtube?

Tensor! You have returnethed!

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Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 6(2neg): Init -2, Perception-2, F+11, R+6, W+9; HP 42/54 {CPE 2/4 3D6; LoH 4/8, 3d6; smite, 0/2; divine armor 0/1}

Leandro sways and shrugs uncomfortably. "By Urguathoa's putrid pelvis, let us leave this place quickly. Remember, hold to the rope in the bell tower, lest you hastily visit the belfry."

He makes for the door of the ruined chapel, retracing the way they came in.

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Nahuatl ti wrote:

Also 250 gold each, 300 silver each (left the copper for now)

Thanks for this! It helps.

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Celestial GM wrote:

The Mother Superior screeches and rushes at Leandro. She reaches out a ghostly hand and tries to touch him.

[dice=Melee touch]1d20+10
[dice=Negative energy]1d8
(That attack also comes with 2 levels of energy drain.)

-_- Hope you're not real fond of Quentin.

I used HeroLab to do the 2 neg levels and posted just the changes in a statblock at the beginning of the char sheet. I also updated the stats in his character header line.

Thank you, HeroLab.

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I've carried chalk for so many miles and never, ever used it.

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M Ratfolk Cleric 3 {Init +3; F +4 R +4 W + 6; Perc +6 (darkvision); hp 21/21; AC 18 t 14 ff 15; BAB +2, CMB +1, CMD 14; CLW 8/50}

Norveg bends over and regards Nahuatl ti's friend. "Joo tell 'er that? Well done, lil feller." Straightening up, he speaks to Nahuatl ti. "Handy bloke! Oi heard them's smart. Cute, too. But naw..." He waves his paw in a negating gesture. "Can't 'ardly swim atall. Streams and rivers, Oi gets by. But why suffer if yer ship's sinkin? Best to drown roit away an' get it over wif." He shrugs. "Any chance someones can run a rope?"

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Human, Genetically Engineered Shields: 4 ☺ ☺ ☻ ☻ Armor: 1 ☺ Stress: 6 ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Fate Points: 3

Alertness: 2 + 4d3 - 8 ⇒ 2 + (1, 2, 2, 2) - 8 = 1

"Wow, nice carpet. I'm gonna look for where this lunch goes." She squints at the lunch as if it were the greatest mystery of the age, waving it like it wasn't sending her where she expected to go, playing up the disorientation slightly. She moves to the top of the T and looks both ways to see if there's more than just 101 to the left up here.

No Systems skill.

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Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 6(2neg): Init -2, Perception-2, F+11, R+6, W+9; HP 42/54 {CPE 2/4 3D6; LoH 4/8, 3d6; smite, 0/2; divine armor 0/1}

What I intended Leandro to do (and perhaps described poorly) was to simply loop the rope over the beam and tie it around his waist, not tie the rope to the beam. So it should be loose and we can just pull it down and string it across the floor between the doors.

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History has its eyes on youuuu.

Guess who just saw Hamilton?

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Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 6(2neg): Init -2, Perception-2, F+11, R+6, W+9; HP 42/54 {CPE 2/4 3D6; LoH 4/8, 3d6; smite, 0/2; divine armor 0/1}

Reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Know(religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27


"I honor this holy place, good sister," the paladin cries as he is yanked from his feet.

He attempts to provide his bona fides to the poor deceased bellringer.

Attempting to channel positive energy for 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2) = 13 if he can do that falling upwards.

Never trust a Bell.

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NobodysHome wrote:
His suggestion (I kid you not) was to superheat a paper clip and put it through the fingernail to relieve the pressure.

I tried this, and it didn't work very well. Switched to a heated safety pin, no joy. Stuck the pin between the nail and finger... no joy. Squeezed the fingernail after the pin stick. THAT did it. Gross, but a relief. Didn't lose the nail and avoided doctors. Most of the nail did detach, to be fair, but it restuck eventually.

I have more gross stories if you like.

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quibblemuch wrote:

Hobby flurking schnit, Whiskey A-Go-Go?! That's freaking awesome!

Glad to hear things are going well at the moment, that's great.

Things are good at Quibble Acres, but I've been a bit dragging all the same. Mostly because a lot of my friends are really struggling, and even though things are going well for me, it's hard to watch them hurting, especially since I know there's not really much I can do beyond just being present and knowing that everything eventually passes.

Last night I was asleep and the cat crept up and fell asleep on my hand. I woke up and moved it out from underneath him, because it was pins-and-needles. He chomped down on it and dragged it back under himself.

"Awwww," my wife said when I told her in the morning.

"No. Not awww. I've seen lions do that to dead gazelles on nature shows."

Don't fall asleep too soundly.

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lisamarlene wrote:

I'm having a rough day.

It's the anniversary of my dad's death. The thirteenth to be precise. We'd been out late at an inauguration party celebrating President Obama, and I had maybe three hours of sleep before I got the phone call that he'd been lost at sea.

Wow, my dad died just three days before yours. I'm so sorry for your losses.

Maybe that's why I don't remember Obama's inauguration?

We can share the cookies. <3

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lisamarlene wrote:
The desire to make a lengthy string of quotations and references to the old "Chickenman" radio show (which no one other than me will ever understand) is almost overwhelming.

He's everywhere! He's everywhere!

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Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:

2000 new messages? I'm not reading all those.

For what it is worth, I wear a cloth mask over a kn95 mask. I hate things on my ears, so the behind the head straps on the cloth mask hold the KN95 mask on without my having ear stress. I'm pretty sure it's working, because when I pick up fast food, I can't smell it at all until I take the masks off. My nurse sister said that's a good sign that both the seal and the thickness are effective versus viruses.

Get/stay healthy, everyone.

points wildly Treppa! Treppa!

Freehold! Here I was afraid it was your lastday.

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Ever since I read about the great WHO particulate size f%%@-up, I err on the side of caution, even if it seems like theatrics. I figure if I can smell you, you can give me COVID.

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I think my eyeglasses are cursed. It always feels like there's a hair tickling my nose or eyelashes, but I can't find any evidence of one.

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2000 new messages? I'm not reading all those.

For what it is worth, I wear a cloth mask over a kn95 mask. I hate things on my ears, so the behind the head straps on the cloth mask hold the KN95 mask on without my having ear stress. I'm pretty sure it's working, because when I pick up fast food, I can't smell it at all until I take the masks off. My nurse sister said that's a good sign that both the seal and the thickness are effective versus viruses.

Get/stay healthy, everyone.

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Black Leather Orc sounds like a new kind of Axe Body Spray.

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Happy 2022! Let's hope it's better than 2021.

It's a low bar, but low expectations are the key to happiness.

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Oh, forgot why I came on here to begin with...

Anyone need to shop before we move on? Or voluntarily deduct a bunch of gold from your pay in order to satisfy backstory landlord debt?

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F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

"Could be dangerous." 0nyx claps Raptor on the shoulder. "You go first."

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You are a cynical and suspicious lot.

Good, good.

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I made some tokens for us because I enjoy it and have time. If you have a pic you want for your token, give me a link or PM me.

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F Elf Hermetic Mage Condition: Unimpaired

What? Addition is a perfectly cromulent arithemetic function.

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Oh crap, school's back in and I haven't done my homework.

As an alternative, I can use Eyes (or get another Eyes) to spy out the terrain.

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