
Treppa's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter, 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 10,347 posts (19,760 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 94 aliases.


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Tilnar wrote:
That's why I went with the cybereyes. Also, I don't need sunglasses anymore.

Oh man, the Canadian healthcare system RULES.

Finally better. The bandage contact lens should be removed today, and I can see fairly well.

For those who are curious, this is the culprit. The docs remove the raised tissue - like the skin of a blister - and put in antibiotics, dilation drops for the iritis, and the bandage contact. It takes a week or so to heal because I tend to tear off large chunks.

I'm much better, thank you. The bandage contact lens should be removed today, and I can finally see well!

For those who are curious, this is the culprit. The docs remove the raised tissue - like the skin of a blister - and put in antibiotics, dilation drops for the iritis, and the bandage contact. It takes a week or so to heal because I tend to tear off large chunks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Much better, thank you. The bandage contact lens should be removed today, and I can finally see well!

For those who are curious, this is the culprit. The docs remove the raised tissue - like the skin of a blister - and put in antibiotics, dilation drops for the iritis, and the bandage contact. It takes a week or so to heal because I tend to tear off large chunks.

Much better, thank you. The bandage contact lens should be removed today, and I can finally see well!

For those who are curious, this is the culprit. The docs remove the raised tissue - like the skin of a blister - and put in antibiotics, dilation drops for the iritis, and the bandage contact. It takes a week or so to heal because I tend to tear off large chunks.

I'm sorry for my slowness. I tore the cornea off my LEFT eye this time, so haven't been able to use a computer this week until today. I'll try to update tomorrow.

Yes, it hurts.

I'm sorry for my slowness. I tore the cornea off my LEFT eye this time, so haven't been able to use a computer this week until today. I'll try to update tomorrow.

Yes, it hurts.

I'm sorry for my slowness. I tore the cornea off my LEFT eye this time, so haven't been able to use a computer this week until today. I'll try to update tomorrow.

Yes, it hurts.

I'm sorry for my slowness. I tore the cornea off my LEFT eye this time, so haven't been able to use a computer this week until today. I'll try to update tomorrow.

Yes, it hurts.

Eloen Tamlyranth wrote:
"Does it involve a theoretical quickling?"

Ooooh, I hate that guy. I've rarely hated an RPG villain that much. Rarely = never.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

I feel obliged to swing by the old clubhouse as well. Good to see all* you bastards again. I hope life is treating you well and that you found someone as abusive as me to put you in your place.


Nobody abuses me as well as you :(
I did double check that I was still on the enemies list.

I remember the day I made the enemies list. In fact, I celebrate Enemies Day on the anniversary.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The world will not see his like again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I hope he manages to hack the Gibson.

I think that "determined to split the party" kinda spooked us, as a sort of metagame warning.

I don't think our intent is to go elsewhere; we'd all be in the village. Sahar just wants to visit the family for a bit and try to calm things down (since the father is responsive to her deity), while smarter people investigate the scene. We could always convene in an hour or two.

Watch needs to be at night, when Davin traditionally looked out for the village.

If Eloen could snare that bastard Quickling, that would be AWESOME.

It's obvious the murder scene is overstaged with giant neon arrows pointing at Davin, but Sahar doesn't feel that now is the time to argue with the angry crowd (especially since intimidation is not the long-term thing that diplomacy is). It's an obvious way to remove the night watchman, which makes me think this village is in very serious danger.

Or it's a move to keep us stuck there to guard.


OK, my travels are done. There's a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy to clean up, and my roomie's mother is visiting over Memorial day so the place needs a good cleaning, but at least I'm not driving and collapsing into hotel rooms every night.

Time to keep up with pbps. You may chastize me now if I fall behind!

Sorry sorry. I've been negligent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry to hear that, too, Til.

Anybody else already ready for 2025?

I will be spotty for the next week or 2. We're moving Mom from independent living to assisted care in another entire city (to my sister's home), and it's turning out to be a rocky road.

Not the good kind.

My posts aren't posting! I posted Perception 3 times, but it's not there now.

Grrrrrr. (It was 20, so wouldn't add anything to Nace's catch, but still.)


Ah, Rags, sorry to hear that. What a pain in the butt.

My dyslexia read "feel free to bon my toots," which seemed like some crazy Cajun expression.

Heal up quickly. Pulling for you.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Question: Is ghost Miren’s attacks considered magical?

I don't think so, no. An incorporeal's attack can touch other incorporeals, though I don't think this applies here.

Patrick, thanks for the sinter. Norveg should join Jakun in round 3. 1 summon, 2 move, 3 join in the fun.

wh.. wha!? Uh, dude. What day is it?

It's good to be back. May have another trip in February or March to get Mom settled in Duluth, but I'll take being home in the meantime.

Back, safe and sound after a little highway skating in Nebraska.
Merlan and Tiny.

Looks like I'll be driving on Thursday and available on Friday. Nothing like a 15 hour drive through snow and subzeros, eh?

Just a heads up. I am out of pocket until Thursday, most likely. AFH visiting and network is terrible. It took about 30 minutes to get to this message box. I just hope it posts.

Cancun? *shakes fist*

I was easily capable of murder by the punch line.

I can't believe I watched that whole thing...

Tilnar wrote:

It's Christmas. Santa GM is going to give you each one one-time-use Karma Pool point.

Good to reroll and save your bacon.


Happy ho-ho, Chummers.

Cool, thank you.

And a bright 2024 to you.

We are! And I believe we get a passive Will save against detect thoughts. If not, ignore both Miren's saves.

Miren's Perception rolls are regarding the well, not any onlookers.

What? Rags, unsubtle? Tell me it isn't so.

I like 'em both and am glad Eddie isn't in consideration.

We have a pretty serene group. Tattoo Man might bring some welcome edge and energy to the party. But yeah, the first one fits with the back-country, mountain themes.

I have a slight preference for the second to balance the party and be a bit of a gadfly, but I like both. A lot.

I'm having a ton of trouble updating Paizo, especially this particular pbp. I get the Dreaded Space Rat a lot. At least my last post stuck, even though The Rat visited.

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David M Mallon wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
I’d be down with adding 1 or 2. Smaller is better for this sort of game, but 3 is very small!
Mind if I join in?

I dunno. Ya look kinda sketchy, dude.

I agree with CH on the size. It'd be nice to at least have pairs if we have to split up at some point.

Dubs is meaner. Norveg just doesn't care.

Ragadolf wrote:
In short, I had my PC's off yesterday and today, because I was playing with the breakers, and didn't want to fry them. :P

Wise choice, my friend. PC's aren't yet at the "oh well, it broke, I'll just buy another" stage of being.

Likewise. I didn't see this until a post went up in the gameplay thread, so I guess that's how to resurrect a game!

I'm good with continuing if you like. I was enjoying the game a bunch and looking forward to more. :)

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My group just has a fuzzy elf. The other group gets the gravy and ducks.

I may have picked the wrong group.

Have a good vacation, tt!

Everyone's favorite witch is visiting The Mouse, so he won't be able to post until Sunday. He asks that he be botted.

I'd like to see him cackle to continue misfortune on that damned bear. He could put the ol' evil eye on one of the elementals, too, or maybe steal breath from the bear.

I gotta run to work. If nobody has botted Costin by tonight, I'll do it.

I'm trying to make a case for a combat trained, auto-defend, Int 3 WIS 12 horse to instinctively know to take a 5' step back away from the lightning creature and out of a flank without specific direction from its rider, whi is out of actions.


Should we keep the grenades and trauma patches? We might need the patches (if someone is really attached to their character) and grenades are always handy.

Should drones be checked for gang markings? I can't remember if these were official Triad mooks, or contractors.

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That loot looks like a shopping list for Sharper Image, except nothing is ionized.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Man, what a nice, kind GM. We are so lucky. :)