
The Thief's page

121 posts. Organized Play character for Joey Lafyatis.

This is an extension on the previous thread: "Which Terms Would You Like to Popularize on the Boards"*

*or something like that...

Recently in English Literature, we got off topic about Shakespeare's language, and words found in dictionaries. What happens is, there is a board of people who go out on the internet, and in books,and find how many times a word is used. To little it is kicked out, enough, and it joins the others in the ranks of dictionary. For example, pocket hankerchief was recently removed, and blog filled its plac.

I suggest we combine our super-intelligent brains to create a word, and use it enough in everyday life to get it in the dictionary!

Arachnishadowing (n) To foreshadow anything pertaining to spiders in a piece of literature.
-He totally arachnishadowed the end of the book. You know, where the guy is eaten by a spider!

or more simply:

Heathensson (n, v, adj, adv, part) You had to be there
-Person 1: What happened?
Person 2: Heathensson.
Person 1: Wow! That intense...

Oh wait... I forgot. I'm the only dretch known to man..

*cries silently*

My friends and I have begun dressing up in cardboard suits and making carboard weapons and have been having robot fights. About ten fifteen year olds beating the crap out of eachother with carboard weapons. It is super fun. Thought I would share it with my Paizo friends as well. I will soon post links to videos of the fight when my friend puts them online.

Oy! I was wonnering if'n ye cood change me alias name to... ahem: Frog Cultist, Presidunt of Off-Topic Discussions" as I has jus' won der elecsion.

*froggy smile* :D

So far, we don't have much, and a lot of it doesn't make sense, but ehy, we were just warming up, and now we are rady to dive into this:

Every litmus tetanus shot full onomotopia only amygdalae often suspensions later assassinations attacked thirteen bastards manhandled Heathonsson who knifed thanksgiving tur...

The Game is very confusing. When you aren't thinking about it, you are winning. As soon as you remember you are playing, you lose. Even if you don't want to play, you always are. I am sorry to introduce this into youre lives.

I just lost the game...

Considering getting Baldurs Gate for PS2... yes. no. maybe so?

Anyone else watching this?

Well? How much?

2,800,000,000,000 gumballs at 25 cents. Enough so that everyone in the world could have about 450.

I'm in the mood for blues right now. Thought this thread could list everyone's favorites. Oh man, Friday night, no homework, just took a hot shower, feel great, and listening to blues. Makes me feel all warm inside.

Equinox, by John Coltraine.

-none- (Don't go there) Fish (Does that make sense?) Rogue 3 (Sneaky!)

It was a normal day in the small town of Hargth, located at the base of the Morgaud Mountains. The farmers were out in the nearby fields to the south of the town. Thier wives were at home, preparing meals, cleaning, or gossiping with eachother. The sons were either playing amongst themselves, or learning to fight, depending on age. The daughters were helping the mothers around the house, or collecting berries. The dwarves were at work as usual, carving away in thier mines, searching for precious gems. The halflings were causing the usual minor troubles. Elves were teaching the young ones the importance of archery in a hunter's life.* There was a general feel of everything going great, that relaxed feeling one gets when there is nothing farther down the road that must be done, mixed with the knowing that a great family awaits your return.

*(There weren't any gnomes in this village, the little monsters)

Meanwhile, a few miles away, some evil powers were rising. A group of strong fighters were rallying together, ready to throw caution to the winds, and step up thier petty cart raids, to a full scale village attack. This group sits here now, around a campfire, in the plains to the south of Hargth, plotting how they shall take it by force.

Info Known:
-There are about 100 able fighters in Hargth. The majority of them are at work during the day, in the fields or mines.
-Usually, three carts per day pass where you are, on the road to Hargth.
-Hargth has no real walls, except for a decorative, four-foot high stone wall surrouning the city limits. There are two entrances, from the south, which is guarded by two militia. Also, from the west, which is a mostly abandonned entrance, a wooden gate covers this exit, and is kept locked.

But anyway, we return to our heroes (villains?), busy fighting over scraps of food, arguing about the best way to make a scene...

-none- (Don't go there) Fish (Does that make sense?) Rogue 3 (Sneaky!)

Here it is. Any questions, comments, and the like. Post here when character is finished.

The Exchange

Ahem... yes!

We are now within 3 hours of the debate we have all been waiting for: the two craziest people to ever VP: Biden and the one and only, Alaskan proximity to Russia, um..., hockey mom, pulled back hair, glasses, Alaskan-accent, beauty contest-loser, moose shooting, blank staring, outrageous Sarah Palin!!!!

Can't wait for a stupid Palin reply, or for Biden to shoot his mouth snd something crazy. It should be great. i'm a little disappointed that I'm missing the Office, but this will be just as funny!!!

I was thinking about getting into the 4E with a quick little adventure where a few players make evil characters following 4E guidelines. Players can choose a Drow, Minotaur, Goblin, Kobold, Hobgoblin, Orc, Gnoll, or Bugbear.

I was thinking about setting up a town, and having the group infiltrate and destroy the place for the loot. It might expand from there, who knows. First six to respond are in.

Are you the leader of a cult? Need friends? Just want to have a nice conversation? Then call Rent-A-Minion! We will send out a "minion" to cater to your every needs (except Kobold Cleaver...maybe)!

I feel the obligation to have a weekly poll, probably involving disagreements, caps lock, poodles, etc.

PS: Thanks Jal.

First question to be debated until next Friday:

What levels would you give America, using 3.5E?


On CNN they are monitoring "Audience Reaction" during the 1st Debate... What the hell are they doing?!?!

Have you see that on CNN they have an audience reaction, where they monitor the audience reaction to candidates? What is this bullshit?

Who will win the epic battle and declare thie rcult better than the other

Frog vs poodle

Congregate alls of ye' who bes a froggy!

The Exchange

The Thieves Guild, Crimson Crime, has reached the conclusion that for its first stealth mission, it will attempt to take the Kobold Cleaver's Cleaver. All members will hopefully be posting a Sleight of Hand tonight. This will be opposed by the Cleaver's Spot check, which has a +20 due to Guild Insurance Policies.

The Thief Sleight of Hand: 14

I need one more PC for a PBP, called Not A Chance In Hell. Check it out under IC as "Rumblefish PlaybyPost". Please respond ASAP if you have any interest.

So, there are many different cults in the world of Paizo Threads. Representatives of each cult please step forward, so that we may get some order in this whole business.

I love this guy. He has this way with words, his books sounds so casual and humorous. I like, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid (hence the name), Sunburned Country, and especially A Walk in the Woods.

I should be doing a lab report on how temperature effects the speed at which crickets chirp, but it seems so pointless. So instead, I thought to myself, why not share me misery with the Paizo community. How will this lab help me later in life?

"I kill it" said

Lost two players in my PBP, Not A Chance In Hell. Looking for replacements. First come, first serve. The world is different than usual, and you should check it before you join, just look under Play-by-Post Discussion for Not A Chance In Hell OOC Thread. Make a character, run it past me, and you're in!

Need one more/bump

-none- (Don't go there) Fish (Does that make sense?) Rogue 3 (Sneaky!)


Currently, Bo-Dan is on a skyship, which is heading away from the Skargar Islands, and towards the capital of Menske. She has her own personal quarters, with a bed, closet, and dining table. The deck of the skyship has a giant hole in the middle, where a tornado seems to be whirling around. This is the air elemental that powers the ship. As you walk onto the deck, you are approached by the captain. "What be ye doin' on this here flight, lassie? Shouldn't ye be workin' on trainin' as a monk?" The gnome asks. He smirks, "Or, ye could be headin' for the Green Forest, eh? Want to destroy a beautiful forest?"


Hranos is at the lumber camp next to the Green Forest. He has just registered as a worker, and begins work tomorrow. He has been assigned to work a treemauler, which is a giant machine that chops down trees, and is powered by a Large Earth Elemental. A small halfling approaches you at your tent. "Hey man, you look down on your luck. Don't worry about it, we all are, that's why were here." He smiles."I'm Eldon. I can help you out around here if you want."


Calderis is in the market place of Menske. He owns a small, one-person house down the street. He stands in front of the "local post" a messageboard in the middle of town. One note reads "join the masses, build the road" (work on the Great Combonation Road), another "become a royal deckhand" (work the skyships), and yet another "bartender needed". With all the tough times Calderis is not sure where is future will lead him. He wonders, should he take a new job and travel the world or continue work as on the streets of Menske? As you think, you are approached by a fast-walking halfling, he bumps into you, and begins to yell: "Thief! Thief! This man has stolen my belongings! Guards! Help!" Guards rush from across the market, charging directly at you.


You have been given a squad of five elven rangers, and sent by your superior to raid an encampment of humans attempting to destroy the Green Forest. Currently, it is dusk, and you should begin your strike when the moon reaches its highest in the sky.

man this is awesome!

I need a website that provides a wide variety of colors for lacquer spray paints. I have a black guitar that I am getting tired of. Anyone have a wide selection, cheap site?

-none- (Don't go there) Fish (Does that make sense?) Rogue 3 (Sneaky!)

Overall Geography

To the north of Azemja are the Jemar Mountains. To the southeast is the Gren Forest. To the south is another mountain range, the Stumfyr, which is unpopulated, except for the town of Sorlij, which lies to the very south of the range. Two rivers pass through Azemja. The first is the Bredvan River. The longer of the two, as it reaches the capitol of Menske, it splits into the North Bredvan River, and the Southern Bredvan River. The latter of the two passes through the Gren Forest. The second river is the Liten River, which cuts into Azemja from the west, passes the town of Sted, and cuts back out at the brink of the Gren Forest, at the Liten Delta. There are a group of five islands to the northwest of Azemja, known as the Skargar Islands. This is where many monks learn their skill, in the sacred city of Fem.

I will post a map ASAP

Have a new adventure I want to try. Not sure what level it will get you to, but it starts at one. First four to respond are in. Give me your favored class as well. Try to mix the group up, so that we don't have four spellcasters, or all barbarians and fighters.

My order for Pathfinder 11 has been "Pending" since June 28th, just wondering what's taking so long.

Everyone provides one stanza to the poem. Eventually, when i have at least one hundred posts, I will put them all together, and post THE EPIC GOBLIN POEM!!!!!

I will begin.

By the way, rhyme scheme will be


One stanza per account please.

The goblins are much fun,
Running, giggling madly,
Always think they've won,
While getting beat quite badly.

Male Halfling Rogue/4

Here it is :)

Male Halfling Rogue/4

As the annual Swallowtail Festival begins in the small town of Sandpoint merchants from all sorts of lands begin to set up their stalls. The slight breeze reminds the many locals gathered in the church square that autumn has begun. Among the many locals are some adventurers of a sort: Ivo, a tricky halfling who loves to travel; Felwyst, a parentless spellcaster who is apprenticed to Gorant the Blue; Muchorak, or "Windstriker", the Shoanti ranger of the Cinderlands; Ali, a strange gnome, who has no recollection of home; and a hooded figure, probably a cleric by the garments. All five hear the opening speeches given by Mayor Deverin, Sheriff Hemlock, Cydrak Drokkus, owner of the local theatre, and Father Zanthus. All five are present at noon for the telling of Desna's infamous story about how she fell to earth and in return for aid given by a blind child, she transformed her into an immortal butterfly. All five are there when the hundreds of swallowtail butterflies are released into the air. All five hear the sharp retort, like the crack of thunder, that slices through the excited crowd, as Father Zanthus calls attention to the center podium. This is where our story begins...

As a stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the center podium, where a beaming Father Zanthus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a deep breath to speak, and suddenly a woman's scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, and then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange voices rises: high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.

Alright, let's have some Spot checks!

Male Halfling Rogue/4

Started on my other thread: Right Here

Alright... now let's have some spot checks. :)

Alright, this is another and the final path of RotR that I will be running. I already have a spaced reserved for Khaladon and ghettowedge. Looking for two other players to get this campaign off the ground. Just leave me your prefered class and race. Also, for rolling dice, I will play with the honor sytem, not the online dice roller/link system. Also, no maps, but instead I want to focus on a more narrative approach. Thirdly, I would like a background for your character. Make it interesting, as I want to incorporate it into the adventure.

Looking for four players. We will play 3.5 just because I am more comfortable with these rules. Also, there will be no internet rolling, or whatever, I am using the honor system, and am assuming that the four characters I choose have a set of dice at home...

This is my first PbP, so we might start off a little slowly, but I hope I can make this a fun game. Also, I know that most of you probably have the Pathfinder adventure path magazines, so you know what will happen. Please keep character knowledge and your knowledge seperate :)

Any takers? If so, include your prefered class and race, and I will see if I can work things out with the other potential players. First four to give a definite yes are in.