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At the end of a Tier 2 scenario, I picked an Ally 2 for my Tier 1 character. Nothing in the guide disallow this (this section is on page 10), but page 8 indicates “A character can never begin a scenario with any card that has an adventure deck number higher than her tier.” What am I supposed to do:
Do eidolon gain the subtype and all the advantage associated with it? I don't read that in the unchained summoner, but a player is making the argument. For example, does elemental eidolon gains the elemental traits? (or do Angel eidolon gets all the angel subtype rules, making the resist fire at 4th level strange for example)
The Boon Companion feat allows a character to add 4 to his level for a class that has an animal companion but only up to his total class level. The Ancestral Ally Boon can provide the 1 level bonus (depending on PP/how it is used) but with a maximum of total class plus one. The Huntmaster feat does the same but for some animals only but without maximum. How do they combine? Is the maximum the lowest one, or can they be applied in any order? For example, a 5th level hunter with huntmaster and ancestral ally, does the AC has the stats of a 7th level AC? For a Hunter 1/Fighter 4 with huntermaster, boon companion and ancestral ally, is the AC the one of 5th level hunter, or a 7th one?
Improved Spell Sharing will allow to share a spell with a companion. It seems to me only one instance of the spell exists, but I’m not sure it’s the case, or if this creates two effects. This has several impacts: 1) does a dispel magic targeting the companion or the character dispel the other’s spell/effect?
I created a brand new character to play in Emerald Spire 1. It was a Gnome, with high Con and good Dex, low Str, and average mental ability scores. I picked Point-Blank Shot as it is the prerequisite for Precise Shot, even if I couldn’t select it right away. I choose air because I already have a fire sorcerer and a cold witch and wanted another flavor. I went for the air rather than electricity for a bit more damage and flavor reasons. Wondering if the range of 30 feet would be too low, I picked Air Reach to be able to attack at 60 ft (I think the blast is not usable at range ×5, unlike other ranged weapon attacks). I though of picking the air infusion that let you bull rush, but as it mention switching stat in the CMD check, it meant that the small penalty would apply and decreased the chance of it being useful. The scenario:
The first level of Emerald Spire makes you pay playing a non-darkvision ranged character. It was not much fun. As my character only had 5 ft. vision, he want in melee range and threw his air blast and provoked attacks of opportunity. I was not too worried, his AC was correct, and he had a lot of HP (12, with a CON of 19). He got to 0 hp at some point but didn’t do much (but not nothing, so not so bad). I was worried that the character would a one trick pony, and indeed he was: nothing to do in melee except provoke. That was in part due to my character build. Skill wise, it felt ok, even if those didn’t came up much in the adventure. I also think the ranged touch might have been better to pick (electricity), as it would have make it easier to hit while not changing damage that much. Character details
It’s been some time since the 30th of August but I wanted to thanks all the GM (especially the three that run games I played in) and organizers for the event. Also thanks for the fellow players at my tables for making those games enjoyable. A couple other players mentioned missing the chat room of VTT Game Day 2 or 3. In the chat room, GM would come and tell organizers how much space was left at their tables, while players without table could come and try to find a table.
I created an half-orc hunter for Dragon’s Demand. When I saw the class, I was thinking of a druid fighting alongside his animal companion. I was looking at the vermin companion, thinking it could go with an half-orc. But after some thinking, I changed my plan and went for an half-orc with the Sympathetic Rage and a badger/wolverine. We played the first part yesterday. At first level, playing this hunter didn’t felt like a big difference than playing a druid, except for a bit of proficiency changes and some missing abilities (wild empathy, track). There was animal focus, but it was in a single fight. I went for the +2 con because the animal and my character was getting badly hit, could have gone bad if they got more hit when the HP would have gone off. There was also a warpriest and a swashbuckler in the party. The swashbuckler felt the lack of any weapon finesse. The warpriest had some bad rolls, so didn’t hit much, would have cut things in half if he had hit.
Sympathetic Rage is a feat for half-orc and orc introduced in Orcs of Golarion and reprinted in Advanced Race Guide. My question, is when does the rage ends? Is it as soon as no raging character is adjacent? Or at the beginning of the turn of the sympathetic rager?
After reading the playtest document, I felt that an Investigator was a good fit for a Pathfinder Society character. I had thought of creating an alchemist, maybe with the vivisectionist archetype to replace bombs. The character While creating the character, I was inspired by Agatha from Girl Genius and Sherlock Holmes. I went for a young Taldor human lady curious about the world, having had a bit of alchemy training and wanting to make a name for herself.
The first game I played 5-08 The Confirmation with the brand new character. Most of the party was 2nd level.
The future I worry a bit that the character will be lacking in damage compared to the alchemist – with their potent bombs – and the rogue –who get better sneak damage. If the Investigator class loses Sneak Attack, I hope it will be for a damage boosting ability. In PFS, as long as the character was not played at 2nd level, it is possible to retrain/remake it for free. I’ll probably switch the Bluff skill rank to Heal, taking advantage of the change that it became a class skill.
Looking forward to Savina’s next scenario!
Is it possible to 5 feet in the area affected by grease? The rules indicate that it is not possible to 5 feet in difficult terrain but the spell doesn’t indicate it creates difficult terrain. At the same time the rules for difficult terrain are to move at half-speed and if the terrain is slippery it forces acrobatics checks as the spell does. I would think that using 5 feet in grease is not possible.
There’s still room for my game that is part of the VTT gameday, I only have 3 players. With a fourth, I won’t have to play a pre-gen (and have less chance of the game getting cancelled if there’s a no show). 10am UTC = 6am EDT (UTC−4) = 11am BST (UTC+1) = 12:00 CEST (UTC+2) Contact me directly by mail if interested. (You can’t do that on the messageboards, so just send me a mail) Regards.
As animals are limited by their Intelligence for the number of tricks they know, is it possible to teach a new trick to an animal and have it replace one the animal knew?
This is for PFSOP.
I thought that if an animal had the defend trick it automatically defended because of the text “even without any command being given”. But it indicates “you” so I think I got it wrong, because anyone having the skill could be that you. Should it be used this way:
The skill makes no mention of a master; and Animal Archive has a trick named Selective to have the animal only follow orders of the trainer. Does it mean you can push/handle any animal? I never thought a character could bark orders at an animal companion and have it attack the druid/ranger. It would probably only last a single round, until the druid use a free action to order it back or tries to give it selective as a full-round.
The book contains traits, and under Magic traits there is written “These regional traits are available to all Chelish characters.”
There is the same issue with Social traits.
I have those nice claws I can use 8 rounds per day. I was wondering how to improve their chance to hit and to damage. To Hit seems to be the biggest problem as I level up. Feats Arcane Strike is a feat, but only adds to damage; but to both attacks and also works on weapon. Power Attack is a bonus feat for Abyssal sorcerers, but increase damage at the expense of the chance to hit. Weapon Focus doesn’t seem to be available for claws. Spells To affect both claw I need a Greater Magic Fangs to give both +1. It’s not a sorcerer spell so I’d need a good UMD to use a wand of it. It’s a 1 hour/level spell, so can need not be used during combat. Any bonus to Strengh could help: Enlarge Person (works only on humanoid so not on me, I’m a Tiefling), Alter Self, Bull Strength. There’s a couple of spell that could help like Haste and Transformation. Magic Items Concerning magical items, bodywrap of mighty strikes will only provide a bonus to one of the attack (before level 11) and Amulet of mighty fists are very expensive for an ability used only a couple times in a day. Conclusion Maybe the claws are better used when delivering touch spells? Or maybe the power is only useful at very low level, if at all? Also did I miss any feats/spell/traits/item that could help?
I have a character with the beast bully trait that allows the use of Intimidate instead of Handle Animal to push or handle. She can’t train an animal. Is there any way for her to buy training for an animal or is she stuck with using pre-trained animals?
This game will be part of the Play Like A Pirate Weekend! (09 / 19-09 / 22). It will allow players and GM to enter a lottery to win a PDF of Pirate of the Inner Sea. Check the thread for more details. When
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If you are interested, but the game is a bit early/late that might be arranged, just indicate it in this thread.
As there is spells to allow a character to determine how bad another is (mainly Status), it makes sense to hide the HP of a character to others. At the same time, damage is visible, a character low on hp is probably covered in blood, having some visible injuries. I’ve seen GM handle this differently in PFS (played only online), either hiding the characters health bar to everyone, only showing the party one or showing it to everyone. I’ve also seen some GM ask for Heal checks (using a standard) to determine if someone was dying/dead/stabilized. That’s asking for more PC death I think, but it would also explain why monsters don’t bother striking down (coup de grâce) fallen PC. The Heal check doesn’t mention this use of the skill by the way. I only GMed a single game and hide everyone HP but I think I let the % bar visible. I changed my mind and was going to hide it for the next game. Then I was thinking of those visible injuries, and thought that having different state, like fine 75%, hit 50%, badly hit 25% close to go down, be visible for everyone. What other PFS GM do and why?
1. There’s a character, Foo, in a room. In the next room, another character, Bar, has heard Foo (made her Perception check through door/wall). Foo didn’t hear Bar (failed her Perception). Bar decide to attack, so she opens up the door between them. Is the opening of the door Bar’s surprise round action or is it what starts combat (meaning Bar can still do a standard)? 2. Can a door be opened by a stealthy character? (that’s only useful to know if opening the door would be Bar’s surprise action).
This game will be part of the Play Like A Pirate Weekend! (09 / 19-09 / 22). It will allow players and GM to enter a lottery to win a PDF of Pirate of the Inner Sea. Check the thread for more details. When
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If you are interested, but the game is at a wrong time (1 hour early/late max) that might be arranged, just indicate it in this thread. If I don’t find the minimal three players to start, I’ll probably try to give it a try on Friday morning/afternoon.
I am thinking of Gming my second PFS game for the Pirate Online Week End. I was thinking to do it on thursday evening (starting at 18:00 UTC) but I saw that the event was starting that day and ending on the Sunday. I’m interested in GMing 0-2 The Hydra’s Fang Incident, and I’ll be using maptool and mumble. I need a server for mumble, so if I can’t find one I’ll use G+ hangout instead. Time slot I could do that game for:
I’m mainly interested to see if there would be enough interest for the thursday game, and if not, if there is for another point in time (if I’m available).
After some thinking and searching (in the boards), it seems that all (animal/vermin) familiar understand Common, and can understand other languages based on their Intelligence and their master linguistics skill. Understanding Common Familiar’s type become magical beast for (they are animal/vermin initially): “(…) but is now a magical beast for the purpose of effects that depend on its type.”
As all familiar have at least a 6 Int, they are able of understanding speech. They don’t have a racial language. I believe they are characters so get Common as a language. Speaking Only raven, parrot and thrush can speak one language, as a Supernatural ability.
Gaining understanding of languages When the master gain level, the familiar has a better Intelligence. Starting at Intelligence 12, the familiar will get a bonus language. The familiar also gain languages based on the master’s skill. This post is relevant on the subject, and help me realize that rank in linguistics give bonus : Basically, there is no difference between having ranks and putting them, because the +3 for class skill is mentioned to be when having (“If the skill you’re using is a class skill (and you have invested ranks into that skill), you gain a +3 bonus on the check.”) or having put ranks (“You gain a +3 bonus on all class skills that you put ranks into.”). So when the linguistics skill mention “Whenever you put a rank into this skill, you learn to speak and read a new language.”, I believe it applies to having the ranks. Issues There is the problem with the raven/thrush/parrot understanding of a language.
FAQ This is how I would write these questions if they were in the FAQ. Do familiar understand Common? Do they gain understanding with increase in their Intelligence? Do they gain understanding with increase based on the master’s Linguistics skill? What languages can be chosen for the familiar?
In a PFSOP game, I had a PC with a flag of Taldor used for the Flagbearer feat. If I understand the feat correctly, it should only have applied to Taldoran, right?
An introductory Pathfinder Society Organised Play scenario proposed to you by 勝20100. There’s a lack of online GM, particularly in Europe, so I’ll give PFSOP GMing a try. I spent some time getting used to maptool. I also hope language won’t be a problem, I’m used to play in English but that’s nowhere the same level needed to be the GM.
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If you are interested, but the game is a bit too early, 19:30 BST might be too soon for some, that might be arranged, just indicate it in this thread. If I don’t find the minimal three players to start, I’ll probably try to give it a try at another time. Sorry for the long post, I wanted to be clear to potential new players too…
(I was getting away from the OP question on another thread so I rewrite the whole thing there) My question is about character wanting to use a scroll. 1. Decipher the Writing
2a. Non-casting class or wrong type of scroll (divine/arcane) The second part is emulating a spell casting ability in a class that has the spell in his list, this is done using the Emulate a class feature of Use Magic Device with a DC of 20. The character caster level will be the result of the roll minus 20. Failure to the check means the scroll can not be used (the DC is 20, so the character could get a low caster level inferior to the scroll’s). If the character does not have a good enough ability score (the one from the emulated spell casting class; 10+spell level); it also need to be emulated. The emulated will be the UMD result minus 15. Failure to emulate a good enough ability score means the scroll can not be used. The character tries to cast the scroll:
2b. Casting class but no need to UMD If a character has the Spell class feature, his spells are the same type as the scroll (arcane/divine), he has a high enough casting ability (10+Spell level) and the spell is in his class’ spell list, he doesn’t need to use the skill. If his caster level is not enough, he will need to make a caster level check versus DC scroll caster level+1. 2c. Casting class but UMD needed This happens when the character ability score is not high enough. Also when the spell is not on the class list, for example a Magus using an arcane scroll of Power Word Kill, a Bard using an arcane scroll of Ill Omen or a Paladin using a divine scroll of Raise Dead. The character already has a spell casting feature, so he can use the Use a Scroll part of UMD to consider the spell in his list of spells. This is not needed if the issue was a not good enough ability score.
If the character does not have a good enough ability score (in his casting class; 10+spell level); it also need to be emulated. The emulated will be the UMD result minus 15. Failure to emulate a good enough ability score means the scroll can not be used. The character tries to cast the scroll:
-- A character can also try to emulate a class that doesn’t have the scroll in his spell list (but as always of the correct type) then use the Use a Scroll option to have it in his spell list. It makes sense to do that when trying to avoid emulating an ability scores (usually needing a check of 25~34 while the Use a Scroll DC is 20~29). -- Whatever the result of the spell casting, this is a standard action (or the spell's casting time, whichever is longer) and it provokes attacks of opportunity exactly as casting a spell does. -- I think I understood it right this time (was not the case before…).
An introductory Pathfinder Society Organised Play scenario proposed to you by 勝20100. There’s a lack of online GM, particularly in Europe, so I’ll give PFSOP GMing a try. I spent some time getting used to maptool. I also hope language won’t be a problem, I’m used to play in English but that’s nowhere the same level needed to be the GM.
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If you are interested, but the game is a bit too early, 19:30 BST might be too soon for some, that might be arranged, just indicate it in this thread. If I don’t find the minimal three players to start, I’ll probably try to give it a try at another time. Sorry for the long post, I wanted to be clear to potential new players too…
My character is a first level sorcerer with the abyssal bloodline, demon-spawn tiefling. She has clear succubus ancestry. I want her to have the kind of spells demon have (as spell-like abilities), and play on the strength of the abyssal bloodline.
For cantrips, I went for Detect Magic (some demon have it constant I think), Detect Poison (no demon has it but they have an immunity to it, it made sense somehow), Mage Hand (many demons have telekinesis), Read Magic (the character has no rank in Spellcraft/UMD, so without it she won’t use any scroll). I also considered Bleed for the character, but I don’t see any use for that spell. Touch of Fatigue might be useful to her. I’m a bit lost at what cantrips would be appropriate. For the feat, I went to Fiend Sight that gives the character low-light vision on top of 120 foot darkvision. It can be taken another time to get See In Darkness, and I was planning of getting it at 3rd level. The problem is that it is more devil themed (devils all have See in Darkness), and it does not seem that useful to the character.
The character is from Jalmeray, because it is indicated as a region for tiefling and for the Secrets of the Impossible Kingdom that allowed me to pick a spell and give it a +1 CL (for two rounds Summon Monster I). It is also a center for Nethys faith. I’ll gladly switch the trait for something more useful. I think there is a trait that boosts fiendish animals but you need to be from Cheliax or chelaxian (I don’t have the book). I don’t mind rewriting that part of the character. I don’t want to change the character’s theme; more trying to find options for her.
In a game, a character was casting Light on the tip of his whip. I think it was a mistake as the spell works on the whole object. Anyway, the point was to be able to get a bigger zone of light when the character was using the whip. Does it work?
In another thread, I was pointed out that “ISWG is for players too.” I believed it was a book only for game masters. But at the same time I know that there is crunch in it, ie. Prestige classes, spells and other stuff. Except from those crunch bits, is the book safe for players to read? I ask the questions to GM more than anyone else, what I would like is to avoid reading what is supposed to be GM background and story plots. I don’t find it fun to have to do mental gymnastic to pretend not knowing that X, King of Y, is not a human but a shapechanger for example. So, once again my question is, is Inner Sea World Guide entirely player safe, if no how much percentage is? I have similar questions for almost all Pathfinder Settings books in fact, but also Player Companion books. I heard that Faith of Corruption spoils an AP for example. The book I am more interested in knowing if they are safe or not are Dragon Empire Gazetteer, Paths of Prestige, Gods and Magic, Inner Sea Magic. On top of it, knowing if they are useful for players would be great too. Thanks in advance for anyone answering.
The bear trap in the APG doesn’t mention how long does it take to set it up, nor if any skill is listed, nor that more than one trap can not be put in the same 5 foot square. For the time to set it up, it looks like it should be one minute and provoke attack of opportunity. The Quick Trapsmith rogue talent allows to only take a full-round action to do that. “Resetting a trap usually takes only a minute or so.”
For the skill, as rearming the trap doen’t require a check, it probably doesn’t require any skill check. Other possibilities include Profession (trapper) and Survival checks. I think this information are lacking in the APG entry and should be in the FAQ.
The Elemantal Knight archetype for Sulis magi (Advanced Race Guide 203) does not get Spell Recall as it is replaced by Elemental Matrix. Improved Spell Recall is not replaced by any ability of the archetype. Does it mean that a character can use the improved version, or does it mean that it can not be used at all? It looks like a mistake not to have replaced it ; maybe it was lost in editing. Organized Play Characters