Duke Arvanoff

The Black Rider's page

13 posts. Alias of SwampTing.

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Grand Lodge

We have lost a player who needed to drop for good personal reasons.

But campaign VOs have permitted me to recruit a replacement who will get full credit.

We are only about 15-20% of the way through.

I am looking for a PFS character of levels 15-17.

Post here if interested, or send me a PM.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Discussion thread.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Opening gameplay thread for dots.

Grand Lodge

Brevoy may seem a united country, but its noble houses are ever on the brink of warfare while King Noleski Surtova struggles to keep the peace and prove his legitimacy. A neutral township's baron has died, and the loyalists of several houses have rekindled old rivalries while maneuvering for their respective lords to control the region. As the noble houses maneuver armies nearby in the name of "peacekeeping," the teeters on the precipice of war. Hostilities could spell the end of a famous ruin that the Society is yet to document, and Pathfinders must travel into the powder keg region to delay hostilities long enough to salvage and study the site. For the truly ambitious, it may be possible to avert the war altogether, but canny nobles are as likely to see the PCs as pawns as mediators.


This module will be run as part of the Pathfinder PBP Game Day 7.

Because this is part of an official event, certain rules will apply, most notably: The game play thread will open on 13 August 2018, and we must finish by 30 September 2018. This should be plenty of time, but I will require that each player post at least once every 24 hours most of the time. If life gets in the way, let me know, and I can be flexible, but don't just go missing without informing us.

I reserve the right to skip your turn in combat if you go missing for too long (you will enter delay), or determine your action within reason if it is critical to the party's survival or the rest of the party agrees you should (again this will only happen if you disappear for an extended period of time). Declaring actions (or several alternative actions to be taken under different circumstances) is perfectly acceptable.


Please sign up by posting the following information:

Player's name:
PFS number:

Please also post the following information before we commence:

Starting XP:
Starting gold:
Starting Fame:
Starting Prestige:
Chronicle number for this chronicle:

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Let's see who we have.

Characters confirmed so far:

Please post the following information

Player's name:
PFS number:
Dayjob roll:
Starting XP:
Starting gold:
Starting Fame:
Starting Prestige:
Chronicle number for this chronicle:

The Exchange

Male Human Spell Sage 14 | HP:100/100| AC: 16/ FF 12/ T 14 |CMD: 17| Fort: +12 Ref: +12 Will: +13 | Perception: +18| Init: +3 [|] Uses Ring of Invisibility

Just a generic intro for now while I muster the table.

For many of you, the last few weeks have been a time of rest and relaxation as you took a well-deserved rest from you most recent travels. It is rare, after all, that the highly-trained (and often semi-retired) seekers of the Pathfinder Society are called upon for missions.

But for Pathfinders the call to action can often come abruptly and without warning, and you are reminded of this when a small air elemental comes before you bearing a sealed message.


Grand Lodge. Restricted Library. Midnight tonight. The Grandmother stirs.


Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map


Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Launching on August 25th, 2017!

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Please post the following information.

Player's name:
PFS number:
Character Race:
Character classes and levels:
Light source/vision:
Dayjob roll:
Starting XP:
Starting gold:
Starting Fame:
Starting Prestige:
Chronicle number for this chronicle:

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Astronomers have marveled as the famous comet Aucturn's Tear once more soars through the solar system, yet this cycle, strange portals have begun opening on each planet the comet passes. Rumor about the Grand Lodge is that some powerful entity trapped on the other side of these gateways is desperately calling for help.

Could this be a once-in-a-human-lifetime opportunity to discover what lies through these portals? And will the Pathfinder Society free the captive trapped within or ensure that it remains sealed forever?

This will be run as part of the PBP special event organized by Hmm. Recruitment is closed as the table has been filled.

Players please refer to the discussion thread.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Post this info. I understand most of you will need to wait till Exiel gives you your chronicles, so Exiel get your ass in gear! :p

Player's name:
PFS number:
Dayjob roll:
Starting XP:
Starting gold:
Starting Fame:
Starting Prestige:
Chronicle number for this chronicle:

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

You have been summoned to a hidden chamber deep underground beneath the halls of the Grand Lodge on Kortos Isle in Absalom. The chamber is stark - there has been little need for furnishings, for this chamber was created by the archmage Ralph Cauthorn for but a single purpose.

Dominating the chamber is a rustic hut on two huge, fifteen-foot-tall chicken legs that kick restlessly at the ground. A stylised beak adorns the front of the hut just above the door. Before the hut stands the archmage himself, flanked by two stranger humanoid figures. On his left is a tall and muscular blue-skinned humanoid with five golden eyes, three of which are situated in a vertical line on his forehead. The other on his right is far more sinister in appearance - a looming, horned, skeletal figure in black robes clutching a crooked bone scythe, with a tall fur hat adorning his head. A seething glow burning in its eye sockets, though it seems for the moment relatively docile. Ralph raises a hand to indicate to the paladins in your group to be at rest.

Grand Lodge 2/5

The bonus chronicle gives you the option of getting 2 prestige and no XP or gold. Was this supposed to be 2 fame and prestige?

If no, does this allow a new character gaining the chronicles to have more prestige than fame?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Tracking purchases:
Blanmieux: Belt of Con +2

The Exchange

Male Human Spell Sage 14 | HP:100/100| AC: 16/ FF 12/ T 14 |CMD: 17| Fort: +12 Ref: +12 Will: +13 | Perception: +18| Init: +3 [|] Uses Ring of Invisibility

The main courtyard of the Grand Lodge is abuzz with activity today. At the edge of the bustle, a lone figure stands with his arms crossed and his feet floating just a few feet off the ground. As he observes the hurried preparations for the Pathfinder Society's next big venture, he muses to himself with feigned indifference, and just loudly enough that those nearest to him might be able to hear him if they really wanted to.

"So, at long last, the Pathfinder Society has reassembled the Numerian device known as the Sky Key. Initial tests suggest it is capable of projecting a location’s past into the present, allowing Society agents to peruse books from destroyed libraries and speak with echoes of long-dead heroes. Now that it has perfected the Sky Key’s controls, or so it believes, the Society is preparing to extract a slice of Absalom’s history and bring it into the present. However, there’s no telling what might be waiting inside—or who in the present might wish to wield the same power."

"Somehow, I doubt this will go as smoothly as Kreighton Shaine hopes."

Grand Lodge

This is a recruitment thread for The Sky Key Solution for the 5th PbP Gameday. The game will run from August 27th to October 11th.

This will be a tier 5-6 table. Preference will be given to characters in that level range in order of sign-up, followed by characters out of tier in order of sign-up. Since this is a timed scenario ran across multiple tables, I will expect at least one post a day for each participant, in order to keep up with the other tables.

I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day if not more, as this is a season special and we need to keep pace with the other tables. I reserve the right to put you in delay to keep things moving. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name:
Character name:
Any special tricks I should know about your character:

I will also need you to have in your profile either a link to your character sheet or have all your character details entered in your profile.

The Exchange 2/5

If any new level 12s are looking to play Eyes of the Ten under a 5-star GM via play-by-post, there's a recruitment thread here.

Silver Crusade 2/5

What happens if I start playing Eyes of the Ten, but have a level 13 chronicle waiting for my character?

I have a character at level 12 that I want to play Eyes of the Ten with.

I am also planning to run Rasputin Must Die.

Must I play Eyes first? What happens if I run Rasputin Must Die (sanctioned for level 13-15), assign the GM credit to my level 12 character, then start playing Eyes?

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Ascetic Style wrote:
Benefit: Choose one weapon from the monk fighter weapon group. While using this style and wielding the chosen weapon, you can apply the effects of feats that have Improved Unarmed Strike as a prerequisite, as well as effects that augment an unarmed strike, as if attacks with the weapon were unarmed attacks.
Amulet of Mighty fists wrote:
This amulet grants an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons.
Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes wrote:
Once per round, the wearer may add an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on one attack and damage roll for an unarmed strike or natural attack (for one specific attack, not all attacks made with an unarmed strike that round).

If I wear a body wraps of mighty strikes with the speed property, an amulet of mighty fists with the holy and flaming properties and a +5 keen cestus, does my cestus strike become a +5 keen holy flaming speed strike (total +12 worth of bonuses)?

Grand Lodge 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Legal table already achieved. There is 1 slot open and another slot tentatively open.

I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day if not more, as this is a season special and we need to keep pace with the other tables. I reserve the right to put you in delay to keep things moving. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.

Due to the time schedule for this special, the vacancy will be closed in 24 hours if not filled. To enter, please post:

Player name:
Character Name:
PFS Number:
E-mail account: (in case you win a boon in the roll at the end)

I will direct you to the gameplay thread via PM.

Grand Lodge 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Originally posted in the rules questions sub-forum, and it was suggested that I re-post it here since it is for a PFS character.

Mantle of the Protector

Mantle of the Protector wrote:
At the start of each day, the owner of a mantle of the protector may spend 10 minutes attuning the mantle to his armor and shield. He may then lend his attuned mantle to an ally, who can activate it as an immediate action at any time to gain the owner's armor and shield bonus as well as any other special properties the armor may have for 10 minutes. When the mantle is activated this way, the owner's armor and shield go dormant, and he loses any benefits they may provide for 1 minute.

Is this item supposed to be usable all day long at will, or am I missing something in the text?

Can my wizard from get a lyrakien familiar, deck him out in a tiny full plate and tower shield, cast alter self on the familiar to make him medium-sized for 10 minutes and have the familiar spend the 10 minutes attuning the cloak, then let my wizard wear it and use it every 10 minutes to get +13 AC all day long while keeping the familiar in a familiar pouch out of the way of harm?

This is going to be for a PFS wizard, so please no comments about how you would house-rule it. Should this item be banned from PFS until a usage limitation is imposed? Because if it is not, I know what my level 11 wizard's next item is going to be.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Mantle of the Protector

Is this item supposed to be usable all day long at will, or am I missing something in the text?

Can my wizard from get a lyrakien familiar, deck him out in a tiny full plate and tower shield, cast alter self on the familiar to make him medium-sized for 10 minutes and have the familiar spend the 10 minutes attuning the cloak, then let my wizard wear it and use it every 10 minutes to get +13 AC all day long while keeping the familiar in a familiar pouch out of the way of harm?

This is going to be for a PFS wizard, so please no comments about how you would house-rule it.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Opening thread for discussions

Abit of house-keeping: I need your profiles to be updated with the usual info for PBPs. HP, AC (including touch and flat-footed), saves, perception and initiative, and any miscellaneous that you want me to remember.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Opening thread for dots.

Grand Lodge 2/5

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–11.

The Pathfinder Society has opened its gates to visitors from across the world in anticipation of the Grand Convocation, a magnificent festival in which Pathfinders share tales of their exploits, show off their findings, and celebrate the Society’s accomplishments. However, an inopportune accident quickly spirals out of control when an old enemy attempts a brazen assault on the Pathfinders’ home, and an unexpected foe emerges from hiding to seek vengeance for the Society’s perceived crimes. Can the Pathfinders pacify the chaos and protect their guests while simultaneously defending the Grand Lodge?

"Siege of Serpents" is a multi-table interactive adventure in which each group’s actions contribute to the entire room’s success.

Written by Jim Groves.

This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------

This scenario will be run as part of the PBP Gameday #3, and will run from 19 September to 20 December 2015. I will be recruiting for the 4-5 subtier.

I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day if not more, as this is a season special and we need to keep pace with the other tables. I reserve the right to put you in delay to keep things moving. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.

Please follow this link for the sign-up.

I will update this thread with the current roster as the spots fill.

Grand Lodge

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–11.

The Pathfinder Society has opened its gates to visitors from across the world in anticipation of the Grand Convocation, a magnificent festival in which Pathfinders share tales of their exploits, show off their findings, and celebrate the Society’s accomplishments. However, an inopportune accident quickly spirals out of control when an old enemy attempts a brazen assault on the Pathfinders’ home, and an unexpected foe emerges from hiding to seek vengeance for the Society’s perceived crimes. Can the Pathfinders pacify the chaos and protect their guests while simultaneously defending the Grand Lodge?

"Siege of Serpents" is a multi-table interactive adventure in which each group’s actions contribute to the entire room’s success.

Written by Jim Groves.

This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------

This scenario will be run as part of the PBP Gameday #3, and will run from 19 September to 20 December 2015. I will be recruiting for the 4-5 subtier.

I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day if not more, as this is a season special and we need to keep pace with the other tables. I reserve the right to put you in delay to keep things moving. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.

To sign up, please post the following information:

Player Name:
Character name:
Any special tricks I should know about your character:

I will also need you to have in your profile either a link to your character sheet or have all your character details entered in your profile.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map


Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Several weeks have passed since your most recent return to Absalom. For all of you, this has been on the back of some truly epic accomplishments. Defeat of a Runelord of Ancient Thassilon, forays into the World Wound and battles with monstrous generals of the Calamari King of Wanshou. After all your storied accomplishments, the change of pace is a welcome respite.

Having bonded with your fellow agents on these adventures, it has become unremarkable for you to call on each other or invite each other to visit on social visits. However, even amongst you, it is rare for the haughty and reclusive archmage you know as Ralph Cauthorn to make social calls, so it is with some surprise that you receive on one otherwise unremarkable morning a summons to his laboratory at the Grand Lodge in Absalom.

When you arrive, you find that light refreshments have been prepared and laid out on a small table in a corner of the other laboratory, far from his shelves of books and magical reagents. A few relatively simple but comfortable couches surround the table. His workdesk stands just a few paces from the refreshments, but the archmage himself is nowhere in sight. As you step into the room, a voice calls out from the stones.

”I will be with you shortly. Until then, please take the opportunity to make yourself comfortable.”

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My Spell Sage just hit level 11.
What I want to do is this:
1. Cast contingency, using my focused spells class ability to cast it at caster level 15 so I can get a contingent 5th level spell.
2. Use Spell Study to cast breath of life together with the contingency.
3. Set the trigger condition as my own death.

Is there anything I have misread that prevents me from achieving a contingent breath of life if I die in this way?

Silver Crusade 2/5

This game is being run on the Paizo boards by PBP, and we're still at the mission briefing. We're in high-tier and would like a level 9, 10 or 11 character to join us in taking down Krune.

Our party has:
level 10 wizard specialising in dazing fireballs
level 10 magus
level 10 paladin/sorcerer (buffer/tank)
level 10 summoner sorcerer
level 10 aid-another-focused cavalier (ridiculous ACs ahoy)

Ideally we're looking for a strong healer or high single-target damager to join us. Sign up by posting what you have in this thread.

Grand Lodge 2/5

I've just finished running a pbp for Reign of Winter book 3 as a sanctioned module. One of the players asked about the later books. His character survived and he also has another character who has completed Eyes of the Ten.

What are the rules about running a sanctioned module with characters past level 11?
If I run a module for level 11 characters, can a level 13 character also join if he in in-tier?
Do I need special permission to run a game for characters above level 11?

Grand Lodge 2/5

Spoiler for Reign of Winter Book 3:

In the sanctioned portion, there is a ritual that the party can perform that will age them to old age. The partying I am GMing is in the process of going through this ritual, and I can see some of them completing the ritual instead of suffering the Slay Living spell at the end. If they decide to complete the ritual, is this a condition that they will need to deal with or remove before continuing in PFS? The sanctioned portion states that it can be removed by a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Discuss away.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

For the past several months, Irrisen has been the topic of hushed conversations. Reports of pockets of unnatural winters appearing around Golarion, of the fabled Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga being captured and shackled in the Irrisen capital of White Throne, and more recently rumours of a daring raid by a band of murdering vagrants (i.e. hobos) who dared, in the midst of a period of civil unrest, to sneak into the heart of White Throne itself to steal the same Dancing Hut from under the noses of Irrisen's elite Winter Guard. For some of you, these are more than just rumours. You know full well the truth of these matters, having participated in them yourself.

Whatever your knowledge of these matters, you were not expecting the elaborate way in which your summons was conducted. A warded missive that required a drop of your own blood to open, separately-sent instructions for the decoding of the missive, the flames that suddenly consumed the summons after you read it. However, the summons had been sent by the Society's Master of Spells himself, and when Aram Zey called, you knew well to respond.

You have followed the instructions in the missive and found your way to a secret chamber which you reckon must be several feet below the Lodge in Absalom. Having passed through dark, rough-hewn corridors to get to this chamber, you were surprised to find your destination rather comfortably furnished and well-lit with torches bearing flames that burned without fuel or heat. 3 comfortable couches, an enormous soft rug and at the far end, a rosewood desk with a high-backed chair upholstered with red velvet. There is no sign of the Master of Scrolls, and for the moment, nothing to give any clue as to why you have been summoned.

Grand Lodge 2/5

This game will be run as a sanctioned module for PFS PBP Game Day 3. As a result, only PFS characters from level 8 to level 10 can apply.

The game will begin on 1 November 2014.


Following a daring raid by a team of Pathfinders on the city of Whitethrone in the midst of a political upheaval, the Pathfinder society now finds itself in possession of the fabled Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. However, there is no time for study, not only because the hut itself is alive and has a mind of its own. Queen Elvanna of Irrisen has set in motion a series of events that threaten to cover all of Golarion in an eternal winter, and the Pathfinder Society has taken it upon itself to find Baba Yaga so she can deal with her errant descendant!

Master of Spells Aram Zey has divined that the keys retrieved by the previous team of pathfinders will bring the hut, and the Pathfinders within, to the distant land of Iobaria, to the entrance of one of three immense and mystically linked dungeons constructed by Baba Yaga herself. He is confident that the Queen of Witches has hidden the next clues to her whereabouts within those dungeons, as well as the means to get there.

Zey now scrutinises the list of available Pathfinder agents, hoping he can find enough available agents with enough skill and ability to perform the task...and survive.


Sign up here.

Grand Lodge

This game will be run as a sanctioned module for PFS PBP Game Day 3. As a result, only PFS characters from level 8 to level 10 can apply.

The game will begin on 1 November 2014.


Following a daring raid by a team of Pathfinders on the city of Whitethrone in the midst of a political upheaval, the Pathfinder society now finds itself in possession of the fabled Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. However, there is no time for study, not only because the hut itself is alive and has a mind of its own. Queen Elvanna of Irrisen has set in motion a series of events that threaten to cover all of Golarion in an eternal winter, and the Pathfinder Society has taken it upon itself to find Baba Yaga so she can deal with her errant descendant!

Master of Spells Aram Zey has divined that the keys retrieved by the previous team of pathfinders will bring the hut, and the Pathfinders within, to the distant land of Iobaria, to the entrance of one of three immense and mystically linked dungeons constructed by Baba Yaga herself. He is confident that the Queen of Witches has hidden the next clues to her whereabouts within those dungeons, as well as the means to get there.

Zey now scrutinises the list of available Pathfinder agents, hoping he can find enough available agents with enough skill and ability to perform the task...and survive.


To sign up, please post:

Your name:
Your character's name:
PFS Number:
Whether you've played part 1 or 2 before (this will help me in my prep).

Please also update your character's profile or include a link to your character sheet.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Discussion thread.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Your latest mission for the Pathfinder Society finds you in Varisia. You get the impression that your selection for this mission was rather rushed, as you were not even given a face-to-face briefing, but rather simply asked to meet at the main hall of the Grand Lodge in Absalom, and were there given a missive from Venture-Captain Amara Li Aram Zey, then ushered to a caravan bound for Korvosa.

The missive from Venture-Captain Amara Li Aram Zey was clear, and comes to mind as the skyline of Korvosa rises into view over the calm waters of Conqueror's Bay in southern Varisia.

"Recently the Society acquired a new ally in Absalom named Sendeli Foxglove. Now she has made something of a personal request. Sendeli has a sister named Zeeva in Korvosa who owns a successful marketplace. A competing business interest is threatening Lady Foxglove, and her sister requests the Society investigate and intervene."

"If you consider the matter pedestrian and more suited toward the local constabulary, I wouldn't blame you. Even so, there are extenuating circumstances. First, the competing business interest is the Aspis Consortium. It makes little sense for them to harass a local greengrocer, so there must be a deeper layer to this. Maintaining close ties to Sendeli Foxglove is an agenda the Society feels is worth pursuing in and of itself, but if we can assist Zeeva while also hampering the Aspis Consortium's efforts to gain influence in Korvosa, all the better."

"There is smoke here, now find the fire. Extricate Zeeva Foxglove from this feud with the Consortium. If she's anything like her sister, she'll want to be an active part of this team-but you are not to let her put herself in danger! We've made that clear to her, and you're expected to abide by it and ensure she does as well. If this matter is simply crooked business, then just resolve it and continue on to Magnimar where Venture-Captain Heidmarch will surely have more in store for you."

You will have time to make purchases in Absalom before setting off, so make a post about any purchases you make and an in-character post once you're ready to proceed.

Grand Lodge 2/5

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.

When an ally of the Society reports that her sister's business is being harassed by the Aspis Consortium in the Varisian city of Korvosa, a team of Pathfinder agents is dispatched to the Green Market to assist. What they find there is more than simple strong-arming and intimidation, however. What mysterious forces bring the popular market its unlikely success, and can the PCs stop the Aspis Consortium from gaining control of what could become a lucrative resource for the rival organization?

Written by Jim Groves.


It's a late start, but it's a straight-forward enough scenario that we should be able to complete it by 5 July 2014.

Starting this weekend.

Info and sign up in this thread.

Grand Lodge

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.

When an ally of the Society reports that her sister's business is being harassed by the Aspis Consortium in the Varisian city of Korvosa, a team of Pathfinder agents is dispatched to the Green Market to assist. What they find there is more than simple strong-arming and intimidation, however. What mysterious forces bring the popular market its unlikely success, and can the PCs stop the Aspis Consortium from gaining control of what could become a lucrative resource for the rival organization?

Written by Jim Groves.


To sign up, please make a post with your PFS profile for the character you will be using, citing your race, classes, level and PFS number.

You will also need to update your PFS profile OR send me a link to a soft copy of your character sheet (post the link here or send it to me via PM).


This module will be run as part of the Pathfinder PBP Game Day 2: A Hymn of Wind and Fire event. Boons will be available, as is the norm for conventions.

I will start the game on 31 May 2014 by Singapore time, or when the game gets the minimum number of players to start if we do not have enough people by that date.

Because this is part of an official event, certain rules will apply, most notably: The game must finish by July 5th 2014 to qualify as being part of the event. If we finish after that date, I will report it as a private event, but we won't get to roll for boons. Having read the scenario, I think we should still have enough time if everyone posts regularly, but I will require that each player post at least once every 24 hours most of the time. If life gets in the way, let me know, and I can be flexible, but don't just go missing without informing me. This falls squarely under the 'don't be a jerk' rule.

I reserve the right to skip your turn in combat if you go missing for too long (you will enter delay), or determine your action within reason if it is critical to the party's survival or the rest of the party agrees you should (again this will only happen if you disappear for an extended period of time). Declaring actions (or several alternative actions to be taken under different circumstances) is perfectly acceptable.

To speed the process, I will automatically roll all gather information checks, perception rolls and initiative rolls, or other rolls as necessary (or any other check that is not initiated by you).

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Opening thread for pre-game discussion

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Opening gameplay thread for pre-game RP and dotting.

Grand Lodge 2/5

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.

Few are as adept at fighting demons as the Riftwardens, an organization of spellcasters dedicated to protecting the boundaries between the planes. Many are already committed to the Fifth Crusade in Mendev and are unable to assist the Pathfinders directly in the society’s upcoming expedition into the Worldwound, but if the Pathfinders assist the Riftwardens elsewhere, perhaps a small number of the mages might be free to return the favor. Unfortunately, this means entering the godless nation Rahadoum, where several Riftwardens have recently disappeared.

Content in "Port Godless" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax, Osirion, and Qadira factions.


For details and sign-up, please follow this link

Grand Lodge

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.

Few are as adept at fighting demons as the Riftwardens, an organization of spellcasters dedicated to protecting the boundaries between the planes. Many are already committed to the Fifth Crusade in Mendev and are unable to assist the Pathfinders directly in the society’s upcoming expedition into the Worldwound, but if the Pathfinders assist the Riftwardens elsewhere, perhaps a small number of the mages might be free to return the favor. Unfortunately, this means entering the godless nation Rahadoum, where several Riftwardens have recently disappeared.

Content in "Port Godless" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax, Osirion, and Qadira factions.


To sign up, please make a post with your PFS profile for the character you will be using, citing your race, classes, level and PFS number.

You will also need to update your PFS profile OR send me a link to a soft copy of your character sheet (post the link here or send it to me via PM).


This module will be run as part of the Pathfinder PBP Game Day 2: A Hymn of Wind and Fire event. Boons will be available, as is the norm for conventions.

Because this is part of an official event, certain rules will apply, most notably: The game play thread will open on April 5th, 2014, and we must finish by July 5th 2014. This should be plenty of time, but I will require that each player post at least once every 24 hours most of the time. If life gets in the way, let me know, and I can be flexible, but don't just go missing without informing me. This falls squarely under the 'don't be a jerk' rule.

I reserve the right to skip your turn in combat if you go missing for too long (you will enter delay), or determine your action within reason if it is critical to the party's survival or the rest of the party agrees you should (again this will only happen if you disappear for an extended period of time). Declaring actions (or several alternative actions to be taken under different circumstances) is perfectly acceptable.

Silver Crusade 2/5

A player obtained the boon "the Kirin's debt repaid" (25% discount on 1 item purchase), and has the master of trade vanity (10% discount on an item purchase), and wants to use both on the purchase of the 1 item.

Can he stack both discounts? If so, are the discounts multiplied or added? Does he pay (90% x 75%) of the item's cost or 65% of the item's cost?

Grand Lodge 2/5

I am having trouble reporting a game I GMed. It is The Snows of Summer (Reign of Winter part 1).

Here is a picture of the info I entered, yet I keep coming up with the message "One or more required fields are missing."

What am I missing?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Do either of the yetis in this scenario lose their fire vulnerability? The GM is telling us that per my knowledge nature roll, they have no vulnerability. One of our players checked the prd and found that yetis do have fire vulnerability. The GM then said that it is not in the monster's stat block.

The thing is, we are all level 1, there are only 4 of us, and from the reviews this is quite a lethal scenario. BUT one of us is a focused fire mage, and might be our ace in the hole for the final boss. So I need to know, do the yetis in this scenario lose their fire vulnerability for any reason? If not, and it's not in the stat-block, should there be an errata for the scenario?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

The Master of Spells eyes your group as you file into his office. He takes in each one of you in turn as he purses his lips in disappointment.

You lot, huh? Well I suppose I should’ve expected you’d be the best I could scrounge together. House Malassene is hardly amongst the most prominent of Taldan houses, and Lady Argentea Malassene is little more than a debutante. Yet the gratitude of a Taldan noble house is still the gratitude of a Taldan noble house, and I suppose there is something to be said for rescuing a lady from bandits. I suppose that’s why I was allowed to get a group together in the first place.

The Master of Spells’ eyes suddenly light up with interest.

But me, I’m more interested in where she was kidnapped. You see, we are now at what should be the height of Taldan Summer, but hunters from the Border Wood near Heldren have been speaking of unnaturally cold weather descending on the forest for almost a fortnight now. Heavy snow now covers the area, and those who have returned from that wood speak of an uneasy presence in the woods, as well as new, dangerous creatures. Creatures of winter and cold that have never been seen anywhere near Heldren before. There’s magic involved, to be sure. Powerful magic, and whilst I don’t expect you to be able to do much about it, I’m hoping you’re at least capable of simple reconnaissance and sample-taking for me.

So your primary orders are to rescue her little ladyship before she bursts a blood vessel over a fit about the ‘outrage’ done to her. But unless you want to walk back to Absalom, you will also find the source of this strange phenomenon. Examine it closely , and bring me a full report. If it is portable, and you bring it back, you will have the benefit of the gratitude of the Master of Spells – no small thing, especially for greenhorns like yourselves. Now then, before the trail grows cold...

Without even giving you time to ask questions, Aram Zey impatiently begins to trace a complex symbol in the air whilst invoking an incantation in the strange, spidery tongue that is the language of magic. You start to feel light and your vision blurs as you feel every portion of your being gripped by an eldritch force.

Oh one more thing. You will be going to the Willowbark Apothecary where the sole survivor of Lady Malassene’s entourage is being treated by one Elder Safander. He should be able to point you in the right direction. Now then, off you go.

With that, your stomach lurches as all fades to white and you feel yourself yanked across a vast distance at an impossible speed. Your vision and other senses clear soon enough, though some of you suspect your stomachs may have been left behind in Absalom. It is night time, or at least pre-dawn, and you are on a quiet street of hard-packed earth, surrounded by various low wooden buildings. The air is cold, much colder than you recall it being in Absalom, and those amongst you without cold-weather outfits, cold resistance or an endure elements spell start to shiver miserably. A sign hangs in front of the building closest to you, creaking noisily as it sways in the chill wind. Painted on it in a neat but plain script are the words “Willowbark Apothecary”.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

It is not every day that you see a flying ball of light flitting about the Grand Lodge in Absalom, much less a talking ball of light claiming to be sent by the Master of Spells himself to round up a group for an expedition. Which is why none of you really put up much of a protest (if you do at all) when the flying ball of light directs you to his office with instructions to wait outside.

There are a few plain but comfortable couches in the hallway outside his office, and you help yourself to a seat as you tentatively eye the other hapless novice-Pathfinders who like you have been herded into gods-only-know what (new) suicide-mission Aram Zey wants you to go on. You figure now is as good a time as any to get to know them.

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