Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
PS: thank you. :)
GM Aram Zey |
No problem. I don't have the scenario yet though so I can't set much of an opening scene yet. I'll just go with what I can see from the scenario description.
The Pathfinder Society's Grand Lodge in Absalom has been abuzz with activity lately. It is about a month to the Grand Convocation, and preparations are in full swing for the event. The Grand Convocation, as all good Pathfinders know, is a magnificent festival in which Pathfinders share tales of their exploits, show off their findings, and celebrate the Society’s accomplishments. For this purpose, the Society will be opening its gates to visitors from across the world, and all of Absalom has been swept up in the excitement (and the coin that inevitably flows from the Society as the preparations proceed).
I guess this will be during your down time between sessions, when you guys are doing your day jobs, arranging for equipment upgrades or ordering new gear.
Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
Not a problem. And thanks for running this.
Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
Wait, wait, wait, . . . does this mean I get stuck with the Heart Ring?
Wayreth |
Ha, if you mean whether you're stuck as as the party face, Wayreth is actually not bad at diplomacy. In fact, in his latest adventure he talked down an entire tribe of kobolds who were spoiling for a fight, and got their full assistance the Aspis Consortium came knocking.
In terms of numbers, I have a +8, or a +10 if I use my ioun stone cracked Magenta Prism ioun stone to boost my diplomacy. =)
GM Aram Zey |
Every year, the Grand Lodge hosts the Grand Convocation at its campus in Absalom. While the Grand Convocation is ostensibly not a party, it is an opportunity for the Decemvirate and Absalom’s resident venture-captains to express their gratitude to field agents and those venture-captains stationed abroad. The Grand Convocation also serves the practical purpose of encouraging networking, relationships, and shared intra-Society communication. The Twelve are well aware that some interaction between field agents will only ever occur informally, hence the festivities serve to provide an excuse for agents across the Inner Sea to meet and mingle, if only for a week.
The capstone event is a banquet with remarks from Marcos Farabellus, the Master of Swords, who will touch on the Society’s many successes from the last year, and it is here that this chapter of your career as a society agent begins.
GM Marcos Farabellus |
Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus strides up to the large crowd and claps his hands together for attention.
"“Welcome Pathfinders, one and all! And welcome to our traveling venture captains stationed abroad as well our honored guests! I am Marcos Farabellus, and on behalf of the Decemvirate, I welcome you to the Pathfinder Society’s annual Grand Convocation! I shall address all of the attendees later this afternoon to announce some of the Society’s greatest accomplishments over the past year and our plans for the future. In the meantime, I invite you to stroll about the campus, meet with your peers, and enjoy all the sites of the Grand Lodge. We have set up numerous challenges and contests so that you can show off your skills or sharpen them if need be. I’ll send around ushers when it’s time to assemble for the speeches on the north lawn. Enjoy!"
GM Aram Zey |
As is traditional in such events, you begin engaging in the obligatory mingling, and find yourselves standing in a circle with a handful of other Pathfinder agents.
Psst. That would be you meeting each other. Introduce yourselves.
Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
"This will actually be my first Grand Convocation, and I'm pretty excited to finally see what all the talk's been about."
Looking around the room, the gentle priest nods at the other assembled agents, then extends a hand (or hug) in greetings.
"I am Salubri, a humble cloister and priest of the Dawn. I was, what you call, field promoted, but it's been a little while since I've been on a mission. Not, too long, mind you." he says with a smile, realizing his mistake in words.
"But I bring the comforting words of peace, and the hopes of redemption to those in need, as well as administering a healing hand in our darkest hours."
Jani Lee Two-spirit |
A slender figure in desert robes with a prominent golden holy symbol of Sarenrae around their neck raises a hand in greeting. It is not clear whether this person is male or female, and their skin is oddly shiny and stiff, looking almost like the exoskeleton of an insect.
"We are Jani Lee, of Zelshabbar, and a follower of the Dawnflower as well. We have just recently returned from an expedition to the Sanos Forest near Magnimar, and before that, the Gloomspires of the Shackles. We are also known for fine clothing and scarves in the style of our homeland, and we are in negotiations to open a shop in the Coins district."
Jani does accept the offered hand, and Salubri notices that their fingers feel segmented and chitinous. Jani also doesn't seem to want to meet his eyes, but their own eyes are a vivid red.
Rowanna Nachtalus |
A young woman of obvious Chelaxian descent stands idly nearby, wearing a dark dress and carrying a small parasol to shade her pale skin from the sun. Sitting on her shoulder is a raven that nervously darts its head around at all the various people milling about.
Turning her attention to the aasimar and tiefling conversing nearby, she seems amused by some thought for a few moments before she joins the conversation, "You make quite a pair of bookends. My name is Rowanna, although I must say my attendance here today wasn't my original plan, but a friend insisted that I make an appearance. On my shoulder is Morrey. He can talk, but I doubt he will do so with so many people about. It makes him anxious when I won't let him fly away to hide."
Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
Welp, we have not one, but two Witches. I am pretty sure we just won the scenario. One witch often tends to make many challenges minor. But two. . . <Ha ha ha>
Prig Lil |
A grippli riding a giant frog hops over to your group. His armor seems pieced together from multiple different sets, and he has a lance strapped to his back which is made of really good quality. If you're aware of the boon, it's a Smine lance - so really good quality.
"Hello everyone! My name iz Prig Lil, ze great frog prince! And thiz iz my trusty steed Sir Hops-A-Lot!"
A young human male dressed in Grand Lodge robes catches up at this point, stopping behind him to catch his breath.
"Ah yez, and thiz iz my teller of talez - Patzy! He writez up everyting and deliverz the copiez to two placez. Ze first iz to ze Grand Lodge, where ze tale goez into ze Chronicles. Ze second iz to be published in Taldor, where old ladies faun over talez of my exciting adventurez! What are we calling zis one Patzy?"
Patsy catches his breath, and then says "This would be #14 - A Grand Old Party!"
"Ah yez. For what a party it will be! I'm sure it will feature much of ze politicking and ze smooching and ze like," Prig says, with a nod towards Rowanna. "Some might be bigger playerz in ze story zan most."
Rowanna Nachtalus |
Rowanna blinks a few times at the grippli riding a giant frog, but quickly appears casually bored again, "Charmed, I'm sure. I hope your mount doesn't eat birds."
Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
"I think what Rowanna meant to say was, there is only really one way to see if Sir Hops-A-Lot is actually secretly the real prince."
Prig Lil |
"Ah madame, I assure you that he doez in fact eat birdz, along with flyz, spiderz and other small woodland animalz that happen to be attacking us. Hiz brother had a habit of eating mephitz and died trying to eat a mummy. But I have him well trained only to eat thingz I feed him or thingz that are attacking me. And honestly I do not think that tiny bird iz trained az an attack bird. I assume it servez some ozer purpose for you, no?"
When Prophet mentions Sir Hops-A-Lot, the frog starts jumping up and down excitedly.
Wayreth |
A faint draft stirs behind the gathered ensemble. At first you think it is the wind, until a hitherto unnoticed figure speaks in a soft voice.
"Well now, isn't this an eclectic gathering. I should fit right in."
The speaker is pale and slight of build, and he is garbed in light trousers and shoes under a cloth tian-styled overcoat secured at the waist by a long sash. Lacking any weapons, armor or magical tools, he looks for all the world like just another migrant commoner from tien... except that a perpetual breeze stirs his hair and blows at his clothes.
"Name's Wayreth. Just a passing traveller and itinerant merchant here to see the sights. I sometimes help the society with procurements," he says with an easy smile.
Ralph Cauthorn |
"It is a sign of the Society's influence and inclusiveness that we have such a variety amongst our agents. An aasimar, a tiefling, a grippli, a sylph and a human... sounds almost like the beginning of a barroom joke."
The speaker is a tall Tian human in a simple but well-made robe. He leans heavily on a staff as he approaches your group and looks at you all dourly.
"My name is Ralph Cauthon. I am a senior agent and one of the foremost experts in the society on matters of arcane import. Rather unfortunately, my recent wresting of a fellow agent from Pharasma's Boneyard through arcane rather than magic has earned me Pharasma's ire, and she prevailed on Nethys to impose a temporary restriction on my abilities..."
"And SO. Whilst my erstwhile group is given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to retrieve artifacts on a distant PLANET... I am stuck here... chaperoning..."
The DC to read the above spoiler is now 0.
"But this is meant to be a celebration, is it not..." He gives a long sigh before continuing in the most disinterested tone imaginable. "I have been compelled to find a group of apparently promising young agents and advise them that there are a variety of contests organized by Society staff set up as stations throughout the the Grand Lodge. I am obligated to encourage you to participate and mingle through these frivolities that you may get to know each other better in purely platonic ways. Swap stories, exchange ideas, learn
new techniques and supposedly have fun."
If you didn't know better, you'd think he was complaining. Actually, you do know better. He IS complaining.
GM Aram Zey |
Ralph most dourly informs you that the following activities are available for participation in before Marcos Farabellus' next address:
1. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY at the menagerie and training area on the grounds (test of handle animal, intimidate or wild empathy)
2. RECITAL/STORYTELLING near the temporary structures west of the front gates (test of bluff/perform)
3. LORE SYMPOSIUM at an outdoor lecture area in the Quadrangle (test of linguistics/knowledge)
4. OBSTACLE COURSE near the training grounds (test of acrobatics/dexterity)
5. SLEUTHING at a lecture hall in one of the eastern outbuildings (test of heal/perception/survival)
6. TRAP MASTERY in a spare room at the Mausoleum (test of craft traps or disable device)
7. WEIGHT LIFTING at the training grounds (test of strength)
Being a scholar himself, Ralph expresses a personal preference for the lore symposium, but tells you that the choice is yours as to where to go first.
Everyone vote for two locations/competitions that you most want to participate in. Ralph will take you to the most-voted option first.
Jani Lee Two-spirit |
"We have no skill at storytelling, and animals... do not prefer our company. The Lore symposium sounds quite fascinating, as does Sleuthing."
Jani also asks Wayreth about his mercantile travels, wondering what sorts of goods he carries. "Have you passed through Sedeq? That is where we got our start selling the clothing of our homeland."
Prig Lil |
"It iz a shame that youz dizcount how much animalz feel about youz. Sir Hops-A-Lot certainly likez youz!" Prig says to Jani, while nudging Sir Hops-A-Lot towards Jani. Sir Hops-A-Lot takes one look at them and then backs up slightly.
"Anyway, it doez not matter where we go, for I am sure I will triumph in anything. But I will not complain if we go to dealing with animal huzbandry or weight-lifting."
Wayreth |
Jani also asks Wayreth about his mercantile travels, wondering what sorts of goods he carries. "Have you passed through Sedeq? That is where we got our start selling the clothing of our homeland."
"Regrettably not. My caravan started off with trade in goods from my home region of Tian Xia, though recent ventures have opened some other opportunities in the Mwangi Expanse through Aya Allahe, a business associate of the late Venture-Captain Sharrowsmith."
"I am always on the lookout for new business opportunities though."
"As for the festivities, I may have an interest in seeing what traps they have at the trap mastery exhibit. Just to see what new devices I could employ to keep my trade goods safe, of course. It is not like I have any particular skill in disarming traps. Why would a simple trader like me have any skill at getting around traps that safeguard the goods of others?"
When Prig Lil gives his vote, however, the waifish man smiles broadly. "Triumph in anything? An interesting claim. I hear that your race rivals even the elves in speed and dexterity. I would love to see it myself. Shall we compete at the obstacle courses?"
Rowanna Nachtalus |
Ignoring Salubri's jest, Rowanna replies to Prig's comment earlier about his frog's eating habits, "Morrey is extremely important to me, so please place him permanently off your mounts menu."
The bird on her shoulder nods vigorously and says, "Yes, yes, I'm very important to my mistress and I taste very, very bad!"
* * *
In regards to the activities she says, "I believe my talents are best served at the Lore Symposium or perhaps Sleuthing. In fact, I have absolutely no interest in the other tasks besides those, but I suppose I shall follow along for the common good and all that if that's the group's decision."
Jani Lee Two-spirit |
"Should our little scorpion companion, Ku, find it necessary to emerge from our robes, please make sure the frog does not eat him, either."
"Perhaps, Rowanna, when all this is done, our familiars could spend some time in communion? One rarely meets another follower of the left-handed path, after all, and it may be that we have some learning to trade."
Rowanna Nachtalus |
"I'm sure we can work out a mutually agreeable arrangement, Jani. I haven't heard what we do called the left-handed path before, although I must admit that does have a certain ring to it."
Prig Lil |
When Prig Lil gives his vote, however, the waifish man smiles broadly. "Triumph in anything? An interesting claim. I hear that your race rivals even the elves in speed and dexterity. I would love to see it myself. Shall we compete at the obstacle courses?"
"Oh you're on breeze boy!" says Prig, as he stretches his legs.
Patsy facepalms and mentions under his breath "This is not going to end well..."
switching my vote of weightlifting to obstacle course
The bird on her shoulder nods vigorously and says, "Yes, yes, I'm very important to my mistress and I taste very, very bad!"
"Fair enough. You hear zat Sir Hops-A-Lot? No eating the beautiful woman'z talking bird," Prig says, directed down at his mount. Sir Hops-A-Lot looks at Prig with sad puppy dog eyes, but then lets out a large croak and lashes his tongue out at a stirge flying near the raven. Upon swallowing the stirge he looks content.
Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
"The Obsticle Course sounds interesting. Of the others, I'm certain I could aid in many ways, but I think the Sleuthing I'd be most able at."
Just a heads up. I'm getting very close now to heading out. Tomorrow may be my last day to post for a bit, but as I'm going to have to pack up my computer, too, it may be a bit less than I'd like. Please feel free to play me as needed. I've tried to make everything on my character sheet pretty clear and easy. RP wise, I tend to try to use words first, but if absolutely necessary, then strike fast and hard. I try to deal non-lethal damage with unarmed strikes, and please note I do have a Variant Channeling, so I only heal for half. Deflect/Snatch Arrows is mostly to make Alchemists bombers have a really bad day.
Rowanna Nachtalus |
Surprised at the sudden appearance of a stirge nearby, Rowanna takes a few steps back as Sir Hops-A-Lot devours it, ""
Jani Lee Two-spirit |
"That is what it is called in Kelish -- If we recall correctly, it is called witchery in Taldane, yes? And the right-hand path is called wizardry."
(Just making this up, by the way. Would be cool, though.)
Ralph Cauthorn |
Ralph notes the votes impassively.
"Well then, even votes for sleuthing and the obstacle course."
Which a flick of his wrist, two small orbs appear in his hand. He casts them to the a short distance from himself, and then with another gesture from his hand, the orbs crumble, each leaving a small token with an inscribed number.
1d2 ⇒ 1
"Sleuthing, and then the obstacle course, and then we'll see what time we still have afterwards."
With that, Ralph beckons for your group to follow him. He leads you to an outbuilding on the Eastern grounds of the campus. Within is a lecture hall where several agents have set up a fake crime scene. An audience watches as a blindfolded Pathfinder is led into the middle of the scene. He then removes his blindfold and is given two minutes in which to examine the scene before replacing the blindfold. He is then tasked with describing from memory all of the clues and forensic evidence that he noticed to an audience and event organizer. The organizer takes notes as he recites the evidence, and when he is finished, the organizer writes his name and a number to a chalkboard on the wall.
"Sairaag - 22"
The crowd murmurs. As he is the first name on the board, it is difficult to tell whether 22 is a high or low score.
"Well then, young ones. The floor, as it were, is your's."
All of you can attempt to participate by each rolling either a heal, perception or survival check. The floor is reset and altered after each new participant is blindfolded, and there are enough stations that you can each make an attempt simultaneously anyway.
Rowanna Nachtalus |
That's an interesting way to put it, Jani. I like the real life occult analogue there.
"I prefer the term Witchcraft myself, but since some of our spells are similar to other arcane casters we tend to get lumped in with them. I believe I'll adopt the Kelish expression though, it certainly suggests that what we do is quite different." Rowanna replies to Jani before Ralph sets up the first task.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
GM Aram Zey |
So we don't get stuck here, I'll roll for Salubri.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13
Jani and Wayreth put up an admirable performace, but the rest of the party is unable to impress either the organizer or your chaperone. Wayreth and Jani find their names added to the top of the list to much applause from the crowd.
"Good to see that we still have agents who are able to keep their wits about them when needed!" the organizer says approvingly.
Wayreth and Jani, you each gain a special reward that you can use once during this scenario: you can get a +2 competence bonus on one Heal, Perception, or Survival check attempted during this scenario.
In contrast, Prig finds his way to the bottom of the list, but his performance is met with much laughter and amusement.
GM Aram Zey | does not say. I'll make a compromise and say that you can use it after rolling but before finding out whether the roll was a success or failure.
"That was... eye-opening," Ralph comments drily, though he seems to take some note of the performance by Jani and Wayreth with some approval.
As other contestants move forward to try their skill at the sleuthing station, Ralph beckons you to follow him to the next event that you voted for.
The obstacle course is set at the Society's Grand Lodge training grounds. It features a dizzying array of high wooden beams, suspended ropes and jumping challenges designed to test an agent's manual dexterity. You arrive just in time to see an elf clad in leather armor and a belt practically dripping with daggers effortlessly running along a narrow zig-zagging wooden beam, jump from the beam to a swaying rope bridge about 2 metres away, and then racing across the rope bridge amidst appreciative cheers.
Her name is added to the top of a list on a large chalkboard nearby.
Merisiel - 22
"Not too shabby, but I not her best performance either. No matter. Who was it that wanted to compete at this?"
You can each make an attempt at the obstacle course by making a dexterity or acrobatics check. You can remove your armor and leave your shield behind before attempting the course, so you can ignore armor check penalties if you wish.
Alternatively, you can try a diplomacy check on Ralph to get him to talk about events surrounding this year's Grand Convocation.
Rowanna Nachtalus |
Knowing she has little chance to overcome such a high score by the nimble elf, Rowanna doesn't take the performance in the obstacle course seriously, as she still dreams of a decisive victory in the lore contest.
Dexterity: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Prophet of the Purifying Flame |
Having no armor nor a shield to remove, Salubri simply walks into the Obstacle Course and has at it, remaining calm as he leaps, and ducks, sliding, and bounding.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 <+14 for jumping>
Wayreth |
"Oh-ho? Looks interesting," Wayreth mutters as he gathers the winds beneath his feet and launches himself over the first obstacle.
acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Jani Lee Two-spirit |
Jani shrugs, and makes an attempt.
acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Halfway through, they lose their balance, and only catch themselves by a narrow, segmented tail whipping out from under their robe and wrapping around a pole, but momentum is gone, and they step away from the course, not even bothering to finish.
Prig Lil |
Prig goes up to the people running the Obstacle Course and asks if he can run the course while riding Sir Hops-A-Lot. He'll keep arguing until they either let him go through the course while riding or he is no longer welcome at the course.
Sir Hops-A-Lot's Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
GM Aram Zey |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I'll meet you in the middle. ;)
The organizers refuse to let Prig Li ride his mount on the course, as it is meant to be a test of an agents prowess. However, one young acolyte points out that if Sir Hops-A-Lot was at least an initiate, he would be allowed to compete on his own. The organizer sputters that it is preposterous, but Ralph quickly interjects that there is actually nothing in the Society's charter that technically forbids this. Prig Lil immediately declares that he thereby sponsors Sir Hops-A-Lot to join the Society as its newest initiate... much to the chagrin of the organizer.
A few moments later, Sir Hops-A-Lot's name is entered on the chalkboard just above Wayreth's, to much uproar and amusement from the crowd.
Both Wayreth and Sir Hops-A-Lot can gain a +2 competence bonus on one Dexterity-based skill check attempted during the adventure.
Ralph Cauthorn |
"Ha ha ha. Well, I must admit that this has been more amusing that I had anticipated!"
"Alright then, now that the frivolity is over, perhaps we can get to something a little more intellectually stimulating, hmm? Oh and by the way Wayreth, I think you have shown us enough of your skills for now. Let the others have a go, hmm?"
Wayreth, you now have two of the one-use bonuses and cannot gain anymore. Ralph stops you from competing from any of the other events, insisting that part of being a society member is letting other members have a chance at exercising their talents.
Prig Lil, you and Sir Hops-A-Lot share a cumulative limit of 2 bonuses, so you can get 1 more. same for Jani.
Ralph escorts you to to an outdoor lecture area in the Quadrangle. Unlike the other events, this station is not a competition as much as an open panel discussion, and you are invited to contribute as best you can. As you approach, an old white-haired human by the name of Ezren is giving a treatise on magical precepts and their applications to homunculus crafting.
"Hmm... He's got the right general idea, but there are a few points on which I wish I could correct him! But alas, as your chaperone I am forbidden from directly participating, for I am to 'give the younger agents a chance to demonstrate their skill and enjoy the festivities', as Farabellus puts it. Well, then. Show me what you've got."
Despite Ralph's words, any knowledge or linguistics check can be rolled for this event. Everyone except Wayreth can roll.