GM Aram Zey |
This game will be run as a sanctioned module for PFS PBP Game Day 3. As a result, only PFS characters from level 8 to level 10 can apply.
The game will begin on 1 November 2014.
Following a daring raid by a team of Pathfinders on the city of Whitethrone in the midst of a political upheaval, the Pathfinder society now finds itself in possession of the fabled Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga. However, there is no time for study, not only because the hut itself is alive and has a mind of its own. Queen Elvanna of Irrisen has set in motion a series of events that threaten to cover all of Golarion in an eternal winter, and the Pathfinder Society has taken it upon itself to find Baba Yaga so she can deal with her errant descendant!
Master of Spells Aram Zey has divined that the keys retrieved by the previous team of pathfinders will bring the hut, and the Pathfinders within, to the distant land of Iobaria, to the entrance of one of three immense and mystically linked dungeons constructed by Baba Yaga herself. He is confident that the Queen of Witches has hidden the next clues to her whereabouts within those dungeons, as well as the means to get there.
Zey now scrutinises the list of available Pathfinder agents, hoping he can find enough available agents with enough skill and ability to perform the task...and survive.
To sign up, please post:
Your name:
Your character's name:
PFS Number:
Whether you've played part 1 or 2 before (this will help me in my prep).
Please also update your character's profile or include a link to your character sheet.
GM Aram Zey |
1. I'm on GMT+8 time. I will check rather regularly and will use the discussion thread to let players know when to expect me to respond (so we don't get stuck in a limbo wondering where the GM is).
Players must be able to post reasonably regularly. If we are down to waiting on 1 player for more than 3 hours whilst in combat, I reserve the right to declare a sensible action or a delayed action to keep things running if we are only waiting on 1 person for a long time, or if we wait on 2 people for an even longer time. If you expect that you will be gone for more than 3 hours AND we are in the middle of combat, feel free to post a series of 'if X, I will do Y'. Practically, if you post once every 12 hours at least, you should be fine.
2. You must have a level 8-10 PFS character for this part (it's the rules).
3. I will roll all perception and knowledge checks for you to keep things running smoothly. The exception to this is of course perception checks initiated by you, say, if you are searching a room. If you want a standing decision that you will take 10 on either type of check, declare it and I will have you take 10 when circumstances permit it.
You will roll your own saving throws. However, to keep things running, I will post what happens if you succeed/fail. Roll the save and take the entry that applies to you.
4. Be polite, be professional, have a plan to kill everyone you meet. (ahem...oops wrong crowd) I mean...have fun! =)
GM Aram Zey |
Current roster:
Subject 42 - Magus 9
Alden Helpinghand - Cavalier5/Fighter2/Golden Legionnaire 1
Exiel - Sorcerer/Oracle/Paladin 9
Since this is effectively a Tier 8-10 module, we can't supplement the party with a pregen, so we will need 1 more sign up for a legal table.
More sign ups than that will also be welcome.
GM Aram Zey |
I'm sure I can find us someone.
As far as Alden's job in combat, he and his wolf mount both focus on the Bodyguard feat, and with aid another actions they can add up to a +16 Dodge bonus to the AC of an adjacent ally.
Thanks Tyler. Once we have a table I'll open the gameplay thread for initial introductions, interactions and briefing (so we can delve right in once the PBP event officially kicks off).
How does your +16 dodge bonus work? I can see +4 from each of your mount and yourself with the helpful traits, and an extra +4 total from both benevolent armors. What am I missing for the last +4?
awesome. I usually am in the middle of combat, and a AC above 40 would be nice. Oh, i am also in the middle of transferring my character sheet to an online version.. pain in the behind.
Here is Subject 42. =sharing
Thanks Zachary. Where your +3 misc mod to AC is from?
Your name: Gabriel Tang
Your character's name: Exiel
PFS Number: 40919-4
Class/level: Sorc-ra-din 9
Whether you've played part 1 or 2 before (this will help me in my prep): Both 1 and 2. =)
Does your AC include the extended mage armor you cast each day?
Amsheagar |
I've been looking through my character sheet trying to figure out where it came from. I know i added it about 3 years ago after i picked up a feat or something, i just cant remember what it was. Looking back at the scenario sheets, i found a belt of incredible dex that i never added to my character sheet either.
Since i can't find out where it comes from, i'll take it off and update my sheet. I should also spend some of the gold to upgrade other things.
cartmanbeck RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Thanks Tyler. Once we have a table I'll open the gameplay thread for initial introductions, interactions and briefing (so we can delve right in once the PBP event officially kicks off).
How does your +16 dodge bonus work? I can see +4 from each of your mount and yourself with the helpful traits, and an extra +4 total from both benevolent armors. What am I missing for the last +4?
He gives another +1 Luck bonus to AC to adjacent allies when challenging, and if he uses Fight Defensively or Total Defense, he adds another +3 Luck bonus to them thanks to Blundering Defense (+1/2 the Dodge bonus given, which is +7 before that).
Ka Jinsa |
151760-10 PFS #
Sacred Fist 8 of Shizuru (LG. I play her like an eastern themed paladin.)
Player: Clay Midgett
Character: Ka Jinsa
Played Parts: 1 of 3
She fits the martial slot well and has excellent backup healing capacity.
Would love to be considered for the game. Cheers! I'm transfering all of her information from a hardcopy to electronic. If you notice any errors let me know I'll hash them out. I've been playing and loving this character at my local gaming store on our PFS nights. She's in between modules now and I'd love to get her into a PBP.
Exiel |
Yep I factored in mage armor since an extended one lasts 16 hours, which is practically the full work day. If I have spells left come nightfall, I'll usually declare that I cast one before I sleep as well.
Exiel is predominantly a diplomat (diplomacy at +23, and I don't think I've ever failed a diplomacy check with this character before).
Apart from that, he's made to be able to respond to a wide variety of situations. Floating +10 and another floating +4 to skill checks (and they can stack - something which has been invaluable in passing vital checks for faction missions/secondary success conditions). He also has good defences and decent melee and disabling abilities (DC 21 glitterdust and DC 20 adhesive spit).
With my new battle cry feat, he's also provides the party with re-rolls on saving throws (up to 9 re-rolls each day!).
He used to be passable as a healer, but at this tier his healing abilities are merely token. Guess you can't do everything. XD
Alden Helpinghand |
Neat, I have a Dhampir boon from a covention game. I can't decide what to make him or her class-wise.
My lone dhampir boon is a negative-channeling-focused Cleric of Urgathoa. Urgathoa is the only PFS-legal deity that has access to the Disease version of variant channeling, which lets you heal ability damage when you heal with negative energy. Combine that with the Undeath subdomain power that lets you turn an ally "undead" for several rounds, and he's an excellent after-combat healer. :)
GM Aram Zey |
This is a convention event, so you're in if you sign up before it's full.
Ka, I think you forgot to add an additional point of AC and CMD when you reached level 8, and you also forgot that sacred fists cannot use shields if they want to get their unarmored AC. So your AC should be 22 (touch 20, FF 21). Other than that, I think you're fine.
Happy to see you, Constantin. We now have a legal table with 5 people.
Current roster:
Subject 42 - Magus 9
Alden Helpinghand - Cavalier5/Fighter2/Golden Legionnaire 1
Exiel - Sorcerer/Oracle/Paladin 9
Ka Jinsa - Sacred Fist 8
Constantin Vladescu - Oracle 8
The gameplay thread will open sometime soon for introductions and character interaction. :)
Sue Basilbottom |
Your name: Pirate Rob
Your character's name: Sue Basilbottom
PFS Number: 15001-11
Class/level: Monk 3/Cleric 1/Paladin 1/Champion of Irori 3
I have played part 1 and GMed both parts 1 & 2. Technically I have GMed part 3 as well but we were so far off the plot rails I had stopped reading the AP by part 3.
I am going away this weekend for a local con but will have my character profile updated by Tuesday.
GM Aram Zey |
Your name: Pirate Rob
Your character's name: Sue Basilbottom
PFS Number: 15001-11
Class/level: Monk 3/Cleric 1/Paladin 1/Champion of Irori 3I have played part 1 and GMed both parts 1 & 2. Technically I have GMed part 3 as well but we were so far off the plot rails I had stopped reading the AP by part 3.
I am going away this weekend for a local con but will have my character profile updated by Tuesday.
That's ok. Did you play part 1 with this character, and did you apply any GM credit for part 1 or 2 to this character?
When you update your profile, please include your archetypes to help me understand your character. It looks like you took Master of Many Styles (but I'm also going to guess that you no longer have Crane Wing).
GM Aram Zey |
Sue: By 'agile fists' do you mean an amulet of mighty fists with the 'agile' enhancement? (Your hits have barely any force...but perhaps they target acupuncture points and deal damage that way?)
Also, since you might be the first character ever for whom I think I will need to pay attention to carrying capacity! It looks like your carrying capacity is 12lb. Items with significant weight are:
Gong - 5lb
I think that's it so far.
Sue Basilbottom |
It is indeed an agile amulet of mighty fists.
Got the rest of my stuff added.
11.95 lbs for those of you who are curious
Belt of Incredible Dex .5 lbs
Bracers of the Avenging Knight .5 lbs
Cloak of Resistance +1 .5 lbs
Deliquescent Gloves .5 lbs
Headband of Inspired Wisdom .5 lbs
Alchemist's Fire 1 lbs
Bronze Gong 5 lbs
39 Small Cold Iron Shuriken 1.95 lbs
Small Monk's Outfit 1 lbs
Nexus Crystal .5 lbs
Total 11.95 lbs
Weights include the reduction for small size when appropriate.
It would be nice to have a porter so that I could have things like rope but alas
She likewise turns away potential followers of any sort, and may not recruit (and must discharge from service, if already acquired) any cohort, follower, animal companion, familiar, special mount, or similar creature.
Subject 42 |
Do you have a backpack or a Handy Haversack? because you forgot to add three things to your calculations.
wands 3 oz (normal size 1oz each x3)
potions 1oz (standard is 1oz of liquid, not including glass.)
wayfinder 16oz (normal size, if half it's 8oz.)
20oz = 1.25lbs (if half size for wayfinder that's 12oz = .75lbs)
total 12.7lbs - 13.2lbs
with the handy haversack you can put things in it that you need, but don't need in a fight.
Sue Basilbottom |
Do you have a backpack or a Handy Haversack? because you forgot to add three things to your calculations.
** spoiler omitted **
with the handy haversack you can put things in it that you need, but don't need in a fight.
I'm familiar with the haversack. I double checked the character sheet. The monk outfit is .5 not 1, the missing .5 is the wayfinder.
No weight on the wands/potions.
Weight: This is the weight of an item. When a weight figure is not given, the item has no weight worth noting (for purposes of determining how much of a load a character can carry)
I'd rather not get into a long debate here about the details of the encumbrance rules. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to keep discussing though.
GM Aram Zey |
It's close enough, and the gong is usually used out of combat so I'll just assume that Jinsa or Exiel carries your gong for you, and everyone should be satisfied. From what I can see they have more than enough capacity to spare.
FYI, a masterwork haversack is also useful for increasing carrying capacity. I've had a player in one of my games use both a handy haversack and a masterwork backpack - his justification is that the handy haversack is in the masterwork backpack, and the MWBP makes it easier to carry the handy haversack. Seemed legit by the rules so I allowed it. :)