PBP Game Day 7: 9-03 On the Border of War

Game Master SwampTing



Discovery points: 6

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Discussion thread.

Liberty's Edge

F Picture of Dailung Kitsune
AC 25/T19/FF17 HP 68/68 F+8 R+15 W+8 Init +8 Perception +13
Swasbuckler (Whirling Dervish) 9

Does this mean we are in?

Silver Crusade

Like Flynn!

Grand Lodge

Image CG Half-elf(wildborn) Tk 9 | HP: 141/120(NL dmg=27)| AC 25 T15/FF20, CMD:21, Fort:+15*, R+13*, Will:+7*, Init:+7, Percep:+26(30 vs sound) | Burn:3 | conditions: none | Active effects: Force Ward(21 temp HP),Fortification 15%, Air Cushion(featherfall)AirShroud(air bubble), TK Invis

Hey folks. Glad to be here.

The Concordance

Neutral Aquatic Elf Witch 9| HP74/74 | AC18 T12 FF16| CMD 21 | Fort 7 Ref 7 Will 11 | Speed 30/Swim30ft | Initiative +2|Perception: 12 | Profession Herbalism: 19
2nd-Fal Life, Cure M W*2, See Inv| 3rd-Heart of Met | 4th-Control Water, D.Door*2| 5th - Teleportation

This is gonna be fun!

Sovereign Court

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3)

I'm curious to see how Antonella plays. My -1 was building towards Champion of Irori, but unfortunately died permanently at level 5.

Silver Crusade

Hey Greymore, Worg & supervillain!

Ugh, bummer supervillain.

Antonella has been interesting to play from level 2.

The Champion of Irori (CoI) is really a slow burn build. It’s only about now (haven’t played her at level 9 yet) that she starts flashing the PrC’s potential power. Her saving throws have always been good, but now I can pump her AC up quite high with smite, crane style feats and Osyluth Guile.

Her damage output should also start looking respectable with smite, ki attacks and multiple flurries. Because of this build’s low strength, bracers of the avenging knight are a must. I want to add deliquescent gloves ASAP.

I think most of the CoI class abilities are pretty rubbish. The strength of the class is building up BOTH paladin AND monk combat prowess with each advancing CoI level.

From level 2 to 8, I was very selective about the party composition I had Antonella join – to ensure she didn’t gimp the party. Having said that, she’s been a pretty good healer and frequently tied up minibosses/support mooks allowing the heavy hitters to focus on the biggest threats.

A part of the challenge at low levels was figuring out how she could contribute to each encounter.

I think she did pretty well ;)

Silver Crusade

M Mutant Phalanx Fighter 3, Paladin 2, Wizard 4, Swashbuckler 1

I think the Champion of Irori is a really cool prestige class. Mine ("Xan, the Mountain Dragon") was mainly Strength based, so he worked well enough at low levels. I went with Dragon Style, and planned on being a smite engine via channel conversion (bronze gong). I also had a cleric dip (strength domain for enlarge person, and inevitable domain for Command).

I was super unlucky with both his deaths. First one was an axe crit courtesy of a demon. After that I got a (pre-nerf) Jingasa. His second and final death was the result of a string of awful rolls; I haven't calculated the actual odds, but I'd say it was probably hundreds-to-one against.

EDIT: I just calculated the odds of Xan dying in the manner that he did: 0.0003141! Just over 3 in 10,000.

Silver Crusade

Oh yes. CoI was the main PrC that interested me from the Paths of Prestige book.

There are quite a few from the more recent Paths of the Righteous that look pretty cool. I especially like the Hinterlander, but it’s not legal for PFS.

Silver Crusade

Dailung wrote:
Doesn´t this start till August?

That’s right, Dailung.

In the meantime, we’re just getting some ‘get-to-know-you’ roleplay in.

Grand Lodge

Image CG Half-elf(wildborn) Tk 9 | HP: 141/120(NL dmg=27)| AC 25 T15/FF20, CMD:21, Fort:+15*, R+13*, Will:+7*, Init:+7, Percep:+26(30 vs sound) | Burn:3 | conditions: none | Active effects: Force Ward(21 temp HP),Fortification 15%, Air Cushion(featherfall)AirShroud(air bubble), TK Invis

Yep, it may not have officially started yet , but we can still have some fun with things.

I'm thinking we may have arrived early to the meeting, somewhere neutral, and then we will all go to the official lodge as a group when it is actually time to start, already having met.

The Concordance

Neutral Aquatic Elf Witch 9| HP74/74 | AC18 T12 FF16| CMD 21 | Fort 7 Ref 7 Will 11 | Speed 30/Swim30ft | Initiative +2|Perception: 12 | Profession Herbalism: 19
2nd-Fal Life, Cure M W*2, See Inv| 3rd-Heart of Met | 4th-Control Water, D.Door*2| 5th - Teleportation

Party at the Wounded Wisp!

Silver Crusade

Good to see Tooth safe, supervillain.

Antonella survived an exciting game Fade ran over the weekend – a real white-knuckle affair! But we all made it.

☠ ☠ ☠

I am thinking about getting a scroll of freedom of movement (4th level spell, CL 7 for 700gp), which Antonella can activate with a d20 roll of 16+ on her DC 27 UMD check.

It would be easier if someone had that spell on their spell list, but I think only Tooth has it, and his Hunter level isn't quite high enough to guarantee to cast it successfully. Correct?

Sovereign Court

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3)

I think that to cast a scroll you need to match the caster level of the scroll (in this case 7) and have a high enough casting stat for the spell level (in this case 14). So Tooth passes on both counts.

(He's level 9 now, so I need to update the pbp character sheet).

Grand Lodge

Image CG Half-elf(wildborn) Tk 9 | HP: 141/120(NL dmg=27)| AC 25 T15/FF20, CMD:21, Fort:+15*, R+13*, Will:+7*, Init:+7, Percep:+26(30 vs sound) | Burn:3 | conditions: none | Active effects: Force Ward(21 temp HP),Fortification 15%, Air Cushion(featherfall)AirShroud(air bubble), TK Invis

Got into a game for this coming Sunday that will get Fade to 9th, unless of course something falls through and I can't make it. Just fyi. :)

Silver Crusade

GM Aram Zey wrote:
Please sign up by posting the following information:

Here is Antonella’s info, GM:

Starting XP: 25
Starting gold: 171.87
Starting Fame: 50
Starting Prestige: 3
Purchases: Will get back to you.
Chronicle number for this chronicle: 28

Sovereign Court

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3)

I will be moving house this Saturday. This means I will be without home broadband for around 2 weeks after the move, but I should be able to get by using my phone and visiting nearby relatives to use their connections. Apologies in advance if it slows my post rate any. (Rotten timing, just as Gameday gets going!)

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Looks like the site is working again, finally.

Liberty's Edge

F Picture of Dailung Kitsune
AC 25/T19/FF17 HP 68/68 F+8 R+15 W+8 Init +8 Perception +13
Swasbuckler (Whirling Dervish) 9

Yep finally!

Silver Crusade

Hello Peeps,

I am on vacation for the next 5 weeks (until the last week in October) and will have limited access to the internet.

I hope (and want) to drop in from time to time, but I will be in no way reliable.

➆ ➆ ➆

When Game Day VII was announced, I thought there was plenty of time to finish this game before my vacation started.

Unfortunately, the Paizo site outages have prevented that.

However, I am happy for Fade to run Antonella (he and I game regularly via skype) and will accept any consequences good or bad.

(I might post or PM Antonella’s AC breakdown to Fade, but otherwise she is fairly straight forward to run)

I apologize for any inconvenience this causes, GM Aram Zey and if you have any concerns please let me know.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Antonella I have no concerns if you are content to let Fade can post for you and accept his rolls and decisions. Enjoy your holiday.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

I think I will need to consider Dailung no longer part of this game. Posting once or twice a week does not work for a pbp game, especially in a convention.

Sovereign Court

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3)

This haunt is super harsh! The Suffocation spell ends if you pass the first save, this runs even longer.

The Concordance

Neutral Aquatic Elf Witch 9| HP74/74 | AC18 T12 FF16| CMD 21 | Fort 7 Ref 7 Will 11 | Speed 30/Swim30ft | Initiative +2|Perception: 12 | Profession Herbalism: 19
2nd-Fal Life, Cure M W*2, See Inv| 3rd-Heart of Met | 4th-Control Water, D.Door*2| 5th - Teleportation

Flying to the US from Japan. Will be out for 11 hours or so.

Silver Crusade

Where in Japan, Tofu?

Have some fugu for me ;)

And have fun!

The Concordance

Neutral Aquatic Elf Witch 9| HP74/74 | AC18 T12 FF16| CMD 21 | Fort 7 Ref 7 Will 11 | Speed 30/Swim30ft | Initiative +2|Perception: 12 | Profession Herbalism: 19
2nd-Fal Life, Cure M W*2, See Inv| 3rd-Heart of Met | 4th-Control Water, D.Door*2| 5th - Teleportation

Was in Tokyo mostly in the Otsuka district. Spent two days in the Miyagi prefecture to visit foxes. Turns out Kitsune players are doing it wrong; there needs to be a lot more angry screaming with no fighting.

Sovereign Court

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3)

I think that often the very best thing to do if you get an "act normally" result whilst Confused is to put as much distance as you can between yourself and the rest of the party. Doing so substantially reduces the likelihood of subsequently having to attack an ally.

Sovereign Court

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3)

That is one tough final battle! Thanks for pulling us through it Antonella! You've very much affirmed my liking of the Champion of Irori prestige class. Also, I need to get Tooth a Rod of Extend Spell so I can run through dungeon segments with key buffs up. That last fight might've gone a lot better for us if I'd had mirror image and lead blades running at the outset.

GM, is the BBEG a cyclops Dragon Disciple? She packed a mighty punch!

Silver Crusade

Yep that BBEG fight was tense – which I like! I was also thinking the cyclops might be a sorcerer-based Dragon Disciple.

Thanks! I do enjoy playing Antonella. Her wisdom-based CoI build improves each time she levels. Although tanky, I wish her ‘main gun’ was a bit bigger. I’m looking forward to seeing how she effective she is at level 10 & 11.

Interestingly, Antonella was the last PC left standing in the game Fade ran at sub-tier 8-9 (while we were waiting for Game Day VII to officially start).

The End Fight setup was nasty, and the BBEG was pretty over the top. Fortunately, she didn’t penetrate Antonella’s AC while Toni ‘paper-cut’ her to death over A LOT of rounds.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

The cyclops was a half-dragon flame oracle, hence the fireball and claws. Quite dangerous at range but more dangerous in melee, especially when buffed by her minions. But most of it was the cyclops + half-dragon combination.

The human women were spell warrior skalds. They had haste and could enhance the cyclops's natural weapons. One of them gave her shock weapons, the other gave her acidic weapons. They also had an extra +4 on saves against language-dependent spells so neko's command spells were nearly useless against them. But they were still only support for the cyclops so focusing on the cyclops was the right tactic.

Silver Crusade

@GM, for Faction Card purposes, would it be fair to say Ismene's Firespeaker/Second Dragon patron is an evil deity?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Antonella Unfortunately no. It is not clear from the scenario whether the Second Dragon was really a divine figure or even a real entity. It is also not uncommon for dragons to trick humanoid races into venerating them as gods. And I cannot find any reference to the Second Dragon as any actual sort of divine or semi-divine figure.

The Concordance

Neutral Aquatic Elf Witch 9| HP74/74 | AC18 T12 FF16| CMD 21 | Fort 7 Ref 7 Will 11 | Speed 30/Swim30ft | Initiative +2|Perception: 12 | Profession Herbalism: 19
2nd-Fal Life, Cure M W*2, See Inv| 3rd-Heart of Met | 4th-Control Water, D.Door*2| 5th - Teleportation

That fight was unforgiving! TT_TT

MVP - Antonella, without a doubt.

Sovereign Court

active effects:
Tengu (Tooth) and Fiendish Giant Mantis (Claw) Hunter (divine verminous) 11 | AC 24 T 15 FF 20 | HP 98/98 | F +13 R +14 W +11 | CMD 26 | Init +4 | Perc +19 lowlight, carrion sense | vermin focus (11/11) | Sudden Shift (7/7) | Master's Illusion (11/11) | Spells (-, 6/6, 5/5, 5/5, 3/3)
GM Aram Zey wrote:
Antonella Unfortunately no. It is not clear from the scenario whether the Second Dragon was really a divine figure or even a real entity. It is also not uncommon for dragons to trick humanoid races into venerating them as gods. And I cannot find any reference to the Second Dragon as any actual sort of divine or semi-divine figure.

Followers of false gods - the worst kind of sinners. So bad, they even keep you from achieving your faction card goals!

Deep Tofu wrote:
MVP - Antonella, without a doubt.


Silver Crusade

Well thank-you, Guys!

@GM, no worries! Thank-you for going to the trouble you did to check.

Deep Tofu wrote:
Sorry! Was hanging out with my plausible new girlfriend yesterday!

Jeez, Worg. Priorites!

:D :) ;)

Silver Crusade

GM Aram Zey wrote:
You should each have a PM with a link to your chronicle. Unfortunately I am getting an error message when I try to mark the game as completed. Hopefully paizo will fix the site soon.

Mine looks good, thanks GM.

Yeah, I can’t edit the Campaign Info page of the game I’m running at the moment. Frustrating, but glad it’s not just me.

Looking forward to the next time we game together, guys!

The Concordance

Neutral Aquatic Elf Witch 9| HP74/74 | AC18 T12 FF16| CMD 21 | Fort 7 Ref 7 Will 11 | Speed 30/Swim30ft | Initiative +2|Perception: 12 | Profession Herbalism: 19
2nd-Fal Life, Cure M W*2, See Inv| 3rd-Heart of Met | 4th-Control Water, D.Door*2| 5th - Teleportation

All looks good!

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