[PFS PbP Gameday V] #7-00 The Sky Key Solution (tier 5-6) (Inactive)

Game Master SwampTing

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Aid available? No

Aid Tokens:

Aid Tokens
Once per encounter, any character at a table can use an Aid Token to assist the group in one of five ways described below. Once a table uses an Aid Token, the token grants no further benefit until the end of the encounter, at which point one of the players can pass the Aid Token to a neighboring table for them to use. It is very important that the players remember that there are a limited number of Aid Tokens, and hoarding one means that somebody else doesn’t get to use it. An Aid Token’s benefits can take one of the following five forms.

Aid Another: Ralph gives advice via a sending spell to help you solve a puzzle, disable a trap, or accomplish some other task as if performing the aid another action for a PC. The bonus for this aid is +3.
Allied Offensive: Ralph happens to be in a battle nearby and spares a moment to direct a long-range magical attack on a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 2d8 points. In addition, after the attack, the target is momentarily disoriented and anyone attacking the target is considered to be flanking it until the beginning of the attacker’s next turn.
Burst of Healing: Ralph asks a nearby cleric to send a burst of positive energy through the token. This heals all of the PCs of 3d6 points of damage. Alternatively, Ralph can send one of these spells thorugh the token to one of you: neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease with a caster level of 6.
Spellcasting Synergy: Ralph sends a surge of magical energy through the token as you cast a spell increasing the save DC and caster level of the PC’s spell by 1.
Timely Inspiration: Ralph broadcasts the effects of a bard’s inspire courage bardic performance for 3 rounds. The competence bonus is +2.

Table successes: 22
The beast rider
Research Encounter: The sacred pools
The Serpentfolk guards
The Scales of Ydersius
Research Encounter: Festival Preparations
Temple attendants
Research Encounter: Words of a Dead God
Beasts of a Civilised Age
Scions of the Serpent God
Research Encounter: An Azlanti Perspective (double success)
Guardian Idols
Finding the Vault
Fate's Anchor: Gad Gemple
Fate's Anchor: Binui Skostravalus
Fate's Anchor: Romnus Vagarti
Fate's Anchor: Alrule Shahan
The Many Arodeths x 4
The Operations Center

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Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Tracking purchases:
Blanmieux: Belt of Con +2

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Pathfinder Online Boon. I paid 5 dollar for this. (Always forgotten those thing. Now added) You can have the advance template for one scenario or you roll a strange mutation. I got the positive feedback loop. Positive energy spell or effect heal my damage by 1 point more.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Blanmieux can you send me a scanned copy of the chronicle with that boon?

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Yes. When I will have access today at a scanner.

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

Just so you know, I will be at Strategicon all weekend (Friday-Monday evening). Probably won't be home til late Monday. I will try to keep up with posts via phone and computer at the hotel, but I will be mega-busy at the con, so no guarantees. Please bot my character as necessary to keep the game flowing... Thanks, and sorry in advance for my absence.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Thank you for telling us. I will bot you for full-attacks.
Enjoy your Con.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

I forgot about the scan. Twomorrow, i have an encounter (appointement) I shall remember.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Tomorrow is fine.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Now that I have scan it. How I sent it?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map
Blanmieux wrote:
Now that I have scan it. How I sent it?

Upload the image to google drive or postimage or tinypic, then get a link to share the image.

Send me the link or post the link here.

Dark Archive

Male Dwarf Wizard (Earth) 11- [HP 76/79][AC (16):T 12:F (15)][Fort +6:Ref +5:Will +9] [CMD 19][Init +1][Per +12]
Active Effects:
Mage Armor (22 hours); Deathwatch (constant); Overland Flight (7/9 hours); See Invisibility (75/220 minutes), Ring of Blinking

Just a heads up: I'll be camping this weekend, so probably won't be able to post much if at all. Feel free to use Torrag as you see fit in my absence. I'll be back Monday night. Have a great weekend!

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Thanks Blanmieux, I have checked the words on the chronicle. It will give additional healing from cure light wounds, and I have applied the extra healing to your character. It will not increase the healing from infernal healing because infernal healing does not heal using positive energy.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

For next adventure, I am so gonna buy before a Sarrisa and lot of potion of enlarge portion and alchemical grease.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

That a terrible defeat we had. Lot of ressources used for nothing.

That said... Can someone heal Blanmieux?

Do you think we could have done something for this? I know I had a reticence to rage or using my potion of fly for a bonus encounter.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

This might have been a good time to use rage, I think. We needed to deal with his DR, and his immunity to acid meant that I had to use my more limited abilities.

Blan, you really need to get some kind of armour! Walking around with AC10 is not a good idea!

I think you can assume Hakky uses your wand on you and roll your own healing.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.
Twitter wrote:

This might have been a good time to use rage, I think. We needed to deal with his DR, and his immunity to acid meant that I had to use my more limited abilities.

Blan, you really need to get some kind of armour! Walking around with AC10 is not a good idea!

I think you can assume Hakky uses your wand on you and roll your own healing.

I was thinking of it. I was really into the image of hulking barbarian... I suppose i need to see to the game's reality.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Hopefully we find some armor you can use.

Roll some healing for yourself so we can press on? I'm sure Hakky will be happy to use your wand on you. =)

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Blan, can I check how many charges you have left on your cure light wounds wand?

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.


-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Hakime. If you want to use your smite evil. I propose that you use it on the one close to you. Attack him with your first attack and your second toward the one close to me.

But keep in mind. They have smite good also.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

I think we got this, Hakime. You worry about the one in front of you.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Hakime... you have a third attack because of the haste.

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

thanks for the reminder... post amended

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

I think also it was quick... The protean was really a bonus boss.

Looking at the table and the thread. I propose #33. This will be their first one.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Unfortunately, I already posted to send it to table 14. It looked like they were having a hard time anyway.

Twitter and Van supported the party well, and Hakime got a lucky crit. All of those made the fight go your way very quickly. Hakime's smite also made a big difference. And of course Blan hits hard.

Biggest difference is your knowledge monkeys who tell you exactly how to fight your enemies, so you don't waste time and resources working out how to fight them.

We will pass the next aid token to table 33.

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

sounds good.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Fun fact. The admamantine scythe was the first real item bought for Blanmieux. Level 3. Season 6. And no robot have been the victim of it... sad.

The Exchange

HP: 21/21 | AC:16 /T:16/FF: 14/CMD: 6 | Fort:2 Ref:3 Will:8 | Perc: +6 | Init: +4

Well, this thing is close enough to being a robot. XD

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

chiton-clad? what that mean?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map


Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

? Damage reduction don't help when you fall?

It is not my intention to "fight" against this. It is simply something that against what i read, hear and play that why i am startled.

Can someone show me, where this is for the next table i play in?

Thank you for the chiton by the way.

And Blanmieux had win the reflex save. I was just roleplaying it.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/25831/how-does-damage-reduction-work -with-falling-damage?noredirect=1&lq=1

http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/42191/does-untyped-damage-overcome-a ll-dr/42192#42192

Those threads summarize the rulings. Basically falling damage is untyped, and DR only reduces damage that is typed as B, P or S. Technically, DR should also not affect constriction damage. Good to know for fighting monsters with DR at lower levels. This also means that the falling damage from pits spells ignore DR.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.
GM Aram Zey wrote:
http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/25831/how-does-damage-reductio n-work -with-falling-damage?noredirect=1&lq=1 http://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/42191/does-untyped-damage-overcome-a ll-dr/42192#42192 Those threads summarize the rulings. Basically falling damage is untyped, and DR only reduces damage that is typed as B, P or S. Technically, DR should also not affect constriction damage. Good to know for fighting monsters with DR at lower levels. This also means that the falling damage from pits spells ignore DR.

So that would include grapple damage right?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

No because when you use a CMB to deal damage in a grapple, you are still dealing damage using an "unarmed strike, a natural attack, or an attack made with armor spikes or a light or one-handed weapon". Constrict is a different thing.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

and so... did it work?

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

oh.. bump me . I was sure I have write at noon I can't post wednsday.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Hey... does thoses squeleton had armor on them? Blanmieux could wear that.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

The skeletons were wearing breastplates. You can take one if you want. You are proficient but your movement speed will go down.

Silver Crusade

hp 36/36; AC19 17t 18ff; saves F 9 refl 7 will 13; bab 5 melee 7 ranged 10 (12 flurry); cmb 7, cmd 24; init 1; loh 4/4; ki 6/6; folio reroll 0/1 | qlippoth spawn tiefling paladin (divine hunter) 2 | monk (zen archer) 4 | -5 * | image
Acro 5 (9 jump) Climb 6, Diplo 7, Escape 7, Handle Animal 6, Intim 6, Know hist +3, Know rel +4, Perc +11, Perf oratory 6, Prof soldier 8, SM 8, Stealth 5, Surv 6

hey, can Hakime cannibalize a femur or something to use as a club? at least she'll have a weapon against the ooze.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

I will at least take it and not wear it for now. I have already done a 40 ft while attacking.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

There are things around that you could use as an improvised club. Go ahead and describe it.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Because raging dual wielding.

Even that It just betest to just take our distance chip and his hp round by round. He can't attack at a distance.

I am try to sleep now. If I am still the last one and nobody have a better idea for blanmieux. He will just Throw and his second light hammer. Taking the third for himself when he will goes melee and receive most likely an aoo.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Can I... redo my action if hakime doesn't move? I would like to not move then.
Rage, draws one light hammer while doing my damage stance and ready to melee attack when he attack?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

That is fine, but no readied action. Drawing a weapon and entering a stance would be your full round.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.
Blanmieux wrote:

Can I... redo my action if hakime doesn't move? I would like to not move then.

Rage, draws one light hammer while doing my damage stance and ready to melee attack when he attack?

Yea... It was before you post.

Never mind. it is finish.
Breastplate on him.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Hey you all,

I know blanmieux can't win the roll. Shall we change?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Or we could just kill him or cast something that takes magic effect.

We have a meteorite comming at us.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.

Please don't delve into a alignement debate. This is pure rationnalisation on Blanmieux side and I know it.

Dark Archive

0 init:0 perp:+9 hp: 83/83 dr 3; 17\18 rounds of rage ac16 cmd 20 saves fort: +10 reflex +3 will +3 reroll 1\1.
Blanmieux wrote:
Please don't delve into a alignement debate. This is pure rationnalisation on Blanmieux side and I know it.

GM, excuse me for my reaction. I perceived your comment like an attack on my morality and I react instantly because I was hurt by this.

I understand now this was not your intention.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

I was just mindful that there was a paladin in the group. However, you are not the paladin, nor is your character good-aligned, so there are no repercussions for anyone from your actions.

If a paladin did what you did, the paladin would have some problems. But I don't expect the paladin to police your every action or be responsible for what another character does.

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