GM Aram Zey's 8-99: Solstice Scar (Tier 3-4) (Inactive)

Game Master SwampTing

Combat map

Tribal tokens:

Storm-Screamers of Rull: PCs gain a +1 on attack and damage rolls against animals and magical beasts for the rest of the adventure.
Cleft Head: Before attempting a Bluff, Escape Artist, Perform, or Sleight of Hand check during this adventure, a PC can decide to roll twice and take the higher result. Each PC can use this benefit once before the end of the adventure.
Steel Eater: Each PC gains a +5 bonus on any Day Job checks performed at the end of this adventure.
Broken Spine: Each PC gains the Nimble Moves feat until the end of the adventure.
Burning Sun: Each PC chooses either the Acrobatic or Athletic feat and gains it for the rest of the adventure.
Bloodied Gauntlet: Each PC can use martial flexibility as a 1st-level brawler once before the end of the adventure; if a PC already has the martial flexibility class feature, she gains 1 additional use per day for the rest of the adventure.
Murdered Child: At the start of an encounter, each PC can choose to gain the Precise Strike feat for the duration of the encounter. Each PC can use this benefit once before the end of the adventure.

Aid Token: Yes



Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map


Sovereign Court

Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10

Player's name:Rogar Valertis
Character's name: Vanya Kaleth
PFS ID: # 100733-3
Presige:15PP (2PP spent for a wand of cure light wounds)
Experience:11 XP
Fame: 17
Day Job Roll:Perform (dance): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Scarab Sages

Human (Garundi) Hunter 6 AC23(T12,FF21) CMD 19| HP 55/55| F +9 R +8 W +5 | Init +2, Perc +9, Sense Motive +5 |

Player's name: Will H
Character's name: Khismia al-Shadun
PFS ID: # 171333-6
Prestige: 16PP
Gold: 1044 gp
Experience:[b/] 9 XP
Day Job Roll: Profession (courtesan): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Grand Lodge

Summoner (Unch) 3 | AC 15, T 11, F 14 | HP 23/23 (1NL) | F+2 R+2 W+4 | Per +1 Init +1
Iudex quick stats:
AC 25, HP 3/19, F+4 R+2 W+3, Per +4

Player Dien
Character Vladimir Draznoi
PFS 30341-22
Prestige 10
Fame 14
XP 8
Gold 1831
Faction Grand Lodge

no day job

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

GM, the map is set to view only, at least for me. Just so you know.

Sovereign Court

If you would like to know the status of our special as a whole, there is a tracker here. Other than the active/inactive markers, it self-updates every time the document is loaded, so the information is always current and accurate.

Reaching one of the milestones in an active row will trigger some sort of event for all the tables.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10

Hi there people. I'm currently posting from my phone, because due to some unexplicable reasons firefox and chrome have stopped working on my PC. I'm working to fix this asap but I can't say how long well it take for the problem to be resolved. I suspect I'll have to format my whole PC, which well be a nightmare of recovering passwords in the aftermath. Anyway I Jussie wanted to give everyone the heads up. Hopefully I''ll be back soon! Bot me as needed please. Thanks for your understanding!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Thank you for running for us, GM! And yeah, Specials really require everyone keep up a snapping pace, or you get into trouble.

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