
Shaun Hocking's page

Contributor. Organized Play Member. 346 posts (673 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.


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Grand Lodge Contributor

Ron Lundeen wrote:
From the Office of Expectations Management: we have no plans to produce a Strength of Thousands pawn collection.

Are there any indications that pawn collections might be phased out for APs overall, or is this just limited to Strength of Thousands?

Grand Lodge Contributor

You're welcome. I'm running Emerald Spire for my group and they passed that level a few weeks back so the image was fresh(ish) in my memory.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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I believe the original and full image is from The Emerald Spire superdungeon book. It's the art at the beginning of one of the levels (8, I think).

Grand Lodge Contributor

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I can confirm that email is the way to go as my issue has now been resolved! Thanks, Paizo CS :-D

Grand Lodge Contributor

I see in another thread someone suggested emptying the cart and trying again, but this has not worked for me and I'm still having the same issue. I've tried emailing Customer Support as well, but I know they've got a huge backlog... :-(

Grand Lodge Contributor

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I've added some items to my cart, but when I get to the final stage of the checkout, past the 4 numbered buttons and there's only a big red 'Place Your Order' button at the top. I click that big red button and nothing happens. The screen stays the same. I don't get any error messages. I've tried on both Firefox and Chrome and the problem is the same. The order hasn't gone through. There's nothing added to my downloads. I get no order emails. What's the probs?

Grand Lodge Contributor

Many spells that allow a saving throw to negate the effect don't mention the save at all in the text. The fact it appears at all in the ghoul touch spell is because the sickening effect is an additional effect that is reliant on the failure of the original saving throw.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Look at the Counterfeit Mage and False Medium rogue archetypes.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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When I ran the fight with the PCs' other selves I had it so that the evil versions could only be fully defeated by the PC version they mirrored. As it turned out all but one of the PCs defeated their evil version themselves. The last PC was 'killed' and shunted out of the Dreamlands with a madness. The remaining PCs defeated that PC's evil version in the Dreamlands, but I had it so that the death was not permanent. That evil version (a shapechanging alchemist) came to haunt the PCs in the real world, chasing them and causing them problems, before facing them (empowered, of course) later in the campaign.

Grand Lodge Contributor

If it were my players I would let them craft while on the boat and they could perform the ritual when they arrive in Cassomir, but I'd let them know that it might make problems for them later since they are on a (rather nebulous) clock. Or perhaps when they meet the Stardust Augurs, have them convey some urgency or portent of doom if they don't enter the Dreamlands soon. You could move the encounter with the Augurs to one of the stops earlier along the river if you didn't want to wait until the listed encounter in the book.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Snowcaster elves <3

Grand Lodge Contributor

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I've mostly used dark ambient tracks from artistes like Lustmord, Inade, Asylum Carceri, and the Cryo Chamber stable. In fact Cryo Chamber have a bunch of collaborative hour-long tracks called Azathoth, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, and Yog-Sothoth which are perfect for the campaign. You can find them on Spotify, YouTube, or to purchase via Bandcamp.

Grand Lodge Contributor

There are a lot of weird demon lords, nascent demon lords, daemon harbingers, etc. that I'm sure you could find something that chimes with other aspects of the character.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Dαedαlus wrote:

Personally, I love seeing the impact that the characters have, for good or for bad, so I really hope that there's at least some mention of what kinds of ripple effects the campaign has on the world, and how some of the interested parties might react. Also, I do like the 'what if the villain wins' explanations, as either way, you get a ton of new ideas for potential future campaigns.

Very much ^this. When wrapping up an AP, it's always great if the GM has some assistance filling in the epilogue and 'post-credits scene' to let the players understand the ramifications of their actions. I'd like to see at least three such conclusions - if their actions result in complete success, if they are partially successful, and if they fail. They don't need to be long, but just a paragraph each that clearly spells out the effect on the status quo in each instance would be a big help.


I enjoy being given new tools and toys, so you could use some of the space to provide new rules/NPCs/monsters with suggestions of where they might crop up in the Adventure Path. I realise this will only be useful to GMs who wait until all the chapters are released, but I really liked the extra material we got in Midwives to Death and A Song of Silver. Just more stuff all the time. More more more! :p

Grand Lodge Contributor

Hi folks. Please cancel all my subscriptions after the July shipment is sent. Thanks!

Grand Lodge Contributor

I've just had a quick glance and the first things that leap out are that his AC and saves (particularly Will) are waaaaaaay too low for a CR 20 threat. Compare to other CR 20 creatures in the bestiaries to see roughly where these should be and work out how to get them there. Also Power Attack should be -6/+12 not -5/+10.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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The Hellraiser soundtrack is on-theme for Kytons. But I'd also recommend almost any dark ambient stuff from artists like INADE, Lustmord, or pretty much any of Cryo Chamber's stable of artists.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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See this thread for a couple of interesting tidbits from James Jacobs about rune giants and a link to Tian Xia.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Ah well. I preferred the one file per chapter too, but even then I was splitting the PDFs into smaller chunks anyway so I guess I'll just have to do that with the whole PDF from now on.

Grand Lodge Contributor

My group is into book 4 now, and the only deaths we've had have been during book 1. I didn't want to undo the work we'd put in by bringing in new characters and so I ruled that each time a PC died before they defeated the Tatterman was a dream. I felt it fit with the dream weirdness that was going on in the Asylum and there were enough PC deaths in that first book that it became a feature of the problems stacked up against them, So when a PC died in the asylum, everyone woke up again at the start of that day and got to relive things. It was terrifying, and interesting, and a little irritating, but my players rolled with it. The situation let them do things differently the second time around. I was worried it might make them careless and disinterested and just stomp around trying stupid things because they felt they couldn't die but in fact it made them MORE careful because they didn't want to relive the horrors of the asylum any longer than necessary.

Once the Tatterman was dead, I removed that 'safety blanket' and there actually haven't been any deaths since. I'm not entirely sure how I'd handle a PC death now since there's a lot invested in their backstories at this point. I'd like to think they might raise anyone who died, but that'll be a decision for them if/when it happens.

Grand Lodge Contributor

There's no reason that you couldn't start any AP with 3rd level characters. Sure the PCs might find it easy but you could bump up a couple of encounters or just let them enjoy being a bit extra useful early on. 5000xp (for being 3rd level) quickly becomes a meaningless amount as the AP progresses and you'll soon find they are at the right level for the AP by the end of book one anyway.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Not given any thought to the stats/skill bonuses but Scare seems like the obvious spell-like ability.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Ekaj wrote:

So as I'm reading this, I'm trying to figure out a way that the party can use the aqueduct systems to get into Hailcorse and Iris Hill. How do I let them know about the aqueducts without outright telling them "this is how you do it"? As far as I can tell, the book doesn't really mention other than that the skum used them to get in.

I'm not sure if they'll go for the more aggressive approach with entering or this more stealthy method, but I wanna know for sure.

As my PCs were walking around town, I made sure to mention all the wells they passed. They thought something fishy was up with the wells because I kept mentioning them, but nothing ever came of it since they just got into places through the front doors. Oh well.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Lazlo.Arcadia wrote:

I found a simply stunning map mentioned somewhere on the forums (my apology but I don't recall where or by whom) found here:

Not only is it gorgeous but has better detail for Lastwall and surrounding areas than what I've seen before. So much better that I feel obligated in saying I can't vouch for how "cannon" it is, but due to the detail offered I will be using it as the gold standard in my personal campaign.

I love that map and use it in my own campaigns. Pretty sure that it includes areas from PFS and other sources not shown on the main 'official' maps of the Inner Sea Region.

However, there are a few other places to get info.

Castle Everstand is featured in Castles of the Inner Sea.
Arwyll Stead is featured in Daughters of Fury.
And this PFS scenario is also part-set in Lastwall, but I don't own it so don't have details.

Grand Lodge Contributor

It seems like 2 books of the imminent Tyrant's Grasp AP take place in Lastwall. I'd expect to see some fleshing out of the nation then :-)

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Maybe not precisely what you're looking for but check this adventurer's quote that from the Osirion section in People of the Sands:

"I have seen sand dunes stripped away by creatures of flame and wind to reveal treasure vaults that would shame dynasties. I have walked the boulevards of a palace built beneath the carcass of a god’s dead child. I have been entertained by masked priestesses, soldiers returned from the dead, once-powerful men sold into slavery, and treasure hunters who crawl across the desert like hungry ants. I have seen Osirion, land of the god-kings, and I cannot wait to return."

Grand Lodge Contributor

Jeff Wilder wrote:

The best solution I ever came up with was finding an equivalent real-world region that had weather records online.

This was my preferred way of generating weather too, but this...

cap708 wrote:

I just finished creating a website to automatically implement the rather lengthy rules found for weather generation in Ultimate Wilderness. Try it out and feel free to give me some suggestions and/or report any bugs that come up: awesome and will be using from now on. Thanks cap708!

Grand Lodge Contributor

In my campaign, it's Weiralai that the PCs believe is behind what's happened to them. She's the one that brought them to Lowls and I've laid down hints and weird behaviour from Weiralai at Iris Hill now that the PCs have mostly got their memories back. They suspect that she has played some part in manipulating them and making them into different people - they question the things they did in their returned memories since much of it doesn't match their current personalities. Similarly, they suspect that she's somehow manipulating Lowls too. You could do something similar to help make Lowls into a tragic figure.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Katina Davis wrote:
Shaun Hocking wrote:
I got the order confirmation email and noticed that the shipping address was still showing as my old address. I'd changed my account's delivery address a few hours earlier and didn't realise there was a separate subscription address too. I've changed it now, but just want to double check that this subscription shipment will go to the changed address.

Hi Shaun,

Sorry for the confusion with this! I've updated your shipping and it should be going to the right place now. I've sent you an updated confirmation email so you can verify that the changes are correct. Just let me know if there are any further questions or concerns I can assist with. Thanks!

Yep. Got the email. All good now. Thanks, Katina!

Grand Lodge Contributor

I got the order confirmation email and noticed that the shipping address was still showing as my old address. I'd changed my account's delivery address a few hours earlier and didn't realise there was a separate subscription address too. I've changed it now, but just want to double check that this subscription shipment will go to the changed address.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Hi James,

What can you tell us about the Parchlands from your Homebrew setting?

Grand Lodge Contributor

I'd literally just emailed customer service and thought I'd give it one last go... lo and behold, it works again but it took longer to resolve itself than last time! Argh!

Thanks. Hopefully they can look into this so it doesn't happen again though!

Grand Lodge Contributor

Franz Lunzer wrote:

Did you notice that after the personalizing part there should be a small notice saying "Ready! Click again to download."?

Or is that not showing up for you?

Yep it's there, but the loop is going: click here to download, personalising please click again in 60 seconds, ready! click to download - and when I click that bit it goes back to the original 'click here to download leading into the personalising and click again in 60 seconds stage - this loop continues into infinity. :(

This has happened the last two times I've wanted to download stuff but never before in all my years here :'(

Grand Lodge Contributor


It hasn't fixed itself like last time. I still can't download any of my PDFs. I've tried dozens of times over the last 13 hours, using different browsers, and two different devices, new PDFs and old ones, but there is no escape from the loop. Please can you look at this for me.

Grand Lodge Contributor


It's happening again! Aiiieeeeee! I got the email to say that my subs are available to download and when I try to download I get the same circular loop as last time: click to download, wait 60 seconds then click again, problems downloading? click here, click to download, wait 60 seconds then click again, problems downloading? click here and so on into infinity.

As before, I've tried several times in both Firefox and Chrome to no effect.

Halp pls!

Grand Lodge Contributor

I've just tried again and everything works perfectly. No idea what the problem was but I'm pleased it's resolved itself.

Grand Lodge Contributor


I can't download any of my digital content. I've tried the new stuff and some older stuff that I have already downloaded, and everything goes in a circular loop: click to download, wait 60 seconds then click again, problems downloading? click here, click to download, wait 60 seconds then click again, problems downloading? click here and so on into infinity.

I tried in Firefox and Chrome to see if different browsers would work, but same problem :(

Pls halp!

Grand Lodge Contributor

I gave my players a choice. Either they could have all their memories up to the last few years or they could have almost no memories at all (apart from a something like an image or scene or a fondly remembered name). One of the players drew up their own backstory but the other five have all gone in knowing next-to-nothing. Even with that they all clearly had (unstated) expectations and it's been fun to confound and twist those expectations. If your players buy-in to that, I'd recommend it for upping the atmosphere and themes of the AP.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Yeah, with the greatest respect to your GM there are ways make this work e.g. what Nathan says above, or even introducing a new character. As a GM I groan a little bit when my players want to change characters, but I want them to have fun so would always work with them regardless of the set-up of the campaign to make sure they can enjoy the game.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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Doppleman wrote:

Big question:

Why Wren Elbourne is 100% certain the PC's are not dopplegangers? He just let them enter the camp and tell them his plan to neutralize the mist.
There's no explanation why and no written dialogue to gain his trust.
That's seems weird.

I don't think he has to be 100% certain. I played him as pretty desperate to get out of there and willing to risk trusting strangers since he's running out of hope the longer this nightmare goes on. At the point the PCs show up, he's probably fearing that the ghouls could get him or (more likely) Zandalus/the Tatterman/Apostles/Aggra Loomis will discover his deception or just do him in if they feel like it that day.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Yes. This. Yes. Absolutely this. Yes.

Grand Lodge Contributor

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In the first book, nobody considers the little protestors to be a threat. However, as time goes on the rebellion becomes a clear and present danger to the new regime and so they put the best of the best out to defend important areas. Maybe they draft in more from other areas. I also used the dottari troop statblock more than the AP did and set that up by saying Thrune brought in Chelish soldiers from Menador Keep to train the dottari to be more organised and capable fighting units. This would also give the rebels another reason to strike at the Menador Gap.

Grand Lodge Contributor


Will the Playtest physical products be available from booksellers such as Amazon? I'm in the UK, and would welcome the chance of physical copies without the added shipping I'd pay if I bought direct from you guys. I'm getting physical copies regardless, of course.

Grand Lodge Contributor

Yep. I got the same email. Presumably it's gone to subscribers of other lines in error.

Grand Lodge Contributor


Grand Lodge Contributor


I might be being dumb here but I can't see any way to remove the item that's currently in my sidecart. Can I remove it or do you folks have to do it? If it's the latter, please go ahead and empty my sidecart.


Grand Lodge Contributor

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It seems logical to me that the river is just off the left-hand edge of the map of Thrushmoor. Since the map is aligned with North to the top, the town couldn't very well face onto the river. Additionally, with the western edge of town closest to the mouth of the river, it explains why all the piers are on the island where most traffic would pass by. It would also be a nice feature of Iris Hill that it has a view overlooking both the lake and the river.

Grand Lodge Contributor

On top of it being a bad idea it would take an insane amount of explosives to destroy a building of that size. So much so that I wouldn't allow it in my game. Having said that, my group destroyed the Records Hall with a scroll of earthquake and a bunch of Plot Twist cards to allow the spell to work on the building.

Grand Lodge Contributor

I have a huge collection of music (soundtracks and dark ambient stuff, mostly) that I'll spend hours sifting through to make playlists that fit certain themes or parts of the campaign. For me, it's just as important (and fun to do) as any other element of GM preparation. I'm currently preparing to run Strange Aeons and some of the playlists already have durations in days (!) rather than hours. I'm very much looking forward to editing them down to manageable thematic portions.