
Shasfowd's page

Organized Play Member. 152 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 20 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Dark Archive

I'd say mittens is more of a CN or CE, and Rhino could be like a barbarian, because why not xD

Dark Archive

I understand it can sometimes take up to a month (Maybe even more) for a player companion or campaign setting to be added to additional resources. My question is how long does it usually take for a core book (APG, UM, UC) to become legalized for play? Is it early, or maybe later?

Dark Archive

Hey! I'll have you know that my CN gnome has partially burnt down the blakros museum only 3 or 4 times, and has managed to marry into their family despite all the times that she stol- yeah, I see your point.

Dark Archive

Michael Brock wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
Can I have my pfs number be, like, 2 and 1/2.

Okay, okay, I'll settle for 7 and 4/6ths xD

Dark Archive

I already know how to scare my party, I just need some legit stats to use.

Dark Archive

I'm a gm for a campaign of APL 4 players and my next session is coming up. I have some good leads on monsters, but right now I'm trying to find some creatures that have a lot of mind affecting abilities. The theme is "Horror". I wanted to see what you guys have used in your games.

Dark Archive

Killing enemies is not an evil act. It's only an evil act if they surrendered. There are actually a lot of archtypes that involve killing.

Dark Archive

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
If you have one of those signed playtest documents, yeah you can continue to play that character like any other character. Including the ability to multiclass.

*Napoleon style "yesss"*

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
You always could. But the adventures your PC played stopped being valid for the Playtest Chronicle at that point.

So I can? Would that reset my level to 1?

Dark Archive

Journey through the elemental planes

Dark Archive

Okay, now that we're out of the playtest, does this mean that we can multi class with our occult adventures characters in pfs?

Dark Archive

The big problem with KMR is that it uses the kindom builder system, which definetley requires multiple sessions to play. And imagine if you go to play the next scenario, and find out that "Buttsville" has been replaced with "Random Village Name.exe".

Dark Archive

This is more of a long term story:
My -1 character, is Pippen, a druid Gnome. Her first pfs mission went into the blakros museum. Little did I know that pretty much the majority of her 1-5's would be blakros missions. Her latest delve into the museum was the season 6 mission, where she

The rest of the story:
saved the young child, and earned the friend of the family boon. Even better, she married into the family, becoming an official blakros member. Her farewell to 1-7's was 'The Blakros Matrimony', where I showed that boon off quite a bit.

Dark Archive

Can I have my pfs number be, like, 2 and 1/2.

Dark Archive

Everybody except me in non-pfs play: OMG, THESE ARE SO OP, U CAN'T UZE THEM IN ME CAMPANE
Me: They're pretty cool. Still too many errors in the document, though.
Arcanist: Spontaneous Prepped spells? Really Paizo? Really?
Blood Rager: P-cool I guess.
*Brawler: Monk.
*Investigator: Detectives on drugs. Hi sherlock holmes!
Shaman: Takes forever to get good, but worth the wait. Kinda like webcomics.
*Skald: ACDC in a nutshell.
Slayer: It's a rouge, guys.
Warpriest: Monk/Warpriest, Weapon Focus (Shurkiken).
Hunter: Oh look, another tree huger.
The one complaint I have is that 4/10 (The ones marked with a *) were already archetypes for other classes.

Dark Archive

Well, as an employee of a knife shop, I can tell you that you could, in theory, use a whet stone on an arrow. Problem is, howeever, it would hurt your hand, and would take a long time. I'd say it would take 30 minutes to sharpen a single arrow.

Dark Archive

Well, Hiroshima and Nakasashi come to mind.

Dark Archive

Well keep in mind, CC ain't a god, but he sure struts around like one. The ability to worship a 'god' is more along the lines of harvesting their power, like worshiping cthulhu.

Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:
Shadfowd, do I understand that one of the gameday GMs at your local store game is disallowing the Horsemen as legal gods? Hoes that GM have any support for his declaration?

No no no, they want to worship them. I believe that they were simply looking at the wrong sources.

Dark Archive

graystone wrote:
Green faith has Earth and Fire Domains and had Druidic weapons as it's Favored Weapon. Dagger and sling are on that list.

Awesome! Which book is that from?

Dark Archive

Go home horsemen, you don't have the domains I want.

Dark Archive

My local gaming store carries quite a few customers at pfs night that are mad because they can't worship the horsemen in PFS. I had no reason to think this wasn't true, until I came across the inner sea world guide, which had a table for the horsemen. The additional resources says "Gods: All gods listed in the tables on pages 229, 231, and 234 are legal for play;". Page 234 contains the horsmen chart. Was there a blog post about this I don't know about?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm done here.
*Walks away slowly*

Dark Archive

I wish on this shooting star for a race or 2 to become permanantley legal in pfs play.
And anthropromorphic llamas.

Dark Archive

I'm looking for a Paizo god that has at least 2 of these domains, and has its favored weapon to be one of the following:
Earth, Fire, Water, or Weather
Favored Weapon:
Dagger, Shuriken, Sling, Brass Knuckles, Hook Hand, or Wooden Stake.
None of my books have shown any of these, so please tell me where you got them :)

And a rule question: Is a warpriest's sacred weapon damage determined by his size, or his weapon's size? (Example: would a dagger meant for a medium creature weilded by a gnome deal 1d4 or 1d6 damage?)

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If nobody has said this yet, I won't totally track eencumbereence, unless you know you're like "Okay, this isa non-humanoid stonee platee made of solid dumbells", I'm gonna need some numbeers.

Dark Archive

chaoseffect wrote:
So are you looking exclusively for save-or-die type effects (including technically not death but close, like Flesh to Stone) that fit those parameters or are you including save-or-you-might-as-well-be-dead effects like Stinking Cloud?

Just save-or-die.

Dark Archive

But the point of this is to let players be whatever they want, but I don't want it to take the excitment out of the gamee. What spells follow the following rules:
Not a mind-affecting or a death effect
Will immediatley pasify the target

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You people are so helpful...

Dark Archive

So I run a roll20 campaign that allows players to make max level characters and fight high teir monsters. Needless to say, the tarrasque is in a Gem owned by a wizard. I want this to be a fun experience for everyone, and that is NOT winning in 2 seconds. I'd like to know some spells and any other thing overpowered like Trap the Soul.

Dark Archive

There's nobody I'd rather be with than my family
*Crowd goes "Awwww"*
Jk, I want to play with Eren Jager and do Curse of the Riven Sky.

Dark Archive

Thaoneplis (Pronouced 'that one place' very quickly)

Dark Archive

Last Sunday I tried out a druid technique. I was wearing a pair of boots of the cat, while I wildshaped into a raven. I flew up 100 feet into the air, and turned into a dire ape, smushing the person below. The GM said it deals 1d6 per 10 feet, even though the rules say 4d6 per 10 feet for a falling object (A creature qualifies as a falling object, which has been proven in a couple of scenarios before. Bad goblin snipers ring a bell?). He said the reason behind this is that I'm wearing the boots of the cat so I fall lightly, which is not only flavor text, but not even mentioned in the boots of the cat.

Boots of the Cat:
Boots of the Cat
Price 1,000 gp; Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st; Weight 1 lb.
These high-soled blue boots provide a great deal of comfort and arch support while also making the wearer appear a little bit taller than normal. The boot's wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as if the GM had rolled a 1 on each die of damage incurred by the fall) and at the end of a fall always lands on his feet.

Later on, he didn't even allow me to use it when I wanted to do it again. Would he be right, saying the enemy barely takes any damage?

Dark Archive

rknop wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:

Murder-Hobos of Golarion

Already done.

Oh right, I forgot about that one. The murderer archetype is great from that book.

Dark Archive

CWheezy wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:
I've seen the Strangler Brawler, so I've seen some crappy archetypes.
I hope you realize that the Snakebite Strangler Brawler combo is extremely OP, right?
Compared to what? Like, a potato? Yeah it is a lot better than a potato if you had to pick between the two

Compared to the fact that you can get a +2d6 Sneak Attack at 1st level...

Dark Archive

thegreenteagamer wrote:
I've seen the Strangler Brawler, so I've seen some crappy archetypes.

I hope you realize that the Snakebite Strangler Brawler combo is extremely OP, right?

Dark Archive

Racer Walrus: The 60 foot base speed walrus. How? Here's how:
20 Foot Base Speed
+10 from Racer Archetype (Animal Archive)
+5 from Fleet
+5 from Fleet
+20 from Greater Longstride (Pack 2, just in case)
He would have a 90 foot base speed, but I couldn't fit the horseshoes onto him. The same thing can be done with a turtle, but it'll only have a 55 foot speed.
Have fun!

Dark Archive

You never really want your familiar in combat. It's easy for a druid to replace their familiar, but for a familiar, that's 200 gp per level to get a new one, which can be more than a scenario at high enough levels.

Dark Archive

Food of Golarion
Blood of Giants
Drugs of Golarion
Blood of Planets
Murder-Hobos of Golarion

Dark Archive

This happened a long time ago. I just got my beastiary yesterday. I made a new character of him and played him up to a level 4.

Dark Archive

Oh, interesting. I didn't really know how to handle this, seeing that my copy of him is already level 4... XD

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

I think that anyone who thinks lesser of them than a male GM is sexist, for obvioius reasons. No reason that a male GM is better than a female, and vice versa.

Dark Archive

So, in thornkeep accursed halls, my level 1 was hit by the wight and the gm imediatlley killed me. He said that there is 'no save' for a wight's negative level. I checked the bestiary and it says there's a save (A pretty low one, as a matter of fact). How do I handle this? Should I talk to the gm? And what would even happen? Is my character still dead? This is very frustrating. Please help.

Dark Archive

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Shasfowd wrote:
Damanta wrote:
Seekers of secrets for the ioun stones
You do know that seekers of secrets isn't legal anymore, right?

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Seekers of Secrets

Everything in this book is legal for play with the following notes. Equipment: ioun stones use method 1 for resonance and never use method 2. Additionally, only normal ioun stones have resonance—inferior ioun stones never do. Advanced ioun stones are not legal for play. Prestige Class: Pathfinder Savants replace the item creation feat prerequisite with Spell Focus.

15 second ago.

Its still LEGAL its just not REQUIRED anymore.

Oh, I'm thinking of the pathfinder chronicles campaign setting xD

Dark Archive

Damanta wrote:
Seekers of secrets for the ioun stones

You do know that seekers of secrets isn't legal anymore, right?

Dark Archive

Hey everybody, I just want to get your opinion on what your favorite player companion is that has most of the contents legal for play, and why. What's the cool archetype, spell, or item in there? I love the harrow handbook because of all the interesting archtypes or hexes in it.

Dark Archive

Well, the Baloney Master does need either the Order of the Meat Stick cavelier order, OR you can use the Fists of Baloney monk archetype to get it.

Dark Archive

There's a boon in season 6 that lets you become a LEGIT Blakros family member.

Dark Archive

Okay. The BM PC looks really interesting, I was just confirming.