
Shasfowd's page

Organized Play Member. 152 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 20 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Dark Archive

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I'm done here.
*Walks away slowly*

Dark Archive

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If nobody has said this yet, I won't totally track eencumbereence, unless you know you're like "Okay, this isa non-humanoid stonee platee made of solid dumbells", I'm gonna need some numbeers.

Dark Archive

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You people are so helpful...

Dark Archive

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joe kirner wrote:
GM to have full control over ea encounter. No set tactics to follow.

Rocks fall, everyone dies.

Dark Archive

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Congrats! I'm gonna be one of you guys soon enough!

Dark Archive

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The GM asks at the start of the scenario how much prestige everyone has.

Dark Archive

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I still want vanity wagons.
I will not budge on this topic.

Dark Archive

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GM Lamplighter wrote:

How can you both be 15 years old *and* get that joke? ;)

Seriously, welcome aboard. Word of advice, though: treat every game like it is your 150th. You can have five stars, but the only numbers that really matter are the 6 players at your table right now.

That is very deep.

And I used to look through my dad's D&D stuff when I was little. I know how this works :)

Dark Archive

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Michael Brock wrote:
Good luck! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Give me 5 stars xD

Dark Archive

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I am 15 years old, and I have begun to GM. I hearby make it my goal, nay, my DESTINY to become the youngest 5 star GM in exsistance. See you guys soon.

Dark Archive

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Guys, the big thing we HAVE to remember is a catchy name
Pathfinder: A Call 2 Arms

Dark Archive

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Gingerbreadman wrote:
A deaf pc can cause trouble for other players. In some groups I've heared of it is assumed that every other pc has to take a point in linguistics to learn a sign language. That can be very hard for classes with 2+int skill points. Curses should be drawbacks for the player taking them, not for other players.

Not exactly. You don't need to know sign language when a deaf player can just learn read lips. Oracle's curses that render a sense mute (literally) don't really cause much trouble.

Dark Archive

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Everyone has their hands folded and the gm says "Listen, we need to talk about where goblins come from."