Rulebook Rat's page
5 posts. Alias of Z...D....

Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Welcome to my game. Please read the following list.
1) Please go to each of the links in the campaign header and add the requested information.
2) Make sure to post once in 24 hours and at least once during the weekend. Exceptions are holidays.
3) If you are going to be taking some time away from the game for whatever reason, let me know ahead of time and set some botting instructions on your profile.
4) Combat Encounter: Initiative will be rolled for what is selected in the Macro sheet. If for some reason the exploration activity does not mesh with the situation, I will change it to default perception check.
I use block initiative and you may act in any order within the block. If you wish to delay for a certain scenario, such as waiting until after the bard activates their performance, please state it in the post.
If I require saving throws, you may roll those outside of you turn to resolve them faster.
5) Finally, lets have some fun.

Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Welcome to my game. Please read the following list.
1) Please go to each of the links, Skill Macros and Maps, in the campaign header and add the requested information.
2) Make sure to post once in 24 hours and at least once during the weekend. Exceptions are holidays.
3) If you are going to be taking some time away from the game for whatever reason, let me know ahead of time and set some botting instructions on your profile.
4) Combat Encounter: Initiative will be rolled for what is selected in the Macro sheet. If for some reason the exploration activity does not mesh with the situation, I will change it to default perception check.
I use block initiative and you may act in any order within the block. If you wish to delay for a certain scenario, such as waiting until after the bard activates their performance, please state it in the post.
If I require saving throws, you may roll those outside of you turn to resolve them faster.
5) Finally, lets have some fun.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Discuss here.
We can go ahead and start figuring out which character everyone would like to play until we determine what page we are going to use for the maps.
If everyone feels more comfortable with google slides, we can move it to that format.
This uses four pregens specific to this adventure.
Also, Dot in on Gameplay to save to your campaign tabs.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Thank you for joining in on this game with me.
Once your character selections are finalized. Feel out the Secret Check spreadsheet at the top of the pages. Instructions are at the bottom of said spreadsheet.
If you do change your character, please update the Sign in sheet
Is there a way I can change the payment method on this order.
If not, could you please cancel it?

In the beginning of the Inpiriting Wellspring passage, it says "Unless otherwise noted, the ruins are in darkness.".
However, the only sections that specifies any light level is the Usij Encampment section. "The room is dimly lit while the door is open during
the day"
My question is, what are the other two mapped locations light level?
Ward Chamber boxed text states "Faint ruby light seeps from the other side where the wall and door have eroded and weakened" and then later in the hazard description "circle of Daemonic runes to flare with red light".
Is it bright light in the room when the trap is triggered and then dim light when it is reset? Or does it stay illuminated? Or is it dim light constantly from the other room? It doesn't specify any distances.
In the Wellspring text it says "A central altar of skulls encircled with soiled rags flickers with ruby light". Again, is it bright light or dim light, or is it like a torch with variable light distance? Flickering makes me thank it is dim. Again, it doesn't specify distances.
A lot of grey areas with the lighting situation and dependent on how each GM rules, it can vary the levels of combat.
Looking over the stat blocks, Iverri, the "blight dryad", is missing a range on its thorn spike.
I looked at the Dryad in AON and they do not have a ranged attack that I could possibly use.
thinking about going with 30 feet for now, unless someone can clear it up.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Since I have already collected a majority of the information needed for the chronicle, I just need you to fill in a few blanks.
Faction you will be representing:
Your default exploration activity:
Since they went away with slotting boons, no need to worry about that step.
Please save your downtime rolls for after the scenario.
After the briefing, I will give you time to pick out your school items.
I request that you fill out the first two slides of this Presentation. It will make my life a bit easier.
Last but, not least. Let's have some fun.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Since I have already collected a majority of the information needed for the chronicle, I j ust need you to fill in a few blanks.
Faction you will be representing:
Your default exploration activity:
Since they went away with slotting boons, no need to worry about that step.
Please save your downtime rolls for after the scenario.
After the briefing, I will give you time to pick out your school items.
I request that you fill out the first two slides of this Presentation. It will make my life a bit easier.
Last but, not least. Let's have some fun.
Gameplay thread now active.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Discuss here.
Go to the presentation link in my header and feel out the information on slide one and then place a token on slide two with preferred marching order.
Just a little heads up. There may be a small chance of a delay. The scenario did not drop for me on Wednesday. I'm in the process of getting it worked out though.
Please provide the following. Will request more information at a later date.
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS & Character ID:
Please provide the following. Will request more information at a later date.
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS & Character ID:
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Welcome all.
Starting date will be Monday 06/22. Depending upon my work load that night, it may actually start on the 23rd very early in the AM.
I usually post once in a 24 hour period. Known to do more if the players engage more. I do not require post on the weekend. That is family time.
I am still trying to work out how to work secret checks into PBP. I am beginning to lean more towards putting the information in spoilers. Makes it flow faster, however, if it happens to be critically failable? and you get it, I do expect you to play along since that is what you "know".
This is a two part series, so hope you all are ready for a long haul. I have played with many of you before and know this is a good group.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
You receive a letter from Urwal, the leader of the Verdant Wheel. Posted in the Presentation. Follow link in my header
As Pathfinders, the PCs are also aware that the Pathfinder Society was involved in a major operation in Finadar Forest in the last year, 4718 ar. An ancient cyclopean ritual was accidentally triggered by a group of goblins living in a dragon’s graveyard, causing a massive fire. With help from the Pathfinders, the local centaurs and druids managed to stop the fire, and since then have been working on the forest’s recovery. The goblins in question have since emigrated west.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Please provide the following information.
Player Name:
Player and Character ID#:
Earn Income Check:
Faction for this mission:
I will remind you all to slot the remaining of you boons after the briefing.
Also, have you skills listed in you profile, with proficiency, so that I can pull the numbers for secret checks.
Looking to start April 19th.
This is a tier 1-4 game.
Please post with the character you wish to bring on this adventure. Feel free to give me some backstory on the character as well. I like to hear character concepts.
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Please Provide the following information
Player Name or Handle:
Player and Character ID#
Faction Boon Slotted for Adventure
Downtime Activity & Days Spend
Please have a full character profile ready and head to the slide show in my header. Once there, fill out your perception checks and place your tokens.
How I handle secret checks: If the scenario calls for a secret check, mostly to recall knowledge. I will announce what checks are needed, usually a post or two ahead of when it is actually needed, and you are to spoiler the die roll. When doing this, I expect you not to peek at your results.
When dealing with Perceptions to search and the like. I will usually roll those myself in a mass spoiler. Same with Perceptions for initiative.
It was discovered in a GM discussion thread that there is a discrepancy in the challenge point systems.
In the appendix for both tier 1-2 encounters, the scaling encounter box has a stipulations for 16-18 challenge points.
Per the Organized play website, 16-18 challenge points is high tier play with no option to play up or down.
Has this been adjusted and not changed on the organized play website or am I just missing a blog post with the updates.
My thought on it is that they are trying to mimic what they had in 1st ed
Guide to Organized Play wrote: In the fringe case where there are no PCs that are high enough level to have reached the subtier level (such as a party of six 3rd-level characters), the group can decide to play the lower subtier
Tarnbreaker's Trail- Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall | ◆◇↺
Be sure to fill out a header with the following minimum information.
And please get a full stat block in you character profile incase of secret checks.
Also please check in on the gameplay tab. Once everyone checks in, we will kick off.
Please chime in with interest here. Once spot has already been reserved. Have character information ready and in bio. Others will be chose based on party composition and previous play experiences.
Aiming for tier 1-2
Hello all, just reporting a minor problem.
When receiving my society scenarios, I was missing PFS #1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road. I got everything else though, may have been lost in the shuffle.
Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token
Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir invites the PCs to join him in the lush gardens outside the Sandswept Hall.
Please refer to hand out in reference to the Facts about the Pathfinder Society
Please introduce your characters
Will be first come, first serve.
Please Post the following information
Player Name" As you want it to appear on your chronicle
Character Name:
PFS ID and Character Number:
Faction: If it is different from what is on your header
Will wait to do Downtime until the end.
Knowledge Checks -Sky Key Solution Aid Token
Please provide me with the following character information.
Player Name: As you want it to appear on your chronice
PFS ID and Character#:
Day job roll:
Please also tell me anything that the GM needs to know or roll for(ie stonecunning or trapspotter)