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![]() The Barony set up the Gauntlet. A brutal day of games to entertain the masses and sort the wheat from the chaff. The survivors formed the core of those who would be trained further as crawlers. Long ago, crawlers were called adventurers, but adventurers explored ruins and crypts because they had a choice. After the Sundering, exploring the Underdark was not a choice. Those who went into the Underdark were known as Crawlers. Crawlers were legendary figures who trained to go places and do things on the enigmatic direction of the Barony. They were tight lipped and intimidating, and the townfolk gave them a wide berth. No one would want to be a Crawler voluntarily, but each lord often picked those in his employ to join the gauntlet. These decisions were based on merit, jealousy, and a host of motives that were not always pure. But each lord's word was law. Now you find yourself in the Gauntlet. No time to worry about anything but surviving the day. Survival did not allow you to return to your friends and normal way of life -- no, it made you a Crawler!! ![]()
![]() Times were hard, and the local barons sent their prospective heroes to participate in "The Gauntlet". A brutal test of resourcefulness, ingenuity, toughness and combat prowess. Those that survived would be blessed, trained and equipped for the Underdark. For the prophesies of old DEMANDED an attempt to redeem the vice, greed, and failures of the elders. This is a Grimdark OSR game. Players will be level 0 peasants and teenagers going through a brutal rite of passage to be heroes. Requirements are a commitment to posting once a day on the weekdays, a knowledge of the Shadowdark rules, and a good backstory for a character that you cannot grow too attached to. Character death will be a real possibility, but you will be given the opportunity to start the career of a new adventurer. I will be choosing an initial five to go through the recommended Gauntlet, a 0-1 prequel for a potential long-term Shadowdark campaign. Applicants please describe your old school roleplay experience, your familiarity with the Shadowdark system, and a link to your longest duration game on these boards as a player and extra bonus points for a link to a long term game as dungeon master. Bonus points if this is an old school game. Some completed the Entire Cult of the Reptile God module with me, but I don't know if any are still around. I believe DMs should be rewarded with priority seats in games. If anyone would be willing to GM in a living Shadowdark world, please indicate this. I will be creating a small settlement and dungeon to start. I would like to play at some point. ![]()
![]() Its mostly all in the title -- some links for context Link to Keep on the Borderlands wiki Link to Village of Hommlett wiki Old School Rules and Roleplay -- 3d6s rolled for stats -- simple rules
Fighter Thief Cleric Wizard are your only class choices. Don't know if there would be enough interest, but if you don't ask you won't know. ![]()
![]() This will be Pathfinder 2E Kingmaker RAW adventure with the expectation of five daily posts during the weekday. We will be trying out the no alignment system, but all characters will select an alignment that is a rough indication of your moral feelings about good vs evil and law vs chaos. Characters are expected to be team players and work to further a heroic story. There is room for Han Solo characters, but no Kylo Ren characters in this heroic story (to make a Star Wars analogy). Characters will be created with the seven Kingmaker backgrounds and standard 2e character creation rules with 15gp of starting wealth. All uncommon and rare items not specifically tied to Kingmaker require prior approval. This will be the only "metagaming post" in the gameplay thread. After the first serious gameplay post to start the characters off, metagaming and out of character stuff will be in the discussion thread or used in ooc blue here. ![]()
![]() Greatwall was the name used to describe the southern border keep placed strategically on the Western Shore of the East Sellen River as the river flowed out of Brevoy. The river kingdoms were a wild place, and Greatwall was a keep that made sure the wild elements stayed out of the precious lands controlled by House Lebeda. The East Sellen River was a very important trade artery, and Greatwall was a stronghold built to ensure it stayed protected. You think of your future in Greatwall, and before your summons, it was fairly bleak. Perhaps you were one of the original farmers and watched it transform into a war-forged stronghold. Maybe you were a deserter or soldier who spent his term and ended up here. Maybe you arrived on one of the major merchant caravans that still passed through the trade routes to the east. Although war makes trading dangerous, it also makes it profitable. Maybe you were part of the numerous contingent of Abadar or from a small Erastil shrine. Could you have been sent to further House Lebeda's interest in maintaining control of this vital trade route? Hanspur was the diety nobody liked to talk about around Greatwall. Rumor has it the river traders would drown things to make sure their run through the dangerous lands would be successful. Sometimes these things were people, and it was rumored that Hanspur himself had taken an interest in the river kingdoms personally. One thing that was for sure, he probably didn't want the wild and chaotic riverlands turned into another Brevoy. ![]()
![]() I am recruiting to fill out this last group of six characters to attempt the Kingmaker Adventure Path. As a quick reminder Kingmaker was quite innovative as it introduced a Sandbox adventure with a kingdom building twist. The players guide for 1E Pathfinder should be still available in the marketplace for free -- and I recommend prospective applicants review it if they are new to this Adventure Path. For those of you who do not know me, I am returning after a four-year hiatus on these boards. Before I left I ran a variety of pathfinder adventure paths, old school AD&D modules I converted to pathfinder, and a few homebrews. After many years of experience I am convinced Pathfinder 1E is an amazing RPG system, and the PRD/SRD with Archive of Nethys support has so many resources for everyone on line. If you wish to know my style that is heavily borrowed from GM Blood, please check out this attempt to complete an AP. Even with the best players I knew and loved, we only made it a year--this was an invitation only game, hence the lack of a recruitment thread. Link to AP that made it almost to Book 2 This AP will have a strict posting requirement of once per weekday with the ability to have your character botted by me during real life emergency periods. The character generation will be standard 15 point buy (no minimums as low stats add RP flavor to characters) with all Paizo material in bounds (no third party), and I encourage characters to include the campaign traits provided and consider recommendations for characters in the player guide. I will admit I am biased to standard races, but the occasional tengu, catfolk, or ratfolk will be considered. Now for the twist. We will be playing a prequel to Kingmaker that will get characters to level 2 and get them their charter to create their kingdom. We will have a chance to see how the group works together and hopefully move right into the Kingmaker Adventure Path. Previously as a GM, I used google docs and will do so for the prequel. It turns out the second edition Roll 20 kingmaker content is completely different than 1E, so I expect to use google docs throughout this AP and link all maps in the game thread. My free subscription to book 1 of 2E Kingmaker is of little help with maps, but I may snag some of the cool graphics for handouts. The prequel adventure will be entitled Intrigue in Brevoy and will take place near Lake Reykal in service of House Lebeda. I have some business trips coming up and do not want to rush the recruitment process, as my quick recruitments of the past may have been a mistake.
Historical recruiting questions for this AP can be found here. One or two spots remain depending on how many are in the discussion thread. ![]()
![]() This is a recruitment for my second group that will run through the Kingmaker Adventure Path after a short prelude in the Riverlands. I will be selecting up to six players, this will be a 15 point buy, with no maximum or minimum stat. One bonus trait with a drawback, one of your traits should be a campaign trait. This group has no alignment restrictions, and will probably include evil characters. If you want to be a good guy, you should be in the "other thread". I firmly believe in allowing players to have a say over the game they play. And rather than say what this group will be, we will say what this group will not be -- they will not be "the good guys". Link above to the good guys recruitment to allow you to see questions about character builds. And, this is also a forum for the player to decide how much they want to be not good guys, and what that will entail. ![]()
![]() Greatwall was the name used to describe the southern border keep placed strategically on the Western Shore of the East Sellen River as the river flowed out of Brevoy. The river kingdoms were a wild place, and Greatwall was a keep that made sure the wild elements stayed out of the precious lands controlled by House Lebeda. The East Sellen River was a very important trade artery, and Greatwall was a stronghold built to ensure it stayed protected. You think of your future in Greatwall, and before your summons, it was fairly bleak. Perhaps you were one of the original farmers and watched it transform into a war-forged stronghold. Maybe you were a deserter or soldier who spent his term and ended up here. Maybe you arrived on one of the major merchant caravans that still passed through the trade routes to the east. Although war makes trading dangerous, it also makes it profitable. Maybe you were part of the numerous contingent of Abadar or from a small Erastil shrine. Could you have been sent to further House Lebeda's interest in maintaining control of this vital trade route? ![]()
![]() I am recruiting for one or two groups of up to six characters to attempt the Kingmaker Adventure Path. As a quick reminder Kingmaker was quite innovative as it introduced a Sandbox adventure with a kingdom building twist. The players guide for 1E Pathfinder should be still available in the marketplace for free -- and I recommend prospective applicants review it if they are new to this Adventure Path. For those of you who do not know me, I am returning after a four-year hiatus on these boards. Before I left I ran a variety of pathfinder adventure paths, old school AD&D modules I converted to pathfinder, and a few homebrews. After many years of experience I am convinced Pathfinder 1E is an amazing RPG system, and the PRD/SRD with Archive of Nethys support has so many resources for everyone on line. If you wish to know my style that is heavily borrowed from GM Blood, please check out this attempt to complete an AP. Even with the best players I knew and loved, we only made it a year--this was an invitation only game, hence the lack of a recruitment thread. Link to AP that made it almost to Book 2 This AP will have a strict posting requirement of once per weekday with the ability to have your character botted by me during real life emergency periods. The character generation will be standard 15 point buy (no minimums as low stats add RP flavor to characters) with all Paizo material in bounds (no third party), and I encourage characters to include the campaign traits provided and consider recommendations for characters in the player guide. I will admit I am biased to standard races, but the occasional tengu, catfolk, or ratfolk will be considered. Now for the twist. We will be playing a prequel to Kingmaker that will get characters to level 2 and get them their charter to create their kingdom. We will have a chance to see how the group works together and hopefully move right into the Kingmaker Adventure Path. Previously as a GM, I used google docs and will do so for the prequel. It turns out the second edition Roll 20 kingmaker content is completely different than 1E, so I expect to use google docs throughout this AP and link all maps in the game thread. My free subscription to book 1 of 2E Kingmaker is of little help with maps, but I may snag some of the cool graphics for handouts. The prequel adventure will be entitled Intrigue in Brevoy and will take place near Lake Reykal in service of House Lebeda. I have some business trips coming up and do not want to rush the recruitment process, as my quick recruitments of the past may have been a mistake. I also in the past thought aliases were precious, but now I have so many, I no longer think so. Please make up an alias if you are interested with a background / backstory. ![]()
![]() I have been considering beginning the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path after a four year long hiatus on these boards. It appears the first book is free on Roll 20, and let us face it, 95% of PbP APs don't even make it to the second book. Here is a link to one of my old APs I ran so you can see my previous style. Even with carefully selected players it only lasted six months, so attrition is real even among the best and most committed. Six month AP to level 3 I am very familiar with Pathfinder 1E, and after going through the Pathfinder 2E playtest I was not blown away. But, 1E to 2E PF is much better than the move from D&D 3.5 to 4th edition. I am more disappointed that I own many APs set in Pathfinder 1E that are now in a legacy game system, but enough ranting..... Let me know if you are interested in playing the Kingmaker AP, can post once per weekday at the minimum, and have or can get a Roll 20 account. I would be encouraged if you can link a PbP game of long duration on these forums, and I do like to reward game masters who have held a long game together on these forums by giving them priority to play as I know how hard it is to keep a PbP game together long term. So, those interested in possibly joining me in the Sandbox known as Kingmaker, please let me know your interest level and if you would prefer 1E or 2E pathfinder. This would involve a commitment to post once per weekday, probably do combats on Roll 20, and put up with an old school DM. If anyone is looking for a committed player for any Pathfinder APs, look no farther, the fun to work ratio as a player is higher for me, but only because the denominator of that ratio is so much lower!! If we somehow move to the second book, I have no problems springing for the $100 on Roll 20. I don't think any players would have to pay (if you know the definitive answer to this, feel free to chime in).
Interest Check -- Pathfinder CORE Campaign --Series of Classic Module Conversions (U1-U3, A1-A4, ??)
![]() OK, before Pathfinder there was D&D. And I firmly believe Pathfinder Core is tight, solid, and superior!! But D&D has some great modules that stand the test of time. So, as some of the old modules are quite good, I plan on stringing some of the best in a Pathfinder campaign set in Greyhawk. If interested, AND CAN POST ONCE PER WEEKDAY, let me know. Characters would be Core with 25 build points and maximum wealth. Characters will not start with magic items to make Jim Bambra (quoted below) happy. No traits or hero points. Check my posting history as I will probably be checking yours if you apply. Don't crunch any characters, as that is the last thing I care about. A good background and character idea are much more important if we get past the interest stage. I plan on beginning with the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, and probably completing the U1 - U3 story arch and probably going into the slaver series A1-A4, as they are quite good. If sufficient interest with quality players is there, we can see if we want to give this a try. What was written on the cover of the module?
What is said about U1, the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh?? The module was positively reviewed in Issue No. 35 of White Dwarf magazine by Jim Bambra, who scored it 9 out of 10 and described it as entertaining and interesting. Bambra criticized how the first-level characters provided with the module come equipped with magic items: "I fail to see how this can be justified, as the module is not difficult enough to warrant the bestowal of magic before play even begins. Magic items should be found by players as treasure and not come as handouts from the DM."[1] Bambra noted that the adventure's main thrust engages the players' problem solving skills, forcing them to piece clues together, and that the encounters in the adventure should present no problems to an intelligent party. Overall, he felt that "TSR (UK) are to be congratulated on their first module, the series should prove to be interesting and entertaining."[1] The module was ranked the 27th greatest Dungeons & Dragons adventure of all time by Dungeon magazine in 2004.[5] Freelance gaming author James Maliszewski calls it "one of the best low-level modules ever written for Dungeons & Dragons" and "a superb example of adventure design". He listed the positive elements of the module as "the very matter-of-fact way it portrays a fantasy world" and the new spin it gives to "the standard low-level D&D tropes".[6] Ken Denmead of Wired listed the module as one of the "Top 10 D&D Modules I Found in Storage This Weekend".[7] According to Denmead, this was "the Scooby Doo episode of D&D modules. Instead of a good old dungeon crawl, players got to explore a big old spooky house, and deal with all sorts of annoying wandering monsters, as well as traps and illusions." ![]()
![]() Lets talk strategy and out of character things. If you post involves stats, build advice, or combat strategy, put it here. The occasional ooc post can slip into the gameplay in blue. We await:
![]() In an inn just outside of the Hold of Belkzen, you speak to the aged dwarf as he throws back another large tankard of ale. Rock Stonecrusher was a battle-scarred dwarf who had seen his share of combat over the years. Rumor had it was getting a party of dwarves together to head to Trunau. His ambitious plan called for a group of dwarves to jump into a town full of half orcs and humans--what could wrong there? As you are ushered to his table in the inn, he is speaking to a few dwarves that came earlier and waves you over. "I was just finishing up my story!!" "Aye, the giants slaughtered as many dwarves as they could that day. I blame the Chelaxians, for they surely put the giants up to it, but I could just as easily blame dwarven pride and arrogance. Wrapped up in the power struggles of human nations, we dwarves found out that we were the manipulated and not the ones doing the manipulating." He laughs as he remembers something funny: "King Noscan thought he was honeydicking the humans, but in the end, it was King Noscan who was honeydicked. And more dwarven blood was spilled in two weeks than I have drank in ale over my lifetime." He gets a sober look and stares at around the table, eventually fixing you with a firm gaze as his pupils seem to darken. "I will take you to Trunau in Belkzen where you may get into trouble, but it will be a good kind of trouble." ![]()
![]() You are each in Sasserine for your own reasons. Some of you have lived here longer than others. You may have even passed by each other on the street a time or two not knowing the future each of you would have with each other and the world. The other similarity you all have is that you have recently received a dinner invitation from someone named Lavinia Vanderboren that reads, "Greetings, and I trust this missive finds you in good health! My name is Lavinia Vanderboren, and I humbly request your attendance at dinner at my estate on Festival Street and Blue Skink Lane tomorrow evening. I think I can present you with an opportunity uniquely suited to your skills. Please inform the carrier of this letter of your response to this invitation, and I hope to be speaking to you soon!" One check for each of you for Knowledge (Nobility) and a 15 or higher opens both spoilers for you. It can be rolled untrained but will only reveal the DC 10 check no matter the result. Knowledge (Nobility) DC 10:
The Vanderboren family is a wealthy and prestigious family of the city. Knowledge (Nobility) DC 15:
Lavinia is the oldest daughter in the Vanderboren family. The Vanderboren family is led by Verik and Larissa, her parents, and she has a younger brother named Vanthus. Knowledge (local) DC 15:
There was a tragic fire that happened about a month ago that claimed the lives of the elder Vanderborens. The Vanderborens were survived by their two children, Lavinia and Vanthus. Each of you arrive within minutes of each other. and are led into a sitting room The Vanderboren Manor is located in the eastern section of the Merchant District. The seven-foot-high stone wall that surrounds the estate is impossible to miss, as is the towering, gothic, three-story house
The front gates have been left open for you, but no one greets you until you reach the front door and knock. After a few moments, a wizened halfling woman answers the door. She introduces herself as Kora
You all arrive within minutes and soon know that you have all been invited to the same dinner. Feel free to introduce your characters to each other! ![]()
![]() Before there was Shackled Skulls, some of the best writers at Dungeon magazine put an AP in Dungeon magazine. It involved some pirate ships and, eventually, a trip to defeat Demogorgon, one of the ultimate bada$$e$ in D&D history. The City of Sasserine is recovering from a century of oppressive rule. The thieves guilds have been destroyed and many unsavory elements eliminated. It is a place of opportunity for the prospective knave and a heroic battleground for the prospective knight. I am recruiting a tight group (four -- maybe 5 PCs) to defeat the evil threatening the world. Since the group will be small, players will be starting with 25pt builds and maximum wealth. No materials outside the Core Rulebook will be use to create characters (this includes archetypes and traits). No characters will be evil. Lawful good may be a difficult, you would have to be a flexible lawful good to succeed. The players guide may be a $1 download. It will help, but not be essential, to make a good character. The intent is to make this a long term campaign with characters progressing from Level 1 to Level 20. The AP comes in twelve installments. This will be a marathon and not a sprint. Recruiting will close December 13 game will start January 2 with sufficient interest. ![]()
![]() This is a recruitment for the Giantslayer AP, except you will be sponsored by a clanless dwarf attempting to regain dwarven influence by helping Trunau. Standard Character Creation Guidelines: Characters will be adult characters built with the 15 point standard buy and of core races as the APs are designed. Characters will have average wealth and max hp at first level. The four characters will fit each of the four ‘traditional’ roles: martial, divine, arcane, and skilled. Google documents will be used for maps, and players will be given access to the map and expected to move their tokens (or give enough detail for me to do so). I will stick to the Giantslayer AP as much as possible, but may move quickly through encounters that do not translate well to the PbP format. AT LEAST THREE OF THE FOUR CHARACTERS WILL BE DWARVES. This campaign will have a dwarfish flavor. Dwarfish PCs, or PCs with ties to dwarves will have an advantage. This campaign will also have a retro flavor, Core classes will be favored over newer classes, and there will be no guns. The fighter class and the rogue class will be given improvements over the Pathfinder baseline. If you feel these classes are powerful enough without being improved, you may play them as is. The minimum requirements will be one post a weekday. I will advance the story as quickly as the format will allow and try to avoid ‘doors’ that create too many delays in the action. I will encourage roleplaying to happen AS THE ACTION GOES ON. Finally, active PbP DMs will be given preference. ![]()
![]() We are done with recruitment. Generic discussion for all can be done here. The master gameplay thread will be reserved for when the characters meet each other. Maps should be shared for all. I fixed Lanarial's, it wasn't for some reason. Comments and critiques go here. Hopefully we have some fun. This will be different. ![]()
![]() Maedhros watched in suspense and awe as the large stone monolith appeared on the Top of the World at the end of Fall Solstice. The shamans and witches felt the Hallowed Day or the Eve of the last day of the Autumn season had mystical powers. The large building with a single mist shrouded opening was a good indication the prophecies were true. Now, would he be up to the test? ![]()
![]() Lanarial watched in suspense and awe as the large stone monolith appeared on the Top of the World at the end of Fall Solstice. The shamans and witches felt the Hallowed Day or the Eve of the last day of the Autumn season had mystical powers. The large building with a single mist shrouded opening was a good indication the prophecies were true. Now, would she be up to the test? ![]()
![]() Malgrim watched in suspense and awe as the large stone monolith appeared on the Top of the World at the end of Fall Solstice. The shamans and witches felt the Hallowed Day or the Eve of the last day of the Autumn season had mystical powers. The large building with a single mist shrouded opening was a good indication the prophecies were true. Now, would he be up to the test? ![]()
![]() Magrim watched in suspense and awe as the large stone monolith appeared on the Top of the World at the end of Fall Solstice. The shamans and witches felt the Hallowed Day or the Eve of the last day of the Autumn season had mystical powers. The large building with a single mist shrouded opening was a good indication the prophecies were true. Now, would he be up to the test? ![]()
![]() Sagatto watched in suspense and awe as the large stone monolith appeared on the Top of the World at the end of Fall Solstice. The shamans and witches felt the Hallowed Day or the Eve of the last day of the Autumn season had mystical powers. The large building with a single mist shrouded opening was a good indication the prophecies were true. Now, would he be up to the test? ![]()
![]() Oranna watched in suspense and awe as the large stone monolith appeared on the Top of the World at the end of Fall Solstice. The shamans and witches felt the Hallowed Day or the Eve of the last day of the Autumn season had mystical powers. The large building with a single mist shrouded opening was a good indication the prophecies were true. Now, would she be up to the test? ![]()
![]() Homebrew Recruitment—The Hallowed Halls of Heroes Legends tell of the great challenges to be had if one is fortunate enough to access the Hallowed Halls of Heroes. Once in a great while all the great constellations named after the great heroes appear in the sky, and the time is right for the vigil at the ‘Top of the World’ for the Hall to appear. The great barbarian tribes, the dwarf clans, the elves of the woods, the knights of the realm, and even those of mixed ancestry choose the best of their un-blooded warriors to send to the north to await the appearance of the giant monolithic structure and enter its depths. No material objects from the mundane world are allowed in the Hall, and those who return will be consecrated warriors and heroes. It is said the favors of the heroes of old can be had to aid one in the Hallow Halls of Heroes. Gerund, the stout dwarf warrior, was famous for the amount of damage he could take and not fall. Cyndi, the elven ranger, was renowned for ability to dodge and evade the blows of her attackers. Grond, the half orc barbarian, delivered the most lethal blows. Harold, the human gladiator was known for the exotic combat maneuvers he would perform; he preferred to drop, disarm, or hold his opponent helpless before he finished them off. Theris, the true, it was said his strikes never missed his opponents and with an economy of motion demanded every strike be true. You have been chosen, but will you enter the hall and test your courage and skills? Will you seek the favor of those who passed before you? Character Generation:
This is Pathfinder with a little 'rogue-like' action thrown in. This will not lack in 'action', and the amount of story may actually surprise. ![]()
![]() In an inn just outside of the Hold of Belkzen, you speak to the aged dwarf as he throws back another large tankard of ale. "Aye, the giants slaughtered as many dwarves as they could. I blame the Chelaxians, for they surely put the giants up to it, but I could just as easily blame dwarven pride and arrogance. Wrapped up in the power struggles of human nations, we dwarves found out that we were the manipulated and not the ones doing the manipulating." He laughs as he remembers something funny: "King Noscan thought he was honeydicking the humans, but in the end, it was King Noscan who was honeydicked. And more dwarven blood was spilled in two weeks than I have drank in ale over my lifetime." He gets a sober look and stares. "I will take you to Trunau in Belkzen where you may get into trouble, but it will be a good kind of trouble." ![]()
![]() Out of Character and strategy discussion. Introduce yourselves and welcome to Giantslayer. This is about my fifteenth kickoff for PbP--let us hope we can have fun together and tell an epic dwarven story. It appears the digital download is not in my folder. I will call Paizo and get us ready to go soon. ![]()
![]() I am inspired by the face to face marathon session of Giantslayer Book 1 to have a 'marathon (tag team)' PbP Giantslayer game. Link to marathon Giantslayer AP game Standard Character Creation Guidelines: Characters will be adult characters built with the 15 point standard buy and of core races as the APs are designed. Characters will have average wealth and max hp at first level. The four characters will fit each of the four ‘traditional’ roles: martial, divine, arcane, and skilled. Google documents will be used for maps, and players will be given access to the map and expected to move their tokens (or give enough detail for me to do so). I will stick to the Giantslayer AP as much as possible, but may move quickly through encounters that do not translate well to the PbP format. Some things will be different than your typical PbP AP. I will be selecting four characters and not players, with the person creating the character getting to play that character first. If a player misses a daily post, that character will be transferred to another player. That will allow me to select players without an established posting history as they can be replaced quickly. To make this quite easy, I will maintain the character sheets in the campaign tab for all to access. I will even put my money where my mouth is: if as GM I miss a daily post, another GM may take over and keep the momentum going. This campaign will have a dwarfish flavor. Dwarfish PCs, or PCs with ties to dwarves will have an advantage. This campaign will also have a retro flavor, Core classes will be favored over newer classes, and there will be no guns. The fighter class and the rogue class will be given improvements over the Pathfinder baseline. If you feel these classes are powerful enough without being improved, you play them as is. For this AP to be a PbP marathon it will have an accelerated pace (I consider once a weekday posting rate an accelerated pace). The minimum will be one post a weekday, and if you have a real life event or miss a post, do not worry, the story will continue with another player. I will advance the story as quickly as the format will allow and try to avoid ‘doors’ that create too many delays in the action. I will encourage roleplaying to happen AS THE ACTION GOES ON. What have I completed here on the boards over the last two and a half years? A homebrew, N1 Cult of the Reptile God, Intrigue in Taldor (WGM 1 Border Watch translated to Golarion).
What has folded due to the inability of a few players to post once a weekday? Too many to name including a Mummy’s Mask AP that had three trips to the board for recruiting and would have required a fourth to continue before the characters reached level 3. Background is important, I suggest you read the Player's Guide before coming up with one. One of the characters will be a dwarf survivor of a brutal giant massacre getting an adventuring group together, sort of similar to a recent set of Hobbit movies. Also understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the PbP format is vital, and the definitive thread on that is linked here.
Recruitment should last until 25 April. ![]()
![]() Some of us remember going through what became Against the Giants, G1, G2 and G3. We fought hill giants, then frost giants, then fire giants. We moved on to fight drow and their goddess Lolth, but first we had to fight the giants. I remember having my dwarven fighter thrown off a glacier to plummet to his death bravely fighting frost giants. I remember a brutal fight with wolves and hill giants in a giant banquet hall. Here is hoping Pathfinder does the legacy proud. This is a preliminary thread to see who is up for the new Giantslayer AP when it comes out. I would like to play a dwarven ranger with a favored enemy of giant, but might run it if no one steps forward. Consider this a placeholder that may turn in to a bunch of players looking for a GM thread. ![]()
![]() WE NEED ONE TO THREE REPLACEMENT PLAYERS WE HAVE PALADIN WIZARD CLERIC. This was an attempt to give people new to the boards a chance, and, not surprisingly, we suffered about 40% attrition in the first week. Taldor is beset by invaders from the south as all is quiet on the Eastern Front. What to the enemies of Taldor have in mind next? Their latest plot takes aim at the very heart of Taldor. What starts out as a simple border watch assignment for the adventurers turns into a story of war, espionage and intrigue that will shake the nation to its foundation. First and foremost, this game will have a strict once a day posting pace during the weekdays. I check the boards often, and can go faster, but we can have a great story at this pace. I have found that slow games tend to get slower and slower. Next, this is core pathfinder, but the players I plan on recruiting should have no problem making a vibrant character with Core classes and no archetypes. Characters will start at Level 1, with 15 points and average wealth. Maps will be done with a simple googledocs spreadsheet everyone can edit. Each encounter will have its own sheet on the master spreadsheet. What adventure will we be playing? It will be a surprise, but think Wrath of the Righteous without mythic and a better story. DM Crellan gave me the idea with his mystery AP recruitment. I met the writer of the adventure, and promise you it is a good one. I also bet many of you never played it. ![]()
![]() We have had a difficult experience having party deaths in the first encounter. Having spent money before returning to try and rescue incapacitated party members, our DM is MIA. Anyone know what we do? Is there a PbP venture captain we can call? I am assuming our characters are frozen until this is resolved. ![]()
![]() For your own reasons, you have journeyed to the frontier in search of adventure. The depth of your loyalty to Taldor is your own business, but you all realize the danger of the Worldwound. The outpost of Greatwall was a solid fortification in the crucial line of defense. You sit at the Behir and Beholder, the only tavern in Greatwall, taking the chill off the autumn night. Suddenly the front door opens, and three soldiers enter--you recognize them as the sergeant of the guard and two men-at-arms. As they approach you, you see another three guard enter through the rear door and approach your table. As they approach, the sergeant of the guard, a slightly corpulent man with a dangerous-looking scar running down the left side of his face, points his finger in your direction. "YOU...YOU...YOU....YOU...and...YOU!!" He indicates each of you in turn. "You are all wanted by the Captain of the Greatwall Guard." ![]()
![]() For your own reasons, you have journeyed to the frontier in search of adventure. The depth of your loyalty to Taldor is your own business, but you all realize the danger of the Worldwound. The outpost of Greatwall was a solid fortification in the crucial line of defense. You sit at the Behir and Beholder, the only tavern in Greatwall, taking the chill off the autumn night. Suddenly the front door opens, and three soldiers enter--you recognize them as the sergeant of the guard and two men-at-arms. As they approach you, you see another three guard enter through the rear door and approach your table. As they approach, the sergeant of the guard, a slightly corpulent man with a dangerous-looking scar running down the left side of his face, points his finger in your direction. "YOU...YOU...YOU....YOU...and...YOU!!" He indicates each of you in turn. "You are all wanted by the Captain of the Greatwall Guard." ![]()
![]() First and foremost, this game will have a strict once a day posting pace during the weekdays. I check the boards often, and can go faster, but we can have a great story at this pace. I have found that slow games tend to get slower and slower. Next, this is core pathfinder, but the players I plan on recruiting should have no problem making a vibrant character with Core classes and no archetypes. Characters will start at Level 1, with 15 points and average wealth. Maps will be done with a simple googledocs spreadsheet everyone can edit. Each encounter will have its own sheet on the master spreadsheet. What adventure will we be playing? It will be a surprise, but think Wrath of the Righteous without mythic and a better story. DM Crellan gave me the idea with his mystery AP recruitment. I met the writer of the adventure, and promise you it is a good one. I also bet many of you never played it. Finally, I will be inviting all the great DMs that have ran great adventures for me on the boards and give them a chance to adventure together and let me do the hard work of framing the story. Writing the story was done by Paul many years ago. The setup: You are all prospective adventurers in Taldor when you are dragged into a meeting with the guard captain. You end up being involved in events that will affect the entire nation of Taldor. Those with some priority are:
Others, do not be discouraged. Such busy GMs cannot all have the time to go on an adventure. There will be space for those that can meet the strict posting requirement. I may even run a second group. If you have some DM credentials, you can apply. This is a 'giving back' to the DMs that have made these boards a pleasure the last two years. Edit: This means Core Races Anything in the Core Rulebook is good to go. And here is a link to the completed N1 --- Cult of the Reptile God -- completed on these boards as an example of how I roll.
Finally, the expected pace for the adventure where you will make level 3 by the end is targeted for Less than three months total!! ![]()
![]() Just wanted to know if I am the only one that seems to think daily posting is an ideal and not a standard. Many years on this board I see recruiting threads ask for daily posting, at least on weekdays. Then I go to the gameplay thread and find out after the honeymoon period, daily posting is gone. Could their be a Paizo stat that tracks someone's posting frequency to make recruiting easier? I think it would be nice to track a player's posting frequency to DM's posting frequency too. That may be a more indicative measure of commitment. |