Dungeon Runner -- The Social Experiment to Save the World
Game Master
All of the young ones had one thing in common, they were taken in by small communities of the fey. Some say their parents died of unfortunate accidents, others would say these accidents were too suspicious and coincidental to be happenstance.
Nevertheless, elevators would descend to the underground and young adults that left had no memory of anything but the happy community of small fey creatures that raised them. Pushed them to be their best, and then waking up at the bottom of the shaft.
Link to MAPS!!
Here is where we keep the crunch, discussion, real world stuff, and all around stuff we don't want in our EPIC GAMEPLAY THREAD.
Male Half Orc Urban Barbarian 1
We will be using a standard initiative system and I will roll for everyone. Simple excel spreadsheets on google docs will be made available and linked in the short campaign tab which should show up on the top of the page.
Please put the following information in the top lines of your aliases so they show up.
Rogue 3(burglar)/Init: +10--Perception: +9(+10 traps)/F +2; R+7; W+2 CMD 15 hp = 21/21--AC18/touch 15/ff14
Male Human Monk/1 Init: +2 Perception: +6 F +3; R+4; W+5 CMD 16 hp = 10/10 AC 15 Touch 15 ff 13
The chase map is linked at the top of the gameplay. Nice to see you both picked up acrobatics -- good call.
We have some roleplaying introductions -- Then you will have a reason to be in the maze chased by the clockwork rats.
Feel free to post--your first post is "Due" my late Monday--I am hoping for a post a day Monday through Friday at the minimum.
Your homework is to review the chase rules -- I will handle chases so you can move to any adjacent cell (non diagonal). You will start in Cell O2.
Summoner 1(Syn)/Init: +4--Perception: +5/F +1; R+1; W+4/CMD 15/HP = 11(22)/11(22)--AC 15/touch 11/ff 14
FYI - Switched out my Resistance evolutions for Climb and Skilled (Acrobatics)...totally forgot that was important. Bjorn's avatar is a go.
Considering you all were given Dwarf Fortress supplies, I'd say you're all going to die. Better start building your own coffins! ;)
I kid, good luck to the participants.
Unless one of them turns out to be a vampire, then it will be hard to kill him. I thought someone might catch the DF reference. Like to use it to provide an underground economy -- but sadly the group has no anvil:-(
Here is the strategy discussion : topic -- run back toward camp or go high and risk getting cut off??
Summoner 1(Syn)/Init: +4--Perception: +5/F +1; R+1; W+4/CMD 15/HP = 11(22)/11(22)--AC 15/touch 11/ff 14
GM Tribute - what's your stance on the Extra Evolution feat?
Can synthesist summoners take the feat or not? I'm asking for future levels. I'm fine either way, I can do a good build with or without it.
Summoner 1(Syn)/Init: +4--Perception: +5/F +1; R+1; W+4/CMD 15/HP = 11(22)/11(22)--AC 15/touch 11/ff 14
Bjorn Icerunner wrote: GM Tribute - what's your stance on the Extra Evolution feat?
Can synthesist summoners take the feat or not? I'm asking for future levels. I'm fine either way, I can do a good build with or without it.
In all other cases, this ability functions as the summoner's normal eidolon ability..."
I have no problem following SKR on this one. You can.
Summoner 1(Syn)/Init: +4--Perception: +5/F +1; R+1; W+4/CMD 15/HP = 11(22)/11(22)--AC 15/touch 11/ff 14
GM Tribute wrote: In all other cases, this ability functions as the summoner's normal eidolon ability..."
I have no problem following SKR on this one. You can.
Sounds good. I now have my 3rd level feat...I just have to survive that long to get it. Haha...
Male Human Monk/1 Init: +2 Perception: +6 F +3; R+4; W+5 CMD 16 hp = 10/10 AC 15 Touch 15 ff 13
Sorry for the lack of post my computer finally decided to die so my posting may be limited for a while.
Male Halfling Swashbuckler 1 (Mouser)
You said we don't remember our names. I gather we don't remember much of anything, from the campaign info. As for equipment, I guess we have just our clothes?
I will probably suspend this as we are in no way close to the one post per weekday goal we set at the beginning. With a small party of four, it would be more critical as we miss combat posts.
I was doing a lot of DMPCing.
I thought this might be the case. It's never a good sign when the GM doesn't post for several days.
You should probably compare player posts to GM posts.
Male Halfling Swashbuckler 1 (Mouser)
You're the boss, but we had 2 existing characters returning from a chase, and 2 new characters that were trying to figure out what was going on, so it was an unusual situation where it wasn't quite clear who needed to post.
Recent threads in Play-by-Post Discussion