Intrigue on the East Sellen River (Kingmaker Book 0) Group 3 (Inactive)

Game Master Chainmail

A prelude to potential Kingmaker campaign where characters experience a harrowing journey into the wild river kingdoms. Who can be trusted when trade and coin are the primary motivation for keeping the East Sellen river safe. In this chaotic time for Brevoy, are there internal forces at work that threaten House Lebeda's trading empire? It is 15 Phar 4710
Area map with Greatwall
15 pt buy, average wealth, no 3 party, max hp, bonus trait w/ drawback, one campaign trait, consult Player’s guide, 7 min/ 18 max before racials, 1 background skill/ level (3 if rogue)

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What is going on in Greatwall? Can we protect the trading interests of House Lebeda?

Female Half Elf

Hello, guess we are here. The runt group.

Male Human Rogue (Unchained, Swashbuckler) L2 | AC19 (T14F15) CMD16 | HP 17/17 | Saves F1R7W-2 | Percep +2 | Init: +4 | Status: OK


A good looking young man of wiry build, dark unkempt hair and a ready smile on his face.
His clothing is typical of a gentleman, but worn and frayed. His weapons are of high quality and well taken care of.

Antonio was born to the Lebeda noble house, and he was sent to the finest universities and sword schools in Taldor. While he did take to the sword, he also discovered girls, gambling and drinking and eventually washed out.
After one too many embarrassments, the Lebeda family cut their losses and drop kicked him off the palace grounds and scrubbed his name from the family roster.
Now at the bottom of his purse, Antonio is just sobering up to the need to earn new coin and he is beginning to look for something to advance his circumstances.

Good Question:
GM out of curiosity do you plan for the different tables to have any crossover? Perhaps merging tables down the line if folks drop out

Here is short WIT (What I'm Thinking) from your GM:

I will outline the master plan. In my initial interest check I mentioned the drop rate of PbPs can be high. My new formula is to start APs at six for PbP and recruit three again if the group drops to three. Why? I can encounter balance 4-6 easily and I personally hate to respond to recruitments for one character, two makes me pause, but getting three characters at a pause is probably enough to spark interest and make the recruiting worthwhile for both players and GM.

Seeing the lack of 1E pathfinder recruitments lately, I am hoping to take roughly the interest level of all 18 characters that applied, I hate to disappoint. If we lose 3 total from all 3 groups in chapter 0, I will recruit again. If we lose 6 total we will consolidate into 2 tables and move forward. I am also hoping to inspire some of the players to think about GMing their own 1E games, and will not be offended in any way if they decide to go 25 point buy and Elephant in the Room--but want also to show the old way (15pts feat taxes) works well too.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Hi All. I'll get Edoom's profile up today. Perhaps we could work out some background on how we get together here. I see Edoom as a trader of exotic goods from different places with interest in everything... hence no decision between magic and fighting.

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Gm, thanks for having me along!
I was planning on a dirty trick fighter, but seeing as we already have a fighter and a paladin....

I'll see if i can come up with something else!

Female Half Elf

All have some finishing touches on backstory and all that. Probs get an image. Posting tonight.

Female Half Elf

Maria is a priestess of Shelyn, brought into the faith by her parents at a young age once she began to pursue a career in art. Her great skill in art compliment her faith as she worked tirelessly to beautify her local area in the form of art projects such as murals and others. Her trip to the savage lands would be seen as a way to tame it and bring the word of Sheyln to the land in a typical evangelist style fashion.

Maria herself is a fair-haired half elven woman, taller than average for her kind, and youthful demeanor. Her clothing is colorful and bold, adorned with the symbols of her faith.

Pic Pending

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

Linnes is young muscular woman- with almost constant dour look on her face. Her dark brown hair and brown eyes seem to almost dance about, as if unable to focus on anything. She is common born by her looks; and has a farmer's physique from an obviously poor upbringing.

Background (Reposted from previous thread):
Born a middle child to a Rostlander family; Linnes spent much of her youth helping her family work her farm- tales of growing up in the cities of Brevoy intrigued the young girl- and she was curious as to why her parents moved back to the farm. Warnings to stay away did little to sway the naive and foolish girl; and she slipped into the caravan to take away the year's taxes.
The taxmen were unhappy to put it mildly when they discovered her among the grains. Taking the young girl to the guard; she was forced to work a great many weeks before her father came; disowning her on the spot and leaving her to the mercy of the guard. She was handed off to one of the Greatwall's healers to assist her with whatever injuries the woman dealt with.

She learned a few tricks and techniques from her stint there; getting into trouble with the local toughs when the guards weren't around. Over time; the woman and guards started teaching Linnes the basics of fighting and lore involving the planes and healing... and one day she was summoned by House Lebeda; to a great many people's surprise... perhaps they thought it time the now adult girl to repay the small amount of taxes owed with some interest?

Yes, we almost have a quorum (may be short one). Plan is to meet the captain of the guard Wednesday latest. Provide more background about Greatwall -- you will find it is officially Sanctuary of Abadar (so Lebeda/Brevan interests can project south without being under a national banner, but a religious one).
Thank you for joining, and think the party composition looks great so far.

Remember Antonio, rogues get 3 background skills per level per level!! I try to make sure they are truly the skill masters.

Male Human Rogue (Unchained, Swashbuckler) L2 | AC19 (T14F15) CMD16 | HP 17/17 | Saves F1R7W-2 | Percep +2 | Init: +4 | Status: OK

Shall we just jump in now?

Yes please!!

Hello, I'm sorry I'm late! Thank you for selecting me, I frogot to keep checking the recuirtment thread and of course it's not on my campaign page yet - I'm normally not that slow :)

I haven't decidded what faith Karina follows, in some games you can jsut be a paladin of Good without picking a deity but if you insist on having one I will think about who she follows.

Jump on in Karina.

And, since this is the discussion thread the GM is responsible for providing intriguing discussion topics at times.

The Stormwind Fallacy reposted from another source (not my comments)

I still stand by the argument that this is a fundamental difference between old school (basic D&D: 1 race/class, AD&D: very limted multi-classing) vrs new school (I buy a book and there is a class in their and I want it gimmie gimmie). The trend I see is old school = roleplayers, new school = optomizers.

Note to New school people: Don't listen to what you hear, you aren't a dork if you roleplay. It is ok to indulge in what D&D is all about, roleplay. If you try it and have a good DM, I guarantee you'll have a blast and won't care so much about optomizing. Okay, that's it.

I'm hereby proposing a new logical fallacy. It's not a new idea, but maybe with a catchy name (like the Oberoni Fallacy) it will catch on.

The Stormwind Fallacy, aka the Roleplayer vs Rollplayer Fallacy Just because one optimizes his characters mechanically does not mean that they cannot also roleplay, and vice versa.

Corollary: Doing one in a game does not preclude, nor infringe upon, the ability to do the other in the same game.

Generalization 1: One is not automatically a worse roleplayer if he optimizes, and vice versa. Generalization 2: A non-optimized character is not automatically roleplayed better than an optimized one, and vice versa.

(I admit that there are some diehards on both sides -- the RP fanatics who refuse to optimize as if strong characters were the mark of the Devil and the min/max munchkins who couldn't RP their way out of a paper bag without setting it on fire -- though I see these as extreme examples. The vast majority of people are in between, and thus the generalizations hold. The key word is 'automatically')

Proof: These two elements rely on different aspects of a player's gameplay. Optimization factors in to how well one understands the rules and handles synergies to produce a very effective end result. Roleplaying deals with how well a player can act in character and behave as if he was someone else. A person can act while understanding the rules, and can build something powerful while still handling an effective character. There is nothing in the game -- mechanical or otherwise -- restricting one if you participate in the other.

Claiming that an optimizer cannot roleplay (or is participating in a playstyle that isn't supportive of roleplaying) because he is an optimizer, or vice versa, is committing the Stormwind Fallacy

Abadar and Erastil may have story ties, but any diety can work as long as it has an L or G in it and no E in it.

We are at 3/5 checked in and probably going to still snag a sixth.

K, after some sober first and second thoughts....going to go with a witch! Hope to have him/her ready this evening.

Erastil might work, specialy given the fact Karina likes her longbow. Unless you using the male sexist pig version of Erastil? I know he's been retconned a couple of times to make him less of a prick so I'm hping that's the version you're going with.

(yes, I have opinions)

I'm defintly not old school, I had to ask my gaming table who Gary Gygax was! (they never let me live *that* one down) But I play this game to role play being someone else, my characters tend to taek a life of there own sometimes and surprise me almost always. I'm curious to see what Karina will do.

Can we make Erastil that old uncle who always says the wrong things at family gatherings, but is really nice?? He is like a funny politician who has lots of divine celectials to make sure he doesn't say anything too controversial after he was allowed to talk directly to his followers one too many times.

Female Half Elf

I don't really care which version you use, not to sound uncaring. I'm surprised that there is even still debate over the topic. It's near a decade plus old now, considering Jacob's long spoke that it was an error by a freelance.

I will try to keep up the pace and when there are multiple spoilers will label them if I am not lazy. When rolling for them you can designate what spoiler you are unlocking.

Some will not need a roll and say things like be an half orc or have a favored enemy orc

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

Okay; that makes sense to me.

Edit: Sorry; will respond now.

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

So the sergeant mention no magical stuff; what about alchemical things?

He is not giving magical stuff, but you may buy magical stuff!! Shopping will be roleplayed with the merchants.

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

Ah; okay... I can do that then.

Sorry for my tardiness.....Had my witch all built in herolab...and at some point my contractor turned off the power....

I'll re-build tonight and join in...

You were all given 250gp as an advance, 1000gp to be paid when you succeed.

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

So... I think I'll pick up a healer's kit or two and either some darts or a shortbow and some arrows. Are these things available by the merchants (Asking OoC so I don't spend a few days holding everyone up shopping)?

Female Half Elf

Maria will take her earning advance and purchase a light combat trained horse, including saddlebags and the saddle of course. As well, they will purchase two CLW potions at Lvl 1.

Male: Fort +6 : Ref +5 : Wil +5 : Focus 1/1 Elf, Perception +3 : HP 15/15, Wounded 0 Magus 1 : AC 17 (+2), Speed 30, Hero Points 3/1

I changed out my feat of Dodge for Weapon Finesse, and my longsword to a short sword.

Posting is optional on the weekend, so no response to the Saturday morning (my time) post was required before tomorrow (my time). Feel free to post any time in character when you feel you can add to the story and keep the narrative going and interesting.

Plan is to have combat VERY soon.

Male: Fort +6 : Ref +5 : Wil +5 : Focus 1/1 Elf, Perception +3 : HP 15/15, Wounded 0 Magus 1 : AC 17 (+2), Speed 30, Hero Points 3/1

I noticed that I failed to pick a Background skill. I'll make that Profession: Merchent, and choose Ride as one of my class skills.

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

I forgot about already buying a Sling; oh well- it makes sense in character... and maybe I can give the sling away to someone who might need it.

Male Human Rogue (Unchained, Swashbuckler) L2 | AC19 (T14F15) CMD16 | HP 17/17 | Saves F1R7W-2 | Percep +2 | Init: +4 | Status: OK

GM-Can you tell me more about cutting and pasting my token on the map? Whatever it is I'm doing isn't working.

Instructions for maps
I have to share the link in google docs AND make you all editors, which I just recently did, so it is working now. I was rusty and everyone had view only privileges which is now fixed.
Right click on your pricture, copy image, control v in the map, resize your token and move it to where you want to be.

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

I think I am placed and sized correctly.

Male Human Rogue (Unchained, Swashbuckler) L2 | AC19 (T14F15) CMD16 | HP 17/17 | Saves F1R7W-2 | Percep +2 | Init: +4 | Status: OK

Looks like I'm in now.

To speed up things, random encounters and trivial combats that do not contribute to the story have been removed.

I am trying to balance story pacing, player agency, and interactive roleplaying to keep things as enjoyable and interesting as possible.

I will try to keep the initiative simple to get a round a day. The first round may not be a full round, but every other round should be. In some cases I will try to speed things up.

One thing that can get shortchanged is stealth abilities, as it is hard to keep the whole party on hold as one character sneaks around. I will try to allow sneaky characters with rolls I will make to get in good positions prior to these map style combats.

Female Half Elf

So how do I put a token on?

Right click character picture. Save image. Control v on map

The three merchant leaders had moved the bodies to a quiet spot in the woods, they are placed. The orc has popped out near Edoom on the trail near him. The caravan leader is wearing red. Morag can go before enemy.

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

I am up atm?

Sorry; I just got out of work.

You and Morag can go.

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

I can't really see the map's lines; would be okay to ask you to move me closer to the orc?

Human Witch 1 AC:13/12/11 HP:8/8 F:+4 R:+4 W:+2 Perception +2, Init +8

Looks like someone moved the map by mistake...I'll wait until its back where it should be :)

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1

I moved twenty feet or there about; if you think it's too far feel free to move me to a position you feel appropriate.

Male: Fort +6 : Ref +5 : Wil +5 : Focus 1/1 Elf, Perception +3 : HP 15/15, Wounded 0 Magus 1 : AC 17 (+2), Speed 30, Hero Points 3/1

Come on everybody... Step up. We don't want this to die due to inactivity!!!

Male Human Rogue (Unchained, Swashbuckler) L2 | AC19 (T14F15) CMD16 | HP 17/17 | Saves F1R7W-2 | Percep +2 | Init: +4 | Status: OK

Veteran DM advice...

And we will give Karina till Monday. I do not PM players, as in my experience it is not usually helpful. If you have the time to log in, you have the time to make a combat post.

And I did say we can move forward with three players, there would have been a lot less orcs to start for three though!!

Female Human (AC 19; TC 11; FF 18; Fort+5; Red+1; Will-1; ) Fighter 1
GM Tribute wrote:

And we will give Karina till Monday. I do not PM players, as in my experience it is not usually helpful. If you have the time to log in, you have the time to make a combat post.

And I did say we can move forward with three players, there would have been a lot less orcs to start for three though!!

That just means we get more xp if we live.

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