GM Tribute |

Out of Character and strategy discussion.
Introduce yourselves and welcome to Giantslayer.
This is about my fifteenth kickoff for PbP--let us hope we can have fun together and tell an epic dwarven story.
It appears the digital download is not in my folder. I will call Paizo and get us ready to go soon.

Boram the Burglar |
hey, this is RH's character Boram he's a dwarf raised burglar going to see what happened to his god father, and a little payback against giants.
out of character intro: been doing PBP since June, I gamed in college saw a chance to reenter the community via the internet and PBP, looking forward to playing Giantslayer, Thanks GM Tribute.
I will put together an in game post in the morning.

Dvalin Fafnirson |

Aye, dotting in for now, and confirming I'm in.
I had a pretty busy time recently and did not have enough spare time to check out the players guide and make a backstory, postponing that in case I would not get picked.
Obviously, gonna read up now and hand in a backstory and proper description ASAP.
Dvalin is a front-line rogue, trying to get right into the fray and make sneak attacks that count. He will dip 1(in words: ONE) level of fighter to get proficiencies, then do that in heavy armor with a dwarven waraxe and a large shield.
Out of Character: Been playing diverse Systems since about 15 years, also DM'ing since more than 10. Only recently discovered PbP and very intrigued since most of the guys I used to play with simply don't have time to get together regulary any more.
When I'm in, I'm in. Not going to quit, but I do sometimes have family stuff coming up that means I won't be able to post a few days. If so, I'll make sure to let people know.

GM Tribute |

Some videos to watch before we get started. #1 is optional, #2 is not--we need no Georges
Link to Video 1
Being brave is not problematic when your AC is 22
Link to Video 2
We want a Best Game Ever!

Dvalin Fafnirson |

Aye, there will be blood spilled,
there will be orcs killed,
and if we get to split george's magic items among the party,
this will be the best game ever.

Adrian Ringgarsun |

Good evening! Adrian's backstory, character personality, etc., is all in the alias - if you'd like to read it, feel free! In brief, however, he's a fresh-faced caravan guard coming up from Janderhoff. He was raised by dwarves, and while he's large (and slightly more beardy) for a halfling, he doesn't 100% fit in.
OOC Strategy-wise, he's most comfortable with close-range sniping using his daggers, to get the best use out of the sneak-stab's 1d8 damage. He's also as comfortable taking on orcs as any dwarf!
For me personally: this is my second Pathfinder PbP game on these boards. I've otherwise been involved in tabletop RPGs since 1984, along with other RPG forms (MMO, LARP, etc.). I can usually post once a day, as I'm taking classes online, finishing my BSN; I also work (Pacific time) 1500-2330 three days a week, and 1900-0700 once a week. Coherency...may not be great some days. But I'll be here.

Yarask of House Dace |

I've been involved in several PbP games on these boards. Currently I'm in an ongonig Wrath of the Righteous adventure (we should be near the end of the first book) and in a couple of PS scenarios as well.
As for posting time I can usually post at least once a day, sometimes a lot more. I have jobs but can usually squeeze in a post of two since I work from my home most of the time.
Question: do we all need to start away from Trunau? I wrote Yarask's backstory so he ended up living into the town, and defending it has become quite important for him due to personal reasons. I'd like to keep that if possible, but if not, just tell me and I'll update the background

Ogden Greyhammer |

Hey all! Ogden here! Thanks for selecting us, GM.
I have been playing D&D since 1st edition, and several virtual tabletop games back in the day of webRPG and openRPG programs. I am in a longstanding game here (my only other PBP at the moment), and look forward to playing with you guys :)
I have played just about everything so I decided to take Ogden in a different direction: He is 100% focused on support. He makes frequent use of aid another actions, spells, speeches, and giving orders to assist in and out of combat. He's definitely not a very good fighter but he does get up in the frontline when necessary to be able to assist the real fighters.
His background and such is on the alias. If any halflings need an 'in' to the dwarven aspect, Ogden spent a quarter of his childhood with halflings leagues away from his home after an attack, so he may 'know' them or have helped them gain a place in the dwarven homeland. Since he was taken care of by halflings, he would be inclined to do the same if a halfling needed his help. (though he does not like to admit his past with them to other dwarves)
Going to watch those videos etc now. After some coffee. I forgot to mention: I am central time USA. I am typically available to post more than once during the times of 7am to 8pm or so (sometimes later). I usually check at least once even on the weekends, though I have kids so those are a bit unknowable.
Edit: Haha, poor George. He probably was the same one who attacked the Gazebo.

Tegnar Giantslayer |

Thanks for the invite! This will be my first AP so I'm excited to run the modern take on Against the Giants. I'm hopeful that this will last longer than an attempt to play the old-school series last year on a different site which barely got started before the GM disappeared.
I too played 1st and 2nd addition for a few years before my friends and I got too busy with school and work. I filled my gaming fix with computer games which I could play on my own time. A few years ago, my brother-in-law introduced me to Pathfinder but my schedule didn't allow me to play too often. I then discovered pbp about 2 years ago, and have been able to play some PFS scenarios but haven't had luck with any long-term games.
Tegnar will be standing toe-to-toe with the baddies with his dwarven waraxe and shield. Will be able to move into melee without drawing aoo in order to tank and deal consistent damage.

Dolgrym Giantfoe |

Dolgrym Giantfoe at your service. I hate giants. My time is spent making sure they don't bother any dwarfs and reporting their presence. I'll be TWF with bashing weapons to take advantage of the Twin Thunders feats. Did I mention I hate giants?
I discovered AD&D 2nd Ed in college in the early 90's. It's part of the reason a 4 year degree took 7 years. Discovered Pathfinder four years ago or so and been enjoying it since.
I generally check the boards before work and after. Mornings and evenings EST.

GM Tribute |

Paizo is getting my pdf ready, I plan to use google docs and you can all cut and paste your token from your alias onto the map.
I started with AD&D in the 70s. Many things pathfinder has done I like. Some things I have not (fighters and rogues never got the love of the ACG and hybrid classes).
I know Pathfinder unchained is out, but we will stick to the old classes. Rogues will have +1 per level to perception and stealth as an untyped bonus. Fighters will gain two to BaB every even level (they will be a 3/2 BaB class) and have their iterative at level 4. Fighters should be really good fighters.
Feel free to pick how your character arrives at the inn along the road and speaks to the old dwarf.

Dvalin Fafnirson |

GM Tribute wrote:...Rogues will have +1 per level to perception and stealth as an untyped bonus.and untyped bonus, do we add it in our roll, or do you after the fact?
I think just add like other untyped boni. Just add it up with racial, class, trait, and other boni.
I included them in my skills directly as thats definitely the most streamlined way to handle this.

Dvalin Fafnirson |

Tegnar gets caught up in Rock's story, so much so that he doesn't even notice the fresh mug of ale placed in front of him. Adrenaline begins to pump through his veins as he imagines himself striking down giants with his father's waraxe to avenge his death. He nods his head in agreement as the others speak.
"It seems many of us have suffered at the hands of giants as I too lost my parents to an attack. I have been preparing for an opportunity to exact revenge and now I have found it. Count me in," as he raises his mug and takes a long swig.
Hej Tegnar...to reduce the number of depopulated Dwarf Hamlets that got raided by Giants, what do you say to being from the same village? Can have been Childhood Buddies or something. As in, my parents simply died in the same raid, and that guard captain that took you in was my uncle. Just a wild suggestion there, but throwing it out there nonetheless

Dvalin Fafnirson |

and inhowfar would the existance and property of "Arcane Mark" be open knowledge?
Seeing how it's level 0, that means every single wizards knows it and probably a good number of adepts or sorcerers...
Because out of character, that "graffiti" sounds an awful lot like a visible Arcane Mark of sorts. Just wondering if there's a chance those properties are public enough knowledge to warrant an untrained knowledge arcane check to consider the option.
(Obviously still could not confirm the theory but well.)

Dvalin Fafnirson |

Have a nice weekend then!
On a advance notice: I'll be gone from middle of next week to end of next week(that camping trip I mentioned in recruitment already)...

Dvalin Fafnirson |

@Dvalin - sorry i missed your post earlier about combining backstories. Im fine with that.
kk, then I'll just write one up to adapt to you. Didn't get around to doing one for Dvalin yet, anyway(also on the pretext on waiting for feedback from you ;) )

Boram the Burglar |
I feel like such and old guy right now, thank god for search engines, it probably wont help any to say that my dad had a '68 Impala.

Dvalin Fafnirson |

This is my post for the day, there are many like it, but this one is mine.

Dvalin Fafnirson |

And, I'm gone until Saturday or Sunday.
Ogden Greyhammer agreed to "bot" me if something comes up.
Have a nice investigation until I return!

Ogden Greyhammer |

I am good with the pace also (sorry was only refreshing the game tab hah). I agree as long as things aren't skimmed through fast enough that we miss things we might have seen/noticed, fine by me.