What happens if you are a Monk wielding a Longspear, and standing 15' away from an enemy? Can you charge? in order to charge you must move at least 10'. If you move 5' you are 10' away and within reach for the spear, but you haven't moved the minimum 10' needed to charge. Can you not move the 10' to make an unarmed strike? ![]()
Gisher wrote: To be clear, Spellstrike doesn't give you a free attack. Casting the spell is what gives you the free attack. Yup, completely true, and not in contradiction to what I said. Gisher wrote: If you use that attack during the full-round action that is Spell Combat, then you have to abide by the "one hand must be free" restriction. You can cast at the end of spell combat and the free attack from the spell doesn't have to be done inside the action that granted it. ![]()
Quarterstaff Master+Weapon Versatility+1 level of Swashbuckler gets you Weapon Finesse with a quarterstaff. That's something you can't do without the feat that doesn't involve the Magus in any way. Also using a quarterstaff with a shield, or Crane Style, or Deflect Arows.
Krell44 wrote: My question is whether or not I can select Combat Trick a 2nd time for the Rogue talent. If you multi-class a level or two in Rogue(Swashbuckler) you can take it a second time. ![]()
James Risner wrote: We know how they wrote the rules, we know why they changed the items in newer printings. If someone wants to say "that isn't official", then don't play at my table. You won't have fun. For Gauntlets there is nothing official. At the table the GM has the final say on the rules, especially when the rules are unclear. It would just be nice if Paizo would officially tell us what the rules are in this case. An FAQ or errata would be much appreciated. ![]()
Chess Pwn wrote:
Sacred Fist Unarmed Strike wrote:
Brawler has it's own progression scale that does not reference Monk at all, or say it's levels stack. For the purposes of unarmed damage Sacred Fist levels are Monk levels. ![]()
jumpydady wrote: humm so it means i can either have wholeness of body or, life funnel if i choose qiggong monk/hungry ghost monk? well time to rethink my char, by the way what u guys think is better life funnel or wholeness of body? It means you have to choose Hungry Ghost Monk and get Life Funnel without any chance to have Wholeness of Body, or not take Hungry Ghost Monk and keep Wholeness of Body. The reasoning is that in order to take a conflicting archetype with Qinggong you have to choose to keep the normal power then trade it for the archetype power. You have already chosen it, so it's not a legal option to take again.![]()
Rychard Stormfire wrote:
Quick Draw is a free action, it can be done during another action. ![]()
DarkPhoenixx wrote: But i wonder if there is anywhere its says plainly "you can wield double weapon in one hand" It's a two-handed weapon. Under normal circumstances you can not wield them in one hand. Quarterstaff Master lets you treat a Quarterstaff as a one-handed weapon, Titan Mauler can wield two-handed weapons in one hand. There are ways to one hand double weapons, but by default they can not be. ![]()
Feinting Flurry works a lot like Two Weapon Feint, but I think it works out a little nicer if you can use it.
But my point is if you fire your bow in the middle of firing your bow how are you able to, and why are you required to finish firing your bow? It would logically have to be entirely reset for firing. Why couldn't you draw a dagger and attack with it instead? It would take the same physical effort to do as to return to firing the bow again. ![]()
The thing is if you have Snap Shot but not Point Blank Master and you fire your bow which provokes an AoO from the guy next to you, he then decides to make a disarm attempt without Improved Disarm which provokes an AoO from you. Can you use Snap Shot to make an AoO against him despite the fact that you are currently committed to an attack with that weapon already? ![]()
Chess Pwn wrote:
At this point I kind of have to bring up a point that does rather prove that an attack "sub-action", as I'm choosing to call it, can be reacted to after it has been declared, but before the role has been made. Firing a bow provokes an AoO. After that you kind of have to make that bow attack or lose that attack "sub-action". Chess Pwn wrote: At which point are you committed to attacking me? once you are declared as the target of the attack "sub-action". Chess Pwn wrote: which decisions have been made once you are committed to attacking me? Starting whatever type of action the attack "sub-action" is being made as a part of, declaring you as the target, possibly the weapon of choice(the necessity of this is fuzzy) Chess Pwn wrote: At which point have you started attacking me? This rather varies depending on definition. Chess Pwn wrote: Which decisions have been made once you've started to attack me? Also varies depending on definition. If you consider started to attack you as different from committing to attacking the it would have to be defined as the attack roll, In that case the decisions have been Start action(possibly Standard attack action), declare you as the target, declare weapon to be used. At this point the attack should not be able to be interrupted by any action until both attack and damage has been rolled. ![]()
Komoda wrote:
I' pretty sure what he means is you can continue your [attack action] in any legal way that an attack action can legally be performed, but you can not perform any [standard action] you want in it's place. That is how I believe it works. When you start an action you don't define every little detail of how that action happens, you start it then when you hit each decision point of using the action you decide what you do at that point. Most of the time everything happens all at once in real play, but sometimes other things get in the way, so you need to slow down the game and do everything bit by bit.![]()
Komoda wrote:
Spend 1 panache to Kip-Up as a swift action, and continue the charge. Continue the charge using a crawl(or burrow?) speed.End the action, and most likely your turn. ![]()
Chess Pwn wrote: This is how you feel it works. Unless you have some official source clarifying this though it's your interpretation. I feel the rules say otherwise. I feel that you can lose actions based on readied actions and AoO So are you saying that if I ready an action to move into a square that another character is trying to move into(or for that matter use Combat Patrol to do it easier) that he loses his move action or just 5' of it? ![]()
Komoda wrote: It all comes down to why does the tripped person lose their action that resulted in no action, yet the attacker in my scenario does not? If the resolution of the readied/AoO action is followed the same in both the 5' step kiting and the tripped provoker, either both lose their actions, or both do not. They both work the same, this is how they work. 5' kite (if no movement was made before)
5' kite (if movement was made before)
Trip AoO
In both cases the offending action is ended and "lost" if non of the legal option in the options lists are taken, in ether case the action can not be changed to a different action, the action economy has been spent. It's no different than if the AoO or readied action had happened after the second attack of a full-attack or the first 5' of a move "move" action. ![]()
KL Sanchez wrote: But as a Trek geek, I have to add my two cents that betleHs are actually quite powerful; I'd rate them more at d10/d10, 18-20x3, blocking, tripping, slashing, piercing, disarming. Of all the studies done with them and all the fighting styles developed, yes, you can use it as a shield, axe, sword, lance, and almost as a staff (in tripping); you even see it used to trip and disarm all the time in the shows (and all valid maneuvers). They also have the power to cleave through metals (maybe the way it was seen on the show was badly overstated, but that was for style points), with all the cutting power of heavy axes; a lot like falcatas and the like. Hell, if you want, you can even bludgeon someone to death with it like a club with the flatter edges, especially the center edge, itself useful for both blocking and disarming. A weapon does not need the trip or disarm abilities to allow you to trip or disarm with them, all melee weapons can. ![]()
You will not get a proper answer visit here for a larger discussion on how we have no idea whatsoever of how that thing is supposed to work. |