Ilarris Zeleshi

NPC_Female_Recruitable's page

446 posts. Alias of Azure_Zero.

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Project Bazaar: The Give and Take. A market place for GMs and Players

We have many who wish to be players including Forever GMs and not enough games,
and generally Forever GMs get screwed when applying for games as players.
But how to solve this issue, simple, Make more games and encourage GMing.

If you know a forever GM looking to be a player again, point them to this Bazaar.

Since this is a Bazaar (a Market Place), everyone will be paying the price of entry and the exchange.
Here Modules/Adventures and Characters are the currency of exchange in this Bazaar.
So EVERYONE has to RUN an adventure or Modules as GM to be able to play in ANY game in this market place.

Now how will it be setup, Each Player offers a choice of 3-5 modules (I've provided a list below for quick reference) and runs 1 of them.

Now for veteran GMs and Forever GMs, they can make a group and each one runs one of the Modules they offered and has the others in their game as Players.
This means a group of 3 GMs will have 3 games, each one being a GM in one and a player in 2, or even
5 GMs running 5 games, each one running 1 game as GM, and in the other 4 as a player.
Effectively the bigger the group of GMs together the more games they will immediately get in.
They'll use the Veteran and 4Ever GM character creation rules

GMs look at what other GMs are offering and ask if they have something they like on offer. If yes, it starts a group that others can join if they have offers they like, so offering more choice means better chances of getting into a bigger group with a bigger game play pay off. When the group feels they are big enough the players vote on the modules on offer from each GM, the GM offering can break the tie if there is one.

For those that have not GMed before, you'll have to offer a choice of 2-3 modules (I've provided a list below) and run one of them in a public open recruitment.
I recommend them use the New GM character creation rules to avoid complexity and many other issues.
A GM that joins your game has to let you into a game THEY RUN, either an old one or a new one for the new GM (this can be open recruitment using any CC rules).

Now some Character's or groups would like to continue after the module, but the GM is not feeling it, so All characters will follow the Character creation RULES to make a standard character currency with some choice flexibility for easy character transition to a new GM or adventure, kinda like PFS.
Now While it does not offer everything in the Pathfinder library, it is to follow the KISS principle (Keep it Simple Silly) while allowing access to some forgotten gems and content and also allow those trying to be a GM to have something to follow and NOT be overwhelmed from content and options.

System - Pathfinder 1e
Online sources Path Finder Reference Document by Book and Archives of Nethys

Veteran GM and Forever GM Character creation rules for their games:

Stats: 20-point Buy (No stat Below 8 both Post racial, no stat higher then 16 pre-racial.)

Traits: 3 (All those Available on the archive, 4th with drawback)

Source Books: CRB, APG, ARG (for racial traits and feats) + Ultimate Equipment and the "Blood of" Series, and "Champion of" Series of companion books.
Anything with Guns are Banned
Is 3PP or 3.5 material allowed: No Psionics/Occult and
D&D 3.5 ("Races of" Series, "Complete" Series, Fiendish Codex series and Frostburn) (3.5 Spells require GM clearing)

Archetypes: Limited to APG only

Classes allowed: CRB and APG only (Banned:Summoners) and ]Monster Classes
PrCs: CRB + APG, and * 3.5 "Complete" Series (Work with GM to update Complete PrC to PF, and keep an open record of it)

Races Allowed: Core + Assimar, Tiefling, Changeling, Dhampir, Suli and ]Monster Classes.
Racial Templates: Allowed, But White List Controlled, allowed up to 2 templates whose value does not exceed limit,
LA limits: LA +1 Level 3 or less, LA +2, level 4-6, LA +3, level 7+.
3.5 Templates may have it's LA reduced by 1, but will be a minimum of +1
If a Class and **Template combination are in opposition (Like a Half-Nymph Fighter) Reduce the LA by 1, and Min LA of +1
**Templates with a near even level of stats can't be reduced, ie Advanced, Half-Celestial and Half-fiend, though specific Half-fiends may qualify for reduction with certain classes **

Anything listed optional is controlled by GM running the game

Background Skills: YES

Elephant in the Room: OPTIONAL

Automatic Bonus Progression: OPTIONAL

Fractional Base Bonuses: OPTIONAL

Alignments: Non-Evil

Starting Level: ?

Starting Cash: ? Will be modified by Automatic Bonus Progression if used

Starting HP: First level Max then (1/2 die + 1 + Con) per level.
OR a System I've been working on that Fixes the Combat Slowdown at higher levels.

Fluff/Favor text: Add a backstory or as a group build the backstory of the characters working together.
To add depth I recommend adding at least one fear or character complex the character has.
Can also include some character relationship information with either NPCs or PCs

List of Templates (LA Value)
I'll post the 3.5 ones on request

Fey-Touched Creature (+0/+1)
Fiendish (+0/+1)
Celestial (+0/+1)
Draconic (+1) (3.5 version)
Half-FrostFolk (+1) (3.5 version)
Feral (+1) (3.5 version, will be modified)
Fey Creature (+1/+2)
Half-fiend (or specific Half-fiend) (+2/3)
Half-Celestial (+2)
Half-Minotaur (+2 -1) (3.5 version)
Half-Janni (+2 -1) (3.5 version)
Advanced (+2)
Half-Nymph (+2/3 -1) (3.5 version)
Half-Dragon (+3 -1) (3.5 version)

List of Monster Classes
Link to store
I'll extract the ones from a Beta version, if no official release
Evil outsiders listed will be redeemed, so some minor changes

Hill Giant
Succubus / Incubus
Angel, Movanic Deva.

Recommended New GM Character creation rules for their games (Following the KISS principle here):

Stats: 20-point Buy (No stat Below 8 both Post racial, no stat higher then 16 pre-racial.)

Traits: 3 (All those Available on the archive)

Source Books: CRB, APG, ARG (for racial traits and feats) + Ultimate Equipment and the Blood of Series, and Champion of Series of companion books.
Anything with Guns are Banned
Is 3PP or 3.5 material allowed: NO, NONE OF IT

Archetypes: Limited to APG only

Classes allowed: CRB and APG only (Banned:Summoners)
PrCs: CRB + APG, and * 3.5 "Complete" Series (Work with GM to update Complete PrC to PF, and keep an open record of it)

Races Allowed: Core + Assimar, Tiefling, Changeling, Dhampir, Suli

Background Skills: YES

Elephant in the Room: NO

Automatic Bonus Progression: NO

Fractional Base Bonuses: NO

Alignments: Non-Evil

Starting Level: ?

Starting Cash: 1st level average or wealth by level

Starting HP: First level Max then (1/2 die + 1 + Con) per level.

Fluff/Favor text: Add a backstory or as a group build the backstory of the characters working together.
To add depth I recommend adding at least one fear or character complex the character has.
Can also include some character relationship information with either NPCs or PCs


For modules there are many of them and if your up for it, you could offer to run a AP instead of a module.

Modules List and Links:

GameMastery Modules

PF 1e Modules

PF 1e APs
Though there are also the 3 Original APs from 3.5 as well, like Shackled City

Adventure a Week Modules and Mini-APs

Official D&D 3.X Modules List
3.X modules store

Free Modules for the Newbies
Hollows-Last-Hope (part of Mini-AP)
Revenge-of-the-Kobold-King (part of Mini-AP)

Not free, but a good starter for newbies
Crypt-of-the-Everflame (part of Mini-AP)

To pay the entry fee into the Bazaar, you should list your offerings like I'll do below.

It is November 1st, The 4th approaches and so does the harvest, but also a special Kassen ceremony.
The Everflame ceremony and this year it won’t be the mayor and his council going, but a group made of Kassen’s citizens. There is a buzz among the people of who’ll be selected.

”Latte Cladwort”:

While doing morning prayers you hear and knock on the door and answer it, you see a gentleman from the mayor’s office delivering a summons to meet with the Mayor in the Great hall in Room 31 and to arrive before 9:00 in the morning.

Since it is a summons you have to go.

”Rodnas the Ferrum”:

After doing the morning exercises and starting to have breakfast, you see a gentleman from the mayor’s office being lead in by a maid. He delivers a summons to meet with the Mayor in the Great hall in Room 31 and to arrive before 9:00 in the morning.

Since it is a summons you have to go, you have no idea why the Mayor would summon you as your considered too old for the ceremony as it is more for the young spring chickens in town, so it has to be something else.

”Silvio Zelaldi”:

You had a nice night performing and earned some sweet coin from it. But that woman showed up again and nearly out did you in earning applause from the crowd. You wonder who the heck she is, though you know that she is an amateur. Still that didn’t stop you from having a little drink for the night.

You get up get washed up and just finish breakfast when a knock happens at the door. Answering it you find a gentleman from the mayor’s office and he summons to meet with the Mayor in the Great hall in Room 31 and to arrive before 9:00 in the morning.

Since it is a summons you have to go.


While getting up you knock on the door and answer it, you see a gentleman from the mayor’s office delivering a summons to meet with the Mayor in the Great hall in Room 31 and to arrive before 9:00 in the morning. His attitude is not great towards you, but he’s still being respectful in a way.

Since it is a summons you have to go, you just wonder what the mayor is thinking

”Noya Night”:

You wake up and get up and out of the hay you sleep on and in within your room in the stables od the Seven Silvers. For most, the stables would be very uncomfortable to stay in at present, but you have no issue with the cold nights.

You get to doing your morning exercises before heading into the seven silver to make breakfast, but just was your about to enter a gentleman from the mayor’s office delivers a summons to meet with the Mayor in the Great hall in Room 31 and to arrive before 9:00 in the morning.

Which is surprising as your both horribly poor and horribly cursed, so why would the mayor want to see you. Your hoping that you’ve not gained a new curse or that one you have is at the moment is not about to give you trouble.


”When you arrive”:

When you arrive Room 31 in the great hall is a nice sized room with a round table in the middle and 7 chairs are in the room.

As you enter describe their appearance, before taking a seat.
Include your height, and anything of note for appearance or refer to a character/actor for a more common basic idea

Once all characters are present or enough IRL time passes, I’ll have the Mayor show up and explain things.

Welcome to the Game and the Paizo Boards.

Since your all new to Play-by-Post and its little details I'll be giving a hand on things and some expectations.

First is that since Play-By-Post it does not require everyone to be online at the same time, and folk can post when they are able to. But that also means the game only moves as fast as the players post.
So to keep the game moving you must post at least once a day, I'll bot as needed, if in combat or need to keep the game going and something has come up that is stopping you from posting. But if it happens to frequently or for a long time you'll likely be Dropped from the game.

Try to keep the game PG-13, though 14-A is fine.
May contain violence, coarse language, and/or sexually suggestive scenes.

Do expect that some actions will have consequences like;
* wooing a overprotective noble's daughter,
* stealing from a noble,
* grave-robbing,
* playing with a deck of many things.
you get the idea

You can romance NPCs, (or PCs if you both are comfortable with it).

There will be a prologue to get the characters to know each other before the main game starts.

--- PBP Formating ---

A quick PBP standards and forum codes cheat sheet

"Speech is bolded"
[b?]"Speech is bolded"[/b]

Thoughts are italized
[i?]Thoughts are italized[/i]

[occ]Out of Character talk is purple[/ooc]
[ooc?]Out of Character talk is purple[/ooc]

DieRoll: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Title of Spoiler:
Hidden Text

[spoiler?=Title of Spoiler]Hidden Text[/spoiler]

The above samples have the code used below it, just remove the '?' from the first tag in each example.

And try it out.

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Hello and welcome to the New GM training course.

Trainee GMs will have One on One training and Hands on experience with e Veteran GM.

This thread and recruitment is to help New GMs get training. Furthermore even help in running their first game or even their first few games,
By being assisted by vetern GMs, whom will be a player in the game you Trainee GMs will be running.
The Veterns will help you out as you run the game and can show you tricks in running PBP games.

Now to Ensure that you, New GMs, are not overwhelmed with work, there will be no large modules or APs.
We'll focus on getting you a feel for GMing, by providing short adventures and modules.
Though if you really feel you can take it there are two mini-APs made by running certain modules in sequence.

I'll be providing a GM starter Bundle of free short Adventures from the old D&D 3.5 days that WotC gave away for free on their website.
I also provided links to Modules that I recommend for you New GMs that are free from Paizo.
Free Mini-Adventures Bundle
Some conversion work will be needed and the Vetern GM can help you with that, in finding reasonable substitutes.

For those New GMs that want to run something a bit longer, the spoiler below will contain links to paid modules.
And some of these Modules do work with other modules to form a Mini-AP (Adventure Path)

Trainee GM Paid modules:

Into the Haunted Forest - level 1

Hangman's Noose - level 1

Crown of the Kobold King - level 2

Flight of the Red Raven - level 4

--- PF and Likely have PFS credits, avoid if looking into going into PFS.
Crypt of the Everflame - level 1

Masks of the Living God - level 3

City of Golden Death - level 5

The Godsmouth Heresy - level 1

Murders Mark - level 1

Feast of Ravenmoor - level 3

The Midnight Mirror - level 4

Fangwood Keep - level 4

Carrion Hill - level 5

Gallows-of-Madness - 3 Adventures, levels 1 and 2, could be all run together as a Micro AP.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you want to do a Mini-AP, here are the Mini-APs using modules list.
Falcon's Hollow;
Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, Carnival of Tears, Hungry are the Dead.

Price of Immortality;
Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the Living God, City of the Golden Death.

I recommend not doing the Mini-AP if it is your first time running a game.
But if you've done a few games, and or feel you could do two or more modules in one go, then work with the Veteran GM on it so things got smooth.

Here is a Template of the recruitment thread for you new GM trainees and I recommend only editing what need to be edited, and KEEP THE REST AS IS, it'll save both Trainee and Assistant GM headaches,
and if the Veteran disappears, a new one can hope right in with with little to no work, or figuring out what crazy crap was allowed.
Trainee GM recruitment Thread Template.

To help mark the Veteran GMs helping the new GM, and be a Veteran GM perk, they can choose ONE non-standard option in the list below.
It will help mark in game that YOU are the vet and assisting the GM, but you have to write some fluff to explaining it or built around it.
And try not to do OP stuff with this please.

Veteran GM special character options (Veteran GM Picks one):

*Non-Core Race (ARG Featured and Uncommon races only, RP limit 20. Varients of aasimar, tiefling, changeling, ... etc allowed), but no racial trait replacements)
*One Non-core/APG racial trait.
*One Class not in the CC rules, No Summoner, Occult or 3PP please.
*One Feat not in the CRB or APG, but from a Paizo book in the PRD (Link in Online resources below).
*One Offical Template# of CR +0, or +1, (Pathfinder, or D&D 3.5 if there is not PF version, i.e. Draconic)
# Templates
Can only take Human (Standard) as a base race, no other races can be the base.
Templates that have a stat over +4 AND have total stat bonus of +6 or more, can not have a class that really uses that stat, and loose the floating Human Stat.
Furthermore if the template is OP, please remove or weaken racial features until reasonably fair,
and No templates with large Floating Stats like Half-fiend or Half Celestial.

I recommend those that choose an option above really try an role play with it.

---- GM Trainees ----

Please review the Modules and Adventures listed and given.
Then look over some of the Veteran's posts in the thread and find a Veteran that fits what you want in training

When you find a GM that you think fits with you ask them to train you.
Note these GMs can refuse if they feel like they have too many trainees and or games running at the moment.

Once they accept, you can PM each other over things you'll need to do to start the game.
Though the Recruitment Thread and it's Character Creation Rules are in the template given in this POST.
They are setup to make it as Easy to start GMing as possible, while not being so devoid of options it turns off players.

The Character Creation Rules should be KEPT AS IS, so if any GM needs a replacement things will be smooth.
Furthermore don't focus on needing to have all 4 party roles covered, you can have an interesting game if one or two roles are missing,
and this is a topic the Veteran GM can help you with so if you encounter it later you have an idea of what to do


---- Veteran GMs ----

To count as a Veteran GM for this you either have to have;
GMed PBP Games on the boards for over 5 years straight,
GMed an single AP, straight, covering 1 and 1/2 books worth out of the 6 books.

Sorry to veteran Table-Top GMs that have years of GMing experience, but we don't have a record on the boards to confirm it.
And PBP has it own quirks you need to learn before starting.

Veteran GMs please post in the thread that you are a Veteran GM
and answer the following questions in your post;
1) what are your strengths in GMing are?
2) What tools do you use to run or assist in your games?
3) Are you more Combat or Role-play focused, or something in between?
4) Who long have you been on these boards GMing or your longest run game?

5) Have you done experimental or creative things as you GM?
and given an example of it if you do.


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I'm thinking of running a game, but I see we still have too few GMs to meet the player demands.

So if I run a game, I want to either;
reward the Forever GMs with being a player, but also need to GM a bit.
run one game, and the other players/GMs have to either run separate games, or cooperate and make a campaign with each taking turns.

in the above, everyone would take roles as Player and GM.
The first Option above, is a AP, while the second option is more running modules, or short adventures, and a opportunity for those that want to try their hand at GMing.

As I want to start incentivising the creation of GMs, and or reward those that have been GMing for a long time without the chance to play as a player.
As one can not GM forever, and if too few replace the exhausted or missing GMs, the problem will just get worse.

So this is my answer to the GM shortage, while having as much fun playing as possible.

So I need an answer, which path do I take?

The Sky has been slowly darkening all day, and the smell of rain has been thick in the air.
Now it has finally begun to fall, accompanied by loud peals of thunder that seem to roll across the landscape.
The sun is hidden behind massive storm-clouds, and a cold wind blows from the north.
As bolts of lightning begin to slam from cloud to ground and pieces of hail begin to strike the earth, the need for shelter becomes obvious.
Ahead in the distance, a large tor rises from the ground, its form illuminated by the occasional lightning bolt.
It seems rocky and solid, and though climbing it in this weather would be folly,
it might have some outcropping that would provide safety from the storm.
As it looks like this storm will get worse.

You make your way to the tor for shelter.

The Massive tor towers above the surrounding country.
A few narrow ledges offer scant protection from the elements,
but a closer inspection reveals a massive arched entryway at least 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide, set into the side of the hill.
The ground just outside it slopes away from the doorway, directing the falling water out and away.
Given this fact and the sturdy nature of the hill,
whatever space lies beyond the door should be both dry and safe from lightning and hail.
The construction seems quite sturdy, so the likelihood of collapse, even in severe conditions such as these, is remote.

The door is heavy, but well counter weighted.
It is unlocked and opens easily and it swings shut of its own accord unless propped open.

Perception or Knowledge(Engineering) DC: 12, OR Dwarf:Stonecunning:

The stonework is very well done, and this place is indeed strong and sturdy.

Perception DC: 15:

There are the remains of an immense, round stone scattered across the ground near the entrance.
This stone blocked the doorway, but was blasted apart by lightning some weeks ago.

Here is the discussion thread, just in case we need it.

This will be an Mini-Adventure for those that want to get want to start making and getting into character for Mr Nevets Sunless Citadel Adventure that'll start recruitment in August.

The Prequel is an Old Free 3.5 Mini-Adventure, A dark And Stormy Night

I'm keeping the Character creation rules as OLD school as possible, like Sunless Citadel.
But I also know that it would be idea limiting, so I'm cracking it more open then Pure CRB only.

Character Creation Rules:

Stats: 20 PB, (Stats Min 10, Max 16 Pre-racial)
Traits: 3 (One Social and One Regional, Last one is either Combat, Faith, Race or Religion,
no Taking drawbacks, or rich parents)
Traits Limited to Ultimate Campaign as Listed
Social and Regional traits will help build character backstory.

Classes allowed: Core Rule Book Only
Level: 1
Archetypes sources Allowed: None
Races: Core (can use Non-core traits, but limited to 2 non-core racial traits)
Alignment: Non-Evil
Background Skills: Yes (But one has to be; profession(), perform(), or craft())
Starting Cash: Average
-> Can craft Weapons, Armour, and or alchemical items through crafting Skills to reduce equipment costs.
Starting HP: Max 1st level
Feats and Spells Allowed: CRB, Advanced Players Guide

Feat Changes: since some feat never see use now a days.
Exotic Weapon Prof and Skill feats (i.e. alertness, Stealthy, skill focus) will be BOGO (Buy One, Get One free), only once at first level.
Can take Exotic weapons from D&D 3.X's Arms and Equipment Guide (as long as there is not a PF version).

Power Attack and Combat Expertise are free if you have the requirements met,
and to make it easier to get the combat maneauver feats that are hardly taken.

Combat reflexes will augment both; Deflect arrows and Snatch arrow feats, such that you can do so each round equal to Dex mod + 1, if you have Combat Reflexes.

There will be NO Loot or EXP gained in this adventure, as this is more for getting into character for interested players for Mr Nevets Sunless Citadel Adventure.

I'll be able to take up to 7 players, for this mini-adventure and will modify it as needed.

The town of Belhaim is the quiet country town located in the Verduran Forest
of northcentral Taldor, on a minor trade road between Wispil and Dunholme.
A lesser tributary of the Verduran Fork runs along the side of the town,
connected to the main road by a covered wooden bridge.

The Towns folk don't know that with the coming of a Party of unique individuals,
and soon collapse of a tower will set off a chain of events for both them and their visitors.

Giving some time to RP and get into character before the real show starts

The party is traveling as guards for a Merchant named, Silas Gribb.
As the party arrives at Belhaim, the caravan is checked by the Town guard.
The guards find contraband and have a warrent for your employer.

Bonus goods from home

2 potions of cure light wounds, a flask containing some fine ale.
Your mentor saw your waunderlust and decided to give a have giving you some potions to heal should things go south,
and a flask containing some fine local ale for times when you really need that drink.

Cap of Human (elven in this case) guise (one fixed form only; basically you, but as a elf or half-elf, 8 hours a day, 10 min increments)
Lina gave you this so you'd not need to worry about becoming a target for kidnappers like in the past,
or starting fights by those seeking to court or get your attention.

And a scroll of magic stone so that should you be in a pinch, you have a method of attacking ranged targets or the undead.

1 potion of bull's strength,
You mentor gave it to you should you ever be in a pinch and need more strength to complete a task at hand.

As you were getting ready to leave town a poor looking old man gave you 2 Melons, you sensed he was Fey readying a prank,
but to not appear ungrateful to the fey you accepted them as Fey can be bad losers at times when their target catches on.
The Melons haven't spoiled in over a month, so you know they are enchanted and likely a prank item.

2 potions of cure light wounds, and a Book of Letters (Taldor).
Your mentor knows you have the right stuff, but knows that luck can turn against you quickly,
The potions to help out in a fight, and the book of Letters should you need to deal with officals within Taldor.

Hat of reduce person (custom item, reduces size category for space and squeezing reducing height to 6 foot 3,
24 charges/day, each charge is 10 mintues)
The people of Hellsung figured you could use this item when in town or exploring caves that would otherwise be hard for you.

Hat of Human/tiefling guise (custom item, alterself as human/tiefling (one fixed form basically original), reduces height to 7 feet,
and removes her troublesome wings, but she keeps her hooves, 24 charges/day, each charge is 10 mintues)
The people of Hellsung figured you could use this item when in town or exploring caves that would otherwise be hard for you.

Let the game begin, with you getting out of trouble with the town guards,
and how do you appear for those with appear altering items, as this'll impact things.

You all stand at the entrance to Belhaim next to a bridge over the river.
Between points 2 and 3 on the town map.
Two of the guards starts to escort your employer Silas Gribb to the Garrison to be held in their jail for a time.
Another two guards start inquiring the party.

Discussions is Up

The module is The Dragon's Demand (it's modified), with other modules for follow if the group is up for it when finished

Setting will be a slightly modified Golaron (PF1 era, not PF2 era as it has some stuff that really doesn't make sense)

!Note your Class, will be semi-random as you'll pick 8 classes and I'll randomise which one is used.
See below for details main CC rules for Details of process
If you use a monster class then it'll bypass the randomisation since a Monster class is both Race and Class as well as it'll be eating into a number of levels you could use for classes
The Template given will be based on the answer in the questions below, and you'll know which one you got.
Some templates will be modified from their original version, and in some cases a part can be switched out for something else that fits by the player with something from the ARG's Race maker system.
Know that Non-player Characters will react to your character's appearance, each group will view different races and templates differently.

Now players using a monster class can have their appearance change over the module towards their monster class while keeping something of their template. i.e. a Half-dragon satyr over the course of his monster levels could start looking more like a satyr then a half-dragon.

If you feel a template makes you larger, but not calling for a size increase, then what is described (like say Half-Balor)
You can go for the increased size, BUT it'll only effect space on the map and squeezing, no stat adjustments.
Templates that call for a size increase to large will be pushing the character to a height over 7 or 8 feet tall.
Also Any evil templates and monster classes will not have the evil subtype, as background wise it's been purged, and some race featured flipped.
I'll point out what's been flipped and changed.

It'll start at Level 1

Stats: 15 PB with Weak template, 10 PB with Powerful Template (Min 10 Pre and post base race, Max 16 pre and post base race)
Traits: 2 (no drawbacks, no rich parents trait)
Classes allowed: Core + a few non-core (Alchemist, Oracle, Ninja, Brawler, Warpriest)
Archetypes sources Allowed: APG, ARG(feats and racial traits only), Limited; ACG (Warpriest and Brawler Only)
Races: See Below
Alignment: Non-Evil
Background Skills: Yes (But one has to be; profession(), perform(), or craft())
Starting Cash: Average
Starting HP: Max
Books Allowed: CRB, APC, ARG, ACG, UCom, "Blood Of" companion series (Angel, Fiend, Coven) + ??
Is 3PP or 3.5 material allowed: Not really, some 3.5/3PP content will be given, see Race below

You pick 8 classes, 2 from each sub grouping *(Assault,Skilled,Divine,Arcane) and you can't use the same class twice if it appears in more than one group.

I'll randomise the class, and gender for the character.

--Notice: using content outside of approved sources without asking for permission will get one warning,
--Doing after so after the warning, will result in the character not be considered at all.

--Notice: If you are a person who gets triggered by anything,
--Please don't apply as content may be hinted at and or come up that may trigger you.

You can choose from Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Aasimar, Tiefling, or Changling
You'll start with a template for the game based on the answers to the questions gave in the questionaire below along with some dice rolls.
But Monster classes can also be taken, and set both your race and class, the only ones open are as follows;
Astral Deva, Erinyes, Hill Giant, Janni, Ogre, Minotaur, Satyr, and Succubus, along with Nymph and Huldra

!Notice: Aasimars and Tieflings CAN NOT use the Variant Aasimar/Tiefling Abilities racial trait (the d100 table with stat boosts), every other alternate racial trait is fine found in ARG or their respective player's companion book.

Backstory Notice:

backstory will be worked on as a group as you'll all be childhood friends.

Once players are selected each player/character will go into the discussion and collaberate a bit on character relationships and backstory about the group's two adventures (Falcon's Hollow being one, the other will be decided by the players).

Character relationships could also be the character's perception of each of the party members (brave,naive etc), instead of a single word (like; friend, etc).

You could see this part as a semi-session zero.

3PP and 3.5 Content:

Allowed 3PP
Monster classes (listed in Races)

Bride of Portable Hole
(General feats only and more for gags and some silliness at times then serious choices, (though I might hand out some items for a gag or two.)
(and Big-&$$ weapon profiency feat only allow for use of large weapons, or one size category bigger in it's terms, and can't be used with Two-Weapon Fighting
So with this feat you could use a large greatsword and not just a medium greatsword as long as you have the greatsword proficiency.)

3.5 Content
FC2: General (open) and *Abyssal Heritage Feats: Anyone can have 1, tiefling can have 2, Half-demons can have 4 (non-stacking)
*I recommend using ones that match or work with the theme of the tiefling or Half-demon template.

Complete Mage: Fey Hertiage Feats, anyone can have 2, Half-fey can have 5 (non-stacking)

Races of the Dragon: General Feats, Breath feats, Tactical feats

Complete Warrior: Tactical Feats

Arms and Equipment Guide: exotic weapons; Full blade and Mercerial Swords (Long, Bastard, Great)

Tome of the 9 swords: one feat: Superior Unarmed Strike

You can have ONE dnd 3.5 Tactical feat for free Provided you meet it's Requirements.
For the Elusive Target Tactical feat, pick one character it effects when using it (as the old 3.X dodge only worked on one NPC/PC at a time per round)
It'll be a long while before this kicks in for most.

Changes to Feats:

weapon proficiency feats are a BOGO, so two weapons for the price of one, or a group (Monk, Whips, Polearms)
If you take a Gag feat from the 3PP, you can pick up another free, or take either; Endurance or a weapon proficiency, or special attack feat (sunder, trip, etc)
Special attack feats are BOGO, and no longer require; Power Atk or Combat Expertise.

Combat reflexes will augment both; Deflect arrows and Snatch arrow feats, such that you can do so each to dex mod + 1, if you have Combat Reflexes.

Assault = Full BAB, or 3/4 with combat boosting abilities.
Skilled = any class with 6 or 8 skill points per level.
Divine = Any class with divine magic or can cast Cure XX Wounds
Arcane = Any class with arcane magic (Alchemists are in this list)

*Classes in each group
Assault = Alchemist, Barbarian, Bard, Brawler, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Warpriest.
Skilled = Bard, Ranger, Rogue.
Divine = Bard, Cleric, Druid, Oracle, Paladin, Ranger, Warpriest
Arcane = Alchemist, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard.

Ninja == Rogue

I've been thinking about at starting a new PBP game.

I'm looking at running either;
The Dragon's Demand,
Feast of Ravenmoor,
Tears at Bitter Manor,
Realm of the Fellnight Queen,
Gallery of Evil, or
No Response from Deepmar.

I will say I have a few interesting ideas and story twists for the first 3 modules,
including an idea where players get do to use templates, but the players can't directly choose the template from the list, instead it'll be selected based on answers to questions and a few die rolls.

I do plan on modifying the modules in content and story so as things won't be completely predictable for those that played them before, as I might even augment some content with stuff from old Dragon magazine issues I have and quickly looked over recently and got some ideas from.....

This game is in response to a GM starting a recruitment and failing to even start the game as they are over due for a decision when they said they'd have one.
So I'm stepping up to the plate and running a game in their stead.

You'll be Required to use a PrC or a Monster Class with this game, and as the Requirements for PrCs have been greatly reduced or removed.
These classes have been ignored for a long time, it is time to put them back into the light for a time.

We'll be running "The Feast of Ravenmoor" or "Fangwood Keep"
The Players will decide which (and one must be selected by each player)

-- Character Creation Rules --

Stats: 20-point Buy (NO stats below 10 or above 16 pre-racial)
Traits: 0 (replaced with Bonus feat for PrC requirements, and will be highlighted/marked as such on the Char sheet)
Classes allowed: Core, APG(Alchemist and Witch only), UC (Ninja Only),
NO Summoner, Gunslinger, Magus, Occult, and Cavalier or Samurai.
Monster classes: Allowed, but see below

Archetypes: NONE

Races Allowed: Core, and Monster Classes(Listed Below).
Alignments: Non-Evil

Spells: Core and APG Only.

Starting Level: 4
Starting Cash: 6,000 gp, BUT no Items can exceed 2000gp, and only one can exceed 2000gp but capped at 2500gp.
Starting HP: MaxHD(1st level) +(1/2 die + 1 + Con) per level.

PF PrCs: Core, APG, Paths of Prestage, and Paths of the Righteous (Note the ones from the Hard cover Books are more preferred)
3.5 PrCs; yes only from; Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Complete Arcane, Complete Adventurer, and FrostBurn
(I don't mind bring some old PrCs back, but ask to confirm they can be used as they'll be upgraded some to PF power levels)

Please put your PrC down so I can print out it's new requirements.

Other 3.X Material: FullBlade, Warfan, Jovar, Mecerial Blades (Greatsword, Bastard, Long)

Is 3PP allowed: No, The Only 3PP allowed is Monster Classes.
Individual or small bundle of Monster classes Linked below.

Monster Classes;
Succubus(redeemed or neutral),

Erinyes(Redeemed or neutral),
Hill Giant (it'll be modified a bit),
Minotaur (or you could re-flavor as Half-Minotaur),
There are a Few other; Fey, Outsiders, and Giants that were in the Public Beta of Monster Classes; Huldra, Nymph, Fire and Frost Giants, and Movanic deva Angel.
Please DO NOT ask for any other monster classes then what is available, as the answer will be NO.

Now I will say this, extreme Power gaming combos and Min/Maxed stats will not win you a spot.
Interesting ideas, like a Ogre rogue Shadow Dancer for example, will likely catch my eye a lot more.

Now for the Odd Rules of it,

Characters who don't use Monster levels must use 2 core/base class levels to help in meeting requires if needed for a PrC,
i.e. if one went for the Spellsword PrC they'd likely need a Level in Fighter and a Level in either Wizard or Sorcerer,
But if they went Shadow Dancer, they don't need any specific class levels and could choose any two levels of any core/base class or Monster Class.

Those with a Monster Class may still Need core/base class levels to Meet their chosen PrC's requirements.
i.e. a Satyr arcane Trickster would still need a Level in Rogue and one in either Wizard or Sorcerer.

Those without Monster Classes need to have min 1 levels in a chosen PrC.
Those with Monster Classes don't Need to take a Class or PrC, until they are out of monster class levels should this game continue.

If the game does continue the Next module will be either;
"Gallery of Evil" or "No Response from Deepmar."

Pip Bernadotte and Shelly Harrison of the Wild wolves have a number of it's members enter the Command tent to discuss their next assignment; entering the tent are;
Yaz Erfryr, Valessa Bareth, Lothorian, Tobar, Zero, and Daniel.

Discussion Thread for OOC

Welcome to the PrC Power game.

You'll be Required to use a PrC with this game, as the Requirements for PrCs have been greatly reduced and these classes have been ignored for a long time, time to put them back into the light.

-- Character Creation Rules --

Stats: 20-point Buy (NO stats below 10 or above 16 pre-racial)
Traits: 2 (No Rich Parents)
Classes allowed: Core, APG, UC, NO Summoner, Gunslinger, Magus, Occult, and Cavalier
(or Samurai except by taking only one of two specific archetypes that bypass the Archetpye rule below).
Monster classes: Allowed but see below

Archetypes: Any from APG, UCombat, ACG, except those that use content or mechanics from banned classes.

Races Allowed: Core, and Monster Classes(Listed Below).
Alignments: Non-Evil

Spells: Core and APG Only.

Starting Level: 6
Starting Cash: 16,000 gp, BUT no Items can exceed 4000gp, and only one can exceed 1200gp
Starting HP: MaxHD(1st level) +(1/2 die + 1 + Con) per level.

PF PrCs: Core, APG, Paths of Prestage, and Paths of the Righteous (Note the ones from the Hard cover Books are more preferred)
3.5 PrCs; yes only from; Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Complete Arcane, Complete Adventurer, and FrostBurn
(I don't mind bring some old PrCs back, but ask to confirm they can be used as they'll be upgraded some to PF power levels)

Please put your PrC down so I can print out it's new requirements.

Other 3.X Material: FullBlade, Warfan, Jovar, Mecerial Blades (Greatsword, Bastard, Long)

Is 3PP allowed: No, The Only 3PP allowed is Monster Classes.
Individual or small bundle of Monster classes Linked below.

Monster Classes;
Succubus(redeemed or neutral),

Erinyes(Redeemed or neutral),
Hill Giant (it'll be modified a bit),


Minotaur (or you could re-flavor as Half-Minotaur),
There are a Few other; Fey, Outsiders, and Giants that were in the Public Beta of Monster Classes; Huldra, Nymph, Fire and Frost Giants, and Movanic deva Angel.
Please don't ask for other monster classes then what is available.

Now I will say this, extreme Power gaming combos and Min/Maxed stats will not win you a spot.
Interesting ideas, like a Ogre rogue Shadow Dancer for example, will likely catch my eye a bit more.

Now for the Odd Rules of it,

Characters who don't use Monster levels must use 2 core/base class levels to help in meeting requires if needed,
i.e. if one went for the Spellsword PrC they'd likely need a Level in Fighter and a Level in either Wizard or Sorcerer,
But if they went Shadow Dancer, they don't need any specific class levels and could choose any two levels of any core/base class.

Those with a Monster Class may still Need core/base class levels to Meet their choosen PrC's requirements.
i.e. a Satyr arcane Trickster would still need a Level in Rogue and one in either Wizard or Sorcerer.

Those without Monster Classes need to have min 3 levels in a Choosen PrC.
Those with Monster Classes must have min 2 levels in their monster Class, and min 2 Levels in their PrC.


Now for the common Backstory part(s) that'll be needed especially for those with Monster Levels.

Your all part of a Mercenary Unit, The Wild Wolves, lead by Pip Bernadotte and Second in Command Shelly Harrison.
You all know each other,
Now those with Monster Class levels did an Contract that saw them in the end getting Cursed by a powerful Lich, into becoming something they fought.
Those Uncursed are the newer recruits and or those that did not take part in that operation.
Now the cursed members are slowly changing into monsters and the curse consumed some of their class levels for fuel the first 2 monster levels and in a few cases modified/changed their classes after the initial change.
Some Cursed members are enjoying the curse, others hate it, others are neutral about it.

Game Submissions Deadline: 2 weeks maybe earlier if a lot of responses.

Hello, I am wanting to do a game with a twist from the many normal games

There are a few campaign ideas I've had in my head for a long while now and want to try one of them out before I think of anymore.
Pending the one that has the most interest I'll start setting up the recruitment thread with it's Character Creation Rules and Level the game will start at.

Experimental Game ideas:

  • PrC Power (PrC's have requirements reduced or voided, and are required.)
  • BBS (Barbarian, Bard, and Skald are the Only classes allowed)
  • Subterfuge (Requires hiding identity as you fight as getting caught may spill the beans on the group)
  • Shadow Walkers (A Combo of Super PrC and Subterfuge ideas)
  • AMP (All Monster Party) (Everyone plays as a Monster or Half-Breed, Caution this one may cost you a few bucks.)

  • The Two remaining players are looking for a New GM for Red Hand Of Doom using 3.5 Rules and Content.

    Link to Campaign Page.

    We'll also be needing replacement players since 3 have disappeared.

    You can dot here.

    Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely on itself to solve its problems.
    Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas.
    Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard throughout town. The plague has come to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t be bothered to stop it.

    Falcon’s Hollow is also a Den of Vice and Sin live, Where a few good souls keep it from falling further like one long lost civilization of long ago.
    But even Sinners and Falcon’s Hollow can earn redemption should the right people step up and redeem it.


    Your in the Roots and Remedies with Laurel, helping her with a line that started this moring though a dozen or so came in yesterday with the same symptoms.
    Yesterday night Laurel said met with Sheriff Deldrin Baleson raising her concerns that an outbreak might be starting...
    And before the line started you heard her say "I hope Sheriff Deldrin blocked off access to that well."


    You just arrived into town and run into a Half-Orc and he says he'll show you around.


    Your Lord informs that your still young, but you also need to grow on your own for a time.
    For some reason you felt something both pushing and pulling you to Falcon's Hollow.
    You arived at a cutyard and scared the crap out of Jarlben and the only person who helped you was Joanne and she warned you about certain characters in town.
    Namely those in the Redrock Guild, the higher ups in the LC and a few others. Joanne also introduced you to Milly. You've been in Falcon's Hollow for 2 days now.


    You've caught the eye of Kabran, you know he's planning something. Though he's yet to make his move.
    Duke was more inpressed in that you beat up Kabran's Goons in the Sitting Duck, and hired you for it.
    He has no fear of Zegenva, as he knows a few other tieflings in town.
    Zegenva's might and first display or might is what has generated fear.


    Kirk = Chruch (Dutch or German)
    You've been at the Kirk for six months now and it has given you some comfort.
    Lady Cirthana seems to be the only other priestess in town and seems to get some pressure from the LC to stop adn drop certain subjects in her sermons.
    But you've also noticed that Lady Cirthana does have her own support in town like Lady Cirthana is to you.
    Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks has helped with things around the Kirk and give the needed support for Lady Cirthana.
    Though a Mystery has arosen for the past 3 months a Tall man in Blue and White talks a bit to Lady Cirthana and drops off a large tithe,
    which covers the exact cost of repairs for the Kirk that the LC did in that month.
    Though oddly Lady Cirthana never seems to get his name....


    You just arrived into town head to the Goose’n’Gander (The General store) to pick up fresh supplies.
    Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks is the owner of the place.


    You've arrived at the Hollow a week ago, and started gathering infomation about the area's legends to see if they'll point you your ancestors.
    Your Currently at the Jak'a'Napes.

    While waiting for a GM to take over our KM game, I've decided to run a mini-AP for my fellow players, four spots are reserved so far.
    So I'll be taking two more players.

    Players have two options for Character Creation with the information below.

    First option is the standard you can create any character using anything within the rules below.
    The Second Option is one with spice as it is Gestalt* but....
    I as GM will randomly select the race, gender, both classes, and archetypes of the classes, but the rest is under your control with the rules below.

    If you don't like your Gestalt result and want to switch back to the first option you can, but at a cost.

    When I say Gestalt, I mean the Locked-Pair version of the interpretation of the Gestalt rules.
    Which means ONCE a class is paired with another class it CAN NOT be paired with a different class later.

    -- Character Creation Rules --

    Stats: 20-point Buy (NO stats below 10 or above 16 pre-racial)
    Traits: 2 (No Rich Parents)
    Classes allowed: Core, APG, UC, ACG, but NO Gunslinger, Magus, Occult, Cavalier(or Samurai except by taking only one specific archetype), and Summoner.
    Monster classes Allowed but see below
    Archetypes Any except those that use content or mechanics from banned classes.
    Races Allowed: Core + Assimar, Tiefling, Changeling, Dhampir, Suli and Monster Classes(Listed Below).
    Alignments: Non-Evil
    Starting Level: 1
    Starting Cash: By Class
    Starting HP: MaxHD(1st level) +(1/2 die + 1 + Con) per level.
    Is 3PP or 3.5 material allowed: No, The Only 3PP allowed is Monster Classes.
    Individual or small bundle of Monster classes Linked below.

    Monster Classes Allowed*;

    Hill Giant (it'll be modified a bit),
    Minotaur (or you could re-flavor as Half-Minotaur),
    *Requires a good backstory, reason and own or willing to buy the 3PP content.
    Also those that use the 3PP with gestalt will have a very high likely hood that the 3PP will be one of the classes randomised in.
    And have increased odds of getting selected.

    The game will be 4-6 players, but if their is a lot (20+) of submissions I may open a another game (another 3-5 players).
    Or if GMs are willing to make groups that's fine.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to rely on itself to solve its problems.
    Meanwhile, the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their pleas.
    Now the hacking coughs of the sick are heard throughout town. The plague has come to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t be bothered to stop it.

    Falcon’s Hollow is also a Den of Vice and Sin live, Where a few good souls keep it from falling further like one long lost civilization of long ago.
    But even Sinners and Falcon’s Hollow can earn redemption should the right people step up and redeem it.

    Discussion Open

    This PBP game is about expanding one's horizons and taking what fate gives you and using it.

    Now this Recruitment is a replacement for a recruitment a GM abandoned, and I am giving them a small bonus (an extra 50GP).

    Stats: 20-point Buy
    Traits: 2 (No Rich Parents)
    Classes allowed: Core, but Gunslinger, Magus, Occult, and Summoner and see below
    Races Allowed: Core + Assimar, Tiefling, Changeling, Dhampir, Suli and Monster Classes(Listed Below).
    Alignments: Non-Evil
    Starting Level: 1
    Starting Cash: By Class
    Starting HP: MaxHD(1st level) +(1/2 die + 1 + Con) per level.
    Is 3PP or 3.5 material allowed: No, The Only 3PP allowed is Monster Classes and it's public beta.

    Monster Classes Allowed*;
    Emancipated Dryad, Minotaur, Ogre, Satyr, Huldra, Nymph, Angels.
    *Requires a good backstory and reason, And at most only take 2 players using these classes

    The game will be 3-5 players, but if their is a lot (20+) of submissions I may open a Second game (another 3-5 players).
    Or if GMs are willing to make groups that's fine.

    All OOC should go here

    Goblin Squad Member

    A rogue Freevale company (now removed) has Broken the NAP
    Trying to claim all Terra Firma's Central Towers.
    on the West side of the map.

    Terra Firma's North West Tower

    Terra Firma's North Tower

    Terra Firma's North East Tower

    Terra Firma's South East Tower

    Edit updated

    Goblin Squad Member

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    This thread is for any folks looking for certain recipes so they can continue to rank up their crafting.

    Does anyone have a +X steel wire recipe?

    I'm willing to trade one recipe for another, or materials.

    Currently in Talonguard (West of Emerald spire) crafting some items,
    I'm trying to make some +1 armour so I can take the next level of armour smith,
    without needing to gamble on the chance of a +1 or +2 steel wire being made from a +0 steel wire batch.

    A map to help folks find the spot.

    Use ThornKeep or the Emerald spire as a reference point so new players can quickly find the settlement your advertising from

    Goblin Squad Member

    I am curious as to what each level of Harvesting gives you the ability to harvest,
    as well as what each level of a crafting skill gives?

    Smelter 1: steel blanks, steel plates, iron ingots, copper bars
    Smelter 2: steel wire, Silver bars
    Smelter 3: Cold Iron ingots

    Armoursmith 1: Plate and Hide
    Armoursmith 2: Soldiers Mail, chainshirt

    Weaponsmith 1: Steel dagger
    Weaponsmith 2: Longsword

    We are looking for a replacement GM for our group's game.
    All of us are a great group, and
    We are offering the replacement GM a spot in one of the player's games.

    CotCT Game.

    Love the Army of darkness One-liner for a title

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Read All About it, link

    IGN wrote:

    A new image suggests that we may soon be seeing a Pathfinder video game, developed by Obsidian.

    In a Facebook post (which has now been removed), Pathfinder Developer Adam Daigle posted this image with the text “Banners!”

    Pathfinder, a fairly recent role-playing game, is an extension of the 3rd edition of Dungeons and Dragons. If it’s true that Obsidian is developing a Pathfinder video game, it would be their second time adapting a Dungeons and Dragons role playing game - 2006’s Neverwinter

    The Knights of the Old Republic 2 and Fallout: New Vegas developer spoke recently to IGN about the possibility of returning to the Neverwinter Nights series, saying "It’d be pretty cool! Obviously there’s the Neverwinter MMO that came out but in terms of the more traditional focused game it’d be pretty cool, especially now as 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons is being released." Could Obsidian instead be setting their sights on a new aspect of Dungeons and Dragons?

    Right now, Obsidian is busy with their forthcoming Pillars of Eternity (our preview), so it may be a while before we see any more information regarding Pathfinder.

    IGN has reached out to Obsidian for comment.

    Out near the Darkmoon Vale lies Piren’s Bluff, Home of the Last Baron.
    The Baron has been neutral for the longest time, and with temptations from Chelax has started to turn to Chelax. Now to stop the Chelaxians from getting a vital choke point into Andoran.

    General Dakovya has asks for help in secret from Adventures and Mercs in keeping an eye on the Baron, and to "Remove him" if needed.


    Welcome to Tower of the Last Baron,
    You've chosen or been chosen for this game.

    Character rules are
    Alignment: Non-Evil, good preferred
    Level: 5

    Classes: All, but no Summoner, Gunslinger, and Magus).
    Usable ACG playtest classes: Bloodrager, Brawler, Warpriest.

    Races: Core + Aasimar, Tiefling, Dhampir, Changeling*, Suli, Skinwalkers,
    *Changeling is getting a buff.
    And Pathfinder Bestiary Levels. Will require a good story to use Bestiary Levels.

    Books: CRB, APG, UM, UC, ARG, Blood of series, Bastards of Golarion.
    3PP: Abandon Arts: Amazing Races (Races on the list)

    Point-Buy: 20(no stat below 10 after racials)
    Traits: 2

    Starting gold: 10,500 GP

    HP: Full hp for first HD, and half+1 for the rest.

    I'll be looking at backgrounds and Descriptions.
    And note that I'll be taking those that are creative, even does not fill every party roles and even has overlap.

    I am continuing a Kingmaker game, but some of my players have disappeared. Looking for 2-4 players.

    Base creation rules:
    Stats: 20 Point Buy (no stats below 10)
    Traits: 1 Campaign, and 1 more.
    Classes and Archetypes allowed: CRB, APG, UM, UC, and ACG's Bloodrager, Brawler, and Warpriest (No magus, Summoners, Gunsligners or other ACG classes)
    Races: Core + Others*
    Starting Cash: 1250
    Character Background: Ideal, if none I'll make one up and it becomes your back story, with a job that best matches your profession/class and that is it.
    Character Descriptions are a plus.
    Must be willing to post at least once a day for 5 days out of the week.

    Alignments: Non-Evil.

    Your level 2.

    *Other races are Assimar, Tieflings, Changelings, and a few others that are listed in ARG, but no customs (except I few I made)
    and to get access to them will be by chance, pick 2 Core races, and 1 non-core race, (I'll add 1 more race randomly), and I'll randomise the gender, like in my Expanded Horizon games.

    Our group is looking for a New GM since the GM left.

    We are Level one, and did not get far in the game so the New GM can change where the game is and the events going on, even selecting a module for the game.


    I was wondering if any GM's are planning on doing a high level playtest of the ACG playtest classes. As I've seen many playtests pop up covering levels 1 to 5, and one level 10-11, but nothing higher.

    There are 4 modules that do go up that high that could be used for this high level playtest.

    We are looking for a replacement GM for our group's game.
    All of us are a great group, and
    We are offering the replacement GM a spot in one of the player's games.

    CotCT Game.

    The Biggest Upcoming MMORPGs you Need to Have on Your Radar.
    PFO is on the list, at the bottom

    Hello and Welcome Challengers

    I'm wondering if anyone can break this Encryption I made for a product in that is in development.

    That and my boss also wants a minor field test of it and gave a thumbs up to test in on forums.

    I can not offer a reward, but you will get some bragging rights for breaking an encrypted sentence.

    Encrypted Sentence:

    3B751A3A721B75017252335D39194D25442A416118770222442B59791A68096A01680661412 C5575305E3D4F3646325B345A

    Post the decrypted Sentence as an Answer in the thread in a spoiler labeled "Attempt".

    If this breaks any Paizo guidelines, Please delete the whole thread.

    Goblin Squad Member

    This thread a TANGENT to the Character-customization thread as this thread aims at the METHODS that'll be used for Character customization, NOT the options themselves.

    I'm wondering how Goblin works plans to do Character customization; will they go for the Swap the Character Model (or parts of the model),
    Vertex Displacement (Morphing) using something like Mega-Fiers, or a create a hybrid of the two where certain parts are swapped and others are morphed.

    Now I know each one has Pros and Cons in implementation, performance, and work required. But each answer gives a different degree of customisation options per amount of work.

    I know the swap the model (or it's parts) is the easiest one to execute on, likely has the least work, and has the best performance.
    But each piece of work done has the least customisation value.

    Where as *Morph based customisation is not the easiest to execute, has a load of work, and eats into cycles to render,
    but each piece or morph added increases customisation value in a near exponential value, as each morph can be added to another morph on top of the base model.

    *Exclude the hair as that will likely be a swappable part.

    A hybrid of the two would not be half bad but could cause some headaches in that a morph might cause the appearance of the seems to appear on the character.

    Now I know I would perfer a morph based character system. (There are MMO's and ORPGs that do use morph based characters)
    But I'm also realistic in that I know some players will go hog wild on the morphs for a perfect look and the character will eat so many cycles to render that it'll slow to a crawl,
    So a system should be in place to limit the number of morphs used on the body and the head.
    A good method I could think of is a cartesian plane where X and Y both equal a morph selected by the player,
    with 0 on the axis equaling 0 percent of the morph, and 100 on the axis equaling 100% of the morph.
    This way only two morphs get blended on the body and or head for everyone, and everyone has equal render cycle time.

    Now I do think Goblin Works should release a demo Character Creator like the one for Dragon Age: Origin (Model Swap method) or Phantasy Star Online 2 (Morph based) as this will be the front door to Pathfinder Online and it should be polished like crazy and the feedback on the character editor will be of extreme value for the final version of the character creation system. This will also allow players a chance to make the character before Pathfinder Online launches and have it ready for when they do join the Game.

    Gearbox, SEGA Sued Over Aliens: Colonial Marines

    Looks like the shortcuts they made and using modified demo footage caught up to them.

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