About Valeria Avila LeonardName: Valeria Avila Leonard
Hit Points: 59/59
Melee: +9
BloodRager: 4 + Int+FC = 7
ACP = 2 //Armour Check Penalty *Acrobatics: 9 = 3 + DEX Mod + 3 - ACP; Appraise: 9 = 5 + INT Mod + 0 +2(Greed); Bluff: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; *Climb: 8 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP; *Craft: 2 = 0 + INT Mod + 0; *Diplomacy: 12 = 5 + CHA Mod + 3 +1(trait); Disable Device: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; Disguise: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; Escape Artist: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Handle Animal: 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; Heal: 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0; *Intimidate: 8 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3 +1(trait); Know(Local): 4 = 2 + INT Mod + 0; Know(Nobility): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Know(History): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; *Know(Arcana): 6 = 1 + INT Mod + 3; Know(Religion): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Know(Planes): NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Linguistics: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; *Perception: 10 = 5 + WIS MOD + 3; Perform (Sing): 3 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0; Profession(Seamstr): 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0; Profession(Barmaid): 2 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0; *Ride: 3 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; Sense Motive: 10 = 5 + WIS Mod + 3; Sleight of Hand: NA = NA + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Spell Craft: NA = NA + INT Mod + 0; Stealth: 8 = 5 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP; *Survival: 9 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3 +3(SF); *Swim: 8 = 1 + STR Mod + 3 -ACP; Use Magical Device: NA = NA + CHA Mod + 0; Class features, Feats, Traits and Racial Traits:
Class features (Bloodrager): Bloodine:Abyssal Bloodrage (2+CON+(Level*2) + (6 * 1) = 19 rnds), Fast movement Improved Uncanny Dodge Blood Sanctuary Blood casting, Eschew materials Blood Powers:
Blood Feats: Feats:
Racial Traits:
DC = 10 + WIS + Level Level-1: 2 = 1 + 1(CHA) Spells Known:
AC, Saves, Attacks:
AC: AC: 20 = 10 + 4(Armour) + 3(Nat) +3(Dex) +0(Dodge); Touch: 13 = 10 +3(Dex) +0(Dodge); Flat: 20 = 10 + 4(Armour) +3(Nat) +3(Dex); Saves:
Weapons: 50+15=65 Greatsword 2d6, 19-20x2, S Longsword 1d8, 19-20x2, S --Weight:12 = 8+4 Armour: (100gp)
Clothes: (5sp)
Weight Total:48
Physical Description You see an attractive woman of 6 foot 6, with a muscular and curvy build. She has Red hair, Amber eyes and fair skin. Data and Background:
Job: Hunter, Survivialist, Merc (with restrictions), Likes: Treasure, Honour, Humour, Dislikes: Dishonourable conduct, Being made a Fool of, Enchantment Magic Favorite foods: Meats, potatoes, eggs, Milk, Honey, syrup, Fish, Alcohol Hobbies: Exercise, Training, Some Sewing and Singing Background: Basic Rough Draft
Finfer decided that when the child had grown up enough that she'd be the wife of one of his grand or great grand children, as he wanted the power of dragons to flow through his blood line.
Knowing the various things that Valeria would go through helped Odin in raising her as time went on, and oddly it helped him and Freya get together to the point where they got hitched.
After about 8 years later Finfer died, and his will contained his last words and instructions. They listed the Valeria is to be a the Chief-to-be's wife when she comes of age.
With Odin as chief, Lykus prospered a bit better than it had before, and with Odin rejecting the Blood of Dragons part of the will allowed Valeria her own choice of whom she'd marry. Though the people of Lykus and Valeria's family tried to raise her as a lady, she kept hold of some tomboyish traits like physically fighting, doing heavy physical work, and a few more.
Valeria was known by the village folk for her calm thoughtful ladylike self most of the time, though when she was doing masculine things she was slightly less lady like. But she also had a slight temper which she kept for the most part in control.
And there was a moment in her childhood where she was called a monster (by her peers of age from appearance) due to her now having visible crest horns, really Ruby Red hair, Golden Eyes, and sharp canines when she spoke.
When she finally got to an adult age she decided to go out and see the world, and to see what it had to offer.
Character Progression:
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