Aurorae |

Hi all,
Here is Aurorae. I'll be the one expecting every one else to do her job. I didn't choose Sloth as a "sin" for nothing :)
To get background exchange started, and for quick reference:
Aurorae adopted patents are Basken Hobbs, the Shieriff's deputy and his wife Olga.
Aurorae is spending some time at the temple of Shelyn with Lina Blackrose but her real teacher is an old herbalist called Ulrica that lives outside town.
I see we are 3 fey linked plus one minotaur and one celestial, that will make for good interactions.

Gallus Baradin |

Gallus' adopted parents are Jeanna Baradin his Mother, a farmers daughter who lost her husband in the first year of marriage. and Holden Baradin her father , the farmer.
He trained at The Temple of Shelyn briefly before thinking itwas too much work. Lina Blackrose see's him as wasting his talent and chastises him whenever she gets the chance.
He frequents the Dragons Hoard Inn and the Bartenders/waitresses all know him..some like him. some dont. He met the Priestess of Cayden Cailean at the Dragons Hoard and her name is Landy Trimrose
he freqently can be seen playing his pipes out at the fishing pond near the village where he goes to be alone with nature and 'think'. Being half Satyr, Gallus enjoys drinking far too much. Though he does try to live down his 'Fey Blood' by doing good deeds and helping those in need.

RHMG Animator |

Understandable and I hope your daughter's birthday goes well.
Now something I'll be doing is making a character reference rendering so everyone gets a correct perspective of how tall they really are compared to others along with a common image of each other.
So I'll need a height, body build, skin, eye and hair colors (and maybe hair style), and a general idea of the clothing.
Note I will not have exact matches for stuff, but I can get close, or find a reasonable alternative.
I'll also be adding in my sample Character Rune, so if we have people dropping we have more party consistency, or characters not knowing where to go/do next, I could have Rune give a nudge or suggestion in character.
I'll be going over some parts (since I did mention modified PF1 setting);
All (adoptive) parents and trainers are pretty my standard player races.
For LairDragdel, the foster father could be Draconic, or a Half-dragon, not a full blooded dragon, sorry if it kills your Fairy Tale some, though I'd laugh a bit if you put yourself as a adopted child of Lucy and Natsu from the start.
As for Races, I put Nymphs following in appearance to their 3.5 counterparts, though for Aurorae, I could allow some dryad genes to color the hair green. (another reason is it's hard to tint colors skin well in my rendering software since I'm not a texture/material artist).
One nice house rule I will quickly mention is that;
Cure and Inflict spells are fixed numbers, no dice, since I've seen times where someone needed a good heal, and got nothing, but ones.
Light = 10 HP
Mod = 25 HP
Serious = 50 HP
Crit = 100 HP

Gallus Baradin |

5'9" tall 175lbs weight with reddish brown hair. Very hirsute and having dirty brown ivory horns curling out of his head. Gallus looks the part of a Half-satyr. He dresses in studded leather and carries a crossbow in his arms. A wooden holy symbol to Cayden Cailean is prominently displayed around his neck. A rapier and a dagger hang from his belt. His dark brown eyes carry the look of someone who has been bullied and jeered most of his life.
body build is average.

RHMG Animator |

Gallus for a starting point, Should I use this base model and modify it or this (mainly for the legs and hooves and build from there)
pants for either will be a bit of a pain....
Edit: got a few outfits I think that fit;

RHMG Animator |

Any outfit above you think works?
and I think that Satyr base is the hairest male character base I have....
I think Karl is the only other option I have, and he's a bit of a wolf.
And the satyr horns are exclusive to the satyr base model, so demon horns are the only horn option with Karl

djpika |

All (adoptive) parents and trainers are pretty my standard player races.
For LairDragdel, the foster father could be Draconic, or a Half-dragon, not a full blooded dragon, sorry if it kills your Fairy Tale some, though I'd laugh a bit if you put yourself as a adopted child of Lucy and Natsu from the start.
Heh, no, I didn't expect to make tie-ins to actual characters.
I wasn't expecting to meet-up with the foster parent either during game play... so it probably doesn't make that much of a difference between half-dragon and dragon. I thought it would make a good MacGuffin to keep on adventuring and to explore new lands... as well as support the Scaled Fist archetype. It also provided easy references to fighting moves.

Lairë Dragdel |

For physical characteristics, I think the image provided is the best reference. I guess the only thing needed is a sense of scale. So I'm thinking 6'2ish? I know Fey are traditionally viewed as smaller than humans, but I'm envisioning more of the primal, first world aspect.

Kusar |

Shoot, somehow missed this! Had an unusual busy day! Glad it's almost over. I'm Kusar, the half-minotaur farm boy. He's fairly tall - maybe 7'5" or so (not sure exactly how big he should be).
I assume half-minotaurs have a bull head and human body but please correct me if I'm wrong!
Imagine a tall, lanky man. But with years of work on the farm, he's toned. He has a bull head with short, curved horns. Something maybe like this. He eschews shirts - finds them to be hot and bothersome. He has a handy dagger that he mainly uses to cut rope or slice bread.
Kusar's parents are Dalton and Leah Saba, both retired human adventurers. He knows the tanner and general store keeper as well as any of the other famers around town. Would Gallus and Kusar know each other being both come from farms?

Aurorae |

I’m fine with staying more with the D&D vibe for nymphs than the pathfinder one (i.e. Nyrissa style).
Here are Aurorae's details. She’s on the short side, 5 feet tall, of medium build with pointed elven ears a light brown skin and curled long dark brown hair with a few green strands. No binding or braiding on the hair.
Clothing wise, she wears sleeveless loose dresses that go down to mid-thigh with long fringes that sway in the constant breeze that surrounds her. Colors are mainly greens and blues.
Tell me if you need more.
I'm not super found of the avatar image and I'll see if I can find something better suited now.
Background wise, as we all were rescued from the same laboratory, I suppose we would know already each other. As Gallus proposed and as I see each of us seems strongly tied to nature we could have made an habit of meeting by the pond to listen to Gallus playing, or to run around and swim. I see Aurorae spending most of the time there either in the water or trying to dance to the tunes. She's not very good at dancing yet but she's training.
One last thing. I've got family at home over the week-end so I will not post a lot over the week-end.

RHMG Animator |

I’m fine with staying more with the D&D vibe for nymphs than the pathfinder one (i.e. Nyrissa style).Here are Aurorae's details. She’s on the short side, 5 feet tall, of medium build with pointed elven ears a light brown skin and curled long dark brown hair with a few green strands. No binding or braiding on the hair.
Clothing wise, she wears sleeveless loose dresses that go down to mid-thigh with long fringes that sway in the constant breeze that surrounds her. Colors are mainly greens and blues.
Go a few outfits that fit the bill with some being a bit off the mark but could be a style that fits.
or helps fit in with the future plan for the character.arvine
Dusk Warrior
How long is Long for hair; shoulder, waist, etc.
And some long hair styles I have don't work great with elven ears, though I have one that works for sure,
a general rule finding a hair style that works with elf ears is; short hair, ponytails, or braided hair.
I'm not super found of the avatar image and I'll see if I can find something better suited now.....
I know there is the Nymph Queen, Syntira.
They have her as a Avatar image from the Falcon's Hollow Mini AP (Carnival of Tears) that is based on the 3.5 Nymphsince the Falcon's Hollow Mini-AP was based on 3.5 rules
Oh and since you are using a racial class, do you want your appearance to change as you gain levels
Just need first level and 8th level appearances, I'll let the timeline blend the looks.

RHMG Animator |

A party of adventurers find out out about the experiments and puts a stop to it by wiping out the guards and the leader running the lab.
The Party is divided about what to do with some of the experiments (the PCs)
A prisoner (Thinking Hellen Hyde for a name) who was force to work in the Lab pleads for and uses logic to help end the party's division about what to do.
The experiment logs only had reference numbers reference numbers for specimens so no one knows who these infants could be related to.
The party and the prisoner go back to a town they know and some opt to stay and help raise the PCs, some continue adventuring.
Some of the PCs get adopted into other families, other live together at the orphange being assisted by the prisoner.
So does every agree with going for a Wizard's Lab, or a Alchemist's Lab?
Which Country and settlement (and kind of settlement) do you want the lab to have been in?
thinking ustalav here for the country
Who was the leader/Head for the Lab?
And who were generally his lackeys/minions?
Who was the prison that help and got you all out and safe?
I'll be using some of this for added content later

Rune Aiba |

Hi All
this is Rune, your resident Flame and Lust demon hybrid, but due to my nature was force to drink a few *alchemical things and dunked in holy water during a ritual to purge as much of my darker nature as possible a few times as a baby.
Alchemist Discovery: Change Alignment, Greater
In appearance I'm the opposite of Aurorae,
in that I'm very big (10+ Feet, thanks *dad), bulky with muscles (thanks again *dad), with wings, and hooved feet.
My Hair is flaming red, and I have amber eyes, sorry if I'm intimidating.
And if my tempter flares up I generate some flames which has caused some issues, including needing clothes made from the same material used in blacksmith aprons (thanks a lot *dad).
* by dad she is refering to her Balor Heritage.
Well I can work a forge like nobody else can and I don't risk damaging anything, but it sucks in that it makes me look for masculine.

Gallus Baradin |

Id Say Wizards Lab. For region, make it Andoran...someplace near the River Kingdoms and with a good background where theyd be less likely to just slay the young ones.
Are you asking us to create the name of the Wizard who did this? Minions Lackey's would be A)other Hybrids. b) a neutral to evil group of adventurers who would seek out the genetic material for him/her
and C) maybe a rival who was trying to get access to his secrets and tipped off the good adventuring group thus causing the wizards demise and freeing the experiments.

RHMG Animator |

Aurorae |

I’m going to go with the eleyna dress. Actually, the hair of that woman looks good to me in term or color and length. No worries if the elven ears do not show. If this is not possible, the hair style You’ve proposed is fine.
For the evil wizard ‘s name, I propose her to be a dhampir called Lacrimosa Von Magpyr. With one brownie point for those who get the reference :)
I also like the proposal C for how the lab got raided. The rival could be a male witch .
And thanks for the avatar suggestion. I had missed it . I will change it during the week-end.

Lairë Dragdel |

Yes I'm Asking
The Name of Wizard who lead the group for the experiments?
What generally were his lackeys/Minions? (humans, kobolds, mercs, other hybrids, etc)I do like ideas; b and c, as well.
I guess that depends on what purpose the experiments are being done for. Is it to test new enhancements for a political purpose? Perhaps it's for a shadow group in Taldor or a possible noble faction that's trying to usurp power? It could be Cheliax - perhaps a noble house that didn't align with Hell and is looking for another source of power? A runelord disciple carrying out his/her experiments? Or perhaps an Aboleth?
I think answer that might make it easier to decide what type of wizard headed the research. An Aboleth could be adding a bit of body horror to the enhancements, whereas Taldor would lend a send of intrigue.

Harusk Wolfmaw |

Falkwyn stands 5'11', with a slender but muscled frame, sun-darkened skin, with sharp green eyes and black hair down to his shoulders. He wears a goatee, sometimes linked with a thin, sparse beard when he's too lazy to shave.
As for the background in general, I also agree with Wizard's lab, and while there needs to be at least one or two other successful hybrids, most of the minions should be normal...otherwise we're all not the focus of the experiments, but "just a few more", in my humble opinion.
For a name and whatnot, I like Aurorae's idea. And Laire's...maybe the "shadow faction" is where the funding and resources came from, but the Wizard is using them to do her own thing?
As an aside, as a common, "bonding" moment for our characters, since they all grew up together, I'd like to request a common memory (though everyone could have their own take on it, obviously) where some or all of them were climbing a large tree in town, one from which Falkwyn climbed almost to the top, and then fell when a branch broke. He has a scar on his face from it, and a fear of heights, which once again, everyone can have their own opinions on...

Rune Aiba |

Yeah, the minions being mostly normal with a few hybrids sounds good, but what would be a normal minion?
That Shadow Faction idea sounds really good, and does give some intrigue and room for GM ideas.
as for Bonding, we all could of been caught up in something that turned into a bit of a adventure as kids and a bit of a source for some issues like among use;
One with a cave, as it could of had a cliff face that Falkwyn fell from,
It could of had Large insects that ambushed me and left me scared of them,
In fact that little adventure could of had Gallus get angry and caused Falkwyn's fall in the cave.

Harusk Wolfmaw |

as for Bonding, we all could of been caught up in something that turned into a bit of a adventure as kids and a bit of a source for some issues like among use;
One with a cave, as it could of had a cliff face that Falkwyn fell from,
It could of had Large insects that ambushed me and left me scared of them,
In fact that little adventure could of had Gallus get angry and caused Falkwyn's fall in the cave.
I really like that.

Rune Aiba |

Would be better if we can connect everyone's fears/insecruties/complexes in a way in that mini-adventure.
Like adding;
that Lairë's fear of thunder caused him to run into that cave,
and or that with Aurorae being a beautiful young nymph was kidnapped by outsiders(not the creature type) looking for a profit and headed to that cave to hide out for a while or were using it as a shelter for a time.
Falkwyn, Gallus, Kusar and Myself went looking for Lairë since we know of his fear enter the cave and find Lairë and or Aurorae,
And if Aurorae's there, we fight some and get some combat experience.
Though we could add that we did take a while in there being confused some and since it was spring/autumn, the temperature in the cave was getting rather cool, and my body generating a lot of heat kept everyone warm, and removed some level of fear about myself from the rest of the group.

RHMG Animator |

Since I have reference image for Lairë Dragdel for body build, and a idea of the outfit.
Since I don't have a perfect match for the outfit I'll let Lairë decide.
iron-fire can salvage some parts here
I'll see how well I can match the hair....
For Falkwyn , this is the best outfits I can offer at the moment...
Rogue Hunter
Sword of Time

MauveAvengr |

Hmmm... I think I was imagining him with human legs. Otherwise, I really like the pawn. I was debating on getting a haramaki which looks like the belt in the picture.
Wizard lab makes sense for Kusar. They were trying to infuse him with arcane energies (hence the arcane bloodline). I like the idea of an Aboleth doing the experiments (mainly because I find them super interesting), but very open to other ideas.
Kusar sees cows/other animals being eaten and feels very insecure about it. He thinks that his bull head will target him as a potential food source. Due to this insecurity, he's hesitant to eat or kill other animals.
For the bonding in the cave, maybe we had to defend ourselves against a bear or bats or something.

Harusk Wolfmaw |

For Falkwyn , this is the best outfits I can offer at the moment...
Rogue Hunter
Sword of Time
The raven guild one will do just fine.

Aurorae |

Sorry for the late posting about the common backstory. I'm trying to make sense of everything that's been said.
I really should make myself a table with all characters/fears/background.
If we want to link all our characters together, from what was written previously, here is what I'm proposing:
A few years ago as they were still young, they knew each other and had taken to hang out near the village pond but were not yet strongly bonded. One day, a group of adventurer passed into the village and, seeing Aurorae, decided to kidnap her and sell her to slavers, hoping to make a good profit.
Raising in the middle of the night, they entered Aurorae's house and caught her in her sleep. Their deed accomplished, they retreated to a cave close to the village.
However, Gallus had just finished another night of libation and saw them. He ran through the village trying to raise who he could to help him catch the bandits and only Kusar, Laëre, Rune and Falkwyn accepted to help him.
Under heavy rain and thunder, the young rescuers managed to track the adventurers to their hideout but disagreed about what to do. Gallus was furious and wanted to take them head-on while others suggested more guile. In the following scuffle, Gallus inadvertently pushed Falkwyn who fell into the entrance of the cave, alerting the adventurers.
Happily for the young rescuers, their appearance and powers frightened the kidnappers who fled. Entering the cave to rescue Aurorae, the group heard a stronger rumble of thunder. A lightning bold struck the cave entrance, causing a rock-slide and trapping them inside.
To escape, the group had to navigate the caves following Kusar instincts, flee giant centipedes that were drawn to Rune's body heat and after two days where they had to subsist on rat meat or lichen, find their way out and return to the village.

Lairë Dragdel |

Since I have reference image for Lairë Dragdel for body build, and a idea of the outfit.
Since I don't have a perfect match for the outfit I'll let Lairë decide.
iron-fire can salvage some parts here
fighting-monkI'll see how well I can match the hair....
Maybe Fighting Monk + the bracers from Iron-Fire Outfit and Weapons?

Lairë Dragdel |

If we want to link all our characters together, from what was written previously, here is what I'm proposing:
A few years ago as they were still young, they knew each other and had taken to hang out near the village pond but were not yet strongly bonded....
I assume you're proposing this after the initial wizard lab/mad experiment part?

Lairë Dragdel |

Maybe the better question to ask is when were we rescued from the wizards lab? What age was everyone then? I would expect us to have a couple of summers at least before the next bonding adventure that's proposed? Just so that the relationships have weight enough for group to investigate/help one another for the next mini-adventure?

Rune Aiba |

Mostly when rescued from the lab ages could have a small range 0-6 years.
(factoring in longer time for half-elf to mature.)
I figure that mini adventure would occur around the average age before teens so say average age of range of about 8-12.
as in the middle ages 14 was an adult.
Now what could be the drawing together of the group for this could be curiosity and coincidence.
One saw Aurorae, and gave chase, then another saw the chaser and also gave chase.
All happening while a thunderstorm is coming in and with it a loud crack scares Lairë and again we have one (or two) spot the running Lairë as he runs into the cave to hide.
The Timing of the two groups entering would be off set by say 10-30 minutes, with most of the party meeting one another and trying to figure out what to do next, now this is where the fight between Gallus and Falkwyn happens with Falkwyn falling down a good 6ft drop inside the cave.
They find Lairë first, and then find the bandits and win rescuing Aurorae.
Now since not everyone has darkvision, Rune's hot metal wings might give enough light for them to see in the dark cave, but also might attract the large insects.....
For groupings I figure Kusar should be in the group that enters the cave last due to his natural cave pathfinding ability.

Kusar |

I agree with Rune. I don't think newborn, they probably had a few years of study under their belts at the Wizard Lab. I'd imagine Kusar was maybe 3 or 4 when he was rescued.
I really like the backstory that's developing. Kusar would gladly lead the group through the cave. He's probably timid/awkward around the group at first. Once we start moving through the cave, he feels like he's in his element and he really starts to shine.

Aurorae |

Agreed about the ages. And I think it's a good idea to get the two gropus coming in at different times.
Regarding the escape, Aurorae could have contributed with her spell like abilities: reduce person to help the bigger one through small holes and speak with animals to get information from the cave bats they encountered.

Rune Aiba |

Very nice use of the SLAs for the background.
Could of used a bat to guide the group to Aurorae, and fight the bandits but Aurorae also joins the fight in a support position by using a improvised weapon causing a bit of a flanking issue for the bandits.
as Flanking can really hurt one's AC in the early game...

RHMG Animator |

I'll let the group pick;
You enter town looking for the Inn(The Wise Piper)/Tavern(Grayhands) to rest a bit before continuing on a trip,
but something happens when getting a drink in the Tavern Grayhands
You start off in the Tavern(Grayhands)?
And I do plan on starting very soon as I had real life toss a few monkey wrenches at me, slowing me down some in getting everything prepared.

RHMG Animator |

As for those that are "Large" in size
I'm thinking of giving a low power magic item that it only has a reduce person effect, and has enough duration (1 hour use, 2 hour recharge) to deal with the dungeon and being in town a bit.
But I do plan on the item(s) break at about level 3 so there is enough time to get ways to properly deal with smaller spaces if they come up again and with a reasonable duration.