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Zeke would have started as a Merc, and does not want the burden of a full conscript, but he is down with the Andoran mission and will fight for the cause, without pay if need be. Such is his hatred for slavery.

Nathon Hummel |

Passing adventurer, sympathetic to the Andoran cause.
Hey, Malkovitch, good to be playing with you again. I'll be very interested to see how the wolf shaman works out. I've got an eagle shaman in another game that promises to be a blast.

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Glancing over the builds (because I am board and wanting to play), Simon, your gear stands out, as you have a single weapon that lists for over 8300 gold - The +1 shock Katana. You might want to make sure your gear total is at or below the 10K cap. I am guessing your gear total is closer to 14k.

Darian Furkin |

And you as well, therealthom, I'm looking forward to seeing how he works, too.
Darian's not really interested in money, and he's not part of the Andoran army. He probably would have been asked by Tablic, leader of the Greenfire Circle druids, to help out as a gesture of goodwill.
I guess adventurer, would be the closest description for Darian.

Simon Sigeh |

Okay, I have re-done my equipment list. I hope everything's in order this time. ^^;
I have some fun, fun items. It's my first time bringing a perscope -- or flash powder! :p

therealthom |

And you as well, therealthom, I'm looking forward to seeing how he works, too.
Darian's not really interested in money, and he's not part of the Andoran army. He probably would have been asked by Tablic, leader of the Greenfire Circle druids, to help out as a gesture of goodwill.
I guess adventurer, would be the closest description for Darian.
I'm interested to see how he'll work out too. I've never played a skirmisher ranger.
Like Darian, Nathon has more personal reasons for taking the mission, although he won't turn down a bit of coin.

therealthom |

Not a lot of people jumping in on the loot in the game thread. Maybe we'd be better served sharing it out in the OOC thread?
4 * Antitoxin (vial)
6 * Smokestick
2 * Tanglefoot bag
2* Holy water (flask)
2 * CLW
1 * Universal solvent
I'm thinking smokesticks are very ninja.
Nathon already has antitoxin and CLW potions so he doesn't need those. I'm a big fan of spreading CLW potions around so that party members can help the healer if he or she, she in our case, goes down.
Tanglefoot, holy water and universal solvent are all pretty situational, but could come in very handy if we run into an awkward combat where someone is feeling useless against a particular enemy. For example I could see Nathon in trouble against an incorporeal undead. Holy water would be a good option then.
I wouldn't turn down any of it. Let's just get it to the people who could use it best.
Thunderstone could be a long shot option against an enemy caster if we're desperate. Or a surprise combat opener. And I've got a little extra cash left. So if AZ is willing to part with one, I'm happy to pay -- or bribe the quartermaster.

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I believe this stuff is being offered to us for free, not for sale. Ezekial had a potion already and would give up the one he claimed here if someone was without and asked. He did not have an antitoxin though.

therealthom |

Still up for grabs:
2 or 3 * Antitoxin (vial)
5 * Smokestick
1 * Tanglefoot bag
1* Holy water (flask)
2 * CLW
1 * Universal solvent
Simon Sigeh : a vial of antitoxin, a bottle of holy water and a smokestick,
Ezekial Dune : a vial of antitoxin?
Darian Furkin : any unclaimed antitoxin
Nathon Hummel : Tanglefoot bag
Thraxin "The Dashing Devil" Kyr : nothing appeals
Tarasi Pynos : No choices
Hey, DM_AZ, what about the thunderstone?

Tarasi Pynos |

Hm. I'll take a smokestick and one of the CLW potions.
Please note: Tarasi also has the following (in her Handy Haversack)
Antidote Kit 100: This small box contains a wide variety of remedies and treatments against not only specific poisons but also their most common methods of delivery, including such things as purgatives to eliminate ingested toxins. It grants a +3 circumstance bonus on Heal checks made to treat poison. An antidote kit is exhausted after 10 uses
Chirurgeon's Kit 400: This sturdy leather case straps to the waist or thigh, or can be slung over a shoulder. It consists of a leather pouch, a healer's kit, a bottle of strong brandy, a potion of cure light wounds, a vial of smelling salts, and 2 doses each of alchemist's kindness, antiplague, antitoxin, bloodblock, and soothe syrup.
[Healer's Kit: This collection of bandages and herbs provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks. A healer's kit is exhausted after 10 uses.]
Leeching Kit 5: This sturdy ceramic jar has a heavy lid with a few tiny holes to let air in. It is normally half-filled with water and contains four adult leeches, each about 6 inches long. A leeching kit grants you a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks to treat poison. Used for medicinal bloodletting, a leech can survive for 6 months between feedings.
Midwife's Kit 10: This kit is used by midwives to care for pregnant women and to deliver babies. Each kit contains herbs to treat common conditions during pregnancy, salves for aches and distended skin, swaddling cloths, a small but sharp knife for cutting an umbilical cord, powder for cleaning the newborn, bandages, a needle, and thread. Using the kit gives you a +4 circumstance bonus on Heal checks when dealing with humanoid pregnancy or birth. You may use it for other kinds pregnant or birthing creatures (such as animals or monstrous humanoids), but it only gives a +2 bonus on such Heal checks. A midwife's kit is exhausted after 10 uses.
Veterinarian’s Kit 25: This item is the equivalent of a healer's kit, except its materials are especially suitable for treating common animals (cats, dogs, goats, oxen, sheep, and so on). It provides a +3 circumstance bonus on Heal checks to treat animals, but only a +1 circumstance bonus on Heal checks on other creatures. A veterinarian's kit is exhausted after 10 uses.

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Here is my count of what is taken and what is left:
Simon has an antitoxin, a smoke stick and a holy water.
Darian has 2 antitoxins, 2 smoke sticks and a holy water.
Tarasi has a smoke stick and a potion of Cure Light.
Ezekial has an antitoxin, a smoke, and a potion of Cure Light.
Remaining is
0 * Antitoxin (vial)
1 * Smokestick
1 * Tanglefoot bag
0* Holy water (flask)
0 * CLW
1 * Universal solvent
Ezekial will carry the Universal Solvent for the group just in case it is needed. He is ready to go.

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I thought we could benefit from brainstorming and capturing facts and ideas. I know that would help me. Here are some thoughts;
Our mission is to infiltrate. In a way this is complete, at least at an initial level as we are in the city. How do we further infiltrate? This would require getting people to trust us - either those loyal to the Baron or those who sympathize with the Andorans. We could also simply scout around to see what can be observed. But I fear the enemy will be on the lookout for that.
We have heard that Baron Vendikon recanted his neutrality and vowed to hold Piren’s Bluff for his allies in Cheliax. Do we need to verify this?
Our job was initially to just to keep any eye on the baron and remove him out if needed.
And then it was further clarified by the General:
"Basically your job is to go in find out what the Baron is up to and put a stop to it, and if things get real bad to Kick his royal behind over the wall."
I was unsure what the timeline should be for this assignment. How much time do we have? This seemed open ended initially but armies are on the move. This was clarified by the general:
"You may have a day or two or even a week to get the job done provided the Baron does not notice Us or You.
The only resources you'll have is each other, though I do have one operative inside right now.
They are under deep cover at the moment though and could help you out if they deem it necessary."
Once the Andoran force actually surrounds the town security/scrutiny might become higher than it already is, so that could be a time crunch as well.
Our cover is “Caravan Guard” and we need to maintain that. So what all can we do as Caravan guards? We are already looking for work. We could raise concerns about a siege and if the city has enough food? We could look for caravans leaving the city to help guard – This seems like reasonable behavior to me.
How do we look for Andoran sympathizes? There should be plenty. Remember the Baron killed off the council members that were on our side.
I do not plan to stay in the inn for days. Where else should we go?

therealthom |

Replied yesterday, but it looks like the boards ate my post.
Quickly recapping:
the guards look like a dead end.
Just talk to everybody. The innkeeper might be a good start.
Family of the killed councilors are a good bet, but we'll need to be very careful. They are probably watched.
Stroll the town and look for a way into the keep over the wall.

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Yo. Here but unsure how best to move things along. I thought it a bad idea to win a bunch of coin from the local guards, so was only watching that.
This is pretty free form - a sandbox if you will. Not my best setting.

Nathon Hummel |

Agreed that it's not a great idea to take the guard's cash. That's why I went double or nothing. If Nathon wins again, I'll buy the guards another round and call it even.
While we're here, someone should talk with the innkeeper. The guards definitely aren't the ones to ask about the dead councilor's families.
Then we scout the town and see if there's a way into the castle.
Alternatively some of us could scout the town while the others work the inn.